General Conference Daily Bulletin, vol. 3


November 1, 1889



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THE third meeting of this session was called at 5:30 P. M., on Wednesday, October 30. Prayer was offered by R. S. Porter, of Minnesota. The minutes of the previous meeting were read and approved. GCDB November 1, 1889, page 127.1

The chair referred to the fact that in previous meetings much time had been wasted in long speeches, and suggested some action on the matter. It was then moved and carried that in discussing questions, the speaker should be limited to five minutes. GCDB November 1, 1889, page 127.2

The Committee on Declaration of Principles presented the following report:- GCDB November 1, 1889, page 127.3

We, your committee on second article of Declaration of Principles, would respectfully recommend that it be stricken out. A. T. JONES, E. J. WAGGONER, L. J. CALDWELL. A minority report was presented, as follows:- GCDB November 1, 1889, page 127.4

We, the undersigned, a minority of the Committee on Second Article of Declaration of Principles, recommend that this article remain as it is. R. C. PORTER, DAN. T. JONES. GCDB November 1, 1889, page 127.5

It was moved and seconded to adopt the majority report. This motion was spoken to by A. T. Jones, R. C. Porter, P. W. B. Wessels, E. J. Waggoner, J. H. Morrison, E. W. Farnsworth, L. McCoy, A. A. John, and others. Nearly every shade of opinion was expressed, and both sides of the question received a very thorough ventilation. It was shown that the majority report was not because of opposition to prohibition, but because the article is an anomaly in a declaration of principles of a society whose sole work is to combat religious legislation. GCDB November 1, 1889, page 127.6

An amendment to substitute the minority report for the majority report was lost, and after a few other remarks the vote was taken on the original motion, resulting in its being carried by a large majority. The question was raised whether less than a three-fourths’ majority could strike out any of the Declaration of Principles. The chair decided that it could not. An appeal was taken from the decision of the chair. The appeal was sustained. It was moved to reconsider the appeal. Pending the decision on this motion, the Association adjourned to call of the chair. GCDB November 1, 1889, page 127.7


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THIS meeting was called at 7 P. M., Wednesday, Oct. 30. After singing “Where are the Reapers?” prayer was offered by Elder W. W. Sharp. GCDB November 1, 1889, page 127.8

The resolution concerning the appropriation of contributions to the missionary ship, which was pending at the adjournment of the last meeting, was taken up, and after some discussion was amended so as to devote the contributions for six months to the purchase of the ship, and that the disposal of the remaining six months’ contribution be left with the Executive Committee in conjunction with the Mission Board. GCDB November 1, 1889, page 127.9

The Committee on Resolutions presented the following additional report:- GCDB November 1, 1889, page 127.10

Resolved, That section I of article 3 of the Constitution be so amended as to provide for an executive committee of nine, instead of seven, as at present. GCDB November 1, 1889, page 127.11

Resolved, That we urge our Sabbath-schools everywhere to keep in their libraries, as far as they are able, such missionary books as may be recommended by the Executive Committee, and to encourage their perusal by the pupils, especially by the children. GCDB November 1, 1889, page 127.12

Resolved, That we request the Tract Societies to keep on hand Sabbath-school supplies. GCDB November 1, 1889, page 127.13

WHEREAS, According to the reports which have been returned from our Sabbath-schools, less than one-half of the members of the Seventh-day Adventist churches are members of the Sabbath-schools; therefore, - GCDB November 1, 1889, page 128.1

Resolved, That we urge upon our Sabbath-school workers everywhere the importance of securing the regular attendance at Sabbath-school of all church members, not only that the school may be strengthened by their presence and influence, but that they may have the benefits to be derived from a systematic study of the Scriptures. GCDB November 1, 1889, page 128.2

WHEREAS, Many families are so situated that they cannot attend any regularly organized school; and, - GCDB November 1, 1889, page 128.3

WHEREAS, It has been demonstrated that family schools can be organized and run successfully, and that they are a great benefit to the family, and a source of strength to the Association; therefore, - GCDB November 1, 1889, page 128.4

Resolved, That we express our approval of what has been done in this line, and that we urge upon the officers of all our State Associations the importance of continuing in it until every isolated family is organized into a Sabbath-school; and further, - GCDB November 1, 1889, page 128.5

