EGW Index, vols. 1-4 (Topical Index)


Bognes, Augusta - Books of heaven

Bognes, Augusta

Bognes, Augusta WM 322-3


Bohemia GC 96-119, 254; SR 337-8

See also Huss, John; Jerome; Prague; Ziska

Bohemian Christians

Bohemian Christians, Wesley (John) received light from GC 254

Bohemian language

Bohemian language, Gregory VII forbade public worship in GC 97, 99

Scriptures translated into GC 97

Bohemian princess

Bohemian princess, queen of England GC 99

Boil, Boils

Boil, Boils, plague of, on Egyptians PP 267; 3SG 212-3, 244; SR 117


Bokhara GC 360-2


Boldness, gospel work calls for more Ev 297

holy, God’s messengers given PK 105

speak truth with 2SM 52

in children, marked characteristic today CSW 46

too much notice or praise develops CG 38

See also Courage


disciples proclaimed Christ with, having been with Him FW 64:1

holy, in claiming God’s pledged Word TDG 177:7

love for Christ gives, to the timid RC 368:4

witnesses of last-days to have, with feet on solid rock RC 347:4

See also Frankness; Truth, boldness

Bolt, Bolts

Bolt, Bolts, stealthy hands slip, for Satan to enter 4T 211

Bolton, Fannie

editing by,

of articles, letters and testimonies 3SM 117:4

of children’s articles not approved PM 209:1

Ellen White books not made by; she suggested arrangement 3SM 92


Bombast, church needs no 5T 130

Bond, Bonds

Bond, Bonds, believer under, to be spiritually minded TM 160

of iniquity, soul still in MB 60

of union and love, irresistible power in 1SM 85


Bondage, heathen, Israelites sold into PK 648-9

Israel’s Egyptian, cause of PP 363

lifelong, marriages that are TM 85-6

most unjust and cruel, many of God’s people will be cast into GC 626

poor children sold into, by Israelites PK 648

Solomon’s, more cruel than grave PK 77-8

spiritual, Israelites represented as in DA 237

willing, truth binds soul to Christ in CT 199

worst, prodigal son was in COL 200

to be ruled by spirit of evil is DA 466

See also Slavery


covenant between Father and Son to rescue from 3SM 130:2

custom holds thousands in; self-denial refused 2MCP 381:1

God delivered His people from, and guided them TDG 237:2

land of, to sin TMK 294:5

preparing own, by infatuating relationship LYL 68:4

spiritualists claiming liberty are in, to demons Con 90:4

thoughts suggested by Satan to bring soul into 2MCP 659:0

truth seen as, to human beings HP 140:3

yoke of, law is not;

commandments are not grievous FW 42:4

to those who follow 2 Peter 1 TMK 160:3


Bondmen, Israelites as, in Egypt PP 281


Bondservant, redemption of Hebrew, by next of kin DA 327

Bone, Bones

Bone, Bones, human 4T 613; Te 74

babies’, sufficient for their support 2SM 466

broken, nature seeks to repair Ed 113; MM 11

designed to be used 4T 411

dislocated Ed 113

dry, Ezekiel’s vision of 4BC 1165-6

how, acquire solidity and strength 2SM 321

keep, in most healthful condition MYP 150

know how to treat and use, your 2SM 289

nutrition needed by MH 295

pains in, poisonous med. preparations cause 4aSG 139

parents need to be acquainted with 3T 136

poisoned, child with 3T 454

rottenness of, calomel causes 2SM 449

excessive indulgence of animal passions causes 2T 477

use of, make the best SD 171

students need training in 2SM 323

words that act as poison to 1T 696

See also Fossils

Bonfoey, Clarissa M.

Bonfoey, Clarissa M. LS 123; 2SG 113

death of 2SG 209; 1T 132

joined White family in 1849 LS 123; 2SG 113, 209

sickness of 2SG 191

travels of LS 135, 137-9; 2SG 96, 104, 113, 127, 133-5, 140, 143, 152, 191, 208-9

White (Henry Nichols) in care of 2SG 96

White (Jas. Edson) in care of LS 131, 141; 2SG 127, 152

with White family eight years 2SG 209

Bonnechose, Francois P. E. B. de

Bonnechose, Francois P. E. B. de, quoted GC 101, 105-15

Bonnet, Bonnets

Bonnet, Bonnets, another person’s, watching and talking about 1T 145

artificial flowers on 2SG 13; 1T 20

bows and ribbons on, inquiry re 1T 251

in bows and puffs 2SG 13; 1T 20

laces for, too much money spent on 1T 135

silk, not pride to wear 1T 275

small, lack of modesty in wearing 2SG 228; 1T 189

velvet, EGW’s 1T 252

EGW’s 2SG 189

See also Hat

Book, Books

1. Good

2. Harmful

3. Infidel

4. Of the law by Moses

5. Special

6. Miscellaneous


1. Good

benefiting mind and heart, read ML 89

Bible is essential, for all to study CH 369

Bible is most potent, for invigorating faculties GW 249

Bible is most wonderful FE 395-6

Bible should be studied above all other, in SDA schools FE 133; 6T 131, 162

Bible should not be secondary to other, in SDA schools CSW 53; FE 404

Bible stands highest among FE 394

children may be taught lessons from CT 146; FE 416

Christmas gifts consisting of AH 479

containing light, read 4T 391

do not read, merely for story AH 417

educational, Bible is greatest FE 256

God’s word is most perfect FE 394

enlightening mind, buy 2SM 318

God has spoken to His people through GW 308

God’s word should not be secondary to other CSW 53; FE 404

harmless in themselves, may prove to be evil Ed 189

helping to build character, read AH 417

how to read 3T 465

instructive, romance and newspaper tales destroy relish for AH 411

John the Baptist’s study of 5BC 1115

money that should be spent for 4T 391

on general information, world flooded with FE 395

on religious subjects, parents should read to children from CT 138

read interesting, that impart knowledge and inculcate right principles CW 134; SD 178

