EGW Index, vols. 1-4 (Topical Index)

Circus - City of God


Circus, shun 4T 653

Cistern, Cisterns

Cistern, Cisterns, broken: heart that receives God’s word is not like COL 130; GW 252; PK 233

lead people away from CW 102

people who drink at 2SM 129

seeking to supply want at RC 254:4

Solomon drank at earth’s Ed 153-4

that loses its treasure COL 130; GW 252; PK 233

empty, do not be Ev 485; 6T 67


Citadel, heart is man’s 5T 536

of heart, ceaselessly guard 2T 479

of soul, guard CH 411; 4T 575

left unguarded by ease and self-indulgence PP 459

Citizen, Citizens

Citizen, Citizens, law-abiding, gospel tends to make men AA 178

of heaven, make best citizens of earth MYP 329

republic’s, how many people forfeit their prerogatives as Te 254


Citizenship, Christ presented, in city which has foundations SD 47

Christian’s, is in heaven CT 455; FE 481

heavenly, Christian life is to bear marks of SD 42

true Israel’s, is in heaven PP 447

City, Cities

1. American

2. American (large)

3. Classes of

4. Conditions in (unfavorable)

5. Institutions in or nearby

6. Judgments of God upon, disasters, calamities

7. Large

8. Overseas

9. Relation of SDA families to

10. Religious needs and work in

11. Miscellaneous


1. American

brethren who should save their speech for Ev 401

California’s, evangelize Ev 406; 8T 35

evangelistic work in: appeal for Ev 39-40

means needed for Ev 428

needs special attention Ev 33-4

neglect of CH 547; Ev 37; 7T 40; 8T 31-5; 9T 25

evangelize 9T 25

from one end of USA to other MM 303

foreigners in, message must be given to Ev 572; 8T 34

See also Foreigner

God’s message is to be carried to 9T 60

Macedonian cry comes from 5T 732

medical institutions must be established in 7T 99

memorials should be established in all, for God Ev 60; 7T 40

message of mercy should be proclaimed in 8T 31

New England’s, third angel’s message must be given in LS 419

New York State’s, evangelize 8T 35 See also New York City

of Eastern States, greater evangelism needed in Ev 389-94; LS 419; 9T 134

medical evangelistic work needed in CH 547

of Southern States, gospel work needs special attention in Ev 33-4

present truth must be proclaimed in 8T 34

people of almost every language live in 8T 36

proclaim third angel’s message in 7T 40; 9T 98-9

unworked, means tied up that should be used for God’s work in Ev 428

warning message never heard by LS 204

2. American (large) Ev 384-406

evangelism in, means needed for Ev 428; 7T 55

evangelism needed in Ev 60, 401; 7T 55

foreigners in, gospel work needed for Ev 572

God’s message must be heard by LS 209

many, which SDA have not worked Ev 60

memorials should be established for God in Ev 60, 79; 7T 40

of Eastern States, evangelism needed in Ev 389-94; 9T 134

heard first and second angels’ messages in 1844 9T 98

of Southern States, evangelism needed in Ev 60, 401

people not of SDA faith will give means to help build churches in Ev 379

persons of means will help to evangelize 7T 40

SDA must do more in working MM 301

3. Classes of

already entered, many people have never heard truth in Ev 33

bound by idolatry more than are pagans of East 4T 156

busy, activity in SD 37

congested, benefits of caring for the sick away from MM 232

crowded: children living in wretched condition in FE 424; MH 190-2

feeble or aged gospel workers should not labor in Ev 71-2; MM 309

not favorable place for sanitarium work LS 403

Satan busily works in Ev 26

fortified, Rehoboam built PK 92-3

Solomon built PK 71

long-neglected, SDA behind in evangelizing CH 547

modern, ordinary efforts cannot interest people living in 9T 109

most sinful, warning message must be proclaimed in GW 27; 7T 54

near sanitariums and schools, only touched with tips of fingers 9T 80

neglected: by SDA 8T 31-5

evangelize MM 301-2; 9T 32

medical centers should be established in all 8T 205

raise up memorials for God in Ev 42; 8T 32

standard of truth must be planted in 8T 152

will become more and more difficult to work 8T 133

new, unity that will lead church to enter SD 33

of God See New Jerusalem

of refuge See Refuge

of patriarchal times, built by men who had departed from God Ed 33

only enduring, is city whose builder and maker is God Ev 559; PK 274

proudest, seventh plague will lay low GC 637

set on hill, lesson from MB 39