Resolved, That to this end we request our ministers, licentiates, Bible workers, canvassers, and others, to report to the State Secretary, if within the bounds of any State Association, and to the International Secretary, if not within such bounds, the names and addresses of all such families. GCDB November 1, 1889, page 128.6

The first two resolutions were adopted without discussion. The third was laid on the table. The remaining resolutions were all heartily approved. GCDB November 1, 1889, page 128.7

The report of the committee appointed to consider the admission of the South African Association was called up, and after some discussion was not adopted. It was then moved by E. J. Waggoner, and seconded by W. C. White, that, inasmuch as that Association has reported, it is the sense of this body that it already is a member of the International Association. The motion was carried. GCDB November 1, 1889, page 128.8

J. H. Durland, in behalf of the Committee to provide for examination of lessons, and the securing of lessons in foreign languages, reported as follows:- GCDB November 1, 1889, page 128.9

We recommend, 1. That the International Sabbath-school Executive Committee with the General Conference Executive Committee appoint the following committees to examine the lessons for the ensuing year; viz.: A committee of eleven on the lessons in the English, and one of three on lessons in each of the foreign languages, into which the lessons are to be translated. GCDB November 1, 1889, page 128.10

The committees on foreign lessons shall also translate and adapt the same for their respective languages. GCDB November 1, 1889, page 128.11

2. That the lessons be published in pamphlet form for the English, Danish, Swedish, German, French, and such other foreign tongues as the Committee may deem advisable. GCDB November 1, 1889, page 128.12

The Committee on Nomination reported, recommending the following-named persons as officers for the coming year:- GCDB November 1, 1889, page 128.13

For President - C. H. Jones. GCDB November 1, 1889, page 128.14

Vice-President - Roderick S. Owen. GCDB November 1, 1889, page 128.15

Secretary - Mrs. C. H. Jones. GCDB November 1, 1889, page 128.16

Corresponding Secretary - Jessie F. Waggoner. GCDB November 1, 1889, page 128.17

Treasurer - Pacific Press Publishing Company. GCDB November 1, 1889, page 128.18

Executive Committee - C. H. Jones, Roderick S. Owen, W. C. White, E. J. Waggoner, J. H. Durland, A. O. Tait, W. H. Wakeham, A. E. Place, W. W. Sharp. GCDB November 1, 1889, page 128.19

The report was adopted as a whole, without discussion. GCDB November 1, 1889, page 128.20

This finished the business of the meeting, but there was an address on the program which all desired to hear, and as the hour was late, it was voted to request another meeting. GCDB November 1, 1889, page 128.21

The meeting then adjourned. GCDB November 1, 1889, page 128.22


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THIS meeting was called to order by the president, Dr. J. H. Kellogg, at 9:30 A. M., Oct. 31. Prayer was offered by Elder O. A. Olsen. After the reading of the minutes of the previous meeting, the Secretary called the roll of delegates, and several stockholders, not present at the previous meeting, reported. The chair then announced that there were 658 shares represented, - not a majority of the stock, but sufficient for a quorum. GCDB November 1, 1889, page 128.23

The Committee on Resolutions then presented the following:- GCDB November 1, 1889, page 128.24

WHEREAS, There is a great demand for, and a scarcity of, trained and competent nurses in all parts of the country, and notwithstanding such persons command the highest wages, yet the supply is deficient; and, - GCDB November 1, 1889, page 128.25

WHEREAS, There is no more successful medium by which our Bible workers and canvassers can gain access to the people and secure their attention and confidence, than by teaching the principles of healthful living and cookery, and the selection of healthful foods, nursing and caring for the sick, thus preparing the way for the introduction and reception of the present truth; therefore, - GCDB November 1, 1889, page 128.26

Resolved, That we heartily approve of the efforts being made by the Sanitarium managers to maintain and conduct a school for the training of nurses who may go out as pioneers in the great moral reform movements of the day. GCDB November 1, 1889, page 128.27

Resolved, That recognizing the work which may be done and has already been accomplished by our Training Schools for Nurses and Medical Missionaries, we request that the officers of the various State Conferences shall select suitable young persons and encourage them to attend these schools, to fit themselves for work in this branch of the cause. GCDB November 1, 1889, page 128.28

