Signs of the Times and Expositor of Prophecy [Himes], vol. 5

April 5, 1843

Vol. V.—No. 5. Boston, Whole No. 101

Joshua V. Himes


Terms.—$1,00 per Vol. (24 Nos.) in advance Office No. 14 Devonshire Street, Boston. HST April 5, 1843, page 33.1


No Authorcode

J. V. Himes, J. Litch, and S. Bliss, Editors

BOSTON. APRIL 5, 1843.

The End of the Prophetic Periods


The evidence of the termination of the various prophetic periods in 1843, has been frequently given, but there has never yet been presented a harmonious termination of them on any particular day. The want of such harmony as to the day of their termination has been supposed to be in accordance with the declaration of our Savior, “Of that day and hour knoweth no man,” etc. Although that was then spoken in the present tense, and denoted that no man then knew the time, while they were to know that it was near even at the doors, when certain signs should indicate its approach, yet it has generally been conceded also to be prophetic, as to the precise day of the advent’s never being known by man, previous to the event. A moment’s consideration, however, will show us that if that denotes that man is not to know the day, it also denotes that neither angels nor the Son can know, as Mark includes the Son with men and angels; and then our Savior would not know the day of his advent until he gets here. That passage, therefore, cannot denote that no man ever will know, but only that no man then knew, while the signs which were to denote the approach of that day were unseen. HST April 5, 1843, page 33.2

It may also be thought to be unwise to give the evidence which may point to any particular day, lest that day should pass by, and cause chagrin and mortification. The question “What shall we do if it does not come?” is only dictated by pride; and if Second Advent believers have any remnant of that commodity lurking in their hearts, it is high time it was all rooted out, and not a vestige of it left. Men who have sacrificed their reputation upon the altar of truth, who profess to be willing to have their names cast out as evil, for Christ’s sake, and to be esteemed as the offscouring of the earth, should never ask such a question; and should be willing to encounter any reproach or mortification to which an honest expression of what they believe to be the truth, may subject them. HST April 5, 1843, page 33.3

The prophet Habakkuk seemed to look to consequences when he said Habakkuk 2. I, “I will stand upon my watch, and set me upon the tower, and will watch to see what he will say unto me, and what I shall answer when I am reproved.” But what said the Lord to him? 2nd verse, “And the Lord answered me and said “Write the vision and make it PLAIN upon tables, that he may run that readeth it.” He was not to look to consequences, nor study an answer when reproof should come. His sole business was then to make plain the vision. The consequences he must leave with God; and why? 3rd verse, “For the VISION is yet for an appointed time, but at the end it shall speak, and not lie: though it tarry, wait for it; because it will surely come, it will not tarry.” It may appear to man to tarry, but when the time appointed has fully arrived, it will surely come; at the end it will speak. HST April 5, 1843, page 33.4

God says by his prophet Jeremiah 23:28, “He that hath my word, let him speak my ward faithfully.” We have therefore no right to hold back any part of the evidence which God has given us in his word and if we are inexcusable in withholding the evidence which points to the year, we are also inexcusable, if we withhold evidence that God has given us, which may seem to point to the day. HST April 5, 1843, page 33.5

The apostle commands us to exhort one another, and so much more as ye see the day approaching, Hebrews 10:25. And our Savior has said “If therefore, thou shalt not watch, I will come upon thee as a thief, and thou shalt not know what hour I will come upon thee, Revelation 3:3. These passages seem to indicate that the day and hour may be more clearly seen, as the time of the advent shall draw nigh. HST April 5, 1843, page 33.6

With these considerations, I will attempt a harmony of the termination of the prophetic periods, in the days of their fulfilment, giving the evidence upon which this opinion is based, and remembering our liability to err, when relying upon the strength of man’s arm. If my opinion in this respect prove incorrect, I have only given my honest opinion in the fear of God, and from a sense of duty, being perfectly willing to encounter any contumely and reproach, to which faithfulness in the cause of God may subject me, knowing that no greater burden will be given me, than the grace of God will enable me to bear, or than it will be for my spiritual wellbeing to endure. And what I shall answer when I am reproved, I leave with God. HST April 5, 1843, page 33.7

