Testimonies to Ministers and Gospel Workers


Battle Creek Institutions Suffer God's Judgments

Unfortunately, not all of the counsels sounded by Ellen White at that General Conference session of 1901 were heeded. Changes which should have been made in two of the institutions at Battle Creek were not made. Before twelve months rolled around, during the night of February 18, 1902, the sanitarium burned. Before 1902 passed, the publishing house was also in ashes. This great loss of denominational property was recognized as a judgment from God, inflicted because men failed to heed and follow the counsel given. Warnings had been sounded, but they had gone unheeded. Now God spoke in a way that none could misunderstand. TM xxxiii.3

The church headquarters was moved away from Battle Creek with its attendant problems and, in the providence of God, established in Washington, D.C. The publishing house was reestablished in the capital of the nation, and the leaders resolved that the time of the employees and equipment should be devoted 100 percent to the publication of the message of the church. The sanitarium was rebuilt in Battle Creek, but unfortunately its great interests were soon wrested from the church. Battle Creek ceased to be the denominational center, as the world headquarters was transferred to Takoma Park. TM xxxiv.1