The Great Second Advent Movement: Its Rise and Progress


Removal of the Publishing Work to Saratoga

In 1851, Elder White moved from Paris, Maine, to Saratoga Springs, N.Y., and here again, with borrowed furniture, he set up housekeeping, and published the second volume of the Advent Review, the first number bearing date of August 5 of the same year. This volume consisted of fourteen numbers, and was issued semi-monthly. The last number was published March 23, 1852. The name of the paper was slightly changed from that of the Second Advent Review, as in Vol. I, to the Advent Review and Sabbath Herald, the name which in its eighty-second volume it still retains. The size of the journal was increased to three columns, eight pages, the printed page measuring eight and one-fourth by eleven and three-fourths inches. GSAM 285.2

It will be seen from the increased size of what was and is still the denominational journal, that every change was for the better, showing a reasonable degree of prosperity, and giving marked evidence that the work of the third angel “had come to stay.” GSAM 285.3