EGW Index, vols. 1-4 (Topical Index)

Mechanical arrangements - Medical missionary work

Mechanical arrangements

Mechanical arrangements, dwell far less upon, in God’s work 5T 539

Mechanical arts

Mechanical arts, study and practice of, educational institution should provide for FE 72

Mechanical employment

Mechanical employment, not considered degrading or strange in Israel Ed 47

students in schools of prophets sustained themselves by Ed 47; FE 97

students in schools of prophets were given PP 593

young men and women should not be bound down to CM 28; CT 494-5; FE 489; 8T 229-30

Mechanical form

Mechanical form, do not let, take place of heart service 5T 611

Mechanical lines

Mechanical lines, schools should give youth education in 8T 215


Mechanically, people who work TM 451

Mechanical occupation, Mechanical occupations

Mechanical occupation, Mechanical occupations, educated ability needed in 5BC 1112

persons engaged in FE 315

Mechanical pursuits

Mechanical pursuits, human and divine agencies are to be united in CT 277

students should become familiar with 6T 208

Mechanical work

Mechanical work, Christ spent nearly 30 years in Ed 267

divine and human agencies are to combine in COL 349-50

God desires that perfection of His character shall be seen in 7T 142

in schools CT 58

man’s influence is not lessened by 6BC 1064

minister’s influence is not lessened by 6BC 1064

Paul did, while preaching gospel AA 351

training in, schools in Southern States of USA should give 7T 232

Mechanical worker, Mechanical workers

Mechanical worker, Mechanical workers, need to cultivate minds and hearts 4T 546


Meddle, men must not, with God’s plan TM 209

Meddler, Meddlers

Meddler, Meddlers, indiscreet, evil surmisings of 5T 489


Meddling, impertinent, evil in church 5T 94

Medes and Persians

Medes and Persians, Babylon captured by army of PK 531


Media See Medo-Persia


Mediation, Christ’s, for man See Christ

divine, Cain presented sacrifice without PP 72-3

of men or angels, Waldensian missionaries showed vanity of GC 74

of priests and saints, Roman Catholics invoke GC 73

of saints, powerless to atone for sin GC 220

See also Christ, intercession; High Priest; Intercession

Mediator, Mediators

Mediator, Mediators, between God and man, pope regarded as GC 55; SR 331-2

Christ as See Christ

earthly, Luther’s (Martin) work turned people’s eyes from GC 133

equal with God, needed to save man 1SM 257

high priest was 5BC 1100

human, papacy directed men to SR 343

law given on Mt. Sinai was ordained in hand of MB 46

men approach God through 2SM 315

Moses was, for Israel EW 162; PP 330; 3T 357-8

no, between man and God during seven last plagues EW 280-1

between God and man when Christ ceases His work in heavenly sanctuary EW 48, 71, 280-1; GC 425

no man needed to act as, between man and God MB 84

officiating priest as, for his people 1SM 230

See also Intercessor


blessings come through, since the law was broken FW 22:1

Christ became,

after Adam’s fall CC 20:6

between God and man, by suffering FW 119:0

man to be able to do work of TMK 291:4

Christ our, justification through HP 156:7

divine person alone could be, between God and humanity TMK 204:5

doctrine of one, freely taught in United States Mar 193:4

penalty of the law paid by our HP 15:2

Mediatorial kingdom

Mediatorial kingdom, evidence of Christ’s enthronement in COL 120; ML 47

Medical advice

Medical advice, needed at camp meetings 6T 112

Medical aid

Medical aid, extremes re, reproach brought on God’s work by 2SG 134-5

Medical and Surgical Sanitarium

Medical and Surgical Sanitarium See Battle Creek Sanitarium

Medical bills

Medical bills, large expense in, how to save ChS 153; CM 90; MM 225-6

Medical care

Medical care, sick and incapacitated gospel workers should be provided 7T 292

Medical center, Medical centers

Medical center, Medical centers, large, do not make many Ev 535

small, should be established in small and large cities Ev 535

should be established outside of cities Ev 535

See also Medical missionary center

Medical college, Medical colleges

1. Seventh-day Adventist

2. Worldly

1. Seventh-day Adventist MM 55-85

God wants wisest talent at MM 58

students of, should be given all required to make them efficient physicians CT 480; MM 57

should join workers in world’s great harvest fields MM 56-7

union conference training schools should give all training essential for entrance into CT 479

See also Loma Linda University; Medical school; Medical training school

2. Worldly

few students pure and unspotted on finishing CT 478

SDA students should not have to finish med. education in MM 62

SDA students trained in 2SM 293-4

See also Medical school

Medicinal concoction, Medical concoctions

Medicinal concoction, Medical concoctions, that change one difficulty into a worse one 2SM 279

that never cure 2SM 279

used in past can be safely discarded 2SM 289

Medical course

Medical course, danger in taking 5T 447

in worldly schools CT 374

given at Ann Arbor, Mich. 2SM 324

much embraced in, is positively unnecessary CH 369

not necessary for so many SDA youth to take FE 491

persons who should not take CT 473

persons who should take CT 472-3; 5T 446-7

preparatory course for, that larger SDA schools should give CT 479; FE 489

some students unwisely encouraged to take 8T 163

some young men taking, who ought to be in ministry CH 558

students for, great care needed in choosing CT 473

students who would take MM 83-4

youth taking AH 387

See also Medical education; Medical student; Medical training

Medical dispensary, Medical dispensaries

Medical dispensary, Medical dispensaries, Satan’s traps set in MH 338; Te 24

Medical education

Medical education, Battle Creek Sanitarium advanced money to special persons to obtain CH 283

gotten at Ann Arbor, Mich. 2SM 324

graduates should be enabled by, to pass examinations required by law CT 479-81; MM 57; 2SM 290

life should not be endangered in obtaining 8T 163

SDA students should not have to finish, in worldly colleges MM 62

students seeking CT 485-91

that Loma Linda University should provide 9T 173-8

See also Medical course; Medical student; Medical training

Medical evangelism

Medical evangelism CH 503-8

Medical evangelist

angels and Holy Spirit cooperate in work of CME 42:3

grand opportunity of, to minister to sin-sick soul Ev 513

who should be empowered to baptize Ev 513

See also Medical missionary; Medical missionary evangelist; Medical missionary worker; Medical worker