While all the prophetic periods evidently terminate in A. D. 1843, yet two only—the 2300 and the 1335 days—seem to indicate the day of their termination. The 2300 days were to extend to the cleansing of the sanctuary, which was to be desolated till the consummation. These 2300 days were “to give both the sanctuary and the host to be trodden under foot.” They therefore expire the moment those cease to be trodden under foot, and when is fulfilled the last event which is noted in the vision, and which was the exceeding great horn “broken without hand.” This will be when the Stone cut out of the mountain without hands shall smite the image on the feet, and grind it to powder, when God’s everlasting kingdom shall be set up. It will also be according to Daniel 11. and 12., in which the vision of the 2300 days is more fully described, and where the kingdoms symbolized by the ram and he-goat are particularized more minutely, and the little horn that waxed exceeding great is delineated under its various manifestations—under pagan and papal supremacies, and then under the form of the atheistical beast, of which Bonaparte finally obtained the lead, and whose acts, therefore, were the acts of this horn, he having then the supremacy. There it is said that he, i. e. this horn, “shall come to his end, and none shall help him,” or, as it was said in the vision, “was broken without hand,” This was the last event in the vision, and must therefore be the end of the 2300 days; and the angel proceeds o say, “And at that time, (i. e. when this horn comes to its end,) shall Michael stand up, the great prince which standeth for the children of thy people: and there shall be a time of trouble, such as never was since there was a nation even to that same time: and at that time thy people shall be delivered, every one that shall be found written in the book.” The 2300 days will therefore extend to the coming of Christ and the first resurrection, when the sanctuary and the host wilt no longer be trodden under; foot: and “then the sanctuary will be cleansed,” or, “then they shall cleanse the sanctuary,” when the days are ended. HST April 5, 1843, page 33.8

As the 70 weeks are cut off from the 2300 days, and are admitted to have been fulfilled in 490 years, the 2300 days can only extend just 1810 years from the end of the 70 weeks. HST April 5, 1843, page 33.9

The 70 weeks were cut off upon the Jews for the accomplishment of certain events, the last of which was the anointing the Most Holy. Of these 70 weeks, 69 were to reach to the Messiah, and he was to confirm the covenant with many for one week. It is admitted that the 70 weeks began B. C. 457, with the decree to rebuild Jerusalem, as given in Ezra 7.; the 69 weeks, or 483 years, which were to reach to the Messiah, would therefore extend to A. D. 26. According to the chronology in the margin of the Polyglot Bibles, this was the year when our Savior was baptized by John, and was first proclaimed from heaven as the Messsiah of the world. Mark 1:9-11, “And it came to pass in those days that Jesus came from Nazareth of Galilee, and was baptized of John in Jordan. And straightway coming up out of the water, he saw the heavens opened, and the Spirit like a dove descending upon him. And there came a voice from heaven, saying, Thou art my beloved Son, in whom I am well pleased.” HST April 5, 1843, page 33.10

He also preached, saying, “The time is fulfilled;” and there was a fulfilment of no prophetic time but the 69 weeks. This, according to Luke 3:23, was when Jesus began to be about thirty years of age, which was A. D. 26, he being born, according to an astronomical calculation of Ferguson, four years before the vulgar era. HST April 5, 1843, page 33.11

He was to confirm the covenant with many one week; “and in the midst, (or last half) of the week, he shall cause the sacrifice and oblation to ccase.” The sacrifice and oblation of the Old Testament must have ceased when the New Testament took effect, and took the place of the Old; and which must have been, according to Paul, on the death of Christ, Hebrews 9:16, 17: “For where a testament is, there must also of necessity be the death of the testator. For a testament is of force after men are dead; otherwise it is of no strength at all while the testator liveth.” Colossians 2:14: “Blotting out the hand-writing of ordinances that was against us, which was contrary to us, and took it out of the way, nailing it to his cross.” The crucifixion must therefore have been in the midst or last half of the week, in which he was to confirm the covenant with many, and before its termination. HST April 5, 1843, page 33.12

Christ was crucified A. D. 33; so that being born 4 years before the vulgar era, he must have been in his 37th year when he was crucified; and as he was about 30 years of age when he was proclaimed the Messiah, he must have confirmed the covenant with many about seven years, or one week, before the crucifixion, and after his resurrection forty days to his ascension. Acts 1:3: “To whom also he showed himself alive after his passion, by many infallible proofs, being seen of them forty days, and speaking of the things pertaining to the kingdom of God.”—He arose from the dead on the third day, and after forty days ascended to heaven. Acts 1:9: “And when he had spoken these things, while they beheld, he was taken up; and a cloud received him out of heir sight.” Then about 7 days, or 50 days from he crucifixion, when the disciples were with one accord in one place in prayer, the Holy Spirit came own like a rushing mighty wind, which was a confirmation of the last promise that he made to his disciples,—viz. that he would send the Comforter. Acts 2:1-4: “And when the day of Pentecost was fully come, they were all with one accord in one place. And suddenly there came a sound from heaven, as of a rushing mighty wind, and it filled all the house where they were sitting. And there appeared unto them cloven tongues like as of fire, and it sat upon each of them. And they were all filled with the Holy Ghost, and began to speak with other tongues, as the Spirit gave them utterance” Then also the Most Holy had been anointed—the last event of the 70 weeks; for then Christ had entered into the Holiest of all, and sprinkled it with his entering once a year into the Holy of Holies, to make atonement with blood for the sins of the people. The 70 weeks therefore seem to have terminated if not on or before the ascension, when the day of Pentecost was fully come—fifty days after the crucifixion. HST April 5, 1843, page 33.13

According to Ferguson, by astronomical calculations, our Savior was crucified A. D. 33, which is 1810 years to April 3rd, 1843. HST April 5, 1843, page 34.1

