General Conference Bulletin, vol. 1






THIS society shall be called the International Religious Liberty Association. GCB July 1, 1896, page 746.9



The object of this association shall be to protect the rights of conscience; to maintain a total separation between religion and the civil government; and by means of the platform and the press to educate the public mind on the relations that should exist between the church and the state. GCB July 1, 1896, page 746.10



All persons approving these objects, and who will subscribe to the Declaration of Principles, may be members of this association by the payment of one dollar, and an annual due thereafter of one dollar. GCB July 1, 1896, page 746.11



SECTION 1. The officers of this association shall be a President, first Vice-President, Recording Secretary, Corresponding Secretary, Treasurer, an Executive Committee of nine, of which the President, Vice-President, and Recording Secretary shall be members. GCB July 1, 1896, page 746.12

SEC. 2. The Executive Committee shall have power to appoint one or more General Field Secretaries, also to appoint in each State and Territory a Vice-President, a District Secretary, and a Press Agent, all of whom shall work under the direction of the Executive Committee. GCB July 1, 1896, page 746.13

SEC. 3. The officers of this association shall be elected at the biennial meetings of the association, notice of which shall be published at least three weeks before such meetings are held, and the members present shall constitute a quorum. GCB July 1, 1896, page 746.14

SEC. 4. Vacancies occurring in any of the offices of the association may be filled by the Executive Committee. GCB July 1, 1896, page 746.15



SECTION 1. All funds arising from membership fees and annual dues shall be used according to the discretion of the Executive Committee in defense of members who may be prosecuted in consequence of religious intolerance and unjust and oppressive legislation, and for the publication and distribution of literature upon the principles of the association, and for the support of lecturers in the field. GCB July 1, 1896, page 746.16

SEC. 2. The Executive Committee may call for contributions, and accept donations for special enterprises and emergencies that may arise as funds are needed. GCB July 1, 1896, page 746.17



This constitution may be amended by a three-fourths’ vote of those present at any regular meeting. GCB July 1, 1896, page 746.18



1. This International Religious Liberty Association shall have an organ through which to advocate its principles and advertise and mold its work. GCB July 1, 1896, page 746.19

2. No literature shall be published or circulated under the name of this society by any of its officers or members until it has been endorsed by the Executive Committee of the association. GCB July 1, 1896, page 746.20

3. The duty of employing legal counsel, and defending members indicted for violating religious laws, shall devolve upon the Executive Committee; but this power may be delegated to the Vice-Presidents in the several States when necessary. GCB July 1, 1896, page 746.21

4. No act or decision involving great expense, or change in the working of the association, shall be valid, unless, at the time the act is voted upon, or a decision is made, a majority of the Executive Committee shall be present. GCB July 1, 1896, page 746.22

5. The President shall preside at all meetings of the association and of the Executive Committee, and see that the will of the committee is faithfully executed. GCB July 1, 1896, page 747.1

6. The Recording Secretary shall keep a record of all meetings of the association and of the Executive Committee. GCB July 1, 1896, page 747.2

7. The Corresponding Secretary shall maintain a regular correspondence with the Vice-Presidents, District Secretaries, and State Press Agents, and execute all other correspondence ordered by the Executive Committee. GCB July 1, 1896, page 747.3

8. It shall be the duty of the Vice-Presidents to enlist the co-operation of ministers, lawyers, school-teachers, and business men in the work of the association; to assist under the direction of the Executive Committee, in the defense of any members of the society who may be prosecuted for non-compliance with religious enactments, and to take the general supervision of the work in their respective territories. GCB July 1, 1896, page 747.4

9. District Secretaries shall lecture on the subject of religious liberty in all its phases, secure signatures to the petitions opposing religious legislation, and also obtain all possible co-operation in such work, and in the distribution of literature in harmony with the aim of the association. GCB July 1, 1896, page 747.5

10. Press Agents shall be empowered, with the concurrence of the Vice-Presidents and District Secretaries of their respective States, to select and appoint in each county seat and city of their States, responsible persons who are in sympathy with the object of the association, and who will act in its behalf by working with local editors to bring to their attention the importance of the question of religious liberty and to get their influence in behalf of the aim of the association. GCB July 1, 1896, page 747.6

11. The general meetings of the association shall be held biennially at such time and place as may be agreed upon by the Executive Committee. GCB July 1, 1896, page 747.7

12. The Executive Committee shall audit the accounts of the Treasurer, and make a report of the same at the regular meetings of the association. GCB July 1, 1896, page 747.8

13. These By-laws may be amended by a two-thirds’ vote of the members present at any regular meeting of the association, or at any meeting called for that purpose, due notice having been given of such meeting. GCB July 1, 1896, page 747.9