EGW Index, vols. 1-4 (Topical Index)


Pupil, Pupils - Putty

Pupil, Pupils

Pupil, Pupils See Student


Purchaser See Buyer


Purchasing See Buying


Pure, blessed are the, in heart MB 24-7

Christian’s spirit must be kept CH 20

heads of city mission keep, by close connection with God GW 366

in heart see God: in every phase of true education FE 415

in every providence FE 415

man can be, through Christ’s grace MH 491

man must be, in his sphere as God is in His GW 366

man must have Spirit in heart in order to be 9T 164

man will be, if Christ is formed within GW 366

none but the, can dwell in God’s presence 2T 307

will be acknowledged as Christ’s 1T 133

only the, can abide in Christ’s presence DA 108

only way to be, is to be like-minded with God SD 297

promises to persons who are, in heart DA 302


Pure-minded, being, youth become strong-minded CT 396

Pure-minded person

Pure-minded person, man becomes strong-minded by being a MH 466; ML 262

physician should be a MM 193


Pureness, mingling with world destroys 1T 274

Pure thoughts

Pure thoughts, ennobling power of, need of constant sense of MH 491

God bids you fill your mind with ML 262

how mind may be filled with GW 366

See also Thought


Purgatory, doctrine of 7BC 913; GC 58-9, 128; SR 333-4

Purgatory pickpurse

Purgatory pickpurse GC 248


Purging, camp needs 3T 476

cleansing and, will pass through every church TM 414

See also Cleansing


reaction to OHC 144:4


Purification, by obedience to God’s law, results of Ev 290

calamities sent upon Israel for her 4BC 1144

ceremonial, Jews accused Christ of disregarding DA 396

costly sacrifices for, offered in carrying out Nazarite vow AA 406

days of church’s, hastening on apace 5T 80

God permits fires of affliction to effect, in His people AA 524

God’s people’s, accomplished by suffering 4T 85

God’s process of, need of submission to 3T 543

hyssop used in, from defilement by contact with the dead PP 277

Jewish rules re, were numberless DA 395-6

man’s efforts alone cannot accomplish, of his soul 7BC 950-1

ministers and people need 4BC 1150

needed work of, among God’s people 2SM 376-83

of religion, Christ’s lesson on FE 399

of sin from man, explained 7BC 950-1

process of, God watches over His people during 4BC 1182

special work of, among God’s people during investigative judgment GC 425

symbol of, hyssop used in sprinkling blood was PP 277

live coal as 4BC 1141; GW 23

work of, is individual work 7BC 918

that must be done in His people before Christ comes CH 20

See also Cleansing


Christ brings OHC 327:4

fire of affliction produces UL 109:2

process of,

Ellen White determined to bear OHC 312:3

explained OHC 142:2

trying to the soul AG 311:2

trials in the process of HP 272:3

verse about trials and, understood by remnant TDG 84:2

Water of Life has properties for TMK 106:4

work of, always costs suffering and trial RC 358:3

Purifying process

Purifying process, God will cleanse you if you submit to 2T 111

going on among God’s people ML 92

many people shrink from 1T 274

See also Affliction; Trial


Puritans GC 236, 290-4; SR 336

Wycliffe (John) was progenitor of SR 336

Puritan plainness

Puritan plainness, dress and homes of believers should be marked by 5T 189


Purity, all SDA work should be marked by CS 143

as one of life’s best things cannot be bought or sold MH 198; 7T 27

attribute most prized by God 5T 85

barriers safeguarding, spiritualism breaks down Ev 608; PP 688

watchfulness and prayer as PK 84

children need constant lessons in AH 254

Christ was embodiment of DA 243; 2T 467

Christ’s, shines brighter as you come closer to Him 5T 141

Christian life should be expression of Ev 630

Christian should cherish 5T 85

Christianity changes profligate person from impurity to SD 12

combine sense of, with sunniness of disposition GW 122

consecrated life is characterized by PP 667

demand for, most urgent for youth Ed 228

discipline of temptation, poverty, and adversity develops DA 72

draw, from God CG 58

elevated, Christ’s pure religion requires 3T 375

empire of, sons of God belong to TM 442

excitement is not favorable to Ev 612

family, parents’ duty re CG 113-6

God would have His people cultivate SC 85

God’s, Isaiah overwhelmed with sense of PK 307

God’s justice demands 6BC 1072

godly women need not stain their, in the least 2T 456

heart should be trained to preserve FE 536

heaven’s, true religion makes possessor partaker of 2T 252-3

impurity and, pertain to soul DA 397

impurity or, of youth is reflected in old age SD 78

inward and outward, God’s people must be clothed with CH 103; ML 129

