object(OAuth\Common\Http\Exception\TokenResponseException)#106 (7) { ["message":protected]=> string(40) "cURL Error # 52: Empty reply from server" ["string":"Exception":private]=> string(0) "" ["code":protected]=> int(0) ["file":protected]=> string(59) "/usr/share/nginx/www/protected/components/EgwCurlClient.php" ["line":protected]=> int(106) ["trace":"Exception":private]=> array(19) { [0]=> array(6) { ["file"]=> string(99) "/usr/share/nginx/www/protected/vendor/lusitanian/oauth/src/OAuth/OAuth2/Service/AbstractService.php" ["line"]=> int(183) ["function"]=> string(16) "retrieveResponse" ["class"]=> string(13) "EgwCurlClient" ["type"]=> string(2) "->" ["args"]=> array(4) { [0]=> object(OAuth\Common\Http\Uri\Uri)#104 (10) { ["scheme":"OAuth\Common\Http\Uri\Uri":private]=> string(5) "https" ["userInfo":"OAuth\Common\Http\Uri\Uri":private]=> string(0) "" ["rawUserInfo":"OAuth\Common\Http\Uri\Uri":private]=> string(0) "" ["host":"OAuth\Common\Http\Uri\Uri":private]=> string(17) "a.egwwritings.org" ["port":"OAuth\Common\Http\Uri\Uri":private]=> int(443) ["path":"OAuth\Common\Http\Uri\Uri":private]=> string(33) "/content/books/11161/chapter/2400" ["query":"OAuth\Common\Http\Uri\Uri":private]=> string(43) "para=11161.2400&highlight=1SM+231&trans=all" ["fragment":"OAuth\Common\Http\Uri\Uri":private]=> string(0) "" ["explicitPortSpecified":"OAuth\Common\Http\Uri\Uri":private]=> bool(false) ["explicitTrailingHostSlash":"OAuth\Common\Http\Uri\Uri":private]=> bool(true) } [1]=> NULL [2]=> array(1) { ["Authorization"]=> string(1005) "Bearer eyJhbGciOiJSUzI1NiIsImtpZCI6IkUyQjAwMUMzQjI4RkEyQkQyMzkyNTQ0MDdCNUVFM0VEMTA2MDI4NDEiLCJ4NXQiOiI0ckFCdzdLUG9yMGprbFJBZTE3ajdSQmdLRUUiLCJ0eXAiOiJhdCtqd3QifQ.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.lb-rU8qJwaSDuIRxvOGiGONdANkBqO-1GbgrswFqrMYU4FQUW6EVhv9ScpF7191I7oPgfmXHDax5RfNm0d8qz9EEAon82HR8OrThXSOjTcWnxdywZkw0jUe6NIEQCcb5l9eKAJqfIHzEf_ngpuf2YH2OuX3JfjYg0iHURdyjxW7qPMx1AYUsh81LoZuYAlfLUZHhAguA2HVdNoGy6QVJ791WcsQ1tJOvo31jdw1KxodfuCfgKkvav58Z7yY2ny2zhzDZj7lIATCaZkeZkcgez9kCLIFC0YfKUNKkiuZHGGBuPI7Dd_hBPDo0K-KRn2lUvPRw6QNjr9YgABTeCVZa5w" } [3]=> string(3) "GET" } } [1]=> array(6) { ["file"]=> string(56) "/usr/share/nginx/www/protected/components/EgwService.php" ["line"]=> int(140) ["function"]=> string(7) "request" ["class"]=> string(36) "OAuth\OAuth2\Service\AbstractService" ["type"]=> string(2) "->" ["args"]=> array(4) { [0]=> string(77) "/content/books/11161/chapter/2400?para=11161.2400&highlight=1SM+231&trans=all" [1]=> string(3) "GET" [2]=> NULL [3]=> array(0) { } } } [2]=> array(6) { ["file"]=> string(52) "/usr/share/nginx/www/protected/components/EgwApi.php" ["line"]=> int(178) ["function"]=> string(7) "request" ["class"]=> string(10) "EgwService" ["type"]=> string(2) "->" ["args"]=> array(3) { [0]=> string(77) "/content/books/11161/chapter/2400?para=11161.2400&highlight=1SM+231&trans=all" [1]=> string(3) "GET" [2]=> NULL } } [3]=> array(6) { ["file"]=> string(52) "/usr/share/nginx/www/protected/components/EgwApi.php" ["line"]=> int(120) ["function"]=> string(13) "executeMethod" ["class"]=> string(6) "EgwApi" ["type"]=> string(2) "->" ["args"]=> array(3) { [0]=> &string(77) "/content/books/11161/chapter/2400?para=11161.2400&highlight=1SM+231&trans=all" [1]=> &string(3) "GET" [2]=> &NULL } } [4]=> array(6) { ["file"]=> string(56) "/usr/share/nginx/www/protected/models/EgwApiConsumer.php" ["line"]=> int(332) ["function"]=> string(3) "run" ["class"]=> string(6) "EgwApi" ["type"]=> string(2) "->" ["args"]=> array(3) { [0]=> &string(77) "/content/books/11161/chapter/2400?para=11161.2400&highlight=1SM+231&trans=all" [1]=> &string(3) "GET" [2]=> &NULL } } [5]=> array(6) { ["file"]=> string(56) "/usr/share/nginx/www/protected/models/EgwApiConsumer.php" ["line"]=> int(220) ["function"]=> string(7) "execute" ["class"]=> string(14) "EgwApiConsumer" ["type"]=> string(2) "->" ["args"]=> array(2) { [0]=> &string(33) "/content/books/11161/chapter/2400" [1]=> &array(3) { ["para"]=> string(10) "11161.2400" ["highlight"]=> string(7) "1SM 231" ["trans"]=> string(3) "all" } } } [6]=> array(6) { ["file"]=> string(62) "/usr/share/nginx/www/protected/controllers/BooksController.php" ["line"]=> int(375) ["function"]=> string(10) "getChapter" ["class"]=> string(14) "EgwApiConsumer" ["type"]=> string(2) "->" ["args"]=> array(3) { [0]=> &string(10) "11161.2400" [1]=> &string(7) "1SM 231" [2]=> &string(3) "all" } } [7]=> array(6) { ["file"]=> string(62) "/usr/share/nginx/www/protected/controllers/BooksController.php" ["line"]=> int(244) ["function"]=> string(14) "getBookContent" ["class"]=> string(15) "BooksController" ["type"]=> string(2) "->" ["args"]=> array(2) { [0]=> &string(2) "en" [1]=> &string(10) "11161.2400" } } [8]=> array(4) { ["function"]=> string(10) "actionRead" ["class"]=> string(15) "BooksController" ["type"]=> string(2) "->" ["args"]=> array(2) { [0]=> &string(2) "en" [1]=> &string(10) "11161.2400" } } [9]=> array(6) { ["file"]=> string(83) "/usr/share/nginx/www/protected/vendor/yiisoft/yii/framework/web/actions/CAction.php" ["line"]=> int(108) ["function"]=> string(10) "invokeArgs" ["class"]=> string(16) "ReflectionMethod" ["type"]=> string(2) "->" ["args"]=> array(2) { [0]=> object(BooksController)#85 (21) { ["api":protected]=> object(EgwApiConsumer)#90 (6) { ["api":"EgwApiConsumer":private]=> object(EgwApi)#91 (8) { ["apiUri":"EgwApi":private]=> string(26) "https://a.egwwritings.org/" ["apiUriAuth":"EgwApi":private]=> string(31) "https://cpanel.egwwritings.org/" ["returnUrl":"EgwApi":private]=> string(37) "https://m.egwwritings.org/auth/login/" ["publicKey":"EgwApi":private]=> string(40) "GotVTUzLUl5oAbFVYnCCqohe0f3sG9s7sINJsaI3" ["secretKey":"EgwApi":private]=> string(128) "TOYqqxuIlyEhNH2Ng4ZUQRpniCVvRFCF5F22qhnCszBruiGLnvZWDc4wUvFjUPl11Le19tyTU9fo3Sr2AIOCDWOjlxBkMdZkODJmVzgHMKpCOXJrHGf7EeDet156a51P" ["result":"EgwApi":private]=> array(470) { [0]=> array(6) { ["para_id"]=> string(7) "11161.1" ["level"]=> int(0) ["title"]=> string(28) "Ellen G. White Topical Index" ["refcode_short"]=> string(9) "TopIndex " ["dup"]=> NULL ["puborder"]=> int(1) } [1]=> array(6) { ["para_id"]=> string(7) "11161.2" ["level"]=> int(1) ["title"]=> string(1) "A" ["refcode_short"]=> string(11) "TopIndex .A" ["dup"]=> string(7) "11161.1" ["puborder"]=> int(2) } [2]=> array(6) { ["para_id"]=> string(13) "11161.2000003" ["level"]=> int(2) ["title"]=> string(27) "Aaron - Accident, Accidents" ["refcode_short"]=> string(17) "TopIndex .Aaron.1" ["dup"]=> string(7) "11161.1" ["puborder"]=> int(3) } [3]=> array(6) { ["para_id"]=> string(13) "11161.2000804" ["level"]=> int(2) ["title"]=> string(14) "Acclaim - Adam" ["refcode_short"]=> string(19) "TopIndex .Acclaim.1" ["dup"]=> NULL ["puborder"]=> int(792) } [4]=> array(6) { ["para_id"]=> string(13) "11161.2001818" ["level"]=> int(2) ["title"]=> string(29) "Adam and Eve - Advent, second" ["refcode_short"]=> string(24) "TopIndex .Adam and Eve.1" ["dup"]=> NULL ["puborder"]=> int(1783) } [5]=> array(6) { ["para_id"]=> string(13) "11161.2002953" ["level"]=> int(2) ["title"]=> string(25) "Advent Herald - Age, Ages" ["refcode_short"]=> string(25) "TopIndex .Advent Herald.1" ["dup"]=> NULL ["puborder"]=> int(2905) } [6]=> array(6) { ["para_id"]=> string(13) "11161.2003756" ["level"]=> int(2) ["title"]=> string(24) "Aged believers - Alcohol" ["refcode_short"]=> string(26) "TopIndex .Aged believers.1" ["dup"]=> NULL ["puborder"]=> int(3685) } [7]=> array(6) { ["para_id"]=> string(13) "11161.2004603" ["level"]=> int(2) ["title"]=> string(40) "Alcoholic drinks - Amusement, Amusements" ["refcode_short"]=> string(28) "TopIndex .Alcoholic drinks.1" ["dup"]=> NULL ["puborder"]=> int(4512) } [8]=> array(6) { ["para_id"]=> string(13) "11161.2005795" ["level"]=> int(2) ["title"]=> string(23) "Amusement lovers - Aner" ["refcode_short"]=> string(28) "TopIndex .Amusement lovers.1" ["dup"]=> NULL ["puborder"]=> int(5672) } [9]=> array(6) { ["para_id"]=> string(13) "11161.2005927" ["level"]=> int(2) ["title"]=> string(27) "Angel, Angels (Part 1 of 3)" ["refcode_short"]=> string(25) "TopIndex .Angel, Angels.1" ["dup"]=> NULL ["puborder"]=> int(5797) } [10]=> array(6) { ["para_id"]=> string(13) "11161.2006620" ["level"]=> int(2) ["title"]=> string(27) "Angel, Angels (Part 2 of 3)" ["refcode_short"]=> string(27) "TopIndex .Angel, Angels.694" ["dup"]=> NULL ["puborder"]=> int(6490) } [11]=> array(6) { ["para_id"]=> string(13) "11161.2007312" ["level"]=> int(2) ["title"]=> string(27) "Angel, Angels (Part 3 of 3)" ["refcode_short"]=> string(28) "TopIndex .Angel, Angels.1386" ["dup"]=> NULL ["puborder"]=> int(7183) } [12]=> array(6) { ["para_id"]=> string(13) "11161.2008005" ["level"]=> int(2) ["title"]=> string(30) "Angel, Angels, evil - Apostasy" ["refcode_short"]=> string(31) "TopIndex .Angel, Angels, evil.1" ["dup"]=> NULL ["puborder"]=> int(7877) } [13]=> array(6) { ["para_id"]=> string(13) "11161.2008965" ["level"]=> int(2) ["title"]=> string(71) "Apostate, Apostates - Appetite, indulgence of, Appetites, indulgence of" ["refcode_short"]=> string(31) "TopIndex .Apostate, Apostates.1" ["dup"]=> NULL ["puborder"]=> int(8799) } [14]=> array(6) { ["para_id"]=> string(13) "11161.2009804" ["level"]=> int(2) ["title"]=> string(19) "Appii Forum - Armor" ["refcode_short"]=> string(23) "TopIndex .Appii Forum.1" ["dup"]=> NULL ["puborder"]=> int(9633) } [15]=> array(6) { ["para_id"]=> string(13) "11161.2010608" ["level"]=> int(2) ["title"]=> string(31) "Armory - Atmosphere (spiritual)" ["refcode_short"]=> string(18) "TopIndex .Armory.1" ["dup"]=> NULL ["puborder"]=> int(10412) } [16]=> array(6) { ["para_id"]=> string(13) "11161.2011550" ["level"]=> int(2) ["title"]=> string(23) "Atom, Atoms - Australia" ["refcode_short"]=> string(23) "TopIndex .Atom, Atoms.1" ["dup"]=> NULL ["puborder"]=> int(11320) } [17]=> array(6) { ["para_id"]=> string(13) "11161.2012373" ["level"]=> int(2) ["title"]=> string(17) "Austria - Azariah" ["refcode_short"]=> string(19) "TopIndex .Austria.1" ["dup"]=> NULL ["puborder"]=> int(12125) } [18]=> array(6) { ["para_id"]=> string(13) "11161.2012374" ["level"]=> int(2) ["title"]=> string(32) "“Alameda” - “Well done,”" ["refcode_short"]=> string(19) "TopIndex .Austria.2" ["dup"]=> NULL ["puborder"]=> int(12127) } [19]=> array(6) { ["para_id"]=> string(11) "11161.12611" ["level"]=> int(1) ["title"]=> string(1) "B" ["refcode_short"]=> string(11) "TopIndex .B" ["dup"]=> NULL ["puborder"]=> int(12351) } [20]=> array(6) { ["para_id"]=> string(13) "11161.2012612" ["level"]=> int(2) ["title"]=> string(13) "Baal - Balaam" ["refcode_short"]=> string(16) "TopIndex .Baal.1" ["dup"]=> string(11) "11161.12611" ["puborder"]=> int(12352) } [21]=> array(6) { ["para_id"]=> string(13) "11161.2013437" ["level"]=> int(2) ["title"]=> string(34) "Balaclava, Vict. - Battle, Battles" ["refcode_short"]=> string(28) "TopIndex .Balaclava, Vict..1" ["dup"]=> NULL ["puborder"]=> int(13154) } [22]=> array(6) { ["para_id"]=> string(13) "11161.2014351" ["level"]=> int(2) ["title"]=> string(46) "Battle and a march - Belden, Sarah B. (Harmon)" ["refcode_short"]=> string(30) "TopIndex .Battle and a march.1" ["dup"]=> NULL ["puborder"]=> int(14032) } [23]=> array(6) { ["para_id"]=> string(13) "11161.2015153" ["level"]=> int(2) ["title"]=> string(25) "Belden, Stephen - Bigotry" ["refcode_short"]=> string(27) "TopIndex .Belden, Stephen.1" ["dup"]=> NULL ["puborder"]=> int(14825) } [24]=> array(6) { ["para_id"]=> string(13) "11161.2015971" ["level"]=> int(2) ["title"]=> string(37) "Biliousness - Blind leading the blind" ["refcode_short"]=> string(23) "TopIndex .Biliousness.1" ["dup"]=> NULL ["puborder"]=> int(15639) } [25]=> array(6) { ["para_id"]=> string(13) "11161.2016773" ["level"]=> int(2) ["title"]=> string(31) "Blindness - Body, Bodies, human" ["refcode_short"]=> string(21) "TopIndex .Blindness.1" ["dup"]=> NULL ["puborder"]=> int(16433) } [26]=> array(6) { ["para_id"]=> string(13) "11161.2017791" ["level"]=> int(2) ["title"]=> string(33) "Bognes, Augusta - Books of heaven" ["refcode_short"]=> string(27) "TopIndex .Bognes, Augusta.1" ["dup"]=> NULL ["puborder"]=> int(17447) } [27]=> array(6) { ["para_id"]=> string(13) "11161.2018840" ["level"]=> int(2) ["title"]=> string(27) "Book prices - Bread of life" ["refcode_short"]=> string(23) "TopIndex .Book prices.1" ["dup"]=> NULL ["puborder"]=> int(18493) } [28]=> array(6) { ["para_id"]=> string(13) "11161.2019652" ["level"]=> int(2) ["title"]=> string(25) "Breakdown - Burden, J. A." ["refcode_short"]=> string(21) "TopIndex .Breakdown.1" ["dup"]=> NULL ["puborder"]=> int(19296) } [29]=> array(6) { ["para_id"]=> string(13) "11161.2020455" ["level"]=> int(2) ["title"]=> string(65) "Burdick, Mrs. L. S. - Business transaction, Business transactions" ["refcode_short"]=> string(31) "TopIndex .Burdick, Mrs. L. S..1" ["dup"]=> NULL ["puborder"]=> int(20090) } [30]=> array(6) { ["para_id"]=> string(13) "11161.2021308" ["level"]=> int(2) ["title"]=> string(40) "Business union, Business unions - Byword" ["refcode_short"]=> string(43) "TopIndex .Business union, Business unions.1" ["dup"]=> NULL ["puborder"]=> int(20943) } [31]=> array(6) { ["para_id"]=> string(11) "11161.21446" ["level"]=> int(1) ["title"]=> string(1) "C" ["refcode_short"]=> string(11) "TopIndex .C" ["dup"]=> NULL ["puborder"]=> int(21082) } [32]=> array(6) { ["para_id"]=> string(13) "11161.2021447" ["level"]=> int(2) ["title"]=> string(32) "Cabinets of kings - Camp meeting" ["refcode_short"]=> string(29) "TopIndex .Cabinets of kings.1" ["dup"]=> string(11) "11161.21446" ["puborder"]=> int(21083) } [33]=> array(6) { ["para_id"]=> string(13) "11161.2022291" ["level"]=> int(2) ["title"]=> string(27) "Can, Cans - Catholic Church" ["refcode_short"]=> string(21) "TopIndex .Can, Cans.1" ["dup"]=> NULL ["puborder"]=> int(21926) } [34]=> array(6) { ["para_id"]=> string(13) "11161.2023095" ["level"]=> int(2) ["title"]=> string(27) "Catholicism - Chain, Chains" ["refcode_short"]=> string(23) "TopIndex .Catholicism.1" ["dup"]=> NULL ["puborder"]=> int(22716) } [35]=> array(6) { ["para_id"]=> string(13) "11161.2023929" ["level"]=> int(2) ["title"]=> string(30) "Chain gang - Chapter, Chapters" ["refcode_short"]=> string(22) "TopIndex .Chain gang.1" ["dup"]=> NULL ["puborder"]=> int(23548) } [36]=> array(6) { ["para_id"]=> string(13) "11161.2024065" ["level"]=> int(2) ["title"]=> string(35) "Character, Characters (Part 1 of 4)" ["refcode_short"]=> string(33) "TopIndex .Character, Characters.1" ["dup"]=> NULL ["puborder"]=> int(23684) } [37]=> array(6) { ["para_id"]=> string(13) "11161.2024741" ["level"]=> int(2) ["title"]=> string(35) "Character, Characters (Part 2 of 4)" ["refcode_short"]=> string(35) "TopIndex .Character, Characters.677" ["dup"]=> NULL ["puborder"]=> int(24360) } [38]=> array(6) { ["para_id"]=> string(13) "11161.2025416" ["level"]=> int(2) ["title"]=> string(35) "Character, Characters (Part 3 of 4)" ["refcode_short"]=> string(36) "TopIndex .Character, Characters.1352" ["dup"]=> NULL ["puborder"]=> int(25036) } [39]=> array(6) { ["para_id"]=> string(13) "11161.2026091" ["level"]=> int(2) ["title"]=> string(35) "Character, Characters (Part 4 of 4)" ["refcode_short"]=> string(36) "TopIndex .Character, Characters.2027" ["dup"]=> NULL ["puborder"]=> int(25712) } [40]=> array(6) { ["para_id"]=> string(13) "11161.2026767" ["level"]=> int(2) ["title"]=> string(25) "Characteristics - Chiding" ["refcode_short"]=> string(27) "TopIndex .Characteristics.1" ["dup"]=> NULL ["puborder"]=> int(26389) } [41]=> array(6) { ["para_id"]=> string(13) "11161.2027406" ["level"]=> int(2) ["title"]=> string(29) "Child, Children (Part 1 of 5)" ["refcode_short"]=> string(27) "TopIndex .Child, Children.1" ["dup"]=> NULL ["puborder"]=> int(27024) } [42]=> array(6) { ["para_id"]=> string(13) "11161.2028140" ["level"]=> int(2) ["title"]=> string(29) "Child, Children (Part 2 of 5)" ["refcode_short"]=> string(29) "TopIndex .Child, Children.735" ["dup"]=> NULL ["puborder"]=> int(27758) } [43]=> array(6) { ["para_id"]=> string(13) "11161.2028874" ["level"]=> int(2) ["title"]=> string(29) "Child, Children (Part 3 of 5)" ["refcode_short"]=> string(30) "TopIndex .Child, Children.1469" ["dup"]=> NULL ["puborder"]=> int(28493) } [44]=> array(6) { ["para_id"]=> string(13) "11161.2029608" ["level"]=> int(2) ["title"]=> string(29) "Child, Children (Part 4 of 5)" ["refcode_short"]=> string(30) "TopIndex .Child, Children.2203" ["dup"]=> NULL ["puborder"]=> int(29228) } [45]=> array(6) { ["para_id"]=> string(13) "11161.2030342" ["level"]=> int(2) ["title"]=> string(29) "Child, Children (Part 5 of 5)" ["refcode_short"]=> string(30) "TopIndex .Child, Children.2937" ["dup"]=> NULL ["puborder"]=> int(29963) } [46]=> array(6) { ["para_id"]=> string(13) "11161.2031077" ["level"]=> int(2) ["title"]=> string(64) "Child, Children (adults as) - Christ (events of earthly life of)" ["refcode_short"]=> string(39) "TopIndex .Child, Children (adults as).1" ["dup"]=> NULL ["puborder"]=> int(30699) } [47]=> array(6) { ["para_id"]=> string(13) "11161.2032183" ["level"]=> int(2) ["title"]=> string(21) "Christ (Part 1 of 18)" ["refcode_short"]=> string(18) "TopIndex .Christ.1" ["dup"]=> NULL ["puborder"]=> int(31801) } [48]=> array(6) { ["para_id"]=> string(13) "11161.2032940" ["level"]=> int(2) ["title"]=> string(21) "Christ (Part 2 of 18)" ["refcode_short"]=> string(20) "TopIndex .Christ.758" ["dup"]=> NULL ["puborder"]=> int(32558) } [49]=> array(6) { ["para_id"]=> string(13) "11161.2033696" ["level"]=> int(2) ["title"]=> string(21) "Christ (Part 3 of 18)" ["refcode_short"]=> string(21) "TopIndex .Christ.1514" ["dup"]=> NULL ["puborder"]=> int(33315) } [50]=> array(6) { ["para_id"]=> string(13) "11161.2034452" ["level"]=> int(2) ["title"]=> string(21) "Christ (Part 4 of 18)" ["refcode_short"]=> string(21) "TopIndex .Christ.2270" ["dup"]=> NULL ["puborder"]=> int(34072) } [51]=> array(6) { ["para_id"]=> string(13) "11161.2035208" ["level"]=> int(2) ["title"]=> string(21) "Christ (Part 5 of 18)" ["refcode_short"]=> string(21) "TopIndex .Christ.3026" ["dup"]=> NULL ["puborder"]=> int(34829) } [52]=> array(6) { ["para_id"]=> string(13) "11161.2035964" ["level"]=> int(2) ["title"]=> string(21) "Christ (Part 6 of 18)" ["refcode_short"]=> string(21) "TopIndex .Christ.3782" ["dup"]=> NULL ["puborder"]=> int(35586) } [53]=> array(6) { ["para_id"]=> string(13) "11161.2036720" ["level"]=> int(2) ["title"]=> string(21) "Christ (Part 7 of 18)" ["refcode_short"]=> string(21) "TopIndex .Christ.4538" ["dup"]=> NULL ["puborder"]=> int(36343) } [54]=> array(6) { ["para_id"]=> string(13) "11161.2037477" ["level"]=> int(2) ["title"]=> string(21) "Christ (Part 8 of 18)" ["refcode_short"]=> string(21) "TopIndex .Christ.5295" ["dup"]=> NULL ["puborder"]=> int(37101) } [55]=> array(6) { ["para_id"]=> string(13) "11161.2038233" ["level"]=> int(2) ["title"]=> string(21) "Christ (Part 9 of 18)" ["refcode_short"]=> string(21) "TopIndex .Christ.6051" ["dup"]=> NULL ["puborder"]=> int(37858) } [56]=> array(6) { ["para_id"]=> string(13) "11161.2038989" ["level"]=> int(2) ["title"]=> string(22) "Christ (Part 10 of 18)" ["refcode_short"]=> string(21) "TopIndex .Christ.6807" ["dup"]=> NULL ["puborder"]=> int(38615) } [57]=> array(6) { ["para_id"]=> string(13) "11161.2039745" ["level"]=> int(2) ["title"]=> string(22) "Christ (Part 11 of 18)" ["refcode_short"]=> string(21) "TopIndex .Christ.7563" ["dup"]=> NULL ["puborder"]=> int(39372) } [58]=> array(6) { ["para_id"]=> string(13) "11161.2040501" ["level"]=> int(2) ["title"]=> string(22) "Christ (Part 12 of 18)" ["refcode_short"]=> string(21) "TopIndex .Christ.8319" ["dup"]=> NULL ["puborder"]=> int(40129) } [59]=> array(6) { ["para_id"]=> string(13) "11161.2041257" ["level"]=> int(2) ["title"]=> string(22) "Christ (Part 13 of 18)" ["refcode_short"]=> string(21) "TopIndex .Christ.9075" ["dup"]=> NULL ["puborder"]=> int(40886) } [60]=> array(6) { ["para_id"]=> string(13) "11161.2042014" ["level"]=> int(2) ["title"]=> string(22) "Christ (Part 14 of 18)" ["refcode_short"]=> string(21) "TopIndex .Christ.9832" ["dup"]=> NULL ["puborder"]=> int(41644) } [61]=> array(6) { ["para_id"]=> string(13) "11161.2042770" ["level"]=> int(2) ["title"]=> string(22) "Christ (Part 15 of 18)" ["refcode_short"]=> string(22) "TopIndex .Christ.10588" ["dup"]=> NULL ["puborder"]=> int(42401) } [62]=> array(6) { ["para_id"]=> string(13) "11161.2043526" ["level"]=> int(2) ["title"]=> string(22) "Christ (Part 16 of 18)" ["refcode_short"]=> string(22) "TopIndex .Christ.11344" ["dup"]=> NULL ["puborder"]=> int(43158) } [63]=> array(6) { ["para_id"]=> string(13) "11161.2044282" ["level"]=> int(2) ["title"]=> string(22) "Christ (Part 17 of 18)" ["refcode_short"]=> string(22) "TopIndex .Christ.12100" ["dup"]=> NULL ["puborder"]=> int(43915) } [64]=> array(6) { ["para_id"]=> string(13) "11161.2045038" ["level"]=> int(2) ["title"]=> string(22) "Christ (Part 18 of 18)" ["refcode_short"]=> string(22) "TopIndex .Christ.12856" ["dup"]=> NULL ["puborder"]=> int(44672) } [65]=> array(6) { ["para_id"]=> string(13) "11161.2045795" ["level"]=> int(2) ["title"]=> string(53) "Christ, false, Christs, false - Christian, Christians" ["refcode_short"]=> string(41) "TopIndex .Christ, false, Christs, false.1" ["dup"]=> NULL ["puborder"]=> int(45430) } [66]=> array(6) { ["para_id"]=> string(13) "11161.2046661" ["level"]=> int(2) ["title"]=> string(66) "Christian Advocate and Journal - Chronology and time relationships" ["refcode_short"]=> string(42) "TopIndex .Christian Advocate and Journal.1" ["dup"]=> NULL ["puborder"]=> int(46297) } [67]=> array(6) { ["para_id"]=> string(13) "11161.2047467" ["level"]=> int(2) ["title"]=> string(37) "Chronology of Scriptures - Chrysolite" ["refcode_short"]=> string(36) "TopIndex .Chronology of Scriptures.1" ["dup"]=> NULL ["puborder"]=> int(47102) } [68]=> array(6) { ["para_id"]=> string(13) "11161.2047471" ["level"]=> int(2) ["title"]=> string(30) "Church, Churches (Part 1 of 4)" ["refcode_short"]=> string(28) "TopIndex .Church, Churches.1" ["dup"]=> NULL ["puborder"]=> int(47107) } [69]=> array(6) { ["para_id"]=> string(13) "11161.2048145" ["level"]=> int(2) ["title"]=> string(30) "Church, Churches (Part 2 of 4)" ["refcode_short"]=> string(30) "TopIndex .Church, Churches.675" ["dup"]=> NULL ["puborder"]=> int(47781) } [70]=> array(6) { ["para_id"]=> string(13) "11161.2048818" ["level"]=> int(2) ["title"]=> string(30) "Church, Churches (Part 3 of 4)" ["refcode_short"]=> string(31) "TopIndex .Church, Churches.1348" ["dup"]=> NULL ["puborder"]=> int(48455) } [71]=> array(6) { ["para_id"]=> string(13) "11161.2049492" ["level"]=> int(2) ["title"]=> string(30) "Church, Churches (Part 4 of 4)" ["refcode_short"]=> string(31) "TopIndex .Church, Churches.2022" ["dup"]=> NULL ["puborder"]=> int(49130) } [72]=> array(6) { ["para_id"]=> string(13) "11161.2050166" ["level"]=> int(2) ["title"]=> string(48) "Church, Catholic - Church matter, Church matters" ["refcode_short"]=> string(28) "TopIndex .Church, Catholic.1" ["dup"]=> NULL ["puborder"]=> int(49805) } [73]=> array(6) { ["para_id"]=> string(13) "11161.2050678" ["level"]=> int(2) ["title"]=> string(43) "Church member, Church members (Part 1 of 2)" ["refcode_short"]=> string(41) "TopIndex .Church member, Church members.1" ["dup"]=> NULL ["puborder"]=> int(50317) } [74]=> array(6) { ["para_id"]=> string(13) "11161.2051309" ["level"]=> int(2) ["title"]=> string(43) "Church member, Church members (Part 2 of 2)" ["refcode_short"]=> string(43) "TopIndex .Church member, Church members.632" ["dup"]=> NULL ["puborder"]=> int(50948) } [75]=> array(6) { ["para_id"]=> string(13) "11161.2051941" ["level"]=> int(2) ["title"]=> string(47) "Church membership - Circumstance, Circumstances" ["refcode_short"]=> string(29) "TopIndex .Church membership.1" ["dup"]=> NULL ["puborder"]=> int(51581) } [76]=> array(6) { ["para_id"]=> string(13) "11161.2052921" ["level"]=> int(2) ["title"]=> string(20) "Circus - City of God" ["refcode_short"]=> string(18) "TopIndex .Circus.1" ["dup"]=> NULL ["puborder"]=> int(52560) } [77]=> array(6) { ["para_id"]=> string(13) "11161.2053746" ["level"]=> int(2) ["title"]=> string(28) "Civil administration - Cloth" ["refcode_short"]=> string(32) "TopIndex .Civil administration.1" ["dup"]=> NULL ["puborder"]=> int(53384) } [78]=> array(6) { ["para_id"]=> string(13) "11161.2054084" ["level"]=> int(2) ["title"]=> string(30) "Clothes/Clothing (Part 1 of 2)" ["refcode_short"]=> string(28) "TopIndex .Clothes/Clothing.1" ["dup"]=> NULL ["puborder"]=> int(53720) } [79]=> array(6) { ["para_id"]=> string(13) "11161.2054602" ["level"]=> int(2) ["title"]=> string(30) "Clothes/Clothing (Part 2 of 2)" ["refcode_short"]=> string(30) "TopIndex .Clothes/Clothing.519" ["dup"]=> NULL ["puborder"]=> int(54239) } [80]=> array(6) { ["para_id"]=> string(13) "11161.2055120" ["level"]=> int(2) ["title"]=> string(53) "Cloud, Clouds - College president, College presidents" ["refcode_short"]=> string(25) "TopIndex .Cloud, Clouds.1" ["dup"]=> NULL ["puborder"]=> int(54758) } [81]=> array(6) { ["para_id"]=> string(13) "11161.2055925" ["level"]=> int(2) ["title"]=> string(43) "College principal - Colporteur, Colporteurs" ["refcode_short"]=> string(29) "TopIndex .College principal.1" ["dup"]=> NULL ["puborder"]=> int(55560) } [82]=> array(6) { ["para_id"]=> string(13) "11161.2056984" ["level"]=> int(2) ["title"]=> string(34) "Colporteur agent - Commercial work" ["refcode_short"]=> string(28) "TopIndex .Colporteur agent.1" ["dup"]=> NULL ["puborder"]=> int(56615) } [83]=> array(6) { ["para_id"]=> string(13) "11161.2057789" ["level"]=> int(2) ["title"]=> string(32) "Commission - Condemnatory manner" ["refcode_short"]=> string(22) "TopIndex .Commission.1" ["dup"]=> NULL ["puborder"]=> int(57418) } [84]=> array(6) { ["para_id"]=> string(13) "11161.2058593" ["level"]=> int(2) ["title"]=> string(32) "Condemnatory spirit - Confidence" ["refcode_short"]=> string(31) "TopIndex .Condemnatory spirit.1" ["dup"]=> NULL ["puborder"]=> int(58211) } [85]=> array(6) { ["para_id"]=> string(13) "11161.2059487" ["level"]=> int(2) ["title"]=> string(35) "Confidentiality - Conscientiousness" ["refcode_short"]=> string(27) "TopIndex .Confidentiality.1" ["dup"]=> NULL ["puborder"]=> int(59103) } [86]=> array(6) { ["para_id"]=> string(13) "11161.2060292" ["level"]=> int(2) ["title"]=> string(28) "Consciousness - Conversation" ["refcode_short"]=> string(25) "TopIndex .Consciousness.1" ["dup"]=> NULL ["puborder"]=> int(59902) } [87]=> array(6) { ["para_id"]=> string(13) "11161.2061256" ["level"]=> int(2) ["title"]=> string(33) "Conversion, Conversions - Cooking" ["refcode_short"]=> string(35) "TopIndex .Conversion, Conversions.1" ["dup"]=> NULL ["puborder"]=> int(60856) } [88]=> array(6) { ["para_id"]=> string(13) "11161.2062123" ["level"]=> int(2) ["title"]=> string(69) "Cooking demonstration, Cooking demonstrations - Counselor, Counselors" ["refcode_short"]=> string(57) "TopIndex .Cooking demonstration, Cooking demonstrations.1" ["dup"]=> NULL ["puborder"]=> int(61723) } [89]=> array(6) { ["para_id"]=> string(13) "11161.2062968" ["level"]=> int(2) ["title"]=> string(28) "Counsel together - Courtship" ["refcode_short"]=> string(28) "TopIndex .Counsel together.1" ["dup"]=> NULL ["puborder"]=> int(62566) } [90]=> array(6) { ["para_id"]=> string(13) "11161.2063799" ["level"]=> int(2) ["title"]=> string(24) "Covenant - Cramp, Cramps" ["refcode_short"]=> string(20) "TopIndex .Covenant.1" ["dup"]=> NULL ["puborder"]=> int(63395) } [91]=> array(6) { ["para_id"]=> string(13) "11161.2064603" ["level"]=> int(2) ["title"]=> string(25) "Crane, Cranes - Criticism" ["refcode_short"]=> string(25) "TopIndex .Crane, Cranes.1" ["dup"]=> NULL ["puborder"]=> int(64195) } [92]=> array(6) { ["para_id"]=> string(13) "11161.2065477" ["level"]=> int(2) ["title"]=> string(38) "Criticism/Faultfinding - Crown, Crowns" ["refcode_short"]=> string(34) "TopIndex .Criticism/Faultfinding.1" ["dup"]=> NULL ["puborder"]=> int(65067) } [93]=> array(6) { ["para_id"]=> string(13) "11161.2066394" ["level"]=> int(2) ["title"]=> string(35) "Crowned head, Crowned heads - Cyrus" ["refcode_short"]=> string(39) "TopIndex .Crowned head, Crowned heads.1" ["dup"]=> NULL ["puborder"]=> int(65981) } [94]=> array(6) { ["para_id"]=> string(11) "11161.66907" ["level"]=> int(1) ["title"]=> string(1) "D" ["refcode_short"]=> string(11) "TopIndex .D" ["dup"]=> NULL ["puborder"]=> int(66493) } [95]=> array(6) { ["para_id"]=> string(13) "11161.2066908" ["level"]=> int(2) ["title"]=> string(23) "Dagon - Daniel, book of" ["refcode_short"]=> string(17) "TopIndex .Dagon.1" ["dup"]=> string(11) "11161.66907" ["puborder"]=> int(66494) } [96]=> array(6) { ["para_id"]=> string(13) "11161.2067812" ["level"]=> int(2) ["title"]=> string(29) "Daniel and Revelation - David" ["refcode_short"]=> string(33) "TopIndex .Daniel and Revelation.1" ["dup"]=> NULL ["puborder"]=> int(67398) } [97]=> array(6) { ["para_id"]=> string(13) "11161.2068937" ["level"]=> int(2) ["title"]=> string(31) "Davis, Marian - Debate, Debates" ["refcode_short"]=> string(25) "TopIndex .Davis, Marian.1" ["dup"]=> NULL ["puborder"]=> int(68516) } [98]=> array(6) { ["para_id"]=> string(13) "11161.2069779" ["level"]=> int(2) ["title"]=> string(39) "Debater, Debaters - Decision, Decisions" ["refcode_short"]=> string(29) "TopIndex .Debater, Debaters.1" ["dup"]=> NULL ["puborder"]=> int(69355) } [99]=> array(6) { ["para_id"]=> string(13) "11161.2070658" ["level"]=> int(2) ["title"]=> string(24) "Decisive - Demon worship" ["refcode_short"]=> string(20) "TopIndex .Decisive.1" ["dup"]=> NULL ["puborder"]=> int(70232) } [100]=> array(6) { ["para_id"]=> string(13) "11161.2071459" ["level"]=> int(2) ["title"]=> string(27) "Denial - Destiny, Destinies" ["refcode_short"]=> string(18) "TopIndex .Denial.1" ["dup"]=> NULL ["puborder"]=> int(71030) } [101]=> array(6) { ["para_id"]=> string(13) "11161.2072267" ["level"]=> int(2) ["title"]=> string(42) "Destitute person, Destitute persons - Diet" ["refcode_short"]=> string(47) "TopIndex .Destitute person, Destitute persons.1" ["dup"]=> NULL ["puborder"]=> int(71835) } [102]=> array(6) { ["para_id"]=> string(13) "11161.2073473" ["level"]=> int(2) ["title"]=> string(27) "Dietary - Diploma, Diplomas" ["refcode_short"]=> string(19) "TopIndex .Dietary.1" ["dup"]=> NULL ["puborder"]=> int(73039) } [103]=> array(6) { ["para_id"]=> string(13) "11161.2074279" ["level"]=> int(2) ["title"]=> string(22) "Diplomacy - Discontent" ["refcode_short"]=> string(21) "TopIndex .Diplomacy.1" ["dup"]=> NULL ["puborder"]=> int(73845) } [104]=> array(6) { ["para_id"]=> string(13) "11161.2075086" ["level"]=> int(2) ["title"]=> string(35) "Discontented repinings - Dishonesty" ["refcode_short"]=> string(34) "TopIndex .Discontented repinings.1" ["dup"]=> NULL ["puborder"]=> int(74642) } [105]=> array(6) { ["para_id"]=> string(13) "11161.2075952" ["level"]=> int(2) ["title"]=> string(24) "Dishonor - Divine nature" ["refcode_short"]=> string(20) "TopIndex .Dishonor.1" ["dup"]=> NULL ["puborder"]=> int(75506) } [106]=> array(6) { ["para_id"]=> string(13) "11161.2076754" ["level"]=> int(2) ["title"]=> string(33) "Divine providence - Doubt, Doubts" ["refcode_short"]=> string(29) "TopIndex .Divine providence.1" ["dup"]=> NULL ["puborder"]=> int(76303) } [107]=> array(6) { ["para_id"]=> string(13) "11161.2077903" ["level"]=> int(2) ["title"]=> string(13) "Doubt - Drunk" ["refcode_short"]=> string(17) "TopIndex .Doubt.1" ["dup"]=> NULL ["puborder"]=> int(77449) } [108]=> array(6) { ["para_id"]=> string(13) "11161.2078704" ["level"]=> int(2) ["title"]=> string(34) "Drunkard, Drunkards - Duty, Duties" ["refcode_short"]=> string(31) "TopIndex .Drunkard, Drunkards.1" ["dup"]=> NULL ["puborder"]=> int(78246) } [109]=> array(6) { ["para_id"]=> string(13) "11161.2079505" ["level"]=> int(2) ["title"]=> string(33) "Dwarf, Dwarfs - Dyspeptic stomach" ["refcode_short"]=> string(25) "TopIndex .Dwarf, Dwarfs.1" ["dup"]=> NULL ["puborder"]=> int(79046) } [110]=> array(6) { ["para_id"]=> string(11) "11161.79627" ["level"]=> int(1) ["title"]=> string(1) "E" ["refcode_short"]=> string(11) "TopIndex .E" ["dup"]=> NULL ["puborder"]=> int(79167) } [111]=> array(6) { ["para_id"]=> string(13) "11161.2079628" ["level"]=> int(2) ["title"]=> string(14) "Eagle - Eating" ["refcode_short"]=> string(17) "TopIndex .Eagle.1" ["dup"]=> string(11) "11161.79627" ["puborder"]=> int(79168) } [112]=> array(6) { ["para_id"]=> string(13) "11161.2080538" ["level"]=> int(2) ["title"]=> string(37) "Eating and drinking - Educating power" ["refcode_short"]=> string(31) "TopIndex .Eating and drinking.1" ["dup"]=> NULL ["puborder"]=> int(80076) } [113]=> array(6) { ["para_id"]=> string(13) "11161.2081251" ["level"]=> int(2) ["title"]=> string(23) "Education (Part 1 of 3)" ["refcode_short"]=> string(21) "TopIndex .Education.1" ["dup"]=> NULL ["puborder"]=> int(80787) } [114]=> array(6) { ["para_id"]=> string(13) "11161.2081796" ["level"]=> int(2) ["title"]=> string(23) "Education (Part 2 of 3)" ["refcode_short"]=> string(23) "TopIndex .Education.546" ["dup"]=> NULL ["puborder"]=> int(81333) } [115]=> array(6) { ["para_id"]=> string(13) "11161.2082341" ["level"]=> int(2) ["title"]=> string(23) "Education (Part 3 of 3)" ["refcode_short"]=> string(24) "TopIndex .Education.1091" ["dup"]=> NULL ["puborder"]=> int(81879) } [116]=> array(6) { ["para_id"]=> string(13) "11161.2082887" ["level"]=> int(2) ["title"]=> string(32) "Education (the book) - Egg, Eggs" ["refcode_short"]=> string(32) "TopIndex .Education (the book).1" ["dup"]=> NULL ["puborder"]=> int(82426) } [117]=> array(6) { ["para_id"]=> string(13) "11161.2083702" ["level"]=> int(2) ["title"]=> string(16) "Egotism - Elisha" ["refcode_short"]=> string(19) "TopIndex .Egotism.1" ["dup"]=> NULL ["puborder"]=> int(83239) } [118]=> array(6) { ["para_id"]=> string(13) "11161.2084591" ["level"]=> int(2) ["title"]=> string(31) "Elixir of life - Enemy, Enemies" ["refcode_short"]=> string(26) "TopIndex .Elixir of life.1" ["dup"]=> NULL ["puborder"]=> int(84125) } [119]=> array(6) { ["para_id"]=> string(13) "11161.2085467" ["level"]=> int(2) ["title"]=> string(25) "Energetic - Envy/Jealousy" ["refcode_short"]=> string(21) "TopIndex .Energetic.1" ["dup"]=> NULL ["puborder"]=> int(84999) } [120]=> array(6) { ["para_id"]=> string(13) "11161.2086278" ["level"]=> int(2) ["title"]=> string(25) "Epaphras - Eternal things" ["refcode_short"]=> string(20) "TopIndex .Epaphras.1" ["dup"]=> NULL ["puborder"]=> int(85806) } [121]=> array(6) { ["para_id"]=> string(13) "11161.2087080" ["level"]=> int(2) ["title"]=> string(37) "Eternal torment - Evidence, Evidences" ["refcode_short"]=> string(27) "TopIndex .Eternal torment.1" ["dup"]=> NULL ["puborder"]=> int(86605) } [122]=> array(6) { ["para_id"]=> string(13) "11161.2087921" ["level"]=> int(2) ["title"]=> string(33) "Evil, Evils - Exercise (physical)" ["refcode_short"]=> string(23) "TopIndex .Evil, Evils.1" ["dup"]=> NULL ["puborder"]=> int(87442) } [123]=> array(6) { ["para_id"]=> string(13) "11161.2088997" ["level"]=> int(2) ["title"]=> string(34) "Exercises - Extremity, Extremities" ["refcode_short"]=> string(21) "TopIndex .Exercises.1" ["dup"]=> NULL ["puborder"]=> int(88517) } [124]=> array(6) { ["para_id"]=> string(13) "11161.2089823" ["level"]=> int(2) ["title"]=> string(16) "Eye, Eyes - Ezra" ["refcode_short"]=> string(21) "TopIndex .Eye, Eyes.1" ["dup"]=> NULL ["puborder"]=> int(89340) } [125]=> array(6) { ["para_id"]=> string(13) "11161.2089825" ["level"]=> int(2) ["title"]=> string(14) "1844 - 144,000" ["refcode_short"]=> string(21) "TopIndex .Eye, Eyes.3" ["dup"]=> NULL ["puborder"]=> int(89342) } [126]=> array(6) { ["para_id"]=> string(11) "11161.90091" ["level"]=> int(1) ["title"]=> string(1) "F" ["refcode_short"]=> string(11) "TopIndex .F" ["dup"]=> NULL ["puborder"]=> int(89608) } [127]=> array(6) { ["para_id"]=> string(13) "11161.2090092" ["level"]=> int(2) ["title"]=> string(39) "Faber, Johann - Fairy tale, Fairy tales" ["refcode_short"]=> string(25) "TopIndex .Faber, Johann.1" ["dup"]=> string(11) "11161.90091" ["puborder"]=> int(89609) } [128]=> array(6) { ["para_id"]=> string(13) "11161.2090565" ["level"]=> int(2) ["title"]=> string(19) "Faith (Part 1 of 3)" ["refcode_short"]=> string(17) "TopIndex .Faith.1" ["dup"]=> NULL ["puborder"]=> int(90081) } [129]=> array(6) { ["para_id"]=> string(13) "11161.2091144" ["level"]=> int(2) ["title"]=> string(19) "Faith (Part 2 of 3)" ["refcode_short"]=> string(19) "TopIndex .Faith.580" ["dup"]=> NULL ["puborder"]=> int(90660) } [130]=> array(6) { ["para_id"]=> string(13) "11161.2091723" ["level"]=> int(2) ["title"]=> string(19) "Faith (Part 3 of 3)" ["refcode_short"]=> string(20) "TopIndex .Faith.1159" ["dup"]=> NULL ["puborder"]=> int(91240) } [131]=> array(6) { ["para_id"]=> string(13) "11161.2092303" ["level"]=> int(2) ["title"]=> string(34) "Faith and works - Family, Families" ["refcode_short"]=> string(27) "TopIndex .Faith and works.1" ["dup"]=> NULL ["puborder"]=> int(91821) } [132]=> array(6) { ["para_id"]=> string(13) "11161.2093361" ["level"]=> int(2) ["title"]=> string(48) "Family affliction - Farmer, Farmers (Husbandmen)" ["refcode_short"]=> string(29) "TopIndex .Family affliction.1" ["dup"]=> NULL ["puborder"]=> int(92874) } [133]=> array(6) { ["para_id"]=> string(13) "11161.2094186" ["level"]=> int(2) ["title"]=> string(37) "Farmhouse, Farmhouses - Fault, Faults" ["refcode_short"]=> string(33) "TopIndex .Farmhouse, Farmhouses.1" ["dup"]=> NULL ["puborder"]=> int(93699) } [134]=> array(6) { ["para_id"]=> string(13) "11161.2095029" ["level"]=> int(2) ["title"]=> string(54) "Faultfinder, Faultfinders - Feet washing, ordinance of" ["refcode_short"]=> string(37) "TopIndex .Faultfinder, Faultfinders.1" ["dup"]=> NULL ["puborder"]=> int(94537) } [135]=> array(6) { ["para_id"]=> string(13) "11161.2095869" ["level"]=> int(2) ["title"]=> string(27) "Felice, G. de - Fire, Fires" ["refcode_short"]=> string(25) "TopIndex .Felice, G. de.1" ["dup"]=> NULL ["puborder"]=> int(95376) } [136]=> array(6) { ["para_id"]=> string(13) "11161.2096679" ["level"]=> int(2) ["title"]=> string(40) "Fire, balls of - Flesh food, Flesh foods" ["refcode_short"]=> string(26) "TopIndex .Fire, balls of.1" ["dup"]=> NULL ["puborder"]=> int(96178) } [137]=> array(6) { ["para_id"]=> string(13) "11161.2097772" ["level"]=> int(2) ["title"]=> string(41) "Flesh meat examiners - Food (unwholesome)" ["refcode_short"]=> string(32) "TopIndex .Flesh meat examiners.1" ["dup"]=> NULL ["puborder"]=> int(97269) } [138]=> array(6) { ["para_id"]=> string(13) "11161.2098732" ["level"]=> int(2) ["title"]=> string(53) "Food (wholesome) - Foreign country, Foreign countries" ["refcode_short"]=> string(28) "TopIndex .Food (wholesome).1" ["dup"]=> NULL ["puborder"]=> int(98224) } [139]=> array(6) { ["para_id"]=> string(13) "11161.2099555" ["level"]=> int(2) ["title"]=> string(29) "Foreigner, Foreigners - Fraud" ["refcode_short"]=> string(33) "TopIndex .Foreigner, Foreigners.1" ["dup"]=> NULL ["puborder"]=> int(99045) } [140]=> array(6) { ["para_id"]=> string(13) "11161.2100372" ["level"]=> int(2) ["title"]=> string(47) "Fraudulent act, Fraudulent acts - Fruit, Fruits" ["refcode_short"]=> string(43) "TopIndex .Fraudulent act, Fraudulent acts.1" ["dup"]=> NULL ["puborder"]=> int(99856) } [141]=> array(6) { ["para_id"]=> string(13) "11161.2101315" ["level"]=> int(2) ["title"]=> string(24) "Fruit bearing - Futurity" ["refcode_short"]=> string(25) "TopIndex .Fruit bearing.1" ["dup"]=> NULL ["puborder"]=> int(100797) } [142]=> array(6) { ["para_id"]=> string(12) "11161.101667" ["level"]=> int(1) ["title"]=> string(1) "G" ["refcode_short"]=> string(11) "TopIndex .G" ["dup"]=> NULL ["puborder"]=> int(101148) } [143]=> array(6) { ["para_id"]=> string(13) "11161.2101668" ["level"]=> int(2) ["title"]=> string(33) "Gabriel - Generation, Generations" ["refcode_short"]=> string(19) "TopIndex .Gabriel.1" ["dup"]=> string(12) "11161.101667" ["puborder"]=> int(101149) } [144]=> array(6) { ["para_id"]=> string(13) "11161.2102489" ["level"]=> int(2) ["title"]=> string(24) "Generosity - Girl, Girls" ["refcode_short"]=> string(22) "TopIndex .Generosity.1" ["dup"]=> NULL ["puborder"]=> int(101967) } [145]=> array(6) { ["para_id"]=> string(13) "11161.2103404" ["level"]=> int(2) ["title"]=> string(22) "Girlfriend - Goat hair" ["refcode_short"]=> string(22) "TopIndex .Girlfriend.1" ["dup"]=> NULL ["puborder"]=> int(102877) } [146]=> array(6) { ["para_id"]=> string(13) "11161.2103893" ["level"]=> int(2) ["title"]=> string(17) "God (Part 1 of 9)" ["refcode_short"]=> string(15) "TopIndex .God.1" ["dup"]=> NULL ["puborder"]=> int(103364) } [147]=> array(6) { ["para_id"]=> string(13) "11161.2104630" ["level"]=> int(2) ["title"]=> string(17) "God (Part 2 of 9)" ["refcode_short"]=> string(17) "TopIndex .God.738" ["dup"]=> NULL ["puborder"]=> int(104101) } [148]=> array(6) { ["para_id"]=> string(13) "11161.2105367" ["level"]=> int(2) ["title"]=> string(17) "God (Part 3 of 9)" ["refcode_short"]=> string(18) "TopIndex .God.1475" ["dup"]=> NULL ["puborder"]=> int(104839) } [149]=> array(6) { ["para_id"]=> string(13) "11161.2106103" ["level"]=> int(2) ["title"]=> string(17) "God (Part 4 of 9)" ["refcode_short"]=> string(18) "TopIndex .God.2211" ["dup"]=> NULL ["puborder"]=> int(105576) } [150]=> array(6) { ["para_id"]=> string(13) "11161.2106840" ["level"]=> int(2) ["title"]=> string(17) "God (Part 5 of 9)" ["refcode_short"]=> string(18) "TopIndex .God.2948" ["dup"]=> NULL ["puborder"]=> int(106314) } [151]=> array(6) { ["para_id"]=> string(13) "11161.2107576" ["level"]=> int(2) ["title"]=> string(17) "God (Part 6 of 9)" ["refcode_short"]=> string(18) "TopIndex .God.3684" ["dup"]=> NULL ["puborder"]=> int(107051) } [152]=> array(6) { ["para_id"]=> string(13) "11161.2108313" ["level"]=> int(2) ["title"]=> string(17) "God (Part 7 of 9)" ["refcode_short"]=> string(18) "TopIndex .God.4421" ["dup"]=> NULL ["puborder"]=> int(107789) } [153]=> array(6) { ["para_id"]=> string(13) "11161.2109049" ["level"]=> int(2) ["title"]=> string(17) "God (Part 8 of 9)" ["refcode_short"]=> string(18) "TopIndex .God.5157" ["dup"]=> NULL ["puborder"]=> int(108526) } [154]=> array(6) { ["para_id"]=> string(13) "11161.2109786" ["level"]=> int(2) ["title"]=> string(17) "God (Part 9 of 9)" ["refcode_short"]=> string(18) "TopIndex .God.5894" ["dup"]=> NULL ["puborder"]=> int(109264) } [155]=> array(6) { ["para_id"]=> string(13) "11161.2110523" ["level"]=> int(2) ["title"]=> string(32) "God, Gods, false - Good and evil" ["refcode_short"]=> string(28) "TopIndex .God, Gods, false.1" ["dup"]=> NULL ["puborder"]=> int(110002) } [156]=> array(6) { ["para_id"]=> string(13) "11161.2111348" ["level"]=> int(2) ["title"]=> string(22) "Goodness - Gospel work" ["refcode_short"]=> string(20) "TopIndex .Goodness.1" ["dup"]=> NULL ["puborder"]=> int(110824) } [157]=> array(6) { ["para_id"]=> string(13) "11161.2112693" ["level"]=> int(2) ["title"]=> string(43) "Gospel worker, Gospel workers (Part 1 of 2)" ["refcode_short"]=> string(41) "TopIndex .Gospel worker, Gospel workers.1" ["dup"]=> NULL ["puborder"]=> int(112167) } [158]=> array(6) { ["para_id"]=> string(13) "11161.2113402" ["level"]=> int(2) ["title"]=> string(43) "Gospel worker, Gospel workers (Part 2 of 2)" ["refcode_short"]=> string(43) "TopIndex .Gospel worker, Gospel workers.710" ["dup"]=> NULL ["puborder"]=> int(112877) } [159]=> array(6) { ["para_id"]=> string(13) "11161.2114112" ["level"]=> int(2) ["title"]=> string(21) "Gospel Workers - Gown" ["refcode_short"]=> string(26) "TopIndex .Gospel Workers.1" ["dup"]=> NULL ["puborder"]=> int(113588) } [160]=> array(6) { ["para_id"]=> string(13) "11161.2114369" ["level"]=> int(2) ["title"]=> string(19) "Grace (Part 1 of 2)" ["refcode_short"]=> string(17) "TopIndex .Grace.1" ["dup"]=> NULL ["puborder"]=> int(113845) } [161]=> array(6) { ["para_id"]=> string(13) "11161.2114902" ["level"]=> int(2) ["title"]=> string(19) "Grace (Part 2 of 2)" ["refcode_short"]=> string(19) "TopIndex .Grace.534" ["dup"]=> NULL ["puborder"]=> int(114378) } [162]=> array(6) { ["para_id"]=> string(13) "11161.2115435" ["level"]=> int(2) ["title"]=> string(37) "Grace, Graces - Grievance, Grievances" ["refcode_short"]=> string(25) "TopIndex .Grace, Graces.1" ["dup"]=> NULL ["puborder"]=> int(114912) } [163]=> array(6) { ["para_id"]=> string(13) "11161.2116236" ["level"]=> int(2) ["title"]=> string(55) "Griggs, E. S. - Gymnastic exercise, Gymnastic exercises" ["refcode_short"]=> string(25) "TopIndex .Griggs, E. S..1" ["dup"]=> NULL ["puborder"]=> int(115709) } [164]=> array(6) { ["para_id"]=> string(12) "11161.116927" ["level"]=> int(1) ["title"]=> string(1) "H" ["refcode_short"]=> string(11) "TopIndex .H" ["dup"]=> NULL ["puborder"]=> int(116397) } [165]=> array(6) { ["para_id"]=> string(13) "11161.2116928" ["level"]=> int(2) ["title"]=> string(20) "Habakkuk - Handclasp" ["refcode_short"]=> string(20) "TopIndex .Habakkuk.1" ["dup"]=> string(12) "11161.116927" ["puborder"]=> int(116398) } [166]=> array(6) { ["para_id"]=> string(13) "11161.2117731" ["level"]=> int(2) ["title"]=> string(22) "Handicap - Harp, Harps" ["refcode_short"]=> string(20) "TopIndex .Handicap.1" ["dup"]=> NULL ["puborder"]=> int(117199) } [167]=> array(6) { ["para_id"]=> string(13) "11161.2118534" ["level"]=> int(2) ["title"]=> string(29) "Harris, Wm. and Mrs. - Health" ["refcode_short"]=> string(32) "TopIndex .Harris, Wm. and Mrs..1" ["dup"]=> NULL ["puborder"]=> int(117999) } [168]=> array(6) { ["para_id"]=> string(13) "11161.2119779" ["level"]=> int(2) ["title"]=> string(21) "Health book - Hearsay" ["refcode_short"]=> string(23) "TopIndex .Health book.1" ["dup"]=> NULL ["puborder"]=> int(119241) } [169]=> array(6) { ["para_id"]=> string(13) "11161.2120544" ["level"]=> int(2) ["title"]=> string(27) "Heart, Hearts (Part 1 of 2)" ["refcode_short"]=> string(25) "TopIndex .Heart, Hearts.1" ["dup"]=> NULL ["puborder"]=> int(120006) } [170]=> array(6) { ["para_id"]=> string(13) "11161.2120984" ["level"]=> int(2) ["title"]=> string(27) "Heart, Hearts (Part 2 of 2)" ["refcode_short"]=> string(27) "TopIndex .Heart, Hearts.441" ["dup"]=> NULL ["puborder"]=> int(120446) } [171]=> array(6) { ["para_id"]=> string(13) "11161.2121425" ["level"]=> int(2) ["title"]=> string(38) "Heartache, Heartaches - Heaven (place)" ["refcode_short"]=> string(33) "TopIndex .Heartache, Heartaches.1" ["dup"]=> NULL ["puborder"]=> int(120888) } [172]=> array(6) { ["para_id"]=> string(13) "11161.2122826" ["level"]=> int(2) ["title"]=> string(30) "Heavenly host - Higher classes" ["refcode_short"]=> string(25) "TopIndex .Heavenly host.1" ["dup"]=> NULL ["puborder"]=> int(122288) } [173]=> array(6) { ["para_id"]=> string(13) "11161.2123640" ["level"]=> int(2) ["title"]=> string(37) "Higher criticism - History, Histories" ["refcode_short"]=> string(28) "TopIndex .Higher criticism.1" ["dup"]=> NULL ["puborder"]=> int(123097) } [174]=> array(6) { ["para_id"]=> string(13) "11161.2124641" ["level"]=> int(2) ["title"]=> string(25) "History - Holy Scriptures" ["refcode_short"]=> string(19) "TopIndex .History.1" ["dup"]=> NULL ["puborder"]=> int(124096) } [175]=> array(6) { ["para_id"]=> string(13) "11161.2125195" ["level"]=> int(2) ["title"]=> string(25) "Holy Spirit (Part 1 of 5)" ["refcode_short"]=> string(23) "TopIndex .Holy Spirit.1" ["dup"]=> NULL ["puborder"]=> int(124650) } [176]=> array(6) { ["para_id"]=> string(13) "11161.2125880" ["level"]=> int(2) ["title"]=> string(25) "Holy Spirit (Part 2 of 5)" ["refcode_short"]=> string(25) "TopIndex .Holy Spirit.686" ["dup"]=> NULL ["puborder"]=> int(125336) } [177]=> array(6) { ["para_id"]=> string(13) "11161.2126565" ["level"]=> int(2) ["title"]=> string(25) "Holy Spirit (Part 3 of 5)" ["refcode_short"]=> string(26) "TopIndex .Holy Spirit.1371" ["dup"]=> NULL ["puborder"]=> int(126022) } [178]=> array(6) { ["para_id"]=> string(13) "11161.2127249" ["level"]=> int(2) ["title"]=> string(25) "Holy Spirit (Part 4 of 5)" ["refcode_short"]=> string(26) "TopIndex .Holy Spirit.2055" ["dup"]=> NULL ["puborder"]=> int(126707) } [179]=> array(6) { ["para_id"]=> string(13) "11161.2127934" ["level"]=> int(2) ["title"]=> string(25) "Holy Spirit (Part 5 of 5)" ["refcode_short"]=> string(26) "TopIndex .Holy Spirit.2740" ["dup"]=> NULL ["puborder"]=> int(127393) } [180]=> array(6) { ["para_id"]=> string(13) "11161.2128619" ["level"]=> int(2) ["title"]=> string(6) "Homage" ["refcode_short"]=> string(18) "TopIndex .Homage.1" ["dup"]=> NULL ["puborder"]=> int(128079) } [181]=> array(6) { ["para_id"]=> string(13) "11161.2128633" ["level"]=> int(2) ["title"]=> string(25) "Home, Homes (Part 1 of 2)" ["refcode_short"]=> string(23) "TopIndex .Home, Homes.1" ["dup"]=> NULL ["puborder"]=> int(128094) } [182]=> array(6) { ["para_id"]=> string(13) "11161.2129104" ["level"]=> int(2) ["title"]=> string(25) "Home, Homes (Part 2 of 2)" ["refcode_short"]=> string(25) "TopIndex .Home, Homes.472" ["dup"]=> NULL ["puborder"]=> int(128565) } [183]=> array(6) { ["para_id"]=> string(13) "11161.2129576" ["level"]=> int(2) ["title"]=> string(26) "Home address - Hope, Hopes" ["refcode_short"]=> string(24) "TopIndex .Home address.1" ["dup"]=> NULL ["puborder"]=> int(129038) } [184]=> array(6) { ["para_id"]=> string(13) "11161.2130612" ["level"]=> int(2) ["title"]=> string(18) "Hopeful - Humanity" ["refcode_short"]=> string(19) "TopIndex .Hopeful.1" ["dup"]=> NULL ["puborder"]=> int(130073) } [185]=> array(6) { ["para_id"]=> string(13) "11161.2132033" ["level"]=> int(2) ["title"]=> string(32) "Human nature - Husband, Husbands" ["refcode_short"]=> string(24) "TopIndex .Human nature.1" ["dup"]=> NULL ["puborder"]=> int(131491) } [186]=> array(6) { ["para_id"]=> string(13) "11161.2133065" ["level"]=> int(2) ["title"]=> string(28) "Husband and wife - Hysterics" ["refcode_short"]=> string(28) "TopIndex .Husband and wife.1" ["dup"]=> NULL ["puborder"]=> int(132520) } [187]=> array(6) { ["para_id"]=> string(12) "11161.133402" ["level"]=> int(1) ["title"]=> string(1) "I" ["refcode_short"]=> string(11) "TopIndex .I" ["dup"]=> NULL ["puborder"]=> int(132857) } [188]=> array(6) { ["para_id"]=> string(13) "11161.2133421" ["level"]=> int(2) ["title"]=> string(14) "Ice - Idolatry" ["refcode_short"]=> string(15) "TopIndex .Ice.1" ["dup"]=> NULL ["puborder"]=> int(132875) } [189]=> array(6) { ["para_id"]=> string(13) "11161.2134354" ["level"]=> int(2) ["title"]=> string(42) "Idol builder, Idol builders - Image of God" ["refcode_short"]=> string(39) "TopIndex .Idol builder, Idol builders.1" ["dup"]=> NULL ["puborder"]=> int(133809) } [190]=> array(6) { ["para_id"]=> string(13) "11161.2135163" ["level"]=> int(2) ["title"]=> string(33) "Imagery - Impression, Impressions" ["refcode_short"]=> string(19) "TopIndex .Imagery.1" ["dup"]=> NULL ["puborder"]=> int(134617) } [191]=> array(6) { ["para_id"]=> string(13) "11161.2136023" ["level"]=> int(2) ["title"]=> string(27) "Imprisonment - Independence" ["refcode_short"]=> string(24) "TopIndex .Imprisonment.1" ["dup"]=> NULL ["puborder"]=> int(135476) } [192]=> array(6) { ["para_id"]=> string(13) "11161.2136881" ["level"]=> int(2) ["title"]=> string(31) "Independent - Industrial school" ["refcode_short"]=> string(23) "TopIndex .Independent.1" ["dup"]=> NULL ["puborder"]=> int(136332) } [193]=> array(6) { ["para_id"]=> string(13) "11161.2137682" ["level"]=> int(2) ["title"]=> string(43) "Industrial training - Influence, Influences" ["refcode_short"]=> string(31) "TopIndex .Industrial training.1" ["dup"]=> NULL ["puborder"]=> int(137134) } [194]=> array(6) { ["para_id"]=> string(13) "11161.2138905" ["level"]=> int(2) ["title"]=> string(53) "Influenza - Institution, Institutions (establishment)" ["refcode_short"]=> string(21) "TopIndex .Influenza.1" ["dup"]=> NULL ["puborder"]=> int(138355) } [195]=> array(6) { ["para_id"]=> string(13) "11161.2139984" ["level"]=> int(2) ["title"]=> string(39) "Institutional work - Intellectual pride" ["refcode_short"]=> string(30) "TopIndex .Institutional work.1" ["dup"]=> NULL ["puborder"]=> int(139431) } [196]=> array(6) { ["para_id"]=> string(13) "11161.2140787" ["level"]=> int(2) ["title"]=> string(89) "Intellectual privilege, Intellectual privileges - Intoxicating drink, Intoxicating drinks" ["refcode_short"]=> string(59) "TopIndex .Intellectual privilege, Intellectual privileges.1" ["dup"]=> NULL ["puborder"]=> int(140232) } [197]=> array(6) { ["para_id"]=> string(13) "11161.2141921" ["level"]=> int(2) ["title"]=> string(29) "Intoxicating drug - Isolation" ["refcode_short"]=> string(29) "TopIndex .Intoxicating drug.1" ["dup"]=> NULL ["puborder"]=> int(141364) } [198]=> array(6) { ["para_id"]=> string(13) "11161.2142597" ["level"]=> int(2) ["title"]=> string(20) "Israel (Part 1 of 2)" ["refcode_short"]=> string(18) "TopIndex .Israel.1" ["dup"]=> NULL ["puborder"]=> int(142038) } [199]=> array(6) { ["para_id"]=> string(13) "11161.2143249" ["level"]=> int(2) ["title"]=> string(20) "Israel (Part 2 of 2)" ["refcode_short"]=> string(20) "TopIndex .Israel.653" ["dup"]=> NULL ["puborder"]=> int(142690) } [200]=> array(6) { ["para_id"]=> string(13) "11161.2143902" ["level"]=> int(2) ["title"]=> string(27) "Israelite, Israelites - Ivy" ["refcode_short"]=> string(33) "TopIndex .Israelite, Israelites.1" ["dup"]=> NULL ["puborder"]=> int(143344) } [201]=> array(6) { ["para_id"]=> string(12) "11161.144441" ["level"]=> int(1) ["title"]=> string(1) "J" ["refcode_short"]=> string(11) "TopIndex .J" ["dup"]=> NULL ["puborder"]=> int(143883) } [202]=> array(6) { ["para_id"]=> string(13) "11161.2144442" ["level"]=> int(2) ["title"]=> string(24) "Jabbok River - Jerusalem" ["refcode_short"]=> string(24) "TopIndex .Jabbok River.1" ["dup"]=> string(12) "11161.144441" ["puborder"]=> int(143884) } [203]=> array(6) { ["para_id"]=> string(13) "11161.2145427" ["level"]=> int(2) ["title"]=> string(31) "Jerusalem, New - John (apostle)" ["refcode_short"]=> string(26) "TopIndex .Jerusalem, New.1" ["dup"]=> NULL ["puborder"]=> int(144868) } [204]=> array(6) { ["para_id"]=> string(13) "11161.2146329" ["level"]=> int(2) ["title"]=> string(32) "John, Duke - Joseph of Arimathea" ["refcode_short"]=> string(22) "TopIndex .John, Duke.1" ["dup"]=> NULL ["puborder"]=> int(145765) } [205]=> array(6) { ["para_id"]=> string(13) "11161.2147145" ["level"]=> int(2) ["title"]=> string(24) "Josephus - Judge, Judges" ["refcode_short"]=> string(20) "TopIndex .Josephus.1" ["dup"]=> NULL ["puborder"]=> int(146580) } [206]=> array(6) { ["para_id"]=> string(13) "11161.2148005" ["level"]=> int(2) ["title"]=> string(42) "Judged - Judgment of God, Judgments of God" ["refcode_short"]=> string(18) "TopIndex .Judged.1" ["dup"]=> NULL ["puborder"]=> int(147440) } [207]=> array(6) { ["para_id"]=> string(13) "11161.2148815" ["level"]=> int(2) ["title"]=> string(39) "Judgments(legal) - Juvenile delinquency" ["refcode_short"]=> string(28) "TopIndex .Judgments(legal).1" ["dup"]=> NULL ["puborder"]=> int(148247) } [208]=> array(6) { ["para_id"]=> string(12) "11161.149141" ["level"]=> int(1) ["title"]=> string(1) "K" ["refcode_short"]=> string(11) "TopIndex .K" ["dup"]=> NULL ["puborder"]=> int(148571) } [209]=> array(6) { ["para_id"]=> string(13) "11161.2149142" ["level"]=> int(2) ["title"]=> string(25) "Kadesh-barnea - Knowledge" ["refcode_short"]=> string(25) "TopIndex .Kadesh-barnea.1" ["dup"]=> string(12) "11161.149141" ["puborder"]=> int(148572) } [210]=> array(6) { ["para_id"]=> string(13) "11161.2150225" ["level"]=> int(2) ["title"]=> string(32) "Known - Korah, Dathan and Abiram" ["refcode_short"]=> string(17) "TopIndex .Known.1" ["dup"]=> NULL ["puborder"]=> int(149655) } [211]=> array(6) { ["para_id"]=> string(12) "11161.150267" ["level"]=> int(1) ["title"]=> string(1) "L" ["refcode_short"]=> string(11) "TopIndex .L" ["dup"]=> NULL ["puborder"]=> int(149697) } [212]=> array(6) { ["para_id"]=> string(13) "11161.2150268" ["level"]=> int(2) ["title"]=> string(27) "Laban - Language, Languages" ["refcode_short"]=> string(17) "TopIndex .Laban.1" ["dup"]=> string(12) "11161.150267" ["puborder"]=> int(149698) } [213]=> array(6) { ["para_id"]=> string(13) "11161.2151085" ["level"]=> int(2) ["title"]=> string(27) "Languor - Law and testimony" ["refcode_short"]=> string(19) "TopIndex .Languor.1" ["dup"]=> NULL ["puborder"]=> int(150514) } [214]=> array(6) { ["para_id"]=> string(13) "11161.2151600" ["level"]=> int(2) ["title"]=> string(23) "Law, Laws (Part 1 of 2)" ["refcode_short"]=> string(21) "TopIndex .Law, Laws.1" ["dup"]=> NULL ["puborder"]=> int(151024) } [215]=> array(6) { ["para_id"]=> string(13) "11161.2152216" ["level"]=> int(2) ["title"]=> string(23) "Law, Laws (Part 2 of 2)" ["refcode_short"]=> string(23) "TopIndex .Law, Laws.617" ["dup"]=> NULL ["puborder"]=> int(151640) } [216]=> array(6) { ["para_id"]=> string(13) "11161.2152833" ["level"]=> int(2) ["title"]=> string(10) "Law - Lawn" ["refcode_short"]=> string(15) "TopIndex .Law.1" ["dup"]=> NULL ["puborder"]=> int(152258) } [217]=> array(6) { ["para_id"]=> string(13) "11161.2152909" ["level"]=> int(2) ["title"]=> string(24) "Law of God (Part 1 of 3)" ["refcode_short"]=> string(22) "TopIndex .Law of God.1" ["dup"]=> NULL ["puborder"]=> int(152335) } [218]=> array(6) { ["para_id"]=> string(13) "11161.2153627" ["level"]=> int(2) ["title"]=> string(24) "Law of God (Part 2 of 3)" ["refcode_short"]=> string(24) "TopIndex .Law of God.719" ["dup"]=> NULL ["puborder"]=> int(153053) } [219]=> array(6) { ["para_id"]=> string(13) "11161.2154345" ["level"]=> int(2) ["title"]=> string(24) "Law of God (Part 3 of 3)" ["refcode_short"]=> string(25) "TopIndex .Law of God.1437" ["dup"]=> NULL ["puborder"]=> int(153772) } [220]=> array(6) { ["para_id"]=> string(13) "11161.2155063" ["level"]=> int(2) ["title"]=> string(33) "Lawrence, Bro. - Legacy, Legacies" ["refcode_short"]=> string(26) "TopIndex .Lawrence, Bro..1" ["dup"]=> NULL ["puborder"]=> int(154491) } [221]=> array(6) { ["para_id"]=> string(13) "11161.2155882" ["level"]=> int(2) ["title"]=> string(54) "Legal enactment, Legal enactments - Library, Libraries" ["refcode_short"]=> string(45) "TopIndex .Legal enactment, Legal enactments.1" ["dup"]=> NULL ["puborder"]=> int(155309) } [222]=> array(6) { ["para_id"]=> string(13) "11161.2156692" ["level"]=> int(2) ["title"]=> string(16) "Lice - Lie, Lies" ["refcode_short"]=> string(16) "TopIndex .Lice.1" ["dup"]=> NULL ["puborder"]=> int(156118) } [223]=> array(6) { ["para_id"]=> string(13) "11161.2156874" ["level"]=> int(2) ["title"]=> string(25) "Life, Lives (Part 1 of 3)" ["refcode_short"]=> string(23) "TopIndex .Life, Lives.1" ["dup"]=> NULL ["puborder"]=> int(156301) } [224]=> array(6) { ["para_id"]=> string(13) "11161.2157475" ["level"]=> int(2) ["title"]=> string(25) "Life, Lives (Part 2 of 3)" ["refcode_short"]=> string(25) "TopIndex .Life, Lives.602" ["dup"]=> NULL ["puborder"]=> int(156902) } [225]=> array(6) { ["para_id"]=> string(13) "11161.2158076" ["level"]=> int(2) ["title"]=> string(25) "Life, Lives (Part 3 of 3)" ["refcode_short"]=> string(26) "TopIndex .Life, Lives.1203" ["dup"]=> NULL ["puborder"]=> int(157504) } [226]=> array(6) { ["para_id"]=> string(13) "11161.2158678" ["level"]=> int(2) ["title"]=> string(33) "Life-and-death message - Lifework" ["refcode_short"]=> string(34) "TopIndex .Life-and-death message.1" ["dup"]=> NULL ["puborder"]=> int(158107) } [227]=> array(6) { ["para_id"]=> string(13) "11161.2158854" ["level"]=> int(2) ["title"]=> string(31) "Light (spiritual) (Part 1 of 2)" ["refcode_short"]=> string(29) "TopIndex .Light (spiritual).1" ["dup"]=> NULL ["puborder"]=> int(158283) } [228]=> array(6) { ["para_id"]=> string(13) "11161.2159425" ["level"]=> int(2) ["title"]=> string(31) "Light (spiritual) (Part 2 of 2)" ["refcode_short"]=> string(31) "TopIndex .Light (spiritual).572" ["dup"]=> NULL ["puborder"]=> int(158854) } [229]=> array(6) { ["para_id"]=> string(13) "11161.2159997" ["level"]=> int(2) ["title"]=> string(32) "Light, Lights - Liver difficulty" ["refcode_short"]=> string(25) "TopIndex .Light, Lights.1" ["dup"]=> NULL ["puborder"]=> int(159427) } [230]=> array(6) { ["para_id"]=> string(13) "11161.2160802" ["level"]=> int(2) ["title"]=> string(36) "Livery of heaven - Lovable Christian" ["refcode_short"]=> string(28) "TopIndex .Livery of heaven.1" ["dup"]=> NULL ["puborder"]=> int(160227) } [231]=> array(6) { ["para_id"]=> string(13) "11161.2161582" ["level"]=> int(2) ["title"]=> string(25) "Love, Loves (Part 1 of 3)" ["refcode_short"]=> string(23) "TopIndex .Love, Loves.1" ["dup"]=> NULL ["puborder"]=> int(161001) } [232]=> array(6) { ["para_id"]=> string(13) "11161.2162293" ["level"]=> int(2) ["title"]=> string(25) "Love, Loves (Part 2 of 3)" ["refcode_short"]=> string(25) "TopIndex .Love, Loves.712" ["dup"]=> NULL ["puborder"]=> int(161712) } [233]=> array(6) { ["para_id"]=> string(13) "11161.2163004" ["level"]=> int(2) ["title"]=> string(25) "Love, Loves (Part 3 of 3)" ["refcode_short"]=> string(26) "TopIndex .Love, Loves.1423" ["dup"]=> NULL ["puborder"]=> int(162424) } [234]=> array(6) { ["para_id"]=> string(13) "11161.2163716" ["level"]=> int(2) ["title"]=> string(21) "Love - Luther, Martin" ["refcode_short"]=> string(16) "TopIndex .Love.1" ["dup"]=> NULL ["puborder"]=> int(163137) } [235]=> array(6) { ["para_id"]=> string(13) "11161.2164540" ["level"]=> int(2) ["title"]=> string(49) "Lutherans - Lystrian believer, Lystrian believers" ["refcode_short"]=> string(21) "TopIndex .Lutherans.1" ["dup"]=> NULL ["puborder"]=> int(163958) } [236]=> array(6) { ["para_id"]=> string(12) "11161.164641" ["level"]=> int(1) ["title"]=> string(1) "M" ["refcode_short"]=> string(11) "TopIndex .M" ["dup"]=> NULL ["puborder"]=> int(164059) } [237]=> array(6) { ["para_id"]=> string(13) "11161.2164642" ["level"]=> int(2) ["title"]=> string(20) "Macedonia - Man, Men" ["refcode_short"]=> string(21) "TopIndex .Macedonia.1" ["dup"]=> string(12) "11161.164641" ["puborder"]=> int(164060) } [238]=> array(6) { ["para_id"]=> string(13) "11161.2165608" ["level"]=> int(2) ["title"]=> string(30) "Manacles - Marriage, Marriages" ["refcode_short"]=> string(20) "TopIndex .Manacles.1" ["dup"]=> NULL ["puborder"]=> int(165023) } [239]=> array(6) { ["para_id"]=> string(13) "11161.2166978" ["level"]=> int(2) ["title"]=> string(30) "Marriageable age - Meal, Meals" ["refcode_short"]=> string(28) "TopIndex .Marriageable age.1" ["dup"]=> NULL ["puborder"]=> int(166389) } [240]=> array(6) { ["para_id"]=> string(13) "11161.2167877" ["level"]=> int(2) ["title"]=> string(30) "Mealtime - Mechanic, Mechanics" ["refcode_short"]=> string(20) "TopIndex .Mealtime.1" ["dup"]=> NULL ["puborder"]=> int(167286) } [241]=> array(6) { ["para_id"]=> string(13) "11161.2168693" ["level"]=> int(2) ["title"]=> string(49) "Mechanical arrangements - Medical missionary work" ["refcode_short"]=> string(35) "TopIndex .Mechanical arrangements.1" ["dup"]=> NULL ["puborder"]=> int(168102) } [242]=> array(6) { ["para_id"]=> string(13) "11161.2169844" ["level"]=> int(2) ["title"]=> string(64) "Medical missionary worker, Medical missionary workers - Meekness" ["refcode_short"]=> string(65) "TopIndex .Medical missionary worker, Medical missionary workers.1" ["dup"]=> NULL ["puborder"]=> int(169250) } [243]=> array(6) { ["para_id"]=> string(13) "11161.2170682" ["level"]=> int(2) ["title"]=> string(55) "Meek person, Meek persons - Mental power, Mental powers" ["refcode_short"]=> string(37) "TopIndex .Meek person, Meek persons.1" ["dup"]=> NULL ["puborder"]=> int(170087) } [244]=> array(6) { ["para_id"]=> string(13) "11161.2171516" ["level"]=> int(2) ["title"]=> string(38) "Mental prostration - Message, Messages" ["refcode_short"]=> string(30) "TopIndex .Mental prostration.1" ["dup"]=> NULL ["puborder"]=> int(170921) } [245]=> array(6) { ["para_id"]=> string(13) "11161.2172415" ["level"]=> int(2) ["title"]=> string(45) "Messenger, Messengers - Mince pie, Mince pies" ["refcode_short"]=> string(33) "TopIndex .Messenger, Messengers.1" ["dup"]=> NULL ["puborder"]=> int(171817) } [246]=> array(6) { ["para_id"]=> string(13) "11161.2173162" ["level"]=> int(2) ["title"]=> string(25) "Mind, Minds (Part 1 of 4)" ["refcode_short"]=> string(23) "TopIndex .Mind, Minds.1" ["dup"]=> NULL ["puborder"]=> int(172560) } [247]=> array(6) { ["para_id"]=> string(13) "11161.2173880" ["level"]=> int(2) ["title"]=> string(25) "Mind, Minds (Part 2 of 4)" ["refcode_short"]=> string(25) "TopIndex .Mind, Minds.719" ["dup"]=> NULL ["puborder"]=> int(173278) } [248]=> array(6) { ["para_id"]=> string(13) "11161.2174597" ["level"]=> int(2) ["title"]=> string(25) "Mind, Minds (Part 3 of 4)" ["refcode_short"]=> string(26) "TopIndex .Mind, Minds.1436" ["dup"]=> NULL ["puborder"]=> int(173996) } [249]=> array(6) { ["para_id"]=> string(13) "11161.2175315" ["level"]=> int(2) ["title"]=> string(25) "Mind, Minds (Part 4 of 4)" ["refcode_short"]=> string(26) "TopIndex .Mind, Minds.2154" ["dup"]=> NULL ["puborder"]=> int(174715) } [250]=> array(6) { ["para_id"]=> string(13) "11161.2176033" ["level"]=> int(2) ["title"]=> string(24) "Mind cure - Mining stock" ["refcode_short"]=> string(21) "TopIndex .Mind cure.1" ["dup"]=> NULL ["puborder"]=> int(175434) } [251]=> array(6) { ["para_id"]=> string(13) "11161.2176121" ["level"]=> int(2) ["title"]=> string(33) "Minister, Ministers (Part 1 of 5)" ["refcode_short"]=> string(31) "TopIndex .Minister, Ministers.1" ["dup"]=> NULL ["puborder"]=> int(175523) } [252]=> array(6) { ["para_id"]=> string(13) "11161.2176903" ["level"]=> int(2) ["title"]=> string(33) "Minister, Ministers (Part 2 of 5)" ["refcode_short"]=> string(33) "TopIndex .Minister, Ministers.783" ["dup"]=> NULL ["puborder"]=> int(176306) } [253]=> array(6) { ["para_id"]=> string(13) "11161.2177685" ["level"]=> int(2) ["title"]=> string(33) "Minister, Ministers (Part 3 of 5)" ["refcode_short"]=> string(34) "TopIndex .Minister, Ministers.1565" ["dup"]=> NULL ["puborder"]=> int(177089) } [254]=> array(6) { ["para_id"]=> string(13) "11161.2178467" ["level"]=> int(2) ["title"]=> string(33) "Minister, Ministers (Part 4 of 5)" ["refcode_short"]=> string(34) "TopIndex .Minister, Ministers.2347" ["dup"]=> NULL ["puborder"]=> int(177872) } [255]=> array(6) { ["para_id"]=> string(13) "11161.2179249" ["level"]=> int(2) ["title"]=> string(33) "Minister, Ministers (Part 5 of 5)" ["refcode_short"]=> string(34) "TopIndex .Minister, Ministers.3129" ["dup"]=> NULL ["puborder"]=> int(178655) } [256]=> array(6) { ["para_id"]=> string(13) "11161.2180031" ["level"]=> int(2) ["title"]=> string(29) "Ministers - Miracle, Miracles" ["refcode_short"]=> string(21) "TopIndex .Ministers.1" ["dup"]=> NULL ["puborder"]=> int(179438) } [257]=> array(6) { ["para_id"]=> string(13) "11161.2181125" ["level"]=> int(2) ["title"]=> string(69) "Miracle worker, Miracle workers - Missionary field, Missionary fields" ["refcode_short"]=> string(43) "TopIndex .Miracle worker, Miracle workers.1" ["dup"]=> NULL ["puborder"]=> int(180531) } [258]=> array(6) { ["para_id"]=> string(13) "11161.2181953" ["level"]=> int(2) ["title"]=> string(51) "Missionary intelligence - Mistake, Mistakes (error)" ["refcode_short"]=> string(35) "TopIndex .Missionary intelligence.1" ["dup"]=> NULL ["puborder"]=> int(181357) } [259]=> array(6) { ["para_id"]=> string(13) "11161.2182848" ["level"]=> int(2) ["title"]=> string(20) "Mistreatment - Money" ["refcode_short"]=> string(24) "TopIndex .Mistreatment.1" ["dup"]=> NULL ["puborder"]=> int(182253) } [260]=> array(6) { ["para_id"]=> string(13) "11161.2183906" ["level"]=> int(2) ["title"]=> string(17) "Money box - Moses" ["refcode_short"]=> string(21) "TopIndex .Money box.1" ["dup"]=> NULL ["puborder"]=> int(183307) } [261]=> array(6) { ["para_id"]=> string(13) "11161.2184981" ["level"]=> int(2) ["title"]=> string(36) "Moses and Aaron - Moth-eaten garment" ["refcode_short"]=> string(27) "TopIndex .Moses and Aaron.1" ["dup"]=> NULL ["puborder"]=> int(184383) } [262]=> array(6) { ["para_id"]=> string(13) "11161.2185012" ["level"]=> int(2) ["title"]=> string(29) "Mother, Mothers (Part 1 of 2)" ["refcode_short"]=> string(27) "TopIndex .Mother, Mothers.1" ["dup"]=> NULL ["puborder"]=> int(184413) } [263]=> array(6) { ["para_id"]=> string(13) "11161.2185498" ["level"]=> int(2) ["title"]=> string(29) "Mother, Mothers (Part 2 of 2)" ["refcode_short"]=> string(29) "TopIndex .Mother, Mothers.487" ["dup"]=> NULL ["puborder"]=> int(184900) } [264]=> array(6) { ["para_id"]=> string(13) "11161.2185985" ["level"]=> int(2) ["title"]=> string(31) "Mother-in-law - Muscle, Muscles" ["refcode_short"]=> string(25) "TopIndex .Mother-in-law.1" ["dup"]=> NULL ["puborder"]=> int(185388) } [265]=> array(6) { ["para_id"]=> string(13) "11161.2186791" ["level"]=> int(2) ["title"]=> string(31) "Muscular exercise - Myth, Myths" ["refcode_short"]=> string(29) "TopIndex .Muscular exercise.1" ["dup"]=> NULL ["puborder"]=> int(186189) } [266]=> array(6) { ["para_id"]=> string(12) "11161.187414" ["level"]=> int(1) ["title"]=> string(1) "N" ["refcode_short"]=> string(11) "TopIndex .N" ["dup"]=> NULL ["puborder"]=> int(186811) } [267]=> array(6) { ["para_id"]=> string(13) "11161.2187415" ["level"]=> int(2) ["title"]=> string(22) "Naaman - Natural world" ["refcode_short"]=> string(18) "TopIndex .Naaman.1" ["dup"]=> string(12) "11161.187414" ["puborder"]=> int(186812) } [268]=> array(6) { ["para_id"]=> string(13) "11161.2188126" ["level"]=> int(2) ["title"]=> string(20) "Nature (Part 1 of 2)" ["refcode_short"]=> string(18) "TopIndex .Nature.1" ["dup"]=> NULL ["puborder"]=> int(187520) } [269]=> array(6) { ["para_id"]=> string(13) "11161.2188698" ["level"]=> int(2) ["title"]=> string(20) "Nature (Part 2 of 2)" ["refcode_short"]=> string(20) "TopIndex .Nature.573" ["dup"]=> NULL ["puborder"]=> int(188092) } [270]=> array(6) { ["para_id"]=> string(13) "11161.2189270" ["level"]=> int(2) ["title"]=> string(34) "Nature lessons - Neglect, Neglects" ["refcode_short"]=> string(26) "TopIndex .Nature lessons.1" ["dup"]=> NULL ["puborder"]=> int(188665) } [271]=> array(6) { ["para_id"]=> string(13) "11161.2190071" ["level"]=> int(2) ["title"]=> string(51) "Neglected class, Neglected classes - Nervous system" ["refcode_short"]=> string(46) "TopIndex .Neglected class, Neglected classes.1" ["dup"]=> NULL ["puborder"]=> int(189464) } [272]=> array(6) { ["para_id"]=> string(13) "11161.2190895" ["level"]=> int(2) ["title"]=> string(40) "Nervous temperament - Nobleman, Noblemen" ["refcode_short"]=> string(31) "TopIndex .Nervous temperament.1" ["dup"]=> NULL ["puborder"]=> int(190286) } [273]=> array(6) { ["para_id"]=> string(13) "11161.2191702" ["level"]=> int(2) ["title"]=> string(25) "Noble nature - Nux vomica" ["refcode_short"]=> string(24) "TopIndex .Noble nature.1" ["dup"]=> NULL ["puborder"]=> int(191089) } [274]=> array(6) { ["para_id"]=> string(12) "11161.192266" ["level"]=> int(1) ["title"]=> string(1) "O" ["refcode_short"]=> string(11) "TopIndex .O" ["dup"]=> NULL ["puborder"]=> int(191647) } [275]=> array(6) { ["para_id"]=> string(13) "11161.2192267" ["level"]=> int(2) ["title"]=> string(21) "Oak, Oaks - Obedience" ["refcode_short"]=> string(21) "TopIndex .Oak, Oaks.1" ["dup"]=> string(12) "11161.192266" ["puborder"]=> int(191648) } [276]=> array(6) { ["para_id"]=> string(13) "11161.2193123" ["level"]=> int(2) ["title"]=> string(26) "Obedient heart - Offerings" ["refcode_short"]=> string(26) "TopIndex .Obedient heart.1" ["dup"]=> NULL ["puborder"]=> int(192503) } [277]=> array(6) { ["para_id"]=> string(13) "11161.2193926" ["level"]=> int(2) ["title"]=> string(37) "Office, Offices - Opponent, Opponents" ["refcode_short"]=> string(27) "TopIndex .Office, Offices.1" ["dup"]=> NULL ["puborder"]=> int(193302) } [278]=> array(6) { ["para_id"]=> string(13) "11161.2194796" ["level"]=> int(2) ["title"]=> string(56) "Opportunity, Opportunities - Organization, Organizations" ["refcode_short"]=> string(38) "TopIndex .Opportunity, Opportunities.1" ["dup"]=> NULL ["puborder"]=> int(194163) } [279]=> array(6) { ["para_id"]=> string(13) "11161.2195642" ["level"]=> int(2) ["title"]=> string(45) "Organizations, secret - Overcomer, Overcomers" ["refcode_short"]=> string(33) "TopIndex .Organizations, secret.1" ["dup"]=> NULL ["puborder"]=> int(195009) } [280]=> array(6) { ["para_id"]=> string(13) "11161.2196501" ["level"]=> int(2) ["title"]=> string(30) "Overcoming sin - Oyster supper" ["refcode_short"]=> string(26) "TopIndex .Overcoming sin.1" ["dup"]=> NULL ["puborder"]=> int(195866) } [281]=> array(6) { ["para_id"]=> string(12) "11161.196739" ["level"]=> int(1) ["title"]=> string(1) "P" ["refcode_short"]=> string(11) "TopIndex .P" ["dup"]=> NULL ["puborder"]=> int(196103) } [282]=> array(6) { ["para_id"]=> string(13) "11161.2196740" ["level"]=> int(2) ["title"]=> string(27) "Pacheco, Calif. - Paralysis" ["refcode_short"]=> string(27) "TopIndex .Pacheco, Calif..1" ["dup"]=> string(12) "11161.196739" ["puborder"]=> int(196104) } [283]=> array(6) { ["para_id"]=> string(13) "11161.2197583" ["level"]=> int(2) ["title"]=> string(25) "Paralytic - Pardonmongers" ["refcode_short"]=> string(21) "TopIndex .Paralytic.1" ["dup"]=> NULL ["puborder"]=> int(196943) } [284]=> array(6) { ["para_id"]=> string(13) "11161.2197672" ["level"]=> int(2) ["title"]=> string(29) "Parent, Parents (Part 1 of 4)" ["refcode_short"]=> string(27) "TopIndex .Parent, Parents.1" ["dup"]=> NULL ["puborder"]=> int(197032) } [285]=> array(6) { ["para_id"]=> string(13) "11161.2198309" ["level"]=> int(2) ["title"]=> string(29) "Parent, Parents (Part 2 of 4)" ["refcode_short"]=> string(29) "TopIndex .Parent, Parents.638" ["dup"]=> NULL ["puborder"]=> int(197669) } [286]=> array(6) { ["para_id"]=> string(13) "11161.2198945" ["level"]=> int(2) ["title"]=> string(29) "Parent, Parents (Part 3 of 4)" ["refcode_short"]=> string(30) "TopIndex .Parent, Parents.1274" ["dup"]=> NULL ["puborder"]=> int(198306) } [287]=> array(6) { ["para_id"]=> string(13) "11161.2199581" ["level"]=> int(2) ["title"]=> string(29) "Parent, Parents (Part 4 of 4)" ["refcode_short"]=> string(30) "TopIndex .Parent, Parents.1910" ["dup"]=> NULL ["puborder"]=> int(198943) } [288]=> array(6) { ["para_id"]=> string(13) "11161.2200218" ["level"]=> int(2) ["title"]=> string(20) "Parentage - Passover" ["refcode_short"]=> string(21) "TopIndex .Parentage.1" ["dup"]=> NULL ["puborder"]=> int(199581) } [289]=> array(6) { ["para_id"]=> string(13) "11161.2201110" ["level"]=> int(2) ["title"]=> string(36) "Passover hallels - Pattern, Patterns" ["refcode_short"]=> string(28) "TopIndex .Passover hallels.1" ["dup"]=> NULL ["puborder"]=> int(200469) } [290]=> array(6) { ["para_id"]=> string(13) "11161.2201798" ["level"]=> int(2) ["title"]=> string(18) "Paul (Part 1 of 2)" ["refcode_short"]=> string(16) "TopIndex .Paul.1" ["dup"]=> NULL ["puborder"]=> int(201157) } [291]=> array(6) { ["para_id"]=> string(13) "11161.2202262" ["level"]=> int(2) ["title"]=> string(18) "Paul (Part 2 of 2)" ["refcode_short"]=> string(18) "TopIndex .Paul.465" ["dup"]=> NULL ["puborder"]=> int(201622) } [292]=> array(6) { ["para_id"]=> string(13) "11161.2202726" ["level"]=> int(2) ["title"]=> string(27) "Paulson, Dr. David - People" ["refcode_short"]=> string(30) "TopIndex .Paulson, Dr. David.1" ["dup"]=> NULL ["puborder"]=> int(202087) } [293]=> array(6) { ["para_id"]=> string(13) "11161.2203664" ["level"]=> int(2) ["title"]=> string(26) "People of God - Perfection" ["refcode_short"]=> string(25) "TopIndex .People of God.1" ["dup"]=> NULL ["puborder"]=> int(203021) } [294]=> array(6) { ["para_id"]=> string(13) "11161.2204489" ["level"]=> int(2) ["title"]=> string(27) "Perfectionism - Persecution" ["refcode_short"]=> string(25) "TopIndex .Perfectionism.1" ["dup"]=> NULL ["puborder"]=> int(203846) } [295]=> array(6) { ["para_id"]=> string(13) "11161.2205297" ["level"]=> int(2) ["title"]=> string(45) "Persecutor, Persecutors - Pharisee, Pharisees" ["refcode_short"]=> string(35) "TopIndex .Persecutor, Persecutors.1" ["dup"]=> NULL ["puborder"]=> int(204649) } [296]=> array(6) { ["para_id"]=> string(13) "11161.2206330" ["level"]=> int(2) ["title"]=> string(37) "Pharisee spirit - Physical well-being" ["refcode_short"]=> string(27) "TopIndex .Pharisee spirit.1" ["dup"]=> NULL ["puborder"]=> int(205678) } [297]=> array(6) { ["para_id"]=> string(13) "11161.2206785" ["level"]=> int(2) ["title"]=> string(35) "Physician, Physicians (Part 1 of 2)" ["refcode_short"]=> string(33) "TopIndex .Physician, Physicians.1" ["dup"]=> NULL ["puborder"]=> int(206131) } [298]=> array(6) { ["para_id"]=> string(13) "11161.2207454" ["level"]=> int(2) ["title"]=> string(35) "Physician, Physicians (Part 2 of 2)" ["refcode_short"]=> string(35) "TopIndex .Physician, Physicians.670" ["dup"]=> NULL ["puborder"]=> int(206801) } [299]=> array(6) { ["para_id"]=> string(13) "11161.2208123" ["level"]=> int(2) ["title"]=> string(37) "Physiological education - Plan, Plans" ["refcode_short"]=> string(35) "TopIndex .Physiological education.1" ["dup"]=> NULL ["puborder"]=> int(207471) } [300]=> array(6) { ["para_id"]=> string(13) "11161.2209125" ["level"]=> int(2) ["title"]=> string(23) "Plane - Pledge, Pledges" ["refcode_short"]=> string(17) "TopIndex .Plane.1" ["dup"]=> NULL ["puborder"]=> int(208466) } [301]=> array(6) { ["para_id"]=> string(13) "11161.2209981" ["level"]=> int(2) ["title"]=> string(34) "Plenty - Poor person, Poor persons" ["refcode_short"]=> string(18) "TopIndex .Plenty.1" ["dup"]=> NULL ["puborder"]=> int(209321) } [302]=> array(6) { ["para_id"]=> string(13) "11161.2211173" ["level"]=> int(2) ["title"]=> string(26) "Poor sick person - Poverty" ["refcode_short"]=> string(28) "TopIndex .Poor sick person.1" ["dup"]=> NULL ["puborder"]=> int(210511) } [303]=> array(6) { ["para_id"]=> string(13) "11161.2212056" ["level"]=> int(2) ["title"]=> string(22) "Power, Powers - Praise" ["refcode_short"]=> string(25) "TopIndex .Power, Powers.1" ["dup"]=> NULL ["puborder"]=> int(211391) } [304]=> array(6) { ["para_id"]=> string(13) "11161.2212988" ["level"]=> int(2) ["title"]=> string(38) "Praised person, Praised persons - Pray" ["refcode_short"]=> string(43) "TopIndex .Praised person, Praised persons.1" ["dup"]=> NULL ["puborder"]=> int(212322) } [305]=> array(6) { ["para_id"]=> string(13) "11161.2213035" ["level"]=> int(2) ["title"]=> string(29) "Prayer, Prayers (Part 1 of 4)" ["refcode_short"]=> string(27) "TopIndex .Prayer, Prayers.1" ["dup"]=> NULL ["puborder"]=> int(212370) } [306]=> array(6) { ["para_id"]=> string(13) "11161.2213676" ["level"]=> int(2) ["title"]=> string(29) "Prayer, Prayers (Part 2 of 4)" ["refcode_short"]=> string(29) "TopIndex .Prayer, Prayers.642" ["dup"]=> NULL ["puborder"]=> int(213011) } [307]=> array(6) { ["para_id"]=> string(13) "11161.2214316" ["level"]=> int(2) ["title"]=> string(29) "Prayer, Prayers (Part 3 of 4)" ["refcode_short"]=> string(30) "TopIndex .Prayer, Prayers.1282" ["dup"]=> NULL ["puborder"]=> int(213652) } [308]=> array(6) { ["para_id"]=> string(13) "11161.2214957" ["level"]=> int(2) ["title"]=> string(29) "Prayer, Prayers (Part 4 of 4)" ["refcode_short"]=> string(30) "TopIndex .Prayer, Prayers.1923" ["dup"]=> NULL ["puborder"]=> int(214294) } [309]=> array(6) { ["para_id"]=> string(13) "11161.2215598" ["level"]=> int(2) ["title"]=> string(31) "Prayer and effort - Preparation" ["refcode_short"]=> string(29) "TopIndex .Prayer and effort.1" ["dup"]=> NULL ["puborder"]=> int(214936) } [310]=> array(6) { ["para_id"]=> string(13) "11161.2216399" ["level"]=> int(2) ["title"]=> string(33) "Preparation day - Priest, Priests" ["refcode_short"]=> string(27) "TopIndex .Preparation day.1" ["dup"]=> NULL ["puborder"]=> int(215738) } [311]=> array(6) { ["para_id"]=> string(13) "11161.2217336" ["level"]=> int(2) ["title"]=> string(23) "Priestcraft - Probation" ["refcode_short"]=> string(23) "TopIndex .Priestcraft.1" ["dup"]=> NULL ["puborder"]=> int(216670) } [312]=> array(6) { ["para_id"]=> string(13) "11161.2218149" ["level"]=> int(2) ["title"]=> string(29) "Probationary life - Promotion" ["refcode_short"]=> string(29) "TopIndex .Probationary life.1" ["dup"]=> NULL ["puborder"]=> int(217481) } [313]=> array(6) { ["para_id"]=> string(13) "11161.2218954" ["level"]=> int(2) ["title"]=> string(26) "Prompt - Prophet, Prophets" ["refcode_short"]=> string(18) "TopIndex .Prompt.1" ["dup"]=> NULL ["puborder"]=> int(218282) } [314]=> array(6) { ["para_id"]=> string(13) "11161.2219759" ["level"]=> int(2) ["title"]=> string(50) "Prophetess - Providence of God, Providences of God" ["refcode_short"]=> string(22) "TopIndex .Prophetess.1" ["dup"]=> NULL ["puborder"]=> int(219085) } [315]=> array(6) { ["para_id"]=> string(13) "11161.2220707" ["level"]=> int(2) ["title"]=> string(65) "Providential care - Public speaker, Public speakers, ministers as" ["refcode_short"]=> string(29) "TopIndex .Providential care.1" ["dup"]=> NULL ["puborder"]=> int(220033) } [316]=> array(6) { ["para_id"]=> string(13) "11161.2221963" ["level"]=> int(2) ["title"]=> string(28) "Public speaking - Punishment" ["refcode_short"]=> string(27) "TopIndex .Public speaking.1" ["dup"]=> NULL ["puborder"]=> int(221286) } [317]=> array(6) { ["para_id"]=> string(13) "11161.2222838" ["level"]=> int(2) ["title"]=> string(21) "Pupil, Pupils - Putty" ["refcode_short"]=> string(25) "TopIndex .Pupil, Pupils.1" ["dup"]=> NULL ["puborder"]=> int(222160) } [318]=> array(6) { ["para_id"]=> string(12) "11161.223282" ["level"]=> int(1) ["title"]=> string(1) "Q" ["refcode_short"]=> string(11) "TopIndex .Q" ["dup"]=> NULL ["puborder"]=> int(222604) } [319]=> array(6) { ["para_id"]=> string(13) "11161.2223283" ["level"]=> int(2) ["title"]=> string(39) "Quadruped, Quadrupeds - Quotation marks" ["refcode_short"]=> string(33) "TopIndex .Quadruped, Quadrupeds.1" ["dup"]=> string(12) "11161.223282" ["puborder"]=> int(222605) } [320]=> array(6) { ["para_id"]=> string(12) "11161.223489" ["level"]=> int(1) ["title"]=> string(1) "R" ["refcode_short"]=> string(11) "TopIndex .R" ["dup"]=> NULL ["puborder"]=> int(222810) } [321]=> array(6) { ["para_id"]=> string(13) "11161.2223494" ["level"]=> int(2) ["title"]=> string(23) "Rabbi, Rabbis - Reading" ["refcode_short"]=> string(25) "TopIndex .Rabbi, Rabbis.1" ["dup"]=> NULL ["puborder"]=> int(222815) } [322]=> array(6) { ["para_id"]=> string(13) "11161.2224314" ["level"]=> int(2) ["title"]=> string(45) "Reading book, Reading books - Record, Records" ["refcode_short"]=> string(39) "TopIndex .Reading book, Reading books.1" ["dup"]=> NULL ["puborder"]=> int(223629) } [323]=> array(6) { ["para_id"]=> string(13) "11161.2225124" ["level"]=> int(2) ["title"]=> string(41) "Recreation, Recreations - Reform, Reforms" ["refcode_short"]=> string(35) "TopIndex .Recreation, Recreations.1" ["dup"]=> NULL ["puborder"]=> int(224435) } [324]=> array(6) { ["para_id"]=> string(13) "11161.2225996" ["level"]=> int(2) ["title"]=> string(33) "Reformation - Religion, Religions" ["refcode_short"]=> string(23) "TopIndex .Reformation.1" ["dup"]=> NULL ["puborder"]=> int(225303) } [325]=> array(6) { ["para_id"]=> string(13) "11161.2227034" ["level"]=> int(2) ["title"]=> string(43) "Religionist, Religionists - Report, Reports" ["refcode_short"]=> string(37) "TopIndex .Religionist, Religionists.1" ["dup"]=> NULL ["puborder"]=> int(226337) } [326]=> array(6) { ["para_id"]=> string(13) "11161.2227863" ["level"]=> int(2) ["title"]=> string(30) "Repose - Responsible man (men)" ["refcode_short"]=> string(18) "TopIndex .Repose.1" ["dup"]=> NULL ["puborder"]=> int(227164) } [327]=> array(6) { ["para_id"]=> string(13) "11161.2228680" ["level"]=> int(2) ["title"]=> string(65) "Responsible position, Responsible positions - Revelation, book of" ["refcode_short"]=> string(55) "TopIndex .Responsible position, Responsible positions.1" ["dup"]=> NULL ["puborder"]=> int(227976) } [328]=> array(6) { ["para_id"]=> string(13) "11161.2229594" ["level"]=> int(2) ["title"]=> string(16) "Reveling - Right" ["refcode_short"]=> string(20) "TopIndex .Reveling.1" ["dup"]=> NULL ["puborder"]=> int(228885) } [329]=> array(6) { ["para_id"]=> string(13) "11161.2230480" ["level"]=> int(2) ["title"]=> string(31) "Right and might - Righteousness" ["refcode_short"]=> string(27) "TopIndex .Right and might.1" ["dup"]=> NULL ["puborder"]=> int(229772) } [330]=> array(6) { ["para_id"]=> string(13) "11161.2231322" ["level"]=> int(2) ["title"]=> string(55) "Righteous person, Righteous persons - Roman Catholicism" ["refcode_short"]=> string(47) "TopIndex .Righteous person, Righteous persons.1" ["dup"]=> NULL ["puborder"]=> int(230612) } [331]=> array(6) { ["para_id"]=> string(13) "11161.2232171" ["level"]=> int(2) ["title"]=> string(57) "Roman Catholic leader, Roman Catholic leaders - Rye flour" ["refcode_short"]=> string(57) "TopIndex .Roman Catholic leader, Roman Catholic leaders.1" ["dup"]=> NULL ["puborder"]=> int(231461) } [332]=> array(6) { ["para_id"]=> string(12) "11161.232932" ["level"]=> int(1) ["title"]=> string(1) "S" ["refcode_short"]=> string(11) "TopIndex .S" ["dup"]=> NULL ["puborder"]=> int(232217) } [333]=> array(6) { ["para_id"]=> string(13) "11161.2232933" ["level"]=> int(2) ["title"]=> string(21) "Sabbath (Part 1 of 2)" ["refcode_short"]=> string(19) "TopIndex .Sabbath.1" ["dup"]=> string(12) "11161.232932" ["puborder"]=> int(232218) } [334]=> array(6) { ["para_id"]=> string(13) "11161.2233581" ["level"]=> int(2) ["title"]=> string(21) "Sabbath (Part 2 of 2)" ["refcode_short"]=> string(21) "TopIndex .Sabbath.649" ["dup"]=> NULL ["puborder"]=> int(232867) } [335]=> array(6) { ["para_id"]=> string(13) "11161.2234229" ["level"]=> int(2) ["title"]=> string(67) "Sabbath afternoon - Sabbath school teacher, Sabbath school teachers" ["refcode_short"]=> string(29) "TopIndex .Sabbath afternoon.1" ["dup"]=> NULL ["puborder"]=> int(233516) } [336]=> array(6) { ["para_id"]=> string(13) "11161.2235054" ["level"]=> int(2) ["title"]=> string(58) "Sabbath school teachers’ meeting - Sacrifice, Sacrifices" ["refcode_short"]=> string(46) "TopIndex .Sabbath school teachers’ meeting.1" ["dup"]=> NULL ["puborder"]=> int(234341) } [337]=> array(6) { ["para_id"]=> string(13) "11161.2235883" ["level"]=> int(2) ["title"]=> string(28) "Sacrificial lamb - Salvation" ["refcode_short"]=> string(28) "TopIndex .Sacrificial lamb.1" ["dup"]=> NULL ["puborder"]=> int(235169) } [338]=> array(6) { ["para_id"]=> string(13) "11161.2237159" ["level"]=> int(2) ["title"]=> string(36) "Salvation Army - Sanctuary (earthly)" ["refcode_short"]=> string(26) "TopIndex .Salvation Army.1" ["dup"]=> NULL ["puborder"]=> int(236443) } [339]=> array(6) { ["para_id"]=> string(13) "11161.2238281" ["level"]=> int(2) ["title"]=> string(46) "Sanctuary (heavenly) - Sanitarium, Sanitariums" ["refcode_short"]=> string(32) "TopIndex .Sanctuary (heavenly).1" ["dup"]=> NULL ["puborder"]=> int(237565) } [340]=> array(6) { ["para_id"]=> string(13) "11161.2239636" ["level"]=> int(2) ["title"]=> string(33) "Sanitarium, Calif. - Sarsaparilla" ["refcode_short"]=> string(30) "TopIndex .Sanitarium, Calif..1" ["dup"]=> NULL ["puborder"]=> int(238918) } [341]=> array(6) { ["para_id"]=> string(13) "11161.2240353" ["level"]=> int(2) ["title"]=> string(19) "Satan (Part 1 of 4)" ["refcode_short"]=> string(17) "TopIndex .Satan.1" ["dup"]=> NULL ["puborder"]=> int(239635) } [342]=> array(6) { ["para_id"]=> string(13) "11161.2241060" ["level"]=> int(2) ["title"]=> string(19) "Satan (Part 2 of 4)" ["refcode_short"]=> string(19) "TopIndex .Satan.708" ["dup"]=> NULL ["puborder"]=> int(240343) } [343]=> array(6) { ["para_id"]=> string(13) "11161.2241767" ["level"]=> int(2) ["title"]=> string(19) "Satan (Part 3 of 4)" ["refcode_short"]=> string(20) "TopIndex .Satan.1415" ["dup"]=> NULL ["puborder"]=> int(241051) } [344]=> array(6) { ["para_id"]=> string(13) "11161.2242474" ["level"]=> int(2) ["title"]=> string(19) "Satan (Part 4 of 4)" ["refcode_short"]=> string(20) "TopIndex .Satan.2122" ["dup"]=> NULL ["puborder"]=> int(241759) } [345]=> array(6) { ["para_id"]=> string(13) "11161.2243182" ["level"]=> int(2) ["title"]=> string(25) "Satanic - School, Schools" ["refcode_short"]=> string(19) "TopIndex .Satanic.1" ["dup"]=> NULL ["puborder"]=> int(242468) } [346]=> array(6) { ["para_id"]=> string(13) "11161.2243863" ["level"]=> int(2) ["title"]=> string(52) "School, Schools, Seventh-day Adventist (Part 1 of 2)" ["refcode_short"]=> string(50) "TopIndex .School, Schools, Seventh-day Adventist.1" ["dup"]=> NULL ["puborder"]=> int(243145) } [347]=> array(6) { ["para_id"]=> string(13) "11161.2244463" ["level"]=> int(2) ["title"]=> string(52) "School, Schools, Seventh-day Adventist (Part 2 of 2)" ["refcode_short"]=> string(52) "TopIndex .School, Schools, Seventh-day Adventist.601" ["dup"]=> NULL ["puborder"]=> int(243745) } [348]=> array(6) { ["para_id"]=> string(13) "11161.2245170" ["level"]=> int(2) ["title"]=> string(32) "School age - Schools of prophets" ["refcode_short"]=> string(22) "TopIndex .School age.1" ["dup"]=> NULL ["puborder"]=> int(244452) } [349]=> array(6) { ["para_id"]=> string(13) "11161.2245985" ["level"]=> int(2) ["title"]=> string(31) "Schoolteacher - Scribe, Scribes" ["refcode_short"]=> string(25) "TopIndex .Schoolteacher.1" ["dup"]=> NULL ["puborder"]=> int(245267) } [350]=> array(6) { ["para_id"]=> string(13) "11161.2246791" ["level"]=> int(2) ["title"]=> string(61) "Scribes and Pharisees - Scriptural weapon, Scriptural weapons" ["refcode_short"]=> string(33) "TopIndex .Scribes and Pharisees.1" ["dup"]=> NULL ["puborder"]=> int(246068) } [351]=> array(6) { ["para_id"]=> string(13) "11161.2246801" ["level"]=> int(2) ["title"]=> string(35) "Scripture, Scriptures (Part 1 of 3)" ["refcode_short"]=> string(33) "TopIndex .Scripture, Scriptures.1" ["dup"]=> NULL ["puborder"]=> int(246078) } [352]=> array(6) { ["para_id"]=> string(13) "11161.2247598" ["level"]=> int(2) ["title"]=> string(35) "Scripture, Scriptures (Part 2 of 3)" ["refcode_short"]=> string(35) "TopIndex .Scripture, Scriptures.798" ["dup"]=> NULL ["puborder"]=> int(246875) } [353]=> array(6) { ["para_id"]=> string(13) "11161.2248395" ["level"]=> int(2) ["title"]=> string(35) "Scripture, Scriptures (Part 3 of 3)" ["refcode_short"]=> string(36) "TopIndex .Scripture, Scriptures.1595" ["dup"]=> NULL ["puborder"]=> int(247673) } [354]=> array(6) { ["para_id"]=> string(13) "11161.2249193" ["level"]=> int(2) ["title"]=> string(32) "Scripture alphabet - Sect, Sects" ["refcode_short"]=> string(30) "TopIndex .Scripture alphabet.1" ["dup"]=> NULL ["puborder"]=> int(248472) } [355]=> array(6) { ["para_id"]=> string(13) "11161.2250000" ["level"]=> int(2) ["title"]=> string(33) "Sectarian differences - Seir, Mt." ["refcode_short"]=> string(33) "TopIndex .Sectarian differences.1" ["dup"]=> NULL ["puborder"]=> int(249273) } [356]=> array(6) { ["para_id"]=> string(13) "11161.2250392" ["level"]=> int(2) ["title"]=> string(18) "Self (Part 1 of 2)" ["refcode_short"]=> string(16) "TopIndex .Self.1" ["dup"]=> NULL ["puborder"]=> int(249663) } [357]=> array(6) { ["para_id"]=> string(13) "11161.2251076" ["level"]=> int(2) ["title"]=> string(18) "Self (Part 2 of 2)" ["refcode_short"]=> string(18) "TopIndex .Self.685" ["dup"]=> NULL ["puborder"]=> int(250348) } [358]=> array(6) { ["para_id"]=> string(13) "11161.2251761" ["level"]=> int(2) ["title"]=> string(30) "Self-abasement - Self-distrust" ["refcode_short"]=> string(26) "TopIndex .Self-abasement.1" ["dup"]=> NULL ["puborder"]=> int(251034) } [359]=> array(6) { ["para_id"]=> string(13) "11161.2252568" ["level"]=> int(2) ["title"]=> string(30) "Self-distrustful - Selfishness" ["refcode_short"]=> string(28) "TopIndex .Self-distrustful.1" ["dup"]=> NULL ["puborder"]=> int(251842) } [360]=> array(6) { ["para_id"]=> string(13) "11161.2253567" ["level"]=> int(2) ["title"]=> string(47) "Selfish person, Selfish persons - Sense, Senses" ["refcode_short"]=> string(43) "TopIndex .Selfish person, Selfish persons.1" ["dup"]=> NULL ["puborder"]=> int(252842) } [361]=> array(6) { ["para_id"]=> string(13) "11161.2254440" ["level"]=> int(2) ["title"]=> string(40) "Sensibility, Sensibilities - Seriousness" ["refcode_short"]=> string(38) "TopIndex .Sensibility, Sensibilities.1" ["dup"]=> NULL ["puborder"]=> int(253716) } [362]=> array(6) { ["para_id"]=> string(13) "11161.2254842" ["level"]=> int(2) ["title"]=> string(29) "Sermon, Sermons (Part 1 of 2)" ["refcode_short"]=> string(27) "TopIndex .Sermon, Sermons.1" ["dup"]=> NULL ["puborder"]=> int(254114) } [363]=> array(6) { ["para_id"]=> string(13) "11161.2255246" ["level"]=> int(2) ["title"]=> string(29) "Sermon, Sermons (Part 2 of 2)" ["refcode_short"]=> string(29) "TopIndex .Sermon, Sermons.405" ["dup"]=> NULL ["puborder"]=> int(254519) } [364]=> array(6) { ["para_id"]=> string(13) "11161.2255650" ["level"]=> int(2) ["title"]=> string(63) "Sermon building - Seventh-day Adventist, Seventh-day Adventists" ["refcode_short"]=> string(27) "TopIndex .Sermon building.1" ["dup"]=> NULL ["puborder"]=> int(254924) } [365]=> array(6) { ["para_id"]=> string(13) "11161.2256772" ["level"]=> int(2) ["title"]=> string(44) "Seventh-day Adventist Church - Shoes (boots)" ["refcode_short"]=> string(40) "TopIndex .Seventh-day Adventist Church.1" ["dup"]=> NULL ["puborder"]=> int(256043) } [366]=> array(6) { ["para_id"]=> string(13) "11161.2257589" ["level"]=> int(2) ["title"]=> string(31) "Shoemaking - Signs of the Times" ["refcode_short"]=> string(22) "TopIndex .Shoemaking.1" ["dup"]=> NULL ["puborder"]=> int(256855) } [367]=> array(6) { ["para_id"]=> string(13) "11161.2258466" ["level"]=> int(2) ["title"]=> string(53) "Signs of the Times and Expositor of Prophecy - Simply" ["refcode_short"]=> string(56) "TopIndex .Signs of the Times and Expositor of Prophecy.1" ["dup"]=> NULL ["puborder"]=> int(257732) } [368]=> array(6) { ["para_id"]=> string(13) "11161.2258898" ["level"]=> int(2) ["title"]=> string(23) "Sin, Sins (Part 1 of 3)" ["refcode_short"]=> string(21) "TopIndex .Sin, Sins.1" ["dup"]=> NULL ["puborder"]=> int(258162) } [369]=> array(6) { ["para_id"]=> string(13) "11161.2259513" ["level"]=> int(2) ["title"]=> string(23) "Sin, Sins (Part 2 of 3)" ["refcode_short"]=> string(23) "TopIndex .Sin, Sins.616" ["dup"]=> NULL ["puborder"]=> int(258777) } [370]=> array(6) { ["para_id"]=> string(13) "11161.2260128" ["level"]=> int(2) ["title"]=> string(23) "Sin, Sins (Part 3 of 3)" ["refcode_short"]=> string(24) "TopIndex .Sin, Sins.1231" ["dup"]=> NULL ["puborder"]=> int(259393) } [371]=> array(6) { ["para_id"]=> string(13) "11161.2260743" ["level"]=> int(2) ["title"]=> string(21) "Sin - Sinner, Sinners" ["refcode_short"]=> string(15) "TopIndex .Sin.1" ["dup"]=> NULL ["puborder"]=> int(260009) } [372]=> array(6) { ["para_id"]=> string(13) "11161.2261577" ["level"]=> int(2) ["title"]=> string(39) "Sinning - Sleeping room, Sleeping rooms" ["refcode_short"]=> string(19) "TopIndex .Sinning.1" ["dup"]=> NULL ["puborder"]=> int(260843) } [373]=> array(6) { ["para_id"]=> string(13) "11161.2262392" ["level"]=> int(2) ["title"]=> string(36) "Sleeping saints - Society, Societies" ["refcode_short"]=> string(27) "TopIndex .Sleeping saints.1" ["dup"]=> NULL ["puborder"]=> int(261652) } [374]=> array(6) { ["para_id"]=> string(13) "11161.2263258" ["level"]=> int(2) ["title"]=> string(47) "Society devotee, Society devotees - Song, Songs" ["refcode_short"]=> string(45) "TopIndex .Society devotee, Society devotees.1" ["dup"]=> NULL ["puborder"]=> int(262519) } [375]=> array(6) { ["para_id"]=> string(13) "11161.2264291" ["level"]=> int(2) ["title"]=> string(31) "Song leader, Song leaders - Sot" ["refcode_short"]=> string(37) "TopIndex .Song leader, Song leaders.1" ["dup"]=> NULL ["puborder"]=> int(263549) } [376]=> array(6) { ["para_id"]=> string(13) "11161.2264581" ["level"]=> int(2) ["title"]=> string(25) "Soul, Souls (Part 1 of 2)" ["refcode_short"]=> string(23) "TopIndex .Soul, Souls.1" ["dup"]=> NULL ["puborder"]=> int(263839) } [377]=> array(6) { ["para_id"]=> string(13) "11161.2265059" ["level"]=> int(2) ["title"]=> string(25) "Soul, Souls (Part 2 of 2)" ["refcode_short"]=> string(25) "TopIndex .Soul, Souls.479" ["dup"]=> NULL ["puborder"]=> int(264317) } [378]=> array(6) { ["para_id"]=> string(13) "11161.2265538" ["level"]=> int(2) ["title"]=> string(30) "Soul hunger - Speech, Speeches" ["refcode_short"]=> string(23) "TopIndex .Soul hunger.1" ["dup"]=> NULL ["puborder"]=> int(264797) } [379]=> array(6) { ["para_id"]=> string(13) "11161.2266359" ["level"]=> int(2) ["title"]=> string(74) "Speechifying - Spiritualistic manifestation, Spiritualistic manifestations" ["refcode_short"]=> string(24) "TopIndex .Speechifying.1" ["dup"]=> NULL ["puborder"]=> int(265616) } [380]=> array(6) { ["para_id"]=> string(13) "11161.2267163" ["level"]=> int(2) ["title"]=> string(28) "Spiritualistic power - State" ["refcode_short"]=> string(32) "TopIndex .Spiritualistic power.1" ["dup"]=> NULL ["puborder"]=> int(266420) } [381]=> array(6) { ["para_id"]=> string(13) "11161.2267973" ["level"]=> int(2) ["title"]=> string(29) "State aid - Stomach, Stomachs" ["refcode_short"]=> string(21) "TopIndex .State aid.1" ["dup"]=> NULL ["puborder"]=> int(267223) } [382]=> array(6) { ["para_id"]=> string(13) "11161.2269106" ["level"]=> int(2) ["title"]=> string(36) "Stone, Stones - Strength (spiritual)" ["refcode_short"]=> string(25) "TopIndex .Stone, Stones.1" ["dup"]=> NULL ["puborder"]=> int(268354) } [383]=> array(6) { ["para_id"]=> string(13) "11161.2270054" ["level"]=> int(2) ["title"]=> string(37) "Strengthless condition - Stubbornness" ["refcode_short"]=> string(34) "TopIndex .Strengthless condition.1" ["dup"]=> NULL ["puborder"]=> int(269295) } [384]=> array(6) { ["para_id"]=> string(13) "11161.2270252" ["level"]=> int(2) ["title"]=> string(31) "Student, Students (Part 1 of 2)" ["refcode_short"]=> string(29) "TopIndex .Student, Students.1" ["dup"]=> NULL ["puborder"]=> int(269491) } [385]=> array(6) { ["para_id"]=> string(13) "11161.2270723" ["level"]=> int(2) ["title"]=> string(31) "Student, Students (Part 2 of 2)" ["refcode_short"]=> string(31) "TopIndex .Student, Students.472" ["dup"]=> NULL ["puborder"]=> int(269962) } [386]=> array(6) { ["para_id"]=> string(13) "11161.2271194" ["level"]=> int(2) ["title"]=> string(40) "Student-aid fund - Suffering, Sufferings" ["refcode_short"]=> string(28) "TopIndex .Student-aid fund.1" ["dup"]=> NULL ["puborder"]=> int(270434) } [387]=> array(6) { ["para_id"]=> string(13) "11161.2272269" ["level"]=> int(2) ["title"]=> string(35) "Suffering child - Sunday observance" ["refcode_short"]=> string(27) "TopIndex .Suffering child.1" ["dup"]=> NULL ["puborder"]=> int(271505) } [388]=> array(6) { ["para_id"]=> string(13) "11161.2273107" ["level"]=> int(2) ["title"]=> string(36) "Sunday party - Suspicion, Suspicions" ["refcode_short"]=> string(24) "TopIndex .Sunday party.1" ["dup"]=> NULL ["puborder"]=> int(272341) } [389]=> array(6) { ["para_id"]=> string(13) "11161.2273917" ["level"]=> int(2) ["title"]=> string(34) "Sustenance - Synagogue, Synagogues" ["refcode_short"]=> string(22) "TopIndex .Sustenance.1" ["dup"]=> NULL ["puborder"]=> int(273147) } [390]=> array(6) { ["para_id"]=> string(13) "11161.2274721" ["level"]=> int(2) ["title"]=> string(51) "Synagogue school, Synagogue schools - Systematizing" ["refcode_short"]=> string(47) "TopIndex .Synagogue school, Synagogue schools.1" ["dup"]=> NULL ["puborder"]=> int(273947) } [391]=> array(6) { ["para_id"]=> string(12) "11161.274814" ["level"]=> int(1) ["title"]=> string(1) "T" ["refcode_short"]=> string(11) "TopIndex .T" ["dup"]=> NULL ["puborder"]=> int(274041) } [392]=> array(6) { ["para_id"]=> string(13) "11161.2274815" ["level"]=> int(2) ["title"]=> string(21) "Taberah - Talebearing" ["refcode_short"]=> string(19) "TopIndex .Taberah.1" ["dup"]=> string(12) "11161.274814" ["puborder"]=> int(274042) } [393]=> array(6) { ["para_id"]=> string(13) "11161.2275097" ["level"]=> int(2) ["title"]=> string(29) "Talent, Talents (Part 1 of 2)" ["refcode_short"]=> string(27) "TopIndex .Talent, Talents.1" ["dup"]=> NULL ["puborder"]=> int(274324) } [394]=> array(6) { ["para_id"]=> string(13) "11161.2275504" ["level"]=> int(2) ["title"]=> string(29) "Talent, Talents (Part 2 of 2)" ["refcode_short"]=> string(29) "TopIndex .Talent, Talents.406" ["dup"]=> NULL ["puborder"]=> int(274732) } [395]=> array(6) { ["para_id"]=> string(13) "11161.2275912" ["level"]=> int(2) ["title"]=> string(49) "Talented person, Talented persons - Teachableness" ["refcode_short"]=> string(45) "TopIndex .Talented person, Talented persons.1" ["dup"]=> NULL ["puborder"]=> int(275141) } [396]=> array(6) { ["para_id"]=> string(13) "11161.2276600" ["level"]=> int(2) ["title"]=> string(31) "Teacher, Teachers (Part 1 of 3)" ["refcode_short"]=> string(29) "TopIndex .Teacher, Teachers.1" ["dup"]=> NULL ["puborder"]=> int(275826) } [397]=> array(6) { ["para_id"]=> string(13) "11161.2277245" ["level"]=> int(2) ["title"]=> string(31) "Teacher, Teachers (Part 2 of 3)" ["refcode_short"]=> string(31) "TopIndex .Teacher, Teachers.646" ["dup"]=> NULL ["puborder"]=> int(276471) } [398]=> array(6) { ["para_id"]=> string(13) "11161.2277889" ["level"]=> int(2) ["title"]=> string(31) "Teacher, Teachers (Part 3 of 3)" ["refcode_short"]=> string(32) "TopIndex .Teacher, Teachers.1290" ["dup"]=> NULL ["puborder"]=> int(277116) } [399]=> array(6) { ["para_id"]=> string(13) "11161.2278534" ["level"]=> int(2) ["title"]=> string(32) "Teaching, Teachings - Temperance" ["refcode_short"]=> string(31) "TopIndex .Teaching, Teachings.1" ["dup"]=> NULL ["puborder"]=> int(277762) } [400]=> array(6) { ["para_id"]=> string(13) "11161.2279482" ["level"]=> int(2) ["title"]=> string(67) "Temperance address, Temperance addresses - Temple, Temples, various" ["refcode_short"]=> string(52) "TopIndex .Temperance address, Temperance addresses.1" ["dup"]=> NULL ["puborder"]=> int(278709) } [401]=> array(6) { ["para_id"]=> string(13) "11161.2280352" ["level"]=> int(2) ["title"]=> string(40) "Temple - Temporal thing, Temporal things" ["refcode_short"]=> string(18) "TopIndex .Temple.1" ["dup"]=> NULL ["puborder"]=> int(279575) } [402]=> array(6) { ["para_id"]=> string(13) "11161.2280388" ["level"]=> int(2) ["title"]=> string(37) "Temptation, Temptations (Part 1 of 2)" ["refcode_short"]=> string(35) "TopIndex .Temptation, Temptations.1" ["dup"]=> NULL ["puborder"]=> int(279612) } [403]=> array(6) { ["para_id"]=> string(13) "11161.2280926" ["level"]=> int(2) ["title"]=> string(37) "Temptation, Temptations (Part 2 of 2)" ["refcode_short"]=> string(37) "TopIndex .Temptation, Temptations.539" ["dup"]=> NULL ["puborder"]=> int(280150) } [404]=> array(6) { ["para_id"]=> string(13) "11161.2281465" ["level"]=> int(2) ["title"]=> string(29) "Tempted - Tenement, Tenements" ["refcode_short"]=> string(19) "TopIndex .Tempted.1" ["dup"]=> NULL ["puborder"]=> int(280690) } [405]=> array(6) { ["para_id"]=> string(13) "11161.2282270" ["level"]=> int(2) ["title"]=> string(60) "Tennessee, U.S.A. - Testimonies given through Ellen G. White" ["refcode_short"]=> string(29) "TopIndex .Tennessee, U.S.A..1" ["dup"]=> NULL ["puborder"]=> int(281495) } [406]=> array(6) { ["para_id"]=> string(13) "11161.2283201" ["level"]=> int(2) ["title"]=> string(36) "Testimony, living - Theory, Theories" ["refcode_short"]=> string(29) "TopIndex .Testimony, living.1" ["dup"]=> NULL ["puborder"]=> int(282425) } [407]=> array(6) { ["para_id"]=> string(13) "11161.2284151" ["level"]=> int(2) ["title"]=> string(35) "Theosophy - Third angel’s message" ["refcode_short"]=> string(21) "TopIndex .Theosophy.1" ["dup"]=> NULL ["puborder"]=> int(283370) } [408]=> array(6) { ["para_id"]=> string(13) "11161.2285024" ["level"]=> int(2) ["title"]=> string(37) "Third commandment - Thought, Thoughts" ["refcode_short"]=> string(29) "TopIndex .Third commandment.1" ["dup"]=> NULL ["puborder"]=> int(284244) } [409]=> array(6) { ["para_id"]=> string(13) "11161.2285846" ["level"]=> int(2) ["title"]=> string(28) "Thoughtfulness - Time, Times" ["refcode_short"]=> string(26) "TopIndex .Thoughtfulness.1" ["dup"]=> NULL ["puborder"]=> int(285065) } [410]=> array(6) { ["para_id"]=> string(13) "11161.2286941" ["level"]=> int(2) ["title"]=> string(25) "Time excitement - Tithing" ["refcode_short"]=> string(27) "TopIndex .Time excitement.1" ["dup"]=> NULL ["puborder"]=> int(286157) } [411]=> array(6) { ["para_id"]=> string(13) "11161.2287781" ["level"]=> int(2) ["title"]=> string(32) "Tithing system - Tongue, Tongues" ["refcode_short"]=> string(26) "TopIndex .Tithing system.1" ["dup"]=> NULL ["puborder"]=> int(286993) } [412]=> array(6) { ["para_id"]=> string(13) "11161.2288665" ["level"]=> int(2) ["title"]=> string(21) "Tongues - Translation" ["refcode_short"]=> string(19) "TopIndex .Tongues.1" ["dup"]=> NULL ["puborder"]=> int(287876) } [413]=> array(6) { ["para_id"]=> string(13) "11161.2289481" ["level"]=> int(2) ["title"]=> string(39) "Translation, Translations - Tree, Trees" ["refcode_short"]=> string(37) "TopIndex .Translation, Translations.1" ["dup"]=> NULL ["puborder"]=> int(288686) } [414]=> array(6) { ["para_id"]=> string(13) "11161.2290326" ["level"]=> int(2) ["title"]=> string(25) "Tree of knowledge - Trial" ["refcode_short"]=> string(29) "TopIndex .Tree of knowledge.1" ["dup"]=> NULL ["puborder"]=> int(289528) } [415]=> array(6) { ["para_id"]=> string(13) "11161.2290540" ["level"]=> int(2) ["title"]=> string(27) "Trial, Trials (Part 1 of 2)" ["refcode_short"]=> string(25) "TopIndex .Trial, Trials.1" ["dup"]=> NULL ["puborder"]=> int(289741) } [416]=> array(6) { ["para_id"]=> string(13) "11161.2291047" ["level"]=> int(2) ["title"]=> string(27) "Trial, Trials (Part 2 of 2)" ["refcode_short"]=> string(27) "TopIndex .Trial, Trials.508" ["dup"]=> NULL ["puborder"]=> int(290249) } [417]=> array(6) { ["para_id"]=> string(13) "11161.2291555" ["level"]=> int(2) ["title"]=> string(19) "Tribe - Trustworthy" ["refcode_short"]=> string(17) "TopIndex .Tribe.1" ["dup"]=> NULL ["puborder"]=> int(290758) } [418]=> array(6) { ["para_id"]=> string(13) "11161.2292165" ["level"]=> int(2) ["title"]=> string(27) "Truth, Truths (Part 1 of 4)" ["refcode_short"]=> string(25) "TopIndex .Truth, Truths.1" ["dup"]=> NULL ["puborder"]=> int(291364) } [419]=> array(6) { ["para_id"]=> string(13) "11161.2292811" ["level"]=> int(2) ["title"]=> string(27) "Truth, Truths (Part 2 of 4)" ["refcode_short"]=> string(27) "TopIndex .Truth, Truths.647" ["dup"]=> NULL ["puborder"]=> int(292010) } [420]=> array(6) { ["para_id"]=> string(13) "11161.2293456" ["level"]=> int(2) ["title"]=> string(27) "Truth, Truths (Part 3 of 4)" ["refcode_short"]=> string(28) "TopIndex .Truth, Truths.1292" ["dup"]=> NULL ["puborder"]=> int(292656) } [421]=> array(6) { ["para_id"]=> string(13) "11161.2294102" ["level"]=> int(2) ["title"]=> string(27) "Truth, Truths (Part 4 of 4)" ["refcode_short"]=> string(28) "TopIndex .Truth, Truths.1938" ["dup"]=> NULL ["puborder"]=> int(293303) } [422]=> array(6) { ["para_id"]=> string(13) "11161.2294748" ["level"]=> int(2) ["title"]=> string(13) "Truth - Tyrus" ["refcode_short"]=> string(17) "TopIndex .Truth.1" ["dup"]=> NULL ["puborder"]=> int(293950) } [423]=> array(6) { ["para_id"]=> string(12) "11161.295064" ["level"]=> int(1) ["title"]=> string(1) "U" ["refcode_short"]=> string(11) "TopIndex .U" ["dup"]=> NULL ["puborder"]=> int(294262) } [424]=> array(6) { ["para_id"]=> string(13) "11161.2295065" ["level"]=> int(2) ["title"]=> string(55) "Ukiah, Calif. - Unfortunate person, Unfortunate persons" ["refcode_short"]=> string(25) "TopIndex .Ukiah, Calif..1" ["dup"]=> string(12) "11161.295064" ["puborder"]=> int(294263) } [425]=> array(6) { ["para_id"]=> string(13) "11161.2295890" ["level"]=> int(2) ["title"]=> string(22) "Ungodliness - Universe" ["refcode_short"]=> string(23) "TopIndex .Ungodliness.1" ["dup"]=> NULL ["puborder"]=> int(295085) } [426]=> array(6) { ["para_id"]=> string(13) "11161.2296774" ["level"]=> int(2) ["title"]=> string(29) "Universities, public - Uzziah" ["refcode_short"]=> string(32) "TopIndex .Universities, public.1" ["dup"]=> NULL ["puborder"]=> int(295968) } [427]=> array(6) { ["para_id"]=> string(12) "11161.297076" ["level"]=> int(1) ["title"]=> string(1) "V" ["refcode_short"]=> string(11) "TopIndex .V" ["dup"]=> NULL ["puborder"]=> int(296265) } [428]=> array(6) { ["para_id"]=> string(13) "11161.2297077" ["level"]=> int(2) ["title"]=> string(39) "Vacancy, Vacancies - Victory, Victories" ["refcode_short"]=> string(30) "TopIndex .Vacancy, Vacancies.1" ["dup"]=> string(12) "11161.297076" ["puborder"]=> int(296266) } [429]=> array(6) { ["para_id"]=> string(13) "11161.2298019" ["level"]=> int(2) ["title"]=> string(27) "View, Views - Voice, Voices" ["refcode_short"]=> string(23) "TopIndex .View, Views.1" ["dup"]=> NULL ["puborder"]=> int(297205) } [430]=> array(6) { ["para_id"]=> string(13) "11161.2299090" ["level"]=> int(2) ["title"]=> string(26) "Voice of Christ - Vultures" ["refcode_short"]=> string(27) "TopIndex .Voice of Christ.1" ["dup"]=> NULL ["puborder"]=> int(298269) } [431]=> array(6) { ["para_id"]=> string(12) "11161.299262" ["level"]=> int(1) ["title"]=> string(1) "W" ["refcode_short"]=> string(11) "TopIndex .W" ["dup"]=> NULL ["puborder"]=> int(298440) } [432]=> array(6) { ["para_id"]=> string(13) "11161.2299263" ["level"]=> int(2) ["title"]=> string(15) "Wafer - Warfare" ["refcode_short"]=> string(17) "TopIndex .Wafer.1" ["dup"]=> string(12) "11161.299262" ["puborder"]=> int(298441) } [433]=> array(6) { ["para_id"]=> string(13) "11161.2300068" ["level"]=> int(2) ["title"]=> string(22) "Warmth - Water, Waters" ["refcode_short"]=> string(18) "TopIndex .Warmth.1" ["dup"]=> NULL ["puborder"]=> int(299242) } [434]=> array(6) { ["para_id"]=> string(13) "11161.2300890" ["level"]=> int(2) ["title"]=> string(36) "Waterbury, Vermont - Wealth (riches)" ["refcode_short"]=> string(30) "TopIndex .Waterbury, Vermont.1" ["dup"]=> NULL ["puborder"]=> int(300061) } [435]=> array(6) { ["para_id"]=> string(13) "11161.2301784" ["level"]=> int(2) ["title"]=> string(61) "Wealthy believer, Wealthy believers - Whispering, Whisperings" ["refcode_short"]=> string(47) "TopIndex .Wealthy believer, Wealthy believers.1" ["dup"]=> NULL ["puborder"]=> int(300952) } [436]=> array(6) { ["para_id"]=> string(13) "11161.2302592" ["level"]=> int(2) ["title"]=> string(37) "White, Anna - White, Elizabeth Jewett" ["refcode_short"]=> string(23) "TopIndex .White, Anna.1" ["dup"]=> NULL ["puborder"]=> int(301755) } [437]=> array(6) { ["para_id"]=> string(13) "11161.2302616" ["level"]=> int(2) ["title"]=> string(49) "White, Ellen G. (biographical data) (Part 1 of 2)" ["refcode_short"]=> string(47) "TopIndex .White, Ellen G. (biographical data).1" ["dup"]=> NULL ["puborder"]=> int(301778) } [438]=> array(6) { ["para_id"]=> string(13) "11161.2303232" ["level"]=> int(2) ["title"]=> string(49) "White, Ellen G. (biographical data) (Part 2 of 2)" ["refcode_short"]=> string(49) "TopIndex .White, Ellen G. (biographical data).617" ["dup"]=> NULL ["puborder"]=> int(302394) } [439]=> array(6) { ["para_id"]=> string(13) "11161.2303848" ["level"]=> int(2) ["title"]=> string(29) "White, Ellen G. (Part 1 of 2)" ["refcode_short"]=> string(27) "TopIndex .White, Ellen G..1" ["dup"]=> NULL ["puborder"]=> int(303011) } [440]=> array(6) { ["para_id"]=> string(13) "11161.2304550" ["level"]=> int(2) ["title"]=> string(29) "White, Ellen G. (Part 2 of 2)" ["refcode_short"]=> string(29) "TopIndex .White, Ellen G..701" ["dup"]=> NULL ["puborder"]=> int(303714) } [441]=> array(6) { ["para_id"]=> string(13) "11161.2305252" ["level"]=> int(2) ["title"]=> string(43) "White, Ellen G. (visions of) - White, James" ["refcode_short"]=> string(40) "TopIndex .White, Ellen G. (visions of).1" ["dup"]=> NULL ["puborder"]=> int(304417) } [442]=> array(6) { ["para_id"]=> string(13) "11161.2306415" ["level"]=> int(2) ["title"]=> string(32) "White, James Edson - Wife, Wives" ["refcode_short"]=> string(30) "TopIndex .White, James Edson.1" ["dup"]=> NULL ["puborder"]=> int(305578) } [443]=> array(6) { ["para_id"]=> string(13) "11161.2307375" ["level"]=> int(2) ["title"]=> string(27) "Wilcox, F. M. - Wind, Winds" ["refcode_short"]=> string(25) "TopIndex .Wilcox, F. M..1" ["dup"]=> NULL ["puborder"]=> int(306533) } [444]=> array(6) { ["para_id"]=> string(13) "11161.2308236" ["level"]=> int(2) ["title"]=> string(28) "Winding - Witness, Witnesses" ["refcode_short"]=> string(19) "TopIndex .Winding.1" ["dup"]=> NULL ["puborder"]=> int(307392) } [445]=> array(6) { ["para_id"]=> string(13) "11161.2309039" ["level"]=> int(2) ["title"]=> string(38) "Witness (testimony) - Worcester, Mass." ["refcode_short"]=> string(31) "TopIndex .Witness (testimony).1" ["dup"]=> NULL ["puborder"]=> int(308189) } [446]=> array(6) { ["para_id"]=> string(13) "11161.2309807" ["level"]=> int(2) ["title"]=> string(25) "Word, Words (Part 1 of 2)" ["refcode_short"]=> string(23) "TopIndex .Word, Words.1" ["dup"]=> NULL ["puborder"]=> int(308953) } [447]=> array(6) { ["para_id"]=> string(13) "11161.2310240" ["level"]=> int(2) ["title"]=> string(25) "Word, Words (Part 2 of 2)" ["refcode_short"]=> string(25) "TopIndex .Word, Words.434" ["dup"]=> NULL ["puborder"]=> int(309386) } [448]=> array(6) { ["para_id"]=> string(13) "11161.2310673" ["level"]=> int(2) ["title"]=> string(39) "Word of God, Words of God (Part 1 of 3)" ["refcode_short"]=> string(37) "TopIndex .Word of God, Words of God.1" ["dup"]=> NULL ["puborder"]=> int(309820) } [449]=> array(6) { ["para_id"]=> string(13) "11161.2311391" ["level"]=> int(2) ["title"]=> string(39) "Word of God, Words of God (Part 2 of 3)" ["refcode_short"]=> string(39) "TopIndex .Word of God, Words of God.719" ["dup"]=> NULL ["puborder"]=> int(310538) } [450]=> array(6) { ["para_id"]=> string(13) "11161.2312108" ["level"]=> int(2) ["title"]=> string(39) "Word of God, Words of God (Part 3 of 3)" ["refcode_short"]=> string(40) "TopIndex .Word of God, Words of God.1436" ["dup"]=> NULL ["puborder"]=> int(311256) } [451]=> array(6) { ["para_id"]=> string(13) "11161.2312826" ["level"]=> int(2) ["title"]=> string(32) "Word of life - Words and actions" ["refcode_short"]=> string(24) "TopIndex .Word of life.1" ["dup"]=> NULL ["puborder"]=> int(311975) } [452]=> array(6) { ["para_id"]=> string(13) "11161.2312938" ["level"]=> int(2) ["title"]=> string(24) "Work/Labor (Part 1 of 2)" ["refcode_short"]=> string(22) "TopIndex .Work/Labor.1" ["dup"]=> NULL ["puborder"]=> int(312087) } [453]=> array(6) { ["para_id"]=> string(13) "11161.2313465" ["level"]=> int(2) ["title"]=> string(24) "Work/Labor (Part 2 of 2)" ["refcode_short"]=> string(24) "TopIndex .Work/Labor.528" ["dup"]=> NULL ["puborder"]=> int(312614) } [454]=> array(6) { ["para_id"]=> string(13) "11161.2313992" ["level"]=> int(2) ["title"]=> string(12) "Work - Works" ["refcode_short"]=> string(16) "TopIndex .Work.1" ["dup"]=> NULL ["puborder"]=> int(313142) } [455]=> array(6) { ["para_id"]=> string(13) "11161.2315076" ["level"]=> int(2) ["title"]=> string(38) "Workshop, Workshops - Work, work, work" ["refcode_short"]=> string(31) "TopIndex .Workshop, Workshops.1" ["dup"]=> NULL ["puborder"]=> int(314226) } [456]=> array(6) { ["para_id"]=> string(13) "11161.2315122" ["level"]=> int(2) ["title"]=> string(27) "World, Worlds (Part 1 of 2)" ["refcode_short"]=> string(25) "TopIndex .World, Worlds.1" ["dup"]=> NULL ["puborder"]=> int(314272) } [457]=> array(6) { ["para_id"]=> string(13) "11161.2315601" ["level"]=> int(2) ["title"]=> string(27) "World, Worlds (Part 2 of 2)" ["refcode_short"]=> string(27) "TopIndex .World, Worlds.480" ["dup"]=> NULL ["puborder"]=> int(314751) } [458]=> array(6) { ["para_id"]=> string(13) "11161.2316081" ["level"]=> int(2) ["title"]=> string(29) "Worldliness - Writer, Writers" ["refcode_short"]=> string(23) "TopIndex .Worldliness.1" ["dup"]=> NULL ["puborder"]=> int(315232) } [459]=> array(6) { ["para_id"]=> string(13) "11161.2316955" ["level"]=> int(2) ["title"]=> string(37) "Writers (unidentified) - Wylie, J. A." ["refcode_short"]=> string(34) "TopIndex .Writers (unidentified).1" ["dup"]=> NULL ["puborder"]=> int(316102) } [460]=> array(6) { ["para_id"]=> string(12) "11161.317111" ["level"]=> int(1) ["title"]=> string(1) "X" ["refcode_short"]=> string(11) "TopIndex .X" ["dup"]=> NULL ["puborder"]=> int(316258) } [461]=> array(6) { ["para_id"]=> string(13) "11161.2317112" ["level"]=> int(2) ["title"]=> string(38) "Xerxes I (Ahasuerus) - X-ray treatment" ["refcode_short"]=> string(32) "TopIndex .Xerxes I (Ahasuerus).1" ["dup"]=> string(12) "11161.317111" ["puborder"]=> int(316259) } [462]=> array(6) { ["para_id"]=> string(12) "11161.317116" ["level"]=> int(1) ["title"]=> string(1) "Y" ["refcode_short"]=> string(11) "TopIndex .Y" ["dup"]=> NULL ["puborder"]=> int(316264) } [463]=> array(6) { ["para_id"]=> string(13) "11161.2317117" ["level"]=> int(2) ["title"]=> string(38) "Yard, Yards - Young woman, Young women" ["refcode_short"]=> string(23) "TopIndex .Yard, Yards.1" ["dup"]=> string(12) "11161.317116" ["puborder"]=> int(316265) } [464]=> array(6) { ["para_id"]=> string(13) "11161.2317701" ["level"]=> int(2) ["title"]=> string(19) "Youth (Part 1 of 3)" ["refcode_short"]=> string(17) "TopIndex .Youth.1" ["dup"]=> NULL ["puborder"]=> int(316845) } [465]=> array(6) { ["para_id"]=> string(13) "11161.2318431" ["level"]=> int(2) ["title"]=> string(19) "Youth (Part 2 of 3)" ["refcode_short"]=> string(19) "TopIndex .Youth.731" ["dup"]=> NULL ["puborder"]=> int(317576) } [466]=> array(6) { ["para_id"]=> string(13) "11161.2319160" ["level"]=> int(2) ["title"]=> string(19) "Youth (Part 3 of 3)" ["refcode_short"]=> string(20) "TopIndex .Youth.1460" ["dup"]=> NULL ["puborder"]=> int(318306) } [467]=> array(6) { ["para_id"]=> string(13) "11161.2319890" ["level"]=> int(2) ["title"]=> string(40) "Youth (period of) - Youth’s Instructor" ["refcode_short"]=> string(29) "TopIndex .Youth (period of).1" ["dup"]=> NULL ["puborder"]=> int(319037) } [468]=> array(6) { ["para_id"]=> string(12) "11161.319936" ["level"]=> int(1) ["title"]=> string(1) "Z" ["refcode_short"]=> string(11) "TopIndex .Z" ["dup"]=> NULL ["puborder"]=> int(319084) } [469]=> array(6) { ["para_id"]=> string(13) "11161.2319937" ["level"]=> int(2) ["title"]=> string(26) "Zacchaeus - Zwingli, Ulric" ["refcode_short"]=> string(21) "TopIndex .Zacchaeus.1" ["dup"]=> string(12) "11161.319936" ["puborder"]=> int(319085) } } ["service":"EgwApi":private]=> object(EgwService)#95 (10) { ["api_url":"EgwService":private]=> string(26) "https://a.egwwritings.org/" ["api_url_auth":"EgwService":private]=> string(31) "https://cpanel.egwwritings.org/" ["baseApiUriAuth":"EgwService":private]=> object(OAuth\Common\Http\Uri\Uri)#98 (10) { ["scheme":"OAuth\Common\Http\Uri\Uri":private]=> string(5) "https" ["userInfo":"OAuth\Common\Http\Uri\Uri":private]=> string(0) "" ["rawUserInfo":"OAuth\Common\Http\Uri\Uri":private]=> string(0) "" ["host":"OAuth\Common\Http\Uri\Uri":private]=> string(22) "cpanel.egwwritings.org" 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int(443) ["path":"OAuth\Common\Http\Uri\Uri":private]=> string(1) "/" ["query":"OAuth\Common\Http\Uri\Uri":private]=> string(0) "" ["fragment":"OAuth\Common\Http\Uri\Uri":private]=> string(0) "" ["explicitPortSpecified":"OAuth\Common\Http\Uri\Uri":private]=> bool(false) ["explicitTrailingHostSlash":"OAuth\Common\Http\Uri\Uri":private]=> bool(true) } ["stateParameterInAuthUrl":protected]=> bool(false) ["apiVersion":protected]=> string(0) "" ["credentials":protected]=> object(OAuth\Common\Consumer\Credentials)#93 (3) { ["consumerId":protected]=> string(40) "GotVTUzLUl5oAbFVYnCCqohe0f3sG9s7sINJsaI3" ["consumerSecret":protected]=> string(128) "TOYqqxuIlyEhNH2Ng4ZUQRpniCVvRFCF5F22qhnCszBruiGLnvZWDc4wUvFjUPl11Le19tyTU9fo3Sr2AIOCDWOjlxBkMdZkODJmVzgHMKpCOXJrHGf7EeDet156a51P" ["callbackUrl":protected]=> string(37) "https://m.egwwritings.org/auth/login/" } ["httpClient":protected]=> object(EgwCurlClient)#94 (5) { ["forceSSL3":"EgwCurlClient":private]=> bool(false) ["parameters":"EgwCurlClient":private]=> array(1) { [64]=> bool(false) } ["userAgent":protected]=> string(11) "PHPoAuthLib" ["maxRedirects":protected]=> int(5) ["timeout":protected]=> int(15) } ["storage":protected]=> object(OAuth\Common\Storage\Session)#96 (3) { ["startSession":protected]=> bool(true) ["sessionVariableName":protected]=> string(22) "lusitanian-oauth-token" ["stateVariableName":protected]=> string(22) "lusitanian-oauth-state" } } ["scopes":"EgwApi":private]=> array(6) { [0]=> string(9) "user_info" [1]=> string(8) "writings" [2]=> string(6) "search" [3]=> string(11) "studycenter" [4]=> string(13) "subscriptions" [5]=> string(5) "media" } } ["user":"EgwApiConsumer":private]=> object(CWebUser)#87 (15) { ["allowAutoLogin"]=> bool(true) ["guestName"]=> string(5) "Guest" ["loginUrl"]=> array(1) { [0]=> string(11) "/site/login" } ["identityCookie"]=> NULL ["authTimeout"]=> NULL ["absoluteAuthTimeout"]=> NULL ["autoRenewCookie"]=> bool(false) ["autoUpdateFlash"]=> bool(true) ["loginRequiredAjaxResponse"]=> NULL ["_keyPrefix":"CWebUser":private]=> string(32) "83d94cf15111b4e0878a3a0722415731" ["_access":"CWebUser":private]=> array(0) { } ["behaviors"]=> array(0) { } ["_initialized":"CApplicationComponent":private]=> bool(true) ["_e":"CComponent":private]=> NULL ["_m":"CComponent":private]=> NULL } ["scopes":"EgwApiConsumer":private]=> array(6) { [0]=> string(9) "user_info" [1]=> string(8) "writings" [2]=> string(6) "search" [3]=> string(11) "studycenter" [4]=> string(13) "subscriptions" [5]=> string(5) "media" } ["returnUrl":"EgwApiConsumer":private]=> string(45) "https://https://m.egwwritings.org/auth/login/" ["session":"EgwApiConsumer":private]=> object(CCacheHttpSession)#88 (7) { ["cacheID"]=> string(5) "cache" ["_cache":"CCacheHttpSession":private]=> object(CRedisCache)#11 (13) { ["hostname"]=> string(26) "legacy-mobile-redis-master" ["port"]=> string(4) "6379" ["password"]=> NULL ["database"]=> int(10) ["timeout"]=> NULL 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White Estate" ["description"]=> string(57) "An index to the topics found in Ellen G. 