EGW Index, vols. 1-4 (Topical Index)


Christ (Part 15 of 18)

approval of God through TMK 96:3

avail in our behalf, but faith must work TMK 229:2

censer holds,

before God TMK 74:4

to offer with our prayers HP 79:3

claim, by faith; cleansing blood then applied FW 96:1

daily apply to, to fit self for Master’s use TDG 148:4

elevate and ennoble humanity TMK 269:4

glory of God to earth seen by LHU 239:4

God looks on humans with favor through TMK 21:4

God’s love transfused through believer by TMK 19:4

good works acceptable through OHC 122:3

He puts in a censor in our hands HP 77:4

heaven is gained through TMK 79:3

incense for those who pray TMK 77:2

justify sinners RC 74:6, 76:2

ladder climbed by holding fast to OHC 75:2

lifted from depravity and made precious by RC 35:3

likeness to Him possible through TMK 46:4

make up for our deficiency when we want to obey FW 50:1; NL 37:3

mingled with sincere prayer TMK 270:2

none trusting in, will be left to perish TMK 112:4

perfection of love attained through TMK 117:2


on humans TMK 83:3

to our account richly HP 79:2

prayers offered through HP 71:3

presented as our substitute in intercession FW 105:3

realizing efficaciousness of, by faith TMK 288:4

redeemed sinner made perfect by HP 51:3

refine and purify sinful men TDG 151:5

sin separated from us relying upon the Mar 95:5

supply deficiency in our best service TMK 229:4

treasured up to be offered with our prayers HP 69:3

message of, See Christ, gospel of

messenger of life to the afflicted RC 37:4

messengers for,

all believers are to be UL 266:5

treat others as He did TDG 108:4

methods/ways of

strength for one willing to learn TDG 32:3

studied UL 141:4

for working in difficult fields SW 76:2

work to learn RC 248:4

youth sought to follow, in helping the needy TDG 283:3

middleman not needed between sinner and LHU 319:5

mind of,

act out, and speak His words TDG 111:7

blending of human minds with, sanctifying the understanding LHU 229:4

desire for, by Ellen White TMK 55:5

harassment and perplexity felt by OHC 57:3

harmony with RC 308:5

human, divine wisdom revealed through RC 35:5

in followers; desires harmonizing with His will OHC 147:2

law of God lived by those with TMK 217:4

leaders to have TDG 25:2

minister should learn, avoiding theorizing 1MCP 43:3

needed UL 139:4

needs (physical and spiritual) of others sensed by TDG 274:2


by conversion RC 35:4; TMK 134:3

by studying His character RC 65:6

only if self is renounced HP 155:3

sanctification claimed by many without FW 121:1

servants of God must arm themselves with UL 177:4

Word of God accepted by those with 3SM 203:3

mind and body of,

developed in obscure childhood and youth OHC 57:4


and hearts read by TMK 141:6

busy in amusement or cheap reading

do not dwell on 1MCP 315:1

drawn to, by the sanctified mind RC 17:4

filled with, and emptied of selfishness and sin TMK 142:3

fixed on, more firmly; do not defer LHU 376:5

impressed by UL 236:3

in subjection to, when truth is accepted 2MCP 710:3

less in doubt as they dwell on HP 127:4

lifted from degradation by, through the Holy Spirit TDG 124:2

on, See Christ, thoughts about

qualified to work with UL 372:7

rest with peace and assurance in AG 235:5

seeking pleasure do not dwell on OHC 115:2

should never be out of RC 21:5

stayed on; He will come as former and latter rain 3SM 204:3

stirred to see and represent 3SM 170:3

without; thus theme of His greatness neglected 3SM 185:2

ministered to in person of His disciples UL 36:3


to care for body and soul follow example of CME 43:0

to dwell more on, in talks and prayers 3SM 183:2

to preach, bringing His grace into their lives TDG 73:4

ministry for,

by connection with Him TDG 41:4

does not require being a preacher UL 322:5

speaking kind words making for peace TDG 339:5

ministry of,

aim of, without bounds TDG 28:7

beauty of, not known by one in twenty 1MCP 185:3

for us HP 187:4

is full and complete TDG 305

on earth made effective by the Holy Spirit 3SM 137:1

people began to understand God from 1MCP 182:3

places of, varied as He shared social life TDG 249:2

reached human misery with divine pity HP 40:3

