EGW Index, vols. 1-4 (Topical Index)


Marriageable age - Meal, Meals

Marriageable age

Marriageable age, youth of, warning to AH 44

Marriage bed

Marriage bed, violation of, is ground for divorce AH 341-2

Marriage ceremony

Marriage ceremony, adjustment of husband and wife to each other after MH 359-60

display at, make no great AH 100-1; 4T 503, 515

hour of, is date of success or failure in life for many people AH 43

jesting is out of place at AH 101

prayer offered after AH 101

what to do when invited to AH 100

Marriage chamber

Marriage chamber, hallowed by vigils of angels 5T 362

Marriage contract, Marriage contracts

Marriage contract, Marriage contracts, ancient, generally made by parents for children PP 171-2; 3SG 110-1; SR 85-6

dowry in See Dowry

Jacob’s SR 89

See also Marriage engagement

Marriage covenant

Marriage covenant, blessing when intelligently entered into MH 356-7

is sacred 2T 391

obligations of AH 106; 2T 56

sins of darkest hue covered by 2T 391, 472-3

Marriage dowry

Marriage dowry See Dowry

Marriage engagement, Marriage engagements

Marriage engagement, Marriage engagements, ancient, generally made by parents for children PP 171-5, 188-9; 3SG 110-1; SR 85-6

consider, carefully AH 340; FE 105; MYP 450

does not make it positively necessary to take marriage vow FE 105; MYP 449-50

forbidden by God, should be retracted without delay 5T 365

is conditional FE 105; MYP 449-50

Jacob’s SR 89

that bind youth to stumbling blocks CT 344-5

when it is better to break than to keep FE 105; MYP 449-50

with person of cheap character CT 344

Marriage feast

Marriage feast, Christ attended, at Cana AH 100, 341; 5BC 1132; DA 144-53; MH 333, 356; ML 186; 7T 114; Te 98

Christ’s first miracle was performed at AH 341; DA 147-9; MH 333, 356; 7T 114; Te 98