to obtain substantial knowledge AH 417

reading of, spare time should be improved by COL 343-4

study of, parents should seek help by CT 138

spiritual, read 3T 81-2

three, which contain God’s word COL 125

useful, read 3T 81-2

useful and interesting, children should have AH 284; 1T 399

useful and instructive and elevating, needed for SDA libraries and tables CW 134

winter evenings call for AH 479

youth need, that bless mind and soul FE 547-8

that put best material into character building CT 133

2. Harmful

burned at Ephesus, valued at about $10,000 6BC 1064

by men disloyal to God, do not encourage study of CW 117

by ungodly authors, students influenced by CT 368

children misled by MH 446-7

Christians should not sell AA 289

class of: that are plague to mind and heart MYP 272

that are unclean and degrading Ed 189-90

that are unprofitable reading FE 92-3

that are unsuitable for children and youth 5T 516

that do not attract true gospel worker 2SM 155

that have satanic fascination CM 142-3; 7T 164-5

that might better be consumed CM 142-3; CT 133; 7T 164

that is curse to readers CM 143

that mature minds would do better not to read MH 447; 8T 309

that parents should not permit children to read 8T 308-9

that SDA educational institutions should discard CT 25, 182, 187, 401; FE 388, 517; MH 446

that SDA should be afraid to read FE 93

that SDA should not circulate CM 143-4; FE 123

that should be discarded as trashy reading CM 143-4

consisting of cheap and worthless romances, SDA publishing houses should not advertise or sell CW 147

consisting of common stories, not essential to our well-being CW 147

containing error: gospel workers cautioned re 9T 68

never place before children or youth MH 447; 8T 309

SDA publishing houses should not print 2SM 351; 8T 90

SDA schools should not use CT 389; FE 184

travel all over country 4T 391; 5T 681

will be issued till very end CW 153-4

world flooded with MH 445

containing frivolous and exciting tales, curse to readers CT 134; 7T 165

containing love stories, curse to readers CT 134; 7T 165

containing recital of crimes and atrocities, bewitching power of CT 133

containing sophistry re geology, guard against CT 390

containing sophistry re science, guard against CT 390

containing suppositions of reputedly great authors, God’s word preferred to COL 108

containing suppositions of world’s great authors, SDA schools should not use 6T 160

corrupting, Satan uses CH 466

worldlings publish LS 216-7

delineating satanic practices, publicize evil CT 134; 7T 165

educational, that mislead, deceive, and delude FE 451

exciting, souls led away from truth by EW 58

that are death to religion 1T 242

exciting and unhealthful, teachers should not use CT 182

expressing pagan sentiment, youth injured by FE 168

favoring hypnotism, SDA should not publish 2SM 350-1

favoring magic, burn MYP 275, 278

Christians at Ephesus destroyed AA 286-9

Christians should not sell AA 289

rules of Satan’s devising in MYP 275

warning against reading of MYP 275-6

favoring spiritism, Christians should not sell AA 289

favoring witchcraft, do not sell MYP 275

Ephesian Christians publicly burned MYP 275

having no bearing on present truth, do not employ men and means to circulate FE 123