to be ministry of His followers UL 369:6

to be shared by all who share His glory UL 305:3

untiring HP 43:2

ministry to others supervised and blessed by HP 295:5

miracle(s) of,

all done to bless those neglected by Jewish leaders TDG 275:2

at Cana

convinced disciples and showed compassion TDG 366:5

performed at the right time TDG 366:4

crowning, resurrection of Lazarus TDG 149:2

in healing showed His divinity to John the Baptist RC 352:5

in the Old Testament LHU 62

not for display but to counter Satan 3SM 258:3

part of His mission TMK 48:4

Satan makes, appear as result of human power 1MCP 21:4

showed relief of suffering but not pleasure appropriate for Sabbath 3SM 258:3

misrepresentation of,

by keeping natural character UL 70:4

by not acting like Him TDG 25:3

in character by idle words OHC 292:4

taking His name without His works OHC 123:2

mission/purposes of

burden of, felt at twelve years old TMK 28:5

contemplating, charms convert TMK 216:2

declared in Sermon on the Mount TMK 292:3

desire that world should hear LHU 76:5

disciples did not comprehend OHC 264:2

doing good TMK 334:4

Ellen White felt incapable of expressing 3SM 115:1

felt and communicated at age 12 LHU 77:2

helping humanity which Satan was torturing 3SM 258:3

His learning about LHU 77

in becoming flesh, to offer good from treasure house TMK 338:3

in coming to earth announced by Isaiah HP 41:2

John the Baptist proclaimed: taking away sin FW 90:3

known by unity of the church TDG 88:2

law fulfilled in 2MCP 564:3

learning TMK 87:3

meditate on 2MCP 406:1; OHC 113:5

need to be carried out with whole heart TDG 322:3

not abandoned AG 27:5

our message to be life and TMK 339:2

parable of shepherd interprets LHU 197:3

presumptuous display of power would have violated Con 85

privation felt by Him despite importance of TMK 100:4

proclaiming, while accepting His safety HP 117:2

redeemed witness to the success of Mar 39:5

reveals God as loving Father, not despot HP 14:4

reveals our fallen condition LHU 152:2

Satan tries to make, a failure FW 90:2

Scriptures searched to understand TMK 77:2

seen at His first visit to the temple LHU 31:3

seventy were to explain, from the Old Testament TDG 113:5

shown in His work UL 145:3

silence about, in childhood and youth LHU 33:2

teaching souls who were dying in their sins LHU 208:4

temptation endured before beginning Con 9:1

to prove that humans can meet God’s approval HP 166:6

to represent the Father in character FLB 88:6

to reveal God UL 316:3

as a Father of love 1MCP 183:1

unfolds to the mind moving on in faith HP 319:2

works of God were LHU 37:3

world shown; He came to represent the Father LHU 169:4

See also Christ, prerogative of

missionaries for,

if consecrated TDG 326:4

peacemakers and restorers OHC 234:3

missionary to poor, sick and suffering TMK 43:5

mocked, See Christ, taunted


for soul-winning work HP 331:5

of holiness and winsomeness of character TMK 218:3

of, Holy Spirit conforms soul to the OHC 152:5

molded by, in submission HP 107:5

molds those for whom we work UL 286:4

money not offered to disciples for following SW 10:2

moral power through the atonement of FLB 134:6

moral powers of, strengthened by communion and meditation FLB 263:5

more of, needed and less of self RC 79:2


saw, as accompanying the Israelites UL 111:3

spoken to by, for the people TMK 101:3

told by, to make brazen serpent OHC 20:2

mother of,

poor, pious virgin chosen as UL 94:3

thought of as He blessed children UL 92:4


conscious of RC 171:2

helped by UL 26

watched by, with love; He had a mother RC 170:4

motive for seeking, shortness of time is wrong TMK 320:3

movements of, to be watched in great work before us TDG 33:2

murderers of, prayed for TMK 65:2

murmur or resentment never engaged in by TDG 263:4

music to ears of Ellen White during sickness TMK 283:4

mysteries about, believe UL 58:7

mystery of,

(condescension) plainer as His sacrifice is seen OHC 13:2

in godliness TDG 341:2

incomprehensible until God flashes its meaning TMK 61:3

nailprints of, See Christ, marks

name of,

access to the Father by FW 106:0; RC 75:4

assurance from the all-prevailing TDG 22:3