needed in order to enter City of God CH 103; ML 129

is one condition of receiving light from God DA 312

lessons of: book of nature teaches AH 146-7

children should be taught from infancy CH 103

from lily on lake MYP 423

life of: does not hinder obtaining knowledge of sciences LS 220

must be lived in Christ’s strength 8T 289

removes many hindrances to progress in sciences LS 220

love of, possess 2T 314

mind does not suddenly go from, to corruption or depravity PP 459; 2T 478

mind must be: educated and disciplined to love 2T 265

trained to love GC 543

mind should be trained to preserve FE 536

ministers should strictly guard their TM 427

moral: cherish firmly and constantly CH 295; MM 143

depends on right thinking and acting GW 126-7

instruct children in principles of 7T 66

that God expects of SDA 2T 451-2

must extend to: dress AH 22; CH 101

everything in home AH 22

narrow path of, considered as old-fashioned idea CG 417

no new plan to preserve, of God’s people 4T 165

not acceptable to the corrupt GC 542

not dependent on freedom from hardship, poverty, and adversity MYP 80

nothing but, will abide day of God 2T 458

of action or deed: educate yourself to 2T 315

God demands 4T 312

maintain CT 257-8

need of Ev 495; 5T 599

Scriptures demand FE 103

of character, genuine faith is manifest in MYP 200

of conduct, God calls for greater 9T 120

of heart: David’s prayer for PP 725

encourage FE 349

Enoch sought, for 300 years GW 53

God accepts nothing short of 2T 453; 3T 66

gospel worker needs FE 109-10; GW 125

leads to purity of life 2BC 997; SD 10

need of hungering for 2T 606

needed in order to enter Christ’s kingdom MB 24

persons who wash their robes in Christ’s blood are characterized by 7BC 965

revealed in purity of action and speech Ed 237

seek PP 89

what increases desire for ML 262

of life: cultivate 2T 91-2

depends on right knowledge of God MH 409

diligence and perseverance needed in seeking 4T 33

God accepts nothing short of 2T 453; 3T 66

God’s people seek 2T 588

heart must be renewed by divine grace in seeking PP 460

minister should follow Christ’s example in 2T 635

not obtained without earnest effort 2T 408

one great subject of Christ’s teachings SD 10; 2T 445

one of God’s healing remedies 2SM 287; 5T 443

refinement imparted by 1T 441

of mind: gospel worker needs FE 109-10

important part of education is knowledge of what constitutes CT 103

sincere prayer preserves SC 99

of principle, men are enabled by God’s grace to keep unsullied their 9T 24

of soul, as golden threads woven into life 6T 127

must be obtained 4T 486

of thought: cultivate 2T 91-2

educate mind and heart to MM 145

educate yourself to 2T 315

God demands 4T 312

maintain CT 257-8

need of Ev 495; 5T 599; TM 442

physical activity essential to Ed 209

Scriptures demand FE 103

teach CT 270

of word: God demands 4T 312

maintain CT 257-8

must be cherished as indispensable to influencing others MM 206

need of Ev 495; 5T 599

Scriptures demand FE 103

one person’s, will not offset lack of it in another GC 490; SD 355

personal, how to increase MB 85

preserve 2T 614

physician should be example of MH 134; MM 193

practice constantly, in speech AH 16

preservation of, in camp of Israel PP 375

principles of, parents should instruct children in CT 150

required in secret intents and emotions of heart PP 308

revealing and condemning their sins, wicked men hate GC 47

sacred circle of, needed around God-fearing women 2T 456

Samson broke ties binding him to PP 565

self-control and, maintain balance of CT 257

sense in which Christ spoke of MB 25

serve God with TM 443

show, of tastes, appetites, and habits MYP 244

social, physicians should practice and teach CH 364

standard of, lift up CW 176

student should fear to sully his CT 496

subject of, give heed to GW 125

themes of, women professing godliness should dwell on 2T 456

triumph of, over depravity PK 489

true success in business requires Ed 135

unsullied, Christ had DA 568

when Christ reigns in soul there is COL 420

when it is natural to seek SD 51

why so little, among modern youth 2SM 435

your, will decide your future MM 38

youth lose, through evil associates CT 220


abiding in God for TSB 167:3

appetite control through Christ for those seeking 3SM 292:0

atmosphere that endangers 2MCP 792:3

being like-minded with God OHC 142

character defect in, has a bewitching power as in liquor HP 195:3


attracted attention to, without hope of reward TMK 50:4

humbled Himself to lift us to HP 43:4

seen on the cross is effective to bring TSB 108:2

