General Conference Bulletin, vol. 5



To-day God is watching His people. We should seek to find out what He means when He sweeps away our sanitarium and our publishing house. Let us not move along as if there were nothing wrong. King Josiah rent his robe and rent his heart. He wept and mourned because he had not had the book of the law, and knew not of the punishments that it threatened. God wants us to come to our senses. He wants us to seek for the meaning of the calamities that have overtaken us, that we may not tread in the footsteps of Israel, and say, “The temple of the Lord, The temple of the Lord are we,” when we are not this at all. When we reach the mark of our high calling in Christ, the protecting arm of God will be with us. We shall have a covert from the storm. GCB April 1, 1903, page 31.2

We have many lessons to learn. May God help us to learn them. Let us ask ourselves, Am I keeping the law of the Lord? Do I bring its principles into my home? Do I reverence God’s Word? GCB April 1, 1903, page 31.3

I felt so thankful when the college in Battle Creek was moved from there to Berrien Springs. This was a right move. If there had been a further carrying out of the principles that God has laid down,—the instruction that He has given to make centers in many places,—His salvation would have been revealed. A wrong policy has been followed in centering so much in Battle Creek. The Lord has told us that His work is to be established all over America. In every city a memorial for Him is to be established. Are we ready for this work? “Lo,” said Christ, “I am with you alway, even unto the end of the world.” “Go ye therefore and teach all nations, speaking the things I have commanded you.” We are to proclaim to all the world the truths by which every one is to be judged. When this gospel of the kingdom shall have been preached to every nation and kindred and tongue and people, the Saviour will come. GCB April 1, 1903, page 31.4