The difference between Old Style and New Style, was 11 days, which was caused by an addition of 11 minutes to each year, the year being 11 minutes too long, from the time of Julius Casar. In the last century this gradual variation had amounted to 11 days, from about the time of the Christian era, so that events that occurred on the 3rd of April in the time of Christ, were made to fall on the 23rd of March, 11 days previous; and what was then the 3rd of April should have been the 14th. To reconcile this discrepancy, in 1752, the 11 days which had been thus added since about the time of the crucifixion, were left out of the calendar; so that what would fall on the 23rd of March, Old Style, was carried forward to the 3rd of April, the same as it would have been had no such variation of 11 minutes each year been made, and therefore the anniversary of events which took place before the variation of 11 days was made, will fall on the same days of the month N. S. after the variation made since the events, is rectified. HST April 5, 1843, page 34.2

As therefore the crucifixion was April 3rd, A. D. 33, and the 70 weeks seem to have terminated within 50 days after, then the 2300 days which extend to the coming of Christ, 1810 years from the 70 weeks, seem to terminate by the 23rd of May 1843, by which time the righteous have reason to expect to meet their Lord in the air. The 7 days before the day of Pentecost, when our Savior ascended to heaven, corresponds with the seven days before the flood, when Noah was told the very day of that event; and also with the half hour in Revelation 8:1, when there was silence in heaven on the opening of the seventh and last seal. If it should prove that the 70 weeks terminated with the ascension of our Lord, when his ministry on earth ceased; then the 2300 days would expire the middle of May, so that on the anniversary of the ascension of our Lord, the saints may ascend to meet him in the air, and then the seven days to the day of Pentecost, corresponding with the seven days before the flood, and the half hour of silence in Revelation, would be a time of awful suspense to the wicked, till the Pentecostal day, when instead of the Holy Spirit being poured out, would be poured out the vials of God’s wrath. HST April 5, 1843, page 34.3

When it is said in Revelation 1:7, that “every eye shall see him,” “they also which pierced him” are included; and as they will not see him till the last resurrection, it may be that the wicked will only know that Christ has come, from the fact that the righteous and all the little babes are gone. When Daniel saw the Savior, his comliness was turned into corruption, and he retained no strength, also when John saw him he “fell at his feet as dead.” It may therefore be that men will be unable to behold the Savior while in this mortal state, and that the righteous may not see him till they are changed, for the sight of him might strike all the wicked dead. If those who are not changed can see him, they would know the hour when he comes, but is said Revelation 3:3. “If therefore thou shalt not watch, I will come on the as a thief, and thou shalt not know what how I will come upon thee.” It may therefore be that those only will be changed who are found watching. Hence the injunction. Luke 21:34-36. “And take heed to yourselves, lest at any time your hearts be overcharged with surfeiting and drunkenness, and cares of this life, and so that day come upon you unawares. For as a snare shall it come on all them that dwell on the face of the whole earth. Watch ye therefore, and pray always, that ye may be accounted worthy to ascape all these things that shall come to pass, and to stand before the Son of man.” HST April 5, 1843, page 34.4

How important it is then, that we should be continually watching; for as a snare will it come on all that dwell on the earth, or regard this as their home; but the righteous are strangers and pilgrims here below, looking for a city to come. HST April 5, 1843, page 34.5

Our opposers all have their eye on the 23rd of April; why no one knows; for none of the Advent Believers have ever thought of that day. They have had their eye more on the 15th of February, and the 3rd of April—on the latter, because of the crucifixion of our Lord, when many supposed the 70 weeks expired; and on the former, because then the Pope was dethroned, which was supposed to be the end of the 1290 days. There is however no necessary connection between the 1290 days and the 1260, only that both terminate the same year. It however does not follow that they terminated at the same point in the year. But it seems to be necessary that the scoffers should have a time to rejoice, and the faith of the believers be tried. Such will be the case if the 23rd of April shall pass by. Then, high in air they will loss their ready cap, and feel that they can breathe freer: and then will they begin to scoff in earnest. Then will also be fulfilled what is spoken by the prophet Ezekiel 12:21, 22: “And the word of the Lord came unto me, saying, Son of man, what is that proverb that ye have in the land of Israel, saying, “The days are prolonged, and every vision faileth?” They begin to say it now, but then they will show it aloud. 23—25 verses: “Tell them therefore, Thus saith the Lord God; I will make this proverb to cease, and they shall no more use it as a proverb in Israel; but say unto them, “The days are at hand, and the effect of EVERY vision.” For there shall be no more any vain vision nor flattering divination within the house of Israel. For I am the Lord: I will speak, and the word that I shall speak shall come to pass; it shall be no more prolonged: for in your days, O rebellious house, will I say the word, and will perform it, saith the Lord God.” HST April 5, 1843, page 34.6

When the effect of every vision has been seen, probation will be no longer delayed; and this is to be when they say that every vision faileth; and the vision may seem to man to tarry. HST April 5, 1843, page 34.7