Medical evangelistic tours

Medical evangelistic tours, among towns and villages, colporteur can prepare way for 9T 172

med. workers should make 9T 172

Medical evangelistic work

Medical evangelistic work, Boston, Mass., needs Ch 547; Ev 389-90

Eastern cities of USA need CH 547

Portland, Me., needs Ev 389-90

Medical examination, Medical examinations

Medical examination, Medical examinations, med. students must be prepared to prove their efficiency as physicians upon taking MM 57

Medical fee, Medical fees

Medical fee, Medical fees, exaction of large, contrary to Christ’s plan for ministry to the sick 9T 176

for critical operations, should not be exorbitant MM 125

God-fearing physicians will not charge exorbitant MM 122

high, current in world MM 126

should not be brought into SDA med. work MM 126

large, for few minutes’ work by physician is not just MM 125

SDA med. institutions should not exact 9T 176

physicians’, for labor on Sabbath MM 216

principles of gospel should regulate MM 125-6

sanitarium: custom of worldly physicians should not fix MM 170

principles that should guide in fixing MM 171

should never be exorbitant MM 170

should be proportionate to work done MM 126

worldly physicians’, should not rule in SDA med. institutions MM 170

Medical field, Medical fields

Medical field, Medical fields, Christian physicians’ MM 121-35

Medical fraternity

Medical fraternity, duty of, to incapacitated gospel workers 7T 293

many reforms made by 6T 234

needs purifying MM 123

Scriptures should be studied more by CH 369

still needs to advance 6T 234

theories of, study less CH 369

Medical institution, Medical institutions

Medical institution, Medical institutions, all, established as SDA institutions 7T 107

all light of God’s word is for souls who come to MM 26

amusements at, warning re 3T 172

angels look with interest upon CH 342

are miss. fields CH 295

as soul-winning agencies 1T 493, 553-4

benefits of SDA, people of all sects and classes should be invited to share 7T 109

best, in USA in 1865 1T 554, 615

Bible truths should be made prominent in 7T 104

care of worthy poor sick at 1T 494

central organization at Battle Creek should not control 8T 232

charity patients should not be allowed to drain means of 4T 99

coffee should not be served in CD 414-5

conditions on which God and angels work with 1T 564

conduct: in strict accord with principles and spirit of third angel’s message 1T 558