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White Topical Index" ["refcode_short"]=> string(9) "TopIndex " ["dup"]=> NULL ["puborder"]=> int(1) } [1]=> array(6) { ["para_id"]=> string(7) "11161.2" ["level"]=> int(1) ["title"]=> string(1) "A" ["refcode_short"]=> string(11) "TopIndex .A" ["dup"]=> string(7) "11161.1" ["puborder"]=> int(2) } [2]=> array(6) { ["para_id"]=> string(13) "11161.2000003" ["level"]=> int(2) ["title"]=> string(27) "Aaron - Accident, Accidents" ["refcode_short"]=> string(17) "TopIndex .Aaron.1" ["dup"]=> string(7) "11161.1" ["puborder"]=> int(3) } [3]=> array(6) { ["para_id"]=> string(13) "11161.2000804" ["level"]=> int(2) ["title"]=> string(14) "Acclaim - Adam" ["refcode_short"]=> string(19) "TopIndex .Acclaim.1" ["dup"]=> NULL ["puborder"]=> int(792) } [4]=> array(6) { ["para_id"]=> string(13) "11161.2001818" ["level"]=> int(2) ["title"]=> string(29) "Adam and Eve - Advent, second" ["refcode_short"]=> string(24) "TopIndex .Adam and Eve.1" ["dup"]=> NULL ["puborder"]=> int(1783) } [5]=> array(6) { ["para_id"]=> string(13) "11161.2002953" ["level"]=> int(2) ["title"]=> string(25) "Advent Herald - Age, Ages" ["refcode_short"]=> string(25) "TopIndex .Advent Herald.1" ["dup"]=> NULL ["puborder"]=> int(2905) } [6]=> array(6) { ["para_id"]=> string(13) "11161.2003756" ["level"]=> int(2) ["title"]=> string(24) "Aged believers - Alcohol" ["refcode_short"]=> string(26) "TopIndex .Aged believers.1" ["dup"]=> NULL ["puborder"]=> int(3685) } [7]=> array(6) { ["para_id"]=> string(13) "11161.2004603" ["level"]=> int(2) ["title"]=> string(40) "Alcoholic drinks - Amusement, Amusements" ["refcode_short"]=> string(28) "TopIndex .Alcoholic drinks.1" ["dup"]=> NULL ["puborder"]=> int(4512) } [8]=> array(6) { ["para_id"]=> string(13) "11161.2005795" ["level"]=> int(2) ["title"]=> string(23) "Amusement lovers - Aner" ["refcode_short"]=> string(28) "TopIndex .Amusement lovers.1" ["dup"]=> NULL ["puborder"]=> int(5672) } [9]=> array(6) { ["para_id"]=> string(13) "11161.2005927" ["level"]=> int(2) ["title"]=> string(27) "Angel, Angels (Part 1 of 3)" ["refcode_short"]=> string(25) "TopIndex .Angel, Angels.1" ["dup"]=> NULL ["puborder"]=> int(5797) } [10]=> array(6) { ["para_id"]=> string(13) "11161.2006620" ["level"]=> int(2) ["title"]=> string(27) "Angel, Angels (Part 2 of 3)" ["refcode_short"]=> string(27) "TopIndex .Angel, Angels.694" ["dup"]=> NULL ["puborder"]=> int(6490) } [11]=> array(6) { ["para_id"]=> string(13) "11161.2007312" ["level"]=> int(2) ["title"]=> string(27) "Angel, Angels (Part 3 of 3)" ["refcode_short"]=> string(28) "TopIndex .Angel, Angels.1386" ["dup"]=> NULL ["puborder"]=> int(7183) } [12]=> array(6) { ["para_id"]=> string(13) "11161.2008005" ["level"]=> int(2) ["title"]=> string(30) "Angel, Angels, evil - Apostasy" ["refcode_short"]=> string(31) "TopIndex .Angel, Angels, evil.1" ["dup"]=> NULL ["puborder"]=> int(7877) } [13]=> array(6) { ["para_id"]=> string(13) "11161.2008965" ["level"]=> int(2) ["title"]=> string(71) "Apostate, Apostates - Appetite, indulgence of, Appetites, indulgence of" ["refcode_short"]=> string(31) "TopIndex .Apostate, Apostates.1" ["dup"]=> NULL ["puborder"]=> int(8799) } [14]=> array(6) { ["para_id"]=> string(13) "11161.2009804" ["level"]=> int(2) ["title"]=> string(19) "Appii Forum - Armor" ["refcode_short"]=> string(23) "TopIndex .Appii Forum.1" ["dup"]=> NULL ["puborder"]=> int(9633) } [15]=> array(6) { ["para_id"]=> string(13) "11161.2010608" ["level"]=> int(2) ["title"]=> string(31) "Armory - Atmosphere (spiritual)" ["refcode_short"]=> string(18) "TopIndex .Armory.1" ["dup"]=> NULL ["puborder"]=> int(10412) } [16]=> array(6) { ["para_id"]=> string(13) "11161.2011550" ["level"]=> int(2) ["title"]=> string(23) "Atom, Atoms - Australia" ["refcode_short"]=> string(23) "TopIndex .Atom, Atoms.1" ["dup"]=> NULL ["puborder"]=> int(11320) } [17]=> array(6) { ["para_id"]=> string(13) "11161.2012373" ["level"]=> int(2) ["title"]=> string(17) "Austria - Azariah" ["refcode_short"]=> string(19) "TopIndex .Austria.1" ["dup"]=> NULL ["puborder"]=> int(12125) } [18]=> array(6) { ["para_id"]=> string(13) "11161.2012374" ["level"]=> int(2) ["title"]=> string(32) "“Alameda” - “Well done,”" ["refcode_short"]=> string(19) "TopIndex .Austria.2" ["dup"]=> NULL ["puborder"]=> int(12127) } [19]=> array(6) { ["para_id"]=> string(11) "11161.12611" ["level"]=> int(1) ["title"]=> string(1) "B" ["refcode_short"]=> string(11) "TopIndex .B" ["dup"]=> NULL ["puborder"]=> int(12351) } [20]=> array(6) { ["para_id"]=> string(13) "11161.2012612" ["level"]=> int(2) ["title"]=> string(13) "Baal - Balaam" ["refcode_short"]=> string(16) "TopIndex .Baal.1" ["dup"]=> string(11) "11161.12611" ["puborder"]=> int(12352) } [21]=> array(6) { ["para_id"]=> string(13) "11161.2013437" ["level"]=> int(2) ["title"]=> string(34) "Balaclava, Vict. - Battle, Battles" ["refcode_short"]=> string(28) "TopIndex .Balaclava, Vict..1" ["dup"]=> NULL ["puborder"]=> int(13154) } [22]=> array(6) { ["para_id"]=> string(13) "11161.2014351" ["level"]=> int(2) ["title"]=> string(46) "Battle and a march - Belden, Sarah B. (Harmon)" ["refcode_short"]=> string(30) "TopIndex .Battle and a march.1" ["dup"]=> NULL ["puborder"]=> int(14032) } [23]=> array(6) { ["para_id"]=> string(13) "11161.2015153" ["level"]=> int(2) ["title"]=> string(25) "Belden, Stephen - Bigotry" ["refcode_short"]=> string(27) "TopIndex .Belden, Stephen.1" ["dup"]=> NULL ["puborder"]=> int(14825) } [24]=> array(6) { ["para_id"]=> string(13) "11161.2015971" ["level"]=> int(2) ["title"]=> string(37) "Biliousness - Blind leading the blind" ["refcode_short"]=> string(23) "TopIndex .Biliousness.1" ["dup"]=> NULL ["puborder"]=> int(15639) } [25]=> array(6) { ["para_id"]=> string(13) "11161.2016773" ["level"]=> int(2) ["title"]=> string(31) "Blindness - Body, Bodies, human" ["refcode_short"]=> string(21) "TopIndex .Blindness.1" ["dup"]=> NULL ["puborder"]=> int(16433) } [26]=> array(6) { ["para_id"]=> string(13) "11161.2017791" ["level"]=> int(2) ["title"]=> string(33) "Bognes, Augusta - Books of heaven" ["refcode_short"]=> string(27) "TopIndex .Bognes, Augusta.1" ["dup"]=> NULL ["puborder"]=> int(17447) } [27]=> array(6) { ["para_id"]=> string(13) "11161.2018840" ["level"]=> int(2) ["title"]=> string(27) "Book prices - Bread of life" ["refcode_short"]=> string(23) "TopIndex .Book prices.1" ["dup"]=> NULL ["puborder"]=> int(18493) } [28]=> array(6) { ["para_id"]=> string(13) "11161.2019652" ["level"]=> int(2) ["title"]=> string(25) "Breakdown - Burden, J. A." ["refcode_short"]=> string(21) "TopIndex .Breakdown.1" ["dup"]=> NULL ["puborder"]=> int(19296) } [29]=> array(6) { ["para_id"]=> string(13) "11161.2020455" ["level"]=> int(2) ["title"]=> string(65) "Burdick, Mrs. L. S. - Business transaction, Business transactions" ["refcode_short"]=> string(31) "TopIndex .Burdick, Mrs. L. S..1" ["dup"]=> NULL ["puborder"]=> int(20090) } [30]=> array(6) { ["para_id"]=> string(13) "11161.2021308" ["level"]=> int(2) ["title"]=> string(40) "Business union, Business unions - Byword" ["refcode_short"]=> string(43) "TopIndex .Business union, Business unions.1" ["dup"]=> NULL ["puborder"]=> int(20943) } [31]=> array(6) { ["para_id"]=> string(11) "11161.21446" ["level"]=> int(1) ["title"]=> string(1) "C" ["refcode_short"]=> string(11) "TopIndex .C" ["dup"]=> NULL ["puborder"]=> int(21082) } [32]=> array(6) { ["para_id"]=> string(13) "11161.2021447" ["level"]=> int(2) ["title"]=> string(32) "Cabinets of kings - Camp meeting" ["refcode_short"]=> string(29) "TopIndex .Cabinets of kings.1" ["dup"]=> string(11) "11161.21446" ["puborder"]=> int(21083) } [33]=> array(6) { ["para_id"]=> string(13) "11161.2022291" ["level"]=> int(2) ["title"]=> string(27) "Can, Cans - Catholic Church" ["refcode_short"]=> string(21) "TopIndex .Can, Cans.1" ["dup"]=> NULL ["puborder"]=> int(21926) } [34]=> array(6) { ["para_id"]=> string(13) "11161.2023095" ["level"]=> int(2) ["title"]=> string(27) "Catholicism - Chain, Chains" ["refcode_short"]=> string(23) "TopIndex .Catholicism.1" ["dup"]=> NULL ["puborder"]=> int(22716) } [35]=> array(6) { ["para_id"]=> string(13) "11161.2023929" ["level"]=> int(2) ["title"]=> string(30) "Chain gang - Chapter, Chapters" ["refcode_short"]=> string(22) "TopIndex .Chain gang.1" ["dup"]=> NULL ["puborder"]=> int(23548) } [36]=> array(6) { ["para_id"]=> string(13) "11161.2024065" ["level"]=> int(2) ["title"]=> string(35) "Character, Characters (Part 1 of 4)" ["refcode_short"]=> string(33) "TopIndex .Character, Characters.1" ["dup"]=> NULL ["puborder"]=> int(23684) } [37]=> array(6) { ["para_id"]=> string(13) "11161.2024741" ["level"]=> int(2) ["title"]=> string(35) "Character, Characters (Part 2 of 4)" ["refcode_short"]=> string(35) "TopIndex .Character, Characters.677" ["dup"]=> NULL ["puborder"]=> int(24360) } [38]=> array(6) { ["para_id"]=> string(13) "11161.2025416" ["level"]=> int(2) ["title"]=> string(35) "Character, Characters (Part 3 of 4)" ["refcode_short"]=> string(36) "TopIndex .Character, Characters.1352" ["dup"]=> NULL ["puborder"]=> int(25036) } [39]=> array(6) { ["para_id"]=> string(13) "11161.2026091" ["level"]=> int(2) ["title"]=> string(35) "Character, Characters (Part 4 of 4)" ["refcode_short"]=> string(36) "TopIndex .Character, Characters.2027" ["dup"]=> NULL ["puborder"]=> int(25712) } [40]=> array(6) { ["para_id"]=> string(13) "11161.2026767" ["level"]=> int(2) ["title"]=> string(25) "Characteristics - Chiding" ["refcode_short"]=> string(27) "TopIndex .Characteristics.1" ["dup"]=> NULL ["puborder"]=> int(26389) } [41]=> array(6) { ["para_id"]=> string(13) "11161.2027406" ["level"]=> int(2) ["title"]=> string(29) "Child, Children (Part 1 of 5)" ["refcode_short"]=> string(27) "TopIndex .Child, Children.1" ["dup"]=> NULL ["puborder"]=> int(27024) } [42]=> array(6) { ["para_id"]=> string(13) "11161.2028140" ["level"]=> int(2) ["title"]=> string(29) "Child, Children (Part 2 of 5)" ["refcode_short"]=> string(29) "TopIndex .Child, Children.735" ["dup"]=> NULL ["puborder"]=> int(27758) } [43]=> array(6) { ["para_id"]=> string(13) "11161.2028874" ["level"]=> int(2) ["title"]=> string(29) "Child, Children (Part 3 of 5)" ["refcode_short"]=> string(30) "TopIndex .Child, Children.1469" ["dup"]=> NULL ["puborder"]=> int(28493) } [44]=> array(6) { ["para_id"]=> string(13) "11161.2029608" ["level"]=> int(2) ["title"]=> string(29) "Child, Children (Part 4 of 5)" ["refcode_short"]=> string(30) "TopIndex .Child, Children.2203" ["dup"]=> NULL ["puborder"]=> int(29228) } [45]=> array(6) { ["para_id"]=> string(13) "11161.2030342" ["level"]=> int(2) ["title"]=> string(29) "Child, Children (Part 5 of 5)" ["refcode_short"]=> string(30) "TopIndex .Child, Children.2937" ["dup"]=> NULL ["puborder"]=> int(29963) } [46]=> array(6) { ["para_id"]=> string(13) "11161.2031077" ["level"]=> int(2) ["title"]=> string(64) "Child, Children (adults as) - Christ (events of earthly life of)" ["refcode_short"]=> string(39) "TopIndex .Child, Children (adults as).1" ["dup"]=> NULL ["puborder"]=> int(30699) } [47]=> array(6) { ["para_id"]=> string(13) "11161.2032183" ["level"]=> int(2) ["title"]=> string(21) "Christ (Part 1 of 18)" ["refcode_short"]=> string(18) "TopIndex .Christ.1" ["dup"]=> NULL ["puborder"]=> int(31801) } [48]=> array(6) { ["para_id"]=> string(13) "11161.2032940" ["level"]=> int(2) ["title"]=> string(21) "Christ (Part 2 of 18)" ["refcode_short"]=> string(20) "TopIndex .Christ.758" ["dup"]=> NULL ["puborder"]=> int(32558) } [49]=> array(6) { ["para_id"]=> string(13) "11161.2033696" ["level"]=> int(2) ["title"]=> string(21) "Christ (Part 3 of 18)" ["refcode_short"]=> string(21) "TopIndex .Christ.1514" ["dup"]=> NULL ["puborder"]=> int(33315) } [50]=> array(6) { ["para_id"]=> string(13) "11161.2034452" ["level"]=> int(2) ["title"]=> string(21) "Christ (Part 4 of 18)" ["refcode_short"]=> string(21) "TopIndex .Christ.2270" ["dup"]=> NULL ["puborder"]=> int(34072) } [51]=> array(6) { ["para_id"]=> string(13) "11161.2035208" ["level"]=> int(2) ["title"]=> string(21) "Christ (Part 5 of 18)" ["refcode_short"]=> string(21) "TopIndex .Christ.3026" ["dup"]=> NULL ["puborder"]=> int(34829) } [52]=> array(6) { ["para_id"]=> string(13) "11161.2035964" ["level"]=> int(2) ["title"]=> string(21) "Christ (Part 6 of 18)" ["refcode_short"]=> string(21) "TopIndex .Christ.3782" ["dup"]=> NULL ["puborder"]=> int(35586) } [53]=> array(6) { ["para_id"]=> string(13) "11161.2036720" ["level"]=> int(2) ["title"]=> string(21) "Christ (Part 7 of 18)" ["refcode_short"]=> string(21) "TopIndex .Christ.4538" ["dup"]=> NULL ["puborder"]=> int(36343) } [54]=> array(6) { ["para_id"]=> string(13) "11161.2037477" ["level"]=> int(2) ["title"]=> string(21) "Christ (Part 8 of 18)" ["refcode_short"]=> string(21) "TopIndex .Christ.5295" ["dup"]=> NULL ["puborder"]=> int(37101) } [55]=> array(6) { ["para_id"]=> string(13) "11161.2038233" ["level"]=> int(2) ["title"]=> string(21) "Christ (Part 9 of 18)" ["refcode_short"]=> string(21) "TopIndex .Christ.6051" ["dup"]=> NULL ["puborder"]=> int(37858) } [56]=> array(6) { ["para_id"]=> string(13) "11161.2038989" ["level"]=> int(2) ["title"]=> string(22) "Christ (Part 10 of 18)" ["refcode_short"]=> string(21) "TopIndex .Christ.6807" ["dup"]=> NULL ["puborder"]=> int(38615) } [57]=> array(6) { ["para_id"]=> string(13) "11161.2039745" ["level"]=> int(2) ["title"]=> string(22) "Christ (Part 11 of 18)" ["refcode_short"]=> string(21) "TopIndex .Christ.7563" ["dup"]=> NULL ["puborder"]=> int(39372) } [58]=> array(6) { ["para_id"]=> string(13) "11161.2040501" ["level"]=> int(2) ["title"]=> string(22) "Christ (Part 12 of 18)" ["refcode_short"]=> string(21) "TopIndex .Christ.8319" ["dup"]=> NULL ["puborder"]=> int(40129) } [59]=> array(6) { ["para_id"]=> string(13) "11161.2041257" ["level"]=> int(2) ["title"]=> string(22) "Christ (Part 13 of 18)" ["refcode_short"]=> string(21) "TopIndex .Christ.9075" ["dup"]=> NULL ["puborder"]=> int(40886) } [60]=> array(6) { ["para_id"]=> string(13) "11161.2042014" ["level"]=> int(2) ["title"]=> string(22) "Christ (Part 14 of 18)" ["refcode_short"]=> string(21) "TopIndex .Christ.9832" ["dup"]=> NULL ["puborder"]=> int(41644) } [61]=> array(6) { ["para_id"]=> string(13) "11161.2042770" ["level"]=> int(2) ["title"]=> string(22) "Christ (Part 15 of 18)" ["refcode_short"]=> string(22) "TopIndex .Christ.10588" ["dup"]=> NULL ["puborder"]=> int(42401) } [62]=> array(6) { ["para_id"]=> string(13) "11161.2043526" ["level"]=> int(2) ["title"]=> string(22) "Christ (Part 16 of 18)" ["refcode_short"]=> string(22) "TopIndex .Christ.11344" ["dup"]=> NULL ["puborder"]=> int(43158) } [63]=> array(6) { ["para_id"]=> string(13) "11161.2044282" ["level"]=> int(2) ["title"]=> string(22) "Christ (Part 17 of 18)" ["refcode_short"]=> string(22) "TopIndex .Christ.12100" ["dup"]=> NULL ["puborder"]=> int(43915) } [64]=> array(6) { ["para_id"]=> string(13) "11161.2045038" ["level"]=> int(2) ["title"]=> string(22) "Christ (Part 18 of 18)" ["refcode_short"]=> string(22) "TopIndex .Christ.12856" ["dup"]=> NULL ["puborder"]=> int(44672) } [65]=> array(6) { ["para_id"]=> string(13) "11161.2045795" ["level"]=> int(2) ["title"]=> string(53) "Christ, false, Christs, false - Christian, Christians" ["refcode_short"]=> string(41) "TopIndex .Christ, false, Christs, false.1" ["dup"]=> NULL ["puborder"]=> int(45430) } [66]=> array(6) { ["para_id"]=> string(13) "11161.2046661" ["level"]=> int(2) ["title"]=> string(66) "Christian Advocate and Journal - Chronology and time relationships" ["refcode_short"]=> string(42) "TopIndex .Christian Advocate and Journal.1" ["dup"]=> NULL ["puborder"]=> int(46297) } [67]=> array(6) { ["para_id"]=> string(13) "11161.2047467" ["level"]=> int(2) ["title"]=> string(37) "Chronology of Scriptures - Chrysolite" ["refcode_short"]=> string(36) "TopIndex .Chronology of Scriptures.1" ["dup"]=> NULL ["puborder"]=> int(47102) } [68]=> array(6) { ["para_id"]=> string(13) "11161.2047471" ["level"]=> int(2) ["title"]=> string(30) "Church, Churches (Part 1 of 4)" ["refcode_short"]=> string(28) "TopIndex .Church, Churches.1" ["dup"]=> NULL ["puborder"]=> int(47107) } [69]=> array(6) { ["para_id"]=> string(13) "11161.2048145" ["level"]=> int(2) ["title"]=> string(30) "Church, Churches (Part 2 of 4)" ["refcode_short"]=> string(30) "TopIndex .Church, Churches.675" ["dup"]=> NULL ["puborder"]=> int(47781) } [70]=> array(6) { ["para_id"]=> string(13) "11161.2048818" ["level"]=> int(2) ["title"]=> string(30) "Church, Churches (Part 3 of 4)" ["refcode_short"]=> string(31) "TopIndex .Church, Churches.1348" ["dup"]=> NULL ["puborder"]=> int(48455) } [71]=> array(6) { ["para_id"]=> string(13) "11161.2049492" ["level"]=> int(2) ["title"]=> string(30) "Church, Churches (Part 4 of 4)" ["refcode_short"]=> string(31) "TopIndex .Church, Churches.2022" ["dup"]=> NULL ["puborder"]=> int(49130) } [72]=> array(6) { ["para_id"]=> string(13) "11161.2050166" ["level"]=> int(2) ["title"]=> string(48) "Church, Catholic - Church matter, Church matters" ["refcode_short"]=> string(28) "TopIndex .Church, Catholic.1" ["dup"]=> NULL ["puborder"]=> int(49805) } [73]=> array(6) { ["para_id"]=> string(13) "11161.2050678" ["level"]=> int(2) ["title"]=> string(43) "Church member, Church members (Part 1 of 2)" ["refcode_short"]=> string(41) "TopIndex .Church member, Church members.1" ["dup"]=> NULL ["puborder"]=> int(50317) } [74]=> array(6) { ["para_id"]=> string(13) "11161.2051309" ["level"]=> int(2) ["title"]=> string(43) "Church member, Church members (Part 2 of 2)" ["refcode_short"]=> string(43) "TopIndex .Church member, Church members.632" ["dup"]=> NULL ["puborder"]=> int(50948) } [75]=> array(6) { ["para_id"]=> string(13) "11161.2051941" ["level"]=> int(2) ["title"]=> string(47) "Church membership - Circumstance, Circumstances" ["refcode_short"]=> string(29) "TopIndex .Church membership.1" ["dup"]=> NULL ["puborder"]=> int(51581) } [76]=> array(6) { ["para_id"]=> string(13) "11161.2052921" ["level"]=> int(2) ["title"]=> string(20) "Circus - City of God" ["refcode_short"]=> string(18) "TopIndex .Circus.1" ["dup"]=> NULL ["puborder"]=> int(52560) } [77]=> array(6) { ["para_id"]=> string(13) "11161.2053746" ["level"]=> int(2) ["title"]=> string(28) "Civil administration - Cloth" ["refcode_short"]=> string(32) "TopIndex .Civil administration.1" ["dup"]=> NULL ["puborder"]=> int(53384) } [78]=> array(6) { ["para_id"]=> string(13) "11161.2054084" ["level"]=> int(2) ["title"]=> string(30) "Clothes/Clothing (Part 1 of 2)" ["refcode_short"]=> string(28) "TopIndex .Clothes/Clothing.1" ["dup"]=> NULL ["puborder"]=> int(53720) } [79]=> array(6) { ["para_id"]=> string(13) "11161.2054602" ["level"]=> int(2) ["title"]=> string(30) "Clothes/Clothing (Part 2 of 2)" ["refcode_short"]=> string(30) "TopIndex .Clothes/Clothing.519" ["dup"]=> NULL ["puborder"]=> int(54239) } [80]=> array(6) { ["para_id"]=> string(13) "11161.2055120" ["level"]=> int(2) ["title"]=> string(53) "Cloud, Clouds - College president, College presidents" ["refcode_short"]=> string(25) "TopIndex .Cloud, Clouds.1" ["dup"]=> NULL ["puborder"]=> int(54758) } [81]=> array(6) { ["para_id"]=> string(13) "11161.2055925" ["level"]=> int(2) ["title"]=> string(43) "College principal - Colporteur, Colporteurs" ["refcode_short"]=> string(29) "TopIndex .College principal.1" ["dup"]=> NULL ["puborder"]=> int(55560) } [82]=> array(6) { ["para_id"]=> string(13) "11161.2056984" ["level"]=> int(2) ["title"]=> string(34) "Colporteur agent - Commercial work" ["refcode_short"]=> string(28) "TopIndex .Colporteur agent.1" ["dup"]=> NULL ["puborder"]=> int(56615) } [83]=> array(6) { ["para_id"]=> string(13) "11161.2057789" ["level"]=> int(2) ["title"]=> string(32) "Commission - Condemnatory manner" ["refcode_short"]=> string(22) "TopIndex .Commission.1" ["dup"]=> NULL ["puborder"]=> int(57418) } [84]=> array(6) { ["para_id"]=> string(13) "11161.2058593" ["level"]=> int(2) ["title"]=> string(32) "Condemnatory spirit - Confidence" ["refcode_short"]=> string(31) "TopIndex .Condemnatory spirit.1" ["dup"]=> NULL ["puborder"]=> int(58211) } [85]=> array(6) { ["para_id"]=> string(13) "11161.2059487" ["level"]=> int(2) ["title"]=> string(35) "Confidentiality - Conscientiousness" ["refcode_short"]=> string(27) "TopIndex .Confidentiality.1" ["dup"]=> NULL ["puborder"]=> int(59103) } [86]=> array(6) { ["para_id"]=> string(13) "11161.2060292" ["level"]=> int(2) ["title"]=> string(28) "Consciousness - Conversation" ["refcode_short"]=> string(25) "TopIndex .Consciousness.1" ["dup"]=> NULL ["puborder"]=> int(59902) } [87]=> array(6) { ["para_id"]=> string(13) "11161.2061256" ["level"]=> int(2) ["title"]=> string(33) "Conversion, Conversions - Cooking" ["refcode_short"]=> string(35) "TopIndex .Conversion, Conversions.1" ["dup"]=> NULL ["puborder"]=> int(60856) } [88]=> array(6) { ["para_id"]=> string(13) "11161.2062123" ["level"]=> int(2) ["title"]=> string(69) "Cooking demonstration, Cooking demonstrations - Counselor, Counselors" ["refcode_short"]=> string(57) "TopIndex .Cooking demonstration, Cooking demonstrations.1" ["dup"]=> NULL ["puborder"]=> int(61723) } [89]=> array(6) { ["para_id"]=> string(13) "11161.2062968" ["level"]=> int(2) ["title"]=> string(28) "Counsel together - Courtship" ["refcode_short"]=> string(28) "TopIndex .Counsel together.1" ["dup"]=> NULL ["puborder"]=> int(62566) } [90]=> array(6) { ["para_id"]=> string(13) "11161.2063799" ["level"]=> int(2) ["title"]=> string(24) "Covenant - Cramp, Cramps" ["refcode_short"]=> string(20) "TopIndex .Covenant.1" ["dup"]=> NULL ["puborder"]=> int(63395) } [91]=> array(6) { ["para_id"]=> string(13) "11161.2064603" ["level"]=> int(2) ["title"]=> string(25) "Crane, Cranes - Criticism" ["refcode_short"]=> string(25) "TopIndex .Crane, Cranes.1" ["dup"]=> NULL ["puborder"]=> int(64195) } [92]=> array(6) { ["para_id"]=> string(13) "11161.2065477" ["level"]=> int(2) ["title"]=> string(38) "Criticism/Faultfinding - Crown, Crowns" ["refcode_short"]=> string(34) "TopIndex .Criticism/Faultfinding.1" ["dup"]=> NULL ["puborder"]=> int(65067) } [93]=> array(6) { ["para_id"]=> string(13) "11161.2066394" ["level"]=> int(2) ["title"]=> string(35) "Crowned head, Crowned heads - Cyrus" ["refcode_short"]=> string(39) "TopIndex .Crowned head, Crowned heads.1" ["dup"]=> NULL ["puborder"]=> int(65981) } [94]=> array(6) { ["para_id"]=> string(11) "11161.66907" ["level"]=> int(1) ["title"]=> string(1) "D" ["refcode_short"]=> string(11) "TopIndex .D" ["dup"]=> NULL ["puborder"]=> int(66493) } [95]=> array(6) { ["para_id"]=> string(13) "11161.2066908" ["level"]=> int(2) ["title"]=> string(23) "Dagon - Daniel, book of" ["refcode_short"]=> string(17) "TopIndex .Dagon.1" ["dup"]=> string(11) "11161.66907" ["puborder"]=> int(66494) } [96]=> array(6) { ["para_id"]=> string(13) "11161.2067812" ["level"]=> int(2) ["title"]=> string(29) "Daniel and Revelation - David" ["refcode_short"]=> string(33) "TopIndex .Daniel and Revelation.1" ["dup"]=> NULL ["puborder"]=> int(67398) } [97]=> array(6) { ["para_id"]=> string(13) "11161.2068937" ["level"]=> int(2) ["title"]=> string(31) "Davis, Marian - Debate, Debates" ["refcode_short"]=> string(25) "TopIndex .Davis, Marian.1" ["dup"]=> NULL ["puborder"]=> int(68516) } [98]=> array(6) { ["para_id"]=> string(13) "11161.2069779" ["level"]=> int(2) ["title"]=> string(39) "Debater, Debaters - Decision, Decisions" ["refcode_short"]=> string(29) "TopIndex .Debater, Debaters.1" ["dup"]=> NULL ["puborder"]=> int(69355) } [99]=> array(6) { ["para_id"]=> string(13) "11161.2070658" ["level"]=> int(2) ["title"]=> string(24) "Decisive - Demon worship" ["refcode_short"]=> string(20) "TopIndex .Decisive.1" ["dup"]=> NULL ["puborder"]=> int(70232) } [100]=> array(6) { ["para_id"]=> string(13) "11161.2071459" ["level"]=> int(2) ["title"]=> string(27) "Denial - Destiny, Destinies" ["refcode_short"]=> string(18) "TopIndex .Denial.1" ["dup"]=> NULL ["puborder"]=> int(71030) } [101]=> array(6) { ["para_id"]=> string(13) "11161.2072267" ["level"]=> int(2) ["title"]=> string(42) "Destitute person, Destitute persons - Diet" ["refcode_short"]=> string(47) "TopIndex .Destitute person, Destitute persons.1" ["dup"]=> NULL ["puborder"]=> int(71835) } [102]=> array(6) { ["para_id"]=> string(13) "11161.2073473" ["level"]=> int(2) ["title"]=> string(27) "Dietary - Diploma, Diplomas" ["refcode_short"]=> string(19) "TopIndex .Dietary.1" ["dup"]=> NULL ["puborder"]=> int(73039) } [103]=> array(6) { ["para_id"]=> string(13) "11161.2074279" ["level"]=> int(2) ["title"]=> string(22) "Diplomacy - Discontent" ["refcode_short"]=> string(21) "TopIndex .Diplomacy.1" ["dup"]=> NULL ["puborder"]=> int(73845) } [104]=> array(6) { ["para_id"]=> string(13) "11161.2075086" ["level"]=> int(2) ["title"]=> string(35) "Discontented repinings - Dishonesty" ["refcode_short"]=> string(34) "TopIndex .Discontented repinings.1" ["dup"]=> NULL ["puborder"]=> int(74642) } [105]=> array(6) { ["para_id"]=> string(13) "11161.2075952" ["level"]=> int(2) ["title"]=> string(24) "Dishonor - Divine nature" ["refcode_short"]=> string(20) "TopIndex .Dishonor.1" ["dup"]=> NULL ["puborder"]=> int(75506) } [106]=> array(6) { ["para_id"]=> string(13) "11161.2076754" ["level"]=> int(2) ["title"]=> string(33) "Divine providence - Doubt, Doubts" ["refcode_short"]=> string(29) "TopIndex .Divine providence.1" ["dup"]=> NULL ["puborder"]=> int(76303) } [107]=> array(6) { ["para_id"]=> string(13) "11161.2077903" ["level"]=> int(2) ["title"]=> string(13) "Doubt - Drunk" ["refcode_short"]=> string(17) "TopIndex .Doubt.1" ["dup"]=> NULL ["puborder"]=> int(77449) } [108]=> array(6) { ["para_id"]=> string(13) "11161.2078704" ["level"]=> int(2) ["title"]=> string(34) "Drunkard, Drunkards - Duty, Duties" ["refcode_short"]=> string(31) "TopIndex .Drunkard, Drunkards.1" ["dup"]=> NULL ["puborder"]=> int(78246) } [109]=> array(6) { ["para_id"]=> string(13) "11161.2079505" ["level"]=> int(2) ["title"]=> string(33) "Dwarf, Dwarfs - Dyspeptic stomach" ["refcode_short"]=> string(25) "TopIndex .Dwarf, Dwarfs.1" ["dup"]=> NULL ["puborder"]=> int(79046) } [110]=> array(6) { ["para_id"]=> string(11) "11161.79627" ["level"]=> int(1) ["title"]=> string(1) "E" ["refcode_short"]=> string(11) "TopIndex .E" ["dup"]=> NULL ["puborder"]=> int(79167) } [111]=> array(6) { ["para_id"]=> string(13) "11161.2079628" ["level"]=> int(2) ["title"]=> string(14) "Eagle - Eating" ["refcode_short"]=> string(17) "TopIndex .Eagle.1" ["dup"]=> string(11) "11161.79627" ["puborder"]=> int(79168) } [112]=> array(6) { ["para_id"]=> string(13) "11161.2080538" ["level"]=> int(2) ["title"]=> string(37) "Eating and drinking - Educating power" ["refcode_short"]=> string(31) "TopIndex .Eating and drinking.1" ["dup"]=> NULL ["puborder"]=> int(80076) } [113]=> array(6) { ["para_id"]=> string(13) "11161.2081251" ["level"]=> int(2) ["title"]=> string(23) "Education (Part 1 of 3)" ["refcode_short"]=> string(21) "TopIndex .Education.1" ["dup"]=> NULL ["puborder"]=> int(80787) } [114]=> array(6) { ["para_id"]=> string(13) "11161.2081796" ["level"]=> int(2) ["title"]=> string(23) "Education (Part 2 of 3)" ["refcode_short"]=> string(23) "TopIndex .Education.546" ["dup"]=> NULL ["puborder"]=> int(81333) } [115]=> array(6) { ["para_id"]=> string(13) "11161.2082341" ["level"]=> int(2) ["title"]=> string(23) "Education (Part 3 of 3)" ["refcode_short"]=> string(24) "TopIndex .Education.1091" ["dup"]=> NULL ["puborder"]=> int(81879) } [116]=> array(6) { ["para_id"]=> string(13) "11161.2082887" ["level"]=> int(2) ["title"]=> string(32) "Education (the book) - Egg, Eggs" ["refcode_short"]=> string(32) "TopIndex .Education (the book).1" ["dup"]=> NULL ["puborder"]=> int(82426) } [117]=> array(6) { ["para_id"]=> string(13) "11161.2083702" ["level"]=> int(2) ["title"]=> string(16) "Egotism - Elisha" ["refcode_short"]=> string(19) "TopIndex .Egotism.1" ["dup"]=> NULL ["puborder"]=> int(83239) } [118]=> array(6) { ["para_id"]=> string(13) "11161.2084591" ["level"]=> int(2) ["title"]=> string(31) "Elixir of life - Enemy, Enemies" ["refcode_short"]=> string(26) "TopIndex .Elixir of life.1" ["dup"]=> NULL ["puborder"]=> int(84125) } [119]=> array(6) { ["para_id"]=> string(13) "11161.2085467" ["level"]=> int(2) ["title"]=> string(25) "Energetic - Envy/Jealousy" ["refcode_short"]=> string(21) "TopIndex .Energetic.1" ["dup"]=> NULL ["puborder"]=> int(84999) } [120]=> array(6) { ["para_id"]=> string(13) "11161.2086278" ["level"]=> int(2) ["title"]=> string(25) "Epaphras - Eternal things" ["refcode_short"]=> string(20) "TopIndex .Epaphras.1" ["dup"]=> NULL ["puborder"]=> int(85806) } [121]=> array(6) { ["para_id"]=> string(13) "11161.2087080" ["level"]=> int(2) ["title"]=> string(37) "Eternal torment - Evidence, Evidences" ["refcode_short"]=> string(27) "TopIndex .Eternal torment.1" ["dup"]=> NULL ["puborder"]=> int(86605) } [122]=> array(6) { ["para_id"]=> string(13) "11161.2087921" ["level"]=> int(2) ["title"]=> string(33) "Evil, Evils - Exercise (physical)" ["refcode_short"]=> string(23) "TopIndex .Evil, Evils.1" ["dup"]=> NULL ["puborder"]=> int(87442) } [123]=> array(6) { ["para_id"]=> string(13) "11161.2088997" ["level"]=> int(2) ["title"]=> string(34) "Exercises - Extremity, Extremities" ["refcode_short"]=> string(21) "TopIndex .Exercises.1" ["dup"]=> NULL ["puborder"]=> int(88517) } [124]=> array(6) { ["para_id"]=> string(13) "11161.2089823" ["level"]=> int(2) ["title"]=> string(16) "Eye, Eyes - Ezra" ["refcode_short"]=> string(21) "TopIndex .Eye, Eyes.1" ["dup"]=> NULL ["puborder"]=> int(89340) } [125]=> array(6) { ["para_id"]=> string(13) "11161.2089825" ["level"]=> int(2) ["title"]=> string(14) "1844 - 144,000" ["refcode_short"]=> string(21) "TopIndex .Eye, Eyes.3" ["dup"]=> NULL ["puborder"]=> int(89342) } [126]=> array(6) { ["para_id"]=> string(11) "11161.90091" ["level"]=> int(1) ["title"]=> string(1) "F" ["refcode_short"]=> string(11) "TopIndex .F" ["dup"]=> NULL ["puborder"]=> int(89608) } [127]=> array(6) { ["para_id"]=> string(13) "11161.2090092" ["level"]=> int(2) ["title"]=> string(39) "Faber, Johann - Fairy tale, Fairy tales" ["refcode_short"]=> string(25) "TopIndex .Faber, Johann.1" ["dup"]=> string(11) "11161.90091" ["puborder"]=> int(89609) } [128]=> array(6) { ["para_id"]=> string(13) "11161.2090565" ["level"]=> int(2) ["title"]=> string(19) "Faith (Part 1 of 3)" ["refcode_short"]=> string(17) "TopIndex .Faith.1" ["dup"]=> NULL ["puborder"]=> int(90081) } [129]=> array(6) { ["para_id"]=> string(13) "11161.2091144" ["level"]=> int(2) ["title"]=> string(19) "Faith (Part 2 of 3)" ["refcode_short"]=> string(19) "TopIndex .Faith.580" ["dup"]=> NULL ["puborder"]=> int(90660) } [130]=> array(6) { ["para_id"]=> string(13) "11161.2091723" ["level"]=> int(2) ["title"]=> string(19) "Faith (Part 3 of 3)" ["refcode_short"]=> string(20) "TopIndex .Faith.1159" ["dup"]=> NULL ["puborder"]=> int(91240) } [131]=> array(6) { ["para_id"]=> string(13) "11161.2092303" ["level"]=> int(2) ["title"]=> string(34) "Faith and works - Family, Families" ["refcode_short"]=> string(27) "TopIndex .Faith and works.1" ["dup"]=> NULL ["puborder"]=> int(91821) } [132]=> array(6) { ["para_id"]=> string(13) "11161.2093361" ["level"]=> int(2) ["title"]=> string(48) "Family affliction - Farmer, Farmers (Husbandmen)" ["refcode_short"]=> string(29) "TopIndex .Family affliction.1" ["dup"]=> NULL ["puborder"]=> int(92874) } [133]=> array(6) { ["para_id"]=> string(13) "11161.2094186" ["level"]=> int(2) ["title"]=> string(37) "Farmhouse, Farmhouses - Fault, Faults" ["refcode_short"]=> string(33) "TopIndex .Farmhouse, Farmhouses.1" ["dup"]=> NULL ["puborder"]=> int(93699) } [134]=> array(6) { ["para_id"]=> string(13) "11161.2095029" ["level"]=> int(2) ["title"]=> string(54) "Faultfinder, Faultfinders - Feet washing, ordinance of" ["refcode_short"]=> string(37) "TopIndex .Faultfinder, Faultfinders.1" ["dup"]=> NULL ["puborder"]=> int(94537) } [135]=> array(6) { ["para_id"]=> string(13) "11161.2095869" ["level"]=> int(2) ["title"]=> string(27) "Felice, G. de - Fire, Fires" ["refcode_short"]=> string(25) "TopIndex .Felice, G. de.1" ["dup"]=> NULL ["puborder"]=> int(95376) } [136]=> array(6) { ["para_id"]=> string(13) "11161.2096679" ["level"]=> int(2) ["title"]=> string(40) "Fire, balls of - Flesh food, Flesh foods" ["refcode_short"]=> string(26) "TopIndex .Fire, balls of.1" ["dup"]=> NULL ["puborder"]=> int(96178) } [137]=> array(6) { ["para_id"]=> string(13) "11161.2097772" ["level"]=> int(2) ["title"]=> string(41) "Flesh meat examiners - Food (unwholesome)" ["refcode_short"]=> string(32) "TopIndex .Flesh meat examiners.1" ["dup"]=> NULL ["puborder"]=> int(97269) } [138]=> array(6) { ["para_id"]=> string(13) "11161.2098732" ["level"]=> int(2) ["title"]=> string(53) "Food (wholesome) - Foreign country, Foreign countries" ["refcode_short"]=> string(28) "TopIndex .Food (wholesome).1" ["dup"]=> NULL ["puborder"]=> int(98224) } [139]=> array(6) { ["para_id"]=> string(13) "11161.2099555" ["level"]=> int(2) ["title"]=> string(29) "Foreigner, Foreigners - Fraud" ["refcode_short"]=> string(33) "TopIndex .Foreigner, Foreigners.1" ["dup"]=> NULL ["puborder"]=> int(99045) } [140]=> array(6) { ["para_id"]=> string(13) "11161.2100372" ["level"]=> int(2) ["title"]=> string(47) "Fraudulent act, Fraudulent acts - Fruit, Fruits" ["refcode_short"]=> string(43) "TopIndex .Fraudulent act, Fraudulent acts.1" ["dup"]=> NULL ["puborder"]=> int(99856) } [141]=> array(6) { ["para_id"]=> string(13) "11161.2101315" ["level"]=> int(2) ["title"]=> string(24) "Fruit bearing - Futurity" ["refcode_short"]=> string(25) "TopIndex .Fruit bearing.1" ["dup"]=> NULL ["puborder"]=> int(100797) } [142]=> array(6) { ["para_id"]=> string(12) "11161.101667" ["level"]=> int(1) ["title"]=> string(1) "G" ["refcode_short"]=> string(11) "TopIndex .G" ["dup"]=> NULL ["puborder"]=> int(101148) } [143]=> array(6) { ["para_id"]=> string(13) "11161.2101668" ["level"]=> int(2) ["title"]=> string(33) "Gabriel - Generation, Generations" ["refcode_short"]=> string(19) "TopIndex .Gabriel.1" ["dup"]=> string(12) "11161.101667" ["puborder"]=> int(101149) } [144]=> array(6) { ["para_id"]=> string(13) "11161.2102489" ["level"]=> int(2) ["title"]=> string(24) "Generosity - Girl, Girls" ["refcode_short"]=> string(22) "TopIndex .Generosity.1" ["dup"]=> NULL ["puborder"]=> int(101967) } [145]=> array(6) { ["para_id"]=> string(13) "11161.2103404" ["level"]=> int(2) ["title"]=> string(22) "Girlfriend - Goat hair" ["refcode_short"]=> string(22) "TopIndex .Girlfriend.1" ["dup"]=> NULL ["puborder"]=> int(102877) } [146]=> array(6) { ["para_id"]=> string(13) "11161.2103893" ["level"]=> int(2) ["title"]=> string(17) "God (Part 1 of 9)" ["refcode_short"]=> string(15) "TopIndex .God.1" ["dup"]=> NULL ["puborder"]=> int(103364) } [147]=> array(6) { ["para_id"]=> string(13) "11161.2104630" ["level"]=> int(2) ["title"]=> string(17) "God (Part 2 of 9)" ["refcode_short"]=> string(17) "TopIndex .God.738" ["dup"]=> NULL ["puborder"]=> int(104101) } [148]=> array(6) { ["para_id"]=> string(13) "11161.2105367" ["level"]=> int(2) ["title"]=> string(17) "God (Part 3 of 9)" ["refcode_short"]=> string(18) "TopIndex .God.1475" ["dup"]=> NULL ["puborder"]=> int(104839) } [149]=> array(6) { ["para_id"]=> string(13) "11161.2106103" ["level"]=> int(2) ["title"]=> string(17) "God (Part 4 of 9)" ["refcode_short"]=> string(18) "TopIndex .God.2211" ["dup"]=> NULL ["puborder"]=> int(105576) } [150]=> array(6) { ["para_id"]=> string(13) "11161.2106840" ["level"]=> int(2) ["title"]=> string(17) "God (Part 5 of 9)" ["refcode_short"]=> string(18) "TopIndex .God.2948" ["dup"]=> NULL ["puborder"]=> int(106314) } [151]=> array(6) { ["para_id"]=> string(13) "11161.2107576" ["level"]=> int(2) ["title"]=> string(17) "God (Part 6 of 9)" ["refcode_short"]=> string(18) "TopIndex .God.3684" ["dup"]=> NULL ["puborder"]=> int(107051) } [152]=> array(6) { ["para_id"]=> string(13) "11161.2108313" ["level"]=> int(2) ["title"]=> string(17) "God (Part 7 of 9)" ["refcode_short"]=> string(18) "TopIndex .God.4421" ["dup"]=> NULL ["puborder"]=> int(107789) } [153]=> array(6) { ["para_id"]=> string(13) "11161.2109049" ["level"]=> int(2) ["title"]=> string(17) "God (Part 8 of 9)" ["refcode_short"]=> string(18) "TopIndex .God.5157" ["dup"]=> NULL ["puborder"]=> int(108526) } [154]=> array(6) { ["para_id"]=> string(13) "11161.2109786" ["level"]=> int(2) ["title"]=> string(17) "God (Part 9 of 9)" ["refcode_short"]=> string(18) "TopIndex .God.5894" ["dup"]=> NULL ["puborder"]=> int(109264) } [155]=> array(6) { ["para_id"]=> string(13) "11161.2110523" ["level"]=> int(2) ["title"]=> string(32) "God, Gods, false - Good and evil" ["refcode_short"]=> string(28) "TopIndex .God, Gods, false.1" ["dup"]=> NULL ["puborder"]=> int(110002) } [156]=> array(6) { ["para_id"]=> string(13) "11161.2111348" ["level"]=> int(2) ["title"]=> string(22) "Goodness - Gospel work" ["refcode_short"]=> string(20) "TopIndex .Goodness.1" ["dup"]=> NULL ["puborder"]=> int(110824) } [157]=> array(6) { ["para_id"]=> string(13) "11161.2112693" ["level"]=> int(2) ["title"]=> string(43) "Gospel worker, Gospel workers (Part 1 of 2)" ["refcode_short"]=> string(41) "TopIndex .Gospel worker, Gospel workers.1" ["dup"]=> NULL ["puborder"]=> int(112167) } [158]=> array(6) { ["para_id"]=> string(13) "11161.2113402" ["level"]=> int(2) ["title"]=> string(43) "Gospel worker, Gospel workers (Part 2 of 2)" ["refcode_short"]=> string(43) "TopIndex .Gospel worker, Gospel workers.710" ["dup"]=> NULL ["puborder"]=> int(112877) } [159]=> array(6) { ["para_id"]=> string(13) "11161.2114112" ["level"]=> int(2) ["title"]=> string(21) "Gospel Workers - Gown" ["refcode_short"]=> string(26) "TopIndex .Gospel Workers.1" ["dup"]=> NULL ["puborder"]=> int(113588) } [160]=> array(6) { ["para_id"]=> string(13) "11161.2114369" ["level"]=> int(2) ["title"]=> string(19) "Grace (Part 1 of 2)" ["refcode_short"]=> string(17) "TopIndex .Grace.1" ["dup"]=> NULL ["puborder"]=> int(113845) } [161]=> array(6) { ["para_id"]=> string(13) "11161.2114902" ["level"]=> int(2) ["title"]=> string(19) "Grace (Part 2 of 2)" ["refcode_short"]=> string(19) "TopIndex .Grace.534" ["dup"]=> NULL ["puborder"]=> int(114378) } [162]=> array(6) { ["para_id"]=> string(13) "11161.2115435" ["level"]=> int(2) ["title"]=> string(37) "Grace, Graces - Grievance, Grievances" ["refcode_short"]=> string(25) "TopIndex .Grace, Graces.1" ["dup"]=> NULL ["puborder"]=> int(114912) } [163]=> array(6) { ["para_id"]=> string(13) "11161.2116236" ["level"]=> int(2) ["title"]=> string(55) "Griggs, E. S. - Gymnastic exercise, Gymnastic exercises" ["refcode_short"]=> string(25) "TopIndex .Griggs, E. S..1" ["dup"]=> NULL ["puborder"]=> int(115709) } [164]=> array(6) { ["para_id"]=> string(12) "11161.116927" ["level"]=> int(1) ["title"]=> string(1) "H" ["refcode_short"]=> string(11) "TopIndex .H" ["dup"]=> NULL ["puborder"]=> int(116397) } [165]=> array(6) { ["para_id"]=> string(13) "11161.2116928" ["level"]=> int(2) ["title"]=> string(20) "Habakkuk - Handclasp" ["refcode_short"]=> string(20) "TopIndex .Habakkuk.1" ["dup"]=> string(12) "11161.116927" ["puborder"]=> int(116398) } [166]=> array(6) { ["para_id"]=> string(13) "11161.2117731" ["level"]=> int(2) ["title"]=> string(22) "Handicap - Harp, Harps" ["refcode_short"]=> string(20) "TopIndex .Handicap.1" ["dup"]=> NULL ["puborder"]=> int(117199) } [167]=> array(6) { ["para_id"]=> string(13) "11161.2118534" ["level"]=> int(2) ["title"]=> string(29) "Harris, Wm. and Mrs. - Health" ["refcode_short"]=> string(32) "TopIndex .Harris, Wm. and Mrs..1" ["dup"]=> NULL ["puborder"]=> int(117999) } [168]=> array(6) { ["para_id"]=> string(13) "11161.2119779" ["level"]=> int(2) ["title"]=> string(21) "Health book - Hearsay" ["refcode_short"]=> string(23) "TopIndex .Health book.1" ["dup"]=> NULL ["puborder"]=> int(119241) } [169]=> array(6) { ["para_id"]=> string(13) "11161.2120544" ["level"]=> int(2) ["title"]=> string(27) "Heart, Hearts (Part 1 of 2)" ["refcode_short"]=> string(25) "TopIndex .Heart, Hearts.1" ["dup"]=> NULL ["puborder"]=> int(120006) } [170]=> array(6) { ["para_id"]=> string(13) "11161.2120984" ["level"]=> int(2) ["title"]=> string(27) "Heart, Hearts (Part 2 of 2)" ["refcode_short"]=> string(27) "TopIndex .Heart, Hearts.441" ["dup"]=> NULL ["puborder"]=> int(120446) } [171]=> array(6) { ["para_id"]=> string(13) "11161.2121425" ["level"]=> int(2) ["title"]=> string(38) "Heartache, Heartaches - Heaven (place)" ["refcode_short"]=> string(33) "TopIndex .Heartache, Heartaches.1" ["dup"]=> NULL ["puborder"]=> int(120888) } [172]=> array(6) { ["para_id"]=> string(13) "11161.2122826" ["level"]=> int(2) ["title"]=> string(30) "Heavenly host - Higher classes" ["refcode_short"]=> string(25) "TopIndex .Heavenly host.1" ["dup"]=> NULL ["puborder"]=> int(122288) } [173]=> array(6) { ["para_id"]=> string(13) "11161.2123640" ["level"]=> int(2) ["title"]=> string(37) "Higher criticism - History, Histories" ["refcode_short"]=> string(28) "TopIndex .Higher criticism.1" ["dup"]=> NULL ["puborder"]=> int(123097) } [174]=> array(6) { ["para_id"]=> string(13) "11161.2124641" ["level"]=> int(2) ["title"]=> string(25) "History - Holy Scriptures" ["refcode_short"]=> string(19) "TopIndex .History.1" ["dup"]=> NULL ["puborder"]=> int(124096) } [175]=> array(6) { ["para_id"]=> string(13) "11161.2125195" ["level"]=> int(2) ["title"]=> string(25) "Holy Spirit (Part 1 of 5)" ["refcode_short"]=> string(23) "TopIndex .Holy Spirit.1" ["dup"]=> NULL ["puborder"]=> int(124650) } [176]=> array(6) { ["para_id"]=> string(13) "11161.2125880" ["level"]=> int(2) ["title"]=> string(25) "Holy Spirit (Part 2 of 5)" ["refcode_short"]=> string(25) "TopIndex .Holy Spirit.686" ["dup"]=> NULL ["puborder"]=> int(125336) } [177]=> array(6) { ["para_id"]=> string(13) "11161.2126565" ["level"]=> int(2) ["title"]=> string(25) "Holy Spirit (Part 3 of 5)" ["refcode_short"]=> string(26) "TopIndex .Holy Spirit.1371" ["dup"]=> NULL ["puborder"]=> int(126022) } [178]=> array(6) { ["para_id"]=> string(13) "11161.2127249" ["level"]=> int(2) ["title"]=> string(25) "Holy Spirit (Part 4 of 5)" ["refcode_short"]=> string(26) "TopIndex .Holy Spirit.2055" ["dup"]=> NULL ["puborder"]=> int(126707) } [179]=> array(6) { ["para_id"]=> string(13) "11161.2127934" ["level"]=> int(2) ["title"]=> string(25) "Holy Spirit (Part 5 of 5)" ["refcode_short"]=> string(26) "TopIndex .Holy Spirit.2740" ["dup"]=> NULL ["puborder"]=> int(127393) } [180]=> array(6) { ["para_id"]=> string(13) "11161.2128619" ["level"]=> int(2) ["title"]=> string(6) "Homage" ["refcode_short"]=> string(18) "TopIndex .Homage.1" ["dup"]=> NULL ["puborder"]=> int(128079) } [181]=> array(6) { ["para_id"]=> string(13) "11161.2128633" ["level"]=> int(2) ["title"]=> string(25) "Home, Homes (Part 1 of 2)" ["refcode_short"]=> string(23) "TopIndex .Home, Homes.1" ["dup"]=> NULL ["puborder"]=> int(128094) } [182]=> array(6) { ["para_id"]=> string(13) "11161.2129104" ["level"]=> int(2) ["title"]=> string(25) "Home, Homes (Part 2 of 2)" ["refcode_short"]=> string(25) "TopIndex .Home, Homes.472" ["dup"]=> NULL ["puborder"]=> int(128565) } [183]=> array(6) { ["para_id"]=> string(13) "11161.2129576" ["level"]=> int(2) ["title"]=> string(26) "Home address - Hope, Hopes" ["refcode_short"]=> string(24) "TopIndex .Home address.1" ["dup"]=> NULL ["puborder"]=> int(129038) } [184]=> array(6) { ["para_id"]=> string(13) "11161.2130612" ["level"]=> int(2) ["title"]=> string(18) "Hopeful - Humanity" ["refcode_short"]=> string(19) "TopIndex .Hopeful.1" ["dup"]=> NULL ["puborder"]=> int(130073) } [185]=> array(6) { ["para_id"]=> string(13) "11161.2132033" ["level"]=> int(2) ["title"]=> string(32) "Human nature - Husband, Husbands" ["refcode_short"]=> string(24) "TopIndex .Human nature.1" ["dup"]=> NULL ["puborder"]=> int(131491) } [186]=> array(6) { ["para_id"]=> string(13) "11161.2133065" ["level"]=> int(2) ["title"]=> string(28) "Husband and wife - Hysterics" ["refcode_short"]=> string(28) "TopIndex .Husband and wife.1" ["dup"]=> NULL ["puborder"]=> int(132520) } [187]=> array(6) { ["para_id"]=> string(12) "11161.133402" ["level"]=> int(1) ["title"]=> string(1) "I" ["refcode_short"]=> string(11) "TopIndex .I" ["dup"]=> NULL ["puborder"]=> int(132857) } [188]=> array(6) { ["para_id"]=> string(13) "11161.2133421" ["level"]=> int(2) ["title"]=> string(14) "Ice - Idolatry" ["refcode_short"]=> string(15) "TopIndex .Ice.1" ["dup"]=> NULL ["puborder"]=> int(132875) } [189]=> array(6) { ["para_id"]=> string(13) "11161.2134354" ["level"]=> int(2) ["title"]=> string(42) "Idol builder, Idol builders - Image of God" ["refcode_short"]=> string(39) "TopIndex .Idol builder, Idol builders.1" ["dup"]=> NULL ["puborder"]=> int(133809) } [190]=> array(6) { ["para_id"]=> string(13) "11161.2135163" ["level"]=> int(2) ["title"]=> string(33) "Imagery - Impression, Impressions" ["refcode_short"]=> string(19) "TopIndex .Imagery.1" ["dup"]=> NULL ["puborder"]=> int(134617) } [191]=> array(6) { ["para_id"]=> string(13) "11161.2136023" ["level"]=> int(2) ["title"]=> string(27) "Imprisonment - Independence" ["refcode_short"]=> string(24) "TopIndex .Imprisonment.1" ["dup"]=> NULL ["puborder"]=> int(135476) } [192]=> array(6) { ["para_id"]=> string(13) "11161.2136881" ["level"]=> int(2) ["title"]=> string(31) "Independent - Industrial school" ["refcode_short"]=> string(23) "TopIndex .Independent.1" ["dup"]=> NULL ["puborder"]=> int(136332) } [193]=> array(6) { ["para_id"]=> string(13) "11161.2137682" ["level"]=> int(2) ["title"]=> string(43) "Industrial training - Influence, Influences" ["refcode_short"]=> string(31) "TopIndex .Industrial training.1" ["dup"]=> NULL ["puborder"]=> int(137134) } [194]=> array(6) { ["para_id"]=> string(13) "11161.2138905" ["level"]=> int(2) ["title"]=> string(53) "Influenza - Institution, Institutions (establishment)" ["refcode_short"]=> string(21) "TopIndex .Influenza.1" ["dup"]=> NULL ["puborder"]=> int(138355) } [195]=> array(6) { ["para_id"]=> string(13) "11161.2139984" ["level"]=> int(2) ["title"]=> string(39) "Institutional work - Intellectual pride" ["refcode_short"]=> string(30) "TopIndex .Institutional work.1" ["dup"]=> NULL ["puborder"]=> int(139431) } [196]=> array(6) { ["para_id"]=> string(13) "11161.2140787" ["level"]=> int(2) ["title"]=> string(89) "Intellectual privilege, Intellectual privileges - Intoxicating drink, Intoxicating drinks" ["refcode_short"]=> string(59) "TopIndex .Intellectual privilege, Intellectual privileges.1" ["dup"]=> NULL ["puborder"]=> int(140232) } [197]=> array(6) { ["para_id"]=> string(13) "11161.2141921" ["level"]=> int(2) ["title"]=> string(29) "Intoxicating drug - Isolation" ["refcode_short"]=> string(29) "TopIndex .Intoxicating drug.1" ["dup"]=> NULL ["puborder"]=> int(141364) } [198]=> array(6) { ["para_id"]=> string(13) "11161.2142597" ["level"]=> int(2) ["title"]=> string(20) "Israel (Part 1 of 2)" ["refcode_short"]=> string(18) "TopIndex .Israel.1" ["dup"]=> NULL ["puborder"]=> int(142038) } [199]=> array(6) { ["para_id"]=> string(13) "11161.2143249" ["level"]=> int(2) ["title"]=> string(20) "Israel (Part 2 of 2)" ["refcode_short"]=> string(20) "TopIndex .Israel.653" ["dup"]=> NULL ["puborder"]=> int(142690) } [200]=> array(6) { ["para_id"]=> string(13) "11161.2143902" ["level"]=> int(2) ["title"]=> string(27) "Israelite, Israelites - Ivy" ["refcode_short"]=> string(33) "TopIndex .Israelite, Israelites.1" ["dup"]=> NULL ["puborder"]=> int(143344) } [201]=> array(6) { ["para_id"]=> string(12) "11161.144441" ["level"]=> int(1) ["title"]=> string(1) "J" ["refcode_short"]=> string(11) "TopIndex .J" ["dup"]=> NULL ["puborder"]=> int(143883) } [202]=> array(6) { ["para_id"]=> string(13) "11161.2144442" ["level"]=> int(2) ["title"]=> string(24) "Jabbok River - Jerusalem" ["refcode_short"]=> string(24) "TopIndex .Jabbok River.1" ["dup"]=> string(12) "11161.144441" ["puborder"]=> int(143884) } [203]=> array(6) { ["para_id"]=> string(13) "11161.2145427" ["level"]=> int(2) ["title"]=> string(31) "Jerusalem, New - John (apostle)" ["refcode_short"]=> string(26) "TopIndex .Jerusalem, New.1" ["dup"]=> NULL ["puborder"]=> int(144868) } [204]=> array(6) { ["para_id"]=> string(13) "11161.2146329" ["level"]=> int(2) ["title"]=> string(32) "John, Duke - Joseph of Arimathea" ["refcode_short"]=> string(22) "TopIndex .John, Duke.1" ["dup"]=> NULL ["puborder"]=> int(145765) } [205]=> array(6) { ["para_id"]=> string(13) "11161.2147145" ["level"]=> int(2) ["title"]=> string(24) "Josephus - Judge, Judges" ["refcode_short"]=> string(20) "TopIndex .Josephus.1" ["dup"]=> NULL ["puborder"]=> int(146580) } [206]=> array(6) { ["para_id"]=> string(13) "11161.2148005" ["level"]=> int(2) ["title"]=> string(42) "Judged - Judgment of God, Judgments of God" ["refcode_short"]=> string(18) "TopIndex .Judged.1" ["dup"]=> NULL ["puborder"]=> int(147440) } [207]=> array(6) { ["para_id"]=> string(13) "11161.2148815" ["level"]=> int(2) ["title"]=> string(39) "Judgments(legal) - Juvenile delinquency" ["refcode_short"]=> string(28) "TopIndex .Judgments(legal).1" ["dup"]=> NULL ["puborder"]=> int(148247) } [208]=> array(6) { ["para_id"]=> string(12) "11161.149141" ["level"]=> int(1) ["title"]=> string(1) "K" ["refcode_short"]=> string(11) "TopIndex .K" ["dup"]=> NULL ["puborder"]=> int(148571) } [209]=> array(6) { ["para_id"]=> string(13) "11161.2149142" ["level"]=> int(2) ["title"]=> string(25) "Kadesh-barnea - Knowledge" ["refcode_short"]=> string(25) "TopIndex .Kadesh-barnea.1" ["dup"]=> string(12) "11161.149141" ["puborder"]=> int(148572) } [210]=> array(6) { ["para_id"]=> string(13) "11161.2150225" ["level"]=> int(2) ["title"]=> string(32) "Known - Korah, Dathan and Abiram" ["refcode_short"]=> string(17) "TopIndex .Known.1" ["dup"]=> NULL ["puborder"]=> int(149655) } [211]=> array(6) { ["para_id"]=> string(12) "11161.150267" ["level"]=> int(1) ["title"]=> string(1) "L" ["refcode_short"]=> string(11) "TopIndex .L" ["dup"]=> NULL ["puborder"]=> int(149697) } [212]=> array(6) { ["para_id"]=> string(13) "11161.2150268" ["level"]=> int(2) ["title"]=> string(27) "Laban - Language, Languages" ["refcode_short"]=> string(17) "TopIndex .Laban.1" ["dup"]=> string(12) "11161.150267" ["puborder"]=> int(149698) } [213]=> array(6) { ["para_id"]=> string(13) "11161.2151085" ["level"]=> int(2) ["title"]=> string(27) "Languor - Law and testimony" ["refcode_short"]=> string(19) "TopIndex .Languor.1" ["dup"]=> NULL ["puborder"]=> int(150514) } [214]=> array(6) { ["para_id"]=> string(13) "11161.2151600" ["level"]=> int(2) ["title"]=> string(23) "Law, Laws (Part 1 of 2)" ["refcode_short"]=> string(21) "TopIndex .Law, Laws.1" ["dup"]=> NULL ["puborder"]=> int(151024) } [215]=> array(6) { ["para_id"]=> string(13) "11161.2152216" ["level"]=> int(2) ["title"]=> string(23) "Law, Laws (Part 2 of 2)" ["refcode_short"]=> string(23) "TopIndex .Law, Laws.617" ["dup"]=> NULL ["puborder"]=> int(151640) } [216]=> array(6) { ["para_id"]=> string(13) "11161.2152833" ["level"]=> int(2) ["title"]=> string(10) "Law - Lawn" ["refcode_short"]=> string(15) "TopIndex .Law.1" ["dup"]=> NULL ["puborder"]=> int(152258) } [217]=> array(6) { ["para_id"]=> string(13) "11161.2152909" ["level"]=> int(2) ["title"]=> string(24) "Law of God (Part 1 of 3)" ["refcode_short"]=> string(22) "TopIndex .Law of God.1" ["dup"]=> NULL ["puborder"]=> int(152335) } [218]=> array(6) { ["para_id"]=> string(13) "11161.2153627" ["level"]=> int(2) ["title"]=> string(24) "Law of God (Part 2 of 3)" ["refcode_short"]=> string(24) "TopIndex .Law of God.719" ["dup"]=> NULL ["puborder"]=> int(153053) } [219]=> array(6) { ["para_id"]=> string(13) "11161.2154345" ["level"]=> int(2) ["title"]=> string(24) "Law of God (Part 3 of 3)" ["refcode_short"]=> string(25) "TopIndex .Law of God.1437" ["dup"]=> NULL ["puborder"]=> int(153772) } [220]=> array(6) { ["para_id"]=> string(13) "11161.2155063" ["level"]=> int(2) ["title"]=> string(33) "Lawrence, Bro. - Legacy, Legacies" ["refcode_short"]=> string(26) "TopIndex .Lawrence, Bro..1" ["dup"]=> NULL ["puborder"]=> int(154491) } [221]=> array(6) { ["para_id"]=> string(13) "11161.2155882" ["level"]=> int(2) ["title"]=> string(54) "Legal enactment, Legal enactments - Library, Libraries" ["refcode_short"]=> string(45) "TopIndex .Legal enactment, Legal enactments.1" ["dup"]=> NULL ["puborder"]=> int(155309) } [222]=> array(6) { ["para_id"]=> string(13) "11161.2156692" ["level"]=> int(2) ["title"]=> string(16) "Lice - Lie, Lies" ["refcode_short"]=> string(16) "TopIndex .Lice.1" ["dup"]=> NULL ["puborder"]=> int(156118) } [223]=> array(6) { ["para_id"]=> string(13) "11161.2156874" ["level"]=> int(2) ["title"]=> string(25) "Life, Lives (Part 1 of 3)" ["refcode_short"]=> string(23) "TopIndex .Life, Lives.1" ["dup"]=> NULL ["puborder"]=> int(156301) } [224]=> array(6) { ["para_id"]=> string(13) "11161.2157475" ["level"]=> int(2) ["title"]=> string(25) "Life, Lives (Part 2 of 3)" ["refcode_short"]=> string(25) "TopIndex .Life, Lives.602" ["dup"]=> NULL ["puborder"]=> int(156902) } [225]=> array(6) { ["para_id"]=> string(13) "11161.2158076" ["level"]=> int(2) ["title"]=> string(25) "Life, Lives (Part 3 of 3)" ["refcode_short"]=> string(26) "TopIndex .Life, Lives.1203" ["dup"]=> NULL ["puborder"]=> int(157504) } [226]=> array(6) { ["para_id"]=> string(13) "11161.2158678" ["level"]=> int(2) ["title"]=> string(33) "Life-and-death message - Lifework" ["refcode_short"]=> string(34) "TopIndex .Life-and-death message.1" ["dup"]=> NULL ["puborder"]=> int(158107) } [227]=> array(6) { ["para_id"]=> string(13) "11161.2158854" ["level"]=> int(2) ["title"]=> string(31) "Light (spiritual) (Part 1 of 2)" ["refcode_short"]=> string(29) "TopIndex .Light (spiritual).1" ["dup"]=> NULL ["puborder"]=> int(158283) } [228]=> array(6) { ["para_id"]=> string(13) "11161.2159425" ["level"]=> int(2) ["title"]=> string(31) "Light (spiritual) (Part 2 of 2)" ["refcode_short"]=> string(31) "TopIndex .Light (spiritual).572" ["dup"]=> NULL ["puborder"]=> int(158854) } [229]=> array(6) { ["para_id"]=> string(13) "11161.2159997" ["level"]=> int(2) ["title"]=> string(32) "Light, Lights - Liver difficulty" ["refcode_short"]=> string(25) "TopIndex .Light, Lights.1" ["dup"]=> NULL ["puborder"]=> int(159427) } [230]=> array(6) { ["para_id"]=> string(13) "11161.2160802" ["level"]=> int(2) ["title"]=> string(36) "Livery of heaven - Lovable Christian" ["refcode_short"]=> string(28) "TopIndex .Livery of heaven.1" ["dup"]=> NULL ["puborder"]=> int(160227) } [231]=> array(6) { ["para_id"]=> string(13) "11161.2161582" ["level"]=> int(2) ["title"]=> string(25) "Love, Loves (Part 1 of 3)" ["refcode_short"]=> string(23) "TopIndex .Love, Loves.1" ["dup"]=> NULL ["puborder"]=> int(161001) } [232]=> array(6) { ["para_id"]=> string(13) "11161.2162293" ["level"]=> int(2) ["title"]=> string(25) "Love, Loves (Part 2 of 3)" ["refcode_short"]=> string(25) "TopIndex .Love, Loves.712" ["dup"]=> NULL ["puborder"]=> int(161712) } [233]=> array(6) { ["para_id"]=> string(13) "11161.2163004" ["level"]=> int(2) ["title"]=> string(25) "Love, Loves (Part 3 of 3)" ["refcode_short"]=> string(26) "TopIndex .Love, Loves.1423" ["dup"]=> NULL ["puborder"]=> int(162424) } [234]=> array(6) { ["para_id"]=> string(13) "11161.2163716" ["level"]=> int(2) ["title"]=> string(21) "Love - Luther, Martin" ["refcode_short"]=> string(16) "TopIndex .Love.1" ["dup"]=> NULL ["puborder"]=> int(163137) } [235]=> array(6) { ["para_id"]=> string(13) "11161.2164540" ["level"]=> int(2) ["title"]=> string(49) "Lutherans - Lystrian believer, Lystrian believers" ["refcode_short"]=> string(21) "TopIndex .Lutherans.1" ["dup"]=> NULL ["puborder"]=> int(163958) } [236]=> array(6) { ["para_id"]=> string(12) "11161.164641" ["level"]=> int(1) ["title"]=> string(1) "M" ["refcode_short"]=> string(11) "TopIndex .M" ["dup"]=> NULL ["puborder"]=> int(164059) } [237]=> array(6) { ["para_id"]=> string(13) "11161.2164642" ["level"]=> int(2) ["title"]=> string(20) "Macedonia - Man, Men" ["refcode_short"]=> string(21) "TopIndex .Macedonia.1" ["dup"]=> string(12) "11161.164641" ["puborder"]=> int(164060) } [238]=> array(6) { ["para_id"]=> string(13) "11161.2165608" ["level"]=> int(2) ["title"]=> string(30) "Manacles - Marriage, Marriages" ["refcode_short"]=> string(20) "TopIndex .Manacles.1" ["dup"]=> NULL ["puborder"]=> int(165023) } [239]=> array(6) { ["para_id"]=> string(13) "11161.2166978" ["level"]=> int(2) ["title"]=> string(30) "Marriageable age - Meal, Meals" ["refcode_short"]=> string(28) "TopIndex .Marriageable age.1" ["dup"]=> NULL ["puborder"]=> int(166389) } [240]=> array(6) { ["para_id"]=> string(13) "11161.2167877" ["level"]=> int(2) ["title"]=> string(30) "Mealtime - Mechanic, Mechanics" ["refcode_short"]=> string(20) "TopIndex .Mealtime.1" ["dup"]=> NULL ["puborder"]=> int(167286) } [241]=> array(6) { ["para_id"]=> string(13) "11161.2168693" ["level"]=> int(2) ["title"]=> string(49) "Mechanical arrangements - Medical missionary work" ["refcode_short"]=> string(35) "TopIndex .Mechanical arrangements.1" ["dup"]=> NULL ["puborder"]=> int(168102) } [242]=> array(6) { ["para_id"]=> string(13) "11161.2169844" ["level"]=> int(2) ["title"]=> string(64) "Medical missionary worker, Medical missionary workers - Meekness" ["refcode_short"]=> string(65) "TopIndex .Medical missionary worker, Medical missionary workers.1" ["dup"]=> NULL ["puborder"]=> int(169250) } [243]=> array(6) { ["para_id"]=> string(13) "11161.2170682" ["level"]=> int(2) ["title"]=> string(55) "Meek person, Meek persons - Mental power, Mental powers" ["refcode_short"]=> string(37) "TopIndex .Meek person, Meek persons.1" ["dup"]=> NULL ["puborder"]=> int(170087) } [244]=> array(6) { ["para_id"]=> string(13) "11161.2171516" ["level"]=> int(2) ["title"]=> string(38) "Mental prostration - Message, Messages" ["refcode_short"]=> string(30) "TopIndex .Mental prostration.1" ["dup"]=> NULL ["puborder"]=> int(170921) } [245]=> array(6) { ["para_id"]=> string(13) "11161.2172415" ["level"]=> int(2) ["title"]=> string(45) "Messenger, Messengers - Mince pie, Mince pies" ["refcode_short"]=> string(33) "TopIndex .Messenger, Messengers.1" ["dup"]=> NULL ["puborder"]=> int(171817) } [246]=> array(6) { ["para_id"]=> string(13) "11161.2173162" ["level"]=> int(2) ["title"]=> string(25) "Mind, Minds (Part 1 of 4)" ["refcode_short"]=> string(23) "TopIndex .Mind, Minds.1" ["dup"]=> NULL ["puborder"]=> int(172560) } [247]=> array(6) { ["para_id"]=> string(13) "11161.2173880" ["level"]=> int(2) ["title"]=> string(25) "Mind, Minds (Part 2 of 4)" ["refcode_short"]=> string(25) "TopIndex .Mind, Minds.719" ["dup"]=> NULL ["puborder"]=> int(173278) } [248]=> array(6) { ["para_id"]=> string(13) "11161.2174597" ["level"]=> int(2) ["title"]=> string(25) "Mind, Minds (Part 3 of 4)" ["refcode_short"]=> string(26) "TopIndex .Mind, Minds.1436" ["dup"]=> NULL ["puborder"]=> int(173996) } [249]=> array(6) { ["para_id"]=> string(13) "11161.2175315" ["level"]=> int(2) ["title"]=> string(25) "Mind, Minds (Part 4 of 4)" ["refcode_short"]=> string(26) "TopIndex .Mind, Minds.2154" ["dup"]=> NULL ["puborder"]=> int(174715) } [250]=> array(6) { ["para_id"]=> string(13) "11161.2176033" ["level"]=> int(2) ["title"]=> string(24) "Mind cure - Mining stock" ["refcode_short"]=> string(21) "TopIndex .Mind cure.1" ["dup"]=> NULL ["puborder"]=> int(175434) } [251]=> array(6) { ["para_id"]=> string(13) "11161.2176121" ["level"]=> int(2) ["title"]=> string(33) "Minister, Ministers (Part 1 of 5)" ["refcode_short"]=> string(31) "TopIndex .Minister, Ministers.1" ["dup"]=> NULL ["puborder"]=> int(175523) } [252]=> array(6) { ["para_id"]=> string(13) "11161.2176903" ["level"]=> int(2) ["title"]=> string(33) "Minister, Ministers (Part 2 of 5)" ["refcode_short"]=> string(33) "TopIndex .Minister, Ministers.783" ["dup"]=> NULL ["puborder"]=> int(176306) } [253]=> array(6) { ["para_id"]=> string(13) "11161.2177685" ["level"]=> int(2) ["title"]=> string(33) "Minister, Ministers (Part 3 of 5)" ["refcode_short"]=> string(34) "TopIndex .Minister, Ministers.1565" ["dup"]=> NULL ["puborder"]=> int(177089) } [254]=> array(6) { ["para_id"]=> string(13) "11161.2178467" ["level"]=> int(2) ["title"]=> string(33) "Minister, Ministers (Part 4 of 5)" ["refcode_short"]=> string(34) "TopIndex .Minister, Ministers.2347" ["dup"]=> NULL ["puborder"]=> int(177872) } [255]=> array(6) { ["para_id"]=> string(13) "11161.2179249" ["level"]=> int(2) ["title"]=> string(33) "Minister, Ministers (Part 5 of 5)" ["refcode_short"]=> string(34) "TopIndex .Minister, Ministers.3129" ["dup"]=> NULL ["puborder"]=> int(178655) } [256]=> array(6) { ["para_id"]=> string(13) "11161.2180031" ["level"]=> int(2) ["title"]=> string(29) "Ministers - Miracle, Miracles" ["refcode_short"]=> string(21) "TopIndex .Ministers.1" ["dup"]=> NULL ["puborder"]=> int(179438) } [257]=> array(6) { ["para_id"]=> string(13) "11161.2181125" ["level"]=> int(2) ["title"]=> string(69) "Miracle worker, Miracle workers - Missionary field, Missionary fields" ["refcode_short"]=> string(43) "TopIndex .Miracle worker, Miracle workers.1" ["dup"]=> NULL ["puborder"]=> int(180531) } [258]=> array(6) { ["para_id"]=> string(13) "11161.2181953" ["level"]=> int(2) ["title"]=> string(51) "Missionary intelligence - Mistake, Mistakes (error)" ["refcode_short"]=> string(35) "TopIndex .Missionary intelligence.1" ["dup"]=> NULL ["puborder"]=> int(181357) } [259]=> array(6) { ["para_id"]=> string(13) "11161.2182848" ["level"]=> int(2) ["title"]=> string(20) "Mistreatment - Money" ["refcode_short"]=> string(24) "TopIndex .Mistreatment.1" ["dup"]=> NULL ["puborder"]=> int(182253) } [260]=> array(6) { ["para_id"]=> string(13) "11161.2183906" ["level"]=> int(2) ["title"]=> string(17) "Money box - Moses" ["refcode_short"]=> string(21) "TopIndex .Money box.1" ["dup"]=> NULL ["puborder"]=> int(183307) } [261]=> array(6) { ["para_id"]=> string(13) "11161.2184981" ["level"]=> int(2) ["title"]=> string(36) "Moses and Aaron - Moth-eaten garment" ["refcode_short"]=> string(27) "TopIndex .Moses and Aaron.1" ["dup"]=> NULL ["puborder"]=> int(184383) } [262]=> array(6) { ["para_id"]=> string(13) "11161.2185012" ["level"]=> int(2) ["title"]=> string(29) "Mother, Mothers (Part 1 of 2)" ["refcode_short"]=> string(27) "TopIndex .Mother, Mothers.1" ["dup"]=> NULL ["puborder"]=> int(184413) } [263]=> array(6) { ["para_id"]=> string(13) "11161.2185498" ["level"]=> int(2) ["title"]=> string(29) "Mother, Mothers (Part 2 of 2)" ["refcode_short"]=> string(29) "TopIndex .Mother, Mothers.487" ["dup"]=> NULL ["puborder"]=> int(184900) } [264]=> array(6) { ["para_id"]=> string(13) "11161.2185985" ["level"]=> int(2) ["title"]=> string(31) "Mother-in-law - Muscle, Muscles" ["refcode_short"]=> string(25) "TopIndex .Mother-in-law.1" ["dup"]=> NULL ["puborder"]=> int(185388) } [265]=> array(6) { ["para_id"]=> string(13) "11161.2186791" ["level"]=> int(2) ["title"]=> string(31) "Muscular exercise - Myth, Myths" ["refcode_short"]=> string(29) "TopIndex .Muscular exercise.1" ["dup"]=> NULL ["puborder"]=> int(186189) } [266]=> array(6) { ["para_id"]=> string(12) "11161.187414" ["level"]=> int(1) ["title"]=> string(1) "N" ["refcode_short"]=> string(11) "TopIndex .N" ["dup"]=> NULL ["puborder"]=> int(186811) } [267]=> array(6) { ["para_id"]=> string(13) "11161.2187415" ["level"]=> int(2) ["title"]=> string(22) "Naaman - Natural world" ["refcode_short"]=> string(18) "TopIndex .Naaman.1" ["dup"]=> string(12) "11161.187414" ["puborder"]=> int(186812) } [268]=> array(6) { ["para_id"]=> string(13) "11161.2188126" ["level"]=> int(2) ["title"]=> string(20) "Nature (Part 1 of 2)" ["refcode_short"]=> string(18) "TopIndex .Nature.1" ["dup"]=> NULL ["puborder"]=> int(187520) } [269]=> array(6) { ["para_id"]=> string(13) "11161.2188698" ["level"]=> int(2) ["title"]=> string(20) "Nature (Part 2 of 2)" ["refcode_short"]=> string(20) "TopIndex .Nature.573" ["dup"]=> NULL ["puborder"]=> int(188092) } [270]=> array(6) { ["para_id"]=> string(13) "11161.2189270" ["level"]=> int(2) ["title"]=> string(34) "Nature lessons - Neglect, Neglects" ["refcode_short"]=> string(26) "TopIndex .Nature lessons.1" ["dup"]=> NULL ["puborder"]=> int(188665) } [271]=> array(6) { ["para_id"]=> string(13) "11161.2190071" ["level"]=> int(2) ["title"]=> string(51) "Neglected class, Neglected classes - Nervous system" ["refcode_short"]=> string(46) "TopIndex .Neglected class, Neglected classes.1" ["dup"]=> NULL ["puborder"]=> int(189464) } [272]=> array(6) { ["para_id"]=> string(13) "11161.2190895" ["level"]=> int(2) ["title"]=> string(40) "Nervous temperament - Nobleman, Noblemen" ["refcode_short"]=> string(31) "TopIndex .Nervous temperament.1" ["dup"]=> NULL ["puborder"]=> int(190286) } [273]=> array(6) { ["para_id"]=> string(13) "11161.2191702" ["level"]=> int(2) ["title"]=> string(25) "Noble nature - Nux vomica" ["refcode_short"]=> string(24) "TopIndex .Noble nature.1" ["dup"]=> NULL ["puborder"]=> int(191089) } [274]=> array(6) { ["para_id"]=> string(12) "11161.192266" ["level"]=> int(1) ["title"]=> string(1) "O" ["refcode_short"]=> string(11) "TopIndex .O" ["dup"]=> NULL ["puborder"]=> int(191647) } [275]=> array(6) { ["para_id"]=> string(13) "11161.2192267" ["level"]=> int(2) ["title"]=> string(21) "Oak, Oaks - Obedience" ["refcode_short"]=> string(21) "TopIndex .Oak, Oaks.1" ["dup"]=> string(12) "11161.192266" ["puborder"]=> int(191648) } [276]=> array(6) { ["para_id"]=> string(13) "11161.2193123" ["level"]=> int(2) ["title"]=> string(26) "Obedient heart - Offerings" ["refcode_short"]=> string(26) "TopIndex .Obedient heart.1" ["dup"]=> NULL ["puborder"]=> int(192503) } [277]=> array(6) { ["para_id"]=> string(13) "11161.2193926" ["level"]=> int(2) ["title"]=> string(37) "Office, Offices - Opponent, Opponents" ["refcode_short"]=> string(27) "TopIndex .Office, Offices.1" ["dup"]=> NULL ["puborder"]=> int(193302) } [278]=> array(6) { ["para_id"]=> string(13) "11161.2194796" ["level"]=> int(2) ["title"]=> string(56) "Opportunity, Opportunities - Organization, Organizations" ["refcode_short"]=> string(38) "TopIndex .Opportunity, Opportunities.1" ["dup"]=> NULL ["puborder"]=> int(194163) } [279]=> array(6) { ["para_id"]=> string(13) "11161.2195642" ["level"]=> int(2) ["title"]=> string(45) "Organizations, secret - Overcomer, Overcomers" ["refcode_short"]=> string(33) "TopIndex .Organizations, secret.1" ["dup"]=> NULL ["puborder"]=> int(195009) } [280]=> array(6) { ["para_id"]=> string(13) "11161.2196501" ["level"]=> int(2) ["title"]=> string(30) "Overcoming sin - Oyster supper" ["refcode_short"]=> string(26) "TopIndex .Overcoming sin.1" ["dup"]=> NULL ["puborder"]=> int(195866) } [281]=> array(6) { ["para_id"]=> string(12) "11161.196739" ["level"]=> int(1) ["title"]=> string(1) "P" ["refcode_short"]=> string(11) "TopIndex .P" ["dup"]=> NULL ["puborder"]=> int(196103) } [282]=> array(6) { ["para_id"]=> string(13) "11161.2196740" ["level"]=> int(2) ["title"]=> string(27) "Pacheco, Calif. - Paralysis" ["refcode_short"]=> string(27) "TopIndex .Pacheco, Calif..1" ["dup"]=> string(12) "11161.196739" ["puborder"]=> int(196104) } [283]=> array(6) { ["para_id"]=> string(13) "11161.2197583" ["level"]=> int(2) ["title"]=> string(25) "Paralytic - Pardonmongers" ["refcode_short"]=> string(21) "TopIndex .Paralytic.1" ["dup"]=> NULL ["puborder"]=> int(196943) } [284]=> array(6) { ["para_id"]=> string(13) "11161.2197672" ["level"]=> int(2) ["title"]=> string(29) "Parent, Parents (Part 1 of 4)" ["refcode_short"]=> string(27) "TopIndex .Parent, Parents.1" ["dup"]=> NULL ["puborder"]=> int(197032) } [285]=> array(6) { ["para_id"]=> string(13) "11161.2198309" ["level"]=> int(2) ["title"]=> string(29) "Parent, Parents (Part 2 of 4)" ["refcode_short"]=> string(29) "TopIndex .Parent, Parents.638" ["dup"]=> NULL ["puborder"]=> int(197669) } [286]=> array(6) { ["para_id"]=> string(13) "11161.2198945" ["level"]=> int(2) ["title"]=> string(29) "Parent, Parents (Part 3 of 4)" ["refcode_short"]=> string(30) "TopIndex .Parent, Parents.1274" ["dup"]=> NULL ["puborder"]=> int(198306) } [287]=> array(6) { ["para_id"]=> string(13) "11161.2199581" ["level"]=> int(2) ["title"]=> string(29) "Parent, Parents (Part 4 of 4)" ["refcode_short"]=> string(30) "TopIndex .Parent, Parents.1910" ["dup"]=> NULL ["puborder"]=> int(198943) } [288]=> array(6) { ["para_id"]=> string(13) "11161.2200218" ["level"]=> int(2) ["title"]=> string(20) "Parentage - Passover" ["refcode_short"]=> string(21) "TopIndex .Parentage.1" ["dup"]=> NULL ["puborder"]=> int(199581) } [289]=> array(6) { ["para_id"]=> string(13) "11161.2201110" ["level"]=> int(2) ["title"]=> string(36) "Passover hallels - Pattern, Patterns" ["refcode_short"]=> string(28) "TopIndex .Passover hallels.1" ["dup"]=> NULL ["puborder"]=> int(200469) } [290]=> array(6) { ["para_id"]=> string(13) "11161.2201798" ["level"]=> int(2) ["title"]=> string(18) "Paul (Part 1 of 2)" ["refcode_short"]=> string(16) "TopIndex .Paul.1" ["dup"]=> NULL ["puborder"]=> int(201157) } [291]=> array(6) { ["para_id"]=> string(13) "11161.2202262" ["level"]=> int(2) ["title"]=> string(18) "Paul (Part 2 of 2)" ["refcode_short"]=> string(18) "TopIndex .Paul.465" ["dup"]=> NULL ["puborder"]=> int(201622) } [292]=> array(6) { ["para_id"]=> string(13) "11161.2202726" ["level"]=> int(2) ["title"]=> string(27) "Paulson, Dr. David - People" ["refcode_short"]=> string(30) "TopIndex .Paulson, Dr. David.1" ["dup"]=> NULL ["puborder"]=> int(202087) } [293]=> array(6) { ["para_id"]=> string(13) "11161.2203664" ["level"]=> int(2) ["title"]=> string(26) "People of God - Perfection" ["refcode_short"]=> string(25) "TopIndex .People of God.1" ["dup"]=> NULL ["puborder"]=> int(203021) } [294]=> array(6) { ["para_id"]=> string(13) "11161.2204489" ["level"]=> int(2) ["title"]=> string(27) "Perfectionism - Persecution" ["refcode_short"]=> string(25) "TopIndex .Perfectionism.1" ["dup"]=> NULL ["puborder"]=> int(203846) } [295]=> array(6) { ["para_id"]=> string(13) "11161.2205297" ["level"]=> int(2) ["title"]=> string(45) "Persecutor, Persecutors - Pharisee, Pharisees" ["refcode_short"]=> string(35) "TopIndex .Persecutor, Persecutors.1" ["dup"]=> NULL ["puborder"]=> int(204649) } [296]=> array(6) { ["para_id"]=> string(13) "11161.2206330" ["level"]=> int(2) ["title"]=> string(37) "Pharisee spirit - Physical well-being" ["refcode_short"]=> string(27) "TopIndex .Pharisee spirit.1" ["dup"]=> NULL ["puborder"]=> int(205678) } [297]=> array(6) { ["para_id"]=> string(13) "11161.2206785" ["level"]=> int(2) ["title"]=> string(35) "Physician, Physicians (Part 1 of 2)" ["refcode_short"]=> string(33) "TopIndex .Physician, Physicians.1" ["dup"]=> NULL ["puborder"]=> int(206131) } [298]=> array(6) { ["para_id"]=> string(13) "11161.2207454" ["level"]=> int(2) ["title"]=> string(35) "Physician, Physicians (Part 2 of 2)" ["refcode_short"]=> string(35) "TopIndex .Physician, Physicians.670" ["dup"]=> NULL ["puborder"]=> int(206801) } [299]=> array(6) { ["para_id"]=> string(13) "11161.2208123" ["level"]=> int(2) ["title"]=> string(37) "Physiological education - Plan, Plans" ["refcode_short"]=> string(35) "TopIndex .Physiological education.1" ["dup"]=> NULL ["puborder"]=> int(207471) } [300]=> array(6) { ["para_id"]=> string(13) "11161.2209125" ["level"]=> int(2) ["title"]=> string(23) "Plane - Pledge, Pledges" ["refcode_short"]=> string(17) "TopIndex .Plane.1" ["dup"]=> NULL ["puborder"]=> int(208466) } [301]=> array(6) { ["para_id"]=> string(13) "11161.2209981" ["level"]=> int(2) ["title"]=> string(34) "Plenty - Poor person, Poor persons" ["refcode_short"]=> string(18) "TopIndex .Plenty.1" ["dup"]=> NULL ["puborder"]=> int(209321) } [302]=> array(6) { ["para_id"]=> string(13) "11161.2211173" ["level"]=> int(2) ["title"]=> string(26) "Poor sick person - Poverty" ["refcode_short"]=> string(28) "TopIndex .Poor sick person.1" ["dup"]=> NULL ["puborder"]=> int(210511) } [303]=> array(6) { ["para_id"]=> string(13) "11161.2212056" ["level"]=> int(2) ["title"]=> string(22) "Power, Powers - Praise" ["refcode_short"]=> string(25) "TopIndex .Power, Powers.1" ["dup"]=> NULL ["puborder"]=> int(211391) } [304]=> array(6) { ["para_id"]=> string(13) "11161.2212988" ["level"]=> int(2) ["title"]=> string(38) "Praised person, Praised persons - Pray" ["refcode_short"]=> string(43) "TopIndex .Praised person, Praised persons.1" ["dup"]=> NULL ["puborder"]=> int(212322) } [305]=> array(6) { ["para_id"]=> string(13) "11161.2213035" ["level"]=> int(2) ["title"]=> string(29) "Prayer, Prayers (Part 1 of 4)" ["refcode_short"]=> string(27) "TopIndex .Prayer, Prayers.1" ["dup"]=> NULL ["puborder"]=> int(212370) } [306]=> array(6) { ["para_id"]=> string(13) "11161.2213676" ["level"]=> int(2) ["title"]=> string(29) "Prayer, Prayers (Part 2 of 4)" ["refcode_short"]=> string(29) "TopIndex .Prayer, Prayers.642" ["dup"]=> NULL ["puborder"]=> int(213011) } [307]=> array(6) { ["para_id"]=> string(13) "11161.2214316" ["level"]=> int(2) ["title"]=> string(29) "Prayer, Prayers (Part 3 of 4)" ["refcode_short"]=> string(30) "TopIndex .Prayer, Prayers.1282" ["dup"]=> NULL ["puborder"]=> int(213652) } [308]=> array(6) { ["para_id"]=> string(13) "11161.2214957" ["level"]=> int(2) ["title"]=> string(29) "Prayer, Prayers (Part 4 of 4)" ["refcode_short"]=> string(30) "TopIndex .Prayer, Prayers.1923" ["dup"]=> NULL ["puborder"]=> int(214294) } [309]=> array(6) { ["para_id"]=> string(13) "11161.2215598" ["level"]=> int(2) ["title"]=> string(31) "Prayer and effort - Preparation" ["refcode_short"]=> string(29) "TopIndex .Prayer and effort.1" ["dup"]=> NULL ["puborder"]=> int(214936) } [310]=> array(6) { ["para_id"]=> string(13) "11161.2216399" ["level"]=> int(2) ["title"]=> string(33) "Preparation day - Priest, Priests" ["refcode_short"]=> string(27) "TopIndex .Preparation day.1" ["dup"]=> NULL ["puborder"]=> int(215738) } [311]=> array(6) { ["para_id"]=> string(13) "11161.2217336" ["level"]=> int(2) ["title"]=> string(23) "Priestcraft - Probation" ["refcode_short"]=> string(23) "TopIndex .Priestcraft.1" ["dup"]=> NULL ["puborder"]=> int(216670) } [312]=> array(6) { ["para_id"]=> string(13) "11161.2218149" ["level"]=> int(2) ["title"]=> string(29) "Probationary life - Promotion" ["refcode_short"]=> string(29) "TopIndex .Probationary life.1" ["dup"]=> NULL ["puborder"]=> int(217481) } [313]=> array(6) { ["para_id"]=> string(13) "11161.2218954" ["level"]=> int(2) ["title"]=> string(26) "Prompt - Prophet, Prophets" ["refcode_short"]=> string(18) "TopIndex .Prompt.1" ["dup"]=> NULL ["puborder"]=> int(218282) } [314]=> array(6) { ["para_id"]=> string(13) "11161.2219759" ["level"]=> int(2) ["title"]=> string(50) "Prophetess - Providence of God, Providences of God" ["refcode_short"]=> string(22) "TopIndex .Prophetess.1" ["dup"]=> NULL ["puborder"]=> int(219085) } [315]=> array(6) { ["para_id"]=> string(13) "11161.2220707" ["level"]=> int(2) ["title"]=> string(65) "Providential care - Public speaker, Public speakers, ministers as" ["refcode_short"]=> string(29) "TopIndex .Providential care.1" ["dup"]=> NULL ["puborder"]=> int(220033) } [316]=> array(6) { ["para_id"]=> string(13) "11161.2221963" ["level"]=> int(2) ["title"]=> string(28) "Public speaking - Punishment" ["refcode_short"]=> string(27) "TopIndex .Public speaking.1" ["dup"]=> NULL ["puborder"]=> int(221286) } [317]=> array(6) { ["para_id"]=> string(13) "11161.2222838" ["level"]=> int(2) ["title"]=> string(21) "Pupil, Pupils - Putty" ["refcode_short"]=> string(25) "TopIndex .Pupil, Pupils.1" ["dup"]=> NULL ["puborder"]=> int(222160) } [318]=> array(6) { ["para_id"]=> string(12) "11161.223282" ["level"]=> int(1) ["title"]=> string(1) "Q" ["refcode_short"]=> string(11) "TopIndex .Q" ["dup"]=> NULL ["puborder"]=> int(222604) } [319]=> array(6) { ["para_id"]=> string(13) "11161.2223283" ["level"]=> int(2) ["title"]=> string(39) "Quadruped, Quadrupeds - Quotation marks" ["refcode_short"]=> string(33) "TopIndex .Quadruped, Quadrupeds.1" ["dup"]=> string(12) "11161.223282" ["puborder"]=> int(222605) } [320]=> array(6) { ["para_id"]=> string(12) "11161.223489" ["level"]=> int(1) ["title"]=> string(1) "R" ["refcode_short"]=> string(11) "TopIndex .R" ["dup"]=> NULL ["puborder"]=> int(222810) } [321]=> array(6) { ["para_id"]=> string(13) "11161.2223494" ["level"]=> int(2) ["title"]=> string(23) "Rabbi, Rabbis - Reading" ["refcode_short"]=> string(25) "TopIndex .Rabbi, Rabbis.1" ["dup"]=> NULL ["puborder"]=> int(222815) } [322]=> array(6) { ["para_id"]=> string(13) "11161.2224314" ["level"]=> int(2) ["title"]=> string(45) "Reading book, Reading books - Record, Records" ["refcode_short"]=> string(39) "TopIndex .Reading book, Reading books.1" ["dup"]=> NULL ["puborder"]=> int(223629) } [323]=> array(6) { ["para_id"]=> string(13) "11161.2225124" ["level"]=> int(2) ["title"]=> string(41) "Recreation, Recreations - Reform, Reforms" ["refcode_short"]=> string(35) "TopIndex .Recreation, Recreations.1" ["dup"]=> NULL ["puborder"]=> int(224435) } [324]=> array(6) { ["para_id"]=> string(13) "11161.2225996" ["level"]=> int(2) ["title"]=> string(33) "Reformation - Religion, Religions" ["refcode_short"]=> string(23) "TopIndex .Reformation.1" ["dup"]=> NULL ["puborder"]=> int(225303) } [325]=> array(6) { ["para_id"]=> string(13) "11161.2227034" ["level"]=> int(2) ["title"]=> string(43) "Religionist, Religionists - Report, Reports" ["refcode_short"]=> string(37) "TopIndex .Religionist, Religionists.1" ["dup"]=> NULL ["puborder"]=> int(226337) } [326]=> array(6) { ["para_id"]=> string(13) "11161.2227863" ["level"]=> int(2) ["title"]=> string(30) "Repose - Responsible man (men)" ["refcode_short"]=> string(18) "TopIndex .Repose.1" ["dup"]=> NULL ["puborder"]=> int(227164) } [327]=> array(6) { ["para_id"]=> string(13) "11161.2228680" ["level"]=> int(2) ["title"]=> string(65) "Responsible position, Responsible positions - Revelation, book of" ["refcode_short"]=> string(55) "TopIndex .Responsible position, Responsible positions.1" ["dup"]=> NULL ["puborder"]=> int(227976) } [328]=> array(6) { ["para_id"]=> string(13) "11161.2229594" ["level"]=> int(2) ["title"]=> string(16) "Reveling - Right" ["refcode_short"]=> string(20) "TopIndex .Reveling.1" ["dup"]=> NULL ["puborder"]=> int(228885) } [329]=> array(6) { ["para_id"]=> string(13) "11161.2230480" ["level"]=> int(2) ["title"]=> string(31) "Right and might - Righteousness" ["refcode_short"]=> string(27) "TopIndex .Right and might.1" ["dup"]=> NULL ["puborder"]=> int(229772) } [330]=> array(6) { ["para_id"]=> string(13) "11161.2231322" ["level"]=> int(2) ["title"]=> string(55) "Righteous person, Righteous persons - Roman Catholicism" ["refcode_short"]=> string(47) "TopIndex .Righteous person, Righteous persons.1" ["dup"]=> NULL ["puborder"]=> int(230612) } [331]=> array(6) { ["para_id"]=> string(13) "11161.2232171" ["level"]=> int(2) ["title"]=> string(57) "Roman Catholic leader, Roman Catholic leaders - Rye flour" ["refcode_short"]=> string(57) "TopIndex .Roman Catholic leader, Roman Catholic leaders.1" ["dup"]=> NULL ["puborder"]=> int(231461) } [332]=> array(6) { ["para_id"]=> string(12) "11161.232932" ["level"]=> int(1) ["title"]=> string(1) "S" ["refcode_short"]=> string(11) "TopIndex .S" ["dup"]=> NULL ["puborder"]=> int(232217) } [333]=> array(6) { ["para_id"]=> string(13) "11161.2232933" ["level"]=> int(2) ["title"]=> string(21) "Sabbath (Part 1 of 2)" ["refcode_short"]=> string(19) "TopIndex .Sabbath.1" ["dup"]=> string(12) "11161.232932" ["puborder"]=> int(232218) } [334]=> array(6) { ["para_id"]=> string(13) "11161.2233581" ["level"]=> int(2) ["title"]=> string(21) "Sabbath (Part 2 of 2)" ["refcode_short"]=> string(21) "TopIndex .Sabbath.649" ["dup"]=> NULL ["puborder"]=> int(232867) } [335]=> array(6) { ["para_id"]=> string(13) "11161.2234229" ["level"]=> int(2) ["title"]=> string(67) "Sabbath afternoon - Sabbath school teacher, Sabbath school teachers" ["refcode_short"]=> string(29) "TopIndex .Sabbath afternoon.1" ["dup"]=> NULL ["puborder"]=> int(233516) } [336]=> array(6) { ["para_id"]=> string(13) "11161.2235054" ["level"]=> int(2) ["title"]=> string(58) "Sabbath school teachers’ meeting - Sacrifice, Sacrifices" ["refcode_short"]=> string(46) "TopIndex .Sabbath school teachers’ meeting.1" ["dup"]=> NULL ["puborder"]=> int(234341) } [337]=> array(6) { ["para_id"]=> string(13) "11161.2235883" ["level"]=> int(2) ["title"]=> string(28) "Sacrificial lamb - Salvation" ["refcode_short"]=> string(28) "TopIndex .Sacrificial lamb.1" ["dup"]=> NULL ["puborder"]=> int(235169) } [338]=> array(6) { ["para_id"]=> string(13) "11161.2237159" ["level"]=> int(2) ["title"]=> string(36) "Salvation Army - Sanctuary (earthly)" ["refcode_short"]=> string(26) "TopIndex .Salvation Army.1" ["dup"]=> NULL ["puborder"]=> int(236443) } [339]=> array(6) { ["para_id"]=> string(13) "11161.2238281" ["level"]=> int(2) ["title"]=> string(46) "Sanctuary (heavenly) - Sanitarium, Sanitariums" ["refcode_short"]=> string(32) "TopIndex .Sanctuary (heavenly).1" ["dup"]=> NULL ["puborder"]=> int(237565) } [340]=> array(6) { ["para_id"]=> string(13) "11161.2239636" ["level"]=> int(2) ["title"]=> string(33) "Sanitarium, Calif. - Sarsaparilla" ["refcode_short"]=> string(30) "TopIndex .Sanitarium, Calif..1" ["dup"]=> NULL ["puborder"]=> int(238918) } [341]=> array(6) { ["para_id"]=> string(13) "11161.2240353" ["level"]=> int(2) ["title"]=> string(19) "Satan (Part 1 of 4)" ["refcode_short"]=> string(17) "TopIndex .Satan.1" ["dup"]=> NULL ["puborder"]=> int(239635) } [342]=> array(6) { ["para_id"]=> string(13) "11161.2241060" ["level"]=> int(2) ["title"]=> string(19) "Satan (Part 2 of 4)" ["refcode_short"]=> string(19) "TopIndex .Satan.708" ["dup"]=> NULL ["puborder"]=> int(240343) } [343]=> array(6) { ["para_id"]=> string(13) "11161.2241767" ["level"]=> int(2) ["title"]=> string(19) "Satan (Part 3 of 4)" ["refcode_short"]=> string(20) "TopIndex .Satan.1415" ["dup"]=> NULL ["puborder"]=> int(241051) } [344]=> array(6) { ["para_id"]=> string(13) "11161.2242474" ["level"]=> int(2) ["title"]=> string(19) "Satan (Part 4 of 4)" ["refcode_short"]=> string(20) "TopIndex .Satan.2122" ["dup"]=> NULL ["puborder"]=> int(241759) } [345]=> array(6) { ["para_id"]=> string(13) "11161.2243182" ["level"]=> int(2) ["title"]=> string(25) "Satanic - School, Schools" ["refcode_short"]=> string(19) "TopIndex .Satanic.1" ["dup"]=> NULL ["puborder"]=> int(242468) } [346]=> array(6) { ["para_id"]=> string(13) "11161.2243863" ["level"]=> int(2) ["title"]=> string(52) "School, Schools, Seventh-day Adventist (Part 1 of 2)" ["refcode_short"]=> string(50) "TopIndex .School, Schools, Seventh-day Adventist.1" ["dup"]=> NULL ["puborder"]=> int(243145) } [347]=> array(6) { ["para_id"]=> string(13) "11161.2244463" ["level"]=> int(2) ["title"]=> string(52) "School, Schools, Seventh-day Adventist (Part 2 of 2)" ["refcode_short"]=> string(52) "TopIndex .School, Schools, Seventh-day Adventist.601" ["dup"]=> NULL ["puborder"]=> int(243745) } [348]=> array(6) { ["para_id"]=> string(13) "11161.2245170" ["level"]=> int(2) ["title"]=> string(32) "School age - Schools of prophets" ["refcode_short"]=> string(22) "TopIndex .School age.1" ["dup"]=> NULL ["puborder"]=> int(244452) } [349]=> array(6) { ["para_id"]=> string(13) "11161.2245985" ["level"]=> int(2) ["title"]=> string(31) "Schoolteacher - Scribe, Scribes" ["refcode_short"]=> string(25) "TopIndex .Schoolteacher.1" ["dup"]=> NULL ["puborder"]=> int(245267) } [350]=> array(6) { ["para_id"]=> string(13) "11161.2246791" ["level"]=> int(2) ["title"]=> string(61) "Scribes and Pharisees - Scriptural weapon, Scriptural weapons" ["refcode_short"]=> string(33) "TopIndex .Scribes and Pharisees.1" ["dup"]=> NULL ["puborder"]=> int(246068) } [351]=> array(6) { ["para_id"]=> string(13) "11161.2246801" ["level"]=> int(2) ["title"]=> string(35) "Scripture, Scriptures (Part 1 of 3)" ["refcode_short"]=> string(33) "TopIndex .Scripture, Scriptures.1" ["dup"]=> NULL ["puborder"]=> int(246078) } [352]=> array(6) { ["para_id"]=> string(13) "11161.2247598" ["level"]=> int(2) ["title"]=> string(35) "Scripture, Scriptures (Part 2 of 3)" ["refcode_short"]=> string(35) "TopIndex .Scripture, Scriptures.798" ["dup"]=> NULL ["puborder"]=> int(246875) } [353]=> array(6) { ["para_id"]=> string(13) "11161.2248395" ["level"]=> int(2) ["title"]=> string(35) "Scripture, Scriptures (Part 3 of 3)" ["refcode_short"]=> string(36) "TopIndex .Scripture, Scriptures.1595" ["dup"]=> NULL ["puborder"]=> int(247673) } [354]=> array(6) { ["para_id"]=> string(13) "11161.2249193" ["level"]=> int(2) ["title"]=> string(32) "Scripture alphabet - Sect, Sects" ["refcode_short"]=> string(30) "TopIndex .Scripture alphabet.1" ["dup"]=> NULL ["puborder"]=> int(248472) } [355]=> array(6) { ["para_id"]=> string(13) "11161.2250000" ["level"]=> int(2) ["title"]=> string(33) "Sectarian differences - Seir, Mt." ["refcode_short"]=> string(33) "TopIndex .Sectarian differences.1" ["dup"]=> NULL ["puborder"]=> int(249273) } [356]=> array(6) { ["para_id"]=> string(13) "11161.2250392" ["level"]=> int(2) ["title"]=> string(18) "Self (Part 1 of 2)" ["refcode_short"]=> string(16) "TopIndex .Self.1" ["dup"]=> NULL ["puborder"]=> int(249663) } [357]=> array(6) { ["para_id"]=> string(13) "11161.2251076" ["level"]=> int(2) ["title"]=> string(18) "Self (Part 2 of 2)" ["refcode_short"]=> string(18) "TopIndex .Self.685" ["dup"]=> NULL ["puborder"]=> int(250348) } [358]=> array(6) { ["para_id"]=> string(13) "11161.2251761" ["level"]=> int(2) ["title"]=> string(30) "Self-abasement - Self-distrust" ["refcode_short"]=> string(26) "TopIndex .Self-abasement.1" ["dup"]=> NULL ["puborder"]=> int(251034) } [359]=> array(6) { ["para_id"]=> string(13) "11161.2252568" ["level"]=> int(2) ["title"]=> string(30) "Self-distrustful - Selfishness" ["refcode_short"]=> string(28) "TopIndex .Self-distrustful.1" ["dup"]=> NULL ["puborder"]=> int(251842) } [360]=> array(6) { ["para_id"]=> string(13) "11161.2253567" ["level"]=> int(2) ["title"]=> string(47) "Selfish person, Selfish persons - Sense, Senses" ["refcode_short"]=> string(43) "TopIndex .Selfish person, Selfish persons.1" ["dup"]=> NULL ["puborder"]=> int(252842) } [361]=> array(6) { ["para_id"]=> string(13) "11161.2254440" ["level"]=> int(2) ["title"]=> string(40) "Sensibility, Sensibilities - Seriousness" ["refcode_short"]=> string(38) "TopIndex .Sensibility, Sensibilities.1" ["dup"]=> NULL ["puborder"]=> int(253716) } [362]=> array(6) { ["para_id"]=> string(13) "11161.2254842" ["level"]=> int(2) ["title"]=> string(29) "Sermon, Sermons (Part 1 of 2)" ["refcode_short"]=> string(27) "TopIndex .Sermon, Sermons.1" ["dup"]=> NULL ["puborder"]=> int(254114) } [363]=> array(6) { ["para_id"]=> string(13) "11161.2255246" ["level"]=> int(2) ["title"]=> string(29) "Sermon, Sermons (Part 2 of 2)" ["refcode_short"]=> string(29) "TopIndex .Sermon, Sermons.405" ["dup"]=> NULL ["puborder"]=> int(254519) } [364]=> array(6) { ["para_id"]=> string(13) "11161.2255650" ["level"]=> int(2) ["title"]=> string(63) "Sermon building - Seventh-day Adventist, Seventh-day Adventists" ["refcode_short"]=> string(27) "TopIndex .Sermon building.1" ["dup"]=> NULL ["puborder"]=> int(254924) } [365]=> array(6) { ["para_id"]=> string(13) "11161.2256772" ["level"]=> int(2) ["title"]=> string(44) "Seventh-day Adventist Church - Shoes (boots)" ["refcode_short"]=> string(40) "TopIndex .Seventh-day Adventist Church.1" ["dup"]=> NULL ["puborder"]=> int(256043) } [366]=> array(6) { ["para_id"]=> string(13) "11161.2257589" ["level"]=> int(2) ["title"]=> string(31) "Shoemaking - Signs of the Times" ["refcode_short"]=> string(22) "TopIndex .Shoemaking.1" ["dup"]=> NULL ["puborder"]=> int(256855) } [367]=> array(6) { ["para_id"]=> string(13) "11161.2258466" ["level"]=> int(2) ["title"]=> string(53) "Signs of the Times and Expositor of Prophecy - Simply" ["refcode_short"]=> string(56) "TopIndex .Signs of the Times and Expositor of Prophecy.1" ["dup"]=> NULL ["puborder"]=> int(257732) } [368]=> array(6) { ["para_id"]=> string(13) "11161.2258898" ["level"]=> int(2) ["title"]=> string(23) "Sin, Sins (Part 1 of 3)" ["refcode_short"]=> string(21) "TopIndex .Sin, Sins.1" ["dup"]=> NULL ["puborder"]=> int(258162) } [369]=> array(6) { ["para_id"]=> string(13) "11161.2259513" ["level"]=> int(2) ["title"]=> string(23) "Sin, Sins (Part 2 of 3)" ["refcode_short"]=> string(23) "TopIndex .Sin, Sins.616" ["dup"]=> NULL ["puborder"]=> int(258777) } [370]=> array(6) { ["para_id"]=> string(13) "11161.2260128" ["level"]=> int(2) ["title"]=> string(23) "Sin, Sins (Part 3 of 3)" ["refcode_short"]=> string(24) "TopIndex .Sin, Sins.1231" ["dup"]=> NULL ["puborder"]=> int(259393) } [371]=> array(6) { ["para_id"]=> string(13) "11161.2260743" ["level"]=> int(2) ["title"]=> string(21) "Sin - Sinner, Sinners" ["refcode_short"]=> string(15) "TopIndex .Sin.1" ["dup"]=> NULL ["puborder"]=> int(260009) } [372]=> array(6) { ["para_id"]=> string(13) "11161.2261577" ["level"]=> int(2) ["title"]=> string(39) "Sinning - Sleeping room, Sleeping rooms" ["refcode_short"]=> string(19) "TopIndex .Sinning.1" ["dup"]=> NULL ["puborder"]=> int(260843) } [373]=> array(6) { ["para_id"]=> string(13) "11161.2262392" ["level"]=> int(2) ["title"]=> string(36) "Sleeping saints - Society, Societies" ["refcode_short"]=> string(27) "TopIndex .Sleeping saints.1" ["dup"]=> NULL ["puborder"]=> int(261652) } [374]=> array(6) { ["para_id"]=> string(13) "11161.2263258" ["level"]=> int(2) ["title"]=> string(47) "Society devotee, Society devotees - Song, Songs" ["refcode_short"]=> string(45) "TopIndex .Society devotee, Society devotees.1" ["dup"]=> NULL ["puborder"]=> int(262519) } [375]=> array(6) { ["para_id"]=> string(13) "11161.2264291" ["level"]=> int(2) ["title"]=> string(31) "Song leader, Song leaders - Sot" ["refcode_short"]=> string(37) "TopIndex .Song leader, Song leaders.1" ["dup"]=> NULL ["puborder"]=> int(263549) } [376]=> array(6) { ["para_id"]=> string(13) "11161.2264581" ["level"]=> int(2) ["title"]=> string(25) "Soul, Souls (Part 1 of 2)" ["refcode_short"]=> string(23) "TopIndex .Soul, Souls.1" ["dup"]=> NULL ["puborder"]=> int(263839) } [377]=> array(6) { ["para_id"]=> string(13) "11161.2265059" ["level"]=> int(2) ["title"]=> string(25) "Soul, Souls (Part 2 of 2)" ["refcode_short"]=> string(25) "TopIndex .Soul, Souls.479" ["dup"]=> NULL ["puborder"]=> int(264317) } [378]=> array(6) { ["para_id"]=> string(13) "11161.2265538" ["level"]=> int(2) ["title"]=> string(30) "Soul hunger - Speech, Speeches" ["refcode_short"]=> string(23) "TopIndex .Soul hunger.1" ["dup"]=> NULL ["puborder"]=> int(264797) } [379]=> array(6) { ["para_id"]=> string(13) "11161.2266359" ["level"]=> int(2) ["title"]=> string(74) "Speechifying - Spiritualistic manifestation, Spiritualistic manifestations" ["refcode_short"]=> string(24) "TopIndex .Speechifying.1" ["dup"]=> NULL ["puborder"]=> int(265616) } [380]=> array(6) { ["para_id"]=> string(13) "11161.2267163" ["level"]=> int(2) ["title"]=> string(28) "Spiritualistic power - State" ["refcode_short"]=> string(32) "TopIndex .Spiritualistic power.1" ["dup"]=> NULL ["puborder"]=> int(266420) } [381]=> array(6) { ["para_id"]=> string(13) "11161.2267973" ["level"]=> int(2) ["title"]=> string(29) "State aid - Stomach, Stomachs" ["refcode_short"]=> string(21) "TopIndex .State aid.1" ["dup"]=> NULL ["puborder"]=> int(267223) } [382]=> array(6) { ["para_id"]=> string(13) "11161.2269106" ["level"]=> int(2) ["title"]=> string(36) "Stone, Stones - Strength (spiritual)" ["refcode_short"]=> string(25) "TopIndex .Stone, Stones.1" ["dup"]=> NULL ["puborder"]=> int(268354) } [383]=> array(6) { ["para_id"]=> string(13) "11161.2270054" ["level"]=> int(2) ["title"]=> string(37) "Strengthless condition - Stubbornness" ["refcode_short"]=> string(34) "TopIndex .Strengthless condition.1" ["dup"]=> NULL ["puborder"]=> int(269295) } [384]=> array(6) { ["para_id"]=> string(13) "11161.2270252" ["level"]=> int(2) ["title"]=> string(31) "Student, Students (Part 1 of 2)" ["refcode_short"]=> string(29) "TopIndex .Student, Students.1" ["dup"]=> NULL ["puborder"]=> int(269491) } [385]=> array(6) { ["para_id"]=> string(13) "11161.2270723" ["level"]=> int(2) ["title"]=> string(31) "Student, Students (Part 2 of 2)" ["refcode_short"]=> string(31) "TopIndex .Student, Students.472" ["dup"]=> NULL ["puborder"]=> int(269962) } [386]=> array(6) { ["para_id"]=> string(13) "11161.2271194" ["level"]=> int(2) ["title"]=> string(40) "Student-aid fund - Suffering, Sufferings" ["refcode_short"]=> string(28) "TopIndex .Student-aid fund.1" ["dup"]=> NULL ["puborder"]=> int(270434) } [387]=> array(6) { ["para_id"]=> string(13) "11161.2272269" ["level"]=> int(2) ["title"]=> string(35) "Suffering child - Sunday observance" ["refcode_short"]=> string(27) "TopIndex .Suffering child.1" ["dup"]=> NULL ["puborder"]=> int(271505) } [388]=> array(6) { ["para_id"]=> string(13) "11161.2273107" ["level"]=> int(2) ["title"]=> string(36) "Sunday party - Suspicion, Suspicions" ["refcode_short"]=> string(24) "TopIndex .Sunday party.1" ["dup"]=> NULL ["puborder"]=> int(272341) } [389]=> array(6) { ["para_id"]=> string(13) "11161.2273917" ["level"]=> int(2) ["title"]=> string(34) "Sustenance - Synagogue, Synagogues" ["refcode_short"]=> string(22) "TopIndex .Sustenance.1" ["dup"]=> NULL ["puborder"]=> int(273147) } [390]=> array(6) { ["para_id"]=> string(13) "11161.2274721" ["level"]=> int(2) ["title"]=> string(51) "Synagogue school, Synagogue schools - Systematizing" ["refcode_short"]=> string(47) "TopIndex .Synagogue school, Synagogue schools.1" ["dup"]=> NULL ["puborder"]=> int(273947) } [391]=> array(6) { ["para_id"]=> string(12) "11161.274814" ["level"]=> int(1) ["title"]=> string(1) "T" ["refcode_short"]=> string(11) "TopIndex .T" ["dup"]=> NULL ["puborder"]=> int(274041) } [392]=> array(6) { ["para_id"]=> string(13) "11161.2274815" ["level"]=> int(2) ["title"]=> string(21) "Taberah - Talebearing" ["refcode_short"]=> string(19) "TopIndex .Taberah.1" ["dup"]=> string(12) "11161.274814" ["puborder"]=> int(274042) } [393]=> array(6) { ["para_id"]=> string(13) "11161.2275097" ["level"]=> int(2) ["title"]=> string(29) "Talent, Talents (Part 1 of 2)" ["refcode_short"]=> string(27) "TopIndex .Talent, Talents.1" ["dup"]=> NULL ["puborder"]=> int(274324) } [394]=> array(6) { ["para_id"]=> string(13) "11161.2275504" ["level"]=> int(2) ["title"]=> string(29) "Talent, Talents (Part 2 of 2)" ["refcode_short"]=> string(29) "TopIndex .Talent, Talents.406" ["dup"]=> NULL ["puborder"]=> int(274732) } [395]=> array(6) { ["para_id"]=> string(13) "11161.2275912" ["level"]=> int(2) ["title"]=> string(49) "Talented person, Talented persons - Teachableness" ["refcode_short"]=> string(45) "TopIndex .Talented person, Talented persons.1" ["dup"]=> NULL ["puborder"]=> int(275141) } [396]=> array(6) { ["para_id"]=> string(13) "11161.2276600" ["level"]=> int(2) ["title"]=> string(31) "Teacher, Teachers (Part 1 of 3)" ["refcode_short"]=> string(29) "TopIndex .Teacher, Teachers.1" ["dup"]=> NULL ["puborder"]=> int(275826) } [397]=> array(6) { ["para_id"]=> string(13) "11161.2277245" ["level"]=> int(2) ["title"]=> string(31) "Teacher, Teachers (Part 2 of 3)" ["refcode_short"]=> string(31) "TopIndex .Teacher, Teachers.646" ["dup"]=> NULL ["puborder"]=> int(276471) } [398]=> array(6) { ["para_id"]=> string(13) "11161.2277889" ["level"]=> int(2) ["title"]=> string(31) "Teacher, Teachers (Part 3 of 3)" ["refcode_short"]=> string(32) "TopIndex .Teacher, Teachers.1290" ["dup"]=> NULL ["puborder"]=> int(277116) } [399]=> array(6) { ["para_id"]=> string(13) "11161.2278534" ["level"]=> int(2) ["title"]=> string(32) "Teaching, Teachings - Temperance" ["refcode_short"]=> string(31) "TopIndex .Teaching, Teachings.1" ["dup"]=> NULL ["puborder"]=> int(277762) } [400]=> array(6) { ["para_id"]=> string(13) "11161.2279482" ["level"]=> int(2) ["title"]=> string(67) "Temperance address, Temperance addresses - Temple, Temples, various" ["refcode_short"]=> string(52) "TopIndex .Temperance address, Temperance addresses.1" ["dup"]=> NULL ["puborder"]=> int(278709) } [401]=> array(6) { ["para_id"]=> string(13) "11161.2280352" ["level"]=> int(2) ["title"]=> string(40) "Temple - Temporal thing, Temporal things" ["refcode_short"]=> string(18) "TopIndex .Temple.1" ["dup"]=> NULL ["puborder"]=> int(279575) } [402]=> array(6) { ["para_id"]=> string(13) "11161.2280388" ["level"]=> int(2) ["title"]=> string(37) "Temptation, Temptations (Part 1 of 2)" ["refcode_short"]=> string(35) "TopIndex .Temptation, Temptations.1" ["dup"]=> NULL ["puborder"]=> int(279612) } [403]=> array(6) { ["para_id"]=> string(13) "11161.2280926" ["level"]=> int(2) ["title"]=> string(37) "Temptation, Temptations (Part 2 of 2)" ["refcode_short"]=> string(37) "TopIndex .Temptation, Temptations.539" ["dup"]=> NULL ["puborder"]=> int(280150) } [404]=> array(6) { ["para_id"]=> string(13) "11161.2281465" ["level"]=> int(2) ["title"]=> string(29) "Tempted - Tenement, Tenements" ["refcode_short"]=> string(19) "TopIndex .Tempted.1" ["dup"]=> NULL ["puborder"]=> int(280690) } [405]=> array(6) { ["para_id"]=> string(13) "11161.2282270" ["level"]=> int(2) ["title"]=> string(60) "Tennessee, U.S.A. - Testimonies given through Ellen G. White" ["refcode_short"]=> string(29) "TopIndex .Tennessee, U.S.A..1" ["dup"]=> NULL ["puborder"]=> int(281495) } [406]=> array(6) { ["para_id"]=> string(13) "11161.2283201" ["level"]=> int(2) ["title"]=> string(36) "Testimony, living - Theory, Theories" ["refcode_short"]=> string(29) "TopIndex .Testimony, living.1" ["dup"]=> NULL ["puborder"]=> int(282425) } [407]=> array(6) { ["para_id"]=> string(13) "11161.2284151" ["level"]=> int(2) ["title"]=> string(35) "Theosophy - Third angel’s message" ["refcode_short"]=> string(21) "TopIndex .Theosophy.1" ["dup"]=> NULL ["puborder"]=> int(283370) } [408]=> array(6) { ["para_id"]=> string(13) "11161.2285024" ["level"]=> int(2) ["title"]=> string(37) "Third commandment - Thought, Thoughts" ["refcode_short"]=> string(29) "TopIndex .Third commandment.1" ["dup"]=> NULL ["puborder"]=> int(284244) } [409]=> array(6) { ["para_id"]=> string(13) "11161.2285846" ["level"]=> int(2) ["title"]=> string(28) "Thoughtfulness - Time, Times" ["refcode_short"]=> string(26) "TopIndex .Thoughtfulness.1" ["dup"]=> NULL ["puborder"]=> int(285065) } [410]=> array(6) { ["para_id"]=> string(13) "11161.2286941" ["level"]=> int(2) ["title"]=> string(25) "Time excitement - Tithing" ["refcode_short"]=> string(27) "TopIndex .Time excitement.1" ["dup"]=> NULL ["puborder"]=> int(286157) } [411]=> array(6) { ["para_id"]=> string(13) "11161.2287781" ["level"]=> int(2) ["title"]=> string(32) "Tithing system - Tongue, Tongues" ["refcode_short"]=> string(26) "TopIndex .Tithing system.1" ["dup"]=> NULL ["puborder"]=> int(286993) } [412]=> array(6) { ["para_id"]=> string(13) "11161.2288665" ["level"]=> int(2) ["title"]=> string(21) "Tongues - Translation" ["refcode_short"]=> string(19) "TopIndex .Tongues.1" ["dup"]=> NULL ["puborder"]=> int(287876) } [413]=> array(6) { ["para_id"]=> string(13) "11161.2289481" ["level"]=> int(2) ["title"]=> string(39) "Translation, Translations - Tree, Trees" ["refcode_short"]=> string(37) "TopIndex .Translation, Translations.1" ["dup"]=> NULL ["puborder"]=> int(288686) } [414]=> array(6) { ["para_id"]=> string(13) "11161.2290326" ["level"]=> int(2) ["title"]=> string(25) "Tree of knowledge - Trial" ["refcode_short"]=> string(29) "TopIndex .Tree of knowledge.1" ["dup"]=> NULL ["puborder"]=> int(289528) } [415]=> array(6) { ["para_id"]=> string(13) "11161.2290540" ["level"]=> int(2) ["title"]=> string(27) "Trial, Trials (Part 1 of 2)" ["refcode_short"]=> string(25) "TopIndex .Trial, Trials.1" ["dup"]=> NULL ["puborder"]=> int(289741) } [416]=> array(6) { ["para_id"]=> string(13) "11161.2291047" ["level"]=> int(2) ["title"]=> string(27) "Trial, Trials (Part 2 of 2)" ["refcode_short"]=> string(27) "TopIndex .Trial, Trials.508" ["dup"]=> NULL ["puborder"]=> int(290249) } [417]=> array(6) { ["para_id"]=> string(13) "11161.2291555" ["level"]=> int(2) ["title"]=> string(19) "Tribe - Trustworthy" ["refcode_short"]=> string(17) "TopIndex .Tribe.1" ["dup"]=> NULL ["puborder"]=> int(290758) } [418]=> array(6) { ["para_id"]=> string(13) "11161.2292165" ["level"]=> int(2) ["title"]=> string(27) "Truth, Truths (Part 1 of 4)" ["refcode_short"]=> string(25) "TopIndex .Truth, Truths.1" ["dup"]=> NULL ["puborder"]=> int(291364) } [419]=> array(6) { ["para_id"]=> string(13) "11161.2292811" ["level"]=> int(2) ["title"]=> string(27) "Truth, Truths (Part 2 of 4)" ["refcode_short"]=> string(27) "TopIndex .Truth, Truths.647" ["dup"]=> NULL ["puborder"]=> int(292010) } [420]=> array(6) { ["para_id"]=> string(13) "11161.2293456" ["level"]=> int(2) ["title"]=> string(27) "Truth, Truths (Part 3 of 4)" ["refcode_short"]=> string(28) "TopIndex .Truth, Truths.1292" ["dup"]=> NULL ["puborder"]=> int(292656) } [421]=> array(6) { ["para_id"]=> string(13) "11161.2294102" ["level"]=> int(2) ["title"]=> string(27) "Truth, Truths (Part 4 of 4)" ["refcode_short"]=> string(28) "TopIndex .Truth, Truths.1938" ["dup"]=> NULL ["puborder"]=> int(293303) } [422]=> array(6) { ["para_id"]=> string(13) "11161.2294748" ["level"]=> int(2) ["title"]=> string(13) "Truth - Tyrus" ["refcode_short"]=> string(17) "TopIndex .Truth.1" ["dup"]=> NULL ["puborder"]=> int(293950) } [423]=> array(6) { ["para_id"]=> string(12) "11161.295064" ["level"]=> int(1) ["title"]=> string(1) "U" ["refcode_short"]=> string(11) "TopIndex .U" ["dup"]=> NULL ["puborder"]=> int(294262) } [424]=> array(6) { ["para_id"]=> string(13) "11161.2295065" ["level"]=> int(2) ["title"]=> string(55) "Ukiah, Calif. - Unfortunate person, Unfortunate persons" ["refcode_short"]=> string(25) "TopIndex .Ukiah, Calif..1" ["dup"]=> string(12) "11161.295064" ["puborder"]=> int(294263) } [425]=> array(6) { ["para_id"]=> string(13) "11161.2295890" ["level"]=> int(2) ["title"]=> string(22) "Ungodliness - Universe" ["refcode_short"]=> string(23) "TopIndex .Ungodliness.1" ["dup"]=> NULL ["puborder"]=> int(295085) } [426]=> array(6) { ["para_id"]=> string(13) "11161.2296774" ["level"]=> int(2) ["title"]=> string(29) "Universities, public - Uzziah" ["refcode_short"]=> string(32) "TopIndex .Universities, public.1" ["dup"]=> NULL ["puborder"]=> int(295968) } [427]=> array(6) { ["para_id"]=> string(12) "11161.297076" ["level"]=> int(1) ["title"]=> string(1) "V" ["refcode_short"]=> string(11) "TopIndex .V" ["dup"]=> NULL ["puborder"]=> int(296265) } [428]=> array(6) { ["para_id"]=> string(13) "11161.2297077" ["level"]=> int(2) ["title"]=> string(39) "Vacancy, Vacancies - Victory, Victories" ["refcode_short"]=> string(30) "TopIndex .Vacancy, Vacancies.1" ["dup"]=> string(12) "11161.297076" ["puborder"]=> int(296266) } [429]=> array(6) { ["para_id"]=> string(13) "11161.2298019" ["level"]=> int(2) ["title"]=> string(27) "View, Views - Voice, Voices" ["refcode_short"]=> string(23) "TopIndex .View, Views.1" ["dup"]=> NULL ["puborder"]=> int(297205) } [430]=> array(6) { ["para_id"]=> string(13) "11161.2299090" ["level"]=> int(2) ["title"]=> string(26) "Voice of Christ - Vultures" ["refcode_short"]=> string(27) "TopIndex .Voice of Christ.1" ["dup"]=> NULL ["puborder"]=> int(298269) } [431]=> array(6) { ["para_id"]=> string(12) "11161.299262" ["level"]=> int(1) ["title"]=> string(1) "W" ["refcode_short"]=> string(11) "TopIndex .W" ["dup"]=> NULL ["puborder"]=> int(298440) } [432]=> array(6) { ["para_id"]=> string(13) "11161.2299263" ["level"]=> int(2) ["title"]=> string(15) "Wafer - Warfare" ["refcode_short"]=> string(17) "TopIndex .Wafer.1" ["dup"]=> string(12) "11161.299262" ["puborder"]=> int(298441) } [433]=> array(6) { ["para_id"]=> string(13) "11161.2300068" ["level"]=> int(2) ["title"]=> string(22) "Warmth - Water, Waters" ["refcode_short"]=> string(18) "TopIndex .Warmth.1" ["dup"]=> NULL ["puborder"]=> int(299242) } [434]=> array(6) { ["para_id"]=> string(13) "11161.2300890" ["level"]=> int(2) ["title"]=> string(36) "Waterbury, Vermont - Wealth (riches)" ["refcode_short"]=> string(30) "TopIndex .Waterbury, Vermont.1" ["dup"]=> NULL ["puborder"]=> int(300061) } [435]=> array(6) { ["para_id"]=> string(13) "11161.2301784" ["level"]=> int(2) ["title"]=> string(61) "Wealthy believer, Wealthy believers - Whispering, Whisperings" ["refcode_short"]=> string(47) "TopIndex .Wealthy believer, Wealthy believers.1" ["dup"]=> NULL ["puborder"]=> int(300952) } [436]=> array(6) { ["para_id"]=> string(13) "11161.2302592" ["level"]=> int(2) ["title"]=> string(37) "White, Anna - White, Elizabeth Jewett" ["refcode_short"]=> string(23) "TopIndex .White, Anna.1" ["dup"]=> NULL ["puborder"]=> int(301755) } [437]=> array(6) { ["para_id"]=> string(13) "11161.2302616" ["level"]=> int(2) ["title"]=> string(49) "White, Ellen G. (biographical data) (Part 1 of 2)" ["refcode_short"]=> string(47) "TopIndex .White, Ellen G. (biographical data).1" ["dup"]=> NULL ["puborder"]=> int(301778) } [438]=> array(6) { ["para_id"]=> string(13) "11161.2303232" ["level"]=> int(2) ["title"]=> string(49) "White, Ellen G. (biographical data) (Part 2 of 2)" ["refcode_short"]=> string(49) "TopIndex .White, Ellen G. (biographical data).617" ["dup"]=> NULL ["puborder"]=> int(302394) } [439]=> array(6) { ["para_id"]=> string(13) "11161.2303848" ["level"]=> int(2) ["title"]=> string(29) "White, Ellen G. (Part 1 of 2)" ["refcode_short"]=> string(27) "TopIndex .White, Ellen G..1" ["dup"]=> NULL ["puborder"]=> int(303011) } [440]=> array(6) { ["para_id"]=> string(13) "11161.2304550" ["level"]=> int(2) ["title"]=> string(29) "White, Ellen G. (Part 2 of 2)" ["refcode_short"]=> string(29) "TopIndex .White, Ellen G..701" ["dup"]=> NULL ["puborder"]=> int(303714) } [441]=> array(6) { ["para_id"]=> string(13) "11161.2305252" ["level"]=> int(2) ["title"]=> string(43) "White, Ellen G. (visions of) - White, James" ["refcode_short"]=> string(40) "TopIndex .White, Ellen G. (visions of).1" ["dup"]=> NULL ["puborder"]=> int(304417) } [442]=> array(6) { ["para_id"]=> string(13) "11161.2306415" ["level"]=> int(2) ["title"]=> string(32) "White, James Edson - Wife, Wives" ["refcode_short"]=> string(30) "TopIndex .White, James Edson.1" ["dup"]=> NULL ["puborder"]=> int(305578) } [443]=> array(6) { ["para_id"]=> string(13) "11161.2307375" ["level"]=> int(2) ["title"]=> string(27) "Wilcox, F. M. - Wind, Winds" ["refcode_short"]=> string(25) "TopIndex .Wilcox, F. M..1" ["dup"]=> NULL ["puborder"]=> int(306533) } [444]=> array(6) { ["para_id"]=> string(13) "11161.2308236" ["level"]=> int(2) ["title"]=> string(28) "Winding - Witness, Witnesses" ["refcode_short"]=> string(19) "TopIndex .Winding.1" ["dup"]=> NULL ["puborder"]=> int(307392) } [445]=> array(6) { ["para_id"]=> string(13) "11161.2309039" ["level"]=> int(2) ["title"]=> string(38) "Witness (testimony) - Worcester, Mass." ["refcode_short"]=> string(31) "TopIndex .Witness (testimony).1" ["dup"]=> NULL ["puborder"]=> int(308189) } [446]=> array(6) { ["para_id"]=> string(13) "11161.2309807" ["level"]=> int(2) ["title"]=> string(25) "Word, Words (Part 1 of 2)" ["refcode_short"]=> string(23) "TopIndex .Word, Words.1" ["dup"]=> NULL ["puborder"]=> int(308953) } [447]=> array(6) { ["para_id"]=> string(13) "11161.2310240" ["level"]=> int(2) ["title"]=> string(25) "Word, Words (Part 2 of 2)" ["refcode_short"]=> string(25) "TopIndex .Word, Words.434" ["dup"]=> NULL ["puborder"]=> int(309386) } [448]=> array(6) { ["para_id"]=> string(13) "11161.2310673" ["level"]=> int(2) ["title"]=> string(39) "Word of God, Words of God (Part 1 of 3)" ["refcode_short"]=> string(37) "TopIndex .Word of God, Words of God.1" ["dup"]=> NULL ["puborder"]=> int(309820) } [449]=> array(6) { ["para_id"]=> string(13) "11161.2311391" ["level"]=> int(2) ["title"]=> string(39) "Word of God, Words of God (Part 2 of 3)" ["refcode_short"]=> string(39) "TopIndex .Word of God, Words of God.719" ["dup"]=> NULL ["puborder"]=> int(310538) } [450]=> array(6) { ["para_id"]=> string(13) "11161.2312108" ["level"]=> int(2) ["title"]=> string(39) "Word of God, Words of God (Part 3 of 3)" ["refcode_short"]=> string(40) "TopIndex .Word of God, Words of God.1436" ["dup"]=> NULL ["puborder"]=> int(311256) } [451]=> array(6) { ["para_id"]=> string(13) "11161.2312826" ["level"]=> int(2) ["title"]=> string(32) "Word of life - Words and actions" ["refcode_short"]=> string(24) "TopIndex .Word of life.1" ["dup"]=> NULL ["puborder"]=> int(311975) } [452]=> array(6) { ["para_id"]=> string(13) "11161.2312938" ["level"]=> int(2) ["title"]=> string(24) "Work/Labor (Part 1 of 2)" ["refcode_short"]=> string(22) "TopIndex .Work/Labor.1" ["dup"]=> NULL ["puborder"]=> int(312087) } [453]=> array(6) { ["para_id"]=> string(13) "11161.2313465" ["level"]=> int(2) ["title"]=> string(24) "Work/Labor (Part 2 of 2)" ["refcode_short"]=> string(24) "TopIndex .Work/Labor.528" ["dup"]=> NULL ["puborder"]=> int(312614) } [454]=> array(6) { ["para_id"]=> string(13) "11161.2313992" ["level"]=> int(2) ["title"]=> string(12) "Work - Works" ["refcode_short"]=> string(16) "TopIndex .Work.1" ["dup"]=> NULL ["puborder"]=> int(313142) } [455]=> array(6) { ["para_id"]=> string(13) "11161.2315076" ["level"]=> int(2) ["title"]=> string(38) "Workshop, Workshops - Work, work, work" ["refcode_short"]=> string(31) "TopIndex .Workshop, Workshops.1" ["dup"]=> NULL ["puborder"]=> int(314226) } [456]=> array(6) { ["para_id"]=> string(13) "11161.2315122" ["level"]=> int(2) ["title"]=> string(27) "World, Worlds (Part 1 of 2)" ["refcode_short"]=> string(25) "TopIndex .World, Worlds.1" ["dup"]=> NULL ["puborder"]=> int(314272) } [457]=> array(6) { ["para_id"]=> string(13) "11161.2315601" ["level"]=> int(2) ["title"]=> string(27) "World, Worlds (Part 2 of 2)" ["refcode_short"]=> string(27) "TopIndex .World, Worlds.480" ["dup"]=> NULL ["puborder"]=> int(314751) } [458]=> array(6) { ["para_id"]=> string(13) "11161.2316081" ["level"]=> int(2) ["title"]=> string(29) "Worldliness - Writer, Writers" ["refcode_short"]=> string(23) "TopIndex .Worldliness.1" ["dup"]=> NULL ["puborder"]=> int(315232) } [459]=> array(6) { ["para_id"]=> string(13) "11161.2316955" ["level"]=> int(2) ["title"]=> string(37) "Writers (unidentified) - Wylie, J. A." ["refcode_short"]=> string(34) "TopIndex .Writers (unidentified).1" ["dup"]=> NULL ["puborder"]=> int(316102) } [460]=> array(6) { ["para_id"]=> string(12) "11161.317111" ["level"]=> int(1) ["title"]=> string(1) "X" ["refcode_short"]=> string(11) "TopIndex .X" ["dup"]=> NULL ["puborder"]=> int(316258) } [461]=> array(6) { ["para_id"]=> string(13) "11161.2317112" ["level"]=> int(2) ["title"]=> string(38) "Xerxes I (Ahasuerus) - X-ray treatment" ["refcode_short"]=> string(32) "TopIndex .Xerxes I (Ahasuerus).1" ["dup"]=> string(12) "11161.317111" ["puborder"]=> int(316259) } [462]=> array(6) { ["para_id"]=> string(12) "11161.317116" ["level"]=> int(1) ["title"]=> string(1) "Y" ["refcode_short"]=> string(11) "TopIndex .Y" ["dup"]=> NULL ["puborder"]=> int(316264) } [463]=> array(6) { ["para_id"]=> string(13) "11161.2317117" ["level"]=> int(2) ["title"]=> string(38) "Yard, Yards - Young woman, Young women" ["refcode_short"]=> string(23) "TopIndex .Yard, Yards.1" ["dup"]=> string(12) "11161.317116" ["puborder"]=> int(316265) } [464]=> array(6) { ["para_id"]=> string(13) "11161.2317701" ["level"]=> int(2) ["title"]=> string(19) "Youth (Part 1 of 3)" ["refcode_short"]=> string(17) "TopIndex .Youth.1" ["dup"]=> NULL ["puborder"]=> int(316845) } [465]=> array(6) { ["para_id"]=> string(13) "11161.2318431" ["level"]=> int(2) ["title"]=> string(19) "Youth (Part 2 of 3)" ["refcode_short"]=> string(19) "TopIndex .Youth.731" ["dup"]=> NULL ["puborder"]=> int(317576) } [466]=> array(6) { ["para_id"]=> string(13) "11161.2319160" ["level"]=> int(2) ["title"]=> string(19) "Youth (Part 3 of 3)" ["refcode_short"]=> string(20) "TopIndex .Youth.1460" ["dup"]=> NULL ["puborder"]=> int(318306) } [467]=> array(6) { ["para_id"]=> string(13) "11161.2319890" ["level"]=> int(2) ["title"]=> string(40) "Youth (period of) - Youth’s Instructor" ["refcode_short"]=> string(29) "TopIndex .Youth (period of).1" ["dup"]=> NULL ["puborder"]=> int(319037) } [468]=> array(6) { ["para_id"]=> string(12) "11161.319936" ["level"]=> int(1) ["title"]=> string(1) "Z" ["refcode_short"]=> string(11) "TopIndex .Z" ["dup"]=> NULL ["puborder"]=> int(319084) } [469]=> array(6) { ["para_id"]=> string(13) "11161.2319937" ["level"]=> int(2) ["title"]=> string(26) "Zacchaeus - Zwingli, Ulric" ["refcode_short"]=> string(21) "TopIndex .Zacchaeus.1" ["dup"]=> string(12) "11161.319936" ["puborder"]=> int(319085) } } ["service":"EgwApi":private]=> object(EgwService)#95 (10) { ["api_url":"EgwService":private]=> string(26) "https://a.egwwritings.org/" ["api_url_auth":"EgwService":private]=> string(31) "https://cpanel.egwwritings.org/" ["baseApiUriAuth":"EgwService":private]=> object(OAuth\Common\Http\Uri\Uri)#98 (10) { ["scheme":"OAuth\Common\Http\Uri\Uri":private]=> string(5) "https" ["userInfo":"OAuth\Common\Http\Uri\Uri":private]=> string(0) "" ["rawUserInfo":"OAuth\Common\Http\Uri\Uri":private]=> string(0) "" ["host":"OAuth\Common\Http\Uri\Uri":private]=> string(22) "cpanel.egwwritings.org" ["port":"OAuth\Common\Http\Uri\Uri":private]=> int(443) ["path":"OAuth\Common\Http\Uri\Uri":private]=> string(1) "/" ["query":"OAuth\Common\Http\Uri\Uri":private]=> string(0) "" ["fragment":"OAuth\Common\Http\Uri\Uri":private]=> string(0) "" ["explicitPortSpecified":"OAuth\Common\Http\Uri\Uri":private]=> bool(false) ["explicitTrailingHostSlash":"OAuth\Common\Http\Uri\Uri":private]=> bool(true) } ["scopes":protected]=> array(6) { [0]=> string(9) "user_info" [1]=> string(8) "writings" [2]=> string(6) "search" [3]=> string(11) "studycenter" [4]=> string(13) "subscriptions" [5]=> string(5) "media" } ["baseApiUri":protected]=> object(OAuth\Common\Http\Uri\Uri)#97 (10) { ["scheme":"OAuth\Common\Http\Uri\Uri":private]=> string(5) "https" ["userInfo":"OAuth\Common\Http\Uri\Uri":private]=> string(0) "" ["rawUserInfo":"OAuth\Common\Http\Uri\Uri":private]=> string(0) "" ["host":"OAuth\Common\Http\Uri\Uri":private]=> string(17) "a.egwwritings.org" ["port":"OAuth\Common\Http\Uri\Uri":private]=> int(443) ["path":"OAuth\Common\Http\Uri\Uri":private]=> string(1) "/" ["query":"OAuth\Common\Http\Uri\Uri":private]=> string(0) "" ["fragment":"OAuth\Common\Http\Uri\Uri":private]=> string(0) "" ["explicitPortSpecified":"OAuth\Common\Http\Uri\Uri":private]=> bool(false) ["explicitTrailingHostSlash":"OAuth\Common\Http\Uri\Uri":private]=> bool(true) } ["stateParameterInAuthUrl":protected]=> bool(false) ["apiVersion":protected]=> string(0) "" ["credentials":protected]=> object(OAuth\Common\Consumer\Credentials)#93 (3) { ["consumerId":protected]=> string(40) "GotVTUzLUl5oAbFVYnCCqohe0f3sG9s7sINJsaI3" ["consumerSecret":protected]=> string(128) "TOYqqxuIlyEhNH2Ng4ZUQRpniCVvRFCF5F22qhnCszBruiGLnvZWDc4wUvFjUPl11Le19tyTU9fo3Sr2AIOCDWOjlxBkMdZkODJmVzgHMKpCOXJrHGf7EeDet156a51P" ["callbackUrl":protected]=> string(37) "https://m.egwwritings.org/auth/login/" } ["httpClient":protected]=> object(EgwCurlClient)#94 (5) { ["forceSSL3":"EgwCurlClient":private]=> bool(false) ["parameters":"EgwCurlClient":private]=> array(1) { [64]=> bool(false) } ["userAgent":protected]=> string(11) "PHPoAuthLib" ["maxRedirects":protected]=> int(5) ["timeout":protected]=> int(15) } ["storage":protected]=> object(OAuth\Common\Storage\Session)#96 (3) { ["startSession":protected]=> bool(true) ["sessionVariableName":protected]=> string(22) "lusitanian-oauth-token" ["stateVariableName":protected]=> string(22) "lusitanian-oauth-state" } } ["scopes":"EgwApi":private]=> array(6) { [0]=> string(9) "user_info" [1]=> string(8) "writings" [2]=> string(6) "search" [3]=> string(11) "studycenter" [4]=> string(13) "subscriptions" [5]=> string(5) "media" } } ["user":"EgwApiConsumer":private]=> object(CWebUser)#87 (15) { ["allowAutoLogin"]=> bool(true) ["guestName"]=> string(5) "Guest" ["loginUrl"]=> array(1) { [0]=> string(11) "/site/login" } ["identityCookie"]=> NULL ["authTimeout"]=> NULL ["absoluteAuthTimeout"]=> NULL ["autoRenewCookie"]=> bool(false) ["autoUpdateFlash"]=> bool(true) ["loginRequiredAjaxResponse"]=> NULL ["_keyPrefix":"CWebUser":private]=> string(32) "83d94cf15111b4e0878a3a0722415731" ["_access":"CWebUser":private]=> array(0) { } ["behaviors"]=> array(0) { } ["_initialized":"CApplicationComponent":private]=> bool(true) ["_e":"CComponent":private]=> NULL ["_m":"CComponent":private]=> NULL } ["scopes":"EgwApiConsumer":private]=> array(6) { [0]=> string(9) "user_info" [1]=> string(8) "writings" [2]=> string(6) "search" [3]=> string(11) "studycenter" [4]=> string(13) "subscriptions" [5]=> string(5) "media" } ["returnUrl":"EgwApiConsumer":private]=> string(45) "https://https://m.egwwritings.org/auth/login/" ["session":"EgwApiConsumer":private]=> object(CCacheHttpSession)#88 (7) { ["cacheID"]=> string(5) "cache" ["_cache":"CCacheHttpSession":private]=> object(CRedisCache)#11 (13) { ["hostname"]=> string(26) "legacy-mobile-redis-master" ["port"]=> string(4) "6379" ["password"]=> NULL ["database"]=> int(10) ["timeout"]=> NULL 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White Estate" ["description"]=> string(57) "An index to the topics found in Ellen G. 