Resolved, That we hereby authorize the Board of Directors to appropriate each year a sum not to exceed $5,000 in the education and training of nurses, medical missionaries, and Health and Temperance workers to labor in connection with home and foreign missions, and the various branches of Health and Temperance work. GCDB November 1, 1889, page 128.29

Resolved, That we view with pleasure and satisfaction the neat and beautiful structure known as the Sanitarium Hospital, which has been erected on Sanitarium grounds for the use and benefit of the worthy sick poor, believing that the management have done credit to themselves in the erection of this building for this philanthropic purpose, and believe the means thus used have been wisely expended. GCDB November 1, 1889, page 128.30

Resolved, That we hereby commend the efforts of the board of Directors of Health Reform Institute to devise plans whereby the usefulness of the Institution may be prolonged and enlarged, and hereby authorize them to adopt such measures as the circumstances may indicate to be necessary to accomplish the desired end. GCDB November 1, 1889, page 128.31

Resolved, That we hereby commend the sentiments expressed in resolutions 4, 5, 7, and 10 adopted by the Health and Temperance Association at its meeting last year, deeming it important that they be carried into effect. GCDB November 1, 1889, page 128.32

These are as follows:- GCDB November 1, 1889, page 129.1

Resolved, That we earnestly recommend the Executive Committee of the International Sabbath-school Association to secure the preparation of a series of Health and Temperance lessons, to be used at the earliest opportunity. GCDB November 1, 1889, page 129.2

Resolved, That it is the sense of this Association that the teaching of Health and Temperance principles should be combined, as far as practicable, with the Sabbath-school work, and that we earnestly request the officers from State Sabbath-school Associations to give due attention to this work. GCDB November 1, 1889, page 129.3

Resolved, That we request the State Conferences at each of their annual camp-meetings, to give time equivalent to one hour a day to the Health and Temperance work. GCDB November 1, 1889, page 129.4

Resolved, That we urge upon all our people the importance of increasing the circulation of our health journals and distributing such other literature as will advance the interests of the health and temperance work. GCDB November 1, 1889, page 129.5

The first resolution was adopted without remarks. The second brought out a query from F. D. Starr, when the chair said that if our people did not desire to take hold of this branch of the work, there were very many of those not of our faith who would be glad to avail themselves of such an opportunity to be fitted for health missionaries. GCDB November 1, 1889, page 129.6

He mentioned several calls he had recently received for hygienic cooks, teachers of hygiene, or teachers of domestic economy, and such persons could command good wages. Remarks were also made by L. McCoy, and A. O. Burrill, and was adopted. The third resolution was quickly passed, but the fourth was spoken to by the chair, to the effect that the cause needs hundreds of young people to study hygiene for the purpose of fitting themselves to go among the people in other countries, and teach them the importance of healthful principles, with a view to getting among them afterwards to teach them Bible truths. GCDB November 1, 1889, page 129.7

He said that the managers of the Sanitarium proposed, if the stockholders were willing, to organize a school in which thorough instruction could be given at seasonable hours, instead of doing as at present - working all day, and then attending classes at night. GCDB November 1, 1889, page 129.8

O. A. Olsen spoke briefly, and was followed by Mrs. White in her usual forcible manner of illustrating her points of discourse. She spoke particularly of the necessity of education in the line of cooking, and related what she had observed of the lack in this direction among our people. She also spoke on the necessity of training our children’s appetites to only crave the best kinds of food, that the children may be healthy and strong. The resolution was then adopted. The fifth and sixth also, after quite extended remarks by various speakers, were adopted. GCDB November 1, 1889, page 129.9

The meeting then adjourned. GCDB November 1, 1889, page 129.10


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“RESTING BY AND BY” was sung at the opening of this meeting, Thursday, October 31, at 3 P. M. Elder D. A. Robinson offered prayer. Minutes of the last meeting were read. The committee on revision of the constitution made another report, the constitution having been entirely remodeled. The constitution was read, and some comments were made on it, when it was voted to defer action until the by-laws could be prepared, and both constitution and by-laws be placed in the hands of the delegates for examination. GCDB November 1, 1889, page 129.11