sinful in extreme Ev 27

small, must be worked intelligently 2SM 403-4

time to leave large cities for 5T 464-5

steeped in sin and moral corruption 6T 136

stirred mightily by message in 1842-4 Ev 34

thickly populated, Elisha not reared in 2BC 1035

unentered, plant standard of truth in 8T 216

missionary families urged to settle in ChS 180

unwarned: Bible workers should consider needs of AA 158-9; MM 249, 331

church members of varied talents should consider AA 158-9; MM 249, 331

colporteurs should consider needs of AA 158-9; MM 249, 331

diligent effort needed to present truth to Ev 21

evangelistic work needed in Ev 21, 32

much work to be done for God in 9T 25

nurses should consider needs of AA 158-9; MM 249, 331

physicians should consider needs of AA 158-9; MM 249, 331

proclaim truth to millions in CH 556

promise of means for evangelizing Ev 62

SDA rebuked for failure to evangelize Ev 401

unworked: evangelize 8T 34; 9T 25

God has interested people in 9T 101

labor for souls perishing in MM 300

means tied up that are needed for evangelizing Ev 428

ministers should evangelize 9T 123

much means in 9T 101

SDA rebuked for failure to evangelize Ev 401

should hear warning message 3T 236

wicked: do not establish yourself in LS 409, 411

Enoch did not dwell in Ev 78

evangelistic advertising should not denounce Ev 130-1

God has many souls in Ev 565

God’s plans re denunciation of GW 361

how God regards PK 275-6

living in, results of Ev 78; PP 168-9

lower classes in, sanitarium income should not be used in work for 8T 182

Satan’s seat in 3T 110

4. Conditions in (unfavorable) 9T 89-96

amusement centers COL 54

air (atmosphere) of, perilous to life MH 262

polluted 7T 81

becoming hotbeds of vice MH 363

becoming like: Sodom COL 54; Ev 25, 30; FE 317; 6T 193; 9T 89

world in Noah’s time FE 317; 2SM 355

children amid, exposed to temptations many and great AH 137-8

confusion AH 136; MM 310-1; 2SM 142; 7T 84

contamination of, youth must be kept from AH 136; Ev 77

corrupting influence of, children ill affected by MM 310

corruption beyond power of pen to describe PK 275

crime in PK 275-6; 7T 84

will increase until the end 7T 84

dangers abound in, for persons weak in moral power MH 263

demoralizing influences of LS 410

determined wickedness of, is steadily increasing PK 275; 9T 89

greatest impenitence and need found in Ev 25

hotbeds of iniquity in AH 136

hurry and rush and noise of, demoralize AH 136

labor unions and strikes create unfavorable conditions in 2SM 143; 7T 84

life in: Christian character more difficult to form in Ev 46

conditions of, becoming more difficult because of working of trusts MH 364

enjoyments and luxuries of, John the Baptist chose to forgo CT 445

ill effects of, on youth Te 210-1

evil influence of, on Lot’s family PP 174

invalids weary of MH 264

is false and artificial MH 364

youth imperiled by PP 168-9; 9T 90

living conditions amid: for many people MH 190-2

that imperil health MH 365

will grow more and more objectionable 7T 82

lowest places of, youth should not be sent to do gospel work in MM 312

moral atmosphere of, full of poisonous malaria FE 313; LS 352

noise and excitement and confusion of, wearisome to the sick MH 262

patients with unnatural appetites continually exposed to temptation in MH 263

perils of, to family life 5T 232

physical surroundings in, often imperil health MH 365

pursuit of pleasure in COL 54

Satan’s agencies busy in every, organizing opposition to God’s law AA 219

satanic agencies in 2SM 141; 8T 42

slums and filth of, gospel workers should not be encouraged to labor in WM 259

youth should not do gospel work in WM 259

smoke and dust of, health ill affected by 7T 82

streets of, flaring notices of crime presented in AH 406

Satan intrudes in GC 508

strife in 2SM 142

temptation fills AH 136; Ev 77

things that make, world’s pride and curse Ed 33

tide of corruption and crime in, swelling continually MH 363

transgression fills Ev 27

turmoil in AH 136; MM 310-1; 7T 84

vice in Ed 33

violence in PK 275-6; 7T 84

will continue until the end 7T 84

wickedness in, increasing CW 23; Ev 29; PK 275; 9T 89

of every kind 2SM 356

young men in, should unite as army against intemperance Te 235

youth amid, love of pleasure is one of most dangerous and subtle temptations of FE 422; MH 364