26—28 verses: “Again the word of the Lord came to me, saying, Son of man, behold, they of the house of Israel, say, The vision that he seeth is for many days to come, and he prophesieth of the times that are afar off. Therefore say unto them, Thus saith the Lord God; There shall none of my words be prolonged any more, but the word which I have spoken shall be DONE, saith the Lord God.” HST April 5, 1843, page 34.8

They are already using this proverb, but they will also use it to perfection if the 23rd of April shall pass away. They may therefore have one short mouth to rejoice over a supposed failure of the time—the same as Belshazzar, according to the tradition of the Jews, had supposed that the 70 years predicted by Jeremiah were fulfilled, at the end of which the king of Babylon was to be punished and that nation. HST April 5, 1843, page 34.9

But the king, according to this tradition, had himself computed the time, and thinking the seventy years were fully expired, and that the prediction had failed, made a great feast to a thousand of his lords to rejoice over the supposed failure of the prophecy; and in the midst of the feast, while they were making merry, and praising the gods of silver and gold, the fingers of the hand were seen writing on the wall, filling their hearts with consternation; and in that night those seventy years expired. Belshazzar the king of the Chaldeans was slain, and Darius the Median took the kingdom. Even so may the enemies of Christ have an opportunity to rejoice over a supposed failure of the prophetic periods. We are however told that “the triumphing of the wicked will be short;” and to the righteous God says, Isaiah 26:20, 21. “Come, my people, enter thou into thy chambers, and shut thy doors about thee: hide thyself as it were for a little moment, until the indignation be overpast. For behold the Lord cometh out of his place to punish the inhabitants of the earth for their iniquity: the earth also shall disclose her blood, and shall no more cover her slain.” They may rejoice for a little moment, but soon the Lord will come to deliver his own; for a short work will the Lord make upon the earth, and he will cut it short in righteousness. HST April 5, 1843, page 34.10

The 2300 days therefore seem to terminate by the 23rd of May, so let us now look for the blessed hope of the glorious appearing of the great God and our Savior Jesus Christ. HST April 5, 1843, page 34.11

The question then arises, when will all things be consummated, and all the redeemed come down upon the new earth wherein dwelleth righteousness. As old Canaan was divided by lot among the Israelites—the type of the Canaan to come.—some may suppose the new Canaan will be allotted and divided among its inhabitants, who will then all stand in their place and lot at the end of the days. The 1335 days are in answer to the question, “What shall the end of these things?” In the 11th and 12th chapters, Daniel had been carried down in prophetic vision to the resurrection, and onward to the final state of the righteouss, when “they that be wise shall shine as the brightness of the firmanent; and they that turn many to righteousness as the stars forever and ever.” This must be when the righteous stand on the new earth. Then Daniel said, “O my Lord what shall be the end of these things?” Jeremiah 8—that is when the righteous thus shine on the new earth, where they are to be as the stars forever and ever: verses 9-13. “And he said, Go thy way Daniel: for the words are closed up and sealed till the time of the end. Many shall be purified, and made white, and tried; but the wicked shall do wickedly: and none of the wicked shall understand; but the wise shall understand. And from the time that the daily sacrifice shall be taken away, and the abomination that maketh desolate set up, there shall be a thousand two hundred and ninety days. Blessed is he that waiteth, and cometh to the thousand three hundred and five and thirty days. But go thou thy way till the end be: for thou shalt rest, and stand in thy lot at the end of the days.” HST April 5, 1843, page 34.12

Daniel is to stand in his lot at the end of the days. We read in Matthew 27:52, 53, that after Christ arose from the dead, “many of the saints arose, and came out of their graves after his resurrection, and went into the holy city, and appeared unto many;” and who should be more worthy of a resurrection then, than the prophet Daniel? That he was then raised with the many saints that came out of their graves, is further confirmed from the fact, that the one who showed John the new earth, was one of his fellow servants, and of his brethren the prophets, and there is a striking resemblance between much of the Apocalypse, and the book of Daniel. When Daniel is to stand in his lot, would therefore seem to be not at the resurrection, but when the Lord my God shall come to the new earth, and all his saints with him, and which would also be the end of these things to which the 1335 days extend. They who wait and come to that period are pronounced blessed; and what greater blessing can be given any, than such a glorious inheritance? HST April 5, 1843, page 34.13

These days must therefore extend beyond the resurrection, a time sufficient for God to pour out the 7 last vials of his wrath upon the wicked, destroy them from off the earth, purify it, and restore it to its original condition, in the restitution of all things spoken by the mouth of all the holy prophets. This God can accomplish in a longer or a shorter period of time as shall seem good to him: but when we consider that the flood was forty days upon the earth and that that number of days is a memoorable period in the dealings of God with man, it would seem to be an appropriate period for the consummation of all things. HST April 5, 1843, page 34.14

