Letters and Manuscripts — Volume 23 (1908)


Lt 164, 1908

Workman, Brother and Sister [W. D.]

St. Helena, California

May 22, 1908

Previously unpublished.

My dear Grandchildren:

I have just received and read Mabel’s letter. While reading it, I wished I could be with you and spend one month at Takoma Park. But I cannot take such a journey unless I have clear light that this is the Lord’s will. 23LtMs, Lt 164, 1908, par. 1

I would be pleased to speak to the students in the school and to the workers in the sanitarium and the publishing house. I have a message for them. I know that in this year 1908 we have no time to lose. Every moment is precious. It should be our constant study to know how to form characters that will stand the test of the future. 23LtMs, Lt 164, 1908, par. 2

Whatever our age, it is our precious privilege to be learners of the blessed teacher Christ Jesus. “Search the Scriptures,” was His charge, “they are they which testify of Me.” [John 5:39.] The lessons that Christ gave to His first disciples, teachers and students are to learn today and treasure up in their hearts. Let us encourage a spirit of earnest purpose and be determined to climb round after round of the ladder until we reach the heavenly courts. 23LtMs, Lt 164, 1908, par. 3

The spiritual life can be kept vigorous only by much earnest prayer and the exercise of simple faith. Lay your individual case before the Lord, and believe Him fully. Receive in simple faith the light He sends you, that He may impart His Holy Spirit to give understanding of the requirements of His Word. We must relate ourselves so closely to the Lord that we can bear a living testimony to all with whom we associate. 23LtMs, Lt 164, 1908, par. 4

We have no moments, dear children, to spend in indifference. Every one of us must give account of himself to God. 23LtMs, Lt 164, 1908, par. 5