The Great Second Advent Movement: Its Rise and Progress


Labor for Sinners in Oswego, N.Y

In 1849 Elder James White and his wife labored in Oswego, N.Y. In those meetings Hiram Patch and a Miss Benson, who were engaged to be married, were converted to God and the present truth. GSAM 225.2

In March, 1850, meetings were again held in Oswego. In the Present Truth for April, Elder White, in speaking of those meetings, said: “A very interesting work is now going on among the children of the remnant in this city. Their salvation has been the principal subject in our meetings for the last two Sabbaths, and God has wonderfully blessed us. The truth has had a good effect upon us as well as upon our children. In the evening following the last first day, we had a meeting for their special benefit, and the Spirit of the Lord was poured out in our midst. The children all bowed before the Lord, and seemed to feel the importance of keeping the commandments, especially the fifth, and seeking salvation through Jesus Christ. This was one of the most interesting meetings that I ever witnessed.” GSAM 225.3

In The Present Truth, November, 1849, Elder White published an account of a number who were converted and baptized; and in the last number of this paper in 1850 there is an account of a meeting held at Waitsfield, Vt., and of the attendance of Heman Churchill, who had just been converted from the world. He is spoken of in the article as “brother.” How could that be if there was no more mercy for sinners? GSAM 225.4