EGW Index, vols. 1-4 (Topical Index)


Denial - Destiny, Destinies


open, of Peter when Christ needed him most TDG 259:3

Peter’s, Christ dealt patiently with TDG 260:3

Denison, Texas

Denison, Texas 2SM 299


Denmark, Reformation in GC 241-2

SDA work in Ev 419-22; LS 289; ML 336

Skodsborg Sanitarium in 6T 463-4

Denmark, Mich.

Denmark, Mich. 2T 17

Den of iniquity, Dens of iniquity

Den of iniquity, Dens of iniquity, in large cities, physicians not to work specially for people in 6T 246


Denominated, SDA sacredly, by God 7T 109

Denominated people, God’s

Denominated people, God’s: men should not look in vain to Ev 121

stand apart from world as CW 109

who are 7BC 981

words that point SDA out as 9T 18

truths of heavenly origin to be proclaimed by CD 76

Denomination, Denominations, other religious

Denomination, Denominations, other religious: angels’ regard for people in Ev 576

build no unnecessary barriers between us and Ev 144, 573-4

churches of, what will make SDA Church as corrupt as 4T 513

colleges and seminaries of, SDA youth not to be sent to CT 45

early power lost by, in yielding their simplicity MYP 354

faith and practices of, SDA faith in wide contrast to 3T 462

go not out of way to attack Ev 574

history of different, experience seen in MYP 354

lack of spirituality and godliness in LS 212

make no raid upon Ev 144

many souls in, reached only by great caution Ev 576

ministers of, gospel work for Ev 562-4

SDA ministers should come close to Ev 143-4, 562; 6T 78

ministers of all, Adventists derided by 4T 307

new, Miller (Wm.) did not seek to found GC 375

people of, gospel work for Ev 144

presentation of truth by SDA ministers to 3T 462

people of all, SDA med. institutions to admit 7T 109

people of many, advent message accepted by GC 379

popular, qualifications required of ministers of 2T 556

SDA ministers not to censure or denounce 3T 461-2; 4T 536

union of men of different, to oppose truth 3BC 1138; 3T 572

union of religious, with papacy to oppress God’s people 6T 478

what would make SDA no better than 3T 358

See also Churches, popular; Protestant church; Roman Catholic Church


Denominational, SDA are strictly 7T 109

Denominational barrier, Denominational barriers

Denominational barrier, Denominational barriers, acceptance of advent message hurled, to ground GC 379

Denominational distinction

Denominational distinction, placed upon SDA, as long as time lasts we are to cherish 9T 18

Denominational interest, Denominational interests

Denominational interest, Denominational interests, not to be accumulated in Battle Creek 8T 133

not to be centered in one place CH 510

See also Centralization; Colonization

Denominational name

Denominational name, SDA See Seventhday Adventist Church

Denominational responsibilities, SDA

Denominational responsibilities, SDA: too many, centered in Battle Creek, Mich. 5T 555

Denominational sentiment, Denominational sentiments

Denominational sentiment, Denominational sentiments, present our, in house of God 3T 167

Denunciation, Denunciations

Denunciation, Denunciations, against sinner, gospel workers too ready to hurl GW 157; 1SM 184

Christ’s, were followed by exclamations of sorrows TDG 109:3

direct, in correcting youth may not avail Ed 297

inspired prophetic, of the high priest by Paul 6BC 1065

like hailstones, pelt not people with Ev 572

of professed religious world, make no sweeping 4BC 1184

stern, Simon of Bethany would have been hardened by DA 567


Denunciatory, ministers not to be TM 150

what to do when inclined to be AH 214

Denunciatory speech, Denunciatory speeches

Denunciatory speech, Denunciatory speeches, before congregation, out of place 3T 508

little good accomplished by Ev 304

stir not up enmity by making Ev 564

Denunciatory spirit

Denunciatory spirit, by youth, unbecoming and positively disgusting 2T 134

harsh, say nothing savoring of 7T 155

harsh and selfish, spirit of opposition awakened by 3T 247

keep clear of everything savoring of 2T 134

not a Christian principle 5T 650

souls turned from truth by Ev 631

Denver, Colo.