Eastern, preliminaries of COL 405-6

Jewish, continued several days DA 145

Mary hoped Christ would work miracle at, in Cana DA 145

parables relating to See Parable

reminder of marriage supper of Lamb DA 151

Samson’s PP 563

Marriage institution

Marriage institution, abuse of, has become dreadful curse MYP 461

antediluvians perverted PP 101

Christ did not come to destroy AH 99

Christ established MH 356

designed of God to be blessing to man MYP 461

established by God for benefit of humanity MB 63-4

husband who does violence to design of AH 116

Israel’s teachers made, of none effect AH 341

one of God’s first gifts to man PP 46

ordained at creation MB 63-4; PP 46

originated by God PP 46

perversion of, opens door to misery and vice PP 338

Satan’s studied effort to pervert PP 338; 2T 480

Marriage mantle

Marriage mantle, woes and wickedness hidden under AH 44

Marriage obligations

Marriage obligations, young man who would not be true to FE 101-2; MYP 445-6

Marriage partners / Husband and wife

accountable for choosing, for best influence LYL 22

bonds of heavenly origin for HP 205:5

censure in jest to be avoided by LYL 15:1

Christ and the church show relationship for TSB 26:3

defects in; help each other instead of finding LYL 31:2

differences not to come between TDG 111:3

duty of, often mistaken HP 205:4

estrangement between, was unnecessary UL 93:3

friends are fine for, but not to meddle 1MCP 157:2

help each other; avoid sensual indulgence TSB 114:4

home may be polluted by attitudes of 1MCP 156:3

indifferent or estranged, grace may unite AG 115:4

individualities of, not to be merged 1MCP 154:3

lives of each other to be made happy by TDG 335


grows between, when they each love God TSB 26:2

to be cultivated by, for happiness 1MCP 158

tokens to be interchanged privately by HP 207:2

loving God supremely fills and satisfies HP 205:3

parents needed in choosing LYL 48:0

patience, kindness and love developed by LYL 31:1

Providence can unite, in bonds of heaven AG 115:5

seek to make each other happy HP 206:5

strong minds appropriate for, with individuality 2MCP 429:1

talk all things over together HP 203:4

thought of error in marriage be to expelled by HP 203:3

unfaithfulness of, seen in the judgment Mar 340:6

unselfish love of, for souls HP 207:4

value each other by effort to retain love HP 206:5

wisdom and discernment lacking in bewitched 1MCP 298:0

Marriage portion

Marriage portion, Jewish wife’s, usually consisted of pieces of money COL 193

Marriage procession

Marriage procession, in Christ’s time COL 405-6

Marriage proposals

Marriage proposals, of unbeliever, answer that should be given to 4T 506

that Christian should not listen to AH 48

Marriage relation, Marriage relations

Marriage relation, Marriage relations, abuse of, crime of modern times 2T 252

one sign of last days 2T 252

affects: future generations AH 72

future life AH 72

binding claims of, on person converted after marriage PP 175

bonds of, will not hold without mutual forbearance and love AH 112

can be blessing by Christ’s grace AH 100

Christianity ought to have controlling influence on PP 563

companionship in, should be close and tender AH 112

should be holy and elevating AH 112

correct views of, few people have AH 44

dictates of reason should control 2SM 440

do not enter: from impulse or blind passion 2SM 421

without careful and prayerful consideration 2T 380

without knowledge of duties of practical home life AH 87

does not always make fickle mind firm AH 57

entering into, is not license to indulge animal passions 2T 480

erroneous ideas re AH 341-2

false step in, many people lose their souls by 2BC 1031

God’s commendation may be had in AH 102

God’s original purpose in establishing AH 99

happiness and prosperity of, depend on unity of parties PP 174

hastily entering into, often becomes galling yoke PP 175

how Satan uses, as net to entangle souls AH 72

is holy 2T 252

lack of respect for, among antediluvians FE 421-2; PP 92, 101; 3SG 63-4

lesson re, for all ages PP 147

love in, should be of holy quality 2T 473

many people enter into, merely to please fancy 4T 504

with impulse and passion AH 72

often entered with jest and levity AH 72

one of God’s sacred ordinances AH 121; 2SM 440

parties to, should seek to glorify God from the first 2T 380

passion of base quality found in 2T 473

persons entering: mistakes of 2SM 420-40

perfect love and harmony should exist between AH 103

should fulfill God’s purpose for them AH 99

persons who should never enter 2SM 422

pledge to be made by bride and groom in AH 103

privileges and duties of AH 121-8

questions to be considered by persons entering 2SM 421-3

responsibility resting on persons who enter MYP 461

results of entering, without due consideration 2SM 421-3

rights and happiness of, carefully guard PP 147; SR 80

sanctity of, how some wives break down walls designed to protect 2T 306

self-control needed by persons entering AH 124

selfishness of some people who enter 2SM 423

serious consideration for, deplorable lack of MYP 461

should be blending of two lives into one AH 102

Solomon’s experience in, warning to us SD 165

that pleases God AH 114

to understand, is work of lifetime 7T 45

unsuitability in, when there will be no talk of AH 120

vileness of every description covered by 2T 252

woman who enters, questions having vital bearing upon well-being of 5T 362

what Christians should consider before entering 2T 380

when, becomes odious to wife AH 228

See also Husband and Wife

Marriage relationship

Marriage relationship, Christ came to restore, to its original sanctity AH 121

Christ did not come to destroy AH 121

See also Sexual relations

Marriage supper (of Lamb)

Marriage supper (of Lamb), Christ will come to take His people to GC 427

Christ will serve His people at CG 387

eaten in New Jerusalem EW 19; 1T 69

entertainments used by Satan to keep souls away from TM 85

fig-leaf garment cannot be worn at COL 311

guests at, God’s people as GC 427

last call to, every one is to hear GW 27

last invitation to 6T 412

parable re COL 307-19; GC 426-7 See also Parable

path to, person who will lighten COL 414

person who will be unprepared for 5T 690

redeemed will sit down with Christ at DA 151

wedding festivities point to DA 151

wedding garment for, God’s righteousness is SD 98, 368

righteousness of Christ is 1SM 331; TM 85

who will partake of SD 368

you will receive appointment to sit with Christ at 1SM 109-10


call to, showed God’s desire for favored people TDG 275:4

last call is being given to; keep lamps burning TDG 33:5

no one will taste, without wedding garment OHC 264:4

Marriage tie, Marriage ties

Marriage tie, Marriage ties, no dissolution of, except for unfaithfulness to marriage vow MB 63

Satan binds many people by GC 597

Marriage vow, Marriage vows

Marriage vow, Marriage vows, adultery is only ground for breaking AH 344 See also Adultery; Divorce

be as true as steel to your AH 104

binding claims of 5T 110-11

broken as result of: immature marriage 5T 111

intoxicating liquor Te 31

church member who has broken, what to do re AH 346

erroneous teachings re 5T 140-1

heartaches of many persons bound by AH 44

how some wives violate their 2T 306

husband who violates 2SM 425

lack of wedding ring is not sign that one is untrue to TM 180-1

links destinies of two individuals with bonds that only death should sever 4T 507

loyalty to, married gospel workers should maintain 5T 594-5

man to whom, became galling chains 2T 89

man who broke his 2T 89, 270-1, 300-6

promise made in AH 103; 7T 49

can be kept by God’s grace MH 361

significance of AH 106

responsibilities involved in, youth need to sense 4T 507

six months after making, what happens to some people MYP 458

unfaithfulness to, grounds for divorce AH 344; MB 63

unites man and wife as one AH 114

violation of, unfaithfulness of church to Christ is likened to GC 381

when breaking of, would not be right 2SM 339

wife violates, when she relates family troubles to another man 2T 306

wife whose husband has violated AH 346


Married, woman who thought she must become, in order to get well 2T 324

Married children

Married children, solemn obligation of, to parents 1T 218

Married life

Married life, beginning of, need of reconsecration to God at AH 103

devote, to winning souls to Christ AH 102

do not let, be one of contention 7T 47

duties of, what a girl needs to do before taking up 2T 564

every year of, seek to glorify God by your union during 2T 380

first year of 7T 45

has its real difficulties and homely details AH 110

in which love dies out 2T 474

knowledge that parents should put into practice in 2T 472

many parents do not obtain during, knowledge they need 2T 472-3

not all romance AH 110

parties to, sometimes act like undisciplined and perverse children AH 118

problems of, husband and wife should help each other to solve AH 119-20

responsibilities of MYP 461; 7T 45-50

preparation that youth need for MH 358

some women dissatisfied with their, warning re 2T 302

that becomes a galling yoke 2T 474

that was much like a desert 1T 695

thousands of persons disappointed in AH 44

trials in, how to meet AH 178-9

trifling disposition that will reveal itself in AH 57

unhappy, health impaired as result of 1T 696

women who regard, as disappointment 2T 464

wrongs that embitter, religion alone can prevent 5T 362

Married man (men)

