EGW Index, vols. 1-4 (Topical Index)


Voice of Christ - Vultures

Voice of Christ

Voice of Christ See Christ

Voice of God

Voice of God, announcement of day and hour of second advent by EW 15, 34, 285; GC 640; LS 65; 2SG 31; 1SM 75-6; 1T 59

Bible commentators’ opinions are not to be accepted as TM 106

church is invested with special authority and power as 3T 417

conscience is, heard amid conflict of human passions 5T 120

deliverance of God’s people by, in time of trouble EW 15, 37, 286, 290; GC 636-7, 640, 645, 654; LS 117; 1SM 75

discernment is needed to distinguish 3T 258

earnest attention is needed to distinguish 5T 69

echo of, Decalogue is Ev 598

education that enables men to understand CT 11

elements of nature obey PP 269

erroneous idea re, in soul GC 7

failure to distinguish, results of 2SM 16

hardening heart against Spirit makes it impossible to recognize DA 213

has come continually in Testimonies 1SM 41

has come continually through His Spirit 1SM 41

has spoken through nature to heathen DA 638

heard at: baptism of Christ DA 112-3, 116, 625, 746; ML 260

transfiguration of Christ DA 425, 625, 746

heard by His prophets TM 405

heard coming through open space in Orion EW 41

heard in: hush and silence of soul MB 84

nature 3BC 1144; CT 54

outer court of temple DA 625

Scriptures 5BC 1147

secret prayer DA 363; MB 84

storm and rolling thunder 2SM 315

heard three times in Christ’s public ministry DA 625, 746

heard through: His delegated servants MYP 266

Spirit’s appeals 5T 512

impulse regarded as, by fanatical teachers GC 191

in church should control its members 5T 108

in His united people in church capacity should be respected 3T 451

like a trumpet heard at Mt. Sinai PP 340

listen to, in studying Scriptures Ed 127

longing that is, speaking to soul SC 28

man’s will and voice are not to be interpreted as CT 528; FE 308

never fails to answer cry of human need MB 84

not heard when Christ was on cross DA 746

persons who recognize, speaking to them 5T 682-3

revealed in His providential workings 5T 512

Scriptures are, speaking to man FE 183; MYP 257; SC 112

Scriptures should be obeyed as FE 133, 308

Scriptures should be read as CT 450

Scriptures should be received as, speaking to His children COL 59

Scriptures should be regarded as ML 283

speaking directly to you 7T 205

speaking to soul FE 183; SC 112; 8T 157

Scriptures should be studied as FE 444

shaking of heavens and earth by EW 34, 41, 272, 285; GC 637; LS 102; PP 340

shaking of powers of heaven by EW 41

shaking of sun, moon, and stars by EW 41

silence of soul makes, more distinct MH 58; FE 441

silent while Christ was on cross DA 746

speaks in: events of His providence PP 126

Scriptures CT 52; ML 283; 6T 393

speaks through things of nature Te 290

speaks to men out of His word CG 24; CT 171; FE 85, 433; MYP 276; PP 126, 143; 2SM 260

special resurrection of righteous dead at EW 285; GC 637; 2SM 263

spoke to: antediluvians in warnings given by Noah PP 96

Christ just before His betrayal DA 746

that spoke to Christ speaks to every believing soul DA 113

to neglect and despise church’s authority and power is to despise AA 164

voice of duty is CH 562; TM 402

warns men to separate themselves from prevailing iniquity PP 166-7

when Gen. Conf. in session represents 9T 261

when voice of Gen. Conf. represented by few men was not to be regarded as 9T 260-1

See God, voice of

Volcanic eruption, Volcanic eruptions

Volcanic eruption, Volcanic eruptions 7BC 946-7; PP 108-10; 3SG 79-83

Volcanic rock, Volcanic rocks

Volcanic rock, Volcanic rocks PP 435-6


activity of, will destroy possessions of wealthy Mar 283:4

Volney, N.Y.