Denver, Colo. Ev 402-5; LS 235; 4T 297

Department, Departments, of gospel work

Department, Departments, of gospel work: all, duty to support GW 370

to be related to all parts of gospel field 2BC 1029; 2SM 178, 213

to be united in one great whole MM 237

to work in unity as perfect whole 9T 136

concert of action needed in 5T 534

control of, men in responsible positions and 5T 723-4

display and extravagance not to be illustrated by 7T 93

function of, in relation to church body WM 122-3

kind of men needed in LS 277

ministers to cultivate special interest in GW 382; 3T 34

one, not to be exalted above another 5T 726

perfection in, how to come nearer to 5T 551

spirit of one, entire field feels 2BC 1029; 2SM 178, 213

Departmental work

Departmental work, all, must bear stamp of miss. work 7T 216

must be one in spirit 7T 216

best talent needed in 2SM 190; 5T 549

business transaction of, strict honesty needed in 5T 559

conduct, on considerate and generous lines 7T 174

corps of educated workmen needed for CT 42

firmness in, compassion, mercy, and forbearance should accompany 5T 559

gospel workers not to be bound for term of years in 9T 170

men of ability needed to conduct SR 260

must protect, strengthen, and build every other 7T 174

order in, firmness needed to preserve 5T 559

one line of, not more important than another 8T 233

religion to be carried with you in 5T 411

sanctified judgment needed in 7T 93

Departmental worker, Departmental workers

Departmental worker, Departmental workers 8T 170-1

justice to be done by, to one another 5T 558

life of, love of Christ to be incorporated into 5T 558

must study and labor for welfare of whole work 7T 174

must work together in unity 8T 170-1

no alliance to be formed with unbelievers by LS 322; TM 463

not to encroach on work of others 8T 170

special effort to be given to his own branch by 7T 174

spirit of self-sacrifice needed among 7T 216

wages of 7T 216

Department head, Department heads

Department head, Department heads, co-operation of, needed in execution of plans Ev 94