5. Institutions in or nearby

buildings for institutions, do not erect in noisy MM 309

church schools needed in CG 306

great medical institutions should not be established in large 7T 81-2

important, sanitariums should be established near many Ev 534-5

institutions should be located away from LS 410; MM 14, 310; 2SM 357-8

institutional work in, labor unions will make difficult 2SM 142

large buildings should not be erected in 7T 115

medical centers, small, maintain in cities, large and small, and in settlements outside Ev 535

med. institutions in, healing without drugs should be practiced by 9T 169

med. institutions in, with no outside view but houses, houses, houses LS 403

med. institutions should be established outside of MM 14

med. institutions would be far more successful if established outside of MH 263

moving of institutions out of, to country FE 492; 2SM 358

restaurants needed in 7T 122-3

restaurants should be established in CD 470; MM 306; 2SM 142; 7T 115

restaurants in, several small preferable to one large 7T 119

sanitariums should be located a few miles from large 2SM 291

sanitariums should be located at distance from Ev 534-5; 8T 215-6

sanitariums should be near MM 326

sanitariums should not be located in CH 231; LS 403; MM 14, 156, 159, 323; 2SM 142, 357-8

See also Sanitarium

san. work should be outside of MM 305

schools located in, make work tenfold harder for parents and teachers FE 326

schools should be located at distance from 8T 215-6

schools should be moved away from FE 492

schools should not be located in CT 309-10, 352-3; FE 312-3, 322, 325, 421; LS 351; 7T 231-2; 9T 170, 201

schools should not be located near LS 351

See also School

schools to train workers quickly should be established in many MM 323

small plants needed in, as centers of influence 7T 115

treatment rooms needed in 7T 122-3

6. Judgments of God upon, disasters, calamities

almost wholly given up to idolatry, impending destruction of 8T 32

besom of destruction will sweep away ungodly 7T 83

calamities befalling large portions of, significance of 7T 83

calamities soon will visit Ev 29; WM 135

destruction of: debasing crimes and revolting iniquities have led to CH 110; 3T 561

burning mountains used to cause Ev 27; GC 657; PP 108-9; 3SG 80, 82-3; 2SM 269

earthquakes used to cause Ev 27; GC 657; PP 108-9; 3SG 80, 82-3; 2SM 269

famine used to cause 1SM 269

fire used to cause 7BC 946; Ev 27; 1SM 269

floods used to cause Ev 27

pestilence used to cause 1SM 269

sword used to cause 1SM 269

volcanic eruptions used to cause PP 108-10; 3SG 82-3

water used to cause 7BC 946; Ev 27; PP 109; 3SG 82; 1SM 269

God will punish, as warning to nations Ev 27

God’s judgments on (ancient), turned aside by humiliation and repentance PP 722

God’s judgments will soon visit large Ev 29; LS 412; 7T 83; WM 135

impending destruction of thousands of AH 136; Ev 29; WM 136

impending judgments of God upon PK 275-6

ripe for destruction, children in peril in 2SM 355

soon large, will be terribly shaken 7T 83

views of balls of fire causing destruction of mansions in Ev 29; 9T 28

villages and, earthquake will destroy GC 657; 3SG 83

whole, being swept away CH 556

wicked, destroyed by God’s judgments 1SM 269

7. Large

becoming hotbeds of iniquity FE 422

becoming like antediluvian world Ev 567; 7T 55

Bible workers needed in AA 158-9; 9T 111

businessmen in, message must be given to Ev 388

camp meeting in, strong ministerial force needed for 6T 46

camp meetings to be held in Ev 69-70, 79, 654; 1SM 105; 6T 33; 7T 41

centers of influence in: men in positions of trust will help to establish 7T 112

men of means will be impressed to help create MM 329

wealthy men should be entreated to help establish 9T 115

centers should be established in all MM 300

chosen gospel workers of consecration and talent are needed in AA 158

Christ is opening hearts in 2SM 404

church buildings must be erected in Ev 379

as memorials 7T 40

church members living in, duty of AA 158

churches must be built in 5T 382

churches needed in various parts of Ev 377; MM 309

colporteurs needed in AA 158-9; CM 23

companies of earnest gospel workers needed in FE 537

companies of gospel workers should be organized to work two and two in MM 303

conditions in, show that end is near PK 278

conferences should evangelize 5T 369

corps of organized and well-disciplined gospel workers needed in MM 300-1; WM 138