more and more in harmony with instructions given CT 57-8

on principles different from those of other med. institutions 3T 165

on religious principles 6T 223

conducted rightly, give character to God’s work 6T 113

cooking in, obtain best help possible for CD 297

count cost of every undertaking to establish 6T 113

course of training in, few persons can take MM 320

dancing at, warning against 3T 172

debt(s) of, books designed to help liquidate 9T 79

liquidated by sale of Ministry of Healing CT 528; 9T 71

defenders of SDA faith will be raised up by 1T 493

diet in: should be liberal CD 286

should be more liberal than that of private family MM 285

should be simple, wholesome, and palatable CD 281

do not conduct, as world would conduct them MM 170

do not establish, as speculative business MM 327

do not invest in one, all means obtainable LS 400; 7T 98

do not make, place for diversion or amusement 1T 565

draw as little as possible from denominational treasury for 6T 113

drugs should not be used in MM 27

duty of, to poor afflicted believer 1T 560-1

economize in erecting buildings for, when money is in sight 7T 91

education that should be given to persons who visit CD 446

educators in, should keep Sabbath holy 7T 106

efforts of leaders of med. work at Battle Creek to control 8T 231

efforts to bring all, under one controlling power 8T 217, 231

establish CH 212

for benefit of the sick 1T 633

for treatment of the sick 6T 440

in every part of world 6T 113

in foreign lands 6T 440

to care for the sick CD 281; 1T 633; 9T 168

establish many, in cities of America 7T 99

in different places 8T 155

established to: bring truth to the sick MM 194

illustrate principles of health reform and Christian living 6T 464

promulgate principles of health reform and Christian living 6T 464

reach people not of SDA faith CH 531

teach people how to dress 2SM 280

teach people how to eat and drink 2SM 280

teach people how to take care of themselves so as to prevent sickness 1T 553

treat the sick and suffering SDA 1T 633

treat the sick by hygienic methods 2SM 283; Te 88

treat the sick without drugs 9T 168

expenditure of means at, economy should be exercised by all in 3T 169

extravagance in, warning against MM 167

far more successful if established away from cities MH 263

first SDA: appeal for means to establish 1T 492-4

establishment of CH 531

yearning of pioneers who established MM 40

flesh foods in, warning against introduction of CD 293

God cannot endorse, regarding His plans as inferior to those of men MM 164

God’s blessing upon, where workers do not depend on human skill alone 1T 562

God’s facilities for revival of pure and elevated morality MM 327

God’s frown upon, where workers depend on human skill alone 1T 562

God’s law should be magnified in 7T 104

God’s plan in establishing, wonderful working out of MM 25

God’s purpose for Ev 537; 8T 181

is to bring souls to light of truth MM 195

God-fearing med. missionaries should supervise CH 212

great object of: conversion of souls is Ev 537

improvement of health of body is 1T 564

is not health alone 1T 554

is to lead unbelievers to embrace truth 1T 560

promotion of spiritual growth is 1T 564

greatest dangers of CH 261; 1T 560

grounds of, experienced gardener should have care of 1T 562

should be arranged in tasteful and orderly manner 1T 562

high standard of, patronage should not be increased by lowering 1T 560, 564

in every large city should heal without drugs 9T 169

influence of, upon patrons 7T 104

instrumentalities for doing work symbolized by three angels 6T 18

invalids benefited by treatment at 1T 493-4

is not place to come to be raised up by prayer of faith 1T 561

keep, free from objectionable features of worldly institutions 6T 223

land of, grapes should be cultivated on CD 312

large: advantages of establishing many small sanitariums instead of few 8T 223

do not build 8T 223-4

do not establish, in large cities 7T 82

SDA youth imperiled in 8T 224

large and expensive, do not erect 7T 285

large buildings not needed for 6T 113

large fees should not be exacted by, for treating the sick 9T 176

leaders in establishing, must set right example 7T 91

locate, outside of cities CH 231; LS 403; MM 14; 2SM 358

location of, God’s plans for 7T 81

lovesick sentimentalism exerts blighting influence on CH 261

lowering of standard in, greatest evil resulting from 1T 560

warning against 1T 560, 564; 3T 166

mammoth, do not build up a few 7T 60

do not establish a few MM 327

meal of short rations will do most to discredit CD 289

means invested in, for necessary conveniences to make work easier 3T 169

men with deeper knowledge of Scriptures are needed in CH 370

mercenary spirit in, warning against MM 171

miss. field before, is wide CH 540

miss. work by, possibilities of 1T 493

need (ought) to: discard health-destroying inventions 2SM 280

discard use of drugs almost entirely Te 88

do educational work MM 14

educate patients to live in accordance with nature’s laws CD 447

give character to gospel work MM 187

give clear instruction re temperance CD 311, 445; Te 248

give prominence to God’s method of healing without drugs MM 325

give the sick knowledge of God’s law LS 403

heal diseased mind as well as suffering body 3T 184

help give three angels’ messages Ev 20

help people to appreciate eternal things 1T 564-5

instruct people re laws of health CH 452

make God’s truth known 6T 226

make Sabbath observance prominent before world MM 164

point people to redemption in Christ 1T 564-5

prepare way for coming of Lord 7T 107

present principles of clean, pure, healthful diet CD 446

preserve sanctified dignity MM 172

provide patients with diet simple, wholesome, and palatable CH 212

reach all classes of people CH 532

represent various features of med. miss. work 7T 107

stand as sentinels of health reform 6T 223

stand as witnesses for truth MM 187

stand forth as beacon of light 6T 223

stand forth with moral and spiritual power 6T 233

stand forth with scientific ability 6T 223

teach patients to commit their cases to Christ CH 212

teach people how to prevent disease CH 470

teach people principles of healthful living CH 212

teach the sick how to live in harmony with heaven CH 231

treat the sick without use of drugs CD 281; CH 212; 2SM 284

work for sake of Christ and humanity 3T 184

work from religious standpoint 3T 184

needed to: enlighten others TM 27

help and instruct SDA TM 27

new, should not be embarrassed by constant expenditure of means without realizing any return 1T 495

no kingly or ruling power should dominate 8T 232

not established by SDA for gain 1T 564

of learning, SDA unprepared in 1909 to establish large 9T 176

older, much more money than necessary was spent on 7T 92

one great and expensive, do not put all SDA means into 7T 285

orange orchards are advantage to CD 312

ought not to: become allied with world TM 271

cater to world’s demands for pleasure MM 202

disappoint the sick and suffering who come to them LS 403

labor selfishly for means alone 3T 184

pattern after worldly institutions 3T 169; 6T 223

parlor lectures on flesh food should be given at CD 292

parlor talks should be given at, on need of simple diet CD 294

people of all denominations should be admitted to SDA 7T 109

people should be brought into contact with truth in MM 25-6

persons in positions of responsibility at, should counsel together frequently CD 409

plans to provide, originated with God CH 213

plays at, warning re 3T 172

popular, faith of SDA is endangered by going to 1T 489-90

prayer meetings at 3T 167

prove blessing to patients, helpers, and physicians 3T 167

prejudice against SDA can be removed by MM 26

premises of, should be kept in best of order 2SM 298

primary purpose of SDA MM 27-8

not first and foremost that of hospital MM 27

principles of truth should pervade MM 167

prospering, should help to establish health institutions in other places 8T 136

reach class of people that no other agency can 6T 113

religion of Christ should not be placed in background at 3T 166

rooms less expensively furnished are needed in MM 167

SDA need to have their own 2SM 321; 1T 492, 553

where they can go without compromising their faith 1T 490

SDA should organize and exclusively control their 1T 492; 4T 556

should be: branch of gospel work 6T 113

one of most satisfying and enjoyable places in world CD 296

sentinels of health reform 6T 223

witnesses for God 7T 104

simplicity that charms senses of people coming to MM 167

sin-sick souls should find healing balm in 1T 493

small, needed in many places CH 501

smaller, establish many 7T 60

special work that should be done by CD 446

spiritual atmosphere needed in Ev 537-8

starvation diet should not be followed in CD 281

strong religious influence needed in 7T 104

success of, conditions for 1T 558-9

money is necessary to 3T 169

suggestions that there is no need for, do not listen to 6T 441

supernatural power must hold forth in CH 585

surgical work should not be done on percentage basis in 2SM 200

table of flesh foods in, there should no longer be CD 412

tea should not be served in CD 414-5

tending to weaken religious principles will prove curse instead of blessing 1T 564

things in, that create prejudice against health reform 1T 634

three angels’ messages brought, into existence 2SM 117

training schools should be established near 9T 178

treating the sick only for recovery of health, God’s special blessing would not rest on 1T 554

treatment of sick at, means that should be used in 1T 561

truth should be made known in Ev 540

two extremes to be avoided in CD 286

using “Mr., Miss, and Mrs.” instead of “Brother and Sister,” God’s signal blessing not with 1T 634

valuable only when God presides in their management MM 164

varied appetites must be satisfied in CD 322-3

when God would have His people establish no more MM 126

where flesh diet was prescribed and largely used CD 413-4

where flesh foods were not prescribed for patients CD 414

why SDA establish Ev 541; 1T 553-4; 3T 169

work of, should be true to name of “Medical Missionary Work” MM 126

workers in training in, should keep the Sabbath holy 7T 106

worldly, danger of SDA med. students attaching themselves to MM 62

work from world standpoint 3T 184

See also Health institution; Hospital; Sanitarium

Medical institution directors

Medical institution directors, duty of, to avail themselves of every facility for successful treatment of patients 3T 170

Medical institution management

Medical institution management 8T 231-3

reformation required in MM 170

should not control many lines of work 6T 244

See also Sanitarium management

Medical institution manager, Medical institution managers

Medical institution manager, Medical institution managers, greatest danger on part of 1T 560

need to: be as careful and judicious as if handling their own property 4T 101

be guarded and careful MM 163

care for trifles 4T 101

guard against losses 4T 101

practice economy 4T 101

tempted to cater to tastes and habits of the unconsecrated MM 163

warned against adopting worldly policy 1T 562

warnings to 1T 561

See also Sanitarium manager

Medical institution patient, Medical institution patients

Medical institution patient, Medical institution patients, angels attend 1T 562

benefits to be received by 7T 51

educate, to live in accordance with nature’s laws CD 447

must not be disappointed CH 231

need to: find relief from disease by treatment 1T 561

learn how to avoid sickness 1T 561

learn right habits of living 1T 561

proper outdoor labor benefits 1T 562

sin-sick, how workers can bring Christ to MM 191

sympathizing prayer should be offered for 1T 561

women, trained women of mature age and good experience should give treatments to CH 364