Thus Moses was in the mount 40 days, Exodus 34:28. The spies returned from searching the land of Canaan after forty days, Numbers 13:23. The Israelites were also doomed to wander in the wilderness, after the forty days the spies were in the land of Canaan, each day for a year, Numbers 14:34. When Elijah was fed by an angel (1 Kings 19) he walked in the strength of that meat forty days. Ezekiel was told to lie on his right side and bear the iniquity of the house of Judah forty days, Ezekiel 4:6. Jonah predicted yet forty days, and Ninevah shall be overthrown, 3:4. Also our Savior fasted in the wilderness forty days, and was seen of his disciples forty days after his resurrection from the dead. HST April 5, 1843, page 34.15

Daniel was told that from the taking away of the daily, and the setting up of the abomination that maketh desolate, which was in 508 to the time of the end, should be 1290 days; and in Daniel 11:40, he had been told that at the time of the end the king of the south, or Egypt, should push at him; that blood—the anti-type of the Jewish high priests is, at the exceeding great horn, or the power that should have the supremacy in the divided Roman Kingdom. 1290 years from 508 bring us to 1798, at which time the atheistical beast of France was the dominant power, and, under Buonaparte, was the representative of the Horn. The 1290 days were therefore to extend to the time Egypt should push at Buonaparte, which was the first day of July, 1798. The 1335 days extend 45 years after that time, and would therefore terminate on the first of next July; which from the termination of the 2300 days by the 23rd of May, would be inclusive just forty days. At that time, therefore, the righteous have reason to expect to stand in their lot on the new earth, to shine as the brightness of the firmament, forever, even forever and ever. HST April 5, 1843, page 34.16

If the above is correct, then truly the Judge stand-before the door, which will soon be closed forever. O sinner, haste to prepare to meet thy God; look not behind you, tarry not in all the plain, but flee to the mountain, and seek for an inheritance among the saints of God; for the day cometh that shall burn as an oven, and all the proud, yea and all that do wickedly shall be stubble, to be burned up, root and branch. But the righteous can look up and lift up their heads, for their redemption draweth nigh, even the redemption of our bodies; wherefore comfort one another with these words. HST April 5, 1843, page 35.1

It is supposed by some that the 70 weeks did not terminate till Paul’s conversion, when Christ again appeared to man, as Paul says 1 Corinthians 15:8, “And last of all he was seen of me also, as of one born out of due time.” HST April 5, 1843, page 35.2

Others suppose “the midst of the week” in Daniel 9:27, denotes the middle the week that Christ was to be cut off; and therefore that the 70 weeks terminate 3 1-2 years after the crucifixion, with the vision of Peter, when he was shown that the wall between Jew and Gentile was broken down; and Cornelius was converted. This is the view of Wolf and others, who are looking to 1847 as the end of the 2300 days, and end of the world. The evidence however, for those periods, is far less clear than that the 2300 days terminate—if not at the crucifixion or resurrection,—at the ascension of our Lord, or on the day of Pentecost. And therefore should these points of termination pass by, and probation continue, as I cannot see how they can unless some new evidence be discovered, or the light shine more clearly, the believers in the Second Advent should live then, as now, in continual and momentary expectation until the Lord shall come; for, as all the prophecies have been fulfilled but the very last, so may we know that it is the next great event. Even so come, Lord Jesus, come quickly. HST April 5, 1843, page 35.3

Looking for things that are Coming


When the extra session of Congress was called some lime ago, a religious paper made the following remarks: HST April 5, 1843, page 35.4

The embarrassment in the financial concerns of the country, which has occasioned the present session of Congress, form one of the most remarkable events of the age: HST April 5, 1843, page 35.5

1. It proclaims the wisdom of the whole world to be foolishness. Could not all the wisdom of our keen sighted politicians, and all the financial skill of our merchants see and prevent this catastrophe? HST April 5, 1843, page 35.6

2. It proclaims the insecurity of all earthly possessions. HST April 5, 1843, page 35.7

3. It admonishes all benevolent men to employ their wealth in the cause of God, while it is yet with them. HST April 5, 1843, page 35.8

4. It tells the Christian church that now is the time for her to manifest the firmness of her purpose for the conversion of the world. HST April 5, 1843, page 35.9

5. It admonishes all by prudence and Christian economy to be prepared in the best way they can for harder times. Let us not trust in the counsel of the wise. There is some great design of Providence to be accomplished in this thing. We have been surprised to find in Pollok’s Course of Time, a description of the period just before the millennium, in the following words: HST April 5, 1843, page 35.10

“The prophecy for confirmation stood,
And all was ready for the word of God;
The righteous saw and fled without delay
Into the chambers of Omnipotence,
The wicked mocked, and sought for erring cause
To satisfy the dismal state of things,
The public credit gone, the fear in time
Of peace, the starving want in time of wealth,
The insurrection muttering in the streets,
And pallid consternation spreading wide.
And leagues, though holy termed, first ratified
In hell, on purpose made to under-prop
Iniquity, and crush the sacred truth.”
HST April 5, 1843, page 35.11