historical, which ill affect youth CM 143; 7T 165

ideas in, that mislead children 8T 309

immoral, passions of heart fired by MYP 277

in SDA schools, that should never have been placed there FE 383

large share of, like frogs of Egypt Ed 189-90

would better be destroyed CM 143-4; MYP 272

leading away from God, warning against education that uses CT 15

leading to mysticism, shun 6T 132

leading to reception of false ideas, should not be studied in SDA schools CT 389

long use does not recommend 6T 162-3

new order of, which SDA must shun 1SM 204

not tending to spirituality or piety, unsuitable for youth 5T 517

of biography, that we should not circulate FE 123

of men’s theories and speculations, do not circulate FE 123

of narrative, that SDA should not circulate FE 123

of supposed literary value, that are polluted streams Ed 188

that children should not read Ed 188

that SDA schools should not use CT 182

on crime, evil results of circulating CM 143

on curious arts, Christians at Ephesus burned 6BC 1064

on Indian warfare, better not to read CM 142-3; 7T 164-5

on sensational topics: published as money-making scheme CT 133

satanic fascination in CT 133

that youth should not read CT 133

on war, Satan stands beside readers of MYP 277

youth ill influenced by MYP 277

Paine’s (Thomas), avoid reading FE 93

pernicious, world plagued by 7T 165-6

perplexing and confusing, youth should not receive CT 390

philosophical, that SDA schools should not use CT 187

why many people study 8T 307

See also Philosophy

piled up in great libraries, minds confused by CH 369

propagating unsound theories, students affected by CT 444; FE 446-7

questionable, do not open lids of FE 93

re symbolic characters inscribed on idol of Diana AA 286-7

reading of, which is communion with Satan MYP 275-6

reasons for discarding 6T 164

relating crimes and atrocities, bewitching power of CM 143; 7T 164-5

Satan clothed in angel robes in CM 143; CT 134

Satan has breathed his poisonous breath on MYP 276-7

schools of world make infidels by using 6T 164

SDA publishing houses should not print 7T 164-8

SDA schools should not use FE 490

souls contaminated with spiritual malaria by MYP 276-7

sowing tares, unwise publication of 1SM 58

students’ minds corrupted by 6T 164

teachers’ minds corrupted by 6T 164

that only amuse, waste no time on CW 148

vile, children ill-affected by 2T 481

imagination excited by 2T 481

which are curse to reader CT 134; MYP 272

worthless, many CT 182

passion for stories produces thousands of CW 147

3. Infidel

avoid reading FE 93

contain poison like that of asps FE 93

danger in reading FE 92-4

miasmas of hell inhaled by reading FE 93

never feel strong enough to read FE 93

SDA schools should not use CT 401-2, 424; FE 167; 6T 162-7

students ill-affected by CT 444; FE 446-7

students should not study FE 168

study of, like handling black coal CT 424

teachers in SDA schools use CT 458

teachers should shun 6T 165

teachers warned re CT 401

what to do when taunted for not reading FE 93

world flooded with MYP 276

written by Satan’s agents FE 93

youth injured by FE 168

youth should not read MYP 276-7

4. Of the law by Moses

assurances of God’s willingness to save abound in PK 393

exalted in Josiah’s reign PK 428

Ezra and helpers read and explained PK 661-8

Jeremiah’s references to PK 428-9

Jeremiah’s regard for principles of right in PK 412

Jews’ attention to, after Babylonian captivity PK 705

Joshua given command re PK 465

kept for reference by judges of Israel 4aSG 55; SR 172

kept in side of ark PP 466, 524; 4aSG 55; SR 172

manuscript of, found in Josiah’s time 2BC 1038-9; PK 392-3, 398, 465-6

lost in Manasseh’s reign PK 392-3

Moses wrote PP 466, 500; 3SG 270, 300; 4aSG 55; SR 171-2

neglected in Manasseh’s reign PK 392-3

placed in charge of proper officers PP 466; 4aSG 55; SR 172

priests instructed people from PK 337

provisions in, for Passover celebration PK 405

public reading of, daily by teaching priests PK 392

rehearsed every seven years PK 465

summary at close of, re God’s dealings with Israel PK 394

temple copy of PK 392-3

treasure of knowledge in 2BC 1038

See also Law, Mosaic

5. Special

inspired, Scriptures embodied in GC 5

little, of Rev. 10:1, 8-10 7BC 971

of books See Scriptures

of ceremonial law See Law, ceremonial

of nature See Nature

of seven seals, of Rev. 5:1-9 7BC 967-8; COL 294

of the covenant See Covenant

of truth, God’s word is 4T 336

sealed See Daniel, book of; Revelation, book of

statute, men will be judged by Bible as EW 52

6. Miscellaneous

accumulation of, gospel workers’ 8T 307

interposes between God and man too often 7T 205

motive that inspires many in MH 442

antediluvians had no PP 83

authors of See Book authors

baby minds should not be educated from CG 300

Bible neglected for other 1T 134

by unrenewed heart 2T 144

character formation affected by ML 267

chasing superficially through, mental dyspeptics made by 3T 465

mind clogged by 3T 465

children’s reading of, parents should closely watch CG 114

containing nothing re special truths for this time, SDA should not circulate FE 123

covenant recorded by Joshua in SR 182

do not stop to read, when you have work to do SD 114

education chiefly from, novices in experimental knowledge are made by 4T 546

superficial thinking results from Ed 220

education from See Book education; Book knowledge

education in, not all-important 3T 221

few, before invention of printing GC 62

for study of sciences, should be in harmony with Bible CT 426

idol made of CT 415; 3T 224

by students FE 355

long study of, men not made subjects of God’s kingdom by FE 413; MYP 189

many have decided that they cannot read one, in 10,000 5T 405

mental application to, without physical exercise FE 418; 3T 489-90

Moses’ See Moses

multiplication of, that may be evil Ed 189

of theologians, why many study 8T 307

See also Theologian; Theology

one may gather all knowledge from, and yet be ignorant of science of salvation CT 14