believing in, and using it in prayer; we are not turned away OHC 265:3

blessings full and free for those coming in TDG 341:5

Christian is to have His mind in addition to TMK 174:3

church bearing, testifies; (superscription) OHC 185:2

claim promise and meet foe in 2MCP 473:2

disciples told to ask the Father for strength in OHC 264:2

discourses all to exalt VSS 337:1

dishonored by foolish speaking OHC 292:4

Eph. 6:13 to be studied by those naming RC 352:2

Father has pledged to honor, when we present it TMK 264:3

forgiveness granted when asking in 3SM 180:0

full of sweetness, light and love TMK 283:2

gives prayer efficiency HP 77:3

glorified in the believing child of God TMK 318:4

memory and, to be kept fresh OHC 30:3

mentioning, to others OHC 55:3

neglected 3SM 185:2

not to languish on our lips OHC 30:3

passport to the Father’s heart and to grace HP 79:5

representing Christ expected of those who bear HP 166:2

reproached by lack of love among members TDG 165:3

requests made in; He is before Father OHC 264:2

sanctification needed by those who profess 3SM 198:1

suffering in, to cause rejoicing not murmuring OHC 265:4


means representing Him in thought word and deed HP 332:2

requires honoring Him by being like Him TMK 128

watchword HP 349:4

works done in, while ignoring God’s law FW 42:1


on acts and words of the reborn FLB 137:5

on all said and done when filled with the Spirit OHC 150:5

on banner and never dishonor it TMK 341:3

See also Christ, appellations of

nationalities united by, in preparation for heaven OHC 171:4

nature of,

above that which Adam forfeited, for believers UL 18:3

divine, See Christ, divinity of

feebleness taken as, in condescension TDG 176:2

human, See Christ, humanity of

implanted brings sanctification 3SM 198:4; TDG 224:2

insight into, needed HP 64:3

not changed from human to divine UL 260:2

partake of TDG 143:5

required to be superior to humanity before the fall LHU 24:4

wanted; powers strengthened VSS 325:1

was ours TDG 159:2

See also Christ, perfection of; Nature, human

nature of will of, as Adam had in Eden OHC 107:3

wrong views of, cause mistakes 3SM 139:4

Nazareth chosen by, as a home RC 228:3

nearness of, See Christ, closeness


for coming to, felt by unworthiness TDG 261:5

for drawing closer to UL 127:3

for the abiding Christ UL 258:3

need for,

every moment RC 77:2; UL 258:2

felt more as more is learned through His Word HP 142:4

felt personally OHC 209:4

greatest for Peter when he was with the enemy TDG 259:3

revealed at the altar of self-sacrifice CME 47:1; RC 232:6

needs of (physical) OHC 127:3

were as a man Mar 85:4

needy (neglect of) noted in record kept by OHC 190:3

neglect of preaching 3SM 184

neglecting, for other,

companionship OHC 61:3

interests is poor witness OHC 55:3

nights spent in prayer by,

to resist temptation TDG 204:4

when preparing for trial TDG 104:7

nothing can be done without; righteousness is not own FW 66:0

nothing too small for, to care about RC 183:6

obedience of, 3SM 429

and industrious from childhood FLB 263:4

as a man not as a lesser God 3SM 140:1

common duties made significant by TMK 288:2

divine nature not an advantages over us for 3SM 139:3

even when task was disagreeable OHC 264:3

heaven won back by, reason for gratitude FW 88:3

intercession by TMK 74:4

measure of our obedience OHC 107:4

none could convict Him of sin 3SM 138:2

not altogether different 3SM 135:2

perfect 3SM 132:4, 133:3

perfect example only in TMK 359:6

showed that we could redeem Adam’s failure Con 17:2

to His Father same as is required of humans 3SM 139:4

unto death, is pledge of sinner’s acceptance FW 107:2

obedience of humanity in, shows man can keep the law TMK 292:5

obedience to,

because we belong to Him TDG 47:2

not self if we desire to serve Him TDG 162:2

to His words, is building on the rock TDG 215:3

to instructions of UL 19:4


divine, of faith and love TMK 216:2

of our faith UL 260:3

object lesson for us UL 284:2

obstructions, See Christ, walls

Offering as well as Offerer FLB 105:2

offering/sacrifice of

did not represent Him, when common fire used Con 81:1

of Himself to receive a home in hearts TDG 275:2

