Miraculous Powers


Starvation Escaped by Prayer

The following interesting account of a family’s being saved from starvation in answer to prayer, was published not long since in the Presbyterian: MIRP 119.1

“Many years ago a devoted English clergyman was in a strange place, and became reduced to great straits. His money was all gone, and not a particle of food remained for his household. In the depth of his distress he cried mightily unto the Lord at the hour of morning prayer. When he arose his little ones begged for bread, and as there was none to give them, all burst into tears. But a sleepless eye had watched all his footsteps, and even while he was yet speaking, had sent a messenger to relieve his distress. The door-bell rang, and a man presented to the astonished wife a small parcel, saying he was directed by a gentleman to leave it there, and that some provisions would arrive shortly. Very soon a countryman drove up with a load of provisions of almost every description. The paper was found to contain forty gold pieces. Such a profusion had never been known in the house of the poor minister before. It was with feelings almost of awe as well as boundless gratitude that this marvelous relief was regarded, so plainly was the hand of God to be seen in it. These timely gifts were continued at intervals until the day of his death, yet it was long before he could learn from whence they came. At length it was found to be a benevolent Christian merchant, who had often observed the clergyman walking the streets with a grave, dejected air, and had been led to inquire privately into his circumstances. As a result he had sent them the gold by his clerk, and the provisions by his country servant, saying, “God forbid that any of Christ’s ambassadors should be strangers and we not visit them; or in distress, and we not assist them.” MIRP 119.2