Married man (men), flirtations of, women who invite MM 145

receiving attention from married or unmarried women AH 328

respect and affection of, is due to their wives AH 337

warned not to accept attention, praise, and petting by women Ev 495; 5T 596

women should never pet and flatter Ev 494-5

Married persons

Married persons See Husband and wife

Married woman (women)

Married woman (women), minister inclined to be much in company of, warning against 2SM 29

who is adulteress and harlot TM 434-5

See also Mother; Wife


Marrow, rottenness in, indulgence of animal passions causes 2T 477


Marrying, and giving in marriage MYP 456-60

there is in itself no sin in AH 121

Marshalltown, Iowa

Marshalltown, Iowa CSW 181-2

Mars’ Hill

Mars Hill in Athens AA 236-9; 6BC 1068; Ed 67, 173-4; MH 214; 1SM 292; SR 312-3


Martha, Lazarus’s sister DA 326, 525, 535, 558; 6T 118; WM 154

characteristics of, God’s work needs DA 525; 6T 118; TM 346

experience of, re sickness, death, and resurrection of Lazarus AH 204; DA 524-35; WM 156

faith of, severe test of SD 92

served table at Simon’s feast for Christ DA 558


abounding in work of God like TMK 351:4

eagerness of, to honor Christ kept her from hearing Him OHC 281:3

reproof to, applies to many in our time OHC 281:2


Marthas, in every church TM 346

wide field for DA 525

Martin, Bro.

Martin, Bro. LS 179; 1T 653-4

Martinsville, N.S.W.

Martinsville, N.S.W. Ev 426, 455

Martyn, Wm. Carlos

Martyn, Wm. Carlos, quoted GC 136, 143, 154, 165-7, 221, 238, 289, 292-6

Martyr, Martyrs

Martyr, Martyrs, Albigenses as GC 271

among heathen, violent death suffered by DA 35

ashes of, abundant harvest for God has sprung from AA 465

babies die as, to filthy lust for tobacco Te 58-9

Berquin (Louis de) as GC 217-8

blood of, as seed of gospel GC 240, 634; SR 321

city of Rome drunk with GC 133

brought to stake in Switzerland GC 180

catacombs will yield up, at resurrection of righteous dead GC 40

children, resurrected and in new earth EW 19; 2SG 54; 1T 69

children brought to Jesus later became, for His sake CT 180; DA 512; 4T 142

Christ’s message to, for truth’s sake AA 85-6

Christian: died at hands of Jews DA 619, 629-30

during apostolic times AA 597-8

during persecution led by Paul SR 267-8

slain at hands of pagans GC 39-41; SR 320-1

confession of faith by GC 459

conquerors of Satan in their death AA 576

consciousness that sustained, in tortures and flames GC 295

courage and fortitude of, given when needed DA 354

daily, members of family who are 2T 533

death of: cannot be compared to Christ’s sufferings 2T 215

how Christ’s death differed from 2T 214-5

without love is not enough 5T 168

devotion of, missionary must have GW 469

dissenters as, under persecution by Church of England GC 443

dying testimony of, souls won to Christ by SR 321

easier to play, than to overcome bad temper 3BC 1160

example of, SDA must follow 5T 213

faith of, SDA need 5T 187

faithful: refused deliverance on condition of deception, falsehood, and apostasy 4T 336