We can scarcely resist the belief that Pollok was led by inspiration to describe these very days. HST April 5, 1843, page 35.12

Priests and Rulers


Ezra 8:15—“And found there none of the sons of Levi.” HST April 5, 1843, page 35.13

John 7:48—“Have any of the rulers or Pharisees believed.” HST April 5, 1843, page 35.14

It is constantly objected to the doctrines of the Second Advent that ministers of the gospel, doctors, and rulers do not receive it. This argument is thought by many to be unanswerable, and we feel that it is our greatest stumbling-block in the way of persuading sinners to escape the coming wrath. But let us not be discouraged, for when we look at history and Scripture testimony, we find that this class of men were not always the first in reformations and returns from captivity. In the days of Christ they were his most bitter opposers, and those of their number who believed, came to him by night. Ezra also tells us, that in his time, when he numbered the people who voluntarily set their faces to return to Jerusalem and the worship of their God, that he found “there, none of the sons of Levi.” We would not, as the manner of some is, “rebuke our elders, but we would entreat them;” and also rejoice that there are some noble exceptions to this charge.—Philadelphia Alarm. HST April 5, 1843, page 35.15

Extracts Illustrating the Signs of the Times.—“The Catholics of Europe have a tradition that their present Pope is the last that they will ever have.” “The Mahomedans have an impression that the world is about to be destroyed.” “There is a general impression among Frenchmen that the present year will be fatal to France.” “Many of the people of London, are expecting the destruction of that city, within a very short time.” “A pious Negro, recently a slave in Virginia, when asked if the slaves knew any thing about the coming of Christ, replied, that the pious slaves do, and they have been praying about it these ten years, but the whites knew nothing about it.” How could they know it? They were taught by the spirit, as good old Simeon was, about Christ’s first coming. Daniel says the wise, (that is the pious) shall understand. HST April 5, 1843, page 35.16

“Financial institutions of every grade are bankrupt, being robbed by the managers, while thousands of laborers, widows and orphans, are defrauded of their dues. Mob law rules many of our cities and villages.” “Brothels disgrace our cities, and foul and licentious papers are scattered through community and find their way, even to little girls in the sabbath schools.” “Bribery at elections has become so common that one man in a small town in England expended over $30,000 to gain his election; and we are informed that two late candidates in Fulton Co. New York for Congress, expended from 1,500 to 4,000 dollars each to secure their elections.” The Register of Detroit stated, that a short time previous to the late presidential election, the leaders of one party in that city went to the Catholics and offered them a certain sum to vote their ticket, they agreed to do it, and were paid, and voted for the latter party, as they paid the best.” HST April 5, 1843, page 35.17

The world has become one great Sodom, and soon, very soon, it will meet Sodom’s doom. HST April 5, 1843, page 35.18

The Worship of Science


Zodiacal Light and Comet.—For it now appears both have been discovered. This note, with Professor Olmstead’s initial, appears in Saturday’s New Haven Herald: HST April 5, 1843, page 35.19

Zodiacal Light.—As soon as the moon is absent from the evening sky, a favorable opportunity will be afforded for receiving this long known but mysterious phenomenon. It will be seen immediately after evening twilight, rising in abroad luminous triangle, from the western horizon nearly to the zenith, crossing the seven stars. It is not, however, as some of the papers suppose, to be confounded with the “Comet,” but should the latter remain visible until the moon is gone, the two will be easily contrasted with each other.—Ledger. HST April 5, 1843, page 35.20

“No less
These prodigies, occurring day and night,
Perplexed philosophy. The Magi tried,
Magi, a name not seldom given to fools
In the vocabulary of earthly speech—
They tried to trace them still to second cause;
But scarcely satisfied themselves, though round
Their deep deliberations crowding came,
And wondering at their wisdom, went away
Much quieted, and very much deceived,
The people always glad to be deceived.”
HST April 5, 1843, page 35.21

In this last age, the religion of science is that which is most worshipped by the world at large; and even professed Christians and ministers of the gospel of Jesus Christ, contribute largely to this modern god of the world. The light of science is a great blessing given us by God, and for which we should be grateful to him; but when we attempt to turn the gift against the Giver, and by it dishonor his Word, we are prostituting science to the basest purpose. Many are endeavoring to show by the “oppositions of science, falsely so called,” that geological indications show that the earth will always exist, and that the signs that God has given us of the Second Advent, are all accountable upon scientific principles, and are, therefore no signs. The star gazers, Astrologers, and monthly prognosticators, are atttempting to show that these signs have always been seen, and that all things continue as they were from the beginning of creation. Of such Isaiah speaks, Isaiah 47:10-14. “For thou hast trusted in thy wickedness: thou hast said, None seeth me. Thy wisdom and thy knowledge, it hath perverted thee; and thou hast said in thy heart, I am, and none else besides me. Therefore shall evil come upon thee; thou shalt not know from whence it riseth: and mischief shall fall upon thee; thou shalt not be able to put it off: and desolation shall come upon thee suddenly, which thou shalt not know. Stand now with thine enchantments, and with the multitude of thy sorceries, wherein thou hast labored from thy youth; if so be thou shalt be able to profit, if so be thou mayest prevail. Thou art wearied in the multitude of thy counsels. Let now the astrologers, the star-gazers, the monthly prognosticators, stand up, and save thee from these things that shall come upon thee. Behold, they shall be as stubble; the fire shall burn them; they shall not deliver themselves from the power of the flame: there shall not be a coal to warm at, nor fire to sit before it.” HST April 5, 1843, page 35.22