See also Sanitarium patient

Medical institution physician, Medical institution physicians

Medical institution physician, Medical institution physicians, angels attend 1T 562

God-fearing, needed CH 213

men, women patients should not be given delicate treatments by CH 364

must be careful and guarded MM 163

need to: be reformers in every respect CD 291

get away from institutions at times 3T 182

reserve strength for successful performance of professional duties 3T 177

parlor talks by 3T 181, 183-4

physicians who prescribe flesh food for patients should not be employed as CD 290

physicians who use flesh foods should not be employed as CD 290

remuneration of, method that is not to be followed 2SM 200

should not: be overworked 3T 182

engage in numerous enterprises 6T 245

tempted to cater to unconsecrated tastes and habits MM 163

treatment of the sick by, warning re 1T 554

women, need of larger number of CH 364

See also Physician; Sanitarium physician

Medical institution superintendent, Medical institution superintendents

Medical institution superintendent, Medical institution superintendents, physicians who recommend flesh diet are disqualified as CD 294

Medical institution worker,Medical institution workers

Medical institution worker,Medical institution workers 3T 182

angels attend 1T 562

do not accept position as, while refusing to live up to health reform principles CD 415

how, can bring Christ to sin-sick patients MM 191

need to: act as Christians MM 190

be health reformers 6T 223

educate themselves to subsist on fruits, grains, and vegetables CD 381

keep Christ constantly before people CH 528

work harmoniously in Christ’s spirit 4T 221

never take advantage of MM 172

pay, well for their services 3T 177-8

persons accepting position as CH 286

persons who should not be employed as MM 172

qualifications of MM 172

should not be overworked 3T 178

there should be no lack of, to nurse the sick 3T 177

wages of, fixing of 2SM 192, 194; 3T 177-8

See also Sanitarium worker

Medical instructor, Medical instructors

Medical instructor, Medical instructors, should teach science of healing without use of drugs MM 75

Medical knowledge

Medical knowledge, scientific, med. miss. work will not make SDA appear inferior in CT 476

Medical line, Medical lines

Medical line, Medical lines, hundreds of workers with thorough education in, needed CT 471

presumptuous pretenders in MM 84

reforms needed in, as in other business lines MM 122

some youth studying in, should prepare to give third angel’s message 8T 163

teachers in, promises to MM 59

JW and EGW aided three young men to get education in 2SM 208

See also Medical missionary line

Medical men

Medical men, some, unfit to act as physicians to women CH 365

See also Medical missionary men

Medical ministry

Medical ministry, spiritual ministry was combined with, by Christ Ev 516

Medical mission, Medical missions

Medical mission, Medical missions, establish, in many lands 7T 51

financial aid needed to establish CH 500

in cities MM 322

should not be expensive MM 322

in San Francisco, Calif. WM 112

open, as pioneer agencies for gospel work CH 500

Medical missionary,”

Medical missionary,” significance of term WM 120

Medical missionary, Medical missionaries

1. Need(s) or ought to

2. Need(s) or ought to be

3. Miscellaneous

1. Need(s) or ought to

act as evangelist MM 39

act with tenderness and compassion of Christ MM 251

bear no taint of selfishness MM 130

cultivate: compassion and sympathy CH 501-2

their physical and mental powers to the utmost MM 250

do great work for God 7T 104

do house-to-house work CH 538

follow Christ’s methods of work CH 507; MM 20-4

go forth two by two MM 249

improve themselves to utmost WM 132

instruct sin-sick souls in knowledge of Christ CH 502

keep Christ constantly before persons discouraged because of disease of body and soul MH 144

keep in view Christ’s life of unselfish service 8T 210

labor in fields with ministers CH 539

in needy fields CT 523

labor with experienced evangelical workers CT 469

learn: lessons of Christ CH 369; CT 484

science of Christ’s prayer in John 17 8T 239

what constitutes med. miss. work 8T 206, 209-10

learn to labor as evangelists in soul-winning service CT 471

live new life in Christ 8T 209

manifest Christ’s spirit in word and character 7T 127

obey Sabbath commandment implicitly 8T 209-10

refuse to hold long night sessions of conversation 1SM 197

render implicit obedience to Ten Commandments 8T 209-10

represent what Christ was on earth MM 20

rise to heights reached only by living faith MM 23

seek anointing of Spirit MM 22

seek for unity of action in churches 8T 72

show themselves trustworthy Ev 522

stand with other gospel workers as unit 9T 169-70

take: Christ’s word as their guide 8T 209

firm stand for the right MM 90

teach: others how to preserve and recover health CT 467

the sick to believe in Great Healer CT 467

treat: people without use of drugs CH 212

the sick by using nature’s remedies instead of drugs CT 469

use: means that God has provided MM 13

remedies God has provided in nature CT 467

work: patiently for higher classes MM 241

with ministers in needy fields CT 523

2. Need(s) or ought to be

all that God desires him to be CT 490

as sacredly set apart for his work as minister is CH 540

converted 8T 203

faithful guardians of their mental and physical powers MM 292

intelligent workers MM 250

interested in work of conference MM 241

loyal to fourth commandment of Decalogue 7T 104

missionaries in true sense of term CH 231

prepared to educate others 6T 440

prepared to fill positions of trust 6T 440

skilled in ministering to soul as well as to body CH 507

spiritually minded 8T 206

true to principle Ev 522

well acquainted with Scriptures FE 390

wide awake and vigilant 7T 104

3. Miscellaneous 8T 206-12; 9T 167-72

all who claim to be what Christ expects of MM 130

angels ready to co-operate with, in carrying out principles of truth 7T 58-9; 8T 72

as ambassadors of Christ should preach gospel and reveal His pitying love for the lost CH 499

better acquainted with God and Bible are better prepared to do their work 8T 156

bound up with gospel message, world needs MM 252

bringing gospel into his daily life is valuable to God’s cause MM 130

call for CT 465-73

calling of, is most exacting CT 470

can be more useful than missionaries without med. education CH 503

cannot afford to spend years in preparation for their work 9T 172

cannot be successful without prayer 6T 253

characteristics of CME 44:3

Christ as See Christ

Christ co-operates with 7T 51

Christ is example of CH 526-9; MM 20, 239; 2SM 237; 8T 201-12; 9T 170-1; WM 162, 328