philosophical, cannot equal Bible as textbook in SDA schools CT 422

purpose of holy life cannot be served by MH 442; 9T 21

read in leisure moments, religious experience largely determined by 7T 204

religious experience revealed by MYP 273

reading of, that makes one live in unreal world FE 452

scientific, cannot equal Bible as textbook in SDA schools CT 422

danger in reading 9T 67-9

students should not keep mind continually on CT 497

without physical exercise FE 418

study of many, dyspeptic mind often results from 7T 205

that do not lead to God, God’s word laid aside for COL 107

use of, that is Satan’s cunning device MH 446-7; 8T 309

youth eager for CT 133; MYP 271; 2T 410

youth influenced by 8T 66

youth who love and idolize, warning to 3T 224


affordable if not so many expensive illustrations PM 218:3

angels prepare hearts to receive, containing truth PM 207:0

appearance of, competition between authors for PM 219:2

binding of, not to be contracted to outside firms PM 120:1, 121:1

cheaper editions of, in competition PM 208:2

children’s, for the Southern field PM 193:5

circulation of, responsibility of those paid to print it PM 213:1

competition (unfair) in publishing; robbing neighbor PM 213:2

cost of, families unable to afford, to be helped from fund PM 214

covers for, do not convert souls; expensive PM 218

durable, needed but too much spent in illustrations PM 216:2

editorial improvements in, may need to wait for next edition 3SM 97:2

Ellen White shown that certain, would make their way; light needed PM 206:2

expensive, produce less freely; some are not worthy PM 215:1

families unable to afford, create a fund for PM 214:0

illustrations in,

competition in; jealousy; little reading PM 215

costing too much time and money PM 216:0

expensive, for giving or buying PM 218

helps a little but hurts more PM 219:4

misrepresenting Bible truth PM 216

then offering incentives PM 213:3

to support the text; reduce expenses PM 216:2

See also Illustrations

income from, publishing houses to receive part of PM 124:1

inferior, may flood market; people need light and truth PM 236:1

institutions helped financially through, donated by Ellen White PM 366

knowledge from, knowing God and Jesus is more important than 1MCP 358:2

large and small, carry light from the center in Nashville PM 192:3

light and truth needed in; avoid flooding with low quality PM 236:1

light shines to many through truth-filled PM 344:2

majority of, not to be from one publishing house (Washington) PM 146:4

manufacture of,

by outside firms might discredit publishing house PM 121:4

simplify; trust God rather than Egypt PM 215:1

money from, increased by diverting from their original purpose PM 150:2

money to be spent for, on present truth, not on ornaments PM 381:3

need for, without error for children and youth PM 98

other, placed before Word of God TDG 127:3

prices for,

royalties unfairly reduced arguing for PM 149:3

too high; extravagant illustrations PM 216:0

too low compared to publishing house prices PM 122:4

too low; costs too high; offers were “bribes” PM 213:3

production of, some to understand all about PM 92:5

read only, which give clearer knowledge of God’s Word TDG 150:6

rivalry between publishing houses in making; economize PM 213:3

sale of,

by Ellen White, through outside agencies PM 123:1

encourage people in; also for periodicals PM 211:1

promoted by saying income goes to organization PM 333:2

seal of God placed on, if written in humility PM 41:3

simple, for people coming out of slavery SW 45:0

simple ways to publish and circulate; God will teach PM 297:3

Spirit of Prophecy, See also Ellen White, books of/writings of

study of,

neglecting to work to pay school bills 1MCP 196:2

sinful while neglecting learning usefulness 1MCP 195:2

translation of, giving reason for our faith PM 211:2

truth in,

illustrations should not detract from PM 216:2

is the important point for canvassers PM 303:3

unsold, Ellen White sorry about; canvassers needed PM 280:2

value of,

belittled by placing them at a low cost PM 335:5

not in gilded leaves or cover PM 304:1

valued at institutions caring for the young or elderly PM 344:3

See also Literature; Publications; Reading

Books, Seventh-day Adventist

1. Circulation of

2. Health

3. Kinds of

4. Large

5. Sale of

6. Small

7. Temperance

8. Ellen G. White’s

9. Miscellaneous

1. Circulation of 4T 156

angels accompany persons engaged in CM 22

angels prepare way for CM 22

believers should unite in CM 22

blindness that diminishes CW 149-50

God will help in 7T 158

important work AH 486

in foreign languages, greatly increase LS 447

ministers and people should engage in 1T 690

more time should be given to 7T 158; 9T 83

need of: in all cities and villages CH 466; LS 217

to disseminate light CW 23

no forbiddings should be placed on 9T 74-5

on publishing house shelves, circulate CM 23

prayer will do more to promote, than expensive ornamentation 7T 158-9

EGW encouraged LS 446-7

wider the, greater the demand for 4T 392

youth should be selected for CM 29

See also Colporteur; Colporteur work

2. Health

blessing to persons who cannot afford physician’s visit AH 486; WM 102

can do for people what physicians cannot do CH 463; ChS 153; CM 90

circulation of: colporteurs should widen 6T 326

men should not be drawn from other important lines to CM 138

needed among neighbors ChS 219

need of wider CM 133; 7T 136; WM 102

Sabbathkeepers should foster CH 462

instruction in, study and practice ChS 219

light shining from, people need 7T 136

med. students should not circulate only 8T 162

more attention and appreciation deserved by 7T 63

need of health reform shown by 6T 326

people helped by, to save money spent in doctors’ bills CH 463

people led by, to heed third angel’s message 7T 136

people prepared by, to receive truth 6T 326

permanent place should be given to, in literature work CM 134

place, in many homes AH 486; 7T 65; WM 102

proper place should be occupied by, in colporteur work 6T 327-8

in giving of gospel message CM 138

read and study Ev 50

read to children from CT 138; 7T 64

religious books prepare way for 6T 328

sale of: caution against too much emphasis on CM 141

sale of other publications should not be hindered by CM 139; 6T 327-8

sale of religious books should not be diminished by CM 141

suggestions to colporteurs re ChS 152-3; CM 90, 140-1

young men and women should engage in CM 134

study of, prepare for usefulness by 7T 63

use, in house-to-house work WM 102

3. Kinds of

cheap and simple, should be published at Nashville, Tenn. CW 146

containing light and knowledge, neglected by God’s people 5T 681

containing truth for this time, our work is to print and circulate CW 148; 8T 89

place, before as many people as possible ChS 145

dedicated to educational work CT 525; 9T 76

students should sell CM 30