faithful service to be rendered by 3BC 1129-30


1. On God

2. Miscellaneous


1. On God 7T 194-6

feeding of 5,000 teaches MH 48

he will fall who loses sight of GW 322

is absolute TM 324

learn to put entire TM 214

need of, personal TM 324

who feel most their CS 147

our only safety TM 375

power to discriminate can be possessed only through Ed 231

should be greatly increased TM 324

Solomon failed when he turned from GC 509

teach every man his TM 374

we may make Christ our TM 486

2. Miscellaneous

God’s power to be our 4T 561

law of mutual, in all classes of society PP 535

make God your entire SD 105

on Him, God can save and keep all who put 6T 240

on man, Satan encourages 7T 176

on one another, mutual TM 491, 496

personal, God seeks to encourage sense of MH 242; 7T 176

selfish, degrades Ed 215

too much, on few men in Battle Creek, Mich. TM 326


church discipline increases sense of 3SM 16:3

humanity has, on humanity OHC 184:3

necessity of constant, upon God 2MCP 492:3

need for feeling, every day and hour TMK 125:3

place, on One who imbues with the Holy Spirit UL 85:3

sense of, drives us closer to God; obligations, large TDG 187:5

shown by pleading for grace to love HP 67:4


Dependent, men are absolutely, upon God TM 423


Depopulated, earth soon would be, if Christ should not come soon 1T 304


Deportment Ed 240-5

angels record man’s 4T 588

be careful in Ev 140

be cheerful and pleasant in 4T 62

be condescending in 4T 367

blameless, minister should be of 2T 568-9

need of 1T 425

bring no one down to low level in 2SM 29

careless in, women should never be 2T 456

change in, evidence of acceptance of truth CH 102

children’s unrefined, displeases God 2T 698

Christ as pattern of 5T 332

Christ is honored or dishonored by your SD 316

Christian, as forceful argument against the careless and skeptical CT 478

Christian cannot be too guarded in 3T 378

Christian’s: should awaken in sinners desire for Christ MYP 424

should be Christlike CSW 85

should have molding power in world ML 252

should reveal peace and happiness found in Christ 4T 432

Christians should be educated in 4T 548

Christians should be more elevated and delicate in CH 363

closer walk with God makes, more faultless 4T 405

colporteurs whose, is inclined to low level CM 66

colporteurs’, debasement in 5T 402

dignity needed in 5T 405

comeliness of, love imparts to possessor GW 123; MH 490; 4T 559

consistent Christian, importance of 3T 247

correct habits in, children should be encouraged to form FE 267

courteous, mother should show her love in CG 67-8

courteous and forbearing, may save the erring PP 520

daily, true religion seen in 3T 377

decided change in, as result of new heart SD 100

examples in, ministers should be 3T 490-1

exemplify Christ’s character in ML 51

express in, joys of heaven AH 430

forbearing, may save the erring PP 520

general, principles in God’s word are to guide in 3T 523

gentle and winning, may save the erring MB 129; MH 166; 4T 65

God marks your SD 309

God’s people are to be distinct and separate in 7BC 941

God’s presence affects 4T 615

immodest, among boys and girls 2T 481

individual, God distinctly marks 5T 627

lowliness of character should be manifest in 3T 448-9

man too slack in 2T 304

man whose lewd, displeased God 2T 95

minister whose, is inclined to take low level CM 66

out of meeting was not exemplary 3T 27

ministers should be circumspect in GW 17

ministers’ GW 172-4

angel’s pen takes note of TM 143

Christian politeness and simplicity should characterize 2T 507

in pulpit GW 172

out of pulpit 1T 380-1

modesty and simplicity required in MYP 354

modesty of, Christians should manifest 2T 322

women urged to cherish 2T 459

mother should be careful of her AH 267

must correspond to Christ’s example 4T 36

needs changing after conversion AH 22

no real perfection of, outside of Christian graces 2T 174

of person who possesses true love AH 50; MYP 459

outward correctness of, may exist without conversion SC 58

parents should be example to children in 2T 461

parents should closely watch their 2T 461

parents’, children copy CG 215

should not militate against what they seek to teach CT 128

propriety of GW 124-8

Christianity teaches GW 127

observe, at all times Ed 240

Paul’s conduct marked by ML 193

subject of, give heed to GW 125

women professing truth must observe, at all time 5T 602

purity of, maintain 2SM 29

recklessness in, rebuked 4T 440

relationship to God should be continually acknowledged by 4T 582

rough and unkind, shows that a person has not learned of Christ AH 427

sanitarium workers’ dress is not so important as CH 292

SDA, must be in harmony with character of SDA work Ev 542

SDA women should be circumspect in 2T 455

should be: expression of grace and truth within 3T 332

serious 2T 507

show by, principles SDA stand for Ev 542

should preach 2T 618

should testify of truth’s influence upon heart and life 3T 331

simplicity of, let light shine to others in 3T 376

spirit of truth and righteousness should control TM 248

students’ CT 98-104

strange, ministers should not adopt Ev 137

teacher’s, should represent the elevated and true Ed 277

teachers should set example in FE 191

test of Christian experience is 6T 92

toward hired help 2T 461

true children of light are not vain or frivolous in 4T 580

true religion ever distinctly seen in 4T 190

unrefined, is unbecoming to minister 2T 698

who state plainly by, that they are not of Christ 3T 192

woman whose, was unworthy of Christian 2T 249

women are not all circumspect in 2T 455

women should be circumspect in Ev 467; WM 157

women should be modest in AA 523

women’s unbecoming, that grieves Spirit 2T 455

your: exerts influence COL 339

let Christ shine forth in 3T 464

may balance minds for or against truth Ev 299

preaches to others 3T 66

youth imitate other people’s 4T 621

See also Behavior; Conduct; Demeanor; Manners

Depositary, Depositaries

Depositary, Depositaries, God has made His people, of His truth 8T 25, 116

of His word GC 487

of sacred truth for world TM 31


Depository, for publications, needed in every important place 1T 473

Depraved nature, Depraved natures

Depraved nature, Depraved natures, gross habits of eating and drinking render, more depraved 2T 62

