General Conference Bulletin, vol. 1




DURING the recent council at this place, fourteen meetings of the full Board of the General Conference Association were held, lasting from February 26 to March 8, at which a large amount of important business was transacted. We are precluded, by lack of space, from presenting a detailed account of the proceedings, but knowing the deep interest that is taken in everything pertaining to the work, we have made the following extracts from the minutes of the meetings:— GCB January 1, 1896, page 649.8

At the first meeting, the secretary presented the financial statement and balance sheet of the publishing department of the General Conference Association for the year ending Dec. 31, 1895, which showed that the present worth of the department, at that date, was $31,915.32; the net gain for twelve months being $1261.21; assets, $72,444.24; liabilities, $40,528.92; accounts receivable, $21,074.08; accounts payable, $40,528.92. It was pointed out that an allowance for depreciation had been made on book plates, amounting to $3907.15. GCB January 1, 1896, page 650.1

The following is a comparative statement of the book sales for the years 1894 and 1895:— GCB January 1, 1896, page 650.2

1894, trade books, 26,190 copies, retail value$13,969.30
 ”    sub.    ”     7499    ”       ”      ”   20,278.25
Total for 1894$34,247.55
1895, trade books, 91,225 copies, retail value$30,353.05
 ”   sub.    ”    15,626    ”      ”      ”    36,142.90
Total for 1895$66,495.90