dedicated to sanitarium work CT 525; 9T 76

students should sell CM 30

expressing truth in plain Bible language, should be widely circulated 4T 392

for gospel work in southern states of USA LS 381-2

should present truth in simple language LS 381-2

for Negroes in southern states of USA CW 146

light-giving, abundant CW 148

making Scriptures plain, how to increase demand for 4T 392

many, not after God’s order CW 147

not for God’s glory CW 161

not of vital consequence to world CW 165

of cheap order, do not flood market with CW 148

mistakes in publishing CW 148

on Bible subjects, encourage scattering of 9T 61

on evidences of our faith, gospel workers should give first attention to 9T 61

on our faith, ministers aided by GW 99

on practical faith and godliness, call attention to CW 147; 7T 158

on prophecy, call attention to 7T 158

on religious subjects, read to children from 7T 64

on Satan’s apostasy, need wide circulation CM 123-4

preaching gospel in its several lines, needed CH 464

prepare, in style essential for southern states of USA CW 146-7

presenting truth in simple manner, needed CM 140

relief, need wide circulation 9T 83

San Fernando Academy students encouraged to sell 9T 83-4

religious, make decided effort to circulate CM 140-1

sale of medical books should not divert from circulation of CM 141

setting forth reasons for our faith, French people need 3T 211

soul-saving, need of minor corrections should not lessen influence of CW 151

standard, need of revising and correcting some CW 151

stating truth clearly, have been prepared MM 96

teaching Bible doctrines, first attention should be given to 9T 61

that youth need FE 547-8

truth-filled, people need ChS 153

Spirit impresses minds reading 6T 316

unnecessary, have been issued CW 161

various: needed in field at same time CM 139

no need of contrasting CM 140

presentation of truth calls for CM 139

vitally important, youth do not look at FE 547

4. Large

containing present truth, colporteurs should sell CM 122

educated people in southern states of USA need CW 146-7

literature that should be used with CM 122

magazines and papers should be used with CM 122

smaller books open way for 9T 35

that should be sold everywhere CM 123-4

truth should be proclaimed in all world by CW 144

use, in miss. work Ev 451-2

youth should be encouraged to sell CT 526

5. Sale of

at camp meetings CT 529

church members can do much by 9T 35

consecrated workers should handle 6T 319

discouraged believer should engage in CM 22

experienced sellers of health foods should engage in FE 521-2

good experience obtained in ChS 151-2

light of truth extended by 4T 389

Los Angeles, Calif., presents opportunities for FE 523

ministers engaging in, propriety of 1T 472

ministers have carried, too far 1T 687

ministers’ profits from, use of CW 168-9

ministers’ time and strength should not be absorbed in 1T 472, 688

money should be earned by, for publishing new publications 4T 389

much more to be done by 9T 70

on credit 1T 689

promises for persons engaged in ChS 151-2

students earn money for school by CT 526-7

training in, Haskells (S. N. and Mrs.) gave Ev 470

way for Bible studies opened by Ev 470

weariness from 1T 472-3

JW’s, while preaching LS 145; 2SG 167; 1T 91, 689

young men need training in CM 19

youth learn lessons in CT 525-8

youth need training in CT 546; 6T 330

See also Colporteur; Colporteur work

6. Small

colporteurs should give, to persons who cannot buy 6T 338

distribute, freely among Negroes in southern states of USA CW 146

ignorant or partially civilized people need 7T 160

lend, to neighbors 9T 35

prophecies of Daniel and Revelation should be printed in 8T 160; TM 117

sale of, should not lead to neglect of larger books CM 141

send, to people who know not truth 2SM 318

simple language and abundant illustrations needed in 7T 160

truths that should be crowded into Ev 232

20 persons converted by miss. work done with LS 361-2

use, with larger books CM 122

way for larger books opened by 9T 35

7. Temperance

circulation of, is important WM 102

place, in many homes AH 486; 7T 65; WM 102

8. Ellen G. White’s

give widest circulation possible to 9T 67, 74

throughout world CM 125

lessons on Christian experience in 9T 74

messages in, shall stand immortalized 1SM 32

prices of, reduced on special occasions 9T 74

principles in, thousandfold results of carrying out CM 125-6

royalties from, use of 1SM 103

truth in, barricaded by “Thus saith the Lord” CM 126

See also EGW books by title

9. Miscellaneous

aids to: giving Bible studies CW 112

preaching CW 146

author(s) of See Book author

businessmen should receive CM 39

cannot be regarded too highly 4T 392

church members should place, in homes of people ChS 147

competing with one another CW 149-50

editor(s) of See Book editor

exaltation of one, above another CM 140

free from all display, issue CW 169

God’s means of keeping message before people 6T 315-6

gospel preached in several lines by CM 7

how to use, to present truth to associates and neighbors 9T 129

illustration of See Book illustration

important, matters of minor importance in 1SM 165

imprint of “Washington, D.C.” on, value of LS 394

interest at stake in each, guard CW 149-50

introduce, to people 4T 391

laid on shelf and neglected, many will read 6T 313-4

lending of, miss. work by 9T 35

light of present truth should shine to world from 8T 87

ministry of, world is to receive light through ChS 146; CM 145; 9T 61

money needed to send, to persons without truth 5T 732-3

new edition of, should not be released till old stock is exhausted CW 150-1

offered, exalt value of 4T 392

package of, sale of 1T 689

papers and tracts benefit some people more than CM 140

parents should buy, for children 4T 391

people isolated are reached by CM 39

who cannot be reached otherwise CM 39

who cannot hear minister’s voice CM 4

periodical articles should be reprinted in form of CW 146

persons other than ministers can present, to public 1T 688

place, in hands of all who will read 1T 473

in homes of people CH 464; CM 7, 22

in homes by miss. work AH 486

preach God’s word by CM 145; 9T 62

prepare 4T 156

prices of See Book prices

profits from: authors should receive just share of CW 165; 7T 178; 9T 73

publishing association and agents should not receive all of 5T 563-4

publishing house should receive share of CW 165; 9T 73

See also Book royalty

publish, in many languages CM 120; 7T 160; 9T 34

publishing houses should help work in new fields by gifts of MM 330

publishing of two, simultaneously on same subject when one suffices CW 149-50

read ML 89

remains while sermon may soon be forgotten LS 382

revision of CW 151

sanitarium patients should be provided Ev 538

scatter CM 21

in every direction ChS 151

like leaves of autumn CM 25; 9T 72

second, on a subject should not be issued till preceding one has fair chance CW 150

