The Great Second Advent Movement: Its Rise and Progress


Elder Bates Skeptical of the Visions

The following statement, abridged from Life Sketches, will show how the gift of prophecy and the Sabbath reform were united:— GSAM 255.1

While on a visit to New Bedford, Mass., in 1846, Miss Harmon became acquainted with Elder Joseph Bates. He had early embraced the advent faith, and was an active laborer in the cause. He was a true Christian gentleman, courteous and kind. He treated Miss Harmon as tenderly as though she were his own child. The first time he heard her speak, he manifested deep interest, and after she had ceased, he arose and said, “I am a doubting Thomas. I do not believe in visions. But if I could believe that the testimony the sister has related to-night was indeed the voice of God to us, I should be the happiest man alive. My heart is deeply moved. I believe the speaker to be sincere, but I cannot explain in regard to her being shown the wonderful things she has related to us.” GSAM 255.2