transmitted by parents to children 2T 62

vanity one of strongest principles of men’s 2T 494

Depraved person, Depraved persons

Depraved person, Depraved persons, dead in sin, Christ’s compassion for 8T 31

fallen through intemperance, minister to 7T 58

God works to reach the most 8T 75

gospel work for WM 254-5

do not become discouraged in 8T 75

in morals, study of Bible as remedy for 5T 26

reading matter used in gospel work for CW 124

regarded as hopeless, hope for many CM 132-3; CW 124; Te 252

See also Degraded person; Outcast


Depravity, all, God’s assisting grace can give victory over 4T 349

among youth, increases Te 234

children reared amid, in slums of great cities MH 190

contact with, Christ pained by 5T 422

deep and widespread, lack of home training causes PP 143

elements of, not resisted and overcome respond to temptation DA 720

heart’s 2T 478

indolence as proof of 4T 411

lingering elements of, Satan’s suggestions stir MYP 82

mark of, written on countenances MYP 66-7

meet, with love, patience, and long-suffering of God 6T 237

mind does not suddenly go from purity to PP 459; 2T 478

mind swayed by, influence of 2T 407

not easily brought into subjection to Spirit 4T 349

of children and youth MH 190; 2T 402-3; Te 234

persons who constantly mourn over their 1T 565

school of, dancing as MYP 399

school where lessons of, are taught and practiced CD 120

selfishness is essence of CS 24

triumph of purity over, instance of PK 489

true Christian is virtuous in spirit amid 3BC 1151

world’s moral, intemperance lies at foundation of MH 335


excess of study leads to 2MCP 508:1

health reform truth stops habits of those living in PM 372:0

influence of HP 196:2

lifted from, through Christ’s merits TMK 134:2

moral dangers increasing; sensual influence 1MCP 228:1

our time is one of marked HP 351:2

soul flourishes amid, with tendrils about God OHC 63:2

trusting own righteousness although not open sinners 3SM 182:4

truth lifts us from, or we are lost TDG 81:3

Depressed person, Depressed persons

Depressed person, Depressed persons, Christian should not be CG 146

Christians who appear to be AH 430

guard against becoming 2SM 399; TM 513

Satan’s craft used most successfully against AA 363

Spirit’s influence is sweet to PP 657

what to do when you are 2SM 242-3


Elijah’s, after experience on Mt. Carmel PK 161-6

of spirits, children ill affected by mother’s 1T 387

results of, in home 1T 694-707

unnatural, physical and spiritual health injured by 4T 64

See also Despondency; Discouragement; Mental depression


attitudes of others not to be permitted to cause you TDG 245:5

avoid dropping to, by meeting conditions of promises 2MCP 774:1

caused by dyspepsia TDG 210:4

changes may bring, but God is the same HP 120:4


misrepresented by UL 150:4

offers peace for HP 353:2

tempted under pressure of Con 41:1

presence of, not to be hidden by TDG 305:4

circumstances change happiness to HP 126:3

comfort for those in, by knowing our weakness HP 295:3

complaining of, not Christ’s will RC 160:3

confusion and unbelief expressed was not to cause, for Ellen White UL 279:2

counsel against,

let Holy Spirit bring comfort, peace TDG 305:2

to a middle-aged women with 2MCP 807

criticism that brings HP 176:2

difficulties magnified by self-pity lead to FLB 316:4; 2MCP 630:1

do not encourage OHC 64:3

Ellen White,

did not feel, but felt ardor (diary entry) TDG 346:2

refused, although perplexed by debt TDG 191

tempted by, due to blindness of brethren TDG 198:3

under, but not a common thing 2MCP 811:3

exciting amusements followed by RC 160:5

faith betrayed by LHU 249:3

giving way to UL 128:7

God’s goodness not to be doubted when feeling HP 131:3

help those in, by speaking of promises 2MCP 435:2

Holy Spirit to be welcomed instead of giving way to 2MCP 492:0

hope for those in,

in Christ HP 273:4

in unfolding Scriptures TDG 271:2

idleness brings OHC 222:2


by looking at feelings; look to Christ LHU 332:2

by magnifying difficulties and self-pity RC 163:3

joy in the Lord possible in spite of UL 252:2

leisure may result in 2MCP 603:4; RC 161:5

light for, in God HP 14:5

look to Jesus in time of; He understands LHU 331:2

loss from UL 102:2

lustful one experienced, unless excited or with women TSB 171:2

magnifying every trouble HP 274:4

melody to be made in heart even in OHC 120:3

minds undisciplined lead to frivolity or 2MCP 408:0

ministers need faith to combat 2MCP 492:2

not evidence that God has changed 2MCP 496:1; OHC 324:3; TMK 257:2

nothing gained by 2MCP 662:1

nourishing of, gives enemy advantage; come to God TSB 160:2

Paul was firm and cheerful when some would have had CC 352:3

praise God in, because you trust His Word OHC 124:6

privilege of dismissing UL 38:4

religion misrepresented by 2MCP 758:4

remember our living Saviour in times of OHC 65:4


to fight thoughts and feelings of 2MCP 409:5

to resist UL 102

saps strength UL 276:2

Satan interposing between you and Christ brings HP 52:3

seriousness and concentration brought, to J. N. Andrews RY 113:1; TSB 34:2

sing in HP 95:4

spiritual HP 116; UL 132

trials not to cause, but firmer hold on God OHC 339:4

trying case not to bring; trust on TDG 194:3

undisciplined mind will be in, or excitement RC 161:3

unnecessary for Christians UL 204:6

wickedness in the world bringing HP 96:3

See also Clouds; Darkness; Despair; Discouragement; Doubt; Emotions; Feelings; Repining; Sorrow


