The Great Second Advent Movement: Its Rise and Progress


Mrs. White Ever Seeking the Salvation of Sinners

That Mrs. White has labored for the conversion of sinners from 1844 to the present time, is further proved by these facts: She and Elder White held a meeting in Albert Belden’s house, at Rocky Hill, Conn., commencing April 20, 1848. In this meeting labor was put forth for some from the world. Elder White and his wife manifested special interest for such souls. On this point we will give the testimony of one of this class who received baptism at the hands of Elder White. John Y. Wilcox, writing from Kensington, Conn., Feb. 22, 1891, says:— GSAM 224.3

“I was brought into the truth at the time meetings were held in the unfinished chamber of Brother A. Belden’s house, Rocky Hill, Conn. My receiving the light of present truth was under the labors of Brother and Sister White. I was baptized soon after by Brother White. But for the encouragement and strength I received from them I don’t know as I would ever have dared to think or feel that I was accepted of the Lord. They were deeply interested for me, and labored to help me.” GSAM 224.4

Elder White said of that meeting in a letter to Stockbridge Howland, Topsham, Maine, “Brother Bates presented the commandments in a very clear light, and their importance was urged home by very powerful testimonies. The word had effect to establish those already in the truth, and to awaken those not fully decided.” GSAM 225.1