The Great Second Advent Movement: Its Rise and Progress


Progress of the Publishing Work

This truth is now being proclaimed and printed in about forty of the leading languages of the world. Instead of three ministers, there are, counting those that are ordained and the licentiates, over 600, besides hundreds of others working as physicians, Bible workers, teachers, and medical missionaries. The literature of the denomination is represented in over half a hundred different periodicals, which are printed in nearly a score of publishing houses located in Europe, Asia, Africa, North and South America, the islands of the Pacific, and Australia. In these publishing houses there are printed over eleven hundred different books, pamphlets, and tracts. To obtain a copy of each, with the periodicals for one year, would require about $340. Instead of simply one hundred adherents, there are not far from 100,000 who are rejoicing in this truth. Truly this message, like the sun, is “arising,” and we may say, in the language of the testimony of 1848, “O the power of these rays!” GSAM 278.2