The Great Second Advent Movement: Its Rise and Progress


Prediction of Support of Paper Fulfilled

It is with feelings deeper than mere interest that we present this the first page of the first paper published by Seventh-day Adventists. The whole volume of The Present Truth consisted of eleven numbers of eight pages, two columns each. The reading matter on the page measured four and five-eighths by eight inches. Numbers 1 and 4 were printed in July, August, and September, at Middletown, Conn. Numbers 5 to 9 were printed at Oswego, N.Y., and are dated December, 1849, March, April, and May, 1850. Number 11 is dated November, 1850, and was printed at Paris, Maine. In Number 6 Elder White said, “While publishing the first four numbers more than enough money came in GSAM 276.3

[Sample Page of “Present Truth”] to pay for the papers. It has been used in paying our expenses to the meetings we have attended.” During the year 1849, under the influence of these papers, and the pioneer labors of Elder Bates, many accepted the message in Vermont, Michigan, and other States. GSAM 277.1

In contrast with the unpromising situation of the work in 1848, we will consider a few facts as they exist in 1905, and thus be enabled better to judge respecting the final outcome of this cause, whether those were right who opposed the humble beginning of the message, or the God of heaven who spake through his handmaid of the “increasing” strength of the “sealing” work. GSAM 278.1