Christ’s life shows what is comprehended in claiming to be MM 21

classes for training, admission of unbelievers to 8T 156

come under head of evangelists MM 249

commission of, is from highest authority MM 206

counselor of, Bible should be CH 369-72

divorced from gospel ministry is one-sided 1SM 112

do long-neglected work 8T 71

duty of, to the blind WM 239

educated carefully, needed in foreign countries Ev 518

education of, is to fit them to do better work with ministers 8T 158

education of students as, is not complete unless they are trained to work with church and the ministry CH 557

efficient, students should be trained to become CH 542; CT 470

encouragement needed by, as much as any accredited evangelist MM 240

engaged in evangelistic work do work as high as that of ministers Ev 546; 7T 112

evangelist should also be MM 249

failing to learn His meekness and lowliness, Christ would rebuke 8T 211

faithful, breaks down prejudice MM 246

find field of labor anywhere CH 506

first thing needed by MM 91

follow Christ’s example 8T 210

genuine: Christ lived life of 8T 222

God’s people should be CH 497; ML 226; WM 125, 127

person who will understand what it means to be 8T 209

solemn dignity should characterize MM 250

give last call to supper of King 8T 71

God calls all, to win souls 9T 169

God-fearing, SDA med. institutions should be under care of CD 281; CH 212

gospel, needed now 9T 172

physician is encouraged to be MM 44

gospel can be brought to all classes by 6T 258

gospel workers and, should be bound together by indissoluble ties CT 468; 8T 46

great, Satan will come in pretending to be MM 87-8

great demand for, in all parts of world FE 231

great field of usefulness is open before CH 535

health-care students to learn to be 1MCP 343:2

high duty and precious privilege of MH 144

holy and devout persons needed as MM 250

hundreds of, God’s cause needs CT 471

intelligent, doors closed to preachers will be opened to MM 246

laboring in: evangelistic lines do work of as high order as that of ministers 7T 112

foreign lands should begin to work right among people 8T 158

language study by, in foreign lands 8T 205

lesson for, from Eph. 4:11-13 6T 243

little companies of believers trained as, should go forth as disciples did CT 469

Luke was CH 498; Ev 544; MH 140-1; 6T 233 See also Luke

men needed as WM 132

many, fall short of what they should be MM 20, 22

many professed, Christ would rebuke spirit of MM 22

many recruits for training as, God calls for CT 469-70

meet much prejudice, false zeal, and miscalled piety CH 502

minister who is, is much more efficient worker MM 245

ministers and, should be bound together by indissoluble ties 8T 46

should work together in evangelism Ev 397; 1SM 199

ministers should take, into fields of labor 6T 300

missionaries as, importance of MM 245

more missionaries should be trained as CH 503

must not belittle the gospel ministry CH 558

name of, how to honor MM 21

needed: all through field MM 249

in Southern States of USA Ev 400; 7T 56

now 9T 172

not all, submit to Spirit’s guidance 8T 206

opportunities of, to work for Christ Ev 517

wonderful Ev 517-8

ought not to: give themselves exclusively to work for the fallen and degraded 8T 158

hide peculiar features of SDA faith 8T 162

limit their work to poorer classes 7T 112

persons to do work of, competent physicians should thoroughly examine CT 473

physician who is true, should be ordained to gospel work Ev 546

practical, should be trained in city missions 9T 137

practice of, should harmonize with name they bear 1SM 199

preparation of: by training in sanitariums CT 470

for trying emergencies CT 470

must be painstaking and thorough CT 470

too many years should not be spent in CT 469

prepare yourself as, by studying literature prepared on subject CT 138

promising young men in training as, fund needed to help 2SM 208

raise up, to lift up cross of Christ 6T 440

receive, as you would Christ 6T 300

Sabbath as sign of order of 7T 104-5

san. workers should be trained and sent out as MM 199

sanitariums should train young men and women as 7T 100

send, to heathen lands MM 199

SDA should work as, to heal sin-sick souls 9T 211

shall we refuse to become, unless we can follow customs of the world? CH 320

should have sanction and co-operation of church 8T 72

should not be: bound to any man as his dictator 8T 164

educated to work separate from church 8T 158

satisfied with superficial knowledge of their profession CT 470

sent out alone MM 249

solemn responsibility rests on CH 231; LS 403; 8T 210

some of our best, may come from unbelieving med. students in training 8T 156

students prepared as, for trying emergencies CT 470

students receiving training as, grand work to be done by CH 541-2

students should learn what it means to be CT 523

talented Christian physicians should train others to become MH 117

tithe should be used to support ministers laboring as MM 245

true: has remedy for sin-sick soul as well as body MM 39

how to be MM 328

must follow Christ’s example MM 22

students should learn to be CT 520

words that will be obeyed by CH 319

twofold ministry to be done by WM 297-8

visiting hospitals benefits CT 470

warned re dangers and perils surrounding them 1SM 193-4

wealthy class of people are one field for MH 211

welfare work should be done by WM 274

well-trained, san. cook should be CD 297

what it means to be WM 120

when many doors will open before 8T 72

EGW as, in Australia 1SM 34

without diplomas, young men must serve as CH 538

women needed as WM 132

in heathen lands MH 146

work God has given to, building large med. plant is not MM 159

work of, includes prayer CH 540

should not be done apart from work of gospel ministry CH 557

work of true, includes laying on of hands CH 540

is largely spiritual work CH 540

work to be done by, Matt. 24:48-51 outlines 8T 75

young men educated as, should act part at camp meetings CH 557-8

young men should be trained as 8T 158-9

young men should labor as, with ministers CH 538; 8T 158

young men should represent Christ as CT 489

young people who should be trained as, in almost every church there are CH 506-7

youth trained as, should labor with experienced evangelists CT 469

See also Medical evangelist; Medical missionary evangelist; Medical missionary worker; Medical worker

Medical Missionary Association

Medical Missionary Association, bankrupt sanitariums taken over by CS 273

efforts to place all med. miss. work under control of 8T 217

physicians connected with 1SM 199

Medical missionary atmosphere

Medical missionary atmosphere, breathe Ev 518

Medical missionary center, Medical missionary centers

Medical missionary center, Medical missionary centers, establish, in all unworked cities 8T 205

strong, needed near great thoroughfares of travel 9T 84

See also Medical center

Medical missionary course

Medical missionary course, sanitariums and schools should co-operate in giving CT 520

Medical missionary education

Medical missionary education, advance step in awakening man to his moral responsibilities 6T 377

Medical missionary enterprise, Medical missionary enterprises

Medical missionary enterprise, Medical missionary enterprises, many, are to be successfully launched in foreign lands 7T 99

