Miraculous Powers


Boardman’s Remarkable Deliverance

Rev. Richard Boardman related a short time before his death, the following remarkable interposition of divine providence in his behalf: MIRP 120.1

“I preached one evening at Mould, in Flintshire, and next morning set out for Parkgate. After riding some miles I asked a man if I was on the road to that place. He answered, ‘Yes, but you will have some sands to go over, and unless you ride fast you will be in danger of being inclosed by the tide.’ It then began to snow to such a degree that I could scarcely see a step of my way. I got to the sands and pursued my journey over them for some time as rapidly as I could; but the tide them came in and surrounded me on every side, so that I could neither proceed nor turn back, and to ascend the perpendicular rocks was impossible. In this situation I commended myself to God, not having the least expectation of escaping death. In a little time I perceived two men running down the hill on the other side of the water, and by some means they got a boat and came to my relief just as the sea had reached my knees as I sat on my saddle. They took me into the boat, the mare swimming by our side till we reached the land. MIRP 120.2

“While we were in the boat one of the men said, ‘Surely, sir, God is with you.’ I answered, ‘I trust he is.’ The man replied, ‘I know he is,’ and then related the following circumstance: MIRP 121.1

“‘Last night I dreamed that I must go to the top of such a hill. When I awoke, the dream made such an impression on my mind that I could not rest. I therefore went and called on this man to accompany me. When we came to the place we saw nothing more than usual. However I begged him to go with me to another hill at a small distance, and there we saw your distressed situation.’ MIRP 121.2

“When we got ashore, I went with my two friends to a public house not far distant from where we landed; and as we were relating the wonderful providence the landlady said: ‘This day month we saw a gentleman just in your situation; but before we could hasten to his relief, he plunged into the sea, supposing, as we concluded, that his horse would swim to the shore; but they both sank and were drowned together.’ I gave my deliverers all the money I had, which I think was about eighteen pence, and tarried all night at the hotel. Next morning I was not a little embarrassed how to pay my reckoning for the want of cash, and begged my landlord would keep a pair of silver spurs until I should redeem them; but he answered, ‘The Lord bless you, sir, I would not take a farthing from you for the world.’ After some serious conversation with the friendly people, I bade them farewell, and re-commenced my journey, rejoicing in the Lord, and praising him for his great salvation.” MIRP 121.3