sell or lend, as case may require ChS 151

some, too difficult for some minds CM 140

sow, throughout world CM 22

spare, people glad to read your CM 151

tastefully prepare CW 70

teach people at camp meetings how to use, in miss. work 9T 82-3

teachers of gospel should receive CM 39

that students should sell CT 526

third angel’s message should be preached by ChS 145-6

thousands of, should be placed in homes in large cities ChS 152

through which God has spoken to His people 8T 298

translation, into other languages See Translation

transportation of, economy needed in 4T 600

treasures of knowledge given to world by CS 39

truth from Revelation should be presented by 9T 62

use of 1T 687-90

in miss. work Ev 451-2; WM 339

in sanitariums 1T 642

used, distributed in orphans’ homes and old soldiers’ homes WM 339

EGW used, in miss. work LS 47-8; WM 339

See also Schoolbook; Storybook; Textbook

Book advertising

Book advertising CW 147-8; 9T 63

in periodicals CW 148

Book and Bible House

Book and Bible House See Missionary society; Tract society

Book and tract fund

Book and tract fund 1T 689-90

See also Book fund

Book author, Book authors, Seventh-day Adventist

Book author, Book authors, Seventh-day Adventist, ability of, talent given by God 7T 177

delays that seem tedious to CW 157

duty of, re income from his books 7T 178

foresight needed by CW 150

need to be spiritualized and enlivened 3T 211

persons who feel qualified as CW 152

Spirit stirs, to write CM 19; 6T 330

See also Book royalty


Bookbinding CW 167, 169-70

schools should teach CT 312; 6T 176

Book committee, Book committees

Book committee, Book committees, members of, duties and essential qualifications of CW 155-6, 159-61; 7T 160; TM 260-1

See also Book manuscript

Book cover, Book covers

Book cover, Book covers, expensive, caution re CW 169-70

good and durable, needed CW 167

Book editor, Book editors

Book editor, Book editors, responsibility of, solemn 7T 140

See also Editor

Book education

Book education, heart education more important than 8T 311

See also Book; Book knowledge; Book learning; Book study

Book embellishment, Book embellishments

Book embellishment, Book embellishments, expensive, prayer does more to circulate books than 7T 158-9

See also Book illustrations

Book fund

Book fund, needed to provide literature for the poor 1T 689-90

See also Book and tract fund

Book illustration, Book illustrations

Book illustration, Book illustrations CW 167-76; 7T 160

books for southern states of USA need LS 381-2

do not depend on abundant, to sell books CW 169

expensive, absorb funds needed for other work CW 171

make books expensive CW 168, 170

SDA books being filled with CW 169

help that is more valuable than CM 88

inspired by Satan MYP 277

investment of money in, avoid large CW 167-8

making pictures for, care needed in CW 167

grows into unsanctified ambition CW 169

need of abundant, in small books 7T 160

pictures of auto-da-fé as, do not use CW 172

purpose, to lead to study of book CW 167

some, impose on public CW 171

temptation to tie up money in CW 168

that are a failure CW 167

thousands of dollars could be saved in CW 169

See also Book cover; Book embellishment

Bookkeeper, Bookkeepers

Bookkeeper, Bookkeepers CD 252

school, question re CS 271

training of, neglected CT 218; 5T 553

See also Accountant


Bookkeeping, importance of, in God’s work 5T 553

needed in institutions 5T 553; 7T 252-3

school presidents should know CS 271; FE 510

school should teach CT 218; Ev 475; 5T 553

study of primary importance CT 218

See also Accounting


publishing house apprentices to be taught PM 92:3

Book knowledge

Book knowledge, alone, complete education consists of more than Ed 265; FE 538

not enough for symmetrical education CT 307-8; FE 538

child training embraces more than 3T 131

child’s education should consist of more than CG 195

child’s health more important than Ed 208

crowding of students’ minds with, evil of Ed 230

education comprises more than 4T 648; 5T 322

faith in God should bind off CT 410; FE 347

genuine experience is superior to 3T 71

in education, combine practical work with AH 508

learning arts essential for practical life is more important than CG 195

made all-important, God dishonored by FE 351

people highly educated depend more on, than on God 1SM 265

schools should impart more than FE 317

Spirit’s efficiency more to be depended on than FE 354

student’s passion to excel in, increases abnormally CT 415; FE 356

study of one line of, mistake of devoting years to CT 413; FE 350

successful minister must have more than GW 111; 3T 553

training for life’s practical duties should not be neglected for MH 444

See also Book; Book education; Book learning; Book study

Book learning

Book learning, consecrated activity and perseverance worth more than 6T 178-9

excessive, students ill-affected by FE 336-7

heart education more important than MH 450

See also Book; Book education; Book knowledge; Book study


Bookmaking, knowledge of, book committee members need CW 159; TM 261

work of, grand and good 9T 69

See also Book production


Bookman(men), faithful, encouragement for LS 446

See also Colporteur

Book manuscript, Book manuscripts

Book manuscript, Book manuscripts, examination of, by book committees CW 156, 159-61

