The Great Second Advent Movement: Its Rise and Progress


How the First Seventh-day Adventist Paper was Printed

From the time the testimony was borne concerning the publishing work, many prayers were offered by those observing the seventh day, that the Lord would open the way for the printing of a “little paper.” The great lack was money with which to secure the publication of the first number. In the month of June, 1849, Elder White had the opportunity of mowing forty acres of timothy grass, with a hand scythe, at seventy-five cents per acre; and thus he was enabled to produce the first number of the little journal. It may not be out of place to insert at this point a facsimile of the first page of the little sheet. The reader will observe in the first column the words of Elder White, where he says, “The way has not been opened to commence the work until now.” And you can also see that it was his self-sacrificing that “opened the way.” GSAM 275.2