regarded with great approbation by God EW 210

triumphed with bright hope EW 225

were conquerors PP 77; SR 321

faithful to Christ, accounted by Him as conquerors GC 42; PP 77

fanatics in Germany regarded themselves as GC 192

fanatics who would become, for their faith 1T 356-7

fidelity of, in times past 4T 250

to truth and right 4T 336

first, Abel as PP 77; 3SG 49-50; SR 54

first Christian, Stephen was AA 97-102, 597; MYP 113; SL 91; SR 265-8, 301

in A.D. 34 DA 233; GC 328; PK 699

for God, in dying became conquerors MB 30; PP 77

for their faith, are millions in all ages GC 665; SR 421

SDA shall know what prayer means when they hear of COL 172

graves of, voices crying to God from 5T 451

Hamilton (Patrick) as GC 250

Hannah More died as 1T 674

to selfishness of professed Christians 1T 674; 2T 332

history of death of, bodily suffering revealed in 2T 214-5

hope of, second advent is GC 302-3

Huss (John) as GC 107-10

idea that you are, overcome MYP 92

in Bohemia GC 97-8, 107-15, 254

in England GC 94-5, 247, 249-50

under Protestantism GC 251-2, 443

in France GC 215, 217-8, 220, 282

during St. Bartholomew Massacre GC 272-3

under Francis I GC 225-30

in Germany GC 211

in Netherlands GC 238

fortitude of GC 240

in Scotland GC 249-50; SR 351

James (apostle) as AA 143, 597; SR 292

Jerome of Prague as GC 110-15

John the Baptist as AA 143; DA 221-5

John the Baptist’s experience as, sustained later Ed 158

Latimer (Hugh) as GC 249

life of, preserved for eternal glory DA 669

mangled forms of, cried to God for vengeance GC 59

might have denied truth and saved their lives by word or deed 4T 336

millions of: during persecutions of Dark Ages EW 211, 214

mangled during papal persecution GC 54-5, 59

suffered for Christ’s sake 1T 78

millions upon millions of, in Dark Ages DA 631

no, among God’s people after probation closes EW 284; GC 634

Paul as AA 496, 509-13, 597; SR 316-9

Paul’s dying testimony inspired, of succeeding ages SL 96

Peter as AA 537-8, 597; SR 315-6

red border worn upon robes of, in new earth EW 18-9; 2SG 54; 1T 68-9

regarded as deluded enthusiast or ambitious hypocrite AA 319

rejoicing of, for sake of their faith AA 116

resurrected and in New Jerusalem ML 357

resurrected at Christ’s resurrection DA 786

self-surrender of, is not necessarily service most acceptable to God COL 403

spirit that has set up stake and kindled burning pile for PP 77

stake of, gospel workers should not be turned from God’s work by PK 263

steadfastness of, for Christ’s cause EW 226

supposed, person who makes himself a 2SM 237

testimony of, witnessed for truth GC 42

that God’s cause does not need 1T 516

thousands of Christians died as, under Nero AA 487, 489-90; GC 40

true to their faith, were secured to Christ GC 42

Tyndale (Wm.) as GC 247; SR 351

vast host of, in resurrection of the righteous GC 40, 667

Waldensian, fortitude of GC 73-4, 271

Waldensian missionaries as GC 75

welcomed imprisonment, torture, and death rather than violate conscience 4T 336

Wishart (George) as GC 250

women who imagine themselves AH 248; 2T 251, 463; WM 151

world-renowned, Christian who is more precious than COL 403

Wycliffe’s followers as, under papal persecution GC 94-5


as sides separate before last conflict 3SM 397:4

Christ encourages, and is crucified again with them 3SM 420:5

courage given to LDE 150

courage of, not given until needed OHC 125:4

drawing to the truth may result from being 3SM 420:3

last days to have Mar 199:3

seen around throne through open heavens at end of time 3SM 428:3

silent, abused verbally in home; Jesus is strength TSB 47:2

zeal of, transmitted in living oracles TMK 347:3

Martyr’s pile

Martyr’s pile, no pulpit like GC 226

Martyr’s stake

Martyr’s stake, God’s work cannot be hindered by 3T 406-7


Martyrdom, Christ foresaw, of His followers DA 669

Christ’s cause not defeated by GC 41

Christ’s disciples suffered 2T 345

courage and fortitude for, given when needed DA 354

cup of, why John the Baptist was permitted to drink DA 224

faithful Christian about to suffer, story of 1T 657-8

God’s cause furthered by, of His servants AA 465

heretic’s, Calvin (John) witnessed GC 220

leaders of early church suffered AA 597

multitudes suffering, John saw in vision AA 588

nearly all of John’s former associates in ministry suffered AA 581

of Christians witnessed by angels GC 41

of gospel workers, gospel work was not stopped by GC 41

of the faithful, the wicked will be called to account for 7BC 913

pathway of apostles led to GC 351

Paul in constant danger of AA 331

persons called to suffer, follow in Christ’s steps GC 47

some people who witnessed Paul’s death suffered AA 510; SR 316-7

songs of triumph sung by Christians while suffering GC 41


truth stronger than HP 179:2

Marvel, Marvels

Marvel, Marvels, devils work, in sight of men 1T 302 See also Miracle; Sign; Wonder


Marvelous, desire for the, Münzer’s (Thomas) teachings appealed to men’s GC 191

Mary (mother of Jesus)