courts and lanes of, souls without church relations in COL 232-3

crime record in, appalling Ev 25

crowded alleys of, Christ’s footprints found in DA 640; MH 106

decided efforts needed to evangelize 7T 37

decree of USA enforcing Sunday observance will be signal to leave 5T 464-5

delay in evangelizing, results of Ev 228

dens of iniquity in, physicians are not to work especially for persons in 6T 246

depraved people in, gospel work for WM 254-5

difficulties for SDA work in, Satan will multiply MM 301-2

do not lightly pass over or neglect 8T 31

evangelism in 7T 37-9

evangelists in, encouragement needed by Ev 42

evangelistic needs of, committee of seven should survey Ev 37-8

evangelistic work in AA 158; Ev 42; GW 364-6; 9T 145-6

avoid needless expenditure of money in Ev 85

economy needed in Ev 126-7

importance of CH 547

more efficient methods of labor needed in MM 301

needs to be well-organized MM 301

one man cannot successfully handle 9T 144

shun sensational efforts in Ev 42

strong men should do Ev 70

evangelistic work needed in Ev 60, 398-9; LS 417-8; 9T 97-8; TM 400

experienced gospel workers needed in 4T 80

foreigners in, evangelize ChS 199

See also Foreigner

God is in SD 338

God is waiting for men to do home miss. work in FE 366

God’s method of healing without drugs must be given prominence in MM 325; 9T 169

God’s work in, do all in your power to advance 7T 114

gospel work in: God will provide property for 9T 273

laymen needed for AA 158-9

must be done after God’s order 9T 142

must not be conducted after order of theatrical performance 9T 142

persons fearful of undertaking GW 457

physicians must unite with ministers in MM 248

physicians who should do Ev 545-6

varied talents needed for AA 158-9

gospel work must be done in, by laborers with varied gifts 9T 109

gospel workers in WM 95-6

angels will go before Ev 70

essential qualifications of 9T 119

faithful, duty of God’s people to 8T 32

God’s message of cheer to PK 277

privileges and blessings denied to Ed 219

special advantages needed by MM 309

gospel workers needed in Ev 25

gospel workers to evangelize, God will raise up 7T 37

great work should be done for God in Ev 32, 572

halls for gospel work in, securing of Ev 388

health institutes needed in CD 76

homes in, thousands of books should be placed in ChS 152

house-to-house work needed in WM 95-6

how to turn tide of migration away from Ed 219-20

important, SDA have not worked many 9T 25

indulgence made easy and inviting in CD 29; CG 395; Te 101

inhabitants of, impart truth to 1SM 168

labor till church is organized in 7T 40

largest, evangelistic work must not be confined to Ev 48

life in, corrupting influence of MH 189-92

liquor saloons on right hand and left in Te 187

little done to evangelize Ev 401-2

many evangelistic agencies are to be set to work in Ev 86

many honest souls waiting for truth in 7T 55

many people in, have not bowed to Baal 9T 142

receive less care and consideration than do dumb animals MH 189

many poor people in, moving to country would benefit MH 190-1

markets of, diseased flesh foods sold in 4aSG 146-7; 2SM 418-9

may be worked if men will trust in God GW 457

med. miss. work as means of entering 9T 167

med. miss. work in MM 299-313; 7T 55-6

must go hand in hand with gospel ministry Ev 387

med. miss. work should be represented in MM 325; 9T 169

meetinghouses offered for sale at reasonable rates in MM 309

memorials should be erected for God in Ev 379

mission needed in, for training gospel workers 7T 37

mission work needed in Ev 385-6