Volney, N.Y. LS 108, 110-1; 2SG 93-4, 97-9, 119, 122, 149; 1T 86


Voltaire, French infidel CG 196; GC 281, 288

honored RY 154:1

Voluntary service

Voluntary service, Christ desires only DA 487

God desires, from His intelligent creatures PP 34

only, God desires from men AA 541

See also Willing service

Volunteer, Volunteers

Volunteer, Volunteers, Christ calls for MYP 24

families as, needed in the Southern field SW 86:0

five-year pledges of, not recommended SW 86:2

for His service CT 494

to co-operate with Him 1SM 112

God calls for, to carry truth to other nations 3T 404

to stand firmly on His side FE 488

in God’s army should do his best FE 464

more earnest call needed for, to enter whitening harvest field 8T 35

need for TMK 330:2

flexible SW 17

in the Southern field SW 64, 65:1

in publications office PM 111:2

(unpaid) SW 17:0


Vomiting, severe, tea used by EGW as medicine for CD 490; 2SM 302


Vote, against: laws licensing sale of intoxicating liquor GW 387

sale of intoxicating liquor GW 387-8; Te 227, 255

do not: for persons favoring Sunday laws FE 475; GW 391

for users of intoxicating liquors Te 254

to put intemperate men in positions of trust Te 47, 254

for temperance 2SM 337

for temperance men for positions of trust Te 255

in favor of prohibition and total abstinence GW 387-8

on side of temperance GW 387


Voting, for candidates to public office GW 391-2; Te 253-6

for city officials 2SM 337

in favor of temperance 2SM 337

for political parties FE 475, 478; GW 391, 393

guiding principles re 2SM 336-7

on political questions, keep to yourself your 2SM 336-7

that would aid intemperance Te 254-5

whisky used as bribe to influence Te 254

woman’s rights and duties re ChS 28; 3T 565; WM 165

Vow, Vows

Vow, Vows, baptismal See Baptism

breaking of, covetousness leads to 4T 463

conscience should trouble person failing to pay 4T 468

faithfulness required in performing 4T 463

Hannah’s, fulfilled by her PP 570

Hezekiah made, when divinely healed PK 342

instruction given through Moses re 4T 471-2

is pledge 5T 149

Jacob kept his, re tithe 4T 466

Jacob’s, to return tithe to God 4T 464-6

Jews were required periodically to declare whether they had performed 4T 467

Jewish priests excused people from, for money consideration DA 616

Jewish zealots made, to kill Paul AA 413-4

King Saul’s rash 4aSG 72

made for God’s cause should be sacredly kept 4T 470

made to God: should be renewed at camp meeting 2T 601

solemn obligation of 5T 149

think how often you have broken 1SM 312

woman who failed to remember her 1T 81

made without faith 5T 283

making of, angels present at 4T 471

marriage See Marriage

Nazarite See Nazarite

need of paying 5T 281-5

neglected, among professed Christians 4T 468

of allegiance to God: renewed by Israel on Mt. Moriah PK 37

encouragement for persons who seek to renew PK 334

of Ananias and Sapphira See Ananias and Sapphira

of church membership pledge believers to be co-workers with Christ CT 466

of consecration to God, gospel workers should renew every morning their AA 56

of obedience to God, Adam and sons made PP 62

person who has made, no longer has right to consecrated portion 5T 149

repudiation of 5T 282

sacred, taken by believers with church DA 822

sacredness of 4T 462-76; 5T 149, 283-4

made under Spirit’s influence AA 74

need of understanding 6BC 1056

secret society’s, Christ never leads His followers to take Ev 620

solemn, every person uniting with church makes 5T 460

renewed and kept through strength gained by earnest prayer SL 11

to give means to God’s cause, importance of keeping CS 312-4

See also Covenant; Pledge; Promise


Vulgarity, home is too sacred to be polluted by AH 438


preying on defects of others as TDG 141:2