office and value of, above work of humans LHU 24:2

Old Testament

expounded upon by, with freshness TMK 195:4

patriarchs who talked face to face with TMK 197:3

sacrifices pointed to TMK 101:4

omnipotence and gentleness united in UL 265:3

one with the Father,

but was willing to step down FLB 48:3

in purity and character TDG 357:2

oneness with, OHC 145:5; 3SM 128:1

as He is one with God AG 235:5

believer becomes to show His glory TMK 158:2

by accepting Him as peace and righteousness TMK 109:3

by believing and practicing His words OHC 208:4

faithfulness in duty brings TMK 296:2

in thought and aim OHC 219:4

learned in His school TDG 182:3

privilege of soul; meekness needed TDG 150:7

signet placed on people according to OHC 180:3

sinner restored to HP 51:5

through willing obedience TDG 147:2

truth practiced by those expecting RC 59:2

understanding of, UL 73:4

by so few TDG 231:2

through Christ’s sacrifice UL 271:6

when we make Him our personal Saviour RC 82:3

open air chosen by UL 98:3

opportunity to speak for, God grants to those wanting it UL 247:5

order out of chaos possible only through HP 31:2

orders of, See Christ, commands of


called to follow, not us UL 332:5

to suffer from prejudice as did UL 40:4

our Saviour, adorn doctrine of, with godly life TMK 212:3

overcoming, Satan’s future hung on success or failure in his Con 31:0

overcoming as,

by partaking of the divine nature RC 21:5

He prayed 3SM 195:3

overcoming by,

as a man; we may overcome 3SM 136:3

(Rev. 3:21) FW 74

for us UL 39:5

of Satan so we could overcome in His name OHC 25:2

with prayer and Scripture OHC 330:4

See also Christ, conquered

overcoming through,

blood of UL 64:2

faith in UL 252:6

name and strength of OHC 265:2

the Captain of our salvation TDG 308:4

ownership by, See Christ, property of pain

of His children concerned TDG 310:5

of sufferers thrilled through body of, as evil cast out TMK 48:2

of trial felt no less by, for being God’s divine Son TDG 166:2

of, yearning pity was TMK 47:2

parables of,

listeners to, could see risk for house on plain TDG 215:2

See also Christ, lessons of

paralytic told about, and wanted to go to Him FW 67:1

pardon of,

also renews RC 303:4

and acceptance of all who come UL 162:2

assured by declaration as the I AM UL 144:5

parentage of, was humble SW 9:2

parents of, gifts of wise men sustained LHU 30:8

parents should repeat sayings of, to children TMK 42:3


of spirit of, leads to helping others HP 312:2

of, when striving with energy for eternal life TMK 170:2

partnership with, through self-denial HP 300:4

path of,

marked by deeds as green marks a stream TDG 283:3

prepared for by fasting and prayer HP 252:3

traced by deeds like green along a stream HP 225:4

path of holiness smoothed by TMK 253:4

patience of,

cheerfulness and, always shown RC 37:4

not wearied HP 234:2

under trying circumstances TDG 263:4

pattern of, UL 117:3

beyond comparison OHC 108:4

evil quickly discerned by one seeing HP 260:6

follow, resolutely, repressing wrong TMK 135:3

for childhood, youth and manhood FLB 219:4; TMK 300:2

for our lives RC 350:4; UL 149:6

for parents UL 33:2

He demonstrated obedience LHU 169:3

in compassion and in sternness against evil TDG 41:6

in words and example 3SM 138:4

kept before us; self-denial PM 147:6

(left by) TDG 222:6

only UL 281:4

See also Christ, example of; Pattern


called attention away from self to OHC 363:4

filled with transport declaring mystery in 3SM 184:3

talked, lived, and suffered for CC 338:5

peace of,

abiding—not changeable FW 88:2

converting power for those who seek UL 297:2

experienced by those kept by God’s power TMK 276:4

given to those who believe He answers prayer OHC 326:4

great worth of having, in the heart 2MCP 508:3

in hearts of those who communicate truth TDG 352:5

left to His disciples RC 278:3

lost by grieving over supposed wrongs of others OHC 232:2


brings sorrow TDG 37:3

found where selfishness reigns 1MCP 45:2

not boisterous with loud voice and movements FW 87:4

obedient and trusting ones may have HP 245:4

praise and thanksgiving implies FW 87:3

presence and, for the greatest happiness FLB 237:7

privilege to have, at all times OHC 326:2