missionaries needed in 4T 80

missionaries should labor two and two in MM 300

multitudes live in poverty and wretchedness in 9T 12-4

must be worked intelligently 2SM 403-4

need to be warned Ev 463

neglected gospel work in, little attention given to FE 537

Negroes in, special efforts needed to evangelize 9T 199

nurses needed in AA 158-9

opportunities to work for God in 9T 122

Paul’s policy in evangelizing Ev 42

people of all nationalities in, must hear message Ev 572

physicians needed in AA 158; CH 548; MM 302

physicians that are needed in 7T 111

populous, will be reduced by disease and disaster to ruin and desolation GC 589

stern rebuke will be heard in PK 187

poverty in, problem of 6T 275

present truth to people in Ev 497

principal, interest must be created in MM 300

proclaim third angel’s message in 7T 40; 9T 98-9

public meetings in, certain classes cannot be reached by GW 364; 9T 111

Satan has plenty in, to divert mind from truth 4T 73

to inflame curiosity 4T 73

Satan’s power over minds is greater in FE 423

satanic agencies at work in MM 300

scores of gospel workers needed in MM 300-1; WM 138

self-sacrificing missionaries needed in 4T 72

sensual gratification made easy and inviting in ML 147; PK 490; Te 155

SDA are behind in working Ev 33; MM 301-2

sewage of, fish diseased by feeding on MH 314-5

should have been worked 9T 140

slums of, wretched conditions in MH 189-90

small med. centers in, maintain Ev 535

spirit of lawlessness in LS 415

standard of truth must be planted in 5T 370

strong force of gospel workers needed in MM 301-2

task of warning, ordained ministers alone are not equal to AA 158

temptations in, to self-indulgence PK 490

tent efforts in, strong ministerial force needed for 6T 46

tent meetings well-equipped should be held in LS 412

terrible disasters befalling CH 555-6

God’s people should be aroused by MM 310

testing message must be heard in all MM 303

thousands of people may be reached with truth in PK 277

truth must be made known in 7T 35

unworked, camp meetings should be held in 6T 33

warning messages must be given in CW 23; Ev 406

wealth and poverty in, appalling contrast between 9T 12

wealthy men will be used by God to open doors for truth in Ev 87

why much is lost in evangelizing Ev 42

wickedness in, few people have any conception of 9T 93

sincere souls found in midst of COL 234

will become much more difficult to work 8T 32

youth educated in, surrounded by influences like those of Noah’s time FE 422

8. Overseas

Australian: sanitariums needed in MM 326

SDA need to work in many MM 326

unworked and neglected Ev 428

England’s, greater work must be done in 6T 26

Europe, unworked cities of, neglected Ev 428

France’s, need to be warned LS 304

Germany’s, need to be warned LS 304

9. Relation of SDA families to

country is more favorable than, for Sabbath observance 2SM 359

do not move hastily and fly out of 2SM 362-3

educate God’s people to get out of AH 373

into country 2SM 142

education that will encourage SDA to move out of MM 267-8

families benefited by moving out of, into country FE 326

families in, influences that imperil LS 410

families moving from country to, mistake of AH 137-8; PP 168-9

families should move away from AH 139, 141; MM 311

God’s people should not crowd into MH 365; 2SM 356; 7T 87

God’s people should not settle in AH 136; MM 310; 2SM 357

God’s people warned not to flock with families to AH 139; 5T 232

to unite with large churches 8T 82

God’s people will flee from, in time of trouble EW 34, 282, 284-5; GC 626, 631; LS 102

