Temperance -- Study Guide

Called to the Battle

Pages 233-237 Te-SG 51.1

1. “On the subject of ________________, they [Adventists] should be in ________________ of ________________ other people.” (233) Te-SG 51.2

2. Do all Christians take temperance seriously? ___ yes ___ no; Te-SG 51.3

What claims do they make? (233)

Te-SG 51.4

3. “Every ________________ reform has its place in the ________________ of the ________________ ________________. Especially does the ________________ reform ________________ our attention and support.” (234) Te-SG 51.5

4. “We do not need to take an ________________ and break into their ________________. We have a stronger ________________ than this,--the ________________ of the living ________________.” (235) Te-SG 51.6

5. Note three challenges to the church member:
(a) “Warn the ________________ ;” (235)
(b) “take up the ________________ question;” (235)
(c) every member ” ________________ the pledge” and be ________________ with the ________________ association;” (236)
(d) “every ________________ see that his example and his influence are on the side of ________________.” (237)
Te-SG 51.7