help those with heavy burden of HP 239:3

redeemed around the throne had endured HP 371:3


Derbe AA 179, 185, 202


Derision, arrows of, Jeremiah’s sensitive soul pierced by PK 420

hope that elevates men above 2SG 266

many believers will not endure, in great crisis PK 188; 5T 81

painful to human nature 3BC 1137; ChS 174; 3T 380

persons who do God’s work can expect ChS 173-4

Desert, Deserts

Desert, Deserts, Christ will gather some of His people from COL 179; GC 650

Christian is to be like palm tree in, guiding to water LHU 276

great American 4T 296

married life that was like 1T 695

no barren, on earth when created PP 44

palm tree in Ed 116

people who leave behind them a 3T 382

springs and streams in, illustrations from CT 462; PK 234; SC 77; 5T 609, 731

unrefreshed by dew, souls like 2T 575, 599

without dew or rain, souls like 2T 575, 599

Deserter, Deserters

Deserter, Deserters, from Christ’s army 2SM 213-4

soldiers who would be treated as 2SM 214


Deserting, do not disgrace yourself and dishonor God by, His cause 8T 175

“Desert place,”

“Desert place,” in Gospels, does not mean waste and solitary wilderness ML 133

Desert solitude, Desert solitudes

Desert solitude, Desert solitudes, Moses’ experience in PP 251


Deserve, Christ was treated as men, that they might be treated as He deserves CT 268; DA 25; 8T 208

