The Great Second Advent Movement: Its Rise and Progress


Doubtful from a Human Standpoint

These predictions were made in 1848 concerning the rise and spread of the Sabbath truth. To look at the situation from a human standpoint at that time, reason would say, “That prediction can never be fulfilled.” One man remarked to one of our laborers soon after the prediction was made, “It will take you 144,000 years to do what you propose.” “What!” they would say, “three preachers—Elder White and wife, and Elder Bates—all penniless, with less than one hundred adherents, all of whom are destitute of money, going forth with a few hundred copies of an eighty-page tract on the Sabbath question, to give a warning message to all the world! Preposterous assumption!” While those thus reasoning said, “Impossible!” faith in the message and the testimony of assured success said, “In the name of Israel’s God it will be done! and trusting in his strength it must be done!” GSAM 275.1