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White Topical Index" ["refcode_short"]=> string(9) "TopIndex " ["dup"]=> NULL ["puborder"]=> int(1) } [1]=> array(6) { ["para_id"]=> string(7) "11161.2" ["level"]=> int(1) ["title"]=> string(1) "A" ["refcode_short"]=> string(11) "TopIndex .A" ["dup"]=> string(7) "11161.1" ["puborder"]=> int(2) } [2]=> array(6) { ["para_id"]=> string(13) "11161.2000003" ["level"]=> int(2) ["title"]=> string(27) "Aaron - Accident, Accidents" ["refcode_short"]=> string(17) "TopIndex .Aaron.1" ["dup"]=> string(7) "11161.1" ["puborder"]=> int(3) } [3]=> array(6) { ["para_id"]=> string(13) "11161.2000804" ["level"]=> int(2) ["title"]=> string(14) "Acclaim - Adam" ["refcode_short"]=> string(19) "TopIndex .Acclaim.1" ["dup"]=> NULL ["puborder"]=> int(792) } [4]=> array(6) { ["para_id"]=> string(13) "11161.2001818" ["level"]=> int(2) ["title"]=> string(29) "Adam and Eve - Advent, second" ["refcode_short"]=> string(24) "TopIndex .Adam and Eve.1" ["dup"]=> NULL ["puborder"]=> int(1783) } [5]=> array(6) { ["para_id"]=> string(13) "11161.2002953" ["level"]=> int(2) ["title"]=> string(25) "Advent Herald - Age, Ages" ["refcode_short"]=> string(25) "TopIndex .Advent Herald.1" ["dup"]=> NULL ["puborder"]=> int(2905) } [6]=> array(6) { ["para_id"]=> string(13) "11161.2003756" ["level"]=> int(2) ["title"]=> string(24) "Aged believers - Alcohol" ["refcode_short"]=> string(26) "TopIndex .Aged believers.1" ["dup"]=> NULL ["puborder"]=> int(3685) } [7]=> array(6) { ["para_id"]=> string(13) "11161.2004603" ["level"]=> int(2) ["title"]=> string(40) "Alcoholic drinks - Amusement, Amusements" ["refcode_short"]=> string(28) "TopIndex .Alcoholic drinks.1" ["dup"]=> NULL ["puborder"]=> int(4512) } [8]=> array(6) { ["para_id"]=> string(13) "11161.2005795" ["level"]=> int(2) ["title"]=> string(23) "Amusement lovers - Aner" ["refcode_short"]=> string(28) "TopIndex .Amusement lovers.1" ["dup"]=> NULL ["puborder"]=> int(5672) } [9]=> array(6) { ["para_id"]=> string(13) "11161.2005927" ["level"]=> int(2) ["title"]=> string(27) "Angel, Angels (Part 1 of 3)" ["refcode_short"]=> string(25) "TopIndex .Angel, Angels.1" ["dup"]=> NULL ["puborder"]=> int(5797) } [10]=> array(6) { ["para_id"]=> string(13) "11161.2006620" ["level"]=> int(2) ["title"]=> string(27) "Angel, Angels (Part 2 of 3)" ["refcode_short"]=> string(27) "TopIndex .Angel, Angels.694" ["dup"]=> NULL ["puborder"]=> int(6490) } [11]=> array(6) { ["para_id"]=> string(13) "11161.2007312" ["level"]=> int(2) ["title"]=> string(27) "Angel, Angels (Part 3 of 3)" ["refcode_short"]=> string(28) "TopIndex .Angel, Angels.1386" ["dup"]=> NULL ["puborder"]=> int(7183) } [12]=> array(6) { ["para_id"]=> string(13) "11161.2008005" ["level"]=> int(2) ["title"]=> string(30) "Angel, Angels, evil - Apostasy" ["refcode_short"]=> string(31) "TopIndex .Angel, Angels, evil.1" ["dup"]=> NULL ["puborder"]=> int(7877) } [13]=> array(6) { ["para_id"]=> string(13) "11161.2008965" ["level"]=> int(2) ["title"]=> string(71) "Apostate, Apostates - Appetite, indulgence of, Appetites, indulgence of" ["refcode_short"]=> string(31) "TopIndex .Apostate, Apostates.1" ["dup"]=> NULL ["puborder"]=> int(8799) } [14]=> array(6) { ["para_id"]=> string(13) "11161.2009804" ["level"]=> int(2) ["title"]=> string(19) "Appii Forum - Armor" ["refcode_short"]=> string(23) "TopIndex .Appii Forum.1" ["dup"]=> NULL ["puborder"]=> int(9633) } [15]=> array(6) { ["para_id"]=> string(13) "11161.2010608" ["level"]=> int(2) ["title"]=> string(31) "Armory - Atmosphere (spiritual)" ["refcode_short"]=> string(18) "TopIndex .Armory.1" ["dup"]=> NULL ["puborder"]=> int(10412) } [16]=> array(6) { ["para_id"]=> string(13) "11161.2011550" ["level"]=> int(2) ["title"]=> string(23) "Atom, Atoms - Australia" ["refcode_short"]=> string(23) "TopIndex .Atom, Atoms.1" ["dup"]=> NULL ["puborder"]=> int(11320) } [17]=> array(6) { ["para_id"]=> string(13) "11161.2012373" ["level"]=> int(2) ["title"]=> string(17) "Austria - Azariah" ["refcode_short"]=> string(19) "TopIndex .Austria.1" ["dup"]=> NULL ["puborder"]=> int(12125) } [18]=> array(6) { ["para_id"]=> string(13) "11161.2012374" ["level"]=> int(2) ["title"]=> string(32) "“Alameda” - “Well done,”" ["refcode_short"]=> string(19) "TopIndex .Austria.2" ["dup"]=> NULL ["puborder"]=> int(12127) } [19]=> array(6) { ["para_id"]=> string(11) "11161.12611" ["level"]=> int(1) ["title"]=> string(1) "B" ["refcode_short"]=> string(11) "TopIndex .B" ["dup"]=> NULL ["puborder"]=> int(12351) } [20]=> array(6) { ["para_id"]=> string(13) "11161.2012612" ["level"]=> int(2) ["title"]=> string(13) "Baal - Balaam" ["refcode_short"]=> string(16) "TopIndex .Baal.1" ["dup"]=> string(11) "11161.12611" ["puborder"]=> int(12352) } [21]=> array(6) { ["para_id"]=> string(13) "11161.2013437" ["level"]=> int(2) ["title"]=> string(34) "Balaclava, Vict. - Battle, Battles" ["refcode_short"]=> string(28) "TopIndex .Balaclava, Vict..1" ["dup"]=> NULL ["puborder"]=> int(13154) } [22]=> array(6) { ["para_id"]=> string(13) "11161.2014351" ["level"]=> int(2) ["title"]=> string(46) "Battle and a march - Belden, Sarah B. (Harmon)" ["refcode_short"]=> string(30) "TopIndex .Battle and a march.1" ["dup"]=> NULL ["puborder"]=> int(14032) } [23]=> array(6) { ["para_id"]=> string(13) "11161.2015153" ["level"]=> int(2) ["title"]=> string(25) "Belden, Stephen - Bigotry" ["refcode_short"]=> string(27) "TopIndex .Belden, Stephen.1" ["dup"]=> NULL ["puborder"]=> int(14825) } [24]=> array(6) { ["para_id"]=> string(13) "11161.2015971" ["level"]=> int(2) ["title"]=> string(37) "Biliousness - Blind leading the blind" ["refcode_short"]=> string(23) "TopIndex .Biliousness.1" ["dup"]=> NULL ["puborder"]=> int(15639) } [25]=> array(6) { ["para_id"]=> string(13) "11161.2016773" ["level"]=> int(2) ["title"]=> string(31) "Blindness - Body, Bodies, human" ["refcode_short"]=> string(21) "TopIndex .Blindness.1" ["dup"]=> NULL ["puborder"]=> int(16433) } [26]=> array(6) { ["para_id"]=> string(13) "11161.2017791" ["level"]=> int(2) ["title"]=> string(33) "Bognes, Augusta - Books of heaven" ["refcode_short"]=> string(27) "TopIndex .Bognes, Augusta.1" ["dup"]=> NULL ["puborder"]=> int(17447) } [27]=> array(6) { ["para_id"]=> string(13) "11161.2018840" ["level"]=> int(2) ["title"]=> string(27) "Book prices - Bread of life" ["refcode_short"]=> string(23) "TopIndex .Book prices.1" ["dup"]=> NULL ["puborder"]=> int(18493) } [28]=> array(6) { ["para_id"]=> string(13) "11161.2019652" ["level"]=> int(2) ["title"]=> string(25) "Breakdown - Burden, J. A." ["refcode_short"]=> string(21) "TopIndex .Breakdown.1" ["dup"]=> NULL ["puborder"]=> int(19296) } [29]=> array(6) { ["para_id"]=> string(13) "11161.2020455" ["level"]=> int(2) ["title"]=> string(65) "Burdick, Mrs. L. S. - Business transaction, Business transactions" ["refcode_short"]=> string(31) "TopIndex .Burdick, Mrs. L. S..1" ["dup"]=> NULL ["puborder"]=> int(20090) } [30]=> array(6) { ["para_id"]=> string(13) "11161.2021308" ["level"]=> int(2) ["title"]=> string(40) "Business union, Business unions - Byword" ["refcode_short"]=> string(43) "TopIndex .Business union, Business unions.1" ["dup"]=> NULL ["puborder"]=> int(20943) } [31]=> array(6) { ["para_id"]=> string(11) "11161.21446" ["level"]=> int(1) ["title"]=> string(1) "C" ["refcode_short"]=> string(11) "TopIndex .C" ["dup"]=> NULL ["puborder"]=> int(21082) } [32]=> array(6) { ["para_id"]=> string(13) "11161.2021447" ["level"]=> int(2) ["title"]=> string(32) "Cabinets of kings - Camp meeting" ["refcode_short"]=> string(29) "TopIndex .Cabinets of kings.1" ["dup"]=> string(11) "11161.21446" ["puborder"]=> int(21083) } [33]=> array(6) { ["para_id"]=> string(13) "11161.2022291" ["level"]=> int(2) ["title"]=> string(27) "Can, Cans - Catholic Church" ["refcode_short"]=> string(21) "TopIndex .Can, Cans.1" ["dup"]=> NULL ["puborder"]=> int(21926) } [34]=> array(6) { ["para_id"]=> string(13) "11161.2023095" ["level"]=> int(2) ["title"]=> string(27) "Catholicism - Chain, Chains" ["refcode_short"]=> string(23) "TopIndex .Catholicism.1" ["dup"]=> NULL ["puborder"]=> int(22716) } [35]=> array(6) { ["para_id"]=> string(13) "11161.2023929" ["level"]=> int(2) ["title"]=> string(30) "Chain gang - Chapter, Chapters" ["refcode_short"]=> string(22) "TopIndex .Chain gang.1" ["dup"]=> NULL ["puborder"]=> int(23548) } [36]=> array(6) { ["para_id"]=> string(13) "11161.2024065" ["level"]=> int(2) ["title"]=> string(35) "Character, Characters (Part 1 of 4)" ["refcode_short"]=> string(33) "TopIndex .Character, Characters.1" ["dup"]=> NULL ["puborder"]=> int(23684) } [37]=> array(6) { ["para_id"]=> string(13) "11161.2024741" ["level"]=> int(2) ["title"]=> string(35) "Character, Characters (Part 2 of 4)" ["refcode_short"]=> string(35) "TopIndex .Character, Characters.677" ["dup"]=> NULL ["puborder"]=> int(24360) } [38]=> array(6) { ["para_id"]=> string(13) "11161.2025416" ["level"]=> int(2) ["title"]=> string(35) "Character, Characters (Part 3 of 4)" ["refcode_short"]=> string(36) "TopIndex .Character, Characters.1352" ["dup"]=> NULL ["puborder"]=> int(25036) } [39]=> array(6) { ["para_id"]=> string(13) "11161.2026091" ["level"]=> int(2) ["title"]=> string(35) "Character, Characters (Part 4 of 4)" ["refcode_short"]=> string(36) "TopIndex .Character, Characters.2027" ["dup"]=> NULL ["puborder"]=> int(25712) } [40]=> array(6) { ["para_id"]=> string(13) "11161.2026767" ["level"]=> int(2) ["title"]=> string(25) "Characteristics - Chiding" ["refcode_short"]=> string(27) "TopIndex .Characteristics.1" ["dup"]=> NULL ["puborder"]=> int(26389) } [41]=> array(6) { ["para_id"]=> string(13) "11161.2027406" ["level"]=> int(2) ["title"]=> string(29) "Child, Children (Part 1 of 5)" ["refcode_short"]=> string(27) "TopIndex .Child, Children.1" ["dup"]=> NULL ["puborder"]=> int(27024) } [42]=> array(6) { ["para_id"]=> string(13) "11161.2028140" ["level"]=> int(2) ["title"]=> string(29) "Child, Children (Part 2 of 5)" ["refcode_short"]=> string(29) "TopIndex .Child, Children.735" ["dup"]=> NULL ["puborder"]=> int(27758) } [43]=> array(6) { ["para_id"]=> string(13) "11161.2028874" ["level"]=> int(2) ["title"]=> string(29) "Child, Children (Part 3 of 5)" ["refcode_short"]=> string(30) "TopIndex .Child, Children.1469" ["dup"]=> NULL ["puborder"]=> int(28493) } [44]=> array(6) { ["para_id"]=> string(13) "11161.2029608" ["level"]=> int(2) ["title"]=> string(29) "Child, Children (Part 4 of 5)" ["refcode_short"]=> string(30) "TopIndex .Child, Children.2203" ["dup"]=> NULL ["puborder"]=> int(29228) } [45]=> array(6) { ["para_id"]=> string(13) "11161.2030342" ["level"]=> int(2) ["title"]=> string(29) "Child, Children (Part 5 of 5)" ["refcode_short"]=> string(30) "TopIndex .Child, Children.2937" ["dup"]=> NULL ["puborder"]=> int(29963) } [46]=> array(6) { ["para_id"]=> string(13) "11161.2031077" ["level"]=> int(2) ["title"]=> string(64) "Child, Children (adults as) - Christ (events of earthly life of)" ["refcode_short"]=> string(39) "TopIndex .Child, Children (adults as).1" ["dup"]=> NULL ["puborder"]=> int(30699) } [47]=> array(6) { ["para_id"]=> string(13) "11161.2032183" ["level"]=> int(2) ["title"]=> string(21) "Christ (Part 1 of 18)" ["refcode_short"]=> string(18) "TopIndex .Christ.1" ["dup"]=> NULL ["puborder"]=> int(31801) } [48]=> array(6) { ["para_id"]=> string(13) "11161.2032940" ["level"]=> int(2) ["title"]=> string(21) "Christ (Part 2 of 18)" ["refcode_short"]=> string(20) "TopIndex .Christ.758" ["dup"]=> NULL ["puborder"]=> int(32558) } [49]=> array(6) { ["para_id"]=> string(13) "11161.2033696" ["level"]=> int(2) ["title"]=> string(21) "Christ (Part 3 of 18)" ["refcode_short"]=> string(21) "TopIndex .Christ.1514" ["dup"]=> NULL ["puborder"]=> int(33315) } [50]=> array(6) { ["para_id"]=> string(13) "11161.2034452" ["level"]=> int(2) ["title"]=> string(21) "Christ (Part 4 of 18)" ["refcode_short"]=> string(21) "TopIndex .Christ.2270" ["dup"]=> NULL ["puborder"]=> int(34072) } [51]=> array(6) { ["para_id"]=> string(13) "11161.2035208" ["level"]=> int(2) ["title"]=> string(21) "Christ (Part 5 of 18)" ["refcode_short"]=> string(21) "TopIndex .Christ.3026" ["dup"]=> NULL ["puborder"]=> int(34829) } [52]=> array(6) { ["para_id"]=> string(13) "11161.2035964" ["level"]=> int(2) ["title"]=> string(21) "Christ (Part 6 of 18)" ["refcode_short"]=> string(21) "TopIndex .Christ.3782" ["dup"]=> NULL ["puborder"]=> int(35586) } [53]=> array(6) { ["para_id"]=> string(13) "11161.2036720" ["level"]=> int(2) ["title"]=> string(21) "Christ (Part 7 of 18)" ["refcode_short"]=> string(21) "TopIndex .Christ.4538" ["dup"]=> NULL ["puborder"]=> int(36343) } [54]=> array(6) { ["para_id"]=> string(13) "11161.2037477" ["level"]=> int(2) ["title"]=> string(21) "Christ (Part 8 of 18)" ["refcode_short"]=> string(21) "TopIndex .Christ.5295" ["dup"]=> NULL ["puborder"]=> int(37101) } [55]=> array(6) { ["para_id"]=> string(13) "11161.2038233" ["level"]=> int(2) ["title"]=> string(21) "Christ (Part 9 of 18)" ["refcode_short"]=> string(21) "TopIndex .Christ.6051" ["dup"]=> NULL ["puborder"]=> int(37858) } [56]=> array(6) { ["para_id"]=> string(13) "11161.2038989" ["level"]=> int(2) ["title"]=> string(22) "Christ (Part 10 of 18)" ["refcode_short"]=> string(21) "TopIndex .Christ.6807" ["dup"]=> NULL ["puborder"]=> int(38615) } [57]=> array(6) { ["para_id"]=> string(13) "11161.2039745" ["level"]=> int(2) ["title"]=> string(22) "Christ (Part 11 of 18)" ["refcode_short"]=> string(21) "TopIndex .Christ.7563" ["dup"]=> NULL ["puborder"]=> int(39372) } [58]=> array(6) { ["para_id"]=> string(13) "11161.2040501" ["level"]=> int(2) ["title"]=> string(22) "Christ (Part 12 of 18)" ["refcode_short"]=> string(21) "TopIndex .Christ.8319" ["dup"]=> NULL ["puborder"]=> int(40129) } [59]=> array(6) { ["para_id"]=> string(13) "11161.2041257" ["level"]=> int(2) ["title"]=> string(22) "Christ (Part 13 of 18)" ["refcode_short"]=> string(21) "TopIndex .Christ.9075" ["dup"]=> NULL ["puborder"]=> int(40886) } [60]=> array(6) { ["para_id"]=> string(13) "11161.2042014" ["level"]=> int(2) ["title"]=> string(22) "Christ (Part 14 of 18)" ["refcode_short"]=> string(21) "TopIndex .Christ.9832" ["dup"]=> NULL ["puborder"]=> int(41644) } [61]=> array(6) { ["para_id"]=> string(13) "11161.2042770" ["level"]=> int(2) ["title"]=> string(22) "Christ (Part 15 of 18)" ["refcode_short"]=> string(22) "TopIndex .Christ.10588" ["dup"]=> NULL ["puborder"]=> int(42401) } [62]=> array(6) { ["para_id"]=> string(13) "11161.2043526" ["level"]=> int(2) ["title"]=> string(22) "Christ (Part 16 of 18)" ["refcode_short"]=> string(22) "TopIndex .Christ.11344" ["dup"]=> NULL ["puborder"]=> int(43158) } [63]=> array(6) { ["para_id"]=> string(13) "11161.2044282" ["level"]=> int(2) ["title"]=> string(22) "Christ (Part 17 of 18)" ["refcode_short"]=> string(22) "TopIndex .Christ.12100" ["dup"]=> NULL ["puborder"]=> int(43915) } [64]=> array(6) { ["para_id"]=> string(13) "11161.2045038" ["level"]=> int(2) ["title"]=> string(22) "Christ (Part 18 of 18)" ["refcode_short"]=> string(22) "TopIndex .Christ.12856" ["dup"]=> NULL ["puborder"]=> int(44672) } [65]=> array(6) { ["para_id"]=> string(13) "11161.2045795" ["level"]=> int(2) ["title"]=> string(53) "Christ, false, Christs, false - Christian, Christians" ["refcode_short"]=> string(41) "TopIndex .Christ, false, Christs, false.1" ["dup"]=> NULL ["puborder"]=> int(45430) } [66]=> array(6) { ["para_id"]=> string(13) "11161.2046661" ["level"]=> int(2) ["title"]=> string(66) "Christian Advocate and Journal - Chronology and time relationships" ["refcode_short"]=> string(42) "TopIndex .Christian Advocate and Journal.1" ["dup"]=> NULL ["puborder"]=> int(46297) } [67]=> array(6) { ["para_id"]=> string(13) "11161.2047467" ["level"]=> int(2) ["title"]=> string(37) "Chronology of Scriptures - Chrysolite" ["refcode_short"]=> string(36) "TopIndex .Chronology of Scriptures.1" ["dup"]=> NULL ["puborder"]=> int(47102) } [68]=> array(6) { ["para_id"]=> string(13) "11161.2047471" ["level"]=> int(2) ["title"]=> string(30) "Church, Churches (Part 1 of 4)" ["refcode_short"]=> string(28) "TopIndex .Church, Churches.1" ["dup"]=> NULL ["puborder"]=> int(47107) } [69]=> array(6) { ["para_id"]=> string(13) "11161.2048145" ["level"]=> int(2) ["title"]=> string(30) "Church, Churches (Part 2 of 4)" ["refcode_short"]=> string(30) "TopIndex .Church, Churches.675" ["dup"]=> NULL ["puborder"]=> int(47781) } [70]=> array(6) { ["para_id"]=> string(13) "11161.2048818" ["level"]=> int(2) ["title"]=> string(30) "Church, Churches (Part 3 of 4)" ["refcode_short"]=> string(31) "TopIndex .Church, Churches.1348" ["dup"]=> NULL ["puborder"]=> int(48455) } [71]=> array(6) { ["para_id"]=> string(13) "11161.2049492" ["level"]=> int(2) ["title"]=> string(30) "Church, Churches (Part 4 of 4)" ["refcode_short"]=> string(31) "TopIndex .Church, Churches.2022" ["dup"]=> NULL ["puborder"]=> int(49130) } [72]=> array(6) { ["para_id"]=> string(13) "11161.2050166" ["level"]=> int(2) ["title"]=> string(48) "Church, Catholic - Church matter, Church matters" ["refcode_short"]=> string(28) "TopIndex .Church, Catholic.1" ["dup"]=> NULL ["puborder"]=> int(49805) } [73]=> array(6) { ["para_id"]=> string(13) "11161.2050678" ["level"]=> int(2) ["title"]=> string(43) "Church member, Church members (Part 1 of 2)" ["refcode_short"]=> string(41) "TopIndex .Church member, Church members.1" ["dup"]=> NULL ["puborder"]=> int(50317) } [74]=> array(6) { ["para_id"]=> string(13) "11161.2051309" ["level"]=> int(2) ["title"]=> string(43) "Church member, Church members (Part 2 of 2)" ["refcode_short"]=> string(43) "TopIndex .Church member, Church members.632" ["dup"]=> NULL ["puborder"]=> int(50948) } [75]=> array(6) { ["para_id"]=> string(13) "11161.2051941" ["level"]=> int(2) ["title"]=> string(47) "Church membership - Circumstance, Circumstances" ["refcode_short"]=> string(29) "TopIndex .Church membership.1" ["dup"]=> NULL ["puborder"]=> int(51581) } [76]=> array(6) { ["para_id"]=> string(13) "11161.2052921" ["level"]=> int(2) ["title"]=> string(20) "Circus - City of God" ["refcode_short"]=> string(18) "TopIndex .Circus.1" ["dup"]=> NULL ["puborder"]=> int(52560) } [77]=> array(6) { ["para_id"]=> string(13) "11161.2053746" ["level"]=> int(2) ["title"]=> string(28) "Civil administration - Cloth" ["refcode_short"]=> string(32) "TopIndex .Civil administration.1" ["dup"]=> NULL ["puborder"]=> int(53384) } [78]=> array(6) { ["para_id"]=> string(13) "11161.2054084" ["level"]=> int(2) ["title"]=> string(30) "Clothes/Clothing (Part 1 of 2)" ["refcode_short"]=> string(28) "TopIndex .Clothes/Clothing.1" ["dup"]=> NULL ["puborder"]=> int(53720) } [79]=> array(6) { ["para_id"]=> string(13) "11161.2054602" ["level"]=> int(2) ["title"]=> string(30) "Clothes/Clothing (Part 2 of 2)" ["refcode_short"]=> string(30) "TopIndex .Clothes/Clothing.519" ["dup"]=> NULL ["puborder"]=> int(54239) } [80]=> array(6) { ["para_id"]=> string(13) "11161.2055120" ["level"]=> int(2) ["title"]=> string(53) "Cloud, Clouds - College president, College presidents" ["refcode_short"]=> string(25) "TopIndex .Cloud, Clouds.1" ["dup"]=> NULL ["puborder"]=> int(54758) } [81]=> array(6) { ["para_id"]=> string(13) "11161.2055925" ["level"]=> int(2) ["title"]=> string(43) "College principal - Colporteur, Colporteurs" ["refcode_short"]=> string(29) "TopIndex .College principal.1" ["dup"]=> NULL ["puborder"]=> int(55560) } [82]=> array(6) { ["para_id"]=> string(13) "11161.2056984" ["level"]=> int(2) ["title"]=> string(34) "Colporteur agent - Commercial work" ["refcode_short"]=> string(28) "TopIndex .Colporteur agent.1" ["dup"]=> NULL ["puborder"]=> int(56615) } [83]=> array(6) { ["para_id"]=> string(13) "11161.2057789" ["level"]=> int(2) ["title"]=> string(32) "Commission - Condemnatory manner" ["refcode_short"]=> string(22) "TopIndex .Commission.1" ["dup"]=> NULL ["puborder"]=> int(57418) } [84]=> array(6) { ["para_id"]=> string(13) "11161.2058593" ["level"]=> int(2) ["title"]=> string(32) "Condemnatory spirit - Confidence" ["refcode_short"]=> string(31) "TopIndex .Condemnatory spirit.1" ["dup"]=> NULL ["puborder"]=> int(58211) } [85]=> array(6) { ["para_id"]=> string(13) "11161.2059487" ["level"]=> int(2) ["title"]=> string(35) "Confidentiality - Conscientiousness" ["refcode_short"]=> string(27) "TopIndex .Confidentiality.1" ["dup"]=> NULL ["puborder"]=> int(59103) } [86]=> array(6) { ["para_id"]=> string(13) "11161.2060292" ["level"]=> int(2) ["title"]=> string(28) "Consciousness - Conversation" ["refcode_short"]=> string(25) "TopIndex .Consciousness.1" ["dup"]=> NULL ["puborder"]=> int(59902) } [87]=> array(6) { ["para_id"]=> string(13) "11161.2061256" ["level"]=> int(2) ["title"]=> string(33) "Conversion, Conversions - Cooking" ["refcode_short"]=> string(35) "TopIndex .Conversion, Conversions.1" ["dup"]=> NULL ["puborder"]=> int(60856) } [88]=> array(6) { ["para_id"]=> string(13) "11161.2062123" ["level"]=> int(2) ["title"]=> string(69) "Cooking demonstration, Cooking demonstrations - Counselor, Counselors" ["refcode_short"]=> string(57) "TopIndex .Cooking demonstration, Cooking demonstrations.1" ["dup"]=> NULL ["puborder"]=> int(61723) } [89]=> array(6) { ["para_id"]=> string(13) "11161.2062968" ["level"]=> int(2) ["title"]=> string(28) "Counsel together - Courtship" ["refcode_short"]=> string(28) "TopIndex .Counsel together.1" ["dup"]=> NULL ["puborder"]=> int(62566) } [90]=> array(6) { ["para_id"]=> string(13) "11161.2063799" ["level"]=> int(2) ["title"]=> string(24) "Covenant - Cramp, Cramps" ["refcode_short"]=> string(20) "TopIndex .Covenant.1" ["dup"]=> NULL ["puborder"]=> int(63395) } [91]=> array(6) { ["para_id"]=> string(13) "11161.2064603" ["level"]=> int(2) ["title"]=> string(25) "Crane, Cranes - Criticism" ["refcode_short"]=> string(25) "TopIndex .Crane, Cranes.1" ["dup"]=> NULL ["puborder"]=> int(64195) } [92]=> array(6) { ["para_id"]=> string(13) "11161.2065477" ["level"]=> int(2) ["title"]=> string(38) "Criticism/Faultfinding - Crown, Crowns" ["refcode_short"]=> string(34) "TopIndex .Criticism/Faultfinding.1" ["dup"]=> NULL ["puborder"]=> int(65067) } [93]=> array(6) { ["para_id"]=> string(13) "11161.2066394" ["level"]=> int(2) ["title"]=> string(35) "Crowned head, Crowned heads - Cyrus" ["refcode_short"]=> string(39) "TopIndex .Crowned head, Crowned heads.1" ["dup"]=> NULL ["puborder"]=> int(65981) } [94]=> array(6) { ["para_id"]=> string(11) "11161.66907" ["level"]=> int(1) ["title"]=> string(1) "D" ["refcode_short"]=> string(11) "TopIndex .D" ["dup"]=> NULL ["puborder"]=> int(66493) } [95]=> array(6) { ["para_id"]=> string(13) "11161.2066908" ["level"]=> int(2) ["title"]=> string(23) "Dagon - Daniel, book of" ["refcode_short"]=> string(17) "TopIndex .Dagon.1" ["dup"]=> string(11) "11161.66907" ["puborder"]=> int(66494) } [96]=> array(6) { ["para_id"]=> string(13) "11161.2067812" ["level"]=> int(2) ["title"]=> string(29) "Daniel and Revelation - David" ["refcode_short"]=> string(33) "TopIndex .Daniel and Revelation.1" ["dup"]=> NULL ["puborder"]=> int(67398) } [97]=> array(6) { ["para_id"]=> string(13) "11161.2068937" ["level"]=> int(2) ["title"]=> string(31) "Davis, Marian - Debate, Debates" ["refcode_short"]=> string(25) "TopIndex .Davis, Marian.1" ["dup"]=> NULL ["puborder"]=> int(68516) } [98]=> array(6) { ["para_id"]=> string(13) "11161.2069779" ["level"]=> int(2) ["title"]=> string(39) "Debater, Debaters - Decision, Decisions" ["refcode_short"]=> string(29) "TopIndex .Debater, Debaters.1" ["dup"]=> NULL ["puborder"]=> int(69355) } [99]=> array(6) { ["para_id"]=> string(13) "11161.2070658" ["level"]=> int(2) ["title"]=> string(24) "Decisive - Demon worship" ["refcode_short"]=> string(20) "TopIndex .Decisive.1" ["dup"]=> NULL ["puborder"]=> int(70232) } [100]=> array(6) { ["para_id"]=> string(13) "11161.2071459" ["level"]=> int(2) ["title"]=> string(27) "Denial - Destiny, Destinies" ["refcode_short"]=> string(18) "TopIndex .Denial.1" ["dup"]=> NULL ["puborder"]=> int(71030) } [101]=> array(6) { ["para_id"]=> string(13) "11161.2072267" ["level"]=> int(2) ["title"]=> string(42) "Destitute person, Destitute persons - Diet" ["refcode_short"]=> string(47) "TopIndex .Destitute person, Destitute persons.1" ["dup"]=> NULL ["puborder"]=> int(71835) } [102]=> array(6) { ["para_id"]=> string(13) "11161.2073473" ["level"]=> int(2) ["title"]=> string(27) "Dietary - Diploma, Diplomas" ["refcode_short"]=> string(19) "TopIndex .Dietary.1" ["dup"]=> NULL ["puborder"]=> int(73039) } [103]=> array(6) { ["para_id"]=> string(13) "11161.2074279" ["level"]=> int(2) ["title"]=> string(22) "Diplomacy - Discontent" ["refcode_short"]=> string(21) "TopIndex .Diplomacy.1" ["dup"]=> NULL ["puborder"]=> int(73845) } [104]=> array(6) { ["para_id"]=> string(13) "11161.2075086" ["level"]=> int(2) ["title"]=> string(35) "Discontented repinings - Dishonesty" ["refcode_short"]=> string(34) "TopIndex .Discontented repinings.1" ["dup"]=> NULL ["puborder"]=> int(74642) } [105]=> array(6) { ["para_id"]=> string(13) "11161.2075952" ["level"]=> int(2) ["title"]=> string(24) "Dishonor - Divine nature" ["refcode_short"]=> string(20) "TopIndex .Dishonor.1" ["dup"]=> NULL ["puborder"]=> int(75506) } [106]=> array(6) { ["para_id"]=> string(13) "11161.2076754" ["level"]=> int(2) ["title"]=> string(33) "Divine providence - Doubt, Doubts" ["refcode_short"]=> string(29) "TopIndex .Divine providence.1" ["dup"]=> NULL ["puborder"]=> int(76303) } [107]=> array(6) { ["para_id"]=> string(13) "11161.2077903" ["level"]=> int(2) ["title"]=> string(13) "Doubt - Drunk" ["refcode_short"]=> string(17) "TopIndex .Doubt.1" ["dup"]=> NULL ["puborder"]=> int(77449) } [108]=> array(6) { ["para_id"]=> string(13) "11161.2078704" ["level"]=> int(2) ["title"]=> string(34) "Drunkard, Drunkards - Duty, Duties" ["refcode_short"]=> string(31) "TopIndex .Drunkard, Drunkards.1" ["dup"]=> NULL ["puborder"]=> int(78246) } [109]=> array(6) { ["para_id"]=> string(13) "11161.2079505" ["level"]=> int(2) ["title"]=> string(33) "Dwarf, Dwarfs - Dyspeptic stomach" ["refcode_short"]=> string(25) "TopIndex .Dwarf, Dwarfs.1" ["dup"]=> NULL ["puborder"]=> int(79046) } [110]=> array(6) { ["para_id"]=> string(11) "11161.79627" ["level"]=> int(1) ["title"]=> string(1) "E" ["refcode_short"]=> string(11) "TopIndex .E" ["dup"]=> NULL ["puborder"]=> int(79167) } [111]=> array(6) { ["para_id"]=> string(13) "11161.2079628" ["level"]=> int(2) ["title"]=> string(14) "Eagle - Eating" ["refcode_short"]=> string(17) "TopIndex .Eagle.1" ["dup"]=> string(11) "11161.79627" ["puborder"]=> int(79168) } [112]=> array(6) { ["para_id"]=> string(13) "11161.2080538" ["level"]=> int(2) ["title"]=> string(37) "Eating and drinking - Educating power" ["refcode_short"]=> string(31) "TopIndex .Eating and drinking.1" ["dup"]=> NULL ["puborder"]=> int(80076) } [113]=> array(6) { ["para_id"]=> string(13) "11161.2081251" ["level"]=> int(2) ["title"]=> string(23) "Education (Part 1 of 3)" ["refcode_short"]=> string(21) "TopIndex .Education.1" ["dup"]=> NULL ["puborder"]=> int(80787) } [114]=> array(6) { ["para_id"]=> string(13) "11161.2081796" ["level"]=> int(2) ["title"]=> string(23) "Education (Part 2 of 3)" ["refcode_short"]=> string(23) "TopIndex .Education.546" ["dup"]=> NULL ["puborder"]=> int(81333) } [115]=> array(6) { ["para_id"]=> string(13) "11161.2082341" ["level"]=> int(2) ["title"]=> string(23) "Education (Part 3 of 3)" ["refcode_short"]=> string(24) "TopIndex .Education.1091" ["dup"]=> NULL ["puborder"]=> int(81879) } [116]=> array(6) { ["para_id"]=> string(13) "11161.2082887" ["level"]=> int(2) ["title"]=> string(32) "Education (the book) - Egg, Eggs" ["refcode_short"]=> string(32) "TopIndex .Education (the book).1" ["dup"]=> NULL ["puborder"]=> int(82426) } [117]=> array(6) { ["para_id"]=> string(13) "11161.2083702" ["level"]=> int(2) ["title"]=> string(16) "Egotism - Elisha" ["refcode_short"]=> string(19) "TopIndex .Egotism.1" ["dup"]=> NULL ["puborder"]=> int(83239) } [118]=> array(6) { ["para_id"]=> string(13) "11161.2084591" ["level"]=> int(2) ["title"]=> string(31) "Elixir of life - Enemy, Enemies" ["refcode_short"]=> string(26) "TopIndex .Elixir of life.1" ["dup"]=> NULL ["puborder"]=> int(84125) } [119]=> array(6) { ["para_id"]=> string(13) "11161.2085467" ["level"]=> int(2) ["title"]=> string(25) "Energetic - Envy/Jealousy" ["refcode_short"]=> string(21) "TopIndex .Energetic.1" ["dup"]=> NULL ["puborder"]=> int(84999) } [120]=> array(6) { ["para_id"]=> string(13) "11161.2086278" ["level"]=> int(2) ["title"]=> string(25) "Epaphras - Eternal things" ["refcode_short"]=> string(20) "TopIndex .Epaphras.1" ["dup"]=> NULL ["puborder"]=> int(85806) } [121]=> array(6) { ["para_id"]=> string(13) "11161.2087080" ["level"]=> int(2) ["title"]=> string(37) "Eternal torment - Evidence, Evidences" ["refcode_short"]=> string(27) "TopIndex .Eternal torment.1" ["dup"]=> NULL ["puborder"]=> int(86605) } [122]=> array(6) { ["para_id"]=> string(13) "11161.2087921" ["level"]=> int(2) ["title"]=> string(33) "Evil, Evils - Exercise (physical)" ["refcode_short"]=> string(23) "TopIndex .Evil, Evils.1" ["dup"]=> NULL ["puborder"]=> int(87442) } [123]=> array(6) { ["para_id"]=> string(13) "11161.2088997" ["level"]=> int(2) ["title"]=> string(34) "Exercises - Extremity, Extremities" ["refcode_short"]=> string(21) "TopIndex .Exercises.1" ["dup"]=> NULL ["puborder"]=> int(88517) } [124]=> array(6) { ["para_id"]=> string(13) "11161.2089823" ["level"]=> int(2) ["title"]=> string(16) "Eye, Eyes - Ezra" ["refcode_short"]=> string(21) "TopIndex .Eye, Eyes.1" ["dup"]=> NULL ["puborder"]=> int(89340) } [125]=> array(6) { ["para_id"]=> string(13) "11161.2089825" ["level"]=> int(2) ["title"]=> string(14) "1844 - 144,000" ["refcode_short"]=> string(21) "TopIndex .Eye, Eyes.3" ["dup"]=> NULL ["puborder"]=> int(89342) } [126]=> array(6) { ["para_id"]=> string(11) "11161.90091" ["level"]=> int(1) ["title"]=> string(1) "F" ["refcode_short"]=> string(11) "TopIndex .F" ["dup"]=> NULL ["puborder"]=> int(89608) } [127]=> array(6) { ["para_id"]=> string(13) "11161.2090092" ["level"]=> int(2) ["title"]=> string(39) "Faber, Johann - Fairy tale, Fairy tales" ["refcode_short"]=> string(25) "TopIndex .Faber, Johann.1" ["dup"]=> string(11) "11161.90091" ["puborder"]=> int(89609) } [128]=> array(6) { ["para_id"]=> string(13) "11161.2090565" ["level"]=> int(2) ["title"]=> string(19) "Faith (Part 1 of 3)" ["refcode_short"]=> string(17) "TopIndex .Faith.1" ["dup"]=> NULL ["puborder"]=> int(90081) } [129]=> array(6) { ["para_id"]=> string(13) "11161.2091144" ["level"]=> int(2) ["title"]=> string(19) "Faith (Part 2 of 3)" ["refcode_short"]=> string(19) "TopIndex .Faith.580" ["dup"]=> NULL ["puborder"]=> int(90660) } [130]=> array(6) { ["para_id"]=> string(13) "11161.2091723" ["level"]=> int(2) ["title"]=> string(19) "Faith (Part 3 of 3)" ["refcode_short"]=> string(20) "TopIndex .Faith.1159" ["dup"]=> NULL ["puborder"]=> int(91240) } [131]=> array(6) { ["para_id"]=> string(13) "11161.2092303" ["level"]=> int(2) ["title"]=> string(34) "Faith and works - Family, Families" ["refcode_short"]=> string(27) "TopIndex .Faith and works.1" ["dup"]=> NULL ["puborder"]=> int(91821) } [132]=> array(6) { ["para_id"]=> string(13) "11161.2093361" ["level"]=> int(2) ["title"]=> string(48) "Family affliction - Farmer, Farmers (Husbandmen)" ["refcode_short"]=> string(29) "TopIndex .Family affliction.1" ["dup"]=> NULL ["puborder"]=> int(92874) } [133]=> array(6) { ["para_id"]=> string(13) "11161.2094186" ["level"]=> int(2) ["title"]=> string(37) "Farmhouse, Farmhouses - Fault, Faults" ["refcode_short"]=> string(33) "TopIndex .Farmhouse, Farmhouses.1" ["dup"]=> NULL ["puborder"]=> int(93699) } [134]=> array(6) { ["para_id"]=> string(13) "11161.2095029" ["level"]=> int(2) ["title"]=> string(54) "Faultfinder, Faultfinders - Feet washing, ordinance of" ["refcode_short"]=> string(37) "TopIndex .Faultfinder, Faultfinders.1" ["dup"]=> NULL ["puborder"]=> int(94537) } [135]=> array(6) { ["para_id"]=> string(13) "11161.2095869" ["level"]=> int(2) ["title"]=> string(27) "Felice, G. de - Fire, Fires" ["refcode_short"]=> string(25) "TopIndex .Felice, G. de.1" ["dup"]=> NULL ["puborder"]=> int(95376) } [136]=> array(6) { ["para_id"]=> string(13) "11161.2096679" ["level"]=> int(2) ["title"]=> string(40) "Fire, balls of - Flesh food, Flesh foods" ["refcode_short"]=> string(26) "TopIndex .Fire, balls of.1" ["dup"]=> NULL ["puborder"]=> int(96178) } [137]=> array(6) { ["para_id"]=> string(13) "11161.2097772" ["level"]=> int(2) ["title"]=> string(41) "Flesh meat examiners - Food (unwholesome)" ["refcode_short"]=> string(32) "TopIndex .Flesh meat examiners.1" ["dup"]=> NULL ["puborder"]=> int(97269) } [138]=> array(6) { ["para_id"]=> string(13) "11161.2098732" ["level"]=> int(2) ["title"]=> string(53) "Food (wholesome) - Foreign country, Foreign countries" ["refcode_short"]=> string(28) "TopIndex .Food (wholesome).1" ["dup"]=> NULL ["puborder"]=> int(98224) } [139]=> array(6) { ["para_id"]=> string(13) "11161.2099555" ["level"]=> int(2) ["title"]=> string(29) "Foreigner, Foreigners - Fraud" ["refcode_short"]=> string(33) "TopIndex .Foreigner, Foreigners.1" ["dup"]=> NULL ["puborder"]=> int(99045) } [140]=> array(6) { ["para_id"]=> string(13) "11161.2100372" ["level"]=> int(2) ["title"]=> string(47) "Fraudulent act, Fraudulent acts - Fruit, Fruits" ["refcode_short"]=> string(43) "TopIndex .Fraudulent act, Fraudulent acts.1" ["dup"]=> NULL ["puborder"]=> int(99856) } [141]=> array(6) { ["para_id"]=> string(13) "11161.2101315" ["level"]=> int(2) ["title"]=> string(24) "Fruit bearing - Futurity" ["refcode_short"]=> string(25) "TopIndex .Fruit bearing.1" ["dup"]=> NULL ["puborder"]=> int(100797) } [142]=> array(6) { ["para_id"]=> string(12) "11161.101667" ["level"]=> int(1) ["title"]=> string(1) "G" ["refcode_short"]=> string(11) "TopIndex .G" ["dup"]=> NULL ["puborder"]=> int(101148) } [143]=> array(6) { ["para_id"]=> string(13) "11161.2101668" ["level"]=> int(2) ["title"]=> string(33) "Gabriel - Generation, Generations" ["refcode_short"]=> string(19) "TopIndex .Gabriel.1" ["dup"]=> string(12) "11161.101667" ["puborder"]=> int(101149) } [144]=> array(6) { ["para_id"]=> string(13) "11161.2102489" ["level"]=> int(2) ["title"]=> string(24) "Generosity - Girl, Girls" ["refcode_short"]=> string(22) "TopIndex .Generosity.1" ["dup"]=> NULL ["puborder"]=> int(101967) } [145]=> array(6) { ["para_id"]=> string(13) "11161.2103404" ["level"]=> int(2) ["title"]=> string(22) "Girlfriend - Goat hair" ["refcode_short"]=> string(22) "TopIndex .Girlfriend.1" ["dup"]=> NULL ["puborder"]=> int(102877) } [146]=> array(6) { ["para_id"]=> string(13) "11161.2103893" ["level"]=> int(2) ["title"]=> string(17) "God (Part 1 of 9)" ["refcode_short"]=> string(15) "TopIndex .God.1" ["dup"]=> NULL ["puborder"]=> int(103364) } [147]=> array(6) { ["para_id"]=> string(13) "11161.2104630" ["level"]=> int(2) ["title"]=> string(17) "God (Part 2 of 9)" ["refcode_short"]=> string(17) "TopIndex .God.738" ["dup"]=> NULL ["puborder"]=> int(104101) } [148]=> array(6) { ["para_id"]=> string(13) "11161.2105367" ["level"]=> int(2) ["title"]=> string(17) "God (Part 3 of 9)" ["refcode_short"]=> string(18) "TopIndex .God.1475" ["dup"]=> NULL ["puborder"]=> int(104839) } [149]=> array(6) { ["para_id"]=> string(13) "11161.2106103" ["level"]=> int(2) ["title"]=> string(17) "God (Part 4 of 9)" ["refcode_short"]=> string(18) "TopIndex .God.2211" ["dup"]=> NULL ["puborder"]=> int(105576) } [150]=> array(6) { ["para_id"]=> string(13) "11161.2106840" ["level"]=> int(2) ["title"]=> string(17) "God (Part 5 of 9)" ["refcode_short"]=> string(18) "TopIndex .God.2948" ["dup"]=> NULL ["puborder"]=> int(106314) } [151]=> array(6) { ["para_id"]=> string(13) "11161.2107576" ["level"]=> int(2) ["title"]=> string(17) "God (Part 6 of 9)" ["refcode_short"]=> string(18) "TopIndex .God.3684" ["dup"]=> NULL ["puborder"]=> int(107051) } [152]=> array(6) { ["para_id"]=> string(13) "11161.2108313" ["level"]=> int(2) ["title"]=> string(17) "God (Part 7 of 9)" ["refcode_short"]=> string(18) "TopIndex .God.4421" ["dup"]=> NULL ["puborder"]=> int(107789) } [153]=> array(6) { ["para_id"]=> string(13) "11161.2109049" ["level"]=> int(2) ["title"]=> string(17) "God (Part 8 of 9)" ["refcode_short"]=> string(18) "TopIndex .God.5157" ["dup"]=> NULL ["puborder"]=> int(108526) } [154]=> array(6) { ["para_id"]=> string(13) "11161.2109786" ["level"]=> int(2) ["title"]=> string(17) "God (Part 9 of 9)" ["refcode_short"]=> string(18) "TopIndex .God.5894" ["dup"]=> NULL ["puborder"]=> int(109264) } [155]=> array(6) { ["para_id"]=> string(13) "11161.2110523" ["level"]=> int(2) ["title"]=> string(32) "God, Gods, false - Good and evil" ["refcode_short"]=> string(28) "TopIndex .God, Gods, false.1" ["dup"]=> NULL ["puborder"]=> int(110002) } [156]=> array(6) { ["para_id"]=> string(13) "11161.2111348" ["level"]=> int(2) ["title"]=> string(22) "Goodness - Gospel work" ["refcode_short"]=> string(20) "TopIndex .Goodness.1" ["dup"]=> NULL ["puborder"]=> int(110824) } [157]=> array(6) { ["para_id"]=> string(13) "11161.2112693" ["level"]=> int(2) ["title"]=> string(43) "Gospel worker, Gospel workers (Part 1 of 2)" ["refcode_short"]=> string(41) "TopIndex .Gospel worker, Gospel workers.1" ["dup"]=> NULL ["puborder"]=> int(112167) } [158]=> array(6) { ["para_id"]=> string(13) "11161.2113402" ["level"]=> int(2) ["title"]=> string(43) "Gospel worker, Gospel workers (Part 2 of 2)" ["refcode_short"]=> string(43) "TopIndex .Gospel worker, Gospel workers.710" ["dup"]=> NULL ["puborder"]=> int(112877) } [159]=> array(6) { ["para_id"]=> string(13) "11161.2114112" ["level"]=> int(2) ["title"]=> string(21) "Gospel Workers - Gown" ["refcode_short"]=> string(26) "TopIndex .Gospel Workers.1" ["dup"]=> NULL ["puborder"]=> int(113588) } [160]=> array(6) { ["para_id"]=> string(13) "11161.2114369" ["level"]=> int(2) ["title"]=> string(19) "Grace (Part 1 of 2)" ["refcode_short"]=> string(17) "TopIndex .Grace.1" ["dup"]=> NULL ["puborder"]=> int(113845) } [161]=> array(6) { ["para_id"]=> string(13) "11161.2114902" ["level"]=> int(2) ["title"]=> string(19) "Grace (Part 2 of 2)" ["refcode_short"]=> string(19) "TopIndex .Grace.534" ["dup"]=> NULL ["puborder"]=> int(114378) } [162]=> array(6) { ["para_id"]=> string(13) "11161.2115435" ["level"]=> int(2) ["title"]=> string(37) "Grace, Graces - Grievance, Grievances" ["refcode_short"]=> string(25) "TopIndex .Grace, Graces.1" ["dup"]=> NULL ["puborder"]=> int(114912) } [163]=> array(6) { ["para_id"]=> string(13) "11161.2116236" ["level"]=> int(2) ["title"]=> string(55) "Griggs, E. S. - Gymnastic exercise, Gymnastic exercises" ["refcode_short"]=> string(25) "TopIndex .Griggs, E. S..1" ["dup"]=> NULL ["puborder"]=> int(115709) } [164]=> array(6) { ["para_id"]=> string(12) "11161.116927" ["level"]=> int(1) ["title"]=> string(1) "H" ["refcode_short"]=> string(11) "TopIndex .H" ["dup"]=> NULL ["puborder"]=> int(116397) } [165]=> array(6) { ["para_id"]=> string(13) "11161.2116928" ["level"]=> int(2) ["title"]=> string(20) "Habakkuk - Handclasp" ["refcode_short"]=> string(20) "TopIndex .Habakkuk.1" ["dup"]=> string(12) "11161.116927" ["puborder"]=> int(116398) } [166]=> array(6) { ["para_id"]=> string(13) "11161.2117731" ["level"]=> int(2) ["title"]=> string(22) "Handicap - Harp, Harps" ["refcode_short"]=> string(20) "TopIndex .Handicap.1" ["dup"]=> NULL ["puborder"]=> int(117199) } [167]=> array(6) { ["para_id"]=> string(13) "11161.2118534" ["level"]=> int(2) ["title"]=> string(29) "Harris, Wm. and Mrs. - Health" ["refcode_short"]=> string(32) "TopIndex .Harris, Wm. and Mrs..1" ["dup"]=> NULL ["puborder"]=> int(117999) } [168]=> array(6) { ["para_id"]=> string(13) "11161.2119779" ["level"]=> int(2) ["title"]=> string(21) "Health book - Hearsay" ["refcode_short"]=> string(23) "TopIndex .Health book.1" ["dup"]=> NULL ["puborder"]=> int(119241) } [169]=> array(6) { ["para_id"]=> string(13) "11161.2120544" ["level"]=> int(2) ["title"]=> string(27) "Heart, Hearts (Part 1 of 2)" ["refcode_short"]=> string(25) "TopIndex .Heart, Hearts.1" ["dup"]=> NULL ["puborder"]=> int(120006) } [170]=> array(6) { ["para_id"]=> string(13) "11161.2120984" ["level"]=> int(2) ["title"]=> string(27) "Heart, Hearts (Part 2 of 2)" ["refcode_short"]=> string(27) "TopIndex .Heart, Hearts.441" ["dup"]=> NULL ["puborder"]=> int(120446) } [171]=> array(6) { ["para_id"]=> string(13) "11161.2121425" ["level"]=> int(2) ["title"]=> string(38) "Heartache, Heartaches - Heaven (place)" ["refcode_short"]=> string(33) "TopIndex .Heartache, Heartaches.1" ["dup"]=> NULL ["puborder"]=> int(120888) } [172]=> array(6) { ["para_id"]=> string(13) "11161.2122826" ["level"]=> int(2) ["title"]=> string(30) "Heavenly host - Higher classes" ["refcode_short"]=> string(25) "TopIndex .Heavenly host.1" ["dup"]=> NULL ["puborder"]=> int(122288) } [173]=> array(6) { ["para_id"]=> string(13) "11161.2123640" ["level"]=> int(2) ["title"]=> string(37) "Higher criticism - History, Histories" ["refcode_short"]=> string(28) "TopIndex .Higher criticism.1" ["dup"]=> NULL ["puborder"]=> int(123097) } [174]=> array(6) { ["para_id"]=> string(13) "11161.2124641" ["level"]=> int(2) ["title"]=> string(25) "History - Holy Scriptures" ["refcode_short"]=> string(19) "TopIndex .History.1" ["dup"]=> NULL ["puborder"]=> int(124096) } [175]=> array(6) { ["para_id"]=> string(13) "11161.2125195" ["level"]=> int(2) ["title"]=> string(25) "Holy Spirit (Part 1 of 5)" ["refcode_short"]=> string(23) "TopIndex .Holy Spirit.1" ["dup"]=> NULL ["puborder"]=> int(124650) } [176]=> array(6) { ["para_id"]=> string(13) "11161.2125880" ["level"]=> int(2) ["title"]=> string(25) "Holy Spirit (Part 2 of 5)" ["refcode_short"]=> string(25) "TopIndex .Holy Spirit.686" ["dup"]=> NULL ["puborder"]=> int(125336) } [177]=> array(6) { ["para_id"]=> string(13) "11161.2126565" ["level"]=> int(2) ["title"]=> string(25) "Holy Spirit (Part 3 of 5)" ["refcode_short"]=> string(26) "TopIndex .Holy Spirit.1371" ["dup"]=> NULL ["puborder"]=> int(126022) } [178]=> array(6) { ["para_id"]=> string(13) "11161.2127249" ["level"]=> int(2) ["title"]=> string(25) "Holy Spirit (Part 4 of 5)" ["refcode_short"]=> string(26) "TopIndex .Holy Spirit.2055" ["dup"]=> NULL ["puborder"]=> int(126707) } [179]=> array(6) { ["para_id"]=> string(13) "11161.2127934" ["level"]=> int(2) ["title"]=> string(25) "Holy Spirit (Part 5 of 5)" ["refcode_short"]=> string(26) "TopIndex .Holy Spirit.2740" ["dup"]=> NULL ["puborder"]=> int(127393) } [180]=> array(6) { ["para_id"]=> string(13) "11161.2128619" ["level"]=> int(2) ["title"]=> string(6) "Homage" ["refcode_short"]=> string(18) "TopIndex .Homage.1" ["dup"]=> NULL ["puborder"]=> int(128079) } [181]=> array(6) { ["para_id"]=> string(13) "11161.2128633" ["level"]=> int(2) ["title"]=> string(25) "Home, Homes (Part 1 of 2)" ["refcode_short"]=> string(23) "TopIndex .Home, Homes.1" ["dup"]=> NULL ["puborder"]=> int(128094) } [182]=> array(6) { ["para_id"]=> string(13) "11161.2129104" ["level"]=> int(2) ["title"]=> string(25) "Home, Homes (Part 2 of 2)" ["refcode_short"]=> string(25) "TopIndex .Home, Homes.472" ["dup"]=> NULL ["puborder"]=> int(128565) } [183]=> array(6) { ["para_id"]=> string(13) "11161.2129576" ["level"]=> int(2) ["title"]=> string(26) "Home address - Hope, Hopes" ["refcode_short"]=> string(24) "TopIndex .Home address.1" ["dup"]=> NULL ["puborder"]=> int(129038) } [184]=> array(6) { ["para_id"]=> string(13) "11161.2130612" ["level"]=> int(2) ["title"]=> string(18) "Hopeful - Humanity" ["refcode_short"]=> string(19) "TopIndex .Hopeful.1" ["dup"]=> NULL ["puborder"]=> int(130073) } [185]=> array(6) { ["para_id"]=> string(13) "11161.2132033" ["level"]=> int(2) ["title"]=> string(32) "Human nature - Husband, Husbands" ["refcode_short"]=> string(24) "TopIndex .Human nature.1" ["dup"]=> NULL ["puborder"]=> int(131491) } [186]=> array(6) { ["para_id"]=> string(13) "11161.2133065" ["level"]=> int(2) ["title"]=> string(28) "Husband and wife - Hysterics" ["refcode_short"]=> string(28) "TopIndex .Husband and wife.1" ["dup"]=> NULL ["puborder"]=> int(132520) } [187]=> array(6) { ["para_id"]=> string(12) "11161.133402" ["level"]=> int(1) ["title"]=> string(1) "I" ["refcode_short"]=> string(11) "TopIndex .I" ["dup"]=> NULL ["puborder"]=> int(132857) } [188]=> array(6) { ["para_id"]=> string(13) "11161.2133421" ["level"]=> int(2) ["title"]=> string(14) "Ice - Idolatry" ["refcode_short"]=> string(15) "TopIndex .Ice.1" ["dup"]=> NULL ["puborder"]=> int(132875) } [189]=> array(6) { ["para_id"]=> string(13) "11161.2134354" ["level"]=> int(2) ["title"]=> string(42) "Idol builder, Idol builders - Image of God" ["refcode_short"]=> string(39) "TopIndex .Idol builder, Idol builders.1" ["dup"]=> NULL ["puborder"]=> int(133809) } [190]=> array(6) { ["para_id"]=> string(13) "11161.2135163" ["level"]=> int(2) ["title"]=> string(33) "Imagery - Impression, Impressions" ["refcode_short"]=> string(19) "TopIndex .Imagery.1" ["dup"]=> NULL ["puborder"]=> int(134617) } [191]=> array(6) { ["para_id"]=> string(13) "11161.2136023" ["level"]=> int(2) ["title"]=> string(27) "Imprisonment - Independence" ["refcode_short"]=> string(24) "TopIndex .Imprisonment.1" ["dup"]=> NULL ["puborder"]=> int(135476) } [192]=> array(6) { ["para_id"]=> string(13) "11161.2136881" ["level"]=> int(2) ["title"]=> string(31) "Independent - Industrial school" ["refcode_short"]=> string(23) "TopIndex .Independent.1" ["dup"]=> NULL ["puborder"]=> int(136332) } [193]=> array(6) { ["para_id"]=> string(13) "11161.2137682" ["level"]=> int(2) ["title"]=> string(43) "Industrial training - Influence, Influences" ["refcode_short"]=> string(31) "TopIndex .Industrial training.1" ["dup"]=> NULL ["puborder"]=> int(137134) } [194]=> array(6) { ["para_id"]=> string(13) "11161.2138905" ["level"]=> int(2) ["title"]=> string(53) "Influenza - Institution, Institutions (establishment)" ["refcode_short"]=> string(21) "TopIndex .Influenza.1" ["dup"]=> NULL ["puborder"]=> int(138355) } [195]=> array(6) { ["para_id"]=> string(13) "11161.2139984" ["level"]=> int(2) ["title"]=> string(39) "Institutional work - Intellectual pride" ["refcode_short"]=> string(30) "TopIndex .Institutional work.1" ["dup"]=> NULL ["puborder"]=> int(139431) } [196]=> array(6) { ["para_id"]=> string(13) "11161.2140787" ["level"]=> int(2) ["title"]=> string(89) "Intellectual privilege, Intellectual privileges - Intoxicating drink, Intoxicating drinks" ["refcode_short"]=> string(59) "TopIndex .Intellectual privilege, Intellectual privileges.1" ["dup"]=> NULL ["puborder"]=> int(140232) } [197]=> array(6) { ["para_id"]=> string(13) "11161.2141921" ["level"]=> int(2) ["title"]=> string(29) "Intoxicating drug - Isolation" ["refcode_short"]=> string(29) "TopIndex .Intoxicating drug.1" ["dup"]=> NULL ["puborder"]=> int(141364) } [198]=> array(6) { ["para_id"]=> string(13) "11161.2142597" ["level"]=> int(2) ["title"]=> string(20) "Israel (Part 1 of 2)" ["refcode_short"]=> string(18) "TopIndex .Israel.1" ["dup"]=> NULL ["puborder"]=> int(142038) } [199]=> array(6) { ["para_id"]=> string(13) "11161.2143249" ["level"]=> int(2) ["title"]=> string(20) "Israel (Part 2 of 2)" ["refcode_short"]=> string(20) "TopIndex .Israel.653" ["dup"]=> NULL ["puborder"]=> int(142690) } [200]=> array(6) { ["para_id"]=> string(13) "11161.2143902" ["level"]=> int(2) ["title"]=> string(27) "Israelite, Israelites - Ivy" ["refcode_short"]=> string(33) "TopIndex .Israelite, Israelites.1" ["dup"]=> NULL ["puborder"]=> int(143344) } [201]=> array(6) { ["para_id"]=> string(12) "11161.144441" ["level"]=> int(1) ["title"]=> string(1) "J" ["refcode_short"]=> string(11) "TopIndex .J" ["dup"]=> NULL ["puborder"]=> int(143883) } [202]=> array(6) { ["para_id"]=> string(13) "11161.2144442" ["level"]=> int(2) ["title"]=> string(24) "Jabbok River - Jerusalem" ["refcode_short"]=> string(24) "TopIndex .Jabbok River.1" ["dup"]=> string(12) "11161.144441" ["puborder"]=> int(143884) } [203]=> array(6) { ["para_id"]=> string(13) "11161.2145427" ["level"]=> int(2) ["title"]=> string(31) "Jerusalem, New - John (apostle)" ["refcode_short"]=> string(26) "TopIndex .Jerusalem, New.1" ["dup"]=> NULL ["puborder"]=> int(144868) } [204]=> array(6) { ["para_id"]=> string(13) "11161.2146329" ["level"]=> int(2) ["title"]=> string(32) "John, Duke - Joseph of Arimathea" ["refcode_short"]=> string(22) "TopIndex .John, Duke.1" ["dup"]=> NULL ["puborder"]=> int(145765) } [205]=> array(6) { ["para_id"]=> string(13) "11161.2147145" ["level"]=> int(2) ["title"]=> string(24) "Josephus - Judge, Judges" ["refcode_short"]=> string(20) "TopIndex .Josephus.1" ["dup"]=> NULL ["puborder"]=> int(146580) } [206]=> array(6) { ["para_id"]=> string(13) "11161.2148005" ["level"]=> int(2) ["title"]=> string(42) "Judged - Judgment of God, Judgments of God" ["refcode_short"]=> string(18) "TopIndex .Judged.1" ["dup"]=> NULL ["puborder"]=> int(147440) } [207]=> array(6) { ["para_id"]=> string(13) "11161.2148815" ["level"]=> int(2) ["title"]=> string(39) "Judgments(legal) - Juvenile delinquency" ["refcode_short"]=> string(28) "TopIndex .Judgments(legal).1" ["dup"]=> NULL ["puborder"]=> int(148247) } [208]=> array(6) { ["para_id"]=> string(12) "11161.149141" ["level"]=> int(1) ["title"]=> string(1) "K" ["refcode_short"]=> string(11) "TopIndex .K" ["dup"]=> NULL ["puborder"]=> int(148571) } [209]=> array(6) { ["para_id"]=> string(13) "11161.2149142" ["level"]=> int(2) ["title"]=> string(25) "Kadesh-barnea - Knowledge" ["refcode_short"]=> string(25) "TopIndex .Kadesh-barnea.1" ["dup"]=> string(12) "11161.149141" ["puborder"]=> int(148572) } [210]=> array(6) { ["para_id"]=> string(13) "11161.2150225" ["level"]=> int(2) ["title"]=> string(32) "Known - Korah, Dathan and Abiram" ["refcode_short"]=> string(17) "TopIndex .Known.1" ["dup"]=> NULL ["puborder"]=> int(149655) } [211]=> array(6) { ["para_id"]=> string(12) "11161.150267" ["level"]=> int(1) ["title"]=> string(1) "L" ["refcode_short"]=> string(11) "TopIndex .L" ["dup"]=> NULL ["puborder"]=> int(149697) } [212]=> array(6) { ["para_id"]=> string(13) "11161.2150268" ["level"]=> int(2) ["title"]=> string(27) "Laban - Language, Languages" ["refcode_short"]=> string(17) "TopIndex .Laban.1" ["dup"]=> string(12) "11161.150267" ["puborder"]=> int(149698) } [213]=> array(6) { ["para_id"]=> string(13) "11161.2151085" ["level"]=> int(2) ["title"]=> string(27) "Languor - Law and testimony" ["refcode_short"]=> string(19) "TopIndex .Languor.1" ["dup"]=> NULL ["puborder"]=> int(150514) } [214]=> array(6) { ["para_id"]=> string(13) "11161.2151600" ["level"]=> int(2) ["title"]=> string(23) "Law, Laws (Part 1 of 2)" ["refcode_short"]=> string(21) "TopIndex .Law, Laws.1" ["dup"]=> NULL ["puborder"]=> int(151024) } [215]=> array(6) { ["para_id"]=> string(13) "11161.2152216" ["level"]=> int(2) ["title"]=> string(23) "Law, Laws (Part 2 of 2)" ["refcode_short"]=> string(23) "TopIndex .Law, Laws.617" ["dup"]=> NULL ["puborder"]=> int(151640) } [216]=> array(6) { ["para_id"]=> string(13) "11161.2152833" ["level"]=> int(2) ["title"]=> string(10) "Law - Lawn" ["refcode_short"]=> string(15) "TopIndex .Law.1" ["dup"]=> NULL ["puborder"]=> int(152258) } [217]=> array(6) { ["para_id"]=> string(13) "11161.2152909" ["level"]=> int(2) ["title"]=> string(24) "Law of God (Part 1 of 3)" ["refcode_short"]=> string(22) "TopIndex .Law of God.1" ["dup"]=> NULL ["puborder"]=> int(152335) } [218]=> array(6) { ["para_id"]=> string(13) "11161.2153627" ["level"]=> int(2) ["title"]=> string(24) "Law of God (Part 2 of 3)" ["refcode_short"]=> string(24) "TopIndex .Law of God.719" ["dup"]=> NULL ["puborder"]=> int(153053) } [219]=> array(6) { ["para_id"]=> string(13) "11161.2154345" ["level"]=> int(2) ["title"]=> string(24) "Law of God (Part 3 of 3)" ["refcode_short"]=> string(25) "TopIndex .Law of