See also Book committee

Books of heaven

1. Book of life

2. Book(s) of record

3. Book of remembrance

4. Books (sundry)

5. Good things recorded in

6. Persons registered in

7. Sundry things recorded in

8. Wrongs recorded in

9. Miscellaneous

1. Book of life

baptismal candidates listed in 6BC 1075

called “book of God’s providence” DA 313

children listed in DA 564

Christ’s children listed in 4BC 1184

Christ’s faithful followers listed in 7BC 950

companionship of persons listed in GW 332

controversy over every soul listed in PK 585; 5T 470

deliverance of persons listed in GC 634

each of Christ’s followers given a page in DA 313

faithful of all ages listed in PK 591; SD 369; 5T 475

faithful of remnant church listed in PK 591

God’s faithful servants listed in CH 285

God’s word as a 2SM 318

good deeds of God’s people recorded in EW 52; 3T 370

investigative judgment reviews names in 7BC 987; GC 483-4

Moses prayed that his name be blotted from PP 379-80, 475; 3T 304, 354

mother who is listed in CT 144; MH 377

names blotted out of 3BC 1159; 6BC 1081; 7BC 987; GC 483; PP 326; SD 185; TM 445

in investigative judgment GC 483-4; PP 326

names listed in MM 144; 1T 405

names not blotted out of CG 401-2, 417-8; GC 483, 490; ML 321; SD 49, 355, 369; 5T 333; TM 234-5

in investigative judgment GC 483-4

names on church records not all written in 4BC 1166; 3SG 86; 1T 504-5; 5T 278

Negro’s name beside white man’s in ChS 218; 2SM 343

only persons listed in, enter New Jerusalem GC 481

persons in God’s service are listed in GC 480-1; PP 326

persons listed in, judged before second advent COL 310

persons surrendered to God are listed in 7BC 960

purposes true are recorded in 3T 370

repentant sinners registered in 3T 371-2

student converted is listed in CT 496; FE 514

when a name is listed in 7BC 987; 3T 371-2

your name recorded in, privilege of having COL 299; 5T 160, 331

your page in, particulars of your history recorded on DA 313

youth who is listed in MYP 23


accepting grace and example of Christ assures notation in HP 7:4

Christ’s righteousness given for names in HP 344:4

church books have many names not in TMK 113:3

deliverance from Satan’s power when names in LHU 347:4

joy in heaven over a name added to, by repentance OHC 89:2


in, if character is like Christ’s TSB 134:4

in, of God’s people UL 74:4

removed from, by following mistaken ideas TDG 322:2

removed from, by neglecting to return tithe OHC 192:4

retained in, by confession and reformation RC 57:5

retained in, through merits of Christ’s blood TDG 175:2

written in, not a sacrifice OHC 201:3

obedience to God’s commands enrolls in TDG 87:5

registered in, if persevering in obedience 3SM 402:1

resist powers of darkness to have name in HP 47:3

See also Heaven, books of; Record

2. Book(s) of record

actions and deeds are recorded in 7BC 987; GC 480; MM 184; MYP 381; 5T 432; Te 18; WM 312

