The Great Second Advent Movement: Its Rise and Progress


Last Bill Paid

H. S. Gurney, of Memphis, Mich., told me in March 1884, that he, on the very morning Elder Bates’s book was completed, received $100 on an outlawed note from a man who declared he would never pay him. Having received this money, he esteemed it a pleasure to spend a portion of it in paying the last bill on the Sabbath tract of Elder Bates. “But,” said Mr. Gurney, “Brother Bates never knew to the day of his death who paid the balance of the book bill.” This experience of Elder Bates in printing the Sabbath truth seemed to say to our people from the very beginning of publishing the truth on the Sabbath question, “Go forward in this line of work, and expect God’s providence to open the way as you advance.” GSAM 254.2