No Authorcode

J. V. Himes, J. Litch, and S. Bliss, Editors

BOSTON, APRIL 5, 1843.

Exposition of the 23rd of Jeremiah


This portion of Scripture seems to be peculiarly applicable to these last days. It begins with a woe to the pastors, that scatter the sheep of the flock; 1st and 2nd verses, “Wo be unto the pastors that destroy and scatter the sheep of my pasture! saith, the Lord. Therefore thus saith the Lord God of Israel against the pastors that feed my people; Ye have scattered my flock, and driven them away, and have not visited them: behold, I will visit upon you the evil of your doings, saith the Lord.” This is said against those that feed the flock; and how is the flock at the present time scattered among all names and denominations—one saying I am of Paul, and another, I am of Apollos, etc. etc, and this because those who feed the flock, instead of giving them the sincere milk of the word, have contended about names, and creeds, and sectarian interests, until many of the simple truths of the Bible have been forgotten. HST April 5, 1843, page 36.1

It is when they are thus scattered, that they are to be gathered, and which is to be a final gathering, as they are then to “fear no more.” 3rd and 4th verses: “And I will gather the remnant of my flock out of all countries whither I have driven them, and will bring them again to their folds: and they shall be fruitful and increase. And I will set up shepherds over them, which shall feed them: and they shall fear no more, nor be dismayed, neither shall they be lacking, saith the Lord.” HST April 5, 1843, page 36.2

This gathering is also to be at the second advent. 5th and 6th verses: “Behold, the days come, saith the Lord, that I will raise unto David a righteous Branch, and a King shall reign and prosper, and shall execute judgment and justice in the earth. In his days Judah shall be saved, and Israel shall dwell safely: and this is his name whereby he shall be called, THE LORD OUR RIGHTEOUSNESS.” HST April 5, 1843, page 36.3

The house of Israel are then to be all restored to the “new earth wherein dwelleth righteousness.” 7th and 8th verses: “Therefore, behold, the days come, saith the Lord, that they shall no more say, The Lord liveth, which brought up the children of Israel out of the land of Egypt; but, the Lord liveth, which brought up and which led the seed of the house of Israel out of the north country, and from all countries whither I had driven them; and they shall dwell in their own land.” HST April 5, 1843, page 36.4

The prophet then proceeds to describe the condition of the land previous to this restoration, and the wickedness of the inhabitants thereof; also how the prophets strengthen the hands of evil doers. 9—14 verses: “My heart within me is broken because of the prophets; all my bones shake; I am like a drunken man, and like a man whom wine hath overcome, because of the Lord, and because of the words of his holiness. For the land is full of adulterers; for because of swearing the land mourneth; the pleasant places of the wilderness are dried up, and their course is evil, and their force is not right. For both prophet and priest are profane; yea, in my house have I found their wickedness, saith the Lord. Wherefore their way shall be unto them as slippery ways in the darkness: they shall be driven on and fall therein for I will bring evil upon them, even the year of their visitation, saith the Lord. And I have seen folly in the prophets of Samaria; they prophesied in Baal, and caused my people Israel to err. I have seen also in the prophets of Jerusalem a horrible thing: they commit adultery, and walk in lies; they strengthen also the hands of evil-doers, that none doth return from his wickedness: they are all of them unto me as Sodom, and the inhabitants thereof as Gomorrah.” HST April 5, 1843, page 36.5

In the 15th verse is predicted the punishment that will befall those who prophesy falsely: “Therefore thus saith the Lord of hosts concerning the prophets: Behold, I will feed them with wormwood, and make them drink the water of gall: for from the prophets of Jerusalem is profaneness gone forth into all the land.” HST April 5, 1843, page 36.6

The burden of the false prophets will be peace. No where in the Bible is it recorded that false prophets ever predicted the judgments of the Lord. Neither is there any judgment pronounced against those who warn the wicked, even when there is no danger. There is also no promise to those who cry peace, although peace may be in store for them. The cry of peace is therefore a sure mark of false prophets. But when men cry thus, we are told that out of their hearts they speak, and we are commanded not to hearken to them lest they make us vain. 16—18 verses: “Thus saith the Lord of hosts, Hearken not unto the words of the prophets that prophesy unto you: they make you vain: they speak a vision of their own heart, and not out of the mouth of the Lord. They say still unto them that despise me, The Lord hath said, Ye shall have peace; and they say unto everyone that walketh after the imagination of his own heart, No evil shall come upon you. For who hath stood in the counsel of the Lord, and hath perceived and heard his word? who hath marked his word and heard it?” HST April 5, 1843, page 36.7