home in, mistake of parents who seek COL 54; PP 168-9; Te 210-1

home outside of, God will help His people find MM 310

home should be outside of, if possible CT 124

large, mistake of parents making home in COL 53

SDA families should keep out of AH 139

SDA families should move out of, as fast as they can AH 139; 6T 195

life outside of, advantages of FE 319

many SDA should leave, to labor in rural areas Ev 51

move out of 2SM 355-7

as fast as possible CD 400; MM 310; 2SM 356; 6T 195; 7T 80-4

for education of children 2SM 355

into country AH 139; 2SM 141, 359; 6T 178-9

into more retired localities 8T 101

into rural districts AH 141; 2SM 141

to save children 2SM 354

while it is possible to do so 2SM 360

moving out of, do not move rashly in 2SM 361

warning against rash advice re 2SM 361-2

out of, “Out of the cities” my message for years CH 231; LS 403, 409; 7T 83

parents called to leave AH 146

parents living in, warning cry to CD 400; MM 310

residence in: children imperiled by 8T 82

not one family in a hundred is benefited by AH 137

youth imperiled by 8T 101

SDA families loitering in 2SM 354

SDA families should move out of, as God opens way AH 139

SDA soon will have to leave 2SM 356

SDA who want to move into 5T 153

signal to leave 5T 464

Sunday legislation will make it needful to move out of, into country 2SM 359

trouble coming in, SDA must be preparing for 2SM 142

wickedness of, Christian character formed more easily in country than amid Ev 46

10. Religious needs and work in

aggressive gospel work in, needed Ev 59

all classes in, make efforts to preach truth to Ev 47; MM 313

angels help believers who warn MM 303

believers in, must work for God in their neighborhood 9T 128

camp meetings in, results of holding Ev 82

camp meetings should be held in Ev 21, 79

centers for gospel work in, secure humble and inexpensive places for MM 305-6

centers must be established in all 8T 60, 71

unacquainted with God’s work 8T 205

Christian should be missionary for Christ in his 2T 632

Christian trusting in God in, will not be corrupted 4T 285

churches are to be raised up in every Ev 377; MM 309

church buildings needed in CS 279-80; 2SM 358

church members living in, duty of MM 332

city after, needing evangelistic work Ev 21

city to: God’s work is to go from MM 335

SDA work must be carried quickly from MM 302

warning message must go from Ev 19, 428

colporteurs should sell books in GW 96

commandment keepers must leave Ev 77

company of gospel workers in, competent leader should direct MM 301

companies of gospel workers should be organized to enter Ev 96

co-operation of all classes of gospel workers is needed in MM 304

corps of organized and well-disciplined workers needed in every ChS 72

do your part in warning LS 424

enter, with truth while we can Ev 33

enter and warn many 9T 51

evangelism in: appeal for Ev 69-70

band of gospel workers should do Ev 79

danger of surface work in Ev 323

delay no longer in 7T 40-1

difficulties will be met in MM 313

excitement and fanaticism in, warning against Ev 138

few people will come to best halls used for 6T 31

large halls are expensive for Ev 75; 6T 31

large halls must be secured for Ev 75

means should be wisely used in Ev 42

money needed for Ev 75; 9T 105

more difficult now than a few years ago CH 547

most favorable time for, has passed CH 555-6; Ev 31; MM 310

most popular halls may be rented at times for Ev 75

physicians and ministers must work together in CH 543-8; MM 304

portable tabernacle recommended for Ev 76

SDA plans for, Satan seeks to defeat Ev 75

successful, wisdom needed from God for 9T 133

tents for Ev 76

use for, every means devised to make truth stand out distinctly 9T 109

young men should work with ministers in 9T 119

evangelists should give startling messages in 9T 137

evangelistic efforts in, church members should help in Ev 338

evangelistic work has scarcely touched many Ev 37

evangelistic work in: angels will second Ev 38

capable men needed for Ev 38

do more 7T 115

is difficult Ev 36

means will be brought into God’s cause by Ev 62, 89

strong and solid, money needed for Ev 42

will cost money Ev 39

See also 7. Large (evangelistic work in)

evangelize Ev 61-2; MM 299; 9T 101

evangelize again, where advent message was first given 9T 123

failure to lift up God’s standard in 9T 139

far greater work must be done for God in LS 418-9; MM 334

God calls for great work to be done in Ev 37

God has honest souls in all Ev 463

God has work for His servants to do in 5T 465

gospel must be proclaimed in Ev 559; 1SM 84

gospel work needed in Ev 47

gospel work in Ev 46-7; MM 263; 7T 34-6

capable youth needed to do Ev 586

essential now MM 304, 331

extravagance or display should not attend 7T 38

hasten Ev 30

how to do 9T 128-30

means needed for CG 134

men of consecration and talent needed for ChS 199; Ev 34

now is opportune time for MM 300

outpost should be established outside for Ev 76-7; 2SM 358

result of, as God would have it done MM 331

Satan will work mightily to hinder Ev 100

gospel work properly done in, will set in operation mighty movement hitherto not witnessed MM 304, 331