1. Biography

2. Miscellaneous

1. Biography

angel’s announcement to, re birth of Christ DA 81-2, 98

journey of, with Joseph from Nazareth to Bethlehem DA 44

Christ was born to, in Bethlehem DA 43-4, 98

in rude building where beasts were sheltered DA 44, 48; 5T 269

shepherds visited, in Bethlehem DA 48

pondered things related by shepherds when Christ was born DA 48, 56

dedication of Christ as child by Joseph and, at temple CS 176; DA 50-8

Simeon’s prophecy re DA 55-7

confirmed by Anna the prophetess DA 55

wise men of East visited DA 63

fled with family to Egypt DA 64-5

returned with family from Egypt to Nazareth DA 66

training of Christ as child by, at Nazareth DA 68-74; SD 134

attended Passover Feast at Jerusalem when Christ was 12 DA 75-83, 89; SD 134

training of Christ by, as youth DA 89-90

became widow before wedding feast at Cana 5BC 1132; DA 145

John the Baptist’s mission deeply stirred DA 144

Christ’s baptism in Jordan reported to DA 144

Christ’s mysterious departure into wilderness was reported to DA 145

attended marriage feast in Cana DA 144-8

hopes of, at Cana DA 145-6

at Nazareth when Christ was rejected there DA 236

sought Christ while He was teaching DA 325

witnessed Christ’s crucifixion 5BC 1149; DA 744, 752; EW 176-7; SR 220-2, 224

John supported, at foot of cross DA 744, 752; SR 224

grief of, Christ on cross sought to lighten DA 82

committed by Christ to care of John AA 539; DA 146, 752; EW 177; SL 53; SR 224

sorrow of, turned to joy when Christ rose from dead DA 82

lived in John’s home after Christ’s crucifixion 5BC 1149; DA 752

2. Miscellaneous

as widow 5BC 1132; DA 145, 752; MB 111

believed her son was to be Israel’s Messiah DA 82, 90, 145

Christ aided, in her life of toil DA 82

Christ was urged by, to conform to usages of rabbis DA 90

Christ’s brothers induced, to try to persuade Him to be more prudent in His work DA 90, 321

Christ’s course as youth was mystery to DA 89

Christ’s first human teacher was DA 70; Ed 185; FE 439; MH 399; 8T 222

Christ’s life was marked with love and respect for DA 90

Christ’s mission not understood by DA 56, 82, 111, 145, 147

for many years DA 56

clear distinction between Christ’s relation to, as Son of man and as Son of God DA 147

doubts and disappointments of, re Christ DA 145

dressed as Galilean, in humblest garments DA 52

expected Messiah to reign on David’s throne DA 56

first-born son of, Christ was DA 51-2

high honor shown by God to, in committing His Son to her care DA 81

images of, rise of worship of EW 211

See also Mary, Virgin

kept in remembrance Christ’s divine Fatherhood 5BC 1116; SD 134

kinswoman of Elisabeth MH 372

maiden of Nazareth DA 98

partaker of Christ’s sufferings throughout His life DA 56, 90, 145, 744

poor peasant DA 50, 52, 55, 72; FE 151; MYP 79

possessed no merit in herself DA 147

priests and teachers sought aid of, in effort to control Christ DA 90

rabbis sought aid of, in efforts to influence Christ DA 85-6, 90

relationship of, to Christ in no way makes her equal to Him DA 147

relative of parties to marriage in Cana 5BC 1132; DA 144, 146; ML 186

remembered by Christ on cross AH 204; DA 512; EW 177; MH 42; SR 224; WM 156

respect and love for, Christ’s life was marked with DA 90

royal line of, Bethlehem was city of DA 44

salvation found by, only through Christ DA 147

spiritual relationship of, to Christ DA 147, 325

struggled with poverty and privation AH 204; DA 512; MB 111; MH 42

sweet and childlike faith of DA 98

sword pierced soul of, in Christ’s last agonies DA 82

taught Christ from scrolls of prophets 8T 222

taught Christ to sing Ev 498

thoughts and attitude of, re Christ DA 90

uneducated peasant DA 63

united with His brothers in efforts to influence Him CH 526-7; DA 90, 321

was of lineage of David DA 44

wavered in her faith in Christ as Messiah DA 90; EW 180

world received great blessing through Ed 61


chosen by heaven UL 94:3

Christ’s response at Cana did not discourage; He helped her TDG 366:3

Fatherhood of Christ kept before TMK 27:3

marriage at Cana involved, as relative; she spoke to Jesus TDG 366:2

See also Christ, mother of

Mary (sister of Martha and Lazarus)

Mary (sister of Martha and Lazarus), anointed Christ’s feet 5BC 1101; DA 558-68, 720; Ed 109; EW 165, 268; 2SG 233; 4T 485, 487, 550-1; 6T 84

bathed Christ’s feet with her tears DA 568; EW 117

called Mary Magdalene DA 568, 788, 790; MB 129

characteristics of, God’s work needs DA 525; 6T 118; TM 346

Christ appeared to, after His resurrection DA 790-3; EW 187

deed of, immortalized on pages of sacred history DA 563

delivered from demons seven times DA 568; MB 129

disappointed on finding Christ’s tomb empty DA 788-90; EW 187; GC 403, 423; SR 371

distinguished from other Marys DA 564

experience of, at Simon’s feast for Christ DA 558-68, 720

lessons from SL 15

re sickness, death, and resurrection of Lazarus DA 524-36

faith of, severe test of SD 92

first person at Christ’s tomb after His resurrection DA 568, 788

first person greeted by Christ after His resurrection MB 129

first person to proclaim risen Saviour DA 568; Ev 471; WM 146

first to preach the risen Jesus UL 147:5

followed Christ’s body to sepulcher DA 568

forbidden to worship Christ immediately after His resurrection DA 790

gift of precious ointment bought for Christ by 5BC 1101; DA 558-9; 4T 485, 487, 550-1; 6T 84

