The Review and Herald


August 19, 1862



I wish to say to those who received my Circular calling for help for E. W. Shortridge, that I now deeply regret that I sent it to you. In it I did not state all that I had seen relative to E. W. S., as my testimony to him in this sheet, dated Nov. 22nd, 1861, shows. I did state in the Circular that “with experience” he “would make a successful laborer.” He has had an opportunity to obtain that experience, but has either neglected or despised the admonitions and advice of experienced brethren. I had no thoughts when I first saw E. W. S., of calling for aid for him, but Bro. Snook urged the necessity of his having immediate help. RH August 19, 1862, par. 1

At the Conference at Battle Creek, April 26-29, E. W. S. being present, the subject of what I had done to raise means for him was fully discussed, when it was RH August 19, 1862, par. 2

“Moved by Bro. Hull that the Conference take the responsibility in this case, and free sister White from further care in the matter. Carried.” See Review, Vol. xvii, No. 24. RH August 19, 1862, par. 3

But the matter is still a great care and burden to me, and it will be a pleasure to me to pay back to the faithful donors the money freely given to, and foolishly squandered by, E. W. S. All who apply during the present month will immediately receive the amount of their donation by mail. RH August 19, 1862, par. 4

Ellen G. White.