Medical missionary evangelist, Medical missionary evanglists

Medical missionary evangelist, Medical missionary evanglists, education that should be given to 9T 174

excellent pioneer work can be done by 7T 111

God’s helpers in special sense CT 471

little companies of, should go forth to do work appointed to Christ’s disciples 9T 172

Loma Linda school is to train physicians as CT 471

med miss. schools should train, with physician’s ability 9T 174

ministers needed as CH 544-5

ministers should learn to work as Ev 525

ministers’ work should blend fully with that of 7T 111

need to work closely with ministers CT 471

no, like Christ CH 318

not all, should spend years preparing for field work CT 469

nurses are to be fitted as 9T 171

persons with advanced training in nursing should serve as CT 471

physicians needed as CH 544-5

physicians should be trained to labor as 9T 174

plea for 9T 167-72

sanitariums should be schools of instruction in 9T 168

students in SDA schools are to be trained as CT 546

training of: cautions re 7T 100

educational talent of competent physicians needed in CD 450

Loma Linda school established for CH 233; CT 471; LS 406; MM 56; 9T 173

should not be centralized in any one place 7T 100

with physician’s ability, needed CT 471; 9T 174

youth encouraged to serve as CH 538-9

See also Medical evangelist; Medical missionary; Medical missionary worker; Medical worker

Medical missionary finance

Medical missionary finance, caution re large outlay of means in, for work for poor and unfortunate 6T 293

Medical missionary leaders

Medical missionary leaders, self has been exalted by some 8T 211

Medical missionary line, Medical missionary lines

Medical missionary line, Medical missionary lines, Christ commanded His followers to do work in TM 416

Christ’s work is gospel worked out on MM 243

education of students in, that is not complete CH 557

message to persons working in 8T 166-71

ministers need education in MM 239

sanitariums should be schools giving instruction in 9T 168

students training in, not to hear church and ministry disparaged 8T 161

women need to be educated in MM 246

work of educating in, advanced step in awakening man to his moral responsibilities 6T 377

years of delay in doing work in 6T 301

young men educated in, should act part at camp meetings CH 557-8

young men need education in 8T 158

See also Medical line

Medical missionary men

Medical missionary men, guardians of people’s health 6T 110

help of, needed at camp meetings 6T 110

men of wisdom and sound judgment needed as 6T 110

ministry of the word should be respected by 6T 110

people should be taught by, re dangers of intemperance 6T 110

should not be victims of unbelief 6T 110

See also Medical men

Medical missionary school, Medical missionary schools

Medical missionary school, Medical missionary schools, kind of education needed in CD 450; 9T 174

Medical missionary student, Medical missionary students

Medical missionary student, Medical missionary students MM 79

See also Medical student

Medical missionary teacher

Medical missionary teacher, influence of consecrated, invaluable in school CT 251; MM 63

Medical missionary training

Medical missionary training, minister better qualified by, for his work 8T 158

youth should be given CT 469-70

Medical missionary training school, Medical missionary training schools

Medical missionary training school, Medical missionary training schools, men needed in, who have deep knowledge of Scriptures CT 484