strife and division not banished by OHC 328:2

words and actions will show, if within TDG 37:5

See also Christ, harmony with

peace of God and songs of grace filled the heart of TMK 185:4

peasant’s home and garments were His HP 214:2

penitence of humans presented by, as

His own desire TMK 77:3


(common) never debarred from presence of RC 228:3

(crowds) did not distract TMK 48:2

have not been shown, by the ministers 3SM 185:4

of all nationalities saved by; no prejudice SW 9:1

of the world will soon know, though they may not desire to 1MCP 128:1

reached by, where they were TMK 50:3

working in simplicity PM 227:1

to be helped to see, in His fullness 3SM 183:3

were precious to UL 145:5

who trust, never forsaken UL 150:4

people of,

borne upon His heart TMK 74:2

disobedient but given heavenly invitation TDG 109

evil in soul temples of professed TDG 228:3

experience of, to become a convincing power HP 297:3

led to the tree of life and truths not understood explained HP 216:5

lights to the world RC 197:3

preparation of, for glory and eternal life OHC 327:4

purified by His intercession TDG 74:5

slow in comprehending salvation 3SM 188:1

Spirit may imbue; and angels will help them 3SM 131:2

spiritual condition of, for advancing kingdom LHU 318:4

strength for, in South Lancaster meetings 3SM 182:0

struggling to uphold His law, remembered HP 284:3

supplement His glory HP 282:4

to preserve character as His representatives RC 258:5

wrong done to, recorded as done to Christ HP 65:4


image of, required in order to see our Lord 3SM 148:3

impress of, Holy Spirit makes possible HP 236:7

life of; strength He used is at our disposal HP 166:4

revelation of God HP 250:2

perfection of,

absolute UL 191:3

added to humble efforts 2MCP 787:3

avails for human imperfection TMK 67:3

change by beholding TDG 46:2

consider, rather than imperfections of others TDG 372:2

He is our example LHU 291:7

human disloyalty not possessed in 3SM 131:1

impresses people with their imperfections UL 344:2

in everything, as our example TMK 130:5

in smallest duties TSB 52:1

(incorruptibleness) with sympathy and love TMK 218:3

look away from self to TDG 63:4; TMK 241:3, 285:4; TSB 258:4

reached by believers OHC 150:6

reveals our need of His pardon OHC 27:3

seen least by those claiming perfection FW 54:1

perfection of principles of God’s law AG 257:5

perfection through,

for the guilty; He dwelt among them RC 17:5

in faith, obedience and character TDG 204:4

seek now for TMK 354:3

See also Perfection

persecution of,

considered at His coming HP 358:3

far greater than we are called to bear 3SM 398:0

Petitioner who sought grace and came forth refreshed HP 76:2


desired to kill; His words were attractive VSS 78:0

said Jesus would agree with them if a prophet LHU 207:2

physician to point to,

as Great Physician 2MCP 408:1

not to himself 2MCP 409:1

pictures of,

keep before the people 3SM 169:2

not needed; whole soul needs to absorb Him PM 220:2

(photograph) revealed Word is UL 258:3

piercing of, prophecy about, applies also to some today Mar 292:6

pity/compassion/sympathy of

because He came to earth and suffered 3SM 154:0

bound Him to humanity; mysterious truth TMK 66:3

caused Him to sacrifice His life for us TMK 35:2

draws us to follow UL 370:6

even when suffering from our own wrong UL 292:2

for people following to hear Him TDG 366:5

for people needing the waters of life TMK 105:2

for prostrate suppliant; He raises him up HP 79:2

for suffering humanity TMK 43:2

greater than a mother’s, invitation by TMK 280:2

in His bosom TMK 53:4

in His invitations VSS 91:2

knew no limit UL 330:2

possible because He took human nature VSS 412:3

poured out on His chosen TMK 51:4

produces love in daily life TMK 180:6

reaches every sorrow of His people TMK 360:3

revealing (Ellen White letter to administrator) TDG 270:3

Satan baffled by AG 257:4

social kindliness and HP 181:3

sought for others HP 287:5

with human woe; we may be like Him TMK 45:2

working with souls requires, in us TMK 45:3

place of, by the eternal throne FLB 201:7

plan of, for greater things than world has witnessed TMK 330:5

