The Cross and its Shadow


Chapter 44-Issachar

ISSACHAR was the ninth son of Jacob and the fifth son of Leah, the first wife. Of Issachar as an individual the Bible is silent after recording his birth. Of his associations with his brethren, we know nothing; but the old father’s dying blessing reveals the history of Issachar’s life of self-sacrifice and burden-bearing, and his meek and quiet spirit. CIS 329.1

Jacob likens him to the patient ass or donkey, bearing two such heavy burdens that he couches down beneath them. The fact that this is not a common animal, but a “strong” one, indicates the strength of Issachar’s character. “Issachar is a strong ass couching down between two burdens.” Then the patriarch reveals the secret of Issachar’s self-sacrificing life by giving the motive that actuated him in carrying the double burdens: “He saw that rest was good, and the land that it was pleasant; and bowed his shoulder to bear, and became a servant unto tribute.” 1 CIS 329.2

Many lose the blessing by murmuring and complaining when they are required to carry double burdens. But Issachar was sustained by the thought of the pleasant land in store and the rest by and by. The same hope will sustain burden-bearers at the present day. CIS 330.1

In the battle of Megiddo we find Issachar true to the character portrayed in Jacob’s dying blessing. “The princes of Issachar were with Deborah; even Issachar, and also Barak.” 2 From the words of Deborah, it would seem that Issachar bore the burden of the battle even more than Barak. CIS 330.2

The same characteristic is given of Issachar when all the tribes gathered to crown David king of Israel. Issachar had clear discernment. The record states, “The children of Issachar ... were men that had understanding of the times, to know what Israel ought to do.” 3 They represented men that bore heavy responsibilities, pillars in the cause of God. They were not like Zebulun, expert warriors, ready to rush impulsively into the fiercest of the fight on a moment’s notice; but they were able to plan the battle, and to carry the burden of the work. CIS 330.3

It takes all the different phases of Christian character to represent the perfect character of Christ. The burden-bearer fills as important a place in the work of God as the kingly Judah or the Levitical teacher. CIS 330.4

There will be twelve thousand of each class in that wonderful company,-the one hundred and forty-four thousand, “which follow the Lamb whithersoever He goeth.” CIS 330.5

The children of Issachar were a laborious, hardy, valiant tribe, patient in labour and invincible in war. They “were valiant men of might.” 4 They possessed one of the richest portions of Palestine. It was bounded on the cast by the river Jordan, on the north by Zebulun, and on the south by the half tribe of Manasseh. CIS 330.6

Many places noted in sacred history were within the borders of Issachar. It was there that the great victory of Barak and Deborah was won “in Taanach by the waters of Megiddo.” 5 CIS 331.1

In Shunem was the residence of the noble woman who, when she found her house was not large enough to entertain Elisha, the “holy man of God” built an additional room and furnished it that she might have the privilege of his association in her home. 6 CIS 331.2

By, the rich blessings that came into her 7 she realized the truthfulness of the words, “Inasmuch as ye have done it unto the least of these My brethren, ye have done it unto Me.” 8 CIS 331.3

It was at the gate of the city of Nain in the borders of Issachar, that the Saviour’s words, “Young man, I say unto thee, Arise,” brought life and health into the dead body of the man whom his friends were carrying to the tomb. 9 CIS 332.1

The same territory that was hallowed by the footsteps of the Saviour and the prophets of God, also witnessed the power of the devil. Endor, in the land of Issachar, was where Saul committed the crowning sin of his life by consulting the witch, and thus took himself entirely out of the hands of God and became a prey of the devil. 10 Saul was slain because he asked counsel “of one that had a familiar spirit, to inquire of it.” 11 Those who follow the same course to-day will eventually meet the same fate; they will die spiritually, and be eternally separated from the Lord. 12 CIS 332.2

Jezreel, situated in the fertile plain of Esdraelon, was the scene of the wicked murder of Naboth; 13 and in the streets of the same city, dogs ate the flesh of Jezebel. 14 CIS 332.3

Tola, under whose rule of twenty-three years Israel had rest, was of the tribe of Issachar. 15 Baasha, who ruled over the northern kingdom twenty-four years, was an Issacharite. “He did evil in the sight of the Lord.” Elah, his son, followed in his footsteps, and was slain by Zimri, and the kingly power passed out of the hands of the tribe of Issachar. 16 CIS 332.4

Issachar was the center of Jezebel’s power, and the Baal worship introduced by her exerted an influence long after her death. CIS 332.5

About five years before Issachar was carried captive into Assyria by Shalmaneser, 17 Hezekiah celebrated his great Passover at Jerusalem. The tribe of Issachar had so far departed from the true worship that they had forgotten to make the necessary purifications; yet some of them responded to the invitation, and went to the feast, though ceremonially unfit to partake of it. Hezekiah was in close enough touch with the Lord to discern that the desire in the heart to serve God was of more consequence than forms and ceremonies. He allowed them to eat of the Passover, and, as they partook of it, he offered the following prayer: “The good Lord pardon every one that prepareth his heart to seek God, the Lord God of his fathers, though he be not cleansed according to the purification of the sanctuary;” and the Lord, who “seeth not as man seeth; for man looketh on the outward appearance, but the Lord looketh on the heart,” “hearkened” to the prayer of the king, and “healed the people.” 18 CIS 332.6