has inspired many people to loving service 6T 310

has shed its fragrance wherever gospel has been preached DA 563

had fallen into sin DA 566-7

home of, Christ as guest in DA 326; FE 132; WM 154

last person at Christ’s tomb MB 129

led into sin by Simon of Bethany DA 566

lingered at Christ’s tomb after His burial DA 774; EW 187

listened earnestly to every word from Christ’s lips DA 558-9

offering of, not many of the poor would appreciate 5BC 1101

plan of, to place Christ’s body in grave used by Lazarus DA 790

poured out her love on Christ while He was alive DA 560

remained at Christ’s tomb after Peter and John left DA 789

reported to apostles that Christ’s tomb was empty DA 788

represents sincere love for truth 6T 118

resurrection message given by, to Christ’s disciples DA 790, 793

returned with Peter and John to Christ’s tomb DA 789

reverent and devoted listener of Christ DA 525

sat at Christ’s feet to learn from Him CT 442; MH 458; 1SM 80

sins of, Christ pardoned AH 204; DA 559, 567-8; WM 156

sitting at Jesus’ feet like TMK 351:4

stood by cross when Christ suffered DA 568

stored her mind with Christ’s words DA 525

wiped Christ’s feet with her long flowing hair DA 559; EW 117

Mary, Queen

Mary, Queen, of Scotland GC 250-1

Mary, Virgin

Mary, Virgin, people calling upon, on ship in storm 1T 81

worship of GC 43, 58, 174-5, 217; SR 323, 333

worship of images of EW 211

Mary Magdalene

Mary Magdalene See Mary (sister of Martha and Lazarus)

Masonic order

Masonic order Ev 618-22; 2SM 121-40

church member united with, seal of God will not be placed on Ev 622; 2SM 140

should sever his connection with it Ev 621-2

church member who belonged to, reproved Ev 621

is secret order or organization Ev 622; 2SM 140

true Christian should not belong to 2SM 122, 140

See also Secret organization


See Secret organization


Masquerade used by Satan to lead men into sin PP 460


Mass, idolatrous sacrifice of: blasphemous presumption in GC 59; SR 334

death penalty decreed for persons refusing to believe in GC 59; SR 334

is heaven-insulting GC 59; SR 334

Lord’s Supper supplanted by GC 59; SR 334

senseless mummery of priests in GC 59; SR 334

Luther’s (Martin) remarks re GC 189-90

offerings of, one of Romanism’s falsehoods is 7BC 913

Reformers attacked, in France GC 224-5

useless, said for deliverance of souls from purgatory 7BC 913

Mass of people, Masses of people

Mass of people, Masses of people, education of, must begin in early life MYP 233

men are not saved in MB 36; PK 232

turning from truth of God to fables 2T 105

Massachusetts Bay Colony

Massachusetts Bay Colony GC 293

Massachusetts Historical Society Collections

Massachusetts Historical Society Collections, letter of Dr. Samuel Tenney in, quoted GC 308

Massachusetts Spy; or, American Oracle of Liberty

Massachusetts Spy; or, American Oracle of Liberty, statement of Isaiah Thomas in, quoted GC 307-8

Massachusetts, U.S.A.

Massachusetts, U.S.A. GC 296, 306-7; LS 99, 272-4; 1SM 203; 4T 298; TM 57

Massacre, Massacres

Massacre, Massacres, Roman Church instigated GC 569

See also St. Bartholomew Massacre

Massacre of St. Bartholomew

Massacre of St. Bartholomew, by Henry White, quoted GC 273


Massah, signifies “temptation” PP 298

Massasoit House

Massasoit House, in Chicago, Ill. 2T 553

Master, Masters

Master, Masters, another, men are always free to choose SC 72

Bible contains lessons of priceless worth for FE 542

no man has been made, to rule mind and conscience of fellow being TM 495

servant(s) and: gospel’s influence on relations between AA 459

in most of churches for which Paul labored AA 459

relationship between AA 459, 522

slave and, Christianity makes strong bond of union between AA 459-60

title of, belongs only to Christ DA 613

vanity in coveting, Christ reproved DA 613

training that makes youth, and not slaves of labor Ed 222

two, no man can serve MB 93; MYP 114; 1T 404; 5T 199

persons who try to be servants of 2T 690

youth should be, and not slaves re diet Ed 203-4

Masterpiece, Masterpieces

Masterpiece, Masterpieces, of evil, Satan will see apostate race his 7BC 974

of Satan’s deceptions is to keep minds searching and conjecturing re that which God does not reveal GC 523

of satanic skill is to place men where it is hard for gospel to reach them CH 432; Te 243

one of Satan’s: encouraging people to imagine they have new light when they do not is 2SM 86

financial controversy that was, for last days TM 331

philosophy of science of mind cure is 2SM 349

spiritualism as EW 265; SR 398

Roman Church is, of Satan’s power GC 50; SR 327

of world’s wisdom COL 78

“Master, the Tempest Is Raging,”

“Master, the Tempest Is Raging,” by Miss M. A. Baker, quoted DA 336


Mastery, over self, God wishes His people to have AA 482

spirit that seeks, over others TM 260

strivings for, absorb man’s power or ability 1SM 131


Mastication, better to omit a meal than to eat it without proper Ed 206

dry food requiring, preferable to porridge CD 108, 319, 320; FE 227; MH 301

should be done slowly CH 120

should be thorough MH 305; SD 171


Masturbation See Self-abuse; Vice


eggs and meat strengthen; almost universal 3SM 286:1

leads to other sins; other minds corrupted 3SM 286:2

overcoming, harder than stopping alcohol or tobacco 3SM 286:2

stopped with determined effort; (corrupt indulgence) 1MCP 233:3


Matchmaking 2T 247-53


Material, Christ delights to take apparently hopeless, and make it subject of His grace 6T 308-9