plan of God followed by, on earth HP 358:5


laid before, for His inspection and approval TMK 155:5

not made by, but daily accepted from His Father HP 147:3

played with children HP 54:3

pleading of,

before the throne HP 262:2

for tempted, erring, and faithless OHC 327:4

for us HP 12:6

sin need not bring despair 3SM 197:1


primarily UL 24:5

to be criterion when tempted by selfish desire FLB 237:3

pleasure of, to be our aim TDG 15:2; TMK 156:4

pleasures that banish, from the mind TMK 311:2


not to disappoint; His death will not be in vain TDG 320:6

of our acceptance with God RC 76:3

to represent, kept by His being in us HP 318:3

to serve, with undivided affection; by Ellen White TMK 203:2

pledge of,

as surety for humanity overcome by Satan FLB 76:3

His life given as, for every person HP 42:5

to answer trusting ones as given in Matt 21:22 2MCP 467:0

pointing to,

as Lamb when witnessing against evil practices TDG 108:4

brings unexpected happiness OHC 64:5

tell erring one that Christ died to save him 2MCP 453:1

poor, See Christ, poverty of

popularity of, See Christ, fame

position of,

among world’s religious leaders TMK 97:2

evil angels avoided recognizing TDG 128:2

not taken beside rabbis or rulers TDG 319:4

taken to save us UL 134:3

true RC 82:4

positions of distinction given to worthy by AG 67:3


by the redeemed OHC 345:6

is our first work; revealing Him is next TDG 46:6

opening the heart to His attributes OHC 365:5

See also Christ, abiding in; Christ, first

possession of, See Christ, property of

poverty of,

closeness to God demonstrated by VSS 412:3

for us TDG 139:4

humility and, teach unpopular lessons SW 85:1

lessons from HP 214:4

not honoring wealth SW 84:3

that we might be rich Con 72:1; RC 350:3; TDG 290:7; UL 134:3

wealth and TMK 134:4

poverty (people in) understood and blessed by SW 85:1


and great glory accompanies coming of TMK 61:5

of God kept UL 92:3

of the word of, recognized by the people HP 134:4

received by those who choose, as foundation UL 370:4

to draw with HP 67:2

power of/strength of/from

also sanctification, and righteousness RC 82:7

available for all tempted ones 3SM 128:5

believers shown as different by UL 244:5

beyond what we can have; never used for Himself 3SM 132:4

by connection with Him TDG 95:2

world cannot give or take TMK 316:3

by hearing but true message suppressed 3SM 186:1

by improving opportunities PM 273:1

by prayer following example TMK 258:4

character transformed by, and revealed in us HP 142:5

claimed by doers of the Word UL 48:4

comfort and hope in struggles RC 304:6; TMK 166:3

communion with God was source of HP 85:3

conquers any difficulty UL 321:4

constant touch with HP 61:6

crown through TMK 91:4

distinction of believer to be shown by UL 244:5

enables us to do good deeds UL 127:5

for advocates of truth OHC 299:4

for faith in the Word, not for false science HP 297:2

found in His grace AG 260:2

from the Father, not used for Himself 3SM 128:4

gained by exercising living faith FW 78:2

gains victory in conflict AG 257:5

given to trusting ones as to John on Patmos TMK 360:4

gives power to stop sinning 2MCP 456:3

He received,

by experience of long fast 3SM 128:4

for duty and trial through prayer OHC 127:3

from angel to drink cup TDG 49:6

through constant communion TMK 252:3

to enable Him to bless TDG 341:3

to give strength to overcome TMK 125:4

to give to people HP 60:4

holiness possible through TMK 131:4

in His words LHU 261:3

in the life comes through the Spirit like sap TDG 252:3

in time of despair TDG 122:2

in time of trial OHC 339:4

increases as we reveal it UL 324:2


those who trust UL 19:4

us from being led away UL 149:5

law kept through FW 71:3

lay hold of, for victory HP 362:6

leaves those refusing to shine TDG 211:4

(life), when abiding in Him OHC 209:7

light and, to believer TDG 48:2

limitless; He invites our confidence TDG 300:3

moral, greater than that of fallen humans Con 63:1

not to be limited; come as we are HP 264:3

not used by Him to conquer nations AG 14:3

nourishment and 3SM 145:1

only safety HP 199:6

over disease seen in past; suffering ones need faith now 3SM 295:3