God does not treat men as they MB 22

Design, Designs

Design, Designs, low, dishonor Christ FE 118

Satan’s, spiritual eyesight needed to discern GW 289

Desire, Desires

Desire, Desires, beat back, by severe discipline AA 314

carnal, lead many to reject truth CH 22

cherished sinful, affords Satan a foothold DA 125

cherishing unholy, compromises integrity 5T 177

contaminates soul 5T 177

children who do not learn to wrestle against 2T 182

Christian’s, must be secondary to needs of God’s cause 3T 398

conform, to great moral standard of righteousness FE 118

conscience illuminated by divine grace should control 2T 408

earthly, spiritual zeal must not be overcome by AA 314

evil, God alone can give victory over MB 142

man cannot conquer MB 142

evil and abominable, danger of giving loose rein to 2T 92

extravagant, cut off every WM 267

few people have, to receive Christ’s image SC 34

for God: cherish MH 503

how sinner loses MB 92

Spirit goes forth to meet sincere COL 206

for goodness, avail nothing unless carried out 2T 265

for goodness and holiness, are right but not enough SC 47-8

for goodness and purity, are not enough MH 176

for knowledge, Adam and Eve led into sin by MH 427

for originality, may become snare 7BC 906

God sometimes sees it best not to grant our MH 473

God’s word should regulate MH 136

heart’s, Satan ready to supply GC 523

hold, in subjection to reason and conscience 5T 177

impetuous, youth’s duty to calm MYP 21

indulgence of selfish, God’s law forbids PP 309

indulgence of sinful, strengthens soul’s aversion to God MB 92; SC 34; 5T 53

irrepressible, that is not to be discouraged MH 396

love to God purifies and ennobles ML 158

man cannot bring, into harmony with God’s will AA 482

man’s, clear as light of sun to God’s eye 5T 147

one sinful, persistently cherished neutralizes gospel’s power SC 34; 5T 53

prevalence of sinful, delusion of soul shown by MB 92; 5T 53

secret, God’s law demands purity in 1SM 220

selfish, do not allow children to indulge CT 113

extravagant and, all must meet temptation to gratify AH 382

do not endanger soul by gratifying AH 513

fight against MYP 74

last precept of Decalogue forbids SD 65

sinful act springs from PP 309

self-willed and inordinate, unwillingness to restrain AH 53

sensual, God’s law forbids PP 308

should be in subjection to God 1T 436

sinful, danger of cherishing GC 623

immediately subdue 1T 137

soul’s, God reads SD 121

soul’s natural, must be changed 9T 23

Spirit brings, into obedience to Christ DA 176

spiritualism teaches that, is highest law PP 688

to be counted well off leads many to bury God’s means in world 5T 151-2

to gratify appetite, opened floodgate of woe and sin 3T 542

to lord it over God’s heritage, warning against 5T 614

to please men, minister must repent of GW 150

unholy, immoral books create MYP 277

often bequeathed to children PP 561

unlawful, lead to improper acts 2T 300

lead to violation of God’s commandments 2T 300

unsanctified, hinder Christian growth Ev 347

youth should learn to restrict FE 306


ambitious, controlled when works confirm faith TMK 169:3

better, awakened in participants in family worship RC 183:4

change in,

by being grafted into Christ TSB 135:2

when choosing banner of Christ TSB 67:1

conformed to God’s will UL 251:5

degraded by worldly influences OHC 71:3


cherishing, brings darkness and separation from God TMK 254:4

cherishing, separates the soul from God OHC 347

gives power to temptation TMK 34:4

prayer for preservation from TMK 267:3

Satan adapts temptation to TMK 354:3

failing to limit, and losing blessing from giving TDG 97:4

following own, misrepresenting the truth TDG 222:4

gratifying personal/worldly,

peril of OHC 107:2

wounds conscience and increases burden RC 367:5

highest, to become like Christ TDG 145:3

Holy Spirit,

gives, by presenting the eternal substance 3SM 138:1

must control TMK 92:5

intensity of, made Daniel earnest in his prayer TMK 271:3


change required in, to reach heaven TDG 108:5

seeking purity and holiness may be TDG 94:3

old, acceptance of Christ means not showing LHU 238:2

ours compared with Elisha’s UL 331:6

own, put aside to become all things to save some TDG 125

sanctification brings, under control of the Spirit FW 87:1

selfish, overcoming FLB 237:3; RC 37:6

ungratified, world makes people suffer from TDG 264:4

unhallowed, revealed by God’s law RC 63:2

unrealized, may be among greatest blessings OHC 318:3

See also Temptation; Will

Desire of Ages

Desire of Ages, by EGW CM 88, 124, 126; Ev 259, 366


criticism of, from James Edson White 3SM 119:2

fewer illustrations would not hurt sale of PM 304:2

illustrations will help sell, although not needed PM 219:3

not condemned because of expensive illustrations PM 219:1

price of, made too high by illustrations PM 218:3

See also Christ, life of (topic title of earlier version)


Desk See Pulpit


“Desolate,” land of Israel no longer to be termed DA 103


Despair, attitude of, do not complain of God in 5T 632

black, like pall of death 2T 210

of guilty souls of the lost 2T 210

caused by popular concept of eternally burning hell 1T 25-6

Christ gives no occasion for 7BC 948

cling with unyielding faith to God’s promises when overwhelmed by GC 621

conditions of mind and body that lead to 1T 304-5

crushing weight of, on Christ on cross 2T 209-11

darkness of, ruined soul’s DA 256

depths of world’s, Christ knows GW 38

do not give up to 4T 213

do not press the erring into 6T 398

fallen persons need not give up to PK 84

Judas Iscariot’s, after betraying Christ DA 722

man who was seized by 2T 301

mire of, Christ did not let Satan crowd Him into 7BC 927

no need for people to abandon themselves to MH 249

persons in 1T 304-5

Saul led by Satan to PP 681

sinner should not give up to SC 35-6

Solomon’s, in his glory 2BC 1030

what to do when, sweeps over you TM 516-7

EGW’s: re her childhood accident 2SG 9-12; 1T 12-3

re her spiritual condition LS 21-2; 2SG 15-21; 1T 21-35

re praying in public EW 11-2; LS 32-6

re work she was called to do for God EW 22; LS 70-1; 2SG 36-7; 1T 63-4

when her last baby died 1T 246

See also Despondency; Discouragement


after the voice of God is heard, greater than ever before Mar 279:6

counsel to one Ellen White was shown to be in TDG 38:2

Ellen White,

cast herself on Christ when in UL 359:5

felt, but the Lord attracted her 3SM 324:4

encouragement for those in HP 262:2; TDG 129

entangled in, by entertaining doubt 2MCP 480:1

life of sin gains only TMK 255:5

light for, in God HP 14:5

only hope in, is to cease talking darkness OHC 163:3

sin need not bring 2MCP 456:3

strength from Christ in time of TDG 122:2

temptation to enter dark cave of OHC 163:5

See also Depression; Hope


Despair of nothing DA 679

Despairing condition

Despairing condition, Christian should not be in CG 146

many people in 1T 304

Despairing soul, Despairing souls

Despairing soul, Despairing souls, feelings and needs of, consideration to be had for 5T 113