Christ’s life,

characterized by 3SM 134:1

is example of, and perfect holiness TDG 192:6

conditions for naturally seeking HP 169:4

dependence on Christ for TMK 130:3

dwell only on subjects of; flee to throne when tempted 2MCP 595:3


highest, is knowing what constitutes OHC 337:2

should include Mar 229:2

effort for, in thought rewarded by God 2MCP 595:2

elevated to original, through Christ’s righteousness TMK 206:4

environment important for maintaining UL 363:2

example of Christ to be followed in RC 138:2

eyes not to see that which detracts from OHC 334:4

false message calling for TSB 109:2

few have HP 197:2

God loves, and requires it in His people OHC 230:5

God requires FLB 140:4

God’s law brings HP 361:5

heart and mind to preserve, daily through source of truth 1MCP 351:4

heart, life and character to possess LHU 325:2

help each other learn; speak encouraging words TDG 339:3

hope without, is a delusion TSB 135:1

humans made in, through Christ’s merits TMK 134:2

ideas of, difficult to implant SW 16:1


for soul, while committing impure acts TSB 100:1

while united with the corrupt HP 169:3

improvement in, requires right thinking and acting HP 164:3; 1MCP 69:1

judged by God FLB 207:6

keep; do not praise or condemn to the injury of others 2MCP 435:3

lack of, destroys self-control and reason Mar 229:3

laws of, to be observed carefully TDG 123:2

learning of Christ to combine sympathy with TMK 218:4

life controlled by truth has TDG 357:7

life of,

expresses truth in the gospel TDG 352:3

made possible by grace AG 138:2

not bought or sold TMK 85:4

to illuminate others RC 164:3

like purity in God when we dwell in Him HP 66:2

longing for, given during prayer HP 85:5

meek may increase in TMK 198:4


and physical, to be kept RC 165:2

through obedience UL 129:2

mercy and God’s love bring HP 238:3


to honor Christ TDG 73:2

to win crown of immortal glory OHC 338:2

overcomer to strive for, day by day TDG 102:3

possible in our sphere,

as God has it in His FW 116:0

practicing truth RC 59:2

preparation for a pure heaven shown by TDG 331:6

reliance on Christ gives RC 318:2

religion (true) leads to heaven’s RC 161:7

required because heaven is pure HP 285:4

restore the erring to, with interest in their salvation TDG 79:6


harmonizing with the law and Christ’s character RC 63:4

naturally as angels execute missions HP 169:4

showing good teaches about, better than showing impurity LHU 297:3

standard of, arouse and lift up HP 199:6

stream of, if fountain is pure, like good from Christian TDG 320:2

witnesses for last days marked by RC 347:5

Word of God alone is to teach TSB 107:4

works show, of those abiding in Christ TMK 185:3

See also Chastity

Purpose, Purposes

1. God’s

2. Miscellaneous

1. God’s

all, will be fulfilled AA 12

amid working of evil, progressing to their accomplishment PK 720

are not purposes of men CT 273

beneficent, accomplished in warning message of 1844 GC 353-4, 404-5

church’s failure to fulfill 8T 119

continual progress in knowledge and virtue is, for man GW 274

does not fail when human expectations do AA 464

eternal, brings order out of confusion PK 461

feeble minds that cannot see through 1SM 16

for His people today 8T 14

for Israel See Israel

for SDA sanitariums 8T 181-2

fulfilled in Paul’s journey to Rome EW 207

fulfillment of, retarded in neglected duties of church FE 219

God overrules all for accomplishment of PK 536

gospel workers should be subservient to, of growth and fruit bearing 8T 186

have faith even when you cannot see, in dealing with you Te 195

in calling Abraham to Canaan PK 15

in His judgments falling on men 7T 103

is to manifest principles of His kingdom through His people 6T 9

know no haste and no delay DA 32

man can understand as much of, as it is for his good to know SC 106; GC 527

man is powerless to disannul PK 720

man’s restricted view of, for children beside our hearths Ed 262

men used as instruments to accomplish GC 343

may be read in earthquakes, tornadoes, fires, floods, etc. PK 277

move steadily forward to accomplishment PP 338

no man has fully understood, in work for his own time GC 343

no need to err in carrying out GW 262

of giving gospel to world in this generation is noblest appeal to man Ed 262

of grace and mercy, like thread of gold in His dealings with man AA 238

only that can endure which is bound up with Ed 183; PK 548

original, in creation will be accomplished PP 342

overruling, at work throughout ages PK 535

overruling and victorious, where all appears to be disappointment and confusion Ed 305