overcoming by, and moral power AG 164:2

peace at the cross through; give Him burdens UL 359:3

pledges fulfillment of His promises UL 265:3

possible for Him only in obedience 3SM 142

pray as never before for, to save the lost HP 338:6

promised UL 162:4

protects from the fallen host HP 32:2

realizing our weakness FW 86:0

refuge and; best of people may fall FW 89:1

relying on, keeps us from dishonoring God HP 278:6

restoration in UL 141:3

restores human machinery UL 81:4

Satan baffled by AG 257:4

Satan works to prevent in humans UL 271:2

saves from sin HP 264:3

saving TDG 9:7

grasped as Peter did RC 356:4

is continual 2MCP 470:1

recognized OHC 18:4

trust shown by those experiencing 3SM 192:1


by revealing His character PM 259:6

today as when John the Baptist inquired RC 352:6

still available for becoming child of God TDG 283:5

strengthening, greater than Satan’s power HP 74:6

surmounts any difficulty HP 17:3

temptation may be resisted by all through HP 257:4

through humility UL 67:4

to be seen in Him TDG 334:2

to control appetite 3SM 292:0

to deliver Himself in Gethsemane TDG 267:2

to gain eternal life; a gift from Him OHC 214:5

to influence others OHC 60:5

to overcome forfeited by impurity 1MCP 227:5

to partake of the divine nature 3SM 203:1

to resist Satan; imparted TMK 16:4

to restore LHU 167:5

to save: theme of believers RY 100:1

to uphold, greater than Satan’s power to annoy TDG 177:6

touch of UL 67:4

transformed into His likeness by FW 50:0; NL 37:2

transforms heart and mind for God’s kingdom HP 372:3


and temptations met in TMK 225:4

reveal TDG 142:7

trusting ones receive TMK 78:4

we may lay hold on UL 252:3

weakness without HP 188:3

when His love fills our hearts AG 257:4

witnessing to, by showing His love TMK 306:2

See also Christ, sufficiency of

powers all to be used for; returning to God 1MCP 162:1

practical follower of OHC 300:5

praise to/for,

actions show TMK 133:5

as resurrection and life and life RC 285:6

by unfallen universe TMK 319:4

evil angels seemed to be driven away by HP 214:4

for forgiveness; not talking of discouragement HP 276:5

for His keeping power through faith TDG 44:5

for His presence UL 142:7

heard little but it will be theme in eternity 3SM 187:2

life of prayer and faith leads to HP 248:2

throughout eternity TDG 320:6

when seen more clearly as Sacrifice TMK 122:4

with the voice rather than complaining RC 285:2


answered when, is recognized UL 359:5

as, to conquer as He did TMK 34:5

prayer of,

answered in obedience, unity and love UL 268:2

assurance in, for our sanctification TMK 37:2

at His baptism, heavens opened to HP 39:2

before His trial; He suffered disappointment TDG 369:2

before the Gethsemane struggle UL 122:6

braced Him for duty and trial Mar 85:4

earnest and often during earthly ministry TMK 258:2

for endurance although Himself a source of strength TMK 258:3

for glorification answered LHU 102:4

for help from Father although source of strength TMK 258:3

for His disciples before His final conflict RC 101:2

for sanctification answered by eating bread from heaven 3SM 203:2

for unity

all are to seek to answer 3SM 17:4

answered through fellowship HP 281:6

every soul to seek to answer RC 199:3

in John 17 reaches to our time OHC 170:2

is for all to end of world RC 199:4

to be studied and lived RC 200:2

to be the rule of our life RC 200:3

in Gethsemane, to be listened to when tempted TMK 311:3

in John 17

all believers included in TDG 120:3

includes His children today RC 257:3

to be our creed; read the chapter 3SM 21:1

is for all believers to end of the world 3SM 18:2

often heard in Nazareth HP 214:4

(pleadings) for disciples and for own strength TMK 258:2

retired place for, feeling darkness of world TMK 258:2

wants and needs covered in (Matt. 6:9-13) TDG 288:4

while dew and frost fell upon His bowed head TMK 258:2

with tears all night UL 80:2

prayer to,

and His name praised when power stirs 3SM 186:3

does not weary HP 74:5

heard bending low TMK 270:4

prayers (petitions) composed by Holy Spirit when abiding in OHC 147:2


about, without showing Him as in own heart TDG 272:3

is to exalt; self kept out of sight VSS 322:1