God.1437" ["dup"]=> NULL ["puborder"]=> int(153772) } [220]=> array(6) { ["para_id"]=> string(13) "11161.2155063" ["level"]=> int(2) ["title"]=> string(33) "Lawrence, Bro. - Legacy, Legacies" ["refcode_short"]=> string(26) "TopIndex .Lawrence, Bro..1" ["dup"]=> NULL ["puborder"]=> int(154491) } [221]=> array(6) { ["para_id"]=> string(13) "11161.2155882" ["level"]=> int(2) ["title"]=> string(54) "Legal enactment, Legal enactments - Library, Libraries" ["refcode_short"]=> string(45) "TopIndex .Legal enactment, Legal enactments.1" ["dup"]=> NULL ["puborder"]=> int(155309) } [222]=> array(6) { ["para_id"]=> string(13) "11161.2156692" ["level"]=> int(2) ["title"]=> string(16) "Lice - Lie, Lies" ["refcode_short"]=> string(16) "TopIndex .Lice.1" ["dup"]=> NULL ["puborder"]=> int(156118) } [223]=> array(6) { ["para_id"]=> string(13) "11161.2156874" ["level"]=> int(2) ["title"]=> string(25) "Life, Lives (Part 1 of 3)" ["refcode_short"]=> string(23) "TopIndex .Life, Lives.1" ["dup"]=> NULL ["puborder"]=> int(156301) } [224]=> array(6) { ["para_id"]=> string(13) "11161.2157475" ["level"]=> int(2) ["title"]=> string(25) "Life, Lives (Part 2 of 3)" ["refcode_short"]=> string(25) "TopIndex .Life, Lives.602" ["dup"]=> NULL ["puborder"]=> int(156902) } [225]=> array(6) { ["para_id"]=> string(13) "11161.2158076" ["level"]=> int(2) ["title"]=> string(25) "Life, Lives (Part 3 of 3)" ["refcode_short"]=> string(26) "TopIndex .Life, Lives.1203" ["dup"]=> NULL ["puborder"]=> int(157504) } [226]=> array(6) { ["para_id"]=> string(13) "11161.2158678" ["level"]=> int(2) ["title"]=> string(33) "Life-and-death message - Lifework" ["refcode_short"]=> string(34) "TopIndex .Life-and-death message.1" ["dup"]=> NULL ["puborder"]=> int(158107) } [227]=> array(6) { ["para_id"]=> string(13) "11161.2158854" ["level"]=> int(2) ["title"]=> string(31) "Light (spiritual) (Part 1 of 2)" ["refcode_short"]=> string(29) "TopIndex .Light (spiritual).1" ["dup"]=> NULL ["puborder"]=> int(158283) } [228]=> array(6) { ["para_id"]=> string(13) "11161.2159425" ["level"]=> int(2) ["title"]=> string(31) "Light (spiritual) (Part 2 of 2)" ["refcode_short"]=> string(31) "TopIndex .Light (spiritual).572" ["dup"]=> NULL ["puborder"]=> int(158854) } [229]=> array(6) { ["para_id"]=> string(13) "11161.2159997" ["level"]=> int(2) ["title"]=> string(32) "Light, Lights - Liver difficulty" ["refcode_short"]=> string(25) "TopIndex .Light, Lights.1" ["dup"]=> NULL ["puborder"]=> int(159427) } [230]=> array(6) { ["para_id"]=> string(13) "11161.2160802" ["level"]=> int(2) ["title"]=> string(36) "Livery of heaven - Lovable Christian" ["refcode_short"]=> string(28) "TopIndex .Livery of heaven.1" ["dup"]=> NULL ["puborder"]=> int(160227) } [231]=> array(6) { ["para_id"]=> string(13) "11161.2161582" ["level"]=> int(2) ["title"]=> string(25) "Love, Loves (Part 1 of 3)" ["refcode_short"]=> string(23) "TopIndex .Love, Loves.1" ["dup"]=> NULL ["puborder"]=> int(161001) } [232]=> array(6) { ["para_id"]=> string(13) "11161.2162293" ["level"]=> int(2) ["title"]=> string(25) "Love, Loves (Part 2 of 3)" ["refcode_short"]=> string(25) "TopIndex .Love, Loves.712" ["dup"]=> NULL ["puborder"]=> int(161712) } [233]=> array(6) { ["para_id"]=> string(13) "11161.2163004" ["level"]=> int(2) ["title"]=> string(25) "Love, Loves (Part 3 of 3)" ["refcode_short"]=> string(26) "TopIndex .Love, Loves.1423" ["dup"]=> NULL ["puborder"]=> int(162424) } [234]=> array(6) { ["para_id"]=> string(13) "11161.2163716" ["level"]=> int(2) ["title"]=> string(21) "Love - Luther, Martin" ["refcode_short"]=> string(16) "TopIndex .Love.1" ["dup"]=> NULL ["puborder"]=> int(163137) } [235]=> array(6) { ["para_id"]=> string(13) "11161.2164540" ["level"]=> int(2) ["title"]=> string(49) "Lutherans - Lystrian believer, Lystrian believers" ["refcode_short"]=> string(21) "TopIndex .Lutherans.1" ["dup"]=> NULL ["puborder"]=> int(163958) } [236]=> array(6) { ["para_id"]=> string(12) "11161.164641" ["level"]=> int(1) ["title"]=> string(1) "M" ["refcode_short"]=> string(11) "TopIndex .M" ["dup"]=> NULL ["puborder"]=> int(164059) } [237]=> array(6) { ["para_id"]=> string(13) "11161.2164642" ["level"]=> int(2) ["title"]=> string(20) "Macedonia - Man, Men" ["refcode_short"]=> string(21) "TopIndex .Macedonia.1" ["dup"]=> string(12) "11161.164641" ["puborder"]=> int(164060) } [238]=> array(6) { ["para_id"]=> string(13) "11161.2165608" ["level"]=> int(2) ["title"]=> string(30) "Manacles - Marriage, Marriages" ["refcode_short"]=> string(20) "TopIndex .Manacles.1" ["dup"]=> NULL ["puborder"]=> int(165023) } [239]=> array(6) { ["para_id"]=> string(13) "11161.2166978" ["level"]=> int(2) ["title"]=> string(30) "Marriageable age - Meal, Meals" ["refcode_short"]=> string(28) "TopIndex .Marriageable age.1" ["dup"]=> NULL ["puborder"]=> int(166389) } [240]=> array(6) { ["para_id"]=> string(13) "11161.2167877" ["level"]=> int(2) ["title"]=> string(30) "Mealtime - Mechanic, Mechanics" ["refcode_short"]=> string(20) "TopIndex .Mealtime.1" ["dup"]=> NULL ["puborder"]=> int(167286) } [241]=> array(6) { ["para_id"]=> string(13) "11161.2168693" ["level"]=> int(2) ["title"]=> string(49) "Mechanical arrangements - Medical missionary work" ["refcode_short"]=> string(35) "TopIndex .Mechanical arrangements.1" ["dup"]=> NULL ["puborder"]=> int(168102) } [242]=> array(6) { ["para_id"]=> string(13) "11161.2169844" ["level"]=> int(2) ["title"]=> string(64) "Medical missionary worker, Medical missionary workers - Meekness" ["refcode_short"]=> string(65) "TopIndex .Medical missionary worker, Medical missionary workers.1" ["dup"]=> NULL ["puborder"]=> int(169250) } [243]=> array(6) { ["para_id"]=> string(13) "11161.2170682" ["level"]=> int(2) ["title"]=> string(55) "Meek person, Meek persons - Mental power, Mental powers" ["refcode_short"]=> string(37) "TopIndex .Meek person, Meek persons.1" ["dup"]=> NULL ["puborder"]=> int(170087) } [244]=> array(6) { ["para_id"]=> string(13) "11161.2171516" ["level"]=> int(2) ["title"]=> string(38) "Mental prostration - Message, Messages" ["refcode_short"]=> string(30) "TopIndex .Mental prostration.1" ["dup"]=> NULL ["puborder"]=> int(170921) } [245]=> array(6) { ["para_id"]=> string(13) "11161.2172415" ["level"]=> int(2) ["title"]=> string(45) "Messenger, Messengers - Mince pie, Mince pies" ["refcode_short"]=> string(33) "TopIndex .Messenger, Messengers.1" ["dup"]=> NULL ["puborder"]=> int(171817) } [246]=> array(6) { ["para_id"]=> string(13) "11161.2173162" ["level"]=> int(2) ["title"]=> string(25) "Mind, Minds (Part 1 of 4)" ["refcode_short"]=> string(23) "TopIndex .Mind, Minds.1" ["dup"]=> NULL ["puborder"]=> int(172560) } [247]=> array(6) { ["para_id"]=> string(13) "11161.2173880" ["level"]=> int(2) ["title"]=> string(25) "Mind, Minds (Part 2 of 4)" ["refcode_short"]=> string(25) "TopIndex .Mind, Minds.719" ["dup"]=> NULL ["puborder"]=> int(173278) } [248]=> array(6) { ["para_id"]=> string(13) "11161.2174597" ["level"]=> int(2) ["title"]=> string(25) "Mind, Minds (Part 3 of 4)" ["refcode_short"]=> string(26) "TopIndex .Mind, Minds.1436" ["dup"]=> NULL ["puborder"]=> int(173996) } [249]=> array(6) { ["para_id"]=> string(13) "11161.2175315" ["level"]=> int(2) ["title"]=> string(25) "Mind, Minds (Part 4 of 4)" ["refcode_short"]=> string(26) "TopIndex .Mind, Minds.2154" ["dup"]=> NULL ["puborder"]=> int(174715) } [250]=> array(6) { ["para_id"]=> string(13) "11161.2176033" ["level"]=> int(2) ["title"]=> string(24) "Mind cure - Mining stock" ["refcode_short"]=> string(21) "TopIndex .Mind cure.1" ["dup"]=> NULL ["puborder"]=> int(175434) } [251]=> array(6) { ["para_id"]=> string(13) "11161.2176121" ["level"]=> int(2) ["title"]=> string(33) "Minister, Ministers (Part 1 of 5)" ["refcode_short"]=> string(31) "TopIndex .Minister, Ministers.1" ["dup"]=> NULL ["puborder"]=> int(175523) } [252]=> array(6) { ["para_id"]=> string(13) "11161.2176903" ["level"]=> int(2) ["title"]=> string(33) "Minister, Ministers (Part 2 of 5)" ["refcode_short"]=> string(33) "TopIndex .Minister, Ministers.783" ["dup"]=> NULL ["puborder"]=> int(176306) } [253]=> array(6) { ["para_id"]=> string(13) "11161.2177685" ["level"]=> int(2) ["title"]=> string(33) "Minister, Ministers (Part 3 of 5)" ["refcode_short"]=> string(34) "TopIndex .Minister, Ministers.1565" ["dup"]=> NULL ["puborder"]=> int(177089) } [254]=> array(6) { ["para_id"]=> string(13) "11161.2178467" ["level"]=> int(2) ["title"]=> string(33) "Minister, Ministers (Part 4 of 5)" ["refcode_short"]=> string(34) "TopIndex .Minister, Ministers.2347" ["dup"]=> NULL ["puborder"]=> int(177872) } [255]=> array(6) { ["para_id"]=> string(13) "11161.2179249" ["level"]=> int(2) ["title"]=> string(33) "Minister, Ministers (Part 5 of 5)" ["refcode_short"]=> string(34) "TopIndex .Minister, Ministers.3129" ["dup"]=> NULL ["puborder"]=> int(178655) } [256]=> array(6) { ["para_id"]=> string(13) "11161.2180031" ["level"]=> int(2) ["title"]=> string(29) "Ministers - Miracle, Miracles" ["refcode_short"]=> string(21) "TopIndex .Ministers.1" ["dup"]=> NULL ["puborder"]=> int(179438) } [257]=> array(6) { ["para_id"]=> string(13) "11161.2181125" ["level"]=> int(2) ["title"]=> string(69) "Miracle worker, Miracle workers - Missionary field, Missionary fields" ["refcode_short"]=> string(43) "TopIndex .Miracle worker, Miracle workers.1" ["dup"]=> NULL ["puborder"]=> int(180531) } [258]=> array(6) { ["para_id"]=> string(13) "11161.2181953" ["level"]=> int(2) ["title"]=> string(51) "Missionary intelligence - Mistake, Mistakes (error)" ["refcode_short"]=> string(35) "TopIndex .Missionary intelligence.1" ["dup"]=> NULL ["puborder"]=> int(181357) } [259]=> array(6) { ["para_id"]=> string(13) "11161.2182848" ["level"]=> int(2) ["title"]=> string(20) "Mistreatment - Money" ["refcode_short"]=> string(24) "TopIndex .Mistreatment.1" ["dup"]=> NULL ["puborder"]=> int(182253) } [260]=> array(6) { ["para_id"]=> string(13) "11161.2183906" ["level"]=> int(2) ["title"]=> string(17) "Money box - Moses" ["refcode_short"]=> string(21) "TopIndex .Money box.1" ["dup"]=> NULL ["puborder"]=> int(183307) } [261]=> array(6) { ["para_id"]=> string(13) "11161.2184981" ["level"]=> int(2) ["title"]=> string(36) "Moses and Aaron - Moth-eaten garment" ["refcode_short"]=> string(27) "TopIndex .Moses and Aaron.1" ["dup"]=> NULL ["puborder"]=> int(184383) } [262]=> array(6) { ["para_id"]=> string(13) "11161.2185012" ["level"]=> int(2) ["title"]=> string(29) "Mother, Mothers (Part 1 of 2)" ["refcode_short"]=> string(27) "TopIndex .Mother, Mothers.1" ["dup"]=> NULL ["puborder"]=> int(184413) } [263]=> array(6) { ["para_id"]=> string(13) "11161.2185498" ["level"]=> int(2) ["title"]=> string(29) "Mother, Mothers (Part 2 of 2)" ["refcode_short"]=> string(29) "TopIndex .Mother, Mothers.487" ["dup"]=> NULL ["puborder"]=> int(184900) } [264]=> array(6) { ["para_id"]=> string(13) "11161.2185985" ["level"]=> int(2) ["title"]=> string(31) "Mother-in-law - Muscle, Muscles" ["refcode_short"]=> string(25) "TopIndex .Mother-in-law.1" ["dup"]=> NULL ["puborder"]=> int(185388) } [265]=> array(6) { ["para_id"]=> string(13) "11161.2186791" ["level"]=> int(2) ["title"]=> string(31) "Muscular exercise - Myth, Myths" ["refcode_short"]=> string(29) "TopIndex .Muscular exercise.1" ["dup"]=> NULL ["puborder"]=> int(186189) } [266]=> array(6) { ["para_id"]=> string(12) "11161.187414" ["level"]=> int(1) ["title"]=> string(1) "N" ["refcode_short"]=> string(11) "TopIndex .N" ["dup"]=> NULL ["puborder"]=> int(186811) } [267]=> array(6) { ["para_id"]=> string(13) "11161.2187415" ["level"]=> int(2) ["title"]=> string(22) "Naaman - Natural world" ["refcode_short"]=> string(18) "TopIndex .Naaman.1" ["dup"]=> string(12) "11161.187414" ["puborder"]=> int(186812) } [268]=> array(6) { ["para_id"]=> string(13) "11161.2188126" ["level"]=> int(2) ["title"]=> string(20) "Nature (Part 1 of 2)" ["refcode_short"]=> string(18) "TopIndex .Nature.1" ["dup"]=> NULL ["puborder"]=> int(187520) } [269]=> array(6) { ["para_id"]=> string(13) "11161.2188698" ["level"]=> int(2) ["title"]=> string(20) "Nature (Part 2 of 2)" ["refcode_short"]=> string(20) "TopIndex .Nature.573" ["dup"]=> NULL ["puborder"]=> int(188092) } [270]=> array(6) { ["para_id"]=> string(13) "11161.2189270" ["level"]=> int(2) ["title"]=> string(34) "Nature lessons - Neglect, Neglects" ["refcode_short"]=> string(26) "TopIndex .Nature lessons.1" ["dup"]=> NULL ["puborder"]=> int(188665) } [271]=> array(6) { ["para_id"]=> string(13) "11161.2190071" ["level"]=> int(2) ["title"]=> string(51) "Neglected class, Neglected classes - Nervous system" ["refcode_short"]=> string(46) "TopIndex .Neglected class, Neglected classes.1" ["dup"]=> NULL ["puborder"]=> int(189464) } [272]=> array(6) { ["para_id"]=> string(13) "11161.2190895" ["level"]=> int(2) ["title"]=> string(40) "Nervous temperament - Nobleman, Noblemen" ["refcode_short"]=> string(31) "TopIndex .Nervous temperament.1" ["dup"]=> NULL ["puborder"]=> int(190286) } [273]=> array(6) { ["para_id"]=> string(13) "11161.2191702" ["level"]=> int(2) ["title"]=> string(25) "Noble nature - Nux vomica" ["refcode_short"]=> string(24) "TopIndex .Noble nature.1" ["dup"]=> NULL ["puborder"]=> int(191089) } [274]=> array(6) { ["para_id"]=> string(12) "11161.192266" ["level"]=> int(1) ["title"]=> string(1) "O" ["refcode_short"]=> string(11) "TopIndex .O" ["dup"]=> NULL ["puborder"]=> int(191647) } [275]=> array(6) { ["para_id"]=> string(13) "11161.2192267" ["level"]=> int(2) ["title"]=> string(21) "Oak, Oaks - Obedience" ["refcode_short"]=> string(21) "TopIndex .Oak, Oaks.1" ["dup"]=> string(12) "11161.192266" ["puborder"]=> int(191648) } [276]=> array(6) { ["para_id"]=> string(13) "11161.2193123" ["level"]=> int(2) ["title"]=> string(26) "Obedient heart - Offerings" ["refcode_short"]=> string(26) "TopIndex .Obedient heart.1" ["dup"]=> NULL ["puborder"]=> int(192503) } [277]=> array(6) { ["para_id"]=> string(13) "11161.2193926" ["level"]=> int(2) ["title"]=> string(37) "Office, Offices - Opponent, Opponents" ["refcode_short"]=> string(27) "TopIndex .Office, Offices.1" ["dup"]=> NULL ["puborder"]=> int(193302) } [278]=> array(6) { ["para_id"]=> string(13) "11161.2194796" ["level"]=> int(2) ["title"]=> string(56) "Opportunity, Opportunities - Organization, Organizations" ["refcode_short"]=> string(38) "TopIndex .Opportunity, Opportunities.1" ["dup"]=> NULL ["puborder"]=> int(194163) } [279]=> array(6) { ["para_id"]=> string(13) "11161.2195642" ["level"]=> int(2) ["title"]=> string(45) "Organizations, secret - Overcomer, Overcomers" ["refcode_short"]=> string(33) "TopIndex .Organizations, secret.1" ["dup"]=> NULL ["puborder"]=> int(195009) } [280]=> array(6) { ["para_id"]=> string(13) "11161.2196501" ["level"]=> int(2) ["title"]=> string(30) "Overcoming sin - Oyster supper" ["refcode_short"]=> string(26) "TopIndex .Overcoming sin.1" ["dup"]=> NULL ["puborder"]=> int(195866) } [281]=> array(6) { ["para_id"]=> string(12) "11161.196739" ["level"]=> int(1) ["title"]=> string(1) "P" ["refcode_short"]=> string(11) "TopIndex .P" ["dup"]=> NULL ["puborder"]=> int(196103) } [282]=> array(6) { ["para_id"]=> string(13) "11161.2196740" ["level"]=> int(2) ["title"]=> string(27) "Pacheco, Calif. - Paralysis" ["refcode_short"]=> string(27) "TopIndex .Pacheco, Calif..1" ["dup"]=> string(12) "11161.196739" ["puborder"]=> int(196104) } [283]=> array(6) { ["para_id"]=> string(13) "11161.2197583" ["level"]=> int(2) ["title"]=> string(25) "Paralytic - Pardonmongers" ["refcode_short"]=> string(21) "TopIndex .Paralytic.1" ["dup"]=> NULL ["puborder"]=> int(196943) } [284]=> array(6) { ["para_id"]=> string(13) "11161.2197672" ["level"]=> int(2) ["title"]=> string(29) "Parent, Parents (Part 1 of 4)" ["refcode_short"]=> string(27) "TopIndex .Parent, Parents.1" ["dup"]=> NULL ["puborder"]=> int(197032) } [285]=> array(6) { ["para_id"]=> string(13) "11161.2198309" ["level"]=> int(2) ["title"]=> string(29) "Parent, Parents (Part 2 of 4)" ["refcode_short"]=> string(29) "TopIndex .Parent, Parents.638" ["dup"]=> NULL ["puborder"]=> int(197669) } [286]=> array(6) { ["para_id"]=> string(13) "11161.2198945" ["level"]=> int(2) ["title"]=> string(29) "Parent, Parents (Part 3 of 4)" ["refcode_short"]=> string(30) "TopIndex .Parent, Parents.1274" ["dup"]=> NULL ["puborder"]=> int(198306) } [287]=> array(6) { ["para_id"]=> string(13) "11161.2199581" ["level"]=> int(2) ["title"]=> string(29) "Parent, Parents (Part 4 of 4)" ["refcode_short"]=> string(30) "TopIndex .Parent, Parents.1910" ["dup"]=> NULL ["puborder"]=> int(198943) } [288]=> array(6) { ["para_id"]=> string(13) "11161.2200218" ["level"]=> int(2) ["title"]=> string(20) "Parentage - Passover" ["refcode_short"]=> string(21) "TopIndex .Parentage.1" ["dup"]=> NULL ["puborder"]=> int(199581) } [289]=> array(6) { ["para_id"]=> string(13) "11161.2201110" ["level"]=> int(2) ["title"]=> string(36) "Passover hallels - Pattern, Patterns" ["refcode_short"]=> string(28) "TopIndex .Passover hallels.1" ["dup"]=> NULL ["puborder"]=> int(200469) } [290]=> array(6) { ["para_id"]=> string(13) "11161.2201798" ["level"]=> int(2) ["title"]=> string(18) "Paul (Part 1 of 2)" ["refcode_short"]=> string(16) "TopIndex .Paul.1" ["dup"]=> NULL ["puborder"]=> int(201157) } [291]=> array(6) { ["para_id"]=> string(13) "11161.2202262" ["level"]=> int(2) ["title"]=> string(18) "Paul (Part 2 of 2)" ["refcode_short"]=> string(18) "TopIndex .Paul.465" ["dup"]=> NULL ["puborder"]=> int(201622) } [292]=> array(6) { ["para_id"]=> string(13) "11161.2202726" ["level"]=> int(2) ["title"]=> string(27) "Paulson, Dr. David - People" ["refcode_short"]=> string(30) "TopIndex .Paulson, Dr. David.1" ["dup"]=> NULL ["puborder"]=> int(202087) } [293]=> array(6) { ["para_id"]=> string(13) "11161.2203664" ["level"]=> int(2) ["title"]=> string(26) "People of God - Perfection" ["refcode_short"]=> string(25) "TopIndex .People of God.1" ["dup"]=> NULL ["puborder"]=> int(203021) } [294]=> array(6) { ["para_id"]=> string(13) "11161.2204489" ["level"]=> int(2) ["title"]=> string(27) "Perfectionism - Persecution" ["refcode_short"]=> string(25) "TopIndex .Perfectionism.1" ["dup"]=> NULL ["puborder"]=> int(203846) } [295]=> array(6) { ["para_id"]=> string(13) "11161.2205297" ["level"]=> int(2) ["title"]=> string(45) "Persecutor, Persecutors - Pharisee, Pharisees" ["refcode_short"]=> string(35) "TopIndex .Persecutor, Persecutors.1" ["dup"]=> NULL ["puborder"]=> int(204649) } [296]=> array(6) { ["para_id"]=> string(13) "11161.2206330" ["level"]=> int(2) ["title"]=> string(37) "Pharisee spirit - Physical well-being" ["refcode_short"]=> string(27) "TopIndex .Pharisee spirit.1" ["dup"]=> NULL ["puborder"]=> int(205678) } [297]=> array(6) { ["para_id"]=> string(13) "11161.2206785" ["level"]=> int(2) ["title"]=> string(35) "Physician, Physicians (Part 1 of 2)" ["refcode_short"]=> string(33) "TopIndex .Physician, Physicians.1" ["dup"]=> NULL ["puborder"]=> int(206131) } [298]=> array(6) { ["para_id"]=> string(13) "11161.2207454" ["level"]=> int(2) ["title"]=> string(35) "Physician, Physicians (Part 2 of 2)" ["refcode_short"]=> string(35) "TopIndex .Physician, Physicians.670" ["dup"]=> NULL ["puborder"]=> int(206801) } [299]=> array(6) { ["para_id"]=> string(13) "11161.2208123" ["level"]=> int(2) ["title"]=> string(37) "Physiological education - Plan, Plans" ["refcode_short"]=> string(35) "TopIndex .Physiological education.1" ["dup"]=> NULL ["puborder"]=> int(207471) } [300]=> array(6) { ["para_id"]=> string(13) "11161.2209125" ["level"]=> int(2) ["title"]=> string(23) "Plane - Pledge, Pledges" ["refcode_short"]=> string(17) "TopIndex .Plane.1" ["dup"]=> NULL ["puborder"]=> int(208466) } [301]=> array(6) { ["para_id"]=> string(13) "11161.2209981" ["level"]=> int(2) ["title"]=> string(34) "Plenty - Poor person, Poor persons" ["refcode_short"]=> string(18) "TopIndex .Plenty.1" ["dup"]=> NULL ["puborder"]=> int(209321) } [302]=> array(6) { ["para_id"]=> string(13) "11161.2211173" ["level"]=> int(2) ["title"]=> string(26) "Poor sick person - Poverty" ["refcode_short"]=> string(28) "TopIndex .Poor sick person.1" ["dup"]=> NULL ["puborder"]=> int(210511) } [303]=> array(6) { ["para_id"]=> string(13) "11161.2212056" ["level"]=> int(2) ["title"]=> string(22) "Power, Powers - Praise" ["refcode_short"]=> string(25) "TopIndex .Power, Powers.1" ["dup"]=> NULL ["puborder"]=> int(211391) } [304]=> array(6) { ["para_id"]=> string(13) "11161.2212988" ["level"]=> int(2) ["title"]=> string(38) "Praised person, Praised persons - Pray" ["refcode_short"]=> string(43) "TopIndex .Praised person, Praised persons.1" ["dup"]=> NULL ["puborder"]=> int(212322) } [305]=> array(6) { ["para_id"]=> string(13) "11161.2213035" ["level"]=> int(2) ["title"]=> string(29) "Prayer, Prayers (Part 1 of 4)" ["refcode_short"]=> string(27) "TopIndex .Prayer, Prayers.1" ["dup"]=> NULL ["puborder"]=> int(212370) } [306]=> array(6) { ["para_id"]=> string(13) "11161.2213676" ["level"]=> int(2) ["title"]=> string(29) "Prayer, Prayers (Part 2 of 4)" ["refcode_short"]=> string(29) "TopIndex .Prayer, Prayers.642" ["dup"]=> NULL ["puborder"]=> int(213011) } [307]=> array(6) { ["para_id"]=> string(13) "11161.2214316" ["level"]=> int(2) ["title"]=> string(29) "Prayer, Prayers (Part 3 of 4)" ["refcode_short"]=> string(30) "TopIndex .Prayer, Prayers.1282" ["dup"]=> NULL ["puborder"]=> int(213652) } [308]=> array(6) { ["para_id"]=> string(13) "11161.2214957" ["level"]=> int(2) ["title"]=> string(29) "Prayer, Prayers (Part 4 of 4)" ["refcode_short"]=> string(30) "TopIndex .Prayer, Prayers.1923" ["dup"]=> NULL ["puborder"]=> int(214294) } [309]=> array(6) { ["para_id"]=> string(13) "11161.2215598" ["level"]=> int(2) ["title"]=> string(31) "Prayer and effort - Preparation" ["refcode_short"]=> string(29) "TopIndex .Prayer and effort.1" ["dup"]=> NULL ["puborder"]=> int(214936) } [310]=> array(6) { ["para_id"]=> string(13) "11161.2216399" ["level"]=> int(2) ["title"]=> string(33) "Preparation day - Priest, Priests" ["refcode_short"]=> string(27) "TopIndex .Preparation day.1" ["dup"]=> NULL ["puborder"]=> int(215738) } [311]=> array(6) { ["para_id"]=> string(13) "11161.2217336" ["level"]=> int(2) ["title"]=> string(23) "Priestcraft - Probation" ["refcode_short"]=> string(23) "TopIndex .Priestcraft.1" ["dup"]=> NULL ["puborder"]=> int(216670) } [312]=> array(6) { ["para_id"]=> string(13) "11161.2218149" ["level"]=> int(2) ["title"]=> string(29) "Probationary life - Promotion" ["refcode_short"]=> string(29) "TopIndex .Probationary life.1" ["dup"]=> NULL ["puborder"]=> int(217481) } [313]=> array(6) { ["para_id"]=> string(13) "11161.2218954" ["level"]=> int(2) ["title"]=> string(26) "Prompt - Prophet, Prophets" ["refcode_short"]=> string(18) "TopIndex .Prompt.1" ["dup"]=> NULL ["puborder"]=> int(218282) } [314]=> array(6) { ["para_id"]=> string(13) "11161.2219759" ["level"]=> int(2) ["title"]=> string(50) "Prophetess - Providence of God, Providences of God" ["refcode_short"]=> string(22) "TopIndex .Prophetess.1" ["dup"]=> NULL ["puborder"]=> int(219085) } [315]=> array(6) { ["para_id"]=> string(13) "11161.2220707" ["level"]=> int(2) ["title"]=> string(65) "Providential care - Public speaker, Public speakers, ministers as" ["refcode_short"]=> string(29) "TopIndex .Providential care.1" ["dup"]=> NULL ["puborder"]=> int(220033) } [316]=> array(6) { ["para_id"]=> string(13) "11161.2221963" ["level"]=> int(2) ["title"]=> string(28) "Public speaking - Punishment" ["refcode_short"]=> string(27) "TopIndex .Public speaking.1" ["dup"]=> NULL ["puborder"]=> int(221286) } [317]=> array(6) { ["para_id"]=> string(13) "11161.2222838" ["level"]=> int(2) ["title"]=> string(21) "Pupil, Pupils - Putty" ["refcode_short"]=> string(25) "TopIndex .Pupil, Pupils.1" ["dup"]=> NULL ["puborder"]=> int(222160) } [318]=> array(6) { ["para_id"]=> string(12) "11161.223282" ["level"]=> int(1) ["title"]=> string(1) "Q" ["refcode_short"]=> string(11) "TopIndex .Q" ["dup"]=> NULL ["puborder"]=> int(222604) } [319]=> array(6) { ["para_id"]=> string(13) "11161.2223283" ["level"]=> int(2) ["title"]=> string(39) "Quadruped, Quadrupeds - Quotation marks" ["refcode_short"]=> string(33) "TopIndex .Quadruped, Quadrupeds.1" ["dup"]=> string(12) "11161.223282" ["puborder"]=> int(222605) } [320]=> array(6) { ["para_id"]=> string(12) "11161.223489" ["level"]=> int(1) ["title"]=> string(1) "R" ["refcode_short"]=> string(11) "TopIndex .R" ["dup"]=> NULL ["puborder"]=> int(222810) } [321]=> array(6) { ["para_id"]=> string(13) "11161.2223494" ["level"]=> int(2) ["title"]=> string(23) "Rabbi, Rabbis - Reading" ["refcode_short"]=> string(25) "TopIndex .Rabbi, Rabbis.1" ["dup"]=> NULL ["puborder"]=> int(222815) } [322]=> array(6) { ["para_id"]=> string(13) "11161.2224314" ["level"]=> int(2) ["title"]=> string(45) "Reading book, Reading books - Record, Records" ["refcode_short"]=> string(39) "TopIndex .Reading book, Reading books.1" ["dup"]=> NULL ["puborder"]=> int(223629) } [323]=> array(6) { ["para_id"]=> string(13) "11161.2225124" ["level"]=> int(2) ["title"]=> string(41) "Recreation, Recreations - Reform, Reforms" ["refcode_short"]=> string(35) "TopIndex .Recreation, Recreations.1" ["dup"]=> NULL ["puborder"]=> int(224435) } [324]=> array(6) { ["para_id"]=> string(13) "11161.2225996" ["level"]=> int(2) ["title"]=> string(33) "Reformation - Religion, Religions" ["refcode_short"]=> string(23) "TopIndex .Reformation.1" ["dup"]=> NULL ["puborder"]=> int(225303) } [325]=> array(6) { ["para_id"]=> string(13) "11161.2227034" ["level"]=> int(2) ["title"]=> string(43) "Religionist, Religionists - Report, Reports" ["refcode_short"]=> string(37) "TopIndex .Religionist, Religionists.1" ["dup"]=> NULL ["puborder"]=> int(226337) } [326]=> array(6) { ["para_id"]=> string(13) "11161.2227863" ["level"]=> int(2) ["title"]=> string(30) "Repose - Responsible man (men)" ["refcode_short"]=> string(18) "TopIndex .Repose.1" ["dup"]=> NULL ["puborder"]=> int(227164) } [327]=> array(6) { ["para_id"]=> string(13) "11161.2228680" ["level"]=> int(2) ["title"]=> string(65) "Responsible position, Responsible positions - Revelation, book of" ["refcode_short"]=> string(55) "TopIndex .Responsible position, Responsible positions.1" ["dup"]=> NULL ["puborder"]=> int(227976) } [328]=> array(6) { ["para_id"]=> string(13) "11161.2229594" ["level"]=> int(2) ["title"]=> string(16) "Reveling - Right" ["refcode_short"]=> string(20) "TopIndex .Reveling.1" ["dup"]=> NULL ["puborder"]=> int(228885) } [329]=> array(6) { ["para_id"]=> string(13) "11161.2230480" ["level"]=> int(2) ["title"]=> string(31) "Right and might - Righteousness" ["refcode_short"]=> string(27) "TopIndex .Right and might.1" ["dup"]=> NULL ["puborder"]=> int(229772) } [330]=> array(6) { ["para_id"]=> string(13) "11161.2231322" ["level"]=> int(2) ["title"]=> string(55) "Righteous person, Righteous persons - Roman Catholicism" ["refcode_short"]=> string(47) "TopIndex .Righteous person, Righteous persons.1" ["dup"]=> NULL ["puborder"]=> int(230612) } [331]=> array(6) { ["para_id"]=> string(13) "11161.2232171" ["level"]=> int(2) ["title"]=> string(57) "Roman Catholic leader, Roman Catholic leaders - Rye flour" ["refcode_short"]=> string(57) "TopIndex .Roman Catholic leader, Roman Catholic leaders.1" ["dup"]=> NULL ["puborder"]=> int(231461) } [332]=> array(6) { ["para_id"]=> string(12) "11161.232932" ["level"]=> int(1) ["title"]=> string(1) "S" ["refcode_short"]=> string(11) "TopIndex .S" ["dup"]=> NULL ["puborder"]=> int(232217) } [333]=> array(6) { ["para_id"]=> string(13) "11161.2232933" ["level"]=> int(2) ["title"]=> string(21) "Sabbath (Part 1 of 2)" ["refcode_short"]=> string(19) "TopIndex .Sabbath.1" ["dup"]=> string(12) "11161.232932" ["puborder"]=> int(232218) } [334]=> array(6) { ["para_id"]=> string(13) "11161.2233581" ["level"]=> int(2) ["title"]=> string(21) "Sabbath (Part 2 of 2)" ["refcode_short"]=> string(21) "TopIndex .Sabbath.649" ["dup"]=> NULL ["puborder"]=> int(232867) } [335]=> array(6) { ["para_id"]=> string(13) "11161.2234229" ["level"]=> int(2) ["title"]=> string(67) "Sabbath afternoon - Sabbath school teacher, Sabbath school teachers" ["refcode_short"]=> string(29) "TopIndex .Sabbath afternoon.1" ["dup"]=> NULL ["puborder"]=> int(233516) } [336]=> array(6) { ["para_id"]=> string(13) "11161.2235054" ["level"]=> int(2) ["title"]=> string(58) "Sabbath school teachers’ meeting - Sacrifice, Sacrifices" ["refcode_short"]=> string(46) "TopIndex .Sabbath school teachers’ meeting.1" ["dup"]=> NULL ["puborder"]=> int(234341) } [337]=> array(6) { ["para_id"]=> string(13) "11161.2235883" ["level"]=> int(2) ["title"]=> string(28) "Sacrificial lamb - Salvation" ["refcode_short"]=> string(28) "TopIndex .Sacrificial lamb.1" ["dup"]=> NULL ["puborder"]=> int(235169) } [338]=> array(6) { ["para_id"]=> string(13) "11161.2237159" ["level"]=> int(2) ["title"]=> string(36) "Salvation Army - Sanctuary (earthly)" ["refcode_short"]=> string(26) "TopIndex .Salvation Army.1" ["dup"]=> NULL ["puborder"]=> int(236443) } [339]=> array(6) { ["para_id"]=> string(13) "11161.2238281" ["level"]=> int(2) ["title"]=> string(46) "Sanctuary (heavenly) - Sanitarium, Sanitariums" ["refcode_short"]=> string(32) "TopIndex .Sanctuary (heavenly).1" ["dup"]=> NULL ["puborder"]=> int(237565) } [340]=> array(6) { ["para_id"]=> string(13) "11161.2239636" ["level"]=> int(2) ["title"]=> string(33) "Sanitarium, Calif. - Sarsaparilla" ["refcode_short"]=> string(30) "TopIndex .Sanitarium, Calif..1" ["dup"]=> NULL ["puborder"]=> int(238918) } [341]=> array(6) { ["para_id"]=> string(13) "11161.2240353" ["level"]=> int(2) ["title"]=> string(19) "Satan (Part 1 of 4)" ["refcode_short"]=> string(17) "TopIndex .Satan.1" ["dup"]=> NULL ["puborder"]=> int(239635) } [342]=> array(6) { ["para_id"]=> string(13) "11161.2241060" ["level"]=> int(2) ["title"]=> string(19) "Satan (Part 2 of 4)" ["refcode_short"]=> string(19) "TopIndex .Satan.708" ["dup"]=> NULL ["puborder"]=> int(240343) } [343]=> array(6) { ["para_id"]=> string(13) "11161.2241767" ["level"]=> int(2) ["title"]=> string(19) "Satan (Part 3 of 4)" ["refcode_short"]=> string(20) "TopIndex .Satan.1415" ["dup"]=> NULL ["puborder"]=> int(241051) } [344]=> array(6) { ["para_id"]=> string(13) "11161.2242474" ["level"]=> int(2) ["title"]=> string(19) "Satan (Part 4 of 4)" ["refcode_short"]=> string(20) "TopIndex .Satan.2122" ["dup"]=> NULL ["puborder"]=> int(241759) } [345]=> array(6) { ["para_id"]=> string(13) "11161.2243182" ["level"]=> int(2) ["title"]=> string(25) "Satanic - School, Schools" ["refcode_short"]=> string(19) "TopIndex .Satanic.1" ["dup"]=> NULL ["puborder"]=> int(242468) } [346]=> array(6) { ["para_id"]=> string(13) "11161.2243863" ["level"]=> int(2) ["title"]=> string(52) "School, Schools, Seventh-day Adventist (Part 1 of 2)" ["refcode_short"]=> string(50) "TopIndex .School, Schools, Seventh-day Adventist.1" ["dup"]=> NULL ["puborder"]=> int(243145) } [347]=> array(6) { ["para_id"]=> string(13) "11161.2244463" ["level"]=> int(2) ["title"]=> string(52) "School, Schools, Seventh-day Adventist (Part 2 of 2)" ["refcode_short"]=> string(52) "TopIndex .School, Schools, Seventh-day Adventist.601" ["dup"]=> NULL ["puborder"]=> int(243745) } [348]=> array(6) { ["para_id"]=> string(13) "11161.2245170" ["level"]=> int(2) ["title"]=> string(32) "School age - Schools of prophets" ["refcode_short"]=> string(22) "TopIndex .School age.1" ["dup"]=> NULL ["puborder"]=> int(244452) } [349]=> array(6) { ["para_id"]=> string(13) "11161.2245985" ["level"]=> int(2) ["title"]=> string(31) "Schoolteacher - Scribe, Scribes" ["refcode_short"]=> string(25) "TopIndex .Schoolteacher.1" ["dup"]=> NULL ["puborder"]=> int(245267) } [350]=> array(6) { ["para_id"]=> string(13) "11161.2246791" ["level"]=> int(2) ["title"]=> string(61) "Scribes and Pharisees - Scriptural weapon, Scriptural weapons" ["refcode_short"]=> string(33) "TopIndex .Scribes and Pharisees.1" ["dup"]=> NULL ["puborder"]=> int(246068) } [351]=> array(6) { ["para_id"]=> string(13) "11161.2246801" ["level"]=> int(2) ["title"]=> string(35) "Scripture, Scriptures (Part 1 of 3)" ["refcode_short"]=> string(33) "TopIndex .Scripture, Scriptures.1" ["dup"]=> NULL ["puborder"]=> int(246078) } [352]=> array(6) { ["para_id"]=> string(13) "11161.2247598" ["level"]=> int(2) ["title"]=> string(35) "Scripture, Scriptures (Part 2 of 3)" ["refcode_short"]=> string(35) "TopIndex .Scripture, Scriptures.798" ["dup"]=> NULL ["puborder"]=> int(246875) } [353]=> array(6) { ["para_id"]=> string(13) "11161.2248395" ["level"]=> int(2) ["title"]=> string(35) "Scripture, Scriptures (Part 3 of 3)" ["refcode_short"]=> string(36) "TopIndex .Scripture, Scriptures.1595" ["dup"]=> NULL ["puborder"]=> int(247673) } [354]=> array(6) { ["para_id"]=> string(13) "11161.2249193" ["level"]=> int(2) ["title"]=> string(32) "Scripture alphabet - Sect, Sects" ["refcode_short"]=> string(30) "TopIndex .Scripture alphabet.1" ["dup"]=> NULL ["puborder"]=> int(248472) } [355]=> array(6) { ["para_id"]=> string(13) "11161.2250000" ["level"]=> int(2) ["title"]=> string(33) "Sectarian differences - Seir, Mt." ["refcode_short"]=> string(33) "TopIndex .Sectarian differences.1" ["dup"]=> NULL ["puborder"]=> int(249273) } [356]=> array(6) { ["para_id"]=> string(13) "11161.2250392" ["level"]=> int(2) ["title"]=> string(18) "Self (Part 1 of 2)" ["refcode_short"]=> string(16) "TopIndex .Self.1" ["dup"]=> NULL ["puborder"]=> int(249663) } [357]=> array(6) { ["para_id"]=> string(13) "11161.2251076" ["level"]=> int(2) ["title"]=> string(18) "Self (Part 2 of 2)" ["refcode_short"]=> string(18) "TopIndex .Self.685" ["dup"]=> NULL ["puborder"]=> int(250348) } [358]=> array(6) { ["para_id"]=> string(13) "11161.2251761" ["level"]=> int(2) ["title"]=> string(30) "Self-abasement - Self-distrust" ["refcode_short"]=> string(26) "TopIndex .Self-abasement.1" ["dup"]=> NULL ["puborder"]=> int(251034) } [359]=> array(6) { ["para_id"]=> string(13) "11161.2252568" ["level"]=> int(2) ["title"]=> string(30) "Self-distrustful - Selfishness" ["refcode_short"]=> string(28) "TopIndex .Self-distrustful.1" ["dup"]=> NULL ["puborder"]=> int(251842) } [360]=> array(6) { ["para_id"]=> string(13) "11161.2253567" ["level"]=> int(2) ["title"]=> string(47) "Selfish person, Selfish persons - Sense, Senses" ["refcode_short"]=> string(43) "TopIndex .Selfish person, Selfish persons.1" ["dup"]=> NULL ["puborder"]=> int(252842) } [361]=> array(6) { ["para_id"]=> string(13) "11161.2254440" ["level"]=> int(2) ["title"]=> string(40) "Sensibility, Sensibilities - Seriousness" ["refcode_short"]=> string(38) "TopIndex .Sensibility, Sensibilities.1" ["dup"]=> NULL ["puborder"]=> int(253716) } [362]=> array(6) { ["para_id"]=> string(13) "11161.2254842" ["level"]=> int(2) ["title"]=> string(29) "Sermon, Sermons (Part 1 of 2)" ["refcode_short"]=> string(27) "TopIndex .Sermon, Sermons.1" ["dup"]=> NULL ["puborder"]=> int(254114) } [363]=> array(6) { ["para_id"]=> string(13) "11161.2255246" ["level"]=> int(2) ["title"]=> string(29) "Sermon, Sermons (Part 2 of 2)" ["refcode_short"]=> string(29) "TopIndex .Sermon, Sermons.405" ["dup"]=> NULL ["puborder"]=> int(254519) } [364]=> array(6) { ["para_id"]=> string(13) "11161.2255650" ["level"]=> int(2) ["title"]=> string(63) "Sermon building - Seventh-day Adventist, Seventh-day Adventists" ["refcode_short"]=> string(27) "TopIndex .Sermon building.1" ["dup"]=> NULL ["puborder"]=> int(254924) } [365]=> array(6) { ["para_id"]=> string(13) "11161.2256772" ["level"]=> int(2) ["title"]=> string(44) "Seventh-day Adventist Church - Shoes (boots)" ["refcode_short"]=> string(40) "TopIndex .Seventh-day Adventist Church.1" ["dup"]=> NULL ["puborder"]=> int(256043) } [366]=> array(6) { ["para_id"]=> string(13) "11161.2257589" ["level"]=> int(2) ["title"]=> string(31) "Shoemaking - Signs of the Times" ["refcode_short"]=> string(22) "TopIndex .Shoemaking.1" ["dup"]=> NULL ["puborder"]=> int(256855) } [367]=> array(6) { ["para_id"]=> string(13) "11161.2258466" ["level"]=> int(2) ["title"]=> string(53) "Signs of the Times and Expositor of Prophecy - Simply" ["refcode_short"]=> string(56) "TopIndex .Signs of the Times and Expositor of Prophecy.1" ["dup"]=> NULL ["puborder"]=> int(257732) } [368]=> array(6) { ["para_id"]=> string(13) "11161.2258898" ["level"]=> int(2) ["title"]=> string(23) "Sin, Sins (Part 1 of 3)" ["refcode_short"]=> string(21) "TopIndex .Sin, Sins.1" ["dup"]=> NULL ["puborder"]=> int(258162) } [369]=> array(6) { ["para_id"]=> string(13) "11161.2259513" ["level"]=> int(2) ["title"]=> string(23) "Sin, Sins (Part 2 of 3)" ["refcode_short"]=> string(23) "TopIndex .Sin, Sins.616" ["dup"]=> NULL ["puborder"]=> int(258777) } [370]=> array(6) { ["para_id"]=> string(13) "11161.2260128" ["level"]=> int(2) ["title"]=> string(23) "Sin, Sins (Part 3 of 3)" ["refcode_short"]=> string(24) "TopIndex .Sin, Sins.1231" ["dup"]=> NULL ["puborder"]=> int(259393) } [371]=> array(6) { ["para_id"]=> string(13) "11161.2260743" ["level"]=> int(2) ["title"]=> string(21) "Sin - Sinner, Sinners" ["refcode_short"]=> string(15) "TopIndex .Sin.1" ["dup"]=> NULL ["puborder"]=> int(260009) } [372]=> array(6) { ["para_id"]=> string(13) "11161.2261577" ["level"]=> int(2) ["title"]=> string(39) "Sinning - Sleeping room, Sleeping rooms" ["refcode_short"]=> string(19) "TopIndex .Sinning.1" ["dup"]=> NULL ["puborder"]=> int(260843) } [373]=> array(6) { ["para_id"]=> string(13) "11161.2262392" ["level"]=> int(2) ["title"]=> string(36) "Sleeping saints - Society, Societies" ["refcode_short"]=> string(27) "TopIndex .Sleeping saints.1" ["dup"]=> NULL ["puborder"]=> int(261652) } [374]=> array(6) { ["para_id"]=> string(13) "11161.2263258" ["level"]=> int(2) ["title"]=> string(47) "Society devotee, Society devotees - Song, Songs" ["refcode_short"]=> string(45) "TopIndex .Society devotee, Society devotees.1" ["dup"]=> NULL ["puborder"]=> int(262519) } [375]=> array(6) { ["para_id"]=> string(13) "11161.2264291" ["level"]=> int(2) ["title"]=> string(31) "Song leader, Song leaders - Sot" ["refcode_short"]=> string(37) "TopIndex .Song leader, Song leaders.1" ["dup"]=> NULL ["puborder"]=> int(263549) } [376]=> array(6) { ["para_id"]=> string(13) "11161.2264581" ["level"]=> int(2) ["title"]=> string(25) "Soul, Souls (Part 1 of 2)" ["refcode_short"]=> string(23) "TopIndex .Soul, Souls.1" ["dup"]=> NULL ["puborder"]=> int(263839) } [377]=> array(6) { ["para_id"]=> string(13) "11161.2265059" ["level"]=> int(2) ["title"]=> string(25) "Soul, Souls (Part 2 of 2)" ["refcode_short"]=> string(25) "TopIndex .Soul, Souls.479" ["dup"]=> NULL ["puborder"]=> int(264317) } [378]=> array(6) { ["para_id"]=> string(13) "11161.2265538" ["level"]=> int(2) ["title"]=> string(30) "Soul hunger - Speech, Speeches" ["refcode_short"]=> string(23) "TopIndex .Soul hunger.1" ["dup"]=> NULL ["puborder"]=> int(264797) } [379]=> array(6) { ["para_id"]=> string(13) "11161.2266359" ["level"]=> int(2) ["title"]=> string(74) "Speechifying - Spiritualistic manifestation, Spiritualistic manifestations" ["refcode_short"]=> string(24) "TopIndex .Speechifying.1" ["dup"]=> NULL ["puborder"]=> int(265616) } [380]=> array(6) { ["para_id"]=> string(13) "11161.2267163" ["level"]=> int(2) ["title"]=> string(28) "Spiritualistic power - State" ["refcode_short"]=> string(32) "TopIndex .Spiritualistic power.1" ["dup"]=> NULL ["puborder"]=> int(266420) } [381]=> array(6) { ["para_id"]=> string(13) "11161.2267973" ["level"]=> int(2) ["title"]=> string(29) "State aid - Stomach, Stomachs" ["refcode_short"]=> string(21) "TopIndex .State aid.1" ["dup"]=> NULL ["puborder"]=> int(267223) } [382]=> array(6) { ["para_id"]=> string(13) "11161.2269106" ["level"]=> int(2) ["title"]=> string(36) "Stone, Stones - Strength (spiritual)" ["refcode_short"]=> string(25) "TopIndex .Stone, Stones.1" ["dup"]=> NULL ["puborder"]=> int(268354) } [383]=> array(6) { ["para_id"]=> string(13) "11161.2270054" ["level"]=> int(2) ["title"]=> string(37) "Strengthless condition - Stubbornness" ["refcode_short"]=> string(34) "TopIndex .Strengthless condition.1" ["dup"]=> NULL ["puborder"]=> int(269295) } [384]=> array(6) { ["para_id"]=> string(13) "11161.2270252" ["level"]=> int(2) ["title"]=> string(31) "Student, Students (Part 1 of 2)" ["refcode_short"]=> string(29) "TopIndex .Student, Students.1" ["dup"]=> NULL ["puborder"]=> int(269491) } [385]=> array(6) { ["para_id"]=> string(13) "11161.2270723" ["level"]=> int(2) ["title"]=> string(31) "Student, Students (Part 2 of 2)" ["refcode_short"]=> string(31) "TopIndex .Student, Students.472" ["dup"]=> NULL ["puborder"]=> int(269962) } [386]=> array(6) { ["para_id"]=> string(13) "11161.2271194" ["level"]=> int(2) ["title"]=> string(40) "Student-aid fund - Suffering, Sufferings" ["refcode_short"]=> string(28) "TopIndex .Student-aid fund.1" ["dup"]=> NULL ["puborder"]=> int(270434) } [387]=> array(6) { ["para_id"]=> string(13) "11161.2272269" ["level"]=> int(2) ["title"]=> string(35) "Suffering child - Sunday observance" ["refcode_short"]=> string(27) "TopIndex .Suffering child.1" ["dup"]=> NULL ["puborder"]=> int(271505) } [388]=> array(6) { ["para_id"]=> string(13) "11161.2273107" ["level"]=> int(2) ["title"]=> string(36) "Sunday party - Suspicion, Suspicions" ["refcode_short"]=> string(24) "TopIndex .Sunday party.1" ["dup"]=> NULL ["puborder"]=> int(272341) } [389]=> array(6) { ["para_id"]=> string(13) "11161.2273917" ["level"]=> int(2) ["title"]=> string(34) "Sustenance - Synagogue, Synagogues" ["refcode_short"]=> string(22) "TopIndex .Sustenance.1" ["dup"]=> NULL ["puborder"]=> int(273147) } [390]=> array(6) { ["para_id"]=> string(13) "11161.2274721" ["level"]=> int(2) ["title"]=> string(51) "Synagogue school, Synagogue schools - Systematizing" ["refcode_short"]=> string(47) "TopIndex .Synagogue school, Synagogue schools.1" ["dup"]=> NULL ["puborder"]=> int(273947) } [391]=> array(6) { ["para_id"]=> string(12) "11161.274814" ["level"]=> int(1) ["title"]=> string(1) "T" ["refcode_short"]=> string(11) "TopIndex .T" ["dup"]=> NULL ["puborder"]=> int(274041) } [392]=> array(6) { ["para_id"]=> string(13) "11161.2274815" ["level"]=> int(2) ["title"]=> string(21) "Taberah - Talebearing" ["refcode_short"]=> string(19) "TopIndex .Taberah.1" ["dup"]=> string(12) "11161.274814" ["puborder"]=> int(274042) } [393]=> array(6) { ["para_id"]=> string(13) "11161.2275097" ["level"]=> int(2) ["title"]=> string(29) "Talent, Talents (Part 1 of 2)" ["refcode_short"]=> string(27) "TopIndex .Talent, Talents.1" ["dup"]=> NULL ["puborder"]=> int(274324) } [394]=> array(6) { ["para_id"]=> string(13) "11161.2275504" ["level"]=> int(2) ["title"]=> string(29) "Talent, Talents (Part 2 of 2)" ["refcode_short"]=> string(29) "TopIndex .Talent, Talents.406" ["dup"]=> NULL ["puborder"]=> int(274732) } [395]=> array(6) { ["para_id"]=> string(13) "11161.2275912" ["level"]=> int(2) ["title"]=> string(49) "Talented person, Talented persons - Teachableness" ["refcode_short"]=> string(45) "TopIndex .Talented person, Talented persons.1" ["dup"]=> NULL ["puborder"]=> int(275141) } [396]=> array(6) { ["para_id"]=> string(13) "11161.2276600" ["level"]=> int(2) ["title"]=> string(31) "Teacher, Teachers (Part 1 of 3)" ["refcode_short"]=> string(29) "TopIndex .Teacher, Teachers.1" ["dup"]=> NULL ["puborder"]=> int(275826) } [397]=> array(6) { ["para_id"]=> string(13) "11161.2277245" ["level"]=> int(2) ["title"]=> string(31) "Teacher, Teachers (Part 2 of 3)" ["refcode_short"]=> string(31) "TopIndex .Teacher, Teachers.646" ["dup"]=> NULL ["puborder"]=> int(276471) } [398]=> array(6) { ["para_id"]=> string(13) "11161.2277889" ["level"]=> int(2) ["title"]=> string(31) "Teacher, Teachers (Part 3 of 3)" ["refcode_short"]=> string(32) "TopIndex .Teacher, Teachers.1290" ["dup"]=> NULL ["puborder"]=> int(277116) } [399]=> array(6) { ["para_id"]=> string(13) "11161.2278534" ["level"]=> int(2) ["title"]=> string(32) "Teaching, Teachings - Temperance" ["refcode_short"]=> string(31) "TopIndex .Teaching, Teachings.1" ["dup"]=> NULL ["puborder"]=> int(277762) } [400]=> array(6) { ["para_id"]=> string(13) "11161.2279482" ["level"]=> int(2) ["title"]=> string(67) "Temperance address, Temperance addresses - Temple, Temples, various" ["refcode_short"]=> string(52) "TopIndex .Temperance address, Temperance addresses.1" ["dup"]=> NULL ["puborder"]=> int(278709) } [401]=> array(6) { ["para_id"]=> string(13) "11161.2280352" ["level"]=> int(2) ["title"]=> string(40) "Temple - Temporal thing, Temporal things" ["refcode_short"]=> string(18) "TopIndex .Temple.1" ["dup"]=> NULL ["puborder"]=> int(279575) } [402]=> array(6) { ["para_id"]=> string(13) "11161.2280388" ["level"]=> int(2) ["title"]=> string(37) "Temptation, Temptations (Part 1 of 2)" ["refcode_short"]=> string(35) "TopIndex .Temptation, Temptations.1" ["dup"]=> NULL ["puborder"]=> int(279612) } [403]=> array(6) { ["para_id"]=> string(13) "11161.2280926" ["level"]=> int(2) ["title"]=> string(37) "Temptation, Temptations (Part 2 of 2)" ["refcode_short"]=> string(37) "TopIndex .Temptation, Temptations.539" ["dup"]=> NULL ["puborder"]=> int(280150) } [404]=> array(6) { ["para_id"]=> string(13) "11161.2281465" ["level"]=> int(2) ["title"]=> string(29) "Tempted - Tenement, Tenements" ["refcode_short"]=> string(19) "TopIndex .Tempted.1" ["dup"]=> NULL ["puborder"]=> int(280690) } [405]=> array(6) { ["para_id"]=> string(13) "11161.2282270" ["level"]=> int(2) ["title"]=> string(60) "Tennessee, U.S.A. - Testimonies given through Ellen G. White" ["refcode_short"]=> string(29) "TopIndex .Tennessee, U.S.A..1" ["dup"]=> NULL ["puborder"]=> int(281495) } [406]=> array(6) { ["para_id"]=> string(13) "11161.2283201" ["level"]=> int(2) ["title"]=> string(36) "Testimony, living - Theory, Theories" ["refcode_short"]=> string(29) "TopIndex .Testimony, living.1" ["dup"]=> NULL ["puborder"]=> int(282425) } [407]=> array(6) { ["para_id"]=> string(13) "11161.2284151" ["level"]=> int(2) ["title"]=> string(35) "Theosophy - Third angel’s message" ["refcode_short"]=> string(21) "TopIndex .Theosophy.1" ["dup"]=> NULL ["puborder"]=> int(283370) } [408]=> array(6) { ["para_id"]=> string(13) "11161.2285024" ["level"]=> int(2) ["title"]=> string(37) "Third commandment - Thought, Thoughts" ["refcode_short"]=> string(29) "TopIndex .Third commandment.1" ["dup"]=> NULL ["puborder"]=> int(284244) } [409]=> array(6) { ["para_id"]=> string(13) "11161.2285846" ["level"]=> int(2) ["title"]=> string(28) "Thoughtfulness - Time, Times" ["refcode_short"]=> string(26) "TopIndex .Thoughtfulness.1" ["dup"]=> NULL ["puborder"]=> int(285065) } [410]=> array(6) { ["para_id"]=> string(13) "11161.2286941" ["level"]=> int(2) ["title"]=> string(25) "Time excitement - Tithing" ["refcode_short"]=> string(27) "TopIndex .Time excitement.1" ["dup"]=> NULL ["puborder"]=> int(286157) } [411]=> array(6) { ["para_id"]=> string(13) "11161.2287781" ["level"]=> int(2) ["title"]=> string(32) "Tithing system - Tongue, Tongues" ["refcode_short"]=> string(26) "TopIndex .Tithing system.1" ["dup"]=> NULL ["puborder"]=> int(286993) } [412]=> array(6) { ["para_id"]=> string(13) "11161.2288665" ["level"]=> int(2) ["title"]=> string(21) "Tongues - Translation" ["refcode_short"]=> string(19) "TopIndex .Tongues.1" ["dup"]=> NULL ["puborder"]=> int(287876) } [413]=> array(6) { ["para_id"]=> string(13) "11161.2289481" ["level"]=> int(2) ["title"]=> string(39) "Translation, Translations - Tree, Trees" ["refcode_short"]=> string(37) "TopIndex .Translation, Translations.1" ["dup"]=> NULL ["puborder"]=> int(288686) } [414]=> array(6) { ["para_id"]=> string(13) "11161.2290326" ["level"]=> int(2) ["title"]=> string(25) "Tree of knowledge - Trial" ["refcode_short"]=> string(29) "TopIndex .Tree of knowledge.1" ["dup"]=> NULL ["puborder"]=> int(289528) } [415]=> array(6) { ["para_id"]=> string(13) "11161.2290540" ["level"]=> int(2) ["title"]=> string(27) "Trial, Trials (Part 1 of 2)" ["refcode_short"]=> string(25) "TopIndex .Trial, Trials.1" ["dup"]=> NULL ["puborder"]=> int(289741) } [416]=> array(6) { ["para_id"]=> string(13) "11161.2291047" ["level"]=> int(2) ["title"]=> string(27) "Trial, Trials (Part 2 of 2)" ["refcode_short"]=> string(27) "TopIndex .Trial, Trials.508" ["dup"]=> NULL ["puborder"]=> int(290249) } [417]=> array(6) { ["para_id"]=> string(13) "11161.2291555" ["level"]=> int(2) ["title"]=> string(19) "Tribe - Trustworthy" ["refcode_short"]=> string(17) "TopIndex .Tribe.1" ["dup"]=> NULL ["puborder"]=> int(290758) } [418]=> array(6) { ["para_id"]=> string(13) "11161.2292165" ["level"]=> int(2) ["title"]=> string(27) "Truth, Truths (Part 1 of 4)" ["refcode_short"]=> string(25) "TopIndex .Truth, Truths.1" ["dup"]=> NULL ["puborder"]=> int(291364) } [419]=> array(6) { ["para_id"]=> string(13) "11161.2292811" ["level"]=> int(2) ["title"]=> string(27) "Truth, Truths (Part 2 of 4)" ["refcode_short"]=> string(27) "TopIndex .Truth, Truths.647" ["dup"]=> NULL ["puborder"]=> int(292010) } [420]=> array(6) { ["para_id"]=> string(13) "11161.2293456" ["level"]=> int(2) ["title"]=> string(27) "Truth, Truths (Part 3 of 4)" ["refcode_short"]=> string(28) "TopIndex .Truth, Truths.1292" ["dup"]=> NULL ["puborder"]=> int(292656) } [421]=> array(6) { ["para_id"]=> string(13) "11161.2294102" ["level"]=> int(2) ["title"]=> string(27) "Truth, Truths (Part 4 of 4)" ["refcode_short"]=> string(28) "TopIndex .Truth, Truths.1938" ["dup"]=> NULL ["puborder"]=> int(293303) } [422]=> array(6) { ["para_id"]=> string(13) "11161.2294748" ["level"]=> int(2) ["title"]=> string(13) "Truth - Tyrus" ["refcode_short"]=> string(17) "TopIndex .Truth.1" ["dup"]=> NULL ["puborder"]=> int(293950) } [423]=> array(6) { ["para_id"]=> string(12) "11161.295064" ["level"]=> int(1) ["title"]=> string(1) "U" ["refcode_short"]=> string(11) "TopIndex .U" ["dup"]=> NULL ["puborder"]=> int(294262) } [424]=> array(6) { ["para_id"]=> string(13) "11161.2295065" ["level"]=> int(2) ["title"]=> string(55) "Ukiah, Calif. - Unfortunate person, Unfortunate persons" ["refcode_short"]=> string(25) "TopIndex .Ukiah, Calif..1" ["dup"]=> string(12) "11161.295064" ["puborder"]=> int(294263) } [425]=> array(6) { ["para_id"]=> string(13) "11161.2295890" ["level"]=> int(2) ["title"]=> string(22) "Ungodliness - Universe" ["refcode_short"]=> string(23) "TopIndex .Ungodliness.1" ["dup"]=> NULL ["puborder"]=> int(295085) } [426]=> array(6) { ["para_id"]=> string(13) "11161.2296774" ["level"]=> int(2) ["title"]=> string(29) "Universities, public - Uzziah" ["refcode_short"]=> string(32) "TopIndex .Universities, public.1" ["dup"]=> NULL ["puborder"]=> int(295968) } [427]=> array(6) { ["para_id"]=> string(12) "11161.297076" ["level"]=> int(1) ["title"]=> string(1) "V" ["refcode_short"]=> string(11) "TopIndex .V" ["dup"]=> NULL ["puborder"]=> int(296265) } [428]=> array(6) { ["para_id"]=> string(13) "11161.2297077" ["level"]=> int(2) ["title"]=> string(39) "Vacancy, Vacancies - Victory, Victories" ["refcode_short"]=> string(30) "TopIndex .Vacancy, Vacancies.1" ["dup"]=> string(12) "11161.297076" ["puborder"]=> int(296266) } [429]=> array(6) { ["para_id"]=> string(13) "11161.2298019" ["level"]=> int(2) ["title"]=> string(27) "View, Views - Voice, Voices" ["refcode_short"]=> string(23) "TopIndex .View, Views.1" ["dup"]=> NULL ["puborder"]=> int(297205) } [430]=> array(6) { ["para_id"]=> string(13) "11161.2299090" ["level"]=> int(2) ["title"]=> string(26) "Voice of Christ - Vultures" ["refcode_short"]=> string(27) "TopIndex .Voice of Christ.1" ["dup"]=> NULL ["puborder"]=> int(298269) } [431]=> array(6) { ["para_id"]=> string(12) "11161.299262" ["level"]=> int(1) ["title"]=> string(1) "W" ["refcode_short"]=> string(11) "TopIndex .W" ["dup"]=> NULL ["puborder"]=> int(298440) } [432]=> array(6) { ["para_id"]=> string(13) "11161.2299263" ["level"]=> int(2) ["title"]=> string(15) "Wafer - Warfare" ["refcode_short"]=> string(17) "TopIndex .Wafer.1" ["dup"]=> string(12) "11161.299262" ["puborder"]=> int(298441) } [433]=> array(6) { ["para_id"]=> string(13) "11161.2300068" ["level"]=> int(2) ["title"]=> string(22) "Warmth - Water, Waters" ["refcode_short"]=> string(18) "TopIndex .Warmth.1" ["dup"]=> NULL ["puborder"]=> int(299242) } [434]=> array(6) { ["para_id"]=> string(13) "11161.2300890" ["level"]=> int(2) ["title"]=> string(36) "Waterbury, Vermont - Wealth (riches)" ["refcode_short"]=> string(30) "TopIndex .Waterbury, Vermont.1" ["dup"]=> NULL ["puborder"]=> int(300061) } [435]=> array(6) { ["para_id"]=> string(13) "11161.2301784" ["level"]=> int(2) ["title"]=> string(61) "Wealthy believer, Wealthy believers - Whispering, Whisperings" ["refcode_short"]=> string(47) "TopIndex .Wealthy believer, Wealthy believers.1" ["dup"]=> NULL ["puborder"]=> int(300952) } [436]=> array(6) { ["para_id"]=> string(13) "11161.2302592" ["level"]=> int(2) ["title"]=> string(37) "White, Anna - White, Elizabeth Jewett" ["refcode_short"]=> string(23) "TopIndex .White, Anna.1" ["dup"]=> NULL ["puborder"]=> int(301755) } [437]=> array(6) { ["para_id"]=> string(13) "11161.2302616" ["level"]=> int(2) ["title"]=> string(49) "White, Ellen G. (biographical data) (Part 1 of 2)" ["refcode_short"]=> string(47) "TopIndex .White, Ellen G. (biographical data).1" ["dup"]=> NULL ["puborder"]=> int(301778) } [438]=> array(6) { ["para_id"]=> string(13) "11161.2303232" ["level"]=> int(2) ["title"]=> string(49) "White, Ellen G. (biographical data) (Part 2 of 2)" ["refcode_short"]=> string(49) "TopIndex .White, Ellen G. (biographical data).617" ["dup"]=> NULL ["puborder"]=> int(302394) } [439]=> array(6) { ["para_id"]=> string(13) "11161.2303848" ["level"]=> int(2) ["title"]=> string(29) "White, Ellen G. (Part 1 of 2)" ["refcode_short"]=> string(27) "TopIndex .White, Ellen G..1" ["dup"]=> NULL ["puborder"]=> int(303011) } [440]=> array(6) { ["para_id"]=> string(13) "11161.2304550" ["level"]=> int(2) ["title"]=> string(29) "White, Ellen G. (Part 2 of 2)" ["refcode_short"]=> string(29) "TopIndex .White, Ellen G..701" ["dup"]=> NULL ["puborder"]=> int(303714) } [441]=> array(6) { ["para_id"]=> string(13) "11161.2305252" ["level"]=> int(2) ["title"]=> string(43) "White, Ellen G. (visions of) - White, James" ["refcode_short"]=> string(40) "TopIndex .White, Ellen G. (visions of).1" ["dup"]=> NULL ["puborder"]=> int(304417) } [442]=> array(6) { ["para_id"]=> string(13) "11161.2306415" ["level"]=> int(2) ["title"]=> string(32) "White, James Edson - Wife, Wives" ["refcode_short"]=> string(30) "TopIndex .White, James Edson.1" ["dup"]=> NULL ["puborder"]=> int(305578) } [443]=> array(6) { ["para_id"]=> string(13) "11161.2307375" ["level"]=> int(2) ["title"]=> string(27) "Wilcox, F. M. - Wind, Winds" ["refcode_short"]=> string(25) "TopIndex .Wilcox, F. M..1" ["dup"]=> NULL ["puborder"]=> int(306533) } [444]=> array(6) { ["para_id"]=> string(13) "11161.2308236" ["level"]=> int(2) ["title"]=> string(28) "Winding - Witness, Witnesses" ["refcode_short"]=> string(19) "TopIndex .Winding.1" ["dup"]=> NULL ["puborder"]=> int(307392) } [445]=> array(6) { ["para_id"]=> string(13) "11161.2309039" ["level"]=> int(2) ["title"]=> string(38) "Witness (testimony) - Worcester, Mass." ["refcode_short"]=> string(31) "TopIndex .Witness (testimony).1" ["dup"]=> NULL ["puborder"]=> int(308189) } [446]=> array(6) { ["para_id"]=> string(13) "11161.2309807" ["level"]=> int(2) ["title"]=> string(25) "Word, Words (Part 1 of 2)" ["refcode_short"]=> string(23) "TopIndex .Word, Words.1" ["dup"]=> NULL ["puborder"]=> int(308953) } [447]=> array(6) { ["para_id"]=> string(13) "11161.2310240" ["level"]=> int(2) ["title"]=> string(25) "Word, Words (Part 2 of 2)" ["refcode_short"]=> string(25) "TopIndex .Word, Words.434" ["dup"]=> NULL ["puborder"]=> int(309386) } [448]=> array(6) { ["para_id"]=> string(13) "11161.2310673" ["level"]=> int(2) ["title"]=> string(39) "Word of God, Words of God (Part 1 of 3)" ["refcode_short"]=> string(37) "TopIndex .Word of God, Words of God.1" ["dup"]=> NULL ["puborder"]=> int(309820) } [449]=> array(6) { ["para_id"]=> string(13) "11161.2311391" ["level"]=> int(2) ["title"]=> string(39) "Word of God, Words of God (Part 2 of 3)" ["refcode_short"]=> string(39) "TopIndex .Word of God, Words of God.719" ["dup"]=> NULL ["puborder"]=> int(310538) } [450]=> array(6) { ["para_id"]=> string(13) "11161.2312108" ["level"]=> int(2) ["title"]=> string(39) "Word of God, Words of God (Part 3 of 3)" ["refcode_short"]=> string(40) "TopIndex .Word of God, Words of God.1436" ["dup"]=> NULL ["puborder"]=> int(311256) } [451]=> array(6) { ["para_id"]=> string(13) "11161.2312826" ["level"]=> int(2) ["title"]=> string(32) "Word of life - Words and actions" ["refcode_short"]=> string(24) "TopIndex .Word of life.1" ["dup"]=> NULL ["puborder"]=> int(311975) } [452]=> array(6) { ["para_id"]=> string(13) "11161.2312938" ["level"]=> int(2) ["title"]=> string(24) "Work/Labor (Part 1 of 2)" ["refcode_short"]=> string(22) "TopIndex .Work/Labor.1" ["dup"]=> NULL ["puborder"]=> int(312087) } [453]=> array(6) { ["para_id"]=> string(13) "11161.2313465" ["level"]=> int(2) ["title"]=> string(24) "Work/Labor (Part 2 of 2)" ["refcode_short"]=> string(24) "TopIndex .Work/Labor.528" ["dup"]=> NULL ["puborder"]=> int(312614) } [454]=> array(6) { ["para_id"]=> string(13) "11161.2313992" ["level"]=> int(2) ["title"]=> string(12) "Work - Works" ["refcode_short"]=> string(16) "TopIndex .Work.1" ["dup"]=> NULL ["puborder"]=> int(313142) } [455]=> array(6) { ["para_id"]=> string(13) "11161.2315076" ["level"]=> int(2) ["title"]=> string(38) "Workshop, Workshops - Work, work, work" ["refcode_short"]=> string(31) "TopIndex .Workshop, Workshops.1" ["dup"]=> NULL ["puborder"]=> int(314226) } [456]=> array(6) { ["para_id"]=> string(13) "11161.2315122" ["level"]=> int(2) ["title"]=> string(27) "World, Worlds (Part 1 of 2)" ["refcode_short"]=> string(25) "TopIndex .World, Worlds.1" ["dup"]=> NULL ["puborder"]=> int(314272) } [457]=> array(6) { ["para_id"]=> string(13) "11161.2315601" ["level"]=> int(2) ["title"]=> string(27) "World, Worlds (Part 2 of 2)" ["refcode_short"]=> string(27) "TopIndex .World, Worlds.480" ["dup"]=> NULL ["puborder"]=> int(314751) } [458]=> array(6) { ["para_id"]=> string(13) "11161.2316081" ["level"]=> int(2) ["title"]=> string(29) "Worldliness - Writer, Writers" ["refcode_short"]=> string(23) "TopIndex .Worldliness.1" ["dup"]=> NULL ["puborder"]=> int(315232) } [459]=> array(6) { ["para_id"]=> string(13) "11161.2316955" ["level"]=> int(2) ["title"]=> string(37) "Writers (unidentified) - Wylie, J. A." ["refcode_short"]=> string(34) "TopIndex .Writers (unidentified).1" ["dup"]=> NULL ["puborder"]=> int(316102) } [460]=> array(6) { ["para_id"]=> string(12) "11161.317111" ["level"]=> int(1) ["title"]=> string(1) "X" ["refcode_short"]=> string(11) "TopIndex .X" ["dup"]=> NULL ["puborder"]=> int(316258) } [461]=> array(6) { ["para_id"]=> string(13) "11161.2317112" ["level"]=> int(2) ["title"]=> string(38) "Xerxes I (Ahasuerus) - X-ray treatment" ["refcode_short"]=> string(32) "TopIndex .Xerxes I (Ahasuerus).1" ["dup"]=> string(12) "11161.317111" ["puborder"]=> int(316259) } [462]=> array(6) { ["para_id"]=> string(12) "11161.317116" ["level"]=> int(1) ["title"]=> string(1) "Y" ["refcode_short"]=> string(11) "TopIndex .Y" ["dup"]=> NULL ["puborder"]=> int(316264) } [463]=> array(6) { ["para_id"]=> string(13) "11161.2317117" ["level"]=> int(2) ["title"]=> string(38) "Yard, Yards - Young woman, Young women" ["refcode_short"]=> string(23) "TopIndex .Yard, Yards.1" ["dup"]=> string(12) "11161.317116" ["puborder"]=> int(316265) } [464]=> array(6) { ["para_id"]=> string(13) "11161.2317701" ["level"]=> int(2) ["title"]=> string(19) "Youth (Part 1 of 3)" ["refcode_short"]=> string(17) "TopIndex .Youth.1" ["dup"]=> NULL ["puborder"]=> int(316845) } [465]=> array(6) { ["para_id"]=> string(13) "11161.2318431" ["level"]=> int(2) ["title"]=> string(19) "Youth (Part 2 of 3)" ["refcode_short"]=> string(19) "TopIndex .Youth.731" ["dup"]=> NULL ["puborder"]=> int(317576) } [466]=> array(6) { ["para_id"]=> string(13) "11161.2319160" ["level"]=> int(2) ["title"]=> string(19) "Youth (Part 3 of 3)" ["refcode_short"]=> string(20) "TopIndex .Youth.1460" ["dup"]=> NULL ["puborder"]=> int(318306) } [467]=> array(6) { ["para_id"]=> string(13) "11161.2319890" ["level"]=> int(2) ["title"]=> string(40) "Youth (period of) - Youth’s Instructor" ["refcode_short"]=> string(29) "TopIndex .Youth (period of).1" ["dup"]=> NULL ["puborder"]=> int(319037) } [468]=> array(6) { ["para_id"]=> string(12) "11161.319936" ["level"]=> int(1) ["title"]=> string(1) "Z" ["refcode_short"]=> string(11) "TopIndex .Z" ["dup"]=> NULL ["puborder"]=> int(319084) } [469]=> array(6) { ["para_id"]=> string(13) "11161.2319937" ["level"]=> int(2) ["title"]=> string(26) "Zacchaeus - Zwingli, Ulric" ["refcode_short"]=> string(21) "TopIndex .Zacchaeus.1" ["dup"]=> string(12) "11161.319936" ["puborder"]=> int(319085) } } ["service":"EgwApi":private]=> object(EgwService)#95 (10) { ["api_url":"EgwService":private]=> string(26) "https://a.egwwritings.org/" ["api_url_auth":"EgwService":private]=> string(31) "https://cpanel.egwwritings.org/" ["baseApiUriAuth":"EgwService":private]=> object(OAuth\Common\Http\Uri\Uri)#98 (10) { ["scheme":"OAuth\Common\Http\Uri\Uri":private]=> string(5) "https" ["userInfo":"OAuth\Common\Http\Uri\Uri":private]=> string(0) "" ["rawUserInfo":"OAuth\Common\Http\Uri\Uri":private]=> string(0) "" ["host":"OAuth\Common\Http\Uri\Uri":private]=> string(22) "cpanel.egwwritings.org" 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White Topical Index" ["refcode_short"]=> string(9) "TopIndex " ["dup"]=> NULL ["puborder"]=> int(1) } [1]=> array(6) { ["para_id"]=> string(7) "11161.2" ["level"]=> int(1) ["title"]=> string(1) "A" ["refcode_short"]=> string(11) "TopIndex .A" ["dup"]=> string(7) "11161.1" ["puborder"]=> int(2) } [2]=> array(6) { ["para_id"]=> string(13) "11161.2000003" ["level"]=> int(2) ["title"]=> string(27) "Aaron - Accident, Accidents" ["refcode_short"]=> string(17) "TopIndex .Aaron.1" ["dup"]=> string(7) "11161.1" ["puborder"]=> int(3) } [3]=> array(6) { ["para_id"]=> string(13) "11161.2000804" ["level"]=> int(2) ["title"]=> string(14) "Acclaim - Adam" ["refcode_short"]=> string(19) "TopIndex .Acclaim.1" ["dup"]=> NULL ["puborder"]=> int(792) } [4]=> array(6) { ["para_id"]=> string(13) "11161.2001818" ["level"]=> int(2) ["title"]=> string(29) "Adam and Eve - Advent, second" ["refcode_short"]=> string(24) "TopIndex .Adam and Eve.1" ["dup"]=> NULL ["puborder"]=> int(1783) } [5]=> array(6) { ["para_id"]=> string(13) "11161.2002953" ["level"]=> int(2) ["title"]=> string(25) "Advent Herald - Age, Ages" ["refcode_short"]=> string(25) "TopIndex .Advent Herald.1" ["dup"]=> NULL ["puborder"]=> int(2905) } [6]=> array(6) { ["para_id"]=> string(13) "11161.2003756" ["level"]=> int(2) ["title"]=> string(24) "Aged believers - Alcohol" ["refcode_short"]=> string(26) "TopIndex .Aged believers.1" ["dup"]=> NULL ["puborder"]=> int(3685) } [7]=> array(6) { ["para_id"]=> string(13) "11161.2004603" ["level"]=> int(2) ["title"]=> string(40) "Alcoholic drinks - Amusement, Amusements" ["refcode_short"]=> string(28) "TopIndex .Alcoholic drinks.1" ["dup"]=> NULL ["puborder"]=> int(4512) } [8]=> array(6) { ["para_id"]=> string(13) "11161.2005795" ["level"]=> int(2) ["title"]=> string(23) "Amusement lovers - Aner" ["refcode_short"]=> string(28) "TopIndex .Amusement lovers.1" ["dup"]=> NULL ["puborder"]=> int(5672) } [9]=> array(6) { ["para_id"]=> string(13) "11161.2005927" ["level"]=> int(2) ["title"]=> string(27) "Angel, Angels (Part 1 of 3)" ["refcode_short"]=> string(25) "TopIndex .Angel, Angels.1" ["dup"]=> NULL ["puborder"]=> int(5797) } [10]=> array(6) { ["para_id"]=> string(13) "11161.2006620" ["level"]=> int(2) ["title"]=> string(27) "Angel, Angels (Part 2 of 3)" ["refcode_short"]=> string(27) "TopIndex .Angel, Angels.694" ["dup"]=> NULL ["puborder"]=> int(6490) } [11]=> array(6) { ["para_id"]=> string(13) "11161.2007312" ["level"]=> int(2) ["title"]=> string(27) "Angel, Angels (Part 3 of 3)" ["refcode_short"]=> string(28) "TopIndex .Angel, Angels.1386" ["dup"]=> NULL ["puborder"]=> int(7183) } [12]=> array(6) { ["para_id"]=> string(13) "11161.2008005" ["level"]=> int(2) ["title"]=> string(30) "Angel, Angels, evil - Apostasy" ["refcode_short"]=> string(31) "TopIndex .Angel, Angels, evil.1" ["dup"]=> NULL ["puborder"]=> int(7877) } [13]=> array(6) { ["para_id"]=> string(13) "11161.2008965" ["level"]=> int(2) ["title"]=> string(71) "Apostate, Apostates - Appetite, indulgence of, Appetites, indulgence of" ["refcode_short"]=> string(31) "TopIndex .Apostate, Apostates.1" ["dup"]=> NULL ["puborder"]=> int(8799) } [14]=> array(6) { ["para_id"]=> string(13) "11161.2009804" ["level"]=> int(2) ["title"]=> string(19) "Appii Forum - Armor" ["refcode_short"]=> string(23) "TopIndex .Appii Forum.1" ["dup"]=> NULL ["puborder"]=> int(9633) } [15]=> array(6) { ["para_id"]=> string(13) "11161.2010608" ["level"]=> int(2) ["title"]=> string(31) "Armory - Atmosphere (spiritual)" ["refcode_short"]=> string(18) "TopIndex .Armory.1" ["dup"]=> NULL ["puborder"]=> int(10412) } [16]=> array(6) { ["para_id"]=> string(13) "11161.2011550" ["level"]=> int(2) ["title"]=> string(23) "Atom, Atoms - Australia" ["refcode_short"]=> string(23) "TopIndex .Atom, Atoms.1" ["dup"]=> NULL ["puborder"]=> int(11320) } [17]=> array(6) { ["para_id"]=> string(13) "11161.2012373" ["level"]=> int(2) ["title"]=> string(17) "Austria - Azariah" ["refcode_short"]=> string(19) "TopIndex .Austria.1" ["dup"]=> NULL ["puborder"]=> int(12125) } [18]=> array(6) { ["para_id"]=> string(13) "11161.2012374" ["level"]=> int(2) ["title"]=> string(32) "“Alameda” - “Well done,”" ["refcode_short"]=> string(19) "TopIndex .Austria.2" ["dup"]=> NULL ["puborder"]=> int(12127) } [19]=> array(6) { ["para_id"]=> string(11) "11161.12611" ["level"]=> int(1) ["title"]=> string(1) "B" ["refcode_short"]=> string(11) "TopIndex .B" ["dup"]=> NULL ["puborder"]=> int(12351) } [20]=> array(6) { ["para_id"]=> string(13) "11161.2012612" ["level"]=> int(2) ["title"]=> string(13) "Baal - Balaam" ["refcode_short"]=> string(16) "TopIndex .Baal.1" ["dup"]=> string(11) "11161.12611" ["puborder"]=> int(12352) } [21]=> array(6) { ["para_id"]=> string(13) "11161.2013437" ["level"]=> int(2) ["title"]=> string(34) "Balaclava, Vict. - Battle, Battles" ["refcode_short"]=> string(28) "TopIndex .Balaclava, Vict..1" ["dup"]=> NULL ["puborder"]=> int(13154) } [22]=> array(6) { ["para_id"]=> string(13) "11161.2014351" ["level"]=> int(2) ["title"]=> string(46) "Battle and a march - Belden, Sarah B. (Harmon)" ["refcode_short"]=> string(30) "TopIndex .Battle and a march.1" ["dup"]=> NULL ["puborder"]=> int(14032) } [23]=> array(6) { ["para_id"]=> string(13) "11161.2015153" ["level"]=> int(2) ["title"]=> string(25) "Belden, Stephen - Bigotry" ["refcode_short"]=> string(27) "TopIndex .Belden, Stephen.1" ["dup"]=> NULL ["puborder"]=> int(14825) } [24]=> array(6) { ["para_id"]=> string(13) "11161.2015971" ["level"]=> int(2) ["title"]=> string(37) "Biliousness - Blind leading the blind" ["refcode_short"]=> string(23) "TopIndex .Biliousness.1" ["dup"]=> NULL ["puborder"]=> int(15639) } [25]=> array(6) { ["para_id"]=> string(13) "11161.2016773" ["level"]=> int(2) ["title"]=> string(31) "Blindness - Body, Bodies, human" ["refcode_short"]=> string(21) "TopIndex .Blindness.1" ["dup"]=> NULL ["puborder"]=> int(16433) } [26]=> array(6) { ["para_id"]=> string(13) "11161.2017791" ["level"]=> int(2) ["title"]=> string(33) "Bognes, Augusta - Books of heaven" ["refcode_short"]=> string(27) "TopIndex .Bognes, Augusta.1" ["dup"]=> NULL ["puborder"]=> int(17447) } [27]=> array(6) { ["para_id"]=> string(13) "11161.2018840" ["level"]=> int(2) ["title"]=> string(27) "Book prices - Bread of life" ["refcode_short"]=> string(23) "TopIndex .Book prices.1" ["dup"]=> NULL ["puborder"]=> int(18493) } [28]=> array(6) { ["para_id"]=> string(13) "11161.2019652" ["level"]=> int(2) ["title"]=> string(25) "Breakdown - Burden, J. A." ["refcode_short"]=> string(21) "TopIndex .Breakdown.1" ["dup"]=> NULL ["puborder"]=> int(19296) } [29]=> array(6) { ["para_id"]=> string(13) "11161.2020455" ["level"]=> int(2) ["title"]=> string(65) "Burdick, Mrs. L. S. - Business transaction, Business transactions" ["refcode_short"]=> string(31) "TopIndex .Burdick, Mrs. L. S..1" ["dup"]=> NULL ["puborder"]=> int(20090) } [30]=> array(6) { ["para_id"]=> string(13) "11161.2021308" ["level"]=> int(2) ["title"]=> string(40) "Business union, Business unions - Byword" ["refcode_short"]=> string(43) "TopIndex .Business union, Business unions.1" ["dup"]=> NULL ["puborder"]=> int(20943) } [31]=> array(6) { ["para_id"]=> string(11) "11161.21446" ["level"]=> int(1) ["title"]=> string(1) "C" ["refcode_short"]=> string(11) "TopIndex .C" ["dup"]=> NULL ["puborder"]=> int(21082) } [32]=> array(6) { ["para_id"]=> string(13) "11161.2021447" ["level"]=> int(2) ["title"]=> string(32) "Cabinets of kings - Camp meeting" ["refcode_short"]=> string(29) "TopIndex .Cabinets of kings.1" ["dup"]=> string(11) "11161.21446" ["puborder"]=> int(21083) } [33]=> array(6) { ["para_id"]=> string(13) "11161.2022291" ["level"]=> int(2) ["title"]=> string(27) "Can, Cans - Catholic Church" ["refcode_short"]=> string(21) "TopIndex .Can, Cans.1" ["dup"]=> NULL ["puborder"]=> int(21926) } [34]=> array(6) { ["para_id"]=> string(13) "11161.2023095" ["level"]=> int(2) ["title"]=> string(27) "Catholicism - Chain, Chains" ["refcode_short"]=> string(23) "TopIndex .Catholicism.1" ["dup"]=> NULL ["puborder"]=> int(22716) } [35]=> array(6) { ["para_id"]=> string(13) "11161.2023929" ["level"]=> int(2) ["title"]=> string(30) "Chain gang - Chapter, Chapters" ["refcode_short"]=> string(22) "TopIndex .Chain gang.1" ["dup"]=> NULL ["puborder"]=> int(23548) } [36]=> array(6) { ["para_id"]=> string(13) "11161.2024065" ["level"]=> int(2) ["title"]=> string(35) "Character, Characters (Part 1 of 4)" ["refcode_short"]=> string(33) "TopIndex .Character, Characters.1" ["dup"]=> NULL ["puborder"]=> int(23684) } [37]=> array(6) { ["para_id"]=> string(13) "11161.2024741" ["level"]=> int(2) ["title"]=> string(35) "Character, Characters (Part 2 of 4)" ["refcode_short"]=> string(35) "TopIndex .Character, Characters.677" ["dup"]=> NULL ["puborder"]=> int(24360) } [38]=> array(6) { ["para_id"]=> string(13) "11161.2025416" ["level"]=> int(2) ["title"]=> string(35) "Character, Characters (Part 3 of 4)" ["refcode_short"]=> string(36) "TopIndex .Character, Characters.1352" ["dup"]=> NULL ["puborder"]=> int(25036) } [39]=> array(6) { ["para_id"]=> string(13) "11161.2026091" ["level"]=> int(2) ["title"]=> string(35) "Character, Characters (Part 4 of 4)" ["refcode_short"]=> string(36) "TopIndex .Character, Characters.2027" ["dup"]=> NULL ["puborder"]=> int(25712) } [40]=> array(6) { ["para_id"]=> string(13) "11161.2026767" ["level"]=> int(2) ["title"]=> string(25) "Characteristics - Chiding" ["refcode_short"]=> string(27) "TopIndex .Characteristics.1" ["dup"]=> NULL ["puborder"]=> int(26389) } [41]=> array(6) { ["para_id"]=> string(13) "11161.2027406" ["level"]=> int(2) ["title"]=> string(29) "Child, Children (Part 1 of 5)" ["refcode_short"]=> string(27) "TopIndex .Child, Children.1" ["dup"]=> NULL ["puborder"]=> int(27024) } [42]=> array(6) { ["para_id"]=> string(13) "11161.2028140" ["level"]=> int(2) ["title"]=> string(29) "Child, Children (Part 2 of 5)" ["refcode_short"]=> string(29) "TopIndex .Child, Children.735" ["dup"]=> NULL ["puborder"]=> int(27758) } [43]=> array(6) { ["para_id"]=> string(13) "11161.2028874" ["level"]=> int(2) ["title"]=> string(29) "Child, Children (Part 3 of 5)" ["refcode_short"]=> string(30) "TopIndex .Child, Children.1469" ["dup"]=> NULL ["puborder"]=> int(28493) } [44]=> array(6) { ["para_id"]=> string(13) "11161.2029608" ["level"]=> int(2) ["title"]=> string(29) "Child, Children (Part 4 of 5)" ["refcode_short"]=> string(30) "TopIndex .Child, Children.2203" ["dup"]=> NULL ["puborder"]=> int(29228) } [45]=> array(6) { ["para_id"]=> string(13) "11161.2030342" ["level"]=> int(2) ["title"]=> string(29) "Child, Children (Part 5 of 5)" ["refcode_short"]=> string(30) "TopIndex .Child, Children.2937" ["dup"]=> NULL ["puborder"]=> int(29963) } [46]=> array(6) { ["para_id"]=> string(13) "11161.2031077" ["level"]=> int(2) ["title"]=> string(64) "Child, Children (adults as) - Christ (events of earthly life of)" ["refcode_short"]=> string(39) "TopIndex .Child, Children (adults as).1" ["dup"]=> NULL ["puborder"]=> int(30699) } [47]=> array(6) { ["para_id"]=> string(13) "11161.2032183" ["level"]=> int(2) ["title"]=> string(21) "Christ (Part 1 of 18)" ["refcode_short"]=> string(18) "TopIndex .Christ.1" ["dup"]=> NULL ["puborder"]=> int(31801) } [48]=> array(6) { ["para_id"]=> string(13) "11161.2032940" ["level"]=> int(2) ["title"]=> string(21) "Christ (Part 2 of 18)" ["refcode_short"]=> string(20) "TopIndex .Christ.758" ["dup"]=> NULL ["puborder"]=> int(32558) } [49]=> array(6) { ["para_id"]=> string(13) "11161.2033696" ["level"]=> int(2) ["title"]=> string(21) "Christ (Part 3 of 18)" ["refcode_short"]=> string(21) "TopIndex .Christ.1514" ["dup"]=> NULL ["puborder"]=> int(33315) } [50]=> array(6) { ["para_id"]=> string(13) "11161.2034452" ["level"]=> int(2) ["title"]=> string(21) "Christ (Part 4 of 18)" ["refcode_short"]=> string(21) "TopIndex .Christ.2270" ["dup"]=> NULL ["puborder"]=> int(34072) } [51]=> array(6) { ["para_id"]=> string(13) "11161.2035208" ["level"]=> int(2) ["title"]=> string(21) "Christ (Part 5 of 18)" ["refcode_short"]=> string(21) "TopIndex .Christ.3026" ["dup"]=> NULL ["puborder"]=> int(34829) } [52]=> array(6) { ["para_id"]=> string(13) "11161.2035964" ["level"]=> int(2) ["title"]=> string(21) "Christ (Part 6 of 18)" ["refcode_short"]=> string(21) "TopIndex .Christ.3782" ["dup"]=> NULL ["puborder"]=> int(35586) } [53]=> array(6) { ["para_id"]=> string(13) "11161.2036720" ["level"]=> int(2) ["title"]=> string(21) "Christ (Part 7 of 18)" ["refcode_short"]=> string(21) "TopIndex .Christ.4538" ["dup"]=> NULL ["puborder"]=> int(36343) } [54]=> array(6) { ["para_id"]=> string(13) "11161.2037477" ["level"]=> int(2) ["title"]=> string(21) "Christ (Part 8 of 18)" ["refcode_short"]=> string(21) "TopIndex .Christ.5295" ["dup"]=> NULL ["puborder"]=> int(37101) } [55]=> array(6) { ["para_id"]=> string(13) "11161.2038233" ["level"]=> int(2) ["title"]=> string(21) "Christ (Part 9 of 18)" ["refcode_short"]=> string(21) "TopIndex .Christ.6051" ["dup"]=> NULL ["puborder"]=> int(37858) } [56]=> array(6) { ["para_id"]=> string(13) "11161.2038989" ["level"]=> int(2) ["title"]=> string(22) "Christ (Part 10 of 18)" ["refcode_short"]=> string(21) "TopIndex .Christ.6807" ["dup"]=> NULL ["puborder"]=> int(38615) } [57]=> array(6) { ["para_id"]=> string(13) "11161.2039745" ["level"]=> int(2) ["title"]=> string(22) "Christ (Part 11 of 18)" ["refcode_short"]=> string(21) "TopIndex .Christ.7563" ["dup"]=> NULL ["puborder"]=> int(39372) } [58]=> array(6) { ["para_id"]=> string(13) "11161.2040501" ["level"]=> int(2) ["title"]=> string(22) "Christ (Part 12 of 18)" ["refcode_short"]=> string(21) "TopIndex .Christ.8319" ["dup"]=> NULL ["puborder"]=> int(40129) } [59]=> array(6) { ["para_id"]=> string(13) "11161.2041257" ["level"]=> int(2) ["title"]=> string(22) "Christ (Part 13 of 18)" ["refcode_short"]=> string(21) "TopIndex .Christ.9075" ["dup"]=> NULL ["puborder"]=> int(40886) } [60]=> array(6) { ["para_id"]=> string(13) "11161.2042014" ["level"]=> int(2) ["title"]=> string(22) "Christ (Part 14 of 18)" ["refcode_short"]=> string(21) "TopIndex .Christ.9832" ["dup"]=> NULL ["puborder"]=> int(41644) } [61]=> array(6) { ["para_id"]=> string(13) "11161.2042770" ["level"]=> int(2) ["title"]=> string(22) "Christ (Part 15 of 18)" ["refcode_short"]=> string(22) "TopIndex .Christ.10588" ["dup"]=> NULL ["puborder"]=> int(42401) } [62]=> array(6) { ["para_id"]=> string(13) "11161.2043526" ["level"]=> int(2) ["title"]=> string(22) "Christ (Part 16 of 18)" ["refcode_short"]=> string(22) "TopIndex .Christ.11344" ["dup"]=> NULL ["puborder"]=> int(43158) } [63]=> array(6) { ["para_id"]=> string(13) "11161.2044282" ["level"]=> int(2) ["title"]=> string(22) "Christ (Part 17 of 18)" ["refcode_short"]=> string(22) "TopIndex .Christ.12100" ["dup"]=> NULL ["puborder"]=> int(43915) } [64]=> array(6) { ["para_id"]=> string(13) "11161.2045038" ["level"]=> int(2) ["title"]=> string(22) "Christ (Part 18 of 18)" ["refcode_short"]=> string(22) "TopIndex .Christ.12856" ["dup"]=> NULL ["puborder"]=> int(44672) } [65]=> array(6) { ["para_id"]=> string(13) "11161.2045795" ["level"]=> int(2) ["title"]=> string(53) "Christ, false, Christs, false - Christian, Christians" ["refcode_short"]=> string(41) "TopIndex .Christ, false, Christs, false.1" ["dup"]=> NULL ["puborder"]=> int(45430) } [66]=> array(6) { ["para_id"]=> string(13) "11161.2046661" ["level"]=> int(2) ["title"]=> string(66) "Christian Advocate and Journal - Chronology and time relationships" ["refcode_short"]=> string(42) "TopIndex .Christian Advocate and Journal.1" ["dup"]=> NULL ["puborder"]=> int(46297) } [67]=> array(6) { ["para_id"]=> string(13) "11161.2047467" ["level"]=> int(2) ["title"]=> string(37) "Chronology of Scriptures - Chrysolite" ["refcode_short"]=> string(36) "TopIndex .Chronology of Scriptures.1" ["dup"]=> NULL ["puborder"]=> int(47102) } [68]=> array(6) { ["para_id"]=> string(13) "11161.2047471" ["level"]=> int(2) ["title"]=> string(30) "Church, Churches (Part 1 of 4)" ["refcode_short"]=> string(28) "TopIndex .Church, Churches.1" ["dup"]=> NULL ["puborder"]=> int(47107) } [69]=> array(6) { ["para_id"]=> string(13) "11161.2048145" ["level"]=> int(2) ["title"]=> string(30) "Church, Churches (Part 2 of 4)" ["refcode_short"]=> string(30) "TopIndex .Church, Churches.675" ["dup"]=> NULL ["puborder"]=> int(47781) } [70]=> array(6) { ["para_id"]=> string(13) "11161.2048818" ["level"]=> int(2) ["title"]=> string(30) "Church, Churches (Part 3 of 4)" ["refcode_short"]=> string(31) "TopIndex .Church, Churches.1348" ["dup"]=> NULL ["puborder"]=> int(48455) } [71]=> array(6) { ["para_id"]=> string(13) "11161.2049492" ["level"]=> int(2) ["title"]=> string(30) "Church, Churches (Part 4 of 4)" ["refcode_short"]=> string(31) "TopIndex .Church, Churches.2022" ["dup"]=> NULL ["puborder"]=> int(49130) } [72]=> array(6) { ["para_id"]=> string(13) "11161.2050166" ["level"]=> int(2) ["title"]=> string(48) "Church, Catholic - Church matter, Church matters" ["refcode_short"]=> string(28) "TopIndex .Church, Catholic.1" ["dup"]=> NULL ["puborder"]=> int(49805) } [73]=> array(6) { ["para_id"]=> string(13) "11161.2050678" ["level"]=> int(2) ["title"]=> string(43) "Church member, Church members (Part 1 of 2)" ["refcode_short"]=> string(41) "TopIndex .Church member, Church members.1" ["dup"]=> NULL ["puborder"]=> int(50317) } [74]=> array(6) { ["para_id"]=> string(13) "11161.2051309" ["level"]=> int(2) ["title"]=> string(43) "Church member, Church members (Part 2 of 2)" ["refcode_short"]=> string(43) "TopIndex .Church member, Church members.632" ["dup"]=> NULL ["puborder"]=> int(50948) } [75]=> array(6) { ["para_id"]=> string(13) "11161.2051941" ["level"]=> int(2) ["title"]=> string(47) "Church membership - Circumstance, Circumstances" ["refcode_short"]=> string(29) "TopIndex .Church membership.1" ["dup"]=> NULL ["puborder"]=> int(51581) } [76]=> array(6) { ["para_id"]=> string(13) "11161.2052921" ["level"]=> int(2) ["title"]=> string(20) "Circus - City of God" ["refcode_short"]=> string(18) "TopIndex .Circus.1" ["dup"]=> NULL ["puborder"]=> int(52560) } [77]=> array(6) { ["para_id"]=> string(13) "11161.2053746" ["level"]=> int(2) ["title"]=> string(28) "Civil administration - Cloth" ["refcode_short"]=> string(32) "TopIndex .Civil administration.1" ["dup"]=> NULL ["puborder"]=> int(53384) } [78]=> array(6) { ["para_id"]=> string(13) "11161.2054084" ["level"]=> int(2) ["title"]=> string(30) "Clothes/Clothing (Part 1 of 2)" ["refcode_short"]=> string(28) "TopIndex .Clothes/Clothing.1" ["dup"]=> NULL ["puborder"]=> int(53720) } [79]=> array(6) { ["para_id"]=> string(13) "11161.2054602" ["level"]=> int(2) ["title"]=> string(30) "Clothes/Clothing (Part 2 of 2)" ["refcode_short"]=> string(30) "TopIndex .Clothes/Clothing.519" ["dup"]=> NULL ["puborder"]=> int(54239) } [80]=> array(6) { ["para_id"]=> string(13) "11161.2055120" ["level"]=> int(2) ["title"]=> string(53) "Cloud, Clouds - College president, College presidents" ["refcode_short"]=> string(25) "TopIndex .Cloud, Clouds.1" ["dup"]=> NULL ["puborder"]=> int(54758) } [81]=> array(6) { ["para_id"]=> string(13) "11161.2055925" ["level"]=> int(2) ["title"]=> string(43) "College principal - Colporteur, Colporteurs" ["refcode_short"]=> string(29) "TopIndex .College principal.1" ["dup"]=> NULL ["puborder"]=> int(55560) } [82]=> array(6) { ["para_id"]=> string(13) "11161.2056984" ["level"]=> int(2) ["title"]=> string(34) "Colporteur agent - Commercial work" ["refcode_short"]=> string(28) "TopIndex .Colporteur agent.1" ["dup"]=> NULL ["puborder"]=> int(56615) } [83]=> array(6) { ["para_id"]=> string(13) "11161.2057789" ["level"]=> int(2) ["title"]=> string(32) "Commission - Condemnatory manner" ["refcode_short"]=> string(22) "TopIndex .Commission.1" ["dup"]=> NULL ["puborder"]=> int(57418) } [84]=> array(6) { ["para_id"]=> string(13) "11161.2058593" ["level"]=> int(2) ["title"]=> string(32) "Condemnatory spirit - Confidence" ["refcode_short"]=> string(31) "TopIndex .Condemnatory spirit.1" ["dup"]=> NULL ["puborder"]=> int(58211) } [85]=> array(6) { ["para_id"]=> string(13) "11161.2059487" ["level"]=> int(2) ["title"]=> string(35) "Confidentiality - Conscientiousness" ["refcode_short"]=> string(27) "TopIndex .Confidentiality.1" ["dup"]=> NULL ["puborder"]=> int(59103) } [86]=> array(6) { ["para_id"]=> string(13) "11161.2060292" ["level"]=> int(2) ["title"]=> string(28) "Consciousness - Conversation" ["refcode_short"]=> string(25) "TopIndex .Consciousness.1" ["dup"]=> NULL ["puborder"]=> int(59902) } [87]=> array(6) { ["para_id"]=> string(13) "11161.2061256" ["level"]=> int(2) ["title"]=> string(33) "Conversion, Conversions - Cooking" ["refcode_short"]=> string(35) "TopIndex .Conversion, Conversions.1" ["dup"]=> NULL ["puborder"]=> int(60856) } [88]=> array(6) { ["para_id"]=> string(13) "11161.2062123" ["level"]=> int(2) ["title"]=> string(69) "Cooking demonstration, Cooking demonstrations - Counselor, Counselors" ["refcode_short"]=> string(57) "TopIndex .Cooking demonstration, Cooking demonstrations.1" ["dup"]=> NULL ["puborder"]=> int(61723) } [89]=> array(6) { ["para_id"]=> string(13) "11161.2062968" ["level"]=> int(2) ["title"]=> string(28) "Counsel together - Courtship" ["refcode_short"]=> string(28) "TopIndex .Counsel together.1" ["dup"]=> NULL ["puborder"]=> int(62566) } [90]=> array(6) { ["para_id"]=> string(13) "11161.2063799" ["level"]=> int(2) ["title"]=> string(24) "Covenant - Cramp, Cramps" ["refcode_short"]=> string(20) "TopIndex .Covenant.1" ["dup"]=> NULL ["puborder"]=> int(63395) } [91]=> array(6) { ["para_id"]=> string(13) "11161.2064603" ["level"]=> int(2) ["title"]=> string(25) "Crane, Cranes - Criticism" ["refcode_short"]=> string(25) "TopIndex .Crane, Cranes.1" ["dup"]=> NULL ["puborder"]=> int(64195) } [92]=> array(6) { ["para_id"]=> string(13) "11161.2065477" ["level"]=> int(2) ["title"]=> string(38) "Criticism/Faultfinding - Crown, Crowns" ["refcode_short"]=> string(34) "TopIndex .Criticism/Faultfinding.1" ["dup"]=> NULL ["puborder"]=> int(65067) } [93]=> array(6) { ["para_id"]=> string(13) "11161.2066394" ["level"]=> int(2) ["title"]=> string(35) "Crowned head, Crowned heads - Cyrus" ["refcode_short"]=> string(39) "TopIndex .Crowned head, Crowned heads.1" ["dup"]=> NULL ["puborder"]=> int(65981) } [94]=> array(6) { ["para_id"]=> string(11) "11161.66907" ["level"]=> int(1) ["title"]=> string(1) "D" ["refcode_short"]=> string(11) "TopIndex .D" ["dup"]=> NULL ["puborder"]=> int(66493) } [95]=> array(6) { ["para_id"]=> string(13) "11161.2066908" ["level"]=> int(2) ["title"]=> string(23) "Dagon - Daniel, book of" ["refcode_short"]=> string(17) "TopIndex .Dagon.1" ["dup"]=> string(11) "11161.66907" ["puborder"]=> int(66494) } [96]=> array(6) { ["para_id"]=> string(13) "11161.2067812" ["level"]=> int(2) ["title"]=> string(29) "Daniel and Revelation - David" ["refcode_short"]=> string(33) "TopIndex .Daniel and Revelation.1" ["dup"]=> NULL ["puborder"]=> int(67398) } [97]=> array(6) { ["para_id"]=> string(13) "11161.2068937" ["level"]=> int(2) ["title"]=> string(31) "Davis, Marian - Debate, Debates" ["refcode_short"]=> string(25) "TopIndex .Davis, Marian.1" ["dup"]=> NULL ["puborder"]=> int(68516) } [98]=> array(6) { ["para_id"]=> string(13) "11161.2069779" ["level"]=> int(2) ["title"]=> string(39) "Debater, Debaters - Decision, Decisions" ["refcode_short"]=> string(29) "TopIndex .Debater, Debaters.1" ["dup"]=> NULL ["puborder"]=> int(69355) } [99]=> array(6) { ["para_id"]=> string(13) "11161.2070658" ["level"]=> int(2) ["title"]=> string(24) "Decisive - Demon worship" ["refcode_short"]=> string(20) "TopIndex .Decisive.1" ["dup"]=> NULL ["puborder"]=> int(70232) } [100]=> array(6) { ["para_id"]=> string(13) "11161.2071459" ["level"]=> int(2) ["title"]=> string(27) "Denial - Destiny, Destinies" ["refcode_short"]=> string(18) "TopIndex .Denial.1" ["dup"]=> NULL ["puborder"]=> int(71030) } [101]=> array(6) { ["para_id"]=> string(13) "11161.2072267" ["level"]=> int(2) ["title"]=> string(42) "Destitute person, Destitute persons - Diet" ["refcode_short"]=> string(47) "TopIndex .Destitute person, Destitute persons.1" ["dup"]=> NULL ["puborder"]=> int(71835) } [102]=> array(6) { ["para_id"]=> string(13) "11161.2073473" ["level"]=> int(2) ["title"]=> string(27) "Dietary - Diploma, Diplomas" ["refcode_short"]=> string(19) "TopIndex .Dietary.1" ["dup"]=> NULL ["puborder"]=> int(73039) } [103]=> array(6) { ["para_id"]=> string(13) "11161.2074279" ["level"]=> int(2) ["title"]=> string(22) "Diplomacy - Discontent" ["refcode_short"]=> string(21) "TopIndex .Diplomacy.1" ["dup"]=> NULL ["puborder"]=> int(73845) } [104]=> array(6) { ["para_id"]=> string(13) "11161.2075086" ["level"]=> int(2) ["title"]=> string(35) "Discontented repinings - Dishonesty" ["refcode_short"]=> string(34) "TopIndex .Discontented repinings.1" ["dup"]=> NULL ["puborder"]=> int(74642) } [105]=> array(6) { ["para_id"]=> string(13) "11161.2075952" ["level"]=> int(2) ["title"]=> string(24) "Dishonor - Divine nature" ["refcode_short"]=> string(20) "TopIndex .Dishonor.1" ["dup"]=> NULL ["puborder"]=> int(75506) } [106]=> array(6) { ["para_id"]=> string(13) "11161.2076754" ["level"]=> int(2) ["title"]=> string(33) "Divine providence - Doubt, Doubts" ["refcode_short"]=> string(29) "TopIndex .Divine providence.1" ["dup"]=> NULL ["puborder"]=> int(76303) } [107]=> array(6) { ["para_id"]=> string(13) "11161.2077903" ["level"]=> int(2) ["title"]=> string(13) "Doubt - Drunk" ["refcode_short"]=> string(17) "TopIndex .Doubt.1" ["dup"]=> NULL ["puborder"]=> int(77449) } [108]=> array(6) { ["para_id"]=> string(13) "11161.2078704" ["level"]=> int(2) ["title"]=> string(34) "Drunkard, Drunkards - Duty, Duties" ["refcode_short"]=> string(31) "TopIndex .Drunkard, Drunkards.1" ["dup"]=> NULL ["puborder"]=> int(78246) } [109]=> array(6) { ["para_id"]=> string(13) "11161.2079505" ["level"]=> int(2) ["title"]=> string(33) "Dwarf, Dwarfs - Dyspeptic stomach" ["refcode_short"]=> string(25) "TopIndex .Dwarf, Dwarfs.1" ["dup"]=> NULL ["puborder"]=> int(79046) } [110]=> array(6) { ["para_id"]=> string(11) "11161.79627" ["level"]=> int(1) ["title"]=> string(1) "E" ["refcode_short"]=> string(11) "TopIndex .E" ["dup"]=> NULL ["puborder"]=> int(79167) } [111]=> array(6) { ["para_id"]=> string(13) "11161.2079628" ["level"]=> int(2) ["title"]=> string(14) "Eagle - Eating" ["refcode_short"]=> string(17) "TopIndex .Eagle.1" ["dup"]=> string(11) "11161.79627" ["puborder"]=> int(79168) } [112]=> array(6) { ["para_id"]=> string(13) "11161.2080538" ["level"]=> int(2) ["title"]=> string(37) "Eating and drinking - Educating power" ["refcode_short"]=> string(31) "TopIndex .Eating and drinking.1" ["dup"]=> NULL ["puborder"]=> int(80076) } [113]=> array(6) { ["para_id"]=> string(13) "11161.2081251" ["level"]=> int(2) ["title"]=> string(23) "Education (Part 1 of 3)" ["refcode_short"]=> string(21) "TopIndex .Education.1" ["dup"]=> NULL ["puborder"]=> int(80787) } [114]=> array(6) { ["para_id"]=> string(13) "11161.2081796" ["level"]=> int(2) ["title"]=> string(23) "Education (Part 2 of 3)" ["refcode_short"]=> string(23) "TopIndex .Education.546" ["dup"]=> NULL ["puborder"]=> int(81333) } [115]=> array(6) { ["para_id"]=> string(13) "11161.2082341" ["level"]=> int(2) ["title"]=> string(23) "Education (Part 3 of 3)" ["refcode_short"]=> string(24) "TopIndex .Education.1091" ["dup"]=> NULL ["puborder"]=> int(81879) } [116]=> array(6) { ["para_id"]=> string(13) "11161.2082887" ["level"]=> int(2) ["title"]=> string(32) "Education (the book) - Egg, Eggs" ["refcode_short"]=> string(32) "TopIndex .Education (the book).1" ["dup"]=> NULL ["puborder"]=> int(82426) } [117]=> array(6) { ["para_id"]=> string(13) "11161.2083702" ["level"]=> int(2) ["title"]=> string(16) "Egotism - Elisha" ["refcode_short"]=> string(19) "TopIndex .Egotism.1" ["dup"]=> NULL ["puborder"]=> int(83239) } [118]=> array(6) { ["para_id"]=> string(13) "11161.2084591" ["level"]=> int(2) ["title"]=> string(31) "Elixir of life - Enemy, Enemies" ["refcode_short"]=> string(26) "TopIndex .Elixir of life.1" ["dup"]=> NULL ["puborder"]=> int(84125) } [119]=> array(6) { ["para_id"]=> string(13) "11161.2085467" ["level"]=> int(2) ["title"]=> string(25) "Energetic - Envy/Jealousy" ["refcode_short"]=> string(21) "TopIndex .Energetic.1" ["dup"]=> NULL ["puborder"]=> int(84999) } [120]=> array(6) { ["para_id"]=> string(13) "11161.2086278" ["level"]=> int(2) ["title"]=> string(25) "Epaphras - Eternal things" ["refcode_short"]=> string(20) "TopIndex .Epaphras.1" ["dup"]=> NULL ["puborder"]=> int(85806) } [121]=> array(6) { ["para_id"]=> string(13) "11161.2087080" ["level"]=> int(2) ["title"]=> string(37) "Eternal torment - Evidence, Evidences" ["refcode_short"]=> string(27) "TopIndex .Eternal torment.1" ["dup"]=> NULL ["puborder"]=> int(86605) } [122]=> array(6) { ["para_id"]=> string(13) "11161.2087921" ["level"]=> int(2) ["title"]=> string(33) "Evil, Evils - Exercise (physical)" ["refcode_short"]=> string(23) "TopIndex .Evil, Evils.1" ["dup"]=> NULL ["puborder"]=> int(87442) } [123]=> array(6) { ["para_id"]=> string(13) "11161.2088997" ["level"]=> int(2) ["title"]=> string(34) "Exercises - Extremity, Extremities" ["refcode_short"]=> string(21) "TopIndex .Exercises.1" ["dup"]=> NULL ["puborder"]=> int(88517) } [124]=> array(6) { ["para_id"]=> string(13) "11161.2089823" ["level"]=> int(2) ["title"]=> string(16) "Eye, Eyes - Ezra" ["refcode_short"]=> string(21) "TopIndex .Eye, Eyes.1" ["dup"]=> NULL ["puborder"]=> int(89340) } [125]=> array(6) { ["para_id"]=> string(13) "11161.2089825" ["level"]=> int(2) ["title"]=> string(14) "1844 - 144,000" ["refcode_short"]=> string(21) "TopIndex .Eye, Eyes.3" ["dup"]=> NULL ["puborder"]=> int(89342) } [126]=> array(6) { ["para_id"]=> string(11) "11161.90091" ["level"]=> int(1) ["title"]=> string(1) "F" ["refcode_short"]=> string(11) "TopIndex .F" ["dup"]=> NULL ["puborder"]=> int(89608) } [127]=> array(6) { ["para_id"]=> string(13) "11161.2090092" ["level"]=> int(2) ["title"]=> string(39) "Faber, Johann - Fairy tale, Fairy tales" ["refcode_short"]=> string(25) "TopIndex .Faber, Johann.1" ["dup"]=> string(11) "11161.90091" ["puborder"]=> int(89609) } [128]=> array(6) { ["para_id"]=> string(13) "11161.2090565" ["level"]=> int(2) ["title"]=> string(19) "Faith (Part 1 of 3)" ["refcode_short"]=> string(17) "TopIndex .Faith.1" ["dup"]=> NULL ["puborder"]=> int(90081) } [129]=> array(6) { ["para_id"]=> string(13) "11161.2091144" ["level"]=> int(2) ["title"]=> string(19) "Faith (Part 2 of 3)" ["refcode_short"]=> string(19) "TopIndex .Faith.580" ["dup"]=> NULL ["puborder"]=> int(90660) } [130]=> array(6) { ["para_id"]=> string(13) "11161.2091723" ["level"]=> int(2) ["title"]=> string(19) "Faith (Part 3 of 3)" ["refcode_short"]=> string(20) "TopIndex .Faith.1159" ["dup"]=> NULL ["puborder"]=> int(91240) } [131]=> array(6) { ["para_id"]=> string(13) "11161.2092303" ["level"]=> int(2) ["title"]=> string(34) "Faith and works - Family, Families" ["refcode_short"]=> string(27) "TopIndex .Faith and works.1" ["dup"]=> NULL ["puborder"]=> int(91821) } [132]=> array(6) { ["para_id"]=> string(13) "11161.2093361" ["level"]=> int(2) ["title"]=> string(48) "Family affliction - Farmer, Farmers (Husbandmen)" ["refcode_short"]=> string(29) "TopIndex .Family affliction.1" ["dup"]=> NULL ["puborder"]=> int(92874) } [133]=> array(6) { ["para_id"]=> string(13) "11161.2094186" ["level"]=> int(2) ["title"]=> string(37) "Farmhouse, Farmhouses - Fault, Faults" ["refcode_short"]=> string(33) "TopIndex .Farmhouse, Farmhouses.1" ["dup"]=> NULL ["puborder"]=> int(93699) } [134]=> array(6) { ["para_id"]=> string(13) "11161.2095029" ["level"]=> int(2) ["title"]=> string(54) "Faultfinder, Faultfinders - Feet washing, ordinance of" ["refcode_short"]=> string(37) "TopIndex .Faultfinder, Faultfinders.1" ["dup"]=> NULL ["puborder"]=> int(94537) } [135]=> array(6) { ["para_id"]=> string(13) "11161.2095869" ["level"]=> int(2) ["title"]=> string(27) "Felice, G. de - Fire, Fires" ["refcode_short"]=> string(25) "TopIndex .Felice, G. de.1" ["dup"]=> NULL ["puborder"]=> int(95376) } [136]=> array(6) { ["para_id"]=> string(13) "11161.2096679" ["level"]=> int(2) ["title"]=> string(40) "Fire, balls of - Flesh food, Flesh foods" ["refcode_short"]=> string(26) "TopIndex .Fire, balls of.1" ["dup"]=> NULL ["puborder"]=> int(96178) } [137]=> array(6) { ["para_id"]=> string(13) "11161.2097772" ["level"]=> int(2) ["title"]=> string(41) "Flesh meat examiners - Food (unwholesome)" ["refcode_short"]=> string(32) "TopIndex .Flesh meat examiners.1" ["dup"]=> NULL ["puborder"]=> int(97269) } [138]=> array(6) { ["para_id"]=> string(13) "11161.2098732" ["level"]=> int(2) ["title"]=> string(53) "Food (wholesome) - Foreign country, Foreign countries" ["refcode_short"]=> string(28) "TopIndex .Food (wholesome).1" ["dup"]=> NULL ["puborder"]=> int(98224) } [139]=> array(6) { ["para_id"]=> string(13) "11161.2099555" ["level"]=> int(2) ["title"]=> string(29) "Foreigner, Foreigners - Fraud" ["refcode_short"]=> string(33) "TopIndex .Foreigner, Foreigners.1" ["dup"]=> NULL ["puborder"]=> int(99045) } [140]=> array(6) { ["para_id"]=> string(13) "11161.2100372" ["level"]=> int(2) ["title"]=> string(47) "Fraudulent act, Fraudulent acts - Fruit, Fruits" ["refcode_short"]=> string(43) "TopIndex .Fraudulent act, Fraudulent acts.1" ["dup"]=> NULL ["puborder"]=> int(99856) } [141]=> array(6) { ["para_id"]=> string(13) "11161.2101315" ["level"]=> int(2) ["title"]=> string(24) "Fruit bearing - Futurity" ["refcode_short"]=> string(25) "TopIndex .Fruit bearing.1" ["dup"]=> NULL ["puborder"]=> int(100797) } [142]=> array(6) { ["para_id"]=> string(12) "11161.101667" ["level"]=> int(1) ["title"]=> string(1) "G" ["refcode_short"]=> string(11) "TopIndex .G" ["dup"]=> NULL ["puborder"]=> int(101148) } [143]=> array(6) { ["para_id"]=> string(13) "11161.2101668" ["level"]=> int(2) ["title"]=> string(33) "Gabriel - Generation, Generations" ["refcode_short"]=> string(19) "TopIndex .Gabriel.1" ["dup"]=> string(12) "11161.101667" ["puborder"]=> int(101149) } [144]=> array(6) { ["para_id"]=> string(13) "11161.2102489" ["level"]=> int(2) ["title"]=> string(24) "Generosity - Girl, Girls" ["refcode_short"]=> string(22) "TopIndex .Generosity.1" ["dup"]=> NULL ["puborder"]=> int(101967) } [145]=> array(6) { ["para_id"]=> string(13) "11161.2103404" ["level"]=> int(2) ["title"]=> string(22) "Girlfriend - Goat hair" ["refcode_short"]=> string(22) "TopIndex .Girlfriend.1" ["dup"]=> NULL ["puborder"]=> int(102877) } [146]=> array(6) { ["para_id"]=> string(13) "11161.2103893" ["level"]=> int(2) ["title"]=> string(17) "God (Part 1 of 9)" ["refcode_short"]=> string(15) "TopIndex .God.1" ["dup"]=> NULL ["puborder"]=> int(103364) } [147]=> array(6) { ["para_id"]=> string(13) "11161.2104630" ["level"]=> int(2) ["title"]=> string(17) "God (Part 2 of 9)" ["refcode_short"]=> string(17) "TopIndex .God.738" ["dup"]=> NULL ["puborder"]=> int(104101) } [148]=> array(6) { ["para_id"]=> string(13) "11161.2105367" ["level"]=> int(2) ["title"]=> string(17) "God (Part 3 of 9)" ["refcode_short"]=> string(18) "TopIndex .God.1475" ["dup"]=> NULL ["puborder"]=> int(104839) } [149]=> array(6) { ["para_id"]=> string(13) "11161.2106103" ["level"]=> int(2) ["title"]=> string(17) "God (Part 4 of 9)" ["refcode_short"]=> string(18) "TopIndex .God.2211" ["dup"]=> NULL ["puborder"]=> int(105576) } [150]=> array(6) { ["para_id"]=> string(13) "11161.2106840" ["level"]=> int(2) ["title"]=> string(17) "God (Part 5 of 9)" ["refcode_short"]=> string(18) "TopIndex .God.2948" ["dup"]=> NULL ["puborder"]=> int(106314) } [151]=> array(6) { ["para_id"]=> string(13) "11161.2107576" ["level"]=> int(2) ["title"]=> string(17) "God (Part 6 of 9)" ["refcode_short"]=> string(18) "TopIndex .God.3684" ["dup"]=> NULL ["puborder"]=> int(107051) } [152]=> array(6) { ["para_id"]=> string(13) "11161.2108313" ["level"]=> int(2) ["title"]=> string(17) "God (Part 7 of 9)" ["refcode_short"]=> string(18) "TopIndex .God.4421" ["dup"]=> NULL ["puborder"]=> int(107789) } [153]=> array(6) { ["para_id"]=> string(13) "11161.2109049" ["level"]=> int(2) ["title"]=> string(17) "God (Part 8 of 9)" ["refcode_short"]=> string(18) "TopIndex .God.5157" ["dup"]=> NULL ["puborder"]=> int(108526) } [154]=> array(6) { ["para_id"]=> string(13) "11161.2109786" ["level"]=> int(2) ["title"]=> string(17) "God (Part 9 of 9)" ["refcode_short"]=> string(18) "TopIndex .God.5894" ["dup"]=> NULL ["puborder"]=> int(109264) } [155]=> array(6) { ["para_id"]=> string(13) "11161.2110523" ["level"]=> int(2) ["title"]=> string(32) "God, Gods, false - Good and evil" ["refcode_short"]=> string(28) "TopIndex .God, Gods, false.1" ["dup"]=> NULL ["puborder"]=> int(110002) } [156]=> array(6) { ["para_id"]=> string(13) "11161.2111348" ["level"]=> int(2) ["title"]=> string(22) "Goodness - Gospel work" ["refcode_short"]=> string(20) "TopIndex .Goodness.1" ["dup"]=> NULL ["puborder"]=> int(110824) } [157]=> array(6) { ["para_id"]=> string(13) "11161.2112693" ["level"]=> int(2) ["title"]=> string(43) "Gospel worker, Gospel workers (Part 1 of 2)" ["refcode_short"]=> string(41) "TopIndex .Gospel worker, Gospel workers.1" ["dup"]=> NULL ["puborder"]=> int(112167) } [158]=> array(6) { ["para_id"]=> string(13) "11161.2113402" ["level"]=> int(2) ["title"]=> string(43) "Gospel worker, Gospel workers (Part 2 of 2)" ["refcode_short"]=> string(43) "TopIndex .Gospel worker, Gospel workers.710" ["dup"]=> NULL ["puborder"]=> int(112877) } [159]=> array(6) { ["para_id"]=> string(13) "11161.2114112" ["level"]=> int(2) ["title"]=> string(21) "Gospel Workers - Gown" ["refcode_short"]=> string(26) "TopIndex .Gospel Workers.1" ["dup"]=> NULL ["puborder"]=> int(113588) } [160]=> array(6) { ["para_id"]=> string(13) "11161.2114369" ["level"]=> int(2) ["title"]=> string(19) "Grace (Part 1 of 2)" ["refcode_short"]=> string(17) "TopIndex .Grace.1" ["dup"]=> NULL ["puborder"]=> int(113845) } [161]=> array(6) { ["para_id"]=> string(13) "11161.2114902" ["level"]=> int(2) ["title"]=> string(19) "Grace (Part 2 of 2)" ["refcode_short"]=> string(19) "TopIndex .Grace.534" ["dup"]=> NULL ["puborder"]=> int(114378) } [162]=> array(6) { ["para_id"]=> string(13) "11161.2115435" ["level"]=> int(2) ["title"]=> string(37) "Grace, Graces - Grievance, Grievances" ["refcode_short"]=> string(25) "TopIndex .Grace, Graces.1" ["dup"]=> NULL ["puborder"]=> int(114912) } [163]=> array(6) { ["para_id"]=> string(13) "11161.2116236" ["level"]=> int(2) ["title"]=> string(55) "Griggs, E. S. - Gymnastic exercise, Gymnastic exercises" ["refcode_short"]=> string(25) "TopIndex .Griggs, E. S..1" ["dup"]=> NULL ["puborder"]=> int(115709) } [164]=> array(6) { ["para_id"]=> string(12) "11161.116927" ["level"]=> int(1) ["title"]=> string(1) "H" ["refcode_short"]=> string(11) "TopIndex .H" ["dup"]=> NULL ["puborder"]=> int(116397) } [165]=> array(6) { ["para_id"]=> string(13) "11161.2116928" ["level"]=> int(2) ["title"]=> string(20) "Habakkuk - Handclasp" ["refcode_short"]=> string(20) "TopIndex .Habakkuk.1" ["dup"]=> string(12) "11161.116927" ["puborder"]=> int(116398) } [166]=> array(6) { ["para_id"]=> string(13) "11161.2117731" ["level"]=> int(2) ["title"]=> string(22) "Handicap - Harp, Harps" ["refcode_short"]=> string(20) "TopIndex .Handicap.1" ["dup"]=> NULL ["puborder"]=> int(117199) } [167]=> array(6) { ["para_id"]=> string(13) "11161.2118534" ["level"]=> int(2) ["title"]=> string(29) "Harris, Wm. and Mrs. - Health" ["refcode_short"]=> string(32) "TopIndex .Harris, Wm. and Mrs..1" ["dup"]=> NULL ["puborder"]=> int(117999) } [168]=> array(6) { ["para_id"]=> string(13) "11161.2119779" ["level"]=> int(2) ["title"]=> string(21) "Health book - Hearsay" ["refcode_short"]=> string(23) "TopIndex .Health book.1" ["dup"]=> NULL ["puborder"]=> int(119241) } [169]=> array(6) { ["para_id"]=> string(13) "11161.2120544" ["level"]=> int(2) ["title"]=> string(27) "Heart, Hearts (Part 1 of 2)" ["refcode_short"]=> string(25) "TopIndex .Heart, Hearts.1" ["dup"]=> NULL ["puborder"]=> int(120006) } [170]=> array(6) { ["para_id"]=> string(13) "11161.2120984" ["level"]=> int(2) ["title"]=> string(27) "Heart, Hearts (Part 2 of 2)" ["refcode_short"]=> string(27) "TopIndex .Heart, Hearts.441" ["dup"]=> NULL ["puborder"]=> int(120446) } [171]=> array(6) { ["para_id"]=> string(13) "11161.2121425" ["level"]=> int(2) ["title"]=> string(38) "Heartache, Heartaches - Heaven (place)" ["refcode_short"]=> string(33) "TopIndex .Heartache, Heartaches.1" ["dup"]=> NULL ["puborder"]=> int(120888) } [172]=> array(6) { ["para_id"]=> string(13) "11161.2122826" ["level"]=> int(2) ["title"]=> string(30) "Heavenly host - Higher classes" ["refcode_short"]=> string(25) "TopIndex .Heavenly host.1" ["dup"]=> NULL ["puborder"]=> int(122288) } [173]=> array(6) { ["para_id"]=> string(13) "11161.2123640" ["level"]=> int(2) ["title"]=> string(37) "Higher criticism - History, Histories" ["refcode_short"]=> string(28) "TopIndex .Higher criticism.1" ["dup"]=> NULL ["puborder"]=> int(123097) } [174]=> array(6) { ["para_id"]=> string(13) "11161.2124641" ["level"]=> int(2) ["title"]=> string(25) "History - Holy Scriptures" ["refcode_short"]=> string(19) "TopIndex .History.1" ["dup"]=> NULL ["puborder"]=> int(124096) } [175]=> array(6) { ["para_id"]=> string(13) "11161.2125195" ["level"]=> int(2) ["title"]=> string(25) "Holy Spirit (Part 1 of 5)" ["refcode_short"]=> string(23) "TopIndex .Holy Spirit.1" ["dup"]=> NULL ["puborder"]=> int(124650) } [176]=> array(6) { ["para_id"]=> string(13) "11161.2125880" ["level"]=> int(2) ["title"]=> string(25) "Holy Spirit (Part 2 of 5)" ["refcode_short"]=> string(25) "TopIndex .Holy Spirit.686" ["dup"]=> NULL ["puborder"]=> int(125336) } [177]=> array(6) { ["para_id"]=> string(13) "11161.2126565" ["level"]=> int(2) ["title"]=> string(25) "Holy Spirit (Part 3 of 5)" ["refcode_short"]=> string(26) "TopIndex .Holy Spirit.1371" ["dup"]=> NULL ["puborder"]=> int(126022) } [178]=> array(6) { ["para_id"]=> string(13) "11161.2127249" ["level"]=> int(2) ["title"]=> string(25) "Holy Spirit (Part 4 of 5)" ["refcode_short"]=> string(26) "TopIndex .Holy Spirit.2055" ["dup"]=> NULL ["puborder"]=> int(126707) } [179]=> array(6) { ["para_id"]=> string(13) "11161.2127934" ["level"]=> int(2) ["title"]=> string(25) "Holy Spirit (Part 5 of 5)" ["refcode_short"]=> string(26) "TopIndex .Holy Spirit.2740" ["dup"]=> NULL ["puborder"]=> int(127393) } [180]=> array(6) { ["para_id"]=> string(13) "11161.2128619" ["level"]=> int(2) ["title"]=> string(6) "Homage" ["refcode_short"]=> string(18) "TopIndex .Homage.1" ["dup"]=> NULL ["puborder"]=> int(128079) } [181]=> array(6) { ["para_id"]=> string(13) "11161.2128633" ["level"]=> int(2) ["title"]=> string(25) "Home, Homes (Part 1 of 2)" ["refcode_short"]=> string(23) "TopIndex .Home, Homes.1" ["dup"]=> NULL ["puborder"]=> int(128094) } [182]=> array(6) { ["para_id"]=> string(13) "11161.2129104" ["level"]=> int(2) ["title"]=> string(25) "Home, Homes (Part 2 of 2)" ["refcode_short"]=> string(25) "TopIndex .Home, Homes.472" ["dup"]=> NULL ["puborder"]=> int(128565) } [183]=> array(6) { ["para_id"]=> string(13) "11161.2129576" ["level"]=> int(2) ["title"]=> string(26) "Home address - Hope, Hopes" ["refcode_short"]=> string(24) "TopIndex .Home address.1" ["dup"]=> NULL ["puborder"]=> int(129038) } [184]=> array(6) { ["para_id"]=> string(13) "11161.2130612" ["level"]=> int(2) ["title"]=> string(18) "Hopeful - Humanity" ["refcode_short"]=> string(19) "TopIndex .Hopeful.1" ["dup"]=> NULL ["puborder"]=> int(130073) } [185]=> array(6) { ["para_id"]=> string(13) "11161.2132033" ["level"]=> int(2) ["title"]=> string(32) "Human nature - Husband, Husbands" ["refcode_short"]=> string(24) "TopIndex .Human nature.1" ["dup"]=> NULL ["puborder"]=> int(131491) } [186]=> array(6) { ["para_id"]=> string(13) "11161.2133065" ["level"]=> int(2) ["title"]=> string(28) "Husband and wife - Hysterics" ["refcode_short"]=> string(28) "TopIndex .Husband and wife.1" ["dup"]=> NULL ["puborder"]=> int(132520) } [187]=> array(6) { ["para_id"]=> string(12) "11161.133402" ["level"]=> int(1) ["title"]=> string(1) "I" ["refcode_short"]=> string(11) "TopIndex .I" ["dup"]=> NULL ["puborder"]=> int(132857) } [188]=> array(6) { ["para_id"]=> string(13) "11161.2133421" ["level"]=> int(2) ["title"]=> string(14) "Ice - Idolatry" ["refcode_short"]=> string(15) "TopIndex .Ice.1" ["dup"]=> NULL ["puborder"]=> int(132875) } [189]=> array(6) { ["para_id"]=> string(13) "11161.2134354" ["level"]=> int(2) ["title"]=> string(42) "Idol builder, Idol builders - Image of God" ["refcode_short"]=> string(39) "TopIndex .Idol builder, Idol builders.1" ["dup"]=> NULL ["puborder"]=> int(133809) } [190]=> array(6) { ["para_id"]=> string(13) "11161.2135163" ["level"]=> int(2) ["title"]=> string(33) "Imagery - Impression, Impressions" ["refcode_short"]=> string(19) "TopIndex .Imagery.1" ["dup"]=> NULL ["puborder"]=> int(134617) } [191]=> array(6) { ["para_id"]=> string(13) "11161.2136023" ["level"]=> int(2) ["title"]=> string(27) "Imprisonment - Independence" ["refcode_short"]=> string(24) "TopIndex .Imprisonment.1" ["dup"]=> NULL ["puborder"]=> int(135476) } [192]=> array(6) { ["para_id"]=> string(13) "11161.2136881" ["level"]=> int(2) ["title"]=> string(31) "Independent - Industrial school" ["refcode_short"]=> string(23) "TopIndex .Independent.1" ["dup"]=> NULL ["puborder"]=> int(136332) } [193]=> array(6) { ["para_id"]=> string(13) "11161.2137682" ["level"]=> int(2) ["title"]=> string(43) "Industrial training - Influence, Influences" ["refcode_short"]=> string(31) "TopIndex .Industrial training.1" ["dup"]=> NULL ["puborder"]=> int(137134) } [194]=> array(6) { ["para_id"]=> string(13) "11161.2138905" ["level"]=> int(2) ["title"]=> string(53) "Influenza - Institution, Institutions (establishment)" ["refcode_short"]=> string(21) "TopIndex .Influenza.1" ["dup"]=> NULL ["puborder"]=> int(138355) } [195]=> array(6) { ["para_id"]=> string(13) "11161.2139984" ["level"]=> int(2) ["title"]=> string(39) "Institutional work - Intellectual pride" ["refcode_short"]=> string(30) "TopIndex .Institutional work.1" ["dup"]=> NULL ["puborder"]=> int(139431) } [196]=> array(6) { ["para_id"]=> string(13) "11161.2140787" ["level"]=> int(2) ["title"]=> string(89) "Intellectual privilege, Intellectual privileges - Intoxicating drink, Intoxicating drinks" ["refcode_short"]=> string(59) "TopIndex .Intellectual privilege, Intellectual privileges.1" ["dup"]=> NULL ["puborder"]=> int(140232) } [197]=> array(6) { ["para_id"]=> string(13) "11161.2141921" ["level"]=> int(2) ["title"]=> string(29) "Intoxicating drug - Isolation" ["refcode_short"]=> string(29) "TopIndex .Intoxicating drug.1" ["dup"]=> NULL ["puborder"]=> int(141364) } [198]=> array(6) { ["para_id"]=> string(13) "11161.2142597" ["level"]=> int(2) ["title"]=> string(20) "Israel (Part 1 of 2)" ["refcode_short"]=> string(18) "TopIndex .Israel.1" ["dup"]=> NULL ["puborder"]=> int(142038) } [199]=> array(6) { ["para_id"]=> string(13) "11161.2143249" ["level"]=> int(2) ["title"]=> string(20) "Israel (Part 2 of 2)" ["refcode_short"]=> string(20) "TopIndex .Israel.653" ["dup"]=> NULL ["puborder"]=> int(142690) } [200]=> array(6) { ["para_id"]=> string(13) "11161.2143902" ["level"]=> int(2) ["title"]=> string(27) "Israelite, Israelites - Ivy" ["refcode_short"]=> string(33) "TopIndex .Israelite, Israelites.1" ["dup"]=> NULL ["puborder"]=> int(143344) } [201]=> array(6) { ["para_id"]=> string(12) "11161.144441" ["level"]=> int(1) ["title"]=> string(1) "J" ["refcode_short"]=> string(11) "TopIndex .J" ["dup"]=> NULL ["puborder"]=> int(143883) } [202]=> array(6) { ["para_id"]=> string(13) "11161.2144442" ["level"]=> int(2) ["title"]=> string(24) "Jabbok River - Jerusalem" ["refcode_short"]=> string(24) "TopIndex .Jabbok River.1" ["dup"]=> string(12) "11161.144441" ["puborder"]=> int(143884) } [203]=> array(6) { ["para_id"]=> string(13) "11161.2145427" ["level"]=> int(2) ["title"]=> string(31) "Jerusalem, New - John (apostle)" ["refcode_short"]=> string(26) "TopIndex .Jerusalem, New.1" ["dup"]=> NULL ["puborder"]=> int(144868) } [204]=> array(6) { ["para_id"]=> string(13) "11161.2146329" ["level"]=> int(2) ["title"]=> string(32) "John, Duke - Joseph of Arimathea" ["refcode_short"]=> string(22) "TopIndex .John, Duke.1" ["dup"]=> NULL ["puborder"]=> int(145765) } [205]=> array(6) { ["para_id"]=> string(13) "11161.2147145" ["level"]=> int(2) ["title"]=> string(24) "Josephus - Judge, Judges" ["refcode_short"]=> string(20) "TopIndex .Josephus.1" ["dup"]=> NULL ["puborder"]=> int(146580) } [206]=> array(6) { ["para_id"]=> string(13) "11161.2148005" ["level"]=> int(2) ["title"]=> string(42) "Judged - Judgment of God, Judgments of God" ["refcode_short"]=> string(18) "TopIndex .Judged.1" ["dup"]=> NULL ["puborder"]=> int(147440) } [207]=> array(6) { ["para_id"]=> string(13) "11161.2148815" ["level"]=> int(2) ["title"]=> string(39) "Judgments(legal) - Juvenile delinquency" ["refcode_short"]=> string(28) "TopIndex .Judgments(legal).1" ["dup"]=> NULL ["puborder"]=> int(148247) } [208]=> array(6) { ["para_id"]=> string(12) "11161.149141" ["level"]=> int(1) ["title"]=> string(1) "K" ["refcode_short"]=> string(11) "TopIndex .K" ["dup"]=> NULL ["puborder"]=> int(148571) } [209]=> array(6) { ["para_id"]=> string(13) "11161.2149142" ["level"]=> int(2) ["title"]=> string(25) "Kadesh-barnea - Knowledge" ["refcode_short"]=> string(25) "TopIndex .Kadesh-barnea.1" ["dup"]=> string(12) "11161.149141" ["puborder"]=> int(148572) } [210]=> array(6) { ["para_id"]=> string(13) "11161.2150225" ["level"]=> int(2) ["title"]=> string(32) "Known - Korah, Dathan and Abiram" ["refcode_short"]=> string(17) "TopIndex .Known.1" ["dup"]=> NULL ["puborder"]=> int(149655) } [211]=> array(6) { ["para_id"]=> string(12) "11161.150267" ["level"]=> int(1) ["title"]=> string(1) "L" ["refcode_short"]=> string(11) "TopIndex .L" ["dup"]=> NULL ["puborder"]=> int(149697) } [212]=> array(6) { ["para_id"]=> string(13) "11161.2150268" ["level"]=> int(2) ["title"]=> string(27) "Laban - Language, Languages" ["refcode_short"]=> string(17) "TopIndex .Laban.1" ["dup"]=> string(12) "11161.150267" ["puborder"]=> int(149698) } [213]=> array(6) { ["para_id"]=> string(13) "11161.2151085" ["level"]=> int(2) ["title"]=> string(27) "Languor - Law and testimony" ["refcode_short"]=> string(19) "TopIndex .Languor.1" ["dup"]=> NULL ["puborder"]=> int(150514) } [214]=> array(6) { ["para_id"]=> string(13) "11161.2151600" ["level"]=> int(2) ["title"]=> string(23) "Law, Laws (Part 1 of 2)" ["refcode_short"]=> string(21) "TopIndex .Law, Laws.1" ["dup"]=> NULL ["puborder"]=> int(151024) } [215]=> array(6) { ["para_id"]=> string(13) "11161.2152216" ["level"]=> int(2) ["title"]=> string(23) "Law, Laws (Part 2 of 2)" ["refcode_short"]=> string(23) "TopIndex .Law, Laws.617" ["dup"]=> NULL ["puborder"]=> int(151640) } [216]=> array(6) { ["para_id"]=> string(13) "11161.2152833" ["level"]=> int(2) ["title"]=> string(10) "Law - Lawn" ["refcode_short"]=> string(15) "TopIndex .Law.1" ["dup"]=> NULL ["puborder"]=> int(152258) } [217]=> array(6) { ["para_id"]=> string(13) "11161.2152909" ["level"]=> int(2) ["title"]=> string(24) "Law of God (Part 1 of 3)" ["refcode_short"]=> string(22) "TopIndex .Law of God.1" ["dup"]=> NULL ["puborder"]=> int(152335) } [218]=> array(6) { ["para_id"]=> string(13) "11161.2153627" ["level"]=> int(2) ["title"]=> string(24) "Law of God (Part 2 of 3)" ["refcode_short"]=> string(24) "TopIndex .Law of God.719" ["dup"]=> NULL ["puborder"]=> int(153053) } [219]=> array(6) { ["para_id"]=> string(13) "11161.2154345" ["level"]=> int(2) ["title"]=> string(24) "Law of God (Part 3 of 3)" ["refcode_short"]=> string(25) "TopIndex .Law of God.1437" ["dup"]=> NULL ["puborder"]=> int(153772) } [220]=> array(6) { ["para_id"]=> string(13) "11161.2155063" ["level"]=> int(2) ["title"]=> string(33) "Lawrence, Bro. - Legacy, Legacies" ["refcode_short"]=> string(26) "TopIndex .Lawrence, Bro..1" ["dup"]=> NULL ["puborder"]=> int(154491) } [221]=> array(6) { ["para_id"]=> string(13) "11161.2155882" ["level"]=> int(2) ["title"]=> string(54) "Legal enactment, Legal enactments - Library, Libraries" ["refcode_short"]=> string(45) "TopIndex .Legal enactment, Legal enactments.1" ["dup"]=> NULL ["puborder"]=> int(155309) } [222]=> array(6) { ["para_id"]=> string(13) "11161.2156692" ["level"]=> int(2) ["title"]=> string(16) "Lice - Lie, Lies" ["refcode_short"]=> string(16) "TopIndex .Lice.1" ["dup"]=> NULL ["puborder"]=> int(156118) } [223]=> array(6) { ["para_id"]=> string(13) "11161.2156874" ["level"]=> int(2) ["title"]=> string(25) "Life, Lives (Part 1 of 3)" ["refcode_short"]=> string(23) "TopIndex .Life, Lives.1" ["dup"]=> NULL ["puborder"]=> int(156301) } [224]=> array(6) { ["para_id"]=> string(13) "11161.2157475" ["level"]=> int(2) ["title"]=> string(25) "Life, Lives (Part 2 of 3)" ["refcode_short"]=> string(25) "TopIndex .Life, Lives.602" ["dup"]=> NULL ["puborder"]=> int(156902) } [225]=> array(6) { ["para_id"]=> string(13) "11161.2158076" ["level"]=> int(2) ["title"]=> string(25) "Life, Lives (Part 3 of 3)" ["refcode_short"]=> string(26) "TopIndex .Life, Lives.1203" ["dup"]=> NULL ["puborder"]=> int(157504) } [226]=> array(6) { ["para_id"]=> string(13) "11161.2158678" ["level"]=> int(2) ["title"]=> string(33) "Life-and-death message - Lifework" ["refcode_short"]=> string(34) "TopIndex .Life-and-death message.1" ["dup"]=> NULL ["puborder"]=> int(158107) } [227]=> array(6) { ["para_id"]=> string(13) "11161.2158854" ["level"]=> int(2) ["title"]=> string(31) "Light (spiritual) (Part 1 of 2)" ["refcode_short"]=> string(29) "TopIndex .Light (spiritual).1" ["dup"]=> NULL ["puborder"]=> int(158283) } [228]=> array(6) { ["para_id"]=> string(13) "11161.2159425" ["level"]=> int(2) ["title"]=> string(31) "Light (spiritual) (Part 2 of 2)" ["refcode_short"]=> string(31) "TopIndex .Light (spiritual).572" ["dup"]=> NULL ["puborder"]=> int(158854) } [229]=> array(6) { ["para_id"]=> string(13) "11161.2159997" ["level"]=> int(2) ["title"]=> string(32) "Light, Lights - Liver difficulty" ["refcode_short"]=> string(25) "TopIndex .Light, Lights.1" ["dup"]=> NULL ["puborder"]=> int(159427) } [230]=> array(6) { ["para_id"]=> string(13) "11161.2160802" ["level"]=> int(2) ["title"]=> string(36) "Livery of heaven - Lovable Christian" ["refcode_short"]=> string(28) "TopIndex .Livery of heaven.1" ["dup"]=> NULL ["puborder"]=> int(160227) } [231]=> array(6) { ["para_id"]=> string(13) "11161.2161582" ["level"]=> int(2) ["title"]=> string(25) "Love, Loves (Part 1 of 3)" ["refcode_short"]=> string(23) "TopIndex .Love, Loves.1" ["dup"]=> NULL ["puborder"]=> int(161001) } [232]=> array(6) { ["para_id"]=> string(13) "11161.2162293" ["level"]=> int(2) ["title"]=> string(25) "Love, Loves (Part 2 of 3)" ["refcode_short"]=> string(25) "TopIndex .Love, Loves.712" ["dup"]=> NULL ["puborder"]=> int(161712) } [233]=> array(6) { ["para_id"]=> string(13) "11161.2163004" ["level"]=> int(2) ["title"]=> string(25) "Love, Loves (Part 3 of 3)" ["refcode_short"]=> string(26) "TopIndex .Love, Loves.1423" ["dup"]=> NULL ["puborder"]=> int(162424) } [234]=> array(6) { ["para_id"]=> string(13) "11161.2163716" ["level"]=> int(2) ["title"]=> string(21) "Love - Luther, Martin" ["refcode_short"]=> string(16) "TopIndex .Love.1" ["dup"]=> NULL ["puborder"]=> int(163137) } [235]=> array(6) { ["para_id"]=> string(13) "11161.2164540" ["level"]=> int(2) ["title"]=> string(49) "Lutherans - Lystrian believer, Lystrian believers" ["refcode_short"]=> string(21) "TopIndex .Lutherans.1" ["dup"]=> NULL ["puborder"]=> int(163958) } [236]=> array(6) { ["para_id"]=> string(12) "11161.164641" ["level"]=> int(1) ["title"]=> string(1) "M" ["refcode_short"]=> string(11) "TopIndex .M" ["dup"]=> NULL ["puborder"]=> int(164059) } [237]=> array(6) { ["para_id"]=> string(13) "11161.2164642" ["level"]=> int(2) ["title"]=> string(20) "Macedonia - Man, Men" ["refcode_short"]=> string(21) "TopIndex .Macedonia.1" ["dup"]=> string(12) "11161.164641" ["puborder"]=> int(164060) } [238]=> array(6) { ["para_id"]=> string(13) "11161.2165608" ["level"]=> int(2) ["title"]=> string(30) "Manacles - Marriage, Marriages" ["refcode_short"]=> string(20) "TopIndex .Manacles.1" ["dup"]=> NULL ["puborder"]=> int(165023) } [239]=> array(6) { ["para_id"]=> string(13) "11161.2166978" ["level"]=> int(2) ["title"]=> string(30) "Marriageable age - Meal, Meals" ["refcode_short"]=> string(28) "TopIndex .Marriageable age.1" ["dup"]=> NULL ["puborder"]=> int(166389) } [240]=> array(6) { ["para_id"]=> string(13) "11161.2167877" ["level"]=> int(2) ["title"]=> string(30) "Mealtime - Mechanic, Mechanics" ["refcode_short"]=> string(20) "TopIndex .Mealtime.1" ["dup"]=> NULL ["puborder"]=> int(167286) } [241]=> array(6) { ["para_id"]=> string(13) "11161.2168693" ["level"]=> int(2) ["title"]=> string(49) "Mechanical arrangements - Medical missionary work" ["refcode_short"]=> string(35) "TopIndex .Mechanical arrangements.1" ["dup"]=> NULL ["puborder"]=> int(168102) } [242]=> array(6) { ["para_id"]=> string(13) "11161.2169844" ["level"]=> int(2) ["title"]=> string(64) "Medical missionary worker, Medical missionary workers - Meekness" ["refcode_short"]=> string(65) "TopIndex .Medical missionary worker, Medical missionary workers.1" ["dup"]=> NULL ["puborder"]=> int(169250) } [243]=> array(6) { ["para_id"]=> string(13) "11161.2170682" ["level"]=> int(2) ["title"]=> string(55) "Meek person, Meek persons - Mental power, Mental powers" ["refcode_short"]=> string(37) "TopIndex .Meek person, Meek persons.1" ["dup"]=> NULL ["puborder"]=> int(170087) } [244]=> array(6) { ["para_id"]=> string(13) "11161.2171516" ["level"]=> int(2) ["title"]=> string(38) "Mental prostration - Message, Messages" ["refcode_short"]=> string(30) "TopIndex .Mental prostration.1" ["dup"]=> NULL ["puborder"]=> int(170921) } [245]=> array(6) { ["para_id"]=> string(13) "11161.2172415" ["level"]=> int(2) ["title"]=> string(45) "Messenger, Messengers - Mince pie, Mince pies" ["refcode_short"]=> string(33) "TopIndex .Messenger, Messengers.1" ["dup"]=> NULL ["puborder"]=> int(171817) } [246]=> array(6) { ["para_id"]=> string(13) "11161.2173162" ["level"]=> int(2) ["title"]=> string(25) "Mind, Minds (Part 1 of 4)" ["refcode_short"]=> string(23) "TopIndex .Mind, Minds.1" ["dup"]=> NULL ["puborder"]=> int(172560) } [247]=> array(6) { ["para_id"]=> string(13) "11161.2173880" ["level"]=> int(2) ["title"]=> string(25) "Mind, Minds (Part 2 of 4)" ["refcode_short"]=> string(25) "TopIndex .Mind, Minds.719" ["dup"]=> NULL ["puborder"]=> int(173278) } [248]=> array(6) { ["para_id"]=> string(13) "11161.2174597" ["level"]=> int(2) ["title"]=> string(25) "Mind, Minds (Part 3 of 4)" ["refcode_short"]=> string(26) "TopIndex .Mind, Minds.1436" ["dup"]=> NULL ["puborder"]=> int(173996) } [249]=> array(6) { ["para_id"]=> string(13) "11161.2175315" ["level"]=> int(2) ["title"]=> string(25) "Mind, Minds (Part 4 of 4)" ["refcode_short"]=> string(26) "TopIndex .Mind, Minds.2154" ["dup"]=> NULL ["puborder"]=> int(174715) } [250]=> array(6) { ["para_id"]=> string(13) "11161.2176033" ["level"]=> int(2) ["title"]=> string(24) "Mind cure - Mining stock" ["refcode_short"]=> string(21) "TopIndex .Mind cure.1" ["dup"]=> NULL ["puborder"]=> int(175434) } [251]=> array(6) { ["para_id"]=> string(13) "11161.2176121" ["level"]=> int(2) ["title"]=> string(33) "Minister, Ministers (Part 1 of 5)" ["refcode_short"]=> string(31) "TopIndex .Minister, Ministers.1" ["dup"]=> NULL ["puborder"]=> int(175523) } [252]=> array(6) { ["para_id"]=> string(13) "11161.2176903" ["level"]=> int(2) ["title"]=> string(33) "Minister, Ministers (Part 2 of 5)" ["refcode_short"]=> string(33) "TopIndex .Minister, Ministers.783" ["dup"]=> NULL ["puborder"]=> int(176306) } [253]=> array(6) { ["para_id"]=> string(13) "11161.2177685" ["level"]=> int(2) ["title"]=> string(33) "Minister, Ministers (Part 3 of 5)" ["refcode_short"]=> string(34) "TopIndex .Minister, Ministers.1565" ["dup"]=> NULL ["puborder"]=> int(177089) } [254]=> array(6) { ["para_id"]=> string(13) "11161.2178467" ["level"]=> int(2) ["title"]=> string(33) "Minister, Ministers (Part 4 of 5)" ["refcode_short"]=> string(34) "TopIndex .Minister, Ministers.2347" ["dup"]=> NULL ["puborder"]=> int(177872) } [255]=> array(6) { ["para_id"]=> string(13) "11161.2179249" ["level"]=> int(2) ["title"]=> string(33) "Minister, Ministers (Part 5 of 5)" ["refcode_short"]=> string(34) "TopIndex .Minister, Ministers.3129" ["dup"]=> NULL ["puborder"]=> int(178655) } [256]=> array(6) { ["para_id"]=> string(13) "11161.2180031" ["level"]=> int(2) ["title"]=> string(29) "Ministers - Miracle, Miracles" ["refcode_short"]=> string(21) "TopIndex .Ministers.1" ["dup"]=> NULL ["puborder"]=> int(179438) } [257]=> array(6) { ["para_id"]=> string(13) "11161.2181125" ["level"]=> int(2) ["title"]=> string(69) "Miracle worker, Miracle workers - Missionary field, Missionary fields" ["refcode_short"]=> string(43) "TopIndex .Miracle worker, Miracle workers.1" ["dup"]=> NULL ["puborder"]=> int(180531) } [258]=> array(6) { ["para_id"]=> string(13) "11161.2181953" ["level"]=> int(2) ["title"]=> string(51) "Missionary intelligence - Mistake, Mistakes (error)" ["refcode_short"]=> string(35) "TopIndex .Missionary intelligence.1" ["dup"]=> NULL ["puborder"]=> int(181357) } [259]=> array(6) { ["para_id"]=> string(13) "11161.2182848" ["level"]=> int(2) ["title"]=> string(20) "Mistreatment - Money" ["refcode_short"]=> string(24) "TopIndex .Mistreatment.1" ["dup"]=> NULL ["puborder"]=> int(182253) } [260]=> array(6) { ["para_id"]=> string(13) "11161.2183906" ["level"]=> int(2) ["title"]=> string(17) "Money box - Moses" ["refcode_short"]=> string(21) "TopIndex .Money box.1" ["dup"]=> NULL ["puborder"]=> int(183307) } [261]=> array(6) { ["para_id"]=> string(13) "11161.2184981" ["level"]=> int(2) ["title"]=> string(36) "Moses and Aaron - Moth-eaten garment" ["refcode_short"]=> string(27) "TopIndex .Moses and Aaron.1" ["dup"]=> NULL ["puborder"]=> int(184383) } [262]=> array(6) { ["para_id"]=> string(13) "11161.2185012" ["level"]=> int(2) ["title"]=> string(29) "Mother, Mothers (Part 1 of 2)" ["refcode_short"]=> string(27) "TopIndex .Mother, Mothers.1" ["dup"]=> NULL ["puborder"]=> int(184413) } [263]=> array(6) { ["para_id"]=> string(13) "11161.2185498" ["level"]=> int(2) ["title"]=> string(29) "Mother, Mothers (Part 2 of 2)" ["refcode_short"]=> string(29) "TopIndex .Mother, Mothers.487" ["dup"]=> NULL ["puborder"]=> int(184900) } [264]=> array(6) { ["para_id"]=> string(13) "11161.2185985" ["level"]=> int(2) ["title"]=> string(31) "Mother-in-law - Muscle, Muscles" ["refcode_short"]=> string(25) "TopIndex .Mother-in-law.1" ["dup"]=> NULL ["puborder"]=> int(185388) } [265]=> array(6) { ["para_id"]=> string(13) "11161.2186791" ["level"]=> int(2) ["title"]=> string(31) "Muscular exercise - Myth, Myths" ["refcode_short"]=> string(29) "TopIndex .Muscular exercise.1" ["dup"]=> NULL ["puborder"]=> int(186189) } [266]=> array(6) { ["para_id"]=> string(12) "11161.187414" ["level"]=> int(1) ["title"]=> string(1) "N" ["refcode_short"]=> string(11) "TopIndex .N" ["dup"]=> NULL ["puborder"]=> int(186811) } [267]=> array(6) { ["para_id"]=> string(13) "11161.2187415" ["level"]=> int(2) ["title"]=> string(22) "Naaman - Natural world" ["refcode_short"]=> string(18) "TopIndex .Naaman.1" ["dup"]=> string(12) "11161.187414" ["puborder"]=> int(186812) } [268]=> array(6) { ["para_id"]=> string(13) "11161.2188126" ["level"]=> int(2) ["title"]=> string(20) "Nature (Part 1 of 2)" ["refcode_short"]=> string(18) "TopIndex .Nature.1" ["dup"]=> NULL ["puborder"]=> int(187520) } [269]=> array(6) { ["para_id"]=> string(13) "11161.2188698" ["level"]=> int(2) ["title"]=> string(20) "Nature (Part 2 of 2)" ["refcode_short"]=> string(20) "TopIndex .Nature.573" ["dup"]=> NULL ["puborder"]=> int(188092) } [270]=> array(6) { ["para_id"]=> string(13) "11161.2189270" ["level"]=> int(2) ["title"]=> string(34) "Nature lessons - Neglect, Neglects" ["refcode_short"]=> string(26) "TopIndex .Nature lessons.1" ["dup"]=> NULL ["puborder"]=> int(188665) } [271]=> array(6) { ["para_id"]=> string(13) "11161.2190071" ["level"]=> int(2) ["title"]=> string(51) "Neglected class, Neglected classes - Nervous system" ["refcode_short"]=> string(46) "TopIndex .Neglected class, Neglected classes.1" ["dup"]=> NULL ["puborder"]=> int(189464) } [272]=> array(6) { ["para_id"]=> string(13) "11161.2190895" ["level"]=> int(2) ["title"]=> string(40) "Nervous temperament - Nobleman, Noblemen" ["refcode_short"]=> string(31) "TopIndex .Nervous temperament.1" ["dup"]=> NULL ["puborder"]=> int(190286) } [273]=> array(6) { ["para_id"]=> string(13) "11161.2191702" ["level"]=> int(2) ["title"]=> string(25) "Noble nature - Nux vomica" ["refcode_short"]=> string(24) "TopIndex .Noble nature.1" ["dup"]=> NULL ["puborder"]=> int(191089) } [274]=> array(6) { ["para_id"]=> string(12) "11161.192266" ["level"]=> int(1) ["title"]=> string(1) "O" ["refcode_short"]=> string(11) "TopIndex .O" ["dup"]=> NULL ["puborder"]=> int(191647) } [275]=> array(6) { ["para_id"]=> string(13) "11161.2192267" ["level"]=> int(2) ["title"]=> string(21) "Oak, Oaks - Obedience" ["refcode_short"]=> string(21) "TopIndex .Oak, Oaks.1" ["dup"]=> string(12) "11161.192266" ["puborder"]=> int(191648) } [276]=> array(6) { ["para_id"]=> string(13) "11161.2193123" ["level"]=> int(2) ["title"]=> string(26) "Obedient heart - Offerings" ["refcode_short"]=> string(26) "TopIndex .Obedient heart.1" ["dup"]=> NULL ["puborder"]=> int(192503) } [277]=> array(6) { ["para_id"]=> string(13) "11161.2193926" ["level"]=> int(2) ["title"]=> string(37) "Office, Offices - Opponent, Opponents" ["refcode_short"]=> string(27) "TopIndex .Office, Offices.1" ["dup"]=> NULL ["puborder"]=> int(193302) } [278]=> array(6) { ["para_id"]=> string(13) "11161.2194796" ["level"]=> int(2) ["title"]=> string(56) "Opportunity, Opportunities - Organization, Organizations" ["refcode_short"]=> string(38) "TopIndex .Opportunity, Opportunities.1" ["dup"]=> NULL ["puborder"]=> int(194163) } [279]=> array(6) { ["para_id"]=> string(13) "11161.2195642" ["level"]=> int(2) ["title"]=> string(45) "Organizations, secret - Overcomer, Overcomers" ["refcode_short"]=> string(33) "TopIndex .Organizations, secret.1" ["dup"]=> NULL ["puborder"]=> int(195009) } [280]=> array(6) { ["para_id"]=> string(13) "11161.2196501" ["level"]=> int(2) ["title"]=> string(30) "Overcoming sin - Oyster supper" ["refcode_short"]=> string(26) "TopIndex .Overcoming sin.1" ["dup"]=> NULL ["puborder"]=> int(195866) } [281]=> array(6) { ["para_id"]=> string(12) "11161.196739" ["level"]=> int(1) ["title"]=> string(1) "P" ["refcode_short"]=> string(11) "TopIndex .P" ["dup"]=> NULL ["puborder"]=> int(196103) } [282]=> array(6) { ["para_id"]=> string(13) "11161.2196740" ["level"]=> int(2) ["title"]=> string(27) "Pacheco, Calif. - Paralysis" ["refcode_short"]=> string(27) "TopIndex .Pacheco, Calif..1" ["dup"]=> string(12) "11161.196739" ["puborder"]=> int(196104) } [283]=> array(6) { ["para_id"]=> string(13) "11161.2197583" ["level"]=> int(2) ["title"]=> string(25) "Paralytic - Pardonmongers" ["refcode_short"]=> string(21) "TopIndex .Paralytic.1" ["dup"]=> NULL ["puborder"]=> int(196943) } [284]=> array(6) { ["para_id"]=> string(13) "11161.2197672" ["level"]=> int(2) ["title"]=> string(29) "Parent, Parents (Part 1 of 4)" ["refcode_short"]=> string(27) "TopIndex .Parent, Parents.1" ["dup"]=> NULL ["puborder"]=> int(197032) } [285]=> array(6) { ["para_id"]=> string(13) "11161.2198309" ["level"]=> int(2) ["title"]=> string(29) "Parent, Parents (Part 2 of 4)" ["refcode_short"]=> string(29) "TopIndex .Parent, Parents.638" ["dup"]=> NULL ["puborder"]=> int(197669) } [286]=> array(6) { ["para_id"]=> string(13) "11161.2198945" ["level"]=> int(2) ["title"]=> string(29) "Parent, Parents (Part 3 of 4)" ["refcode_short"]=> string(30) "TopIndex .Parent, Parents.1274" ["dup"]=> NULL ["puborder"]=> int(198306) } [287]=> array(6) { ["para_id"]=> string(13) "11161.2199581" ["level"]=> int(2) ["title"]=> string(29) "Parent, Parents (Part 4 of 4)" ["refcode_short"]=> string(30) "TopIndex .Parent, Parents.1910" ["dup"]=> NULL ["puborder"]=> int(198943) } [288]=> array(6) { ["para_id"]=> string(13) "11161.2200218" ["level"]=> int(2) ["title"]=> string(20) "Parentage - Passover" ["refcode_short"]=> string(21) "TopIndex .Parentage.1" ["dup"]=> NULL ["puborder"]=> int(199581) } [289]=> array(6) { ["para_id"]=> string(13) "11161.2201110" ["level"]=> int(2) ["title"]=> string(36) "Passover hallels - Pattern, Patterns" ["refcode_short"]=> string(28) "TopIndex .Passover hallels.1" ["dup"]=> NULL ["puborder"]=> int(200469) } [290]=> array(6) { ["para_id"]=> string(13) "11161.2201798" ["level"]=> int(2) ["title"]=> string(18) "Paul (Part 1 of 2)" ["refcode_short"]=> string(16) "TopIndex .Paul.1" ["dup"]=> NULL ["puborder"]=> int(201157) } [291]=> array(6) { ["para_id"]=> string(13) "11161.2202262" ["level"]=> int(2) ["title"]=> string(18) "Paul (Part 2 of 2)" ["refcode_short"]=> string(18) "TopIndex .Paul.465" ["dup"]=> NULL ["puborder"]=> int(201622) } [292]=> array(6) { ["para_id"]=> string(13) "11161.2202726" ["level"]=> int(2) ["title"]=> string(27) "Paulson, Dr. David - People" ["refcode_short"]=> string(30) "TopIndex .Paulson, Dr. David.1" ["dup"]=> NULL ["puborder"]=> int(202087) } [293]=> array(6) { ["para_id"]=> string(13) "11161.2203664" ["level"]=> int(2) ["title"]=> string(26) "People of God - Perfection" ["refcode_short"]=> string(25) "TopIndex .People of God.1" ["dup"]=> NULL ["puborder"]=> int(203021) } [294]=> array(6) { ["para_id"]=> string(13) "11161.2204489" ["level"]=> int(2) ["title"]=> string(27) "Perfectionism - Persecution" ["refcode_short"]=> string(25) "TopIndex .Perfectionism.1" ["dup"]=> NULL ["puborder"]=> int(203846) } [295]=> array(6) { ["para_id"]=> string(13) "11161.2205297" ["level"]=> int(2) ["title"]=> string(45) "Persecutor, Persecutors - Pharisee, Pharisees" ["refcode_short"]=> string(35) "TopIndex .Persecutor, Persecutors.1" ["dup"]=> NULL ["puborder"]=> int(204649) } [296]=> array(6) { ["para_id"]=> string(13) "11161.2206330" ["level"]=> int(2) ["title"]=> string(37) "Pharisee spirit - Physical well-being" ["refcode_short"]=> string(27) "TopIndex .Pharisee spirit.1" ["dup"]=> NULL ["puborder"]=> int(205678) } [297]=> array(6) { ["para_id"]=> string(13) "11161.2206785" ["level"]=> int(2) ["title"]=> string(35) "Physician, Physicians (Part 1 of 2)" ["refcode_short"]=> string(33) "TopIndex .Physician, Physicians.1" ["dup"]=> NULL ["puborder"]=> int(206131) } [298]=> array(6) { ["para_id"]=> string(13) "11161.2207454" ["level"]=> int(2) ["title"]=> string(35) "Physician, Physicians (Part 2 of 2)" ["refcode_short"]=> string(35) "TopIndex .Physician, Physicians.670" ["dup"]=> NULL ["puborder"]=> int(206801) } [299]=> array(6) { ["para_id"]=> string(13) "11161.2208123" ["level"]=> int(2) ["title"]=> string(37) "Physiological education - Plan, Plans" ["refcode_short"]=> string(35) "TopIndex .Physiological education.1" ["dup"]=> NULL ["puborder"]=> int(207471) } [300]=> array(6) { ["para_id"]=> string(13) "11161.2209125" ["level"]=> int(2) ["title"]=> string(23) "Plane - Pledge, Pledges" ["refcode_short"]=> string(17) "TopIndex .Plane.1" ["dup"]=> NULL ["puborder"]=> int(208466) } [301]=> array(6) { ["para_id"]=> string(13) "11161.2209981" ["level"]=> int(2) ["title"]=> string(34) "Plenty - Poor person, Poor persons" ["refcode_short"]=> string(18) "TopIndex .Plenty.1" ["dup"]=> NULL ["puborder"]=> int(209321) } [302]=> array(6) { ["para_id"]=> string(13) "11161.2211173" ["level"]=> int(2) ["title"]=> string(26) "Poor sick person - Poverty" ["refcode_short"]=> string(28) "TopIndex .Poor sick person.1" ["dup"]=> NULL ["puborder"]=> int(210511) } [303]=> array(6) { ["para_id"]=> string(13) "11161.2212056" ["level"]=> int(2) ["title"]=> string(22) "Power, Powers - Praise" ["refcode_short"]=> string(25) "TopIndex .Power, Powers.1" ["dup"]=> NULL ["puborder"]=> int(211391) } [304]=> array(6) { ["para_id"]=> string(13) "11161.2212988" ["level"]=> int(2) ["title"]=> string(38) "Praised person, Praised persons - Pray" ["refcode_short"]=> string(43) "TopIndex .Praised person, Praised persons.1" ["dup"]=> NULL ["puborder"]=> int(212322) } [305]=> array(6) { ["para_id"]=> string(13) "11161.2213035" ["level"]=> int(2) ["title"]=> string(29) "Prayer, Prayers (Part 1 of 4)" ["refcode_short"]=> string(27) "TopIndex .Prayer, Prayers.1" ["dup"]=> NULL ["puborder"]=> int(212370) } [306]=> array(6) { ["para_id"]=> string(13) "11161.2213676" ["level"]=> int(2) ["title"]=> string(29) "Prayer, Prayers (Part 2 of 4)" ["refcode_short"]=> string(29) "TopIndex .Prayer, Prayers.642" ["dup"]=> NULL ["puborder"]=> int(213011) } [307]=> array(6) { ["para_id"]=> string(13) "11161.2214316" ["level"]=> int(2) ["title"]=> string(29) "Prayer, Prayers (Part 3 of 4)" ["refcode_short"]=> string(30) "TopIndex .Prayer, Prayers.1282" ["dup"]=> NULL ["puborder"]=> int(213652) } [308]=> array(6) { ["para_id"]=> string(13) "11161.2214957" ["level"]=> int(2) ["title"]=> string(29) "Prayer, Prayers (Part 4 of 4)" ["refcode_short"]=> string(30) "TopIndex .Prayer, Prayers.1923" ["dup"]=> NULL ["puborder"]=> int(214294) } [309]=> array(6) { ["para_id"]=> string(13) "11161.2215598" ["level"]=> int(2) ["title"]=> string(31) "Prayer and effort - Preparation" ["refcode_short"]=> string(29) "TopIndex .Prayer and effort.1" ["dup"]=> NULL ["puborder"]=> int(214936) } [310]=> array(6) { ["para_id"]=> string(13) "11161.2216399" ["level"]=> int(2) ["title"]=> string(33) "Preparation day - Priest, Priests" ["refcode_short"]=> string(27) "TopIndex .Preparation day.1" ["dup"]=> NULL ["puborder"]=> int(215738) } [311]=> array(6) { ["para_id"]=> string(13) "11161.2217336" ["level"]=> int(2) ["title"]=> string(23) "Priestcraft - Probation" ["refcode_short"]=> string(23) "TopIndex .Priestcraft.1" ["dup"]=> NULL ["puborder"]=> int(216670) } [312]=> array(6) { ["para_id"]=> string(13) "11161.2218149" ["level"]=> int(2) ["title"]=> string(29) "Probationary life - Promotion" ["refcode_short"]=> string(29) "TopIndex .Probationary life.1" ["dup"]=> NULL ["puborder"]=> int(217481) } [313]=> array(6) { ["para_id"]=> string(13) "11161.2218954" ["level"]=> int(2) ["title"]=> string(26) "Prompt - Prophet, Prophets" ["refcode_short"]=> string(18) "TopIndex .Prompt.1" ["dup"]=> NULL ["puborder"]=> int(218282) } [314]=> array(6) { ["para_id"]=> string(13) "11161.2219759" ["level"]=> int(2) ["title"]=> string(50) "Prophetess - Providence of God, Providences of God" ["refcode_short"]=> string(22) "TopIndex .Prophetess.1" ["dup"]=> NULL ["puborder"]=> int(219085) } [315]=> array(6) { ["para_id"]=> string(13) "11161.2220707" ["level"]=> int(2) ["title"]=> string(65) "Providential care - Public speaker, Public speakers, ministers as" ["refcode_short"]=> string(29) "TopIndex .Providential care.1" ["dup"]=> NULL ["puborder"]=> int(220033) } [316]=> array(6) { ["para_id"]=> string(13) "11161.2221963" ["level"]=> int(2) ["title"]=> string(28) "Public speaking - Punishment" ["refcode_short"]=> string(27) "TopIndex .Public speaking.1" ["dup"]=> NULL ["puborder"]=> int(221286) } [317]=> array(6) { ["para_id"]=> string(13) "11161.2222838" ["level"]=> int(2) ["title"]=> string(21) "Pupil, Pupils - Putty" ["refcode_short"]=> string(25) "TopIndex .Pupil, Pupils.1" ["dup"]=> NULL ["puborder"]=> int(222160) } [318]=> array(6) { ["para_id"]=> string(12) "11161.223282" ["level"]=> int(1) ["title"]=> string(1) "Q" ["refcode_short"]=> string(11) "TopIndex .Q" ["dup"]=> NULL ["puborder"]=> int(222604) } [319]=> array(6) { ["para_id"]=> string(13) "11161.2223283" ["level"]=> int(2) ["title"]=> string(39) "Quadruped, Quadrupeds - Quotation marks" ["refcode_short"]=> string(33) "TopIndex .Quadruped, Quadrupeds.1" ["dup"]=> string(12) "11161.223282" ["puborder"]=> int(222605) } [320]=> array(6) { ["para_id"]=> string(12) "11161.223489" ["level"]=> int(1) ["title"]=> string(1) "R" ["refcode_short"]=> string(11) "TopIndex .R" ["dup"]=> NULL ["puborder"]=> int(222810) } [321]=> array(6) { ["para_id"]=> string(13) "11161.2223494" ["level"]=> int(2) ["title"]=> string(23) "Rabbi, Rabbis - Reading" ["refcode_short"]=> string(25) "TopIndex .Rabbi, Rabbis.1" ["dup"]=> NULL ["puborder"]=> int(222815) } [322]=> array(6) { ["para_id"]=> string(13) "11161.2224314" ["level"]=> int(2) ["title"]=> string(45) "Reading book, Reading books - Record, Records" ["refcode_short"]=> string(39) "TopIndex .Reading book, Reading books.1" ["dup"]=> NULL ["puborder"]=> int(223629) } [323]=> array(6) { ["para_id"]=> string(13) "11161.2225124" ["level"]=> int(2) ["title"]=> string(41) "Recreation, Recreations - Reform, Reforms" ["refcode_short"]=> string(35) "TopIndex .Recreation, Recreations.1" ["dup"]=> NULL ["puborder"]=> int(224435) } [324]=> array(6) { ["para_id"]=> string(13) "11161.2225996" ["level"]=> int(2) ["title"]=> string(33) "Reformation - Religion, Religions" ["refcode_short"]=> string(23) "TopIndex .Reformation.1" ["dup"]=> NULL ["puborder"]=> int(225303) } [325]=> array(6) { ["para_id"]=> string(13) "11161.2227034" ["level"]=> int(2) ["title"]=> string(43) "Religionist, Religionists - Report, Reports" ["refcode_short"]=> string(37) "TopIndex .Religionist, Religionists.1" ["dup"]=> NULL ["puborder"]=> int(226337) } [326]=> array(6) { ["para_id"]=> string(13) "11161.2227863" ["level"]=> int(2) ["title"]=> string(30) "Repose - Responsible man (men)" ["refcode_short"]=> string(18) "TopIndex .Repose.1" ["dup"]=> NULL ["puborder"]=> int(227164) } [327]=> array(6) { ["para_id"]=> string(13) "11161.2228680" ["level"]=> int(2) ["title"]=> string(65) "Responsible position, Responsible positions - Revelation, book of" ["refcode_short"]=> string(55) "TopIndex .Responsible position, Responsible positions.1" ["dup"]=> NULL ["puborder"]=> int(227976) } [328]=> array(6) { ["para_id"]=> string(13) "11161.2229594" ["level"]=> int(2) ["title"]=> string(16) "Reveling - Right" ["refcode_short"]=> string(20) "TopIndex .Reveling.1" ["dup"]=> NULL ["puborder"]=> int(228885) } [329]=> array(6) { ["para_id"]=> string(13) "11161.2230480" ["level"]=> int(2) ["title"]=> string(31) "Right and might - Righteousness" ["refcode_short"]=> string(27) "TopIndex .Right and might.1" ["dup"]=> NULL ["puborder"]=> int(229772) } [330]=> array(6) { ["para_id"]=> string(13) "11161.2231322" ["level"]=> int(2) ["title"]=> string(55) "Righteous person, Righteous persons - Roman Catholicism" ["refcode_short"]=> string(47) "TopIndex .Righteous person, Righteous persons.1" ["dup"]=> NULL ["puborder"]=> int(230612) } [331]=> array(6) { ["para_id"]=> string(13) "11161.2232171" ["level"]=> int(2) ["title"]=> string(57) "Roman Catholic leader, Roman Catholic leaders - Rye flour" ["refcode_short"]=> string(57) "TopIndex .Roman Catholic leader, Roman Catholic leaders.1" ["dup"]=> NULL ["puborder"]=> int(231461) } [332]=> array(6) { ["para_id"]=> string(12) "11161.232932" ["level"]=> int(1) ["title"]=> string(1) "S" ["refcode_short"]=> string(11) "TopIndex .S" ["dup"]=> NULL ["puborder"]=> int(232217) } [333]=> array(6) { ["para_id"]=> string(13) "11161.2232933" ["level"]=> int(2) ["title"]=> string(21) "Sabbath (Part 1 of 2)" ["refcode_short"]=> string(19) "TopIndex .Sabbath.1" ["dup"]=> string(12) "11161.232932" ["puborder"]=> int(232218) } [334]=> array(6) { ["para_id"]=> string(13) "11161.2233581" ["level"]=> int(2) ["title"]=> string(21) "Sabbath (Part 2 of 2)" ["refcode_short"]=> string(21) "TopIndex .Sabbath.649" ["dup"]=> NULL ["puborder"]=> int(232867) } [335]=> array(6) { ["para_id"]=> string(13) "11161.2234229" ["level"]=> int(2) ["title"]=> string(67) "Sabbath afternoon - Sabbath school teacher, Sabbath school teachers" ["refcode_short"]=> string(29) "TopIndex .Sabbath afternoon.1" ["dup"]=> NULL ["puborder"]=> int(233516) } [336]=> array(6) { ["para_id"]=> string(13) "11161.2235054" ["level"]=> int(2) ["title"]=> string(58) "Sabbath school teachers’ meeting - Sacrifice, Sacrifices" ["refcode_short"]=> string(46) "TopIndex .Sabbath school teachers’ meeting.1" ["dup"]=> NULL ["puborder"]=> int(234341) } [337]=> array(6) { ["para_id"]=> string(13) "11161.2235883" ["level"]=> int(2) ["title"]=> string(28) "Sacrificial lamb - Salvation" ["refcode_short"]=> string(28) "TopIndex .Sacrificial lamb.1" ["dup"]=> NULL ["puborder"]=> int(235169) } [338]=> array(6) { ["para_id"]=> string(13) "11161.2237159" ["level"]=> int(2) ["title"]=> string(36) "Salvation Army - Sanctuary (earthly)" ["refcode_short"]=> string(26) "TopIndex .Salvation Army.1" ["dup"]=> NULL ["puborder"]=> int(236443) } [339]=> array(6) { ["para_id"]=> string(13) "11161.2238281" ["level"]=> int(2) ["title"]=> string(46) "Sanctuary (heavenly) - Sanitarium, Sanitariums" ["refcode_short"]=> string(32) "TopIndex .Sanctuary (heavenly).1" ["dup"]=> NULL ["puborder"]=> int(237565) } [340]=> array(6) { ["para_id"]=> string(13) "11161.2239636" ["level"]=> int(2) ["title"]=> string(33) "Sanitarium, Calif. - Sarsaparilla" ["refcode_short"]=> string(30) "TopIndex .Sanitarium, Calif..1" ["dup"]=> NULL ["puborder"]=> int(238918) } [341]=> array(6) { ["para_id"]=> string(13) "11161.2240353" ["level"]=> int(2) ["title"]=> string(19) "Satan (Part 1 of 4)" ["refcode_short"]=> string(17) "TopIndex .Satan.1" ["dup"]=> NULL ["puborder"]=> int(239635) } [342]=> array(6) { ["para_id"]=> string(13) "11161.2241060" ["level"]=> int(2) ["title"]=> string(19) "Satan (Part 2 of 4)" ["refcode_short"]=> string(19) "TopIndex .Satan.708" ["dup"]=> NULL ["puborder"]=> int(240343) } [343]=> array(6) { ["para_id"]=> string(13) "11161.2241767" ["level"]=> int(2) ["title"]=> string(19) "Satan (Part 3 of 4)" ["refcode_short"]=> string(20) "TopIndex .Satan.1415" ["dup"]=> NULL ["puborder"]=> int(241051) } [344]=> array(6) { ["para_id"]=> string(13) "11161.2242474" ["level"]=> int(2) ["title"]=> string(19) "Satan (Part 4 of 4)" ["refcode_short"]=> string(20) "TopIndex .Satan.2122" ["dup"]=> NULL ["puborder"]=> int(241759) } [345]=> array(6) { ["para_id"]=> string(13) "11161.2243182" ["level"]=> int(2) ["title"]=> string(25) "Satanic - School, Schools" ["refcode_short"]=> string(19) "TopIndex .Satanic.1" ["dup"]=> NULL ["puborder"]=> int(242468) } [346]=> array(6) { ["para_id"]=> string(13) "11161.2243863" ["level"]=> int(2) ["title"]=> string(52) "School, Schools, Seventh-day Adventist (Part 1 of 2)" ["refcode_short"]=> string(50) "TopIndex .School, Schools, Seventh-day Adventist.1" ["dup"]=> NULL ["puborder"]=> int(243145) } [347]=> array(6) { ["para_id"]=> string(13) "11161.2244463" ["level"]=> int(2) ["title"]=> string(52) "School, Schools, Seventh-day Adventist (Part 2 of 2)" ["refcode_short"]=> string(52) "TopIndex .School, Schools, Seventh-day Adventist.601" ["dup"]=> NULL ["puborder"]=> int(243745) } [348]=> array(6) { ["para_id"]=> string(13) "11161.2245170" ["level"]=> int(2) ["title"]=> string(32) "School age - Schools of prophets" ["refcode_short"]=> string(22) "TopIndex .School age.1" ["dup"]=> NULL ["puborder"]=> int(244452) } [349]=> array(6) { ["para_id"]=> string(13) "11161.2245985" ["level"]=> int(2) ["title"]=> string(31) "Schoolteacher - Scribe, Scribes" ["refcode_short"]=> string(25) "TopIndex .Schoolteacher.1" ["dup"]=> NULL ["puborder"]=> int(245267) } [350]=> array(6) { ["para_id"]=> string(13) "11161.2246791" ["level"]=> int(2) ["title"]=> string(61) "Scribes and Pharisees - Scriptural weapon, Scriptural weapons" ["refcode_short"]=> string(33) "TopIndex .Scribes and Pharisees.1" ["dup"]=> NULL ["puborder"]=> int(246068) } [351]=> array(6) { ["para_id"]=> string(13) "11161.2246801" ["level"]=> int(2) ["title"]=> string(35) "Scripture, Scriptures (Part 1 of 3)" ["refcode_short"]=> string(33) "TopIndex .Scripture, Scriptures.1" ["dup"]=> NULL ["puborder"]=> int(246078) } [352]=> array(6) { ["para_id"]=> string(13) "11161.2247598" ["level"]=> int(2) ["title"]=> string(35) "Scripture, Scriptures (Part 2 of 3)" ["refcode_short"]=> string(35) "TopIndex .Scripture, Scriptures.798" ["dup"]=> NULL ["puborder"]=> int(246875) } [353]=> array(6) { ["para_id"]=> string(13) "11161.2248395" ["level"]=> int(2) ["title"]=> string(35) "Scripture, Scriptures (Part 3 of 3)" ["refcode_short"]=> string(36) "TopIndex .Scripture, Scriptures.1595" ["dup"]=> NULL ["puborder"]=> int(247673) } [354]=> array(6) { ["para_id"]=> string(13) "11161.2249193" ["level"]=> int(2) ["title"]=> string(32) "Scripture alphabet - Sect, Sects" ["refcode_short"]=> string(30) "TopIndex .Scripture alphabet.1" ["dup"]=> NULL ["puborder"]=> int(248472) } [355]=> array(6) { ["para_id"]=> string(13) "11161.2250000" ["level"]=> int(2) ["title"]=> string(33) "Sectarian differences - Seir, Mt." ["refcode_short"]=> string(33) "TopIndex .Sectarian differences.1" ["dup"]=> NULL ["puborder"]=> int(249273) } [356]=> array(6) { ["para_id"]=> string(13) "11161.2250392" ["level"]=> int(2) ["title"]=> string(18) "Self (Part 1 of 2)" ["refcode_short"]=> string(16) "TopIndex .Self.1" ["dup"]=> NULL ["puborder"]=> int(249663) } [357]=> array(6) { ["para_id"]=> string(13) "11161.2251076" ["level"]=> int(2) ["title"]=> string(18) "Self (Part 2 of 2)" ["refcode_short"]=> string(18) "TopIndex .Self.685" ["dup"]=> NULL ["puborder"]=> int(250348) } [358]=> array(6) { ["para_id"]=> string(13) "11161.2251761" ["level"]=> int(2) ["title"]=> string(30) "Self-abasement - Self-distrust" ["refcode_short"]=> string(26) "TopIndex .Self-abasement.1" ["dup"]=> NULL ["puborder"]=> int(251034) } [359]=> array(6) { ["para_id"]=> string(13) "11161.2252568" ["level"]=> int(2) ["title"]=> string(30) "Self-distrustful - Selfishness" ["refcode_short"]=> string(28) "TopIndex .Self-distrustful.1" ["dup"]=> NULL ["puborder"]=> int(251842) } [360]=> array(6) { ["para_id"]=> string(13) "11161.2253567" ["level"]=> int(2) ["title"]=> string(47) "Selfish person, Selfish persons - Sense, Senses" ["refcode_short"]=> string(43) "TopIndex .Selfish person, Selfish persons.1" ["dup"]=> NULL ["puborder"]=> int(252842) } [361]=> array(6) { ["para_id"]=> string(13) "11161.2254440" ["level"]=> int(2) ["title"]=> string(40) "Sensibility, Sensibilities - Seriousness" ["refcode_short"]=> string(38) "TopIndex .Sensibility, Sensibilities.1" ["dup"]=> NULL ["puborder"]=> int(253716) } [362]=> array(6) { ["para_id"]=> string(13) "11161.2254842" ["level"]=> int(2) ["title"]=> string(29) "Sermon, Sermons (Part 1 of 2)" ["refcode_short"]=> string(27) "TopIndex .Sermon, Sermons.1" ["dup"]=> NULL ["puborder"]=> int(254114) } [363]=> array(6) { ["para_id"]=> string(13) "11161.2255246" ["level"]=> int(2) ["title"]=> string(29) "Sermon, Sermons (Part 2 of 2)" ["refcode_short"]=> string(29) "TopIndex .Sermon, Sermons.405" ["dup"]=> NULL ["puborder"]=> int(254519) } [364]=> array(6) { ["para_id"]=> string(13) "11161.2255650" ["level"]=> int(2) ["title"]=> string(63) "Sermon building - Seventh-day Adventist, Seventh-day Adventists" ["refcode_short"]=> string(27) "TopIndex .Sermon building.1" ["dup"]=> NULL ["puborder"]=> int(254924) } [365]=> array(6) { ["para_id"]=> string(13) "11161.2256772" ["level"]=> int(2) ["title"]=> string(44) "Seventh-day Adventist Church - Shoes (boots)" ["refcode_short"]=> string(40) "TopIndex .Seventh-day Adventist Church.1" ["dup"]=> NULL ["puborder"]=> int(256043) } [366]=> array(6) { ["para_id"]=> string(13) "11161.2257589" ["level"]=> int(2) ["title"]=> string(31) "Shoemaking - Signs of the Times" ["refcode_short"]=> string(22) "TopIndex .Shoemaking.1" ["dup"]=> NULL ["puborder"]=> int(256855) } [367]=> array(6) { ["para_id"]=> string(13) "11161.2258466" ["level"]=> int(2) ["title"]=> string(53) "Signs of the Times and Expositor of Prophecy - Simply" ["refcode_short"]=> string(56) "TopIndex .Signs of the Times and Expositor of Prophecy.1" ["dup"]=> NULL ["puborder"]=> int(257732) } [368]=> array(6) { ["para_id"]=> string(13) "11161.2258898" ["level"]=> int(2) ["title"]=> string(23) "Sin, Sins (Part 1 of 3)" ["refcode_short"]=> string(21) "TopIndex .Sin, Sins.1" ["dup"]=> NULL ["puborder"]=> int(258162) } [369]=> array(6) { ["para_id"]=> string(13) "11161.2259513" ["level"]=> int(2) ["title"]=> string(23) "Sin, Sins (Part 2 of 3)" ["refcode_short"]=> string(23) "TopIndex .Sin, Sins.616" ["dup"]=> NULL ["puborder"]=> int(258777) } [370]=> array(6) { ["para_id"]=> string(13) "11161.2260128" ["level"]=> int(2) ["title"]=> string(23) "Sin, Sins (Part 3 of 3)" ["refcode_short"]=> string(24) "TopIndex .Sin, Sins.1231" ["dup"]=> NULL ["puborder"]=> int(259393) } [371]=> array(6) { ["para_id"]=> string(13) "11161.2260743" ["level"]=> int(2) ["title"]=> string(21) "Sin - Sinner, Sinners" ["refcode_short"]=> string(15) "TopIndex .Sin.1" ["dup"]=> NULL ["puborder"]=> int(260009) } [372]=> array(6) { ["para_id"]=> string(13) "11161.2261577" ["level"]=> int(2) ["title"]=> string(39) "Sinning - Sleeping room, Sleeping rooms" ["refcode_short"]=> string(19) "TopIndex .Sinning.1" ["dup"]=> NULL ["puborder"]=> int(260843) } [373]=> array(6) { ["para_id"]=> string(13) "11161.2262392" ["level"]=> int(2) ["title"]=> string(36) "Sleeping saints - Society, Societies" ["refcode_short"]=> string(27) "TopIndex .Sleeping saints.1" ["dup"]=> NULL ["puborder"]=> int(261652) } [374]=> array(6) { ["para_id"]=> string(13) "11161.2263258" ["level"]=> int(2) ["title"]=> string(47) "Society devotee, Society devotees - Song, Songs" ["refcode_short"]=> string(45) "TopIndex .Society devotee, Society devotees.1" ["dup"]=> NULL ["puborder"]=> int(262519) } [375]=> array(6) { ["para_id"]=> string(13) "11161.2264291" ["level"]=> int(2) ["title"]=> string(31) "Song leader, Song leaders - Sot" ["refcode_short"]=> string(37) "TopIndex .Song leader, Song leaders.1" ["dup"]=> NULL ["puborder"]=> int(263549) } [376]=> array(6) { ["para_id"]=> string(13) "11161.2264581" ["level"]=> int(2) ["title"]=> string(25) "Soul, Souls (Part 1 of 2)" ["refcode_short"]=> string(23) "TopIndex .Soul, Souls.1" ["dup"]=> NULL ["puborder"]=> int(263839) } [377]=> array(6) { ["para_id"]=> string(13) "11161.2265059" ["level"]=> int(2) ["title"]=> string(25) "Soul, Souls (Part 2 of 2)" ["refcode_short"]=> string(25) "TopIndex .Soul, Souls.479" ["dup"]=> NULL ["puborder"]=> int(264317) } [378]=> array(6) { ["para_id"]=> string(13) "11161.2265538" ["level"]=> int(2) ["title"]=> string(30) "Soul hunger - Speech, Speeches" ["refcode_short"]=> string(23) "TopIndex .Soul hunger.1" ["dup"]=> NULL ["puborder"]=> int(264797) } [379]=> array(6) { ["para_id"]=> string(13) "11161.2266359" ["level"]=> int(2) ["title"]=> string(74) "Speechifying - Spiritualistic manifestation, Spiritualistic manifestations" ["refcode_short"]=> string(24) "TopIndex .Speechifying.1" ["dup"]=> NULL ["puborder"]=> int(265616) } [380]=> array(6) { ["para_id"]=> string(13) "11161.2267163" ["level"]=> int(2) ["title"]=> string(28) "Spiritualistic power - State" ["refcode_short"]=> string(32) "TopIndex .Spiritualistic power.1" ["dup"]=> NULL ["puborder"]=> int(266420) } [381]=> array(6) { ["para_id"]=> string(13) "11161.2267973" ["level"]=> int(2) ["title"]=> string(29) "State aid - Stomach, Stomachs" ["refcode_short"]=> string(21) "TopIndex .State aid.1" ["dup"]=> NULL ["puborder"]=> int(267223) } [382]=> array(6) { ["para_id"]=> string(13) "11161.2269106" ["level"]=> int(2) ["title"]=> string(36) "Stone, Stones - Strength (spiritual)" ["refcode_short"]=> string(25) "TopIndex .Stone, Stones.1" ["dup"]=> NULL ["puborder"]=> int(268354) } [383]=> array(6) { ["para_id"]=> string(13) "11161.2270054" ["level"]=> int(2) ["title"]=> string(37) "Strengthless condition - Stubbornness" ["refcode_short"]=> string(34) "TopIndex .Strengthless condition.1" ["dup"]=> NULL ["puborder"]=> int(269295) } [384]=> array(6) { ["para_id"]=> string(13) "11161.2270252" ["level"]=> int(2) ["title"]=> string(31) "Student, Students (Part 1 of 2)" ["refcode_short"]=> string(29) "TopIndex .Student, Students.1" ["dup"]=> NULL ["puborder"]=> int(269491) } [385]=> array(6) { ["para_id"]=> string(13) "11161.2270723" ["level"]=> int(2) ["title"]=> string(31) "Student, Students (Part 2 of 2)" ["refcode_short"]=> string(31) "TopIndex .Student, Students.472" ["dup"]=> NULL ["puborder"]=> int(269962) } [386]=> array(6) { ["para_id"]=> string(13) "11161.2271194" ["level"]=> int(2) ["title"]=> string(40) "Student-aid fund - Suffering, Sufferings" ["refcode_short"]=> string(28) "TopIndex .Student-aid fund.1" ["dup"]=> NULL ["puborder"]=> int(270434) } [387]=> array(6) { ["para_id"]=> string(13) "11161.2272269" ["level"]=> int(2) ["title"]=> string(35) "Suffering child - Sunday observance" ["refcode_short"]=> string(27) "TopIndex .Suffering child.1" ["dup"]=> NULL ["puborder"]=> int(271505) } [388]=> array(6) { ["para_id"]=> string(13) "11161.2273107" ["level"]=> int(2) ["title"]=> string(36) "Sunday party - Suspicion, Suspicions" ["refcode_short"]=> string(24) "TopIndex .Sunday party.1" ["dup"]=> NULL ["puborder"]=> int(272341) } [389]=> array(6) { ["para_id"]=> string(13) "11161.2273917" ["level"]=> int(2) ["title"]=> string(34) "Sustenance - Synagogue, Synagogues" ["refcode_short"]=> string(22) "TopIndex .Sustenance.1" ["dup"]=> NULL ["puborder"]=> int(273147) } [390]=> array(6) { ["para_id"]=> string(13) "11161.2274721" ["level"]=> int(2) ["title"]=> string(51) "Synagogue school, Synagogue schools - Systematizing" ["refcode_short"]=> string(47) "TopIndex .Synagogue school, Synagogue schools.1" ["dup"]=> NULL ["puborder"]=> int(273947) } [391]=> array(6) { ["para_id"]=> string(12) "11161.274814" ["level"]=> int(1) ["title"]=> string(1) "T" ["refcode_short"]=> string(11) "TopIndex .T" ["dup"]=> NULL ["puborder"]=> int(274041) } [392]=> array(6) { ["para_id"]=> string(13) "11161.2274815" ["level"]=> int(2) ["title"]=> string(21) "Taberah - Talebearing" ["refcode_short"]=> string(19) "TopIndex .Taberah.1" ["dup"]=> string(12) "11161.274814" ["puborder"]=> int(274042) } [393]=> array(6) { ["para_id"]=> string(13) "11161.2275097" ["level"]=> int(2) ["title"]=> string(29) "Talent, Talents (Part 1 of 2)" ["refcode_short"]=> string(27) "TopIndex .Talent, Talents.1" ["dup"]=> NULL ["puborder"]=> int(274324) } [394]=> array(6) { ["para_id"]=> string(13) "11161.2275504" ["level"]=> int(2) ["title"]=> string(29) "Talent, Talents (Part 2 of 2)" ["refcode_short"]=> string(29) "TopIndex .Talent, Talents.406" ["dup"]=> NULL ["puborder"]=> int(274732) } [395]=> array(6) { ["para_id"]=> string(13) "11161.2275912" ["level"]=> int(2) ["title"]=> string(49) "Talented person, Talented persons - Teachableness" ["refcode_short"]=> string(45) "TopIndex .Talented person, Talented persons.1" ["dup"]=> NULL ["puborder"]=> int(275141) } [396]=> array(6) { ["para_id"]=> string(13) "11161.2276600" ["level"]=> int(2) ["title"]=> string(31) "Teacher, Teachers (Part 1 of 3)" ["refcode_short"]=> string(29) "TopIndex .Teacher, Teachers.1" ["dup"]=> NULL ["puborder"]=> int(275826) } [397]=> array(6) { ["para_id"]=> string(13) "11161.2277245" ["level"]=> int(2) ["title"]=> string(31) "Teacher, Teachers (Part 2 of 3)" ["refcode_short"]=> string(31) "TopIndex .Teacher, Teachers.646" ["dup"]=> NULL ["puborder"]=> int(276471) } [398]=> array(6) { ["para_id"]=> string(13) "11161.2277889" ["level"]=> int(2) ["title"]=> string(31) "Teacher, Teachers (Part 3 of 3)" ["refcode_short"]=> string(32) "TopIndex .Teacher, Teachers.1290" ["dup"]=> NULL ["puborder"]=> int(277116) } [399]=> array(6) { ["para_id"]=> string(13) "11161.2278534" ["level"]=> int(2) ["title"]=> string(32) "Teaching, Teachings - Temperance" ["refcode_short"]=> string(31) "TopIndex .Teaching, Teachings.1" ["dup"]=> NULL ["puborder"]=> int(277762) } [400]=> array(6) { ["para_id"]=> string(13) "11161.2279482" ["level"]=> int(2) ["title"]=> string(67) "Temperance address, Temperance addresses - Temple, Temples, various" ["refcode_short"]=> string(52) "TopIndex .Temperance address, Temperance addresses.1" ["dup"]=> NULL ["puborder"]=> int(278709) } [401]=> array(6) { ["para_id"]=> string(13) "11161.2280352" ["level"]=> int(2) ["title"]=> string(40) "Temple - Temporal thing, Temporal things" ["refcode_short"]=> string(18) "TopIndex .Temple.1" ["dup"]=> NULL ["puborder"]=> int(279575) } [402]=> array(6) { ["para_id"]=> string(13) "11161.2280388" ["level"]=> int(2) ["title"]=> string(37) "Temptation, Temptations (Part 1 of 2)" ["refcode_short"]=> string(35) "TopIndex .Temptation, Temptations.1" ["dup"]=> NULL ["puborder"]=> int(279612) } [403]=> array(6) { ["para_id"]=> string(13) "11161.2280926" ["level"]=> int(2) ["title"]=> string(37) "Temptation, Temptations (Part 2 of 2)" ["refcode_short"]=> string(37) "TopIndex .Temptation, Temptations.539" ["dup"]=> NULL ["puborder"]=> int(280150) } [404]=> array(6) { ["para_id"]=> string(13) "11161.2281465" ["level"]=> int(2) ["title"]=> string(29) "Tempted - Tenement, Tenements" ["refcode_short"]=> string(19) "TopIndex .Tempted.1" ["dup"]=> NULL ["puborder"]=> int(280690) } [405]=> array(6) { ["para_id"]=> string(13) "11161.2282270" ["level"]=> int(2) ["title"]=> string(60) "Tennessee, U.S.A. - Testimonies given through Ellen G. White" ["refcode_short"]=> string(29) "TopIndex .Tennessee, U.S.A..1" ["dup"]=> NULL ["puborder"]=> int(281495) } [406]=> array(6) { ["para_id"]=> string(13) "11161.2283201" ["level"]=> int(2) ["title"]=> string(36) "Testimony, living - Theory, Theories" ["refcode_short"]=> string(29) "TopIndex .Testimony, living.1" ["dup"]=> NULL ["puborder"]=> int(282425) } [407]=> array(6) { ["para_id"]=> string(13) "11161.2284151" ["level"]=> int(2) ["title"]=> string(35) "Theosophy - Third angel’s message" ["refcode_short"]=> string(21) "TopIndex .Theosophy.1" ["dup"]=> NULL ["puborder"]=> int(283370) } [408]=> array(6) { ["para_id"]=> string(13) "11161.2285024" ["level"]=> int(2) ["title"]=> string(37) "Third commandment - Thought, Thoughts" ["refcode_short"]=> string(29) "TopIndex .Third commandment.1" ["dup"]=> NULL ["puborder"]=> int(284244) } [409]=> array(6) { ["para_id"]=> string(13) "11161.2285846" ["level"]=> int(2) ["title"]=> string(28) "Thoughtfulness - Time, Times" ["refcode_short"]=> string(26) "TopIndex .Thoughtfulness.1" ["dup"]=> NULL ["puborder"]=> int(285065) } [410]=> array(6) { ["para_id"]=> string(13) "11161.2286941" ["level"]=> int(2) ["title"]=> string(25) "Time excitement - Tithing" ["refcode_short"]=> string(27) "TopIndex .Time excitement.1" ["dup"]=> NULL ["puborder"]=> int(286157) } [411]=> array(6) { ["para_id"]=> string(13) "11161.2287781" ["level"]=> int(2) ["title"]=> string(32) "Tithing system - Tongue, Tongues" ["refcode_short"]=> string(26) "TopIndex .Tithing system.1" ["dup"]=> NULL ["puborder"]=> int(286993) } [412]=> array(6) { ["para_id"]=> string(13) "11161.2288665" ["level"]=> int(2) ["title"]=> string(21) "Tongues - Translation" ["refcode_short"]=> string(19) "TopIndex .Tongues.1" ["dup"]=> NULL ["puborder"]=> int(287876) } [413]=> array(6) { ["para_id"]=> string(13) "11161.2289481" ["level"]=> int(2) ["title"]=> string(39) "Translation, Translations - Tree, Trees" ["refcode_short"]=> string(37) "TopIndex .Translation, Translations.1" ["dup"]=> NULL ["puborder"]=> int(288686) } [414]=> array(6) { ["para_id"]=> string(13) "11161.2290326" ["level"]=> int(2) ["title"]=> string(25) "Tree of knowledge - Trial" ["refcode_short"]=> string(29) "TopIndex .Tree of knowledge.1" ["dup"]=> NULL ["puborder"]=> int(289528) } [415]=> array(6) { ["para_id"]=> string(13) "11161.2290540" ["level"]=> int(2) ["title"]=> string(27) "Trial, Trials (Part 1 of 2)" ["refcode_short"]=> string(25) "TopIndex .Trial, Trials.1" ["dup"]=> NULL ["puborder"]=> int(289741) } [416]=> array(6) { ["para_id"]=> string(13) "11161.2291047" ["level"]=> int(2) ["title"]=> string(27) "Trial, Trials (Part 2 of 2)" ["refcode_short"]=> string(27) "TopIndex .Trial, Trials.508" ["dup"]=> NULL ["puborder"]=> int(290249) } [417]=> array(6) { ["para_id"]=> string(13) "11161.2291555" ["level"]=> int(2) ["title"]=> string(19) "Tribe - Trustworthy" ["refcode_short"]=> string(17) "TopIndex .Tribe.1" ["dup"]=> NULL ["puborder"]=> int(290758) } [418]=> array(6) { ["para_id"]=> string(13) "11161.2292165" ["level"]=> int(2) ["title"]=> string(27) "Truth, Truths (Part 1 of 4)" ["refcode_short"]=> string(25) "TopIndex .Truth, Truths.1" ["dup"]=> NULL ["puborder"]=> int(291364) } [419]=> array(6) { ["para_id"]=> string(13) "11161.2292811" ["level"]=> int(2) ["title"]=> string(27) "Truth, Truths (Part 2 of 4)" ["refcode_short"]=> string(27) "TopIndex .Truth, Truths.647" ["dup"]=> NULL ["puborder"]=> int(292010) } [420]=> array(6) { ["para_id"]=> string(13) "11161.2293456" ["level"]=> int(2) ["title"]=> string(27) "Truth, Truths (Part 3 of 4)" ["refcode_short"]=> string(28) "TopIndex .Truth, Truths.1292" ["dup"]=> NULL ["puborder"]=> int(292656) } [421]=> array(6) { ["para_id"]=> string(13) "11161.2294102" ["level"]=> int(2) ["title"]=> string(27) "Truth, Truths (Part 4 of 4)" ["refcode_short"]=> string(28) "TopIndex .Truth, Truths.1938" ["dup"]=> NULL ["puborder"]=> int(293303) } [422]=> array(6) { ["para_id"]=> string(13) "11161.2294748" ["level"]=> int(2) ["title"]=> string(13) "Truth - Tyrus" ["refcode_short"]=> string(17) "TopIndex .Truth.1" ["dup"]=> NULL ["puborder"]=> int(293950) } [423]=> array(6) { ["para_id"]=> string(12) "11161.295064" ["level"]=> int(1) ["title"]=> string(1) "U" ["refcode_short"]=> string(11) "TopIndex .U" ["dup"]=> NULL ["puborder"]=> int(294262) } [424]=> array(6) { ["para_id"]=> string(13) "11161.2295065" ["level"]=> int(2) ["title"]=> string(55) "Ukiah, Calif. - Unfortunate person, Unfortunate persons" ["refcode_short"]=> string(25) "TopIndex .Ukiah, Calif..1" ["dup"]=> string(12) "11161.295064" ["puborder"]=> int(294263) } [425]=> array(6) { ["para_id"]=> string(13) "11161.2295890" ["level"]=> int(2) ["title"]=> string(22) "Ungodliness - Universe" ["refcode_short"]=> string(23) "TopIndex .Ungodliness.1" ["dup"]=> NULL ["puborder"]=> int(295085) } [426]=> array(6) { ["para_id"]=> string(13) "11161.2296774" ["level"]=> int(2) ["title"]=> string(29) "Universities, public - Uzziah" ["refcode_short"]=> string(32) "TopIndex .Universities, public.1" ["dup"]=> NULL ["puborder"]=> int(295968) } [427]=> array(6) { ["para_id"]=> string(12) "11161.297076" ["level"]=> int(1) ["title"]=> string(1) "V" ["refcode_short"]=> string(11) "TopIndex .V" ["dup"]=> NULL ["puborder"]=> int(296265) } [428]=> array(6) { ["para_id"]=> string(13) "11161.2297077" ["level"]=> int(2) ["title"]=> string(39) "Vacancy, Vacancies - Victory, Victories" ["refcode_short"]=> string(30) "TopIndex .Vacancy, Vacancies.1" ["dup"]=> string(12) "11161.297076" ["puborder"]=> int(296266) } [429]=> array(6) { ["para_id"]=> string(13) "11161.2298019" ["level"]=> int(2) ["title"]=> string(27) "View, Views - Voice, Voices" ["refcode_short"]=> string(23) "TopIndex .View, Views.1" ["dup"]=> NULL ["puborder"]=> int(297205) } [430]=> array(6) { ["para_id"]=> string(13) "11161.2299090" ["level"]=> int(2) ["title"]=> string(26) "Voice of Christ - Vultures" ["refcode_short"]=> string(27) "TopIndex .Voice of Christ.1" ["dup"]=> NULL ["puborder"]=> int(298269) } [431]=> array(6) { ["para_id"]=> string(12) "11161.299262" ["level"]=> int(1) ["title"]=> string(1) "W" ["refcode_short"]=> string(11) "TopIndex .W" ["dup"]=> NULL ["puborder"]=> int(298440) } [432]=> array(6) { ["para_id"]=> string(13) "11161.2299263" ["level"]=> int(2) ["title"]=> string(15) "Wafer - Warfare" ["refcode_short"]=> string(17) "TopIndex .Wafer.1" ["dup"]=> string(12) "11161.299262" ["puborder"]=> int(298441) } [433]=> array(6) { ["para_id"]=> string(13) "11161.2300068" ["level"]=> int(2) ["title"]=> string(22) "Warmth - Water, Waters" ["refcode_short"]=> string(18) "TopIndex .Warmth.1" ["dup"]=> NULL ["puborder"]=> int(299242) } [434]=> array(6) { ["para_id"]=> string(13) "11161.2300890" ["level"]=> int(2) ["title"]=> string(36) "Waterbury, Vermont - Wealth (riches)" ["refcode_short"]=> string(30) "TopIndex .Waterbury, Vermont.1" ["dup"]=> NULL ["puborder"]=> int(300061) } [435]=> array(6) { ["para_id"]=> string(13) "11161.2301784" ["level"]=> int(2) ["title"]=> string(61) "Wealthy believer, Wealthy believers - Whispering, Whisperings" ["refcode_short"]=> string(47) "TopIndex .Wealthy believer, Wealthy believers.1" ["dup"]=> NULL ["puborder"]=> int(300952) } [436]=> array(6) { ["para_id"]=> string(13) "11161.2302592" ["level"]=> int(2) ["title"]=> string(37) "White, Anna - White, Elizabeth Jewett" ["refcode_short"]=> string(23) "TopIndex .White, Anna.1" ["dup"]=> NULL ["puborder"]=> int(301755) } [437]=> array(6) { ["para_id"]=> string(13) "11161.2302616" ["level"]=> int(2) ["title"]=> string(49) "White, Ellen G. (biographical data) (Part 1 of 2)" ["refcode_short"]=> string(47) "TopIndex .White, Ellen G. (biographical data).1" ["dup"]=> NULL ["puborder"]=> int(301778) } [438]=> array(6) { ["para_id"]=> string(13) "11161.2303232" ["level"]=> int(2) ["title"]=> string(49) "White, Ellen G. (biographical data) (Part 2 of 2)" ["refcode_short"]=> string(49) "TopIndex .White, Ellen G. (biographical data).617" ["dup"]=> NULL ["puborder"]=> int(302394) } [439]=> array(6) { ["para_id"]=> string(13) "11161.2303848" ["level"]=> int(2) ["title"]=> string(29) "White, Ellen G. (Part 1 of 2)" ["refcode_short"]=> string(27) "TopIndex .White, Ellen G..1" ["dup"]=> NULL ["puborder"]=> int(303011) } [440]=> array(6) { ["para_id"]=> string(13) "11161.2304550" ["level"]=> int(2) ["title"]=> string(29) "White, Ellen G. (Part 2 of 2)" ["refcode_short"]=> string(29) "TopIndex .White, Ellen G..701" ["dup"]=> NULL ["puborder"]=> int(303714) } [441]=> array(6) { ["para_id"]=> string(13) "11161.2305252" ["level"]=> int(2) ["title"]=> string(43) "White, Ellen G. (visions of) - White, James" ["refcode_short"]=> string(40) "TopIndex .White, Ellen G. (visions of).1" ["dup"]=> NULL ["puborder"]=> int(304417) } [442]=> array(6) { ["para_id"]=> string(13) "11161.2306415" ["level"]=> int(2) ["title"]=> string(32) "White, James Edson - Wife, Wives" ["refcode_short"]=> string(30) "TopIndex .White, James Edson.1" ["dup"]=> NULL ["puborder"]=> int(305578) } [443]=> array(6) { ["para_id"]=> string(13) "11161.2307375" ["level"]=> int(2) ["title"]=> string(27) "Wilcox, F. M. - Wind, Winds" ["refcode_short"]=> string(25) "TopIndex .Wilcox, F. M..1" ["dup"]=> NULL ["puborder"]=> int(306533) } [444]=> array(6) { ["para_id"]=> string(13) "11161.2308236" ["level"]=> int(2) ["title"]=> string(28) "Winding - Witness, Witnesses" ["refcode_short"]=> string(19) "TopIndex .Winding.1" ["dup"]=> NULL ["puborder"]=> int(307392) } [445]=> array(6) { ["para_id"]=> string(13) "11161.2309039" ["level"]=> int(2) ["title"]=> string(38) "Witness (testimony) - Worcester, Mass." ["refcode_short"]=> string(31) "TopIndex .Witness (testimony).1" ["dup"]=> NULL ["puborder"]=> int(308189) } [446]=> array(6) { ["para_id"]=> string(13) "11161.2309807" ["level"]=> int(2) ["title"]=> string(25) "Word, Words (Part 1 of 2)" ["refcode_short"]=> string(23) "TopIndex .Word, Words.1" ["dup"]=> NULL ["puborder"]=> int(308953) } [447]=> array(6) { ["para_id"]=> string(13) "11161.2310240" ["level"]=> int(2) ["title"]=> string(25) "Word, Words (Part 2 of 2)" ["refcode_short"]=> string(25) "TopIndex .Word, Words.434" ["dup"]=> NULL ["puborder"]=> int(309386) } [448]=> array(6) { ["para_id"]=> string(13) "11161.2310673" ["level"]=> int(2) ["title"]=> string(39) "Word of God, Words of God (Part 1 of 3)" ["refcode_short"]=> string(37) "TopIndex .Word of God, Words of God.1" ["dup"]=> NULL ["puborder"]=> int(309820) } [449]=> array(6) { ["para_id"]=> string(13) "11161.2311391" ["level"]=> int(2) ["title"]=> string(39) "Word of God, Words of God (Part 2 of 3)" ["refcode_short"]=> string(39) "TopIndex .Word of God, Words of God.719" ["dup"]=> NULL ["puborder"]=> int(310538) } [450]=> array(6) { ["para_id"]=> string(13) "11161.2312108" ["level"]=> int(2) ["title"]=> string(39) "Word of God, Words of God (Part 3 of 3)" ["refcode_short"]=> string(40) "TopIndex .Word of God, Words of God.1436" ["dup"]=> NULL ["puborder"]=> int(311256) } [451]=> array(6) { ["para_id"]=> string(13) "11161.2312826" ["level"]=> int(2) ["title"]=> string(32) "Word of life - Words and actions" ["refcode_short"]=> string(24) "TopIndex .Word of life.1" ["dup"]=> NULL ["puborder"]=> int(311975) } [452]=> array(6) { ["para_id"]=> string(13) "11161.2312938" ["level"]=> int(2) ["title"]=> string(24) "Work/Labor (Part 1 of 2)" ["refcode_short"]=> string(22) "TopIndex .Work/Labor.1" ["dup"]=> NULL ["puborder"]=> int(312087) } [453]=> array(6) { ["para_id"]=> string(13) "11161.2313465" ["level"]=> int(2) ["title"]=> string(24) "Work/Labor (Part 2 of 2)" ["refcode_short"]=> string(24) "TopIndex .Work/Labor.528" ["dup"]=> NULL ["puborder"]=> int(312614) } [454]=> array(6) { ["para_id"]=> string(13) "11161.2313992" ["level"]=> int(2) ["title"]=> string(12) "Work - Works" ["refcode_short"]=> string(16) "TopIndex .Work.1" ["dup"]=> NULL ["puborder"]=> int(313142) } [455]=> array(6) { ["para_id"]=> string(13) "11161.2315076" ["level"]=> int(2) ["title"]=> string(38) "Workshop, Workshops - Work, work, work" ["refcode_short"]=> string(31) "TopIndex .Workshop, Workshops.1" ["dup"]=> NULL ["puborder"]=> int(314226) } [456]=> array(6) { ["para_id"]=> string(13) "11161.2315122" ["level"]=> int(2) ["title"]=> string(27) "World, Worlds (Part 1 of 2)" ["refcode_short"]=> string(25) "TopIndex .World, Worlds.1" ["dup"]=> NULL ["puborder"]=> int(314272) } [457]=> array(6) { ["para_id"]=> string(13) "11161.2315601" ["level"]=> int(2) ["title"]=> string(27) "World, Worlds (Part 2 of 2)" ["refcode_short"]=> string(27) "TopIndex .World, Worlds.480" ["dup"]=> NULL ["puborder"]=> int(314751) } [458]=> array(6) { ["para_id"]=> string(13) "11161.2316081" ["level"]=> int(2) ["title"]=> string(29) "Worldliness - Writer, Writers" ["refcode_short"]=> string(23) "TopIndex .Worldliness.1" ["dup"]=> NULL ["puborder"]=> int(315232) } [459]=> array(6) { ["para_id"]=> string(13) "11161.2316955" ["level"]=> int(2) ["title"]=> string(37) "Writers (unidentified) - Wylie, J. A." ["refcode_short"]=> string(34) "TopIndex .Writers (unidentified).1" ["dup"]=> NULL ["puborder"]=> int(316102) } [460]=> array(6) { ["para_id"]=> string(12) "11161.317111" ["level"]=> int(1) ["title"]=> string(1) "X" ["refcode_short"]=> string(11) "TopIndex .X" ["dup"]=> NULL ["puborder"]=> int(316258) } [461]=> array(6) { ["para_id"]=> string(13) "11161.2317112" ["level"]=> int(2) ["title"]=> string(38) "Xerxes I (Ahasuerus) - X-ray treatment" ["refcode_short"]=> string(32) "TopIndex .Xerxes I (Ahasuerus).1" ["dup"]=> string(12) "11161.317111" ["puborder"]=> int(316259) } [462]=> array(6) { ["para_id"]=> string(12) "11161.317116" ["level"]=> int(1) ["title"]=> string(1) "Y" ["refcode_short"]=> string(11) "TopIndex .Y" ["dup"]=> NULL ["puborder"]=> int(316264) } [463]=> array(6) { ["para_id"]=> string(13) "11161.2317117" ["level"]=> int(2) ["title"]=> string(38) "Yard, Yards - Young woman, Young women" ["refcode_short"]=> string(23) "TopIndex .Yard, Yards.1" ["dup"]=> string(12) "11161.317116" ["puborder"]=> int(316265) } [464]=> array(6) { ["para_id"]=> string(13) "11161.2317701" ["level"]=> int(2) ["title"]=> string(19) "Youth (Part 1 of 3)" ["refcode_short"]=> string(17) "TopIndex .Youth.1" ["dup"]=> NULL ["puborder"]=> int(316845) } [465]=> array(6) { ["para_id"]=> string(13) "11161.2318431" ["level"]=> int(2) ["title"]=> string(19) "Youth (Part 2 of 3)" ["refcode_short"]=> string(19) "TopIndex .Youth.731" ["dup"]=> NULL ["puborder"]=> int(317576) } [466]=> array(6) { ["para_id"]=> string(13) "11161.2319160" ["level"]=> int(2) ["title"]=> string(19) "Youth (Part 3 of 3)" ["refcode_short"]=> string(20) "TopIndex .Youth.1460" ["dup"]=> NULL ["puborder"]=> int(318306) } [467]=> array(6) { ["para_id"]=> string(13) "11161.2319890" ["level"]=> int(2) ["title"]=> string(40) "Youth (period of) - Youth’s Instructor" ["refcode_short"]=> string(29) "TopIndex .Youth (period of).1" ["dup"]=> NULL ["puborder"]=> int(319037) } [468]=> array(6) { ["para_id"]=> string(12) "11161.319936" ["level"]=> int(1) ["title"]=> string(1) "Z" ["refcode_short"]=> string(11) "TopIndex .Z" ["dup"]=> NULL ["puborder"]=> int(319084) } [469]=> array(6) { ["para_id"]=> string(13) "11161.2319937" ["level"]=> int(2) ["title"]=> string(26) "Zacchaeus - Zwingli, Ulric" ["refcode_short"]=> string(21) "TopIndex .Zacchaeus.1" ["dup"]=> string(12) "11161.319936" ["puborder"]=> int(319085) } } ["service":"EgwApi":private]=> object(EgwService)#95 (10) { ["api_url":"EgwService":private]=> string(26) "https://a.egwwritings.org/" ["api_url_auth":"EgwService":private]=> string(31) "https://cpanel.egwwritings.org/" ["baseApiUriAuth":"EgwService":private]=> object(OAuth\Common\Http\Uri\Uri)#98 (10) { ["scheme":"OAuth\Common\Http\Uri\Uri":private]=> string(5) "https" ["userInfo":"OAuth\Common\Http\Uri\Uri":private]=> string(0) "" ["rawUserInfo":"OAuth\Common\Http\Uri\Uri":private]=> string(0) "" ["host":"OAuth\Common\Http\Uri\Uri":private]=> string(22) "cpanel.egwwritings.org" 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White Estate" ["description"]=> string(57) "An index to the topics found in Ellen G. 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