The Committee on Resolutions presented an additional report, as follows:- GCDB November 1, 1889, page 129.12

WHEREAS, The Review and Herald stockholders have voted to establish branch offices both in the northwest and southwest section of this country; therefore, - GCDB November 1, 1889, page 129.13

Your committee would suggest that the matter of starting a publishing business by Brethren Roberson and Huguley in the Southern States, be referred to the Pacific Press, and the Review and Herald publishing boards, in connection with the General Conference Committee, to recommend to these brethren such measures as may appear best to them. GCDB November 1, 1889, page 129.14

WHEREAS, The work of the International Sabbath-school Association has become so extended, as to require the undivided time of some of our most faithful laborers, and, - GCDB November 1, 1889, page 129.15

WHEREAS, The General Conference has, in the past three years, received substantial benefit from it to the amount of $32,537 in pushing its missionary enterprises, therefore, - GCDB November 1, 1889, page 129.16

Resolved, That we grant the International Sabbath-school Association its request for three laborers, in harmony with the resolution upon that point, passed by the said Association at its present session. GCDB November 1, 1889, page 129.17

WHEREAS, The General Conference at its last session recommended the establishment by the Review and Herald Office of a branch office in London, to meet the demands of the cause in the British field; and, - GCDB November 1, 1889, page 129.18

WHEREAS, The Review and Herald requested the Pacific Press to occupy that field; therefore, - GCDB November 1, 1889, page 129.19

Resolved, That we indorse the action of the Pacific Press in establishing a branch office in London. GCDB November 1, 1889, page 129.20

WHEREAS, In the order of God, the American Sentinel has been established to watch the workings of the movement to secure religious legislation, and to give warning of its influence and progress, and of the dangers accompanying it; and, - GCDB November 1, 1889, page 129.21

WHEREAS, The Spirit of God has spoken directly of “the American Sentinel and its mission,” saying, “The Sentinel is like a trumpet giving a certain sound; and all our people should read it carefully, and then send it to some relative or friend, thus putting to the best use the light God has given them;” and, “Let every worker for God comprehend the situation, and place the Sentinel before our churches, explaining its contents, and urging home the facts and warnings it contains;” therefore, - GCDB November 1, 1889, page 129.22

Resolved, That we urge our brethren to give careful attention to this important matter, and accordingly to give the American Sentinel the widest possible circulation that may be given by the means and facilities which are or may be placed in our hands. GCDB November 1, 1889, page 129.23

WHEREAS, The rapid growth of the movement in favor of a national Sunday law and religious legislation in general, and the new phases and developments which the work is continually assuming, make it necessary that opposition to it should be conducted as near as possible to the headquarters of the work, and where information can most readily be furnished to the people; therefore, - GCDB November 1, 1889, page 130.1

Resolved, That we heartily approve the action of the Pacific Press in taking steps to issue the American Sentinel from its New York office. GCDB November 1, 1889, page 130.2

The committee recommended the adoption of the program for week of prayer, as published on page 111 of the BULLETIN. GCDB November 1, 1889, page 130.3

The committee on revision of the constitution then read the proposed by-laws, which were ordered to be printed. GCDB November 1, 1889, page 130.4

The special committee on Sunday prosecution submitted a majority and minority report, both of which were ordered printed and placed in the hands of the delegates for careful and prayerful consideration before action is taken. GCDB November 1, 1889, page 130.5

The Educational Committee then presented the following report:- GCDB November 1, 1889, page 130.6

Resolved, That this Conference heartily approves of the action taken by the General Conference Committee, in arranging for the Bible School for Ministers, and urges the officials of the various Conferences to encourage the proper persons to attend it. GCDB November 1, 1889, page 130.7

Resolved, That this Conference adopt the following plan for the supervision of church schools; that they all be under the general supervision of the Educational Secretary, and that in such Conferences as he may deem it advisable, he may appoint, subject to the approval of the local Conference Committee, some one to assist in the work in that Conference. GCDB November 1, 1889, page 130.8

WHEREAS, There is an urgent demand for consecrated and educated workers in all departments of this cause; and, - GCDB November 1, 1889, page 130.9

