Miraculous Powers


Supernatural Voice

The following instance of the goodness and mercy of God toward one oppressed with darkness and despair, but exceedingly anxious for a token of acceptance, is truly wonderful. That our heavenly Father hears the cries of the humble and contrite, this incident clearly shows. Mrs. Fletcher says: MIRP 132.1

“But the Lord graciously helped me, in an extraordinary way. As I lay reflecting on my situation, and weeping before him on account of the darkness of my mind, I discerned an unusual brightness (yet not dazzling) and a voice came so powerful, that I can only say, I heard and felt it with every faculty of soul and body—’Thou shalt walk with me in white!’ MIRP 132.2

An answer seemed to come from my heart, independent of myself, ‘Lord, how can that be, seeing I am not worthy?’ It was spoken to me again, ‘Thou shalt walk with me in white; I will make thee worthy.’ This was followed by these words, ‘I will thoroughly purge away thy dross, and take away all thy tin. 1 MIRP 133.1

To this day I have the most lively remembrance of that manifestation, and in the darkest moments I have since passed through, I could never doubt its being the voice of the Lord.”—Life of Mrs. Fletcher, pp. 41, 42. MIRP 133.2