minister to DA 350; MH 106

Spirit’s influence is sweet to PP 657


Desperation, do not push souls into 3T 507

Satan goads sinners to PP 680

Despiser of God

Despiser of God, do not condemn brother as MB 57


Despondency, accomplishes nothing 6T 472

anxiety and perplexity cause 1T 304

apoplexy following 2SG 153-7

close your lips firmly when you are in MH 513

criminal, Moses showed 3SG 193

disease aggravates 1T 304-5; 2T 318

do not give up to, when tempted DA 129

do not yield to AA 316

Elijah gave way to PK 159-66, 173-5; 3T 261-2, 288-90, 292-3

Elijah not forsaken by God in PK 173-5; 3T 290

feelings of, too much leisure frequently causes CH 629

what to do when tempted to give way to PK 164

force of, Satan tried to overcome Christ by DA 119, 126

God pities persons fallen into PK 174

how God would sustain His people in time of 2T 274

how to forget your Ev 356

how to help church members to forget their 9T 82

how to rise above LS 421

indulging in, danger of 4T 360

is sinful and unreasonable PK 164

in God’s service MH 481; 8T 38

jealousy causes 1T 708

Job’s implicit trust in time of PK 163-4

John the Baptist assailed by, in prison DA 214-5

King Saul passed from frenzy to PP 650

lack of appreciation by others causes 3T 292

lack of genuine religion produces AH 431

lazy, in God’s work there should be no 3T 526

leaders of God’s people assailed by, at times 3T 293

may enter hearts of self-sacrificing persons at times 5T 134

mind stayed on God will not go from ecstasy to MYP 327-8

mire of, Christ did not let Satan crowd Him into 7BC 927

Moses’, when sent by God to Pharaoh 3SG 203

most heroic faith may be shaken by PK 174

most steadfast will may be weakened by PK 174

mother’s, seen in child 2SM 431

never give way to AA 316; 4T 364

no excuse for 7T 213

no need for, in God’s service GW 265; PK 387

overwork causes 3T 502

Paul did not yield to, in Roman prison SL 96

Paul would not have Corinthians yield to AA 316

persons given to, because of anticipated wants SR 128

persons inclined to 2T 318-9

persons suffering from, ministry to LS 60; 3T 530

persons tempted to give way to, Elijah’s experience may encourage PK 173

remedy for CH 391; Ev 356; MH 148; 2T 326-7; 3T 542-3; 4T 320; 5T 395; 6T 49

amusements are not CH 627; 1T 566

reviewing past failures causes 3T 60

Satan exults when he leads Christian into SC 116

Satan uses men’s sins to lead them into 5T 470

Satan would fill minds with 5T 317

Satan’s suggestions of, resist 5T 317

should cause Christian to seek God more earnestly 5T 134

spiritual leaders pressed beyond measure may yield to PK 173

there is to be no, in God’s service AA 242; GW 262, 265; 8T 11

this time of 5T 388

toil on without 2BC 1022

warning not to sink into SR 128

EGW erred in yielding to 3T 292

EGW’s, re work God called her to do LS 131-2; 2SG 128-9; 2T 604-9

JW yielded to 3T 261-2, 292-3, 502

woman afflicted with, prayer for 4T 302

yielding to, faith forbids AH 431

See also Depression; Discouragement; Despair; Gloom; Melancholy; Mental depression