gospel workers in: house-to-house work must be done by Ev 430; 7T 38

must calmly, steadily, and devotedly educate the people 9T 109-10

must guard against excitement and fanaticism GW 316

must not imperil their health Ev 72

need encouragement Ev 72; MM 309

should frequently meet for counsel and prayer MM 300

should live outside of them 2SM 358

should read Hebrews 10 and 11 7T 40

gospel workers laboring in, retreats needed for MM 308

gospel workers of different capabilities need to work unitedly in 9T 109

gospel workers should be provided homes outside of MM 308

halls for evangelism in, tact needed to secure Ev 75

health reform work in, opportunities for CD 473

heart of, small sanitariums are not to be located in MM 159

house-to-house work needed in Ev 430

how to interest people of, in SDA message 9T 109

how truth must be carried to people in 6T 73

hundreds of men should be carrying light through 4T 389

hunt for souls in Ev 59

inhabitants of: almost universal guilt upon PK 275; 9T 89

extraordinary efforts needed to interest 9T 109

warning message has not reached many TM 202

large gatherings in: evangelize Ev 35-6

leaflets should be widely distributed at WM 288

take advantage of WM 288

lay wise plans for Ev 59

literature should be circulated in Ev 96

many, need to hear message 8T 135

still practically untouched by message Ev 463

many people in, would become followers of Christ PK 277

med. miss. should be established in every MM 241, 322

med. miss. work in 7T 110-4

doors opened to truth by Ev 391

means of entering many homes CH 556

med. miss. work must have representatives in MM 241, 322

med. work in, benefits of 6T 113

show that God is leader and defense of CS 276

meetings in, seek proper locations for holding Ev 96

meetinghouses needed in 2SM 142

memorials should be established for God in every 8T 32; 9T 28-9

millions living in, must hear third angel’s message Ev 35

ministers who labor in 4T 317

mission needed in every MM 303

See also Mission

miss. centers must be established in many 8T 69

miss. efforts in, need of various lines of CD 274

missionary(s) need to be trained to work in MM 301

missionary(s) needed in 4T 156

miss. work in, missions essential to GW 365

miss. work must be done in many 8T 71

similar to that of Christ’s disciples CH 541-2

multitudes unwarned in many Ev 34

Negro schools should be established in and outside of 9T 201

part of God’s vineyard LS 208

people in every, who will appreciate third angel’s message CH 556

who would embrace truth 2T 113

permanent gospel work in every, solid foundation must be laid for 7T 38

physician can find entrance in, where other men cannot CH 546-7; MM 242

place for treating common ailments is needed in, where SDA have church 6T 113

place needed in every, for helping slaves of evil habit MH 172

plans to warn, make wise LS 410

poor people who would be benefited by moving out of, into country MH 190-1

preach truth in 1SM 168

present truth must be given to, without delay 9T 63

privilege of seeing God’s work advance in MM 334

proclamation of third angel’s message in CH 541-2

promotion of health reform in, methods of WM 285-6

publishing house should be located outside of 2SM 357-8

removal of many families from, will become necessary MH 364

representatives of present truth needed in every 6T 24

sermons in, temperance should find place in Te 239

SDA are not doing thousandth part of what they should do in Ev 29; WM 136

SDA have touched only a few MM 308

SDA must enter, which have not heard warning message 3T 202

SDA should not center their work in 2SM 143; 7T 84

SDA slow in giving message to Ev 36

SDA should work, for time is short Ev 33-4

without delay MM 300

sick people can be better cared for outside of 7T 60

some SDA needed in, to do God’s work 8T 82

suburbs of, failure to lift up God’s standard in 9T 139

systematic gospel work needs to be wisely conducted in MM 301

third angel’s message must be carried: to Ev 82

with power in Ev 38, 40; MM 304

thousands of people in: have not bowed to Baal 2BC 1035

left in darkness MM 302

message will be appreciated by Ev 75

tilling soil would benefit FE 326; LS 355-6; MH 189

tract work must be done in many 8T 71

unwarned millions in, SDA must do their full duty to Ev 570

warn Ev 22; WM 187

of impending doom Ev 30

warning message must be heard by 3T 236; TM 231-2

warning message must be proclaimed in 6T 32

work that church members ought to do in 7T 20

young men in, should work for temperance cause CH 441

youth must be educated outside of LS 351

See also 7. Large

11. Miscellaneous

Babel builders planned for PP 118-9; 3SG 97; SR 72-3

Babylon was most magnificent of PK 480

being measured by plummet in God’s hand SD 338

Cain founded, and named it after eldest son PP 81

Christ’s evangelistic work in 9T 171

decided change in, when there will be manifest TM 231

Elisha received his training far from SD 93

God bears long with PK 276

Israelites not crowded into MH 280

lofty buildings erected in Ev 27

people living in, entangled in business relations Ev 27

period of probation given to 1BC 1093

repentant churches may cause, to be spared for a time Ev 27

Satan seeks to attract people to 2SM 355

thousands of, almost given to idolatry AH 136; Ev 29; WM 136

visible marks of God’s wrath will be realized by 4T 52


advantage not in, physically, mentally or spiritually CL 13:1

antediluvian world like LDE 115

attraction to, is Satan’s purpose CL 14:1

Battle Creek as, when fire at publishing house CL 29:2

books can be sold in Eastern, if with courage PM 211:1

branch office in, literature to be distributed by PM 227:3

building in, reasons against: judgments coming CL 8:2

call to leave (centers of population) CL 9:4

centers for work to be outside of UL 363:3

children to be away from influence of; minds better CL 13:1

Christ left, to find a place of prayer TMK 258:2