WHEREAS, The Lord has explicitly spoken to us upon this subject in “Testimony to the Church,” No. 33, pp.108-114, wherein is clearly set forth our duty as a people in pushing the matter of educating workers; and, - GCDB November 1, 1889, page 130.10

WHEREAS, There are many persons of ability in our ranks who, with suitable training, might become efficient workers; therefore, - GCDB November 1, 1889, page 130.11

Resolved, That we request the officers and ministers, both in the General and State Conferences, to look up such persons, and encourage them to that training which will fit them to become laborers in the vineyard of the Lord. GCDB November 1, 1889, page 130.12

WHEREAS, There is an urgent demand for educated laborers in the Scandinavian, German, and French languages, - GCDB November 1, 1889, page 130.13

Resolved, 1. That we approve of the establishment of schools in these languages among us, - GCDB November 1, 1889, page 130.14

2. That we recommend that suitable persons be selected, encouraged, and assisted, if necessary, to obtain an education in such schools qualifying them to labor in these languages. GCDB November 1, 1889, page 130.15

In place of article four of the report printed on page 34 of the BULLETIN, the following was recommended and adopted:- GCDB November 1, 1889, page 130.16

That the expense of maintaining the school should be provided for wholly by the church where the school is held, by tuition and donations expressly for this purpose from any source. GCDB November 1, 1889, page 130.17

On motion of E. W. Farnsworth, it was voted that the readings for the Week of Prayer be translated into the Scandinavian and German languages. W. C. White moved that they be translated into the French also. Carried. GCDB November 1, 1889, page 130.18

The report of the Committee in regard to the Western school was brought up for adoption, but after some remarks was referred back to the Committee. GCDB November 1, 1889, page 130.19

The Committee on Distribution of Labor made the following report:- GCDB November 1, 1889, page 130.20

Your committee after long and careful consideration of the work committed to them desire to present the following recommendations. We recommend, - GCDB November 1, 1889, page 130.21

1. That Elder W. C. Wales go to Illinois, and make that his field of labor. GCDB November 1, 1889, page 130.22

2. That Elder John Fulton go to the North Pacific Conference, and take the place of Elder R. S. Porter, absent. GCDB November 1, 1889, page 130.23

3. That Elder H. W. Cottrell make New Brunswick and Nova Scotia his field of labor. GCDB November 1, 1889, page 130.24

4. That Elder O. C. Godsmark go to California to labor in city mission work. GCDB November 1, 1889, page 130.25

5. That Elder Robert Hare make Australia his field of labor. GCDB November 1, 1889, page 130.26

6. That Brother Simon Peter fit himself to go to the Echo Publishing Company office. GCDB November 1, 1889, page 130.27

7. That Elder M. C. Israel go to New Zealand and labor in that field. GCDB November 1, 1889, page 130.28

8. That Elder M. H. Brown make Wisconsin his field of labor. GCDB November 1, 1889, page 130.29

9. That Brother L. C. Chadwick come to Battle Creek and connect with the International Tract Society. GCDB November 1, 1889, page 130.30

10. That Elder M. G. Huffman’s request to return to Indiana be granted. GCDB November 1, 1889, page 130.31

11. That Brother Paul E. Gros make Wisconsin his field of labor, and that he labor in Northern Michigan and Illinois to such extent as may be agreed upon by the Conferences of Wisconsin, Illinois, and Michigan. GCDB November 1, 1889, page 130.32

12. That Elder J. P. Henderson go to Nebraska and labor in that field. GCDB November 1, 1889, page 130.33

13. That Elder J. G. Wood go to Arkansas and take the presidency of Conference and Tract Society in that State. GCDB November 1, 1889, page 130.34

14. That Elder Daniel Nettleton make Arkansas his field of labor. GCDB November 1, 1889, page 130.35

15. That Brother A. Barry labor in such direction as the General Conference Committee may indicate. GCDB November 1, 1889, page 130.36

16. That Brother J. W. Watt attend the Bible school this winter and then go to Montana. GCDB November 1, 1889, page 130.37

After receiving this report, the meeting adjourned. GCDB November 1, 1889, page 130.38