General Conference Bulletin, vol. 1




FOR MORE THAN SIXTEEN YEARS the Battle Creek Sanitarium has maintained a Health Food Department, at first for the benefit of its patients and patrons, later, and for more than a dozen years, with increased facilities, to supply the general public. GCB July 1, 1896, page 748.9



No.Cts. per lb.
1Graham Crackers, sweetened,10
2Graham Crackers, plain,10
11White Crackers, pure butter, no lard,10
12Fruit Crackers, butter,15
13Whole-wheat Wafers, cream short’d,12
14Water Biscuit, one pound carton,15
15Beaten Biscuit, cream shortened,15
21Oatmeal Wafers, butter, sweetened,15
31Gluten Wafers,30
32Pure Gluten Biscuit,50
33Forty per cent Gluten Biscuit,40
34Pure Gluten Meal, 1 pound package,50
35Forty per cent Gluten Meal, 1 pound package,40
36Twenty per cent Gluten Meal, 1 pound package,20
37Sanitarium Infant Food, 1 pound tin cases,50
41Zwieback, 1 pound carton,12
42Zwieback, graham, 1 pound carton,12
43Zwieback, whole - wheat, 1 pound package,12
51Granola, 1 pound carton,12
52Wheat Granola, 1 pound carton,12
53Avenola, 1 pound carton,12
54Granose, per package, not sold in bulk,20
55Caramel Cereal, substitute for Coffee,15
61Graham Flour,3
62Oatmeal, A, fine,5
63Oatmeal, C, coarse,5
65Pearl Barley,7
66Whole-wheat Flour,4
67Wheat Germ Grits, per package, 2 pounds,10

Goods 61 to 70 subject to change of prices with market fluctuations. All our foods are in daily use at the Battle Creek (Michigan) Sanitarium, and are guaranteed to be absolutely pure, and strictly as represented. No lard, cotton-seed oil, suet, or any other animal fat than good butter and sweet cream are used for shortening, and no baking powder or ammonia is used in any of our products. GCB July 1, 1896, page 748.10

TO THE PUBLIC. — This certifies that the Battle Creek Sanitarium Health Foods, manufactured by the Sanitarium under the business name of the Sanitarium Health Food Co., are made under my direction and supervision, and that Granola and the other special foods manufactured by this Company, are not made or sold by any other firm or person except their duly authorized agents. J. H. KELLOGG, M. D. GCB July 1, 1896, page 748.11

Our goods are shipped to every part of the world - to Australia, New Zealand, India, Persia, and other foreign countries, as well as to all parts of the United States; and in every instance they have demonstrated their wonderful keeping properties. The following is a sample of hundreds of testimonials received from persons who have for years made use of our foods:— GCB July 1, 1896, page 748.12

“We have used your ‘Health Foods’ in our family for three years, and cannot get along without them. Having been troubled with dyspepsia and chronic inflammation of the stomach, I find that your Granola, Avenola, Wheatena, and Gluten are the only foods that I can eat with safety. WM. M. MERWIN.” GCB July 1, 1896, page 748.13

We are constantly improving our foods, and adding to our list as the result of experimental researches conducted in the Sanitarium Laboratory of Hygiene and our Experimental Kitchen. GCB July 1, 1896, page 748.14

For the latest descriptive circular, address, GCB July 1, 1896, page 748.15

SANITARIUM HEALTH FOOD CO., GCB July 1, 1896, page 748.16


CHICAGO OFFICE: 28 COLLEGE PLACE. GCB July 1, 1896, page 748.17