Christ’s footprints

followed in; where human hearts are HP 225:3

in crowded alleys of TDG 68:5


now needed in, but prepare for trouble CL 11:1

to be in, but not institutions CL 31

closed soon to the gospel UL 274:6

convenience an excuse for staying in UL 363:2

crowding together in, is a mistake TDG 170:4

destruction impending for; given to idolatry CL 8:4

effort needed in LDE 118

Ellen White

felt oppressed in TMK 213:2

thankfulness of, for time to warn TMK 349:2

families with children to leave, as the way opens CL 24:4

fires a warning to LDE 111

health-destroying indulgence to be fought by young men in TMK 314:2

Holy Spirit being withdrawn from TDG 152:2


should not be sought in; keep children at home CL 12:4

with children to be out of, whenever possible CL 12:2

houses close together in; move for freedom CL 10:0

investment in building in, only if providence leads LDE 113

judgments coming on LDE 110

keep out of CL 10:4

labor unions in,

buying and selling will be difficult CL 9:5

ruling and demanding much of people Mar 182:3

land could be purchased to produce food when leaving CL 18:4

large, laborers for God to go into RC 241:6


family situations to be considered in CL 26:4

more necessary as time advances CL 24:4

not possible yet for all LDE 118

practical counsel about CL 25

reasons for selves and others to be clear before CL 26

soon impossible because of strife and confusion CL 11:1

wisdom to be sought from God in; Battle Creek CL 25:3

light given for working, we are far behind in following RC 241:4

little companies to work in UL 91:4

live away from; evil is increasing (1908) CL 14:3

locate miles away from large LDE 95

medical evangelists may win souls in CME 42:3


and “plants” spread around world in; means used PM 184:1

of mercy to go to HP 340:2; UL 60:3

and to towns TDG 282:2

in power of the Spirit, without display PM 308:4

methods for working, to change; companies of workers CME 13:4

organized effort needed to save heathen in RC 241:3

outpost centers out of, for training; churches in cities PM 183:2

people of,

are of value UL 112:3

have been tested; God will punish TDG 152:2

to be reached quickly to redeem the time CME 14:0

preachers as well as publications needed in PM 308:2

preparation needed for coming issues of living in CL 11:1

publishing house(s)

moved so people could leave CL 29:1

not to be in,

but near PM 186:1

stormy times ahead PM 176:2

restaurant workers to prepare spiritual food for those in CME 22:1

salvation imperiled by remaining in, unnecessarily CL 9:4

sanitarium location in, considered 3SM 45:1

slums of, mistake to send youth to work in RC 242:3


desired for many in LDE 117

should be heard by many in UL 112:3

to be sown in, by publications with last message PM 314:3

unworked, to be aroused before doors are closed UL 274


canvassers to work in; death coming everywhere PM 281:1

work required for TMK 349:4

way for leaving, requires help of many CL 25:0

wickedness in,

adversary has great influence TDG 282:3

God displeased by; violence and crime HP 345:4

increasing HP 345:2

work in,

for souls LDE 117

leaders to guard against Satan’s control in TSB 243:1

time for aggressive TDG 325:6

workers to be out of UL 363:3

youth in, breathe atmosphere of crime OHC 277:3

City evangelism

City evangelism See Evangelism

City life

City life See City

City lot, City lots

City lot, City lots, ministers should not urge men to invest in GW 341

City mission, City missions

City mission, City missions 5T 369

as training school GW 364-6

for gospel workers GW 364

needed in every city MM 303

Bible workers of experience need to be connected with 9T 111

Bible workers may be trained in 9T 137

colporteur may be trained in 9T 137

conferences encouraged to establish 5T 368

cooking schools should be held in connection with 9T 112

directors of, encouragement for 5T 369

do not bring financial profit GW 366

duty of SDA to financially support GW 366

essential to gospel work in cities GW 365

kind of workers needed in, at home and abroad FE 112

leaders of, duties of GW 364-6

managed rightly, will be steady lights amid moral darkness FE 121

management of GW 364-6

manifest interest in GW 366

need of preparing workers for FE 122

need to be established MM 241; 9T 137

operation of, not easy GW 366

persons who support, encouragement for 5T 369

practical med. missionaries should be trained in 9T 137

should be established for training gospel workers 7T 37

suitable rooms needed in, for meeting for instruction 9T 112

support of 5T 368-85

training should be given by, in miss. work GW 75

work of, giving Bible studies is essential part of FE 121

students should engage in CT 547

youth are to be trained in, as gospel workers GW 365

City official, City officials

City official, City officials, favoring temperance, voting for 2SM 337

City of God

act as if viewing SW 18:0

children and youth must be shown the way to enter HP 212:3

commandment breakers will not enter FW 43:2

desire to enter; lay treasure in heaven TDG 86:4

entrance to,

desire of Ellen White for listeners 3SM 269:1

striving for character perfection for UL 325:5

gates of, will swing back on glittering hinges HP 299:5

God, Christ and the heavenly host want you in OHC 368:5

invitation of, helping sinners respond to TDG 212:5

outside of, in last day by disobedience to avoid reproach 3SM 401:4

parents lead children to gates of HP 216:4


for, in the home OHC 294:3

to enter; nothing else is of consequence TDG 271:5

pure and firm UL 327:6

reached only by following the Guidebook UL 379:2

resurrected ones enter, after meeting Christ in air 3SM 431:1

Revelation describes TMK 148:4

sunset compared to light from FLB 248:2

thinking of meeting around the throne in TDG 333:2

viewing, we would not wish to dwell on earth FLB 364:2

See also Heaven; New Jerusalem