some students should spend less time than others in CT 469-70

youth should be speedily and thoroughly prepared for service by CT 469-70

Medical missionary work

1. Accomplishments of

2. Fields of

3. Function of

4. Kinds of

5. Miscellaneous


1. Accomplishments of

breath of life quickly brought to churches WM 124

doors opened for true reformer 7T 62

doors opened to truth CH 537; Ev 513-4; CS 50

fulfillment of Scripture command WM 121-2

great good 8T 168

ground prepared for sowing seed of truth MM 252

heavenly brightness brought to perplexed and suffering souls MM 239

homes opened in cities Ev 391

men are connected with fellow men and God MM 250

men released from suffering MM 239; WM 119

prejudice against gospel work removed CH 497; WM 127

prejudice against SDA faith broken down by CH 532

prejudice against truth broken down MM 241

souls rescued from degradation MM 242; 6T 279; WM 131

way opened for Bible studies MM 239

way opened for successful evangelistic work Ev 516

way prepared for coming King MM 22

2. Fields of

among Negroes Ev 469

the poor WM 176

from house to house WM 125

for outcasts WM 131-2

cautions regarding WM 253-5

for sanitarium patients Ev 539

in America MM 329-30

from Loma Linda, Calif. CH 554

from Melrose, Mass. CH 554-5

in Boston, Mass., needed Ev 390-1

in cities of New England States CH 554-5

in New York City Ev 387; 7T 37

in southern California LS 400; 7T 95-8

in Southern States of USA 7T 56-8

in vicinity of Redlands, Calif. CH 232; LS 404

in Washington, D.C. CH 448

in Australia, establishment of CH 532

more promising than in America Ev 425

needed in Sydney Ev 425

pioneer WM 327-8

prejudice broken down by WM 327

in churches, encourage 8T 75

in city evangelism Ev 108

in cities Ev 532-6; 7T 59, 110-4

means of entering new homes CH 556; Ev 391

representatives needed for MM 241

in foreign countries, trained personnel needed for MH 155; 8T 205

in home 7T 63-4; WM 125-33

in large cities MM 325; 7T 55-6; 9T 169

cooking schools as part of 7T 55

Satan will make, as difficult as possible 9T 169

in many places, large sanitariums are not conducive to MM 159

means for establishing CH 319; 2SM 180

need of CH 448, 501; Ev 535; MM 329; WM 132

in new fields, no work so successful as MM 239

3. Function of

as arm, not to become body MM 159; 6T 241

as branch of denominational work, great and important 8T 206

as entering wedge CH 535-7; Ev 513-6

opening way for other truths to reach hearts 6T 327

as right hand: of body 8T 77; WM 122-3, 258

of gospel Ev 513; 7T 59

opens door through which body may enter MM 238

as river of life for irrigation of church ChS 133-4

before SDA had sanitariums WM 325-6

clearer and more definite understanding of, needed MM 23

conference presidents should recognize, as God’s helping hand MM 240

designed to prepare: people for Lord 6T 233

way for presentation of present truth 6T 293

way for reception of truth WM 122-3

way for second advent 8T 212

God seeks to pour out His goodness through ChS 133

God’s purpose in 8T 158-62

good cooking is a CD 263

essential to keep people in good health MM 270

gospel minister’s helping hand MM 252

gospel ministry’s arm MM 237

gospel ministry’s helping hand MM 240; 7T 234

importance of, church members need to understand 8T 169

needs to be understood MM 239; WM 119

important agency CH 233, 554

for giving warning message MM 55

important to every one of SDA CH 320

in gospel lines, EGW thankful for MM 15

in gospel work MM 238

in reform work, must always exist WM 123

incomplete without gospel ministry 6T 289

instrument for: reaping gospel harvest MM 240, 252

sowing seeds of truth MM 240, 252

is compassion of Christ revealed MM 239; WM 119

is God’s work CH 533; 6T 300; 8T 231

is gospel in illustration 6T 241

is gospel in practice CH 530-4, 579; MM 239; 8T 77, 168; WM 119, 337

is only one part of gospel work to be accomplished 8T 160

is pioneer work of gospel CH 497, 532; MH 144; MM 239; WM 119, 125, 337

is true miss. work MM 256; WM 132

laying on of hands included in Ev 546

means of: bringing truth to people CH 535

finding entrance to large cities 9T 167

overcoming prejudice 9T 211

reaching hearts CH 499; MM 241

minister should show decided interest in CH 533

ministers indifferent to 6T 299; TM 417

ministers should look upon, as helping hand MM 253

ministers should strengthen, by pen and voice MM 253

ministers should take decided and active part in 6T 301

ministers who do not appreciate, what should be done with MM 238

more yearning for souls needed in MM 40

must be recognized MM 238

outlined in gospel commission 8T 204

part of: every church’s work 6T 289

God’s work 6T 300

gospel message MM 241

great whole WM 123

prayer is included in Ev 546

seven things embraced in MM 125

simplicity of method needed in Ev 524-9

thank God for MM 16

true science of Ev 518

understanding of what constitutes, SDA need 8T 206

4. Kinds of

begun by Christ, SDA are to carry forward CH 212, 249; 9T 168; WM 118

best, large sanitariums are not conducive to MM 158-9

evangelical, should be done for many souls MM 14

genuine: Christ’s religion led to doing of MM 251; WM 36

how to have clearer and more comprehensive understanding of MM 21

needed during camp meetings MM 250

san. workers should do MM 14; 2SM 54

too much has not been said in vindication of and praise of MM 252

large, sanitariums rightly conducted will do MM 126

rightly done, safe investment of time and money 6T 280

softens hearts Ev 517

separated from church, evil results of 6T 289

separated from gospel, will be crippled CD 75

separated from gospel ministry, evil results of 6T 288-9

SDA, clearly defined 8T 218

true: is of heavenly origin MM 24

largely a spiritual work Ev 546

SDA need to know what constitutes Ev 519

strange to denominational churches Ev 518

united with gospel ministry, in all Christ’s work WM 123

5. Miscellaneous Ev 513-51; 8T 231-5

advantages SDA have lost in, great 7T 80

as pioneer work of gospel CH 497-502

attention of churches should be called to MM 241

bears God’s signature 6T 300; 8T 169

begin, with conveniences at hand MM 239

bound up inseparably with keeping of God’s law 6T 266

breadth of, not understood 8T 204

broaden and deepen, at every point of its progress MM 317

cannot be separated from gospel CH 534

caution against making, disproportionate Ev 550; 6T 298-9

children can take part in 6T 203

Christ brought, into His ministry MM 15, 246

Christ is originator of CH 497; 9T 168; WM 127

Christ practiced MM 123; WM 116

Christ qualified His servants to do, after His ascension 7T 114

Christ’s example in, follow MM 316

Christians may do, while sitting at table CH 577

church members need intelligent knowledge of MM 315

church members should help in 7T 62

church members should take decided and active part in 6T 301

in home and neighborhood 7T 62

churches should engage in CH 533; WM 139, 338

churches should not divorce themselves from 1SM 112

colleges should give instruction in CT 519

colporteur(s) should be prepared to do 9T 34

colporteur(s) should do CM 90; 6T 324

colporteur work is to be part of 6T 323

companies of students should be trained for CH 541-2

conference presidents should encourage MM 240-1

conference presidents’ duty re 8T 71

conference workers ought to be interested in MM 241

conduct: in Christ’s lines Ev 525

in most prudent and thorough manner 7T 110

in well-organized efforts WM 122

on sensible and rational lines LS 400; 7T 98

with greater earnestness CH 500; 9T 167

with zeal and perseverance WM 132

conferences need to uphold 8T 166

conferences should appoint persons to supervise Ev 522 See also Conference Medical Missionary secretary; Medical secretary

connected with the ministry, take hold of MM 319

cooking schools should be conducted wherever SDA do 7T 113

correct methods of doing, Christ came to establish CH 319

criterion for, no one man’s mind or judgment is to be MM 24

danger of bringing objectionable sentiments into 8T 185

danger of swaying things too heavily in one line in 8T 166

deep yearning for souls needed in MH 119

disconnected from church becomes strange medley of disorganized atoms 6T 289

do not allow, to be selfishly controlled 8T 231

do not confine, to a few centers MM 326

do not cover mercy with selfishness and then call it MM 131

do not disparage 8T 169

do not make, all and in all 8T 160-2

do not regard, as unimportant 6T 300

do not separate, from church organization 8T 164

from work of church 8T 158

do not treat, disrespectfully 8T 166

doors opening for 7T 272

eating and drinking to God’s glory as CD 111, 136

effective when connected with other lines of gospel effort MM 240

efficiency in, world’s standard of education is not essential to 9T 175

efficiency of, is in pointing people to Christ CH 528

efforts to bring all, under one controlling power 8T 217

evangelistic work can be successfully done in connection with MM 26-7

extravagant ideas must not be indulged under name of MM 131

families urged to settle in various places to do 8T 229

features or appearance of certain kind of humanitarian work should not be taken on by 8T 183

finances of 6T 113

Gen. Conf. leaders’ duty re 8T 166-71

God calls His people to do WM 57, 122

God uses, to spread truth Ev 547

God will see that, does not become disproportionate in scope 8T 168

God’s cause must be greatly helped and strengthened by WM 120-1

God’s plans for, enemy works to counterwork 6T 245

gospel ministry and: inseparable union should exist between MM 250; 6T 291

Isaiah 58 sets forth union that is to exist between 6T 289-90

must be united as closely as arm with body 6T 240-1

must blend MM 250

no line to be drawn between MM 250; 6T 291

relationship between CH 528; MM 237-57

gospel ministry is needed to give permanence and stability to 6T 289

gospel ministry should not be superseded by Ev 547

gospel should be preached and practiced in MH 144

great field for, in world CH 242

great reforms will be made by, under gospel influence CD 75; MM 259

heaven watches with interest the stamp given to MM 131

high and holy calling MM 76

holy zeal and divine perseverance needed in MM 256

honor due, should be given it WM 123

how to have means for establishing, in many places CH 319-20

Kellogg (Dr. J. H.) encouraged in CH 532

labor with Christ in WM 58

leaders of, must instruct physicians, nurses, and helpers to keep Sabbath holy 7T 106