all things written in 6T 149

angels write men’s records in 2T 268, 442; 4T 107; 5T 59

believers whose names are listed in, as idolaters CS 26

executive judgment refers to GC 666; SR 422-3

God’s faithful workers are enrolled in GW 18

impieties of nations, families, and individuals recorded in PP 165

in cleansing of heavenly sanctuary GC 422, 480-3; PP 357-8; SR 378

influence exerted is written in 3T 363

investigative judgment refers to GC 422, 480-3; PP 357-8

memorial of each person’s life is written in 3T 246

men will be judged out of records in 5T 626; WM 312-3

Moses referred to 3SG 285

name of every person is inscribed in 7BC 987; GC 480

names erased from 7BC 987

neglect charged against women in WM 148

opened for Judge to pronounce sentence 5T 352

past is recorded in 6T 149

sins are recorded in GC 421, 481; PP 357-8

sins not repented of and forsaken will not be blotted out of GC 486; TM 146

sins of the faithful will be blotted from GC 421-2, 485-6; PP 357-8

sins pardoned remain on, until investigative judgment GC 421-2; PP 357-8

testimonies of God’s people are recorded in 4T 107; 5T 59

thoughts of men are recorded in MM 184

various, judgment refers to EW 52

waste of time needlessly is recorded in WM 147

words and deeds recorded in, tell of falsehoods spoken and acted 4T 335

words of men are recorded in MM 184; 2T 560; 5T 432

words harshly uttered recorded in 3T 532

words of discord and censure recorded in 1T 695-6

3. Book of remembrance

God keeps, re His children 4T 329-30

good deeds of the faithful recorded in 7BC 987; GC 481

good deeds that will not be blotted out of GC 483

investigative judgment refers to GC 481

pray God to blot out your sins from TM 98

testimonies of the faithful recorded in 5T 408

words recorded in 4BC 1183

written for persons faithfully attending meetings EW 114

written for persons who fear God COL 404; CS 88

4. Books (sundry)

book of death: deeds of the wicked recorded in EW 52

names of the impenitent written in EW 291; GC 661

sentences meted out to the wicked are to be recorded in GC 661

book of experience: God’s dealings with man recorded in COL 125

book of God’s providence: each person given a page in DA 313

book of immortal fame: faithful mother’s name in AH 238

book of sins: described 4T 384-5

5. Good things recorded in

acts of self-denial 2T 683

battles with trying circumstances ML 178

deeds of faith PK 639

deeds that are good ML 165; PP 326; 7T 50

gospel workers’ privation and self-denial 7T 294

impulses of Spirit in leading men COL 361

impulses that are good 6T 310

influence exerted for good 3BC 1153; GC 482

love and honor shown to parents AH 361

protest of Diet of Spires GC 204

words that are kind ML 165

6. Persons registered in

as: citizens 4T 526

cumberers of ground GC 601

God’s enemies FE 473

idolaters CS 26

loving and serving God TM 325

nothing but consumers COL 304

pardoned GC 483

repairers of breach 4BC 1152

“Unfaithful servant” 5T 256

charged with robbery of God COL 266

in tithes and offerings CS 77, 86, 97; 3T 394

God’s kingdom should be represented by GW 505

idlers CS 125

Joshua written in, as “the servant of JehovahPP 524

men like Daniel MYP 34

mother who is immortalized in FE 158

outcasts registered in GW 332

person lacking miss. spirit is not registered as Christian in ChS 86-7

person not registered as a man in Te 189

persons professing to believe truth LS 241; 4T 384

physician listed in, as murderer MM 139

slaves registered in GW 332

stewards who are faithful CS 300

teachers registered as unbelievers in CT 372

youth who is written as a man in SD 335

7. Sundry things recorded in

business transactions LS 413

conduct in home life AH 317

conversation 1T 158

deeds AH 55; 3BC 1153; 7BC 990; GW 446; LS 322; MM 141; MYP 391; 1T 158, 336; 2T 293; 4T 310, 335; TM 429-30

griefs and sorrows MH 487

history that is eventful 6T 14

labor of each day 4T 320

life of every person CG 568; MYP 334

memorial of each person’s life 3T 246

motives ChS 177; LS 322

pleasure parties’ transactions TM 84-5

prayers 4BC 1184

Satan’s work 4BC 1184

sufferings of pious slaves EW 275

thoughts MYP 391

trials and difficulties MH 487

warnings and reproofs 4T 245

words uttered AH 55; 3BC 1153; GC 482; GW 446; LS 322; MM 141; MYP 391; 2T 82; 4T 335; TM 429-30

at social entertainments CD 423

recorded by unseen Watcher CD 423

works of men ChS 177

8. Wrongs recorded in

actions to serve self CS 240

artful dissemblings GC 482

bitterness toward God’s servants 4T 237

carelessness MYP 228

church’s treachery TM 17

conversation that is improper CT 340

deception 4T 496

deeds that are evil MYP 391; PP 326

dishonesty 5T 350

in business 3T 550-1

of parents FE 152

displays of uncontrolled passion 4T 366

duties unfulfilled GC 482

exaggeration of truth 4T 496

falsehood of parents FE 152

fraud PP 309; 5T 350

gossip that is thoughtless Te 79

idolatry 5T 250

impieties of nations, families, and individuals PP 165

indifference to the unfortunate 3T 512-3

influence exerted for evil 3BC 1153; GC 482

irreverence in church CG 547; MYP 266

irreverent thoughts or actions CG 547; MYP 266

married life’s woes AH 44

ministers’ sins TM 151

money spent for tobacco Te 66

neglect MM 146

shown to poor brethren WM 210

opportunities not improved GC 482

for serving God PK 639

parental failure, cause of 5T 497

to do duty at home 5T 326

parental neglect and its results CG 87-8, 561

prayer, neglect of 3T 364

selfish acts GC 482

selfishness WM 270

hidden GC 487

sins 4BC 1171; GC 481; 4T 245

covered up MM 141

of persons professing truth LS 241; 4T 384

secret GC 482

that would have been committed had there been opportunity 5BC 1085

sneers and trivial remarks of sinners 4BC 1171; 7BC 987

speeches cruel against God’s servants 4T 237

students’ disrespect for school rules FE 246-7

unfaithfulness 2T 685; 6T 391

words that are: false 1T 501

hateful AH 362

idle and unprofitable 2SG 256; 1T 158

vain and frivolous 1T 501

9. Miscellaneous

angels make records in 4BC 1184; 7BC 987; GC 482; MM 141; 4T 310

child’s record in ML 278

clean record in, do not fret or scold if you would have CG 148

death fixes a person’s account in 5T 489

drunkard cannot be written in Te 291

education registered in, as “Weighed in balances and found wanting” FE 228

entitled “Ledger of Heaven,” in gold letters 4T 384

everything said or done is recorded in Te 49

figures accumulating against men in PP 165

inactivity registered in, as opposition to Christ’s work CH 35

individual character recorded in 7BC 987; GC 487; SD 130

exact representation of 4BC 1171

features of 5BC 1085; CG 562; ML 291

items in, cannot be concealed 2T 293

life recorded in: as accurately as picture on photographer’s plate 7BC 987

must be met in judgment AH 17; 5T 489

no omissions or mistakes in PK 639

of persons in responsible positions TM 285-6

will be opened before universe MYP 334

names dropped from 3SG 285

no omissions or mistakes in ChS 177

parents’ record in FE 152

records of, kept day by day 3BC 1153; 4BC 1171; 7BC 987, 990; GC 486

actions are weighed by FE 245

men will be judged by 3BC 1160; ChS 177; COL 310; GC 482-3, 548; PK 639; 4T 453; 5T 720

resolves or tears suffice not to blot out transgressions from TM 430

result of having unconfessed and unforgiven sins in GC 620

sad histories in, guarded from prying eyes ML 178

several 4T 384

sins that will be blotted out of GC 483; PP 357-8

sins unconfessed stand registered in 7BC 916; SD 153

use of, in judgment 1BC 1109; CG 568-9; LS 241-2; 1T 100; 4T 384, 481

words and actions daguerreotyped in 7BC 972

words recorded in, as apples of gold in pictures of silver SD 274

God and angels view 3T 312