wasting, is dishonesty 4T 451


worthless, God spends little time on TDG 122:4


Materialism, world was turning to, in Christ’s time Ed 75


God not given place in thinking of UL 39:2


Materialists, Sadducees were practically DA 603


Mathematics, students study higher, who cannot keep simple accounts Ed 234

study of, more essential things neglected for FE 71

should be made practical Ed 238-9

See also Figure

Matheson, George

Matheson, George, poem “O Love That Will Not Let Me Go” by, quoted MH 179

Matron, Matrons

Matron, Matrons, capable, nurses in training should be under MM 207

employed in sanitarium: duties of CH 314-5

should be competent woman CH 314

should be women of culture and experience 4T 546

Matronly women

Matronly women, sanitariums need to employ CH 292; MM 173


Mattaniah, king of Judah See Zedekiah


Matter, and its properties, God furnished 1SM 294

laws of See Law

not left to act through inherent energy PP 114

pre-existing, in creating earth God was not indebted to MH 414; 8T 258

vital power should not be attributed to PP 114; 8T 259


creation of, when world brought into existence 3SM 307:2

pre-existing, God not dependent on 3SM 312:1


Matters not essential for this time should be kept in background CW 77

See Things; Trivia

Matteson, John G.

Matteson, John G. Ev 419-20; 2SM 247; 1T 597-9; 2T 118


Matthew See Levi Matthew

Matthew, Gospel of

Matthew, Gospel of GC 68

why we need CT 432; 1SM 21


Maturity, should be in proportion to privileges COL 66


marriage consideration should wait for greater TSB 21:1

Mauston, Wis.

Mauston, Wis. 2SG 294a-5a; 1T 244

Maxim, Maxims

Maxim, Maxims, endless repetition of, Jewish teachers explained Scriptures by 6T 249

erroneous, that “Religion is religion and business is business” 7T 179

that “Whatever is, is right” MYP 59; 1T 295

handed down from ancient rabbis, how Christ as child regarded DA 85

human: God’s word should be heard instead of COL 40

ministers should not preach TM 135

placed above God’s requirements COL 106

Jewish, concerning failure to do good DA 286

hid truth which God intended to convey COL 34-5

of “a sound mind in a sound body” FE 59

of world: are corrupting FE 424

are not the teaching students need FE 115

Christians should not adopt 5T 410

conformity to, one of our greatest dangers CG 471

corrupters governed by, who wear garb of Christianity FE 298

do not adopt, in acquiring wages or goods TM 336

God admonishes us not to corrupt ourselves by adopting 5T 74

God’s people cannot act on 5T 479

have been worked into theories of church 7BC 950

leading, is that “the end justifies the means” 5T 562

methods and force used by Christ to keep His disciples from FE 431

opposition to, need of FE 288

placed before SDA youth as commandments of God FE 384

schools not governed by, are few FE 98

of worth, learn to follow CT 258

Proverbs provide best, for businessman and employees Ed 135

settled, that should be followed in all school discipline CT 212

two great, re God’s law GC 465

See also Proverb


May, no rain in PP 615


Maybe, God’s word is not to be presented as COL 43

Maynard, A. W.

Maynard, A. W. LS 174; 1T 575, 600, 604

McCoy, J. R.

McCoy, J. R. 2SM 269

McDearman, Hiram C.

McDearman, Hiram C. LS 240; 4T 305

McEnterfer, Sara

McEnterfer, Sara LS 268-9

med. miss. work by 2SM 299-300

pioneer miss. nurse in Australia CD 466; WM 334-6

tea-drinking fisherman and Te 118-9

typhoid fever treated by WM 335-6

McKinley, President Wm.

McKinley, President Wm., widow of, EGW’s sympathy for WM 338-9

M’Clintock (John) and Strong (Jas.)

