The Cross and its Shadow



• Issachar had four sons, from whom sprang the tribe which bore his name. 1 Chronicles 7:1. CIS 333.1

• When the children of Israel entered the promised land, the tribe of Issachar numbered 64,300. Numbers 26:23-25. CIS 333.2

• Issachar possessed one of the richest portions of Palestine. CIS 333.3

• The valley of Megiddo, or the plain of Esdraelon, was within the borders of Issachar. CIS 333.4

• Tola, who judged Israel twenty-three years, was an Issacharite. Judges 10:1, 2. CIS 333.5

• Baasha, king of Israel, was of the tribe of Issachar. 1 Kings 15:27 CIS 333.6