right conception of, men need GC 593

teacher (educator) co-operating with, in teaching youth to know God Ed 19

that His people shall ever move upward MM 43

when, will be fulfilled PK 538

when His people shall see, fulfilled Ed 182

you may answer, in your creation FE 82

2. Miscellaneous

absorbing, let your life have Ed 190

broken, harmony in what appears to be only confusion and Ed 305; SC 113; 9T 194

Christ’s, that man shall be His helping hand AA 478

Christ’s life and death unveiled men’s DA 57

closely criticize your 1SM 89

Daniel’s, not to defile himself CD 28-32; PK 483; SL 19

decision of, Christ’s presence in thought and heart gives FE 134

definite form and consistency needed in MH 498

educate yourself for MYP 48

enemy’s, how God works to defeat PK 576

every, is distinctly marked by God 5T 627

faith in Christ gives strength to SD 45

firm, God calls for people of 4T 75

influence of carrying out good principles with MYP 125

firmness of, true Christian character is marked by 4T 543-4

fixedness of, that neither time nor toil can weaken COL 147

God knows all your ML 291

God notes all of man’s 1BC 1086

God reads motives (intents) and, of man’s heart PK 174; 2T 257

good, avail nothing unless resolutely carried out 2T 265

high and noble, mind should be strengthened by MYP 42

holy, formed in Nehemiah’s mind while praying PK 629

is means of real enjoyment and elevation of soul 5T 260

how God’s love in heart should affect your SC 61

importance of having, in life 2T 428-9

intensity of, Christian life requires MB 141

lack of steadfast, opens door to thousand temptations COL 345

let it be your, to do all possible to rescue souls from Satan’s power MYP 23

let your, be to God’s glory 2T 262

life’s great, what to do to secure 2SM 167

man’s, cannot be hidden from God 4T 469

clear as light of sun to God’s eye 5T 147

man’s every, God knows 5BC 1085

many people live and die without, in life 2T 522

must be sustained by firm, undeviating, sanctified principles CG 271

new, new heart gives MYP 72

noble: Daniel had MYP 33

how your life can be actuated by MH 480

you may be actuated by GW 114

persons failing to answer, for which they were created 2T 533-4

pure and holy, do not come to men naturally CH 291; FE 502

resolute, accomplishes desired end 4T 358

accomplishes wonders LS 275

resolute fixedness of, Christian integrity must be maintained with MH 453

secret, recorded in books of heaven GC 481

selfish, have no Ev 378

singleness of: is element of tremendous power 5T 307

is to have eye single to God’s glory 1SM 139

is wholeheartedness for God MB 91

true Christian character is marked by 2BC 1003

stability of, right study of Bible gives SC 90

steadfastness of, students should learn value of Ed 221

steadiness of, encourage 2T 101-2

God requires that His people possess 2T 130

steady, work for Christ with MH 164

strength of, show that you have MYP 23

that is unconquerable TM 176

undivided, serve God with COL 60

unfixedness of, contracted in youth 4T 411

unswerving, which preserved Joseph and Daniel MH 136

unwavering, essential to conquest of self MH 487

victory over self cannot be accomplished without 5T 345

weakness of, found no place in apostles’ labor AA 595

gospel worker is disqualified by Ev 647

worldly, do not live for CT 522

you are here for MH 397

See also Aim; Ambition; Goal; Motive

Purse, Purses

Purse, Purses, how Satan seeks to drain, of God’s people 1T 551

people whose, are always open to advance God’s cause Ev 571; 4T 478

power of, heart power needed rather than OHC 162:7

Purse power

Purse power, inefficient without sacrifice and willing obedience to Christ SD 236

Purse-proud men

Purse-proud men, lofty spirit of, because money has power 2T 277

Purse string, Purse strings

Purse string, Purse strings, husband should not regard it virtue to hold fast AH 378

Pursuit, Pursuits

Pursuit, Pursuits, engage in no, that hinders outworking of God’s righteousness in character and life MB 99

frivolous, wickedest of folly is to neglect precious adorning of soul by following 4T 642

life’s, bear living testimony by your 4T 580

life’s complicated, God’s word is great simplifier of 5T 86

religion should dictate and guide men in all 3T 47

temperance greatly needed in all 4T 652

true conversion evidenced by change in SC 57


advance in noble, influence from 1MCP 366:2

distinction in TMK 308:3


Push, is positive trait of character 5T 404

more, gospel work needs Ev 19, 297

miss. service needs MH 497

Puteoli, Italy

Puteoli, Italy AA 447


Putty, men who are like 3T 496; 5T 297


disposition like TMK 218:3