M’Clintock (John) and Strong (Jas.), quoted GC 261

Mead, Newell

Mead, Newell 1T 658-9


Meal, corn, bread made of WM 336

oat See Oatmeal

See also Bread; Flour

Meal, Meals

Meal, Meals, all food intended for, should be on table at beginning MH 306

better to omit, than to eat it without proper mastication Ed 206

better to prepare, five minutes early than late CG 125; Ev 481

between: five or six hours should intervene CD 173; MH 304

foods that should not be eaten CD 182; CG 388; MH 384; MM 282

no food should be eaten CD 179

no food should pass lips CH 118, 408; ML 82; 2T 373

boys should learn to prepare Ed 216

children’s, should be taken at regular periods CD 229

do not delay, one or two hours to suit circumstances CD 179

do not engage in brain labor immediately after CH 565

do not pass dish of criticism and scandal while eating AH 440

drink not needed with CD 420

eat fewer kinds of food at one CD 87, 108, 333; MM 274

eat fruit with CD 420

eat your: slowly and with cheerfulness GW 241

with gladness and gratitude CG 387

with thanksgiving CD 87, 333; MM 274

eating between: avoid MH 303, 384; MM 282

children should not be CD 181, 229, 235-6, 340; CG 388-9; 2T 400

digestive organs burdened by GW 230

digestive organs injured by CH 408

dyspepsia caused by 2T 374

foundation laid for future suffering by CG 389

how EGW solved problem of 2T 373

ill effects of CD 174, 181-2; CH 118; 2T 363-4, 373-4, 413

ministers given to GW 230; 4T 416

pernicious violation of laws of health CD 175; 4aSG 130; 2SM 416

should be avoided at camp meeting 2T 602

stomach deranged by CG 389

students cautioned against CD 159

eating enough food for three meals in two, injures digestive organs CD 178

eating too much food at one, evil of 4T 416

evening, better for all at school is to eat simple CS 272

exercise moderately after CH 565

family, as sacrament DA 660

seasoned with doubt and questionings 4T 195

for visitors AH 449-50; CG 386-7

four daily, pernicious habit of eating CD 174; 2SM 414

fruit and bread are good food for CD 178

fruit and vegetables at same, not best to eat CD 395; MH 299-300

full, avoid study or violent exercise immediately after 2T 413

half dozen courses at, not encouraged CD 258

heartiest, breakfast should be one of CD 173

hearty, should not be taken late in day MM 282

hot water taken before, beneficial CD 419

how to improve moments while waiting for COL 344

ice water or lemonade taken with, ill effects of CD 420; CH 119

invitations to, not always safe to comply with CD 169

what to do when you receive CD 169

irregular times for: avoid CD 179

mental breakdown fostered by CD 122-3, 395; CT 299

pernicious violation of laws of health CD 175

stomach harmed by CD 179

large enough for well person, sick child who ate CD 241

liquids taken with, digestion retarded by CD 420; MH 305

many kinds (varieties) of food at one: avoid eating CD 107-9, 111-2, 169; MH 299; MM 225

do not serve CD 275-6, 408

dyspepsia often caused by eating 7T 257

indigestion caused by eating MH 299

ministers advised not to eat 4T 416

ministers who eat GW 230

overeating encouraged by MH 299

patients should be taught not to overload stomach with 2SM 281

person cannot have clear brain who eats CD 334

person cannot have good digestive powers who eats CD 334

stomach suffers when given CD 275

means of education in health reform MM 283

moderate exercise after, beneficial 2T 530

moderate or short walk after, is beneficial CD 104; 2T 530

number of daily, for sanitarium patients CD 282-3

should not be made a test CD 178

occasionally drop out one, when suffering from overwork GW 230

person who ate but one, a day CD 191

preparation of Ev 480-1

regular times for: importance of CD 179

need of specified 2T 485

needed at camp meeting 2T 602

same kind of food should not be eaten without variation at every 2T 63

second, should not be eaten until stomach has rested CD 174; CH 118-9; 4aSG 130; 2SM 415

serve, promptly on time CG 125

served in courses, evil results of MH 306

serving many courses at, ruinous to health CG 373

some people eat at one, varieties of foods that do not agree CH 577

stomach needs a little time after, to begin its work CH 565

stomach should not have same kind of food meal after CD 110

tastefully arranged and wholesomely supplied, need of Ed 200

third: eat simple and wholesome food at CD 178

food most easily digested should be eaten at MH 321

sanitariums cautioned re dispensing with CD 282

should be eaten several hours before going to bed CD 174; 4aSG 130; 2SM 415

should be light CD 174; CH 156; MH 321; 4aSG 130; 2SM 415

should not be most hearty one CD 181

without vegetables is best for students CD 178

three daily: changing to two instead of CD 175; 2SM 415; 2T 371-2

children should not have more than 2SM 439

God’s word does not say it is wrong to eat MM 284

not objectionable for persons engaged in hard labor CD 178

people who have better health when eating CD 178

three kinds of food at one, can be eaten without injury to digestive organs CD 169

three light, some people do best healthwise when daily eating CD 178

three or four dishes are plenty at one CD 109

time needed to prepare, give yourself CG 125; Ev 480-1

two daily: adoption of system of CD 175, 177; 2SM 415; 2T 371-2

better than three for most people CD 177; CH 156; Ed 205; MH 304; MM 282, 284; 4T 416-7

better than three for some children CD 229; 2SM 439; 4T 502

generally beneficial to health MH 321

Israelites ate 3BC 1165

man who was advised not to eat more than 4T 502

often better than three CD 173

persons who eat 4T 574

preferable for person doing exhaustive brain work 2T 371

san. workers should not be compelled to adopt CD 177

should not be made compulsory CD 178

EGW ate only CD 178, 351, 357, 490-2; 4aSG 153

EGW’s experience in changing from three to 2T 371-2

two or three kinds of food at one, is best CD 110

sedentary workers should eat only CD 110

unhealthful noon, that was generally soup and sometimes meat CD 106

vary your MH 300

water should be taken little time before or after CD 420; Te 101

water with, is not best CD 420


eat of each, as token of God’s love HP 201:3

eating between,

not to be allowed 3SM 294:3

wrong; wait five hours TDG 210:3

invitations to, unsafe to accept all; too many kinds of food TDG 340:2

one, insufficient for Joseph Bates as old man RY 126:1

regularity in, arrange work to permit 2MCP 387:4


are sufficient; two are better TDG 210:4

better for children than overeating at two 3SM 294:1

better for some; quantity of food to be limited TDG 340:5

two, better than three 2MCP 391:3

Ellen White found, convenient, but not criterion for others TDG 340:6

Ellen White had eaten, for 25 years (1889) 3SM 294:3