Miraculous Powers


Prayer Answered

In the “Early History of Methodism,” pp. 405, 406, we find the following interesting account: MIRP 131.1

“It was in this year, 1795, that a singular occurrence transpired at Southold, L. I. A. Mrs. Moore had been converted in New York in 1794, and removed to Southold. Being destitute of a spiritual ministry, she united with two other females of like spirit with herself every Monday evening, in praying that God would send them a faithful minister. Mrs. Moore was praying one night till a late hour, when she received this answer: ‘I have heard thy cry, and have come down to deliver thee.’ From this moment she had confidence that some heaven-sent minister would soon make his appearance. At this very time Mr. Lee was at New London, Conn., and had put his trunk on board a vessel with a view to go to his appointment in New York. The wind was contrary, and the vessel did not sail. On the same night in which these pious females in Southold were praying for God to send them a shepherd after his own heart, Mr. Lee, detained by contrary wind in New London, felt an unusual struggle of mind for the salvation of souls, attended with a strong impression that it was his duty to cross the sound and go to Long Island. He at first resisted it, but so powerful was the impression he finally yielded. On going to the wharf the next morning he found, to his surprise, a sloop ready to sail for Southold, and without hesitating longer, he immediately entered on board. He reached Southold in safety in a short time, and made some inquiry and was conducted to the house of Mrs. Moore. As Mr. Lee approached the house, from his appearance she recognized him to be a Methodist preacher though she had never seen him before. Mrs. Moore was overjoyed, and running to the door, saluted him with the following: ‘Thou blessed of the Lord, come in!’ They mutually explained the circumstances which we have briefly related, and rejoiced with exceeding joy. A congregation was soon gathered, and Mr. Lee preached to them with the Holy Ghost sent down from heaven. A class was soon formed, etc.” MIRP 131.2