Despondent, true Christian does not become COL 61

Despondent feeling

Despondent feeling See Feeling

Despondent person, Despondent persons

Despondent person, Despondent persons, courage for, who has done wickedly COL 188-9

hope promised by Christ to DA 454

inspire, with hopeful and saving faith MM 109

results of visiting and ministering to 4T 75-6

reveal way of peace to GW 160

Satan seeks to cause, to take his eyes off Christ EW 73

speak words of comfort to DA 822

visit, in miss. work 4T 75-6

Despondent word

Despondent word, do not utter WM 90

Desponding heart

Desponding heart, struggle experienced by 2T 274


Despot, parent who becomes CG 262


Despotism, active, tyranny eagerly watching opportunity to spring again into 5T 712

parent given to, terrible mistake of CG 262

Dessert, Desserts

Dessert, Desserts, best, fruits are excellent for CD 333

better to discard CD 331

helpful and healthful, schools should serve FE 226

plain and simple pie as CD 333

rich, discard CD 87, 333; MM 274; 7T 135

serve, with other food CD 334

sweet, let alone CD 328, 335

sweet cake with milk or cream as, is objectionable CD 335

tempting CD 331; MH 306

that may do more harm than good CD 332-5

that take time and strength to prepare CD 488; FE 227

use less CD 113


Dessert, dainty, criticism served as 4T 195

Destiny, Destinies

Destiny, Destinies, all, held in God’s hands DA 209

all men’s: decided at close of investigative judgment GC 490

decided at close of probation 2T 401

soon will be decided 5T 372

arbiter of his own, every person is MYP 31

being decided for life or death CS 85

being sealed from day to day 1SM 189-90

character decides COL 74, 123, 356; SD 361

character formed in this life determines 4T 429

for this life and life to come Ed 109

children’s, rest to great extent in mother’s hands AH 238, 268; CG 224

each person has part to act in deciding his own FE 297

each person is deciding his own AH 416; CG 162; FE 245, 303; ML 339; 6T 16

by associations he chooses 4T 589

by his conduct in this world MH 180

by his own choice Ed 178; PK 536

by his words and works of this life MM 180; TM 429-30

by spirit cherished TM 260

each person’s: decided by company he keeps CT 220

decided by habits he forms CT 220

decided by principles he adopts CT 220

depends on his faithfulness in work for others COL 388

depends on his own will and action 4BC 1167

depends on his reception or rejection of gospel DA 352

depends on strictly temperate habit 3T 489

determined by his daily life AH 16

determined by what he has done for the poor and suffering DA 637

fixed by his own choice PP 165

is decided in this life COL 260

forever fixed: according to deeds COL 310

at close of judgment COL 123

at second advent 1T 342

glorious, man may attain to PP 602

great facts of, youth should contemplate Ed 17

habits of diet have much to do with PP 562; 1T 489

high, young men should appreciate their MYP 22

youth given opportunity to fill MYP 21-2

Israel’s, in God’s hands 2T 108

let not your soul’s, hang on uncertainty 6T 405

lost world’s, trembled in balance in Gethsemane 9T 102

man’s, God’s word deals with 5T 699

men are shaping, for themselves 3T 363

men are working out their own FE 502; TM 147, 379

may depend on decisions made at critical moment 3T 146

of earth’s teeming multitudes about to be decided GC 601

position does not decide COL 123

seal your, by life of holy endeavor and firm adherence to right MH 454; 8T 314

sealed by neglecting warnings given by God 6T 405

success in education should not be regarded as matter of FE 193-4

success is not result of COL 353; PK 486

web of his own, each person is weaving MYP 212

wicked men’s fixed by their own choice GC 543

world’s: decided in Gethsemane DA 690

forever fixed at close of probation GC 615

hangs in balance COL 303

youth are deciding their AH 302; MYP 332

youth have possibilities of, higher than that of crowned kings Ed 206

See also Election; Fate; Predestination


character formed decides; we may chose OHC 84:2; 3SM 209:1

decision for, Mar 107:6; OHC 162:5

all are now making Mar 108:3

by actions LHU 348:3

by attitude toward God’s purpose TDG 352:2

day by day 1MCP 320:2

not knowing what sin is FW 25:0

watchfulness essential in RC 367:2


before the thousand generations of Deut. 7:9 OHC 344:2

by atmosphere around the soul HP 104:5

diet affects TMK 86:5


by holy living and firmness to right HP 26:4, 159:5

by making void God’s law 3SM 390:0

by today’s attitude and character development RC 303:3

hour fixing everyone’s, silent like the midnight thief Mar 264:2

inclinations followed bind 1MCP 302:0

worked out daily OHC 163:4

See also Eternity, destiny for; Future