who exalt self 8T 211

line of, that sanitariums should do MM 179

little companies should go forth to do 9T 172

make small beginnings in, and enlarge as circumstances demand 6T 113

making merchandise of, warning against MM 131

men of faith and financial ability needed in 6T 113

management in, need of wise and discriminating 8T 71

means given to SDA for, take advantage of MM 328

means needed in foreign fields should not be absorbed by Ev 523

means needed in other lines of work should not be absorbed by 6T 290, 300

mingling of worldly policy plans with, dishonors God MM 23-4

ministers should take hold of CH 533; MM 241

ministers warned re neglect of 6T 298

ministerial work will soon be limited to CH 533; WM 139

ministry of God’s word should not be superseded by Ev 523

ministry needs, to demonstrate practical working of gospel 6T 289

must advance together with gospel 6T 379

must be bound up with: gospel message Ev 517; MM 252; WM 121

gospel ministry Ev 517; MM 240, 252; 9T 220; WM 121, 337

gospel ministry as a whole 8T 163

ministry of God’s word Ev 543; 6T 301

preaching of gospel CH 528; Ev 521-2; 8T 168

proclamation of third angel’s message 6T 267; TM 416; WM 124

the ministry 6T 323

work of third angel’s message MM 160

needs to be all that its name signifies MM 243

needs to be done for many souls 2SM 54

needs to go forward 9T 168-9

never separate, from gospel ministry CH 528; MM 159; 1SM 112; 6T 240, 288, 290; 8T 158

from ministerial work CH 557; 6T 291

not to become whole body MM 312

objectives of CT 521; Ev 516-9; MH 144

opportunities for, during crisis of freedom of conscience CH 506

opportunities for service presented by MYP 218; WM 126

opposition will be met in doing CH 527

other lines of gospel work should not be neglected as result of WM 122

pastors should instruct church members in WM 123

persons engaged in CH 539

Christ co-operates with Ev 413; 7T 51

health of MM 292

must be learners MM 200

must try to reach God’s standard MM 200

not all, exalt God and His truth 8T 206

sacred responsibility rests on MM 21

persons should not be bound by, to any man who is a dictator 8T 164

persons taking up, competent physicians thoroughly examine CT 473

persons who feel prepared to do MM 91-2

persons who should make application to engage in MM 76

persons who should not be authorized to control any phase of 8T 168

phase of, that sanitarium workers should do CD 282

physician warned not to make, first in importance MM 159

physician who gathered in disproportionately in TM 396-7

physician who is not fit to do CH 213

prayer and faith must be combined in MM 260

preaching of the gospel should not be superseded by CH 528

preparation for, people cannot afford to spend years in 9T 172

privilege of doing your best to advance MM 154

promises re 6T 289

prosperity of, in God’s order 6T 299; TM 397

publishing work should not be superseded by Ev 547

related to: church as right arm to body 8T 77

God’s cause as right hand to body 8T 166; WM 122-3

God’s work as a whole as arm to body MM 237

God’s work as hand to body 8T 160

related to third angel’s message 6T 233, 288-93

as arm and hand to body 6T 288

as hand to body CH 557

as right arm MM 188, 312; 6T 229; WM 258

as right hand MM 188; 7T 59

representative of, needed wherever SDA have churches MM 322; WM 138

revival of, when there shall be a wonderful 9T 219

room must be left by, for ministry of God’s word Ev 523

sacred thing of God’s own devising MM 131

schools should train youth to do CH 541-2; CT 519; 7T 232; 9T 170

sealed with God’s seal Ev 517

selfishness is infraction of God’s law in 6T 244

selfishness should be stripped from MM 250

selfishness that must not be seen in WM 239

SDA are to do ML 224

in evangelizing world CH 499

SDA must not hold themselves aloof from 8T 166

SDA should have a live interest in CT 138; 7T 63

should not be: given undue importance WM 122

independent of conferences 6T 235; 8T 187

managed according to any man’s own ideas 8T 169

small companies of evangelists should do CH 501; CT 469

soon there will be no gospel work done in ministerial lines except in CH 533

special line of work to be taken up 8T 168

strange things done in, that God could not accept CH 370

strength of God’s cause is not all to be used in 8T 166

students should be taught how to do CH 541-2; CT 519-20; 7T 232; 9T 170

Sunday should be devoted to 9T 238

tact needed in dealing with minds in MM 209

talent needed in 8T 71

talents needed in other lines of work should not be absorbed by 6T 290

tarnish of earthliness should be cleansed from MM 24

teachers should instruct church members in WM 123

teamwork in, two persons should do 6T 300

third angel’s message must not be smothered by Ev 523

true missionaries needed in WM 239

understood best by practicing it in simplicity MM 21

unsympathetic leaders should not control 6T 300

warning against doing, chiefly for monetary gain MM 131-2

wealthy men of world: can be God’s helping hand in Ev 88

will contribute to WM 280

web of, no thread of selfishness is to be drawn into 8T 164

JW and EGW did WM 325-6

will not cause SDA to be regarded as inferior in scientific medical knowledge CT 476

work of third angel’s message should never be eclipsed by 6T 241

workers should not be taken from the ministry by CH 557-8; 8T 158; WM 123

young men encouraged to do CH 538-9

young men should be educated to do 8T 158

young men should not be pulled away from the ministry by CH 557-8

youth disciplined and cultivated are needed in CT 42; 6T 206

youth should not be encouraged to devote too much time and strength to FE 489


access for truth gained by CME 7:2

begin, with what you have; way for Bible will open CME 26:2

colored trained for SW 75:3

Ellen White took in sick for an example in CME 9:5

fulfillment of bringing maimed, blind CME 9:3

in connection with ministry of the gospel CME 43:0

joy brought to suffering souls by CME 27:0

more earnest efforts to be put forth in RC 152:3

needed for discouraged and sick CME 23

success promised in, by power of gospel CME 7:3

undeveloped; workers held in few places CME 10:6