This is precisely what is said at the present time. In the face of so many and oft repeated indications that mark the time of the end, yet we hear the enquiry, “who hath stood in the counsel of the Lord?” They say, “How do these men know?” “Have they any special revelation?” “Are they wiser than our Doctors of Divinity?” “Where is the promise of his coming?” etc. 19th and 20th verses: “Behold, a whirlwind of the Lord is gone forth in fury, even a grievous whirlwind: it shall fall grievously upon the head of the wicked. The anger of the Lord shall not return, until he have executed, and till he have performed the thoughts of his heart: in the latter days ye shall consider it perfectly.” Here we learn the consequences of such preaching, and time—it is to be in the latter days. HST April 5, 1843, page 36.8

Such prophets are not sent of God. 21st and 22nd verses: “I have not sent these prophets, yet they ran; I have not spoken to them, yet they prophesied. But if they had stood in my counsel, and had caused my people to hear my words, then they should have turned them from their evil way, and from the evil of their doings.” It says, “if they had stood in my counsel,” showing that they were once in the counsel of the Lord, but did not continue to stand there, having joined in the cry of “Peace,” “No evil shall come upon you.” The consequence is, that their preaching does not cause men to turn from their evil ways as does those who stand in the counsel of the Lord, and faithfully warn the wicked. 23—30 verses: “Am I a God at hand, saith the Lord, and not a God afar off? Can any hide himself in secret places that I shall not see him? Do not I fill heaven and earth? saith the Lord. I have heard what the prophets said, that prophesy lies in my name, saying, I have dreamed, I have dreamed. How long shall this be in the heart of the prophets that prophesy lies? yea, they are prophets of the deceit of their own heart; which think to cause my people to forget my name by their dreams which they tell every man to his neighbor, as their fathers have forgotten my name for Baal. The prophet that hath a dream, let him tell a dream; and he that hath my word, let him speak my word faithfully. What is the chaff to, the wheat? saith the Lord. Is not my word like as a fire? saith the Lord: and like a hammer that breaketh the rock in pieces? Therefore, behold, I am against the prophets, saith the Lord, that steal my words every one from his neighbor.” These prophets do not get their words from the Bible, but they find them in commentaries, and in the traditions of men. They steal their words every one from his neighbor. HST April 5, 1843, page 36.9

31st and 32nd verses: “Behold, I am against the prophets, saith the Lord, that use their tongues, and say, He saith. Behold, I against them that prophesy false dreams, saith the Lord, and do tell them, and cause my people to err by their lies, and by their lightness; yet I sent them not, nor commanded them: therefore they shall not profit this people at all, saith the Lord.” How strikingly true is that of those who oppose the coming of Christ. They teach the fable of a temporal millennium, and say that Christ will not come; and they allay the fears of the wicked. Thus they drive off all serious impressions, and “profit not this people at all, saith the Lord.” HST April 5, 1843, page 36.10

Scriptural Suggestions.—A brother suggests that the 1290 days did not end when the pope was taken captive, but terminated when some formal act or law was enacted, superseding his authority. We have for a long time been unable to see any connection between the 1290 days and the overthrow of papacy, it was the 1260 days that were to mark the supremacy of papacy, and they expired when the pope was captured, A. D. Feb. 15th 1798. When the 1290 days are given, there is nothing said of the “little horn.” This period was to reach till the “time of the end;” and in Daniel 11:40, we are told that “at the time of the end the king of the south (Egypt) shall push at him.” The 1290 days were therefore to reach to the time that Egypt should push at such power as held the supremacy in the divided Roman kingdom. The 1335 days would extend 45 years beyond that time, and then Daniel is to “stand in his lot.” Old Canaan the type of the new was divided to the Israelites by lot; and after the 2300 days are ended, Christ has come, the earth has been regenerated, beautified and glorified and the saints are all returned to it, and the inheritance given them, what can more appropriately express the state of Daniel, that to say that he stands in his lot with all the redeemed. HST April 5, 1843, page 36.11

These considerations induce us to believe that the 1335 days will not terminate till after the 2300 days, and that when they end, Christ will come and receive the saints in the air, and that when the 1335 days terminate, they will return, and Daniel and all the saints will stand in their lot in the new earth. HST April 5, 1843, page 36.12

The Time Near


We call the attention of our readers to the first article in this paper. The argument there advanced to prove the time of the Advent near, is worthy the serious attention of all who are looking for this blessed hope. We know not that the argument can be evaded. If it cannot, then it is truly near even at the doors. How important it is then, that all should watch, “lest coming suddenly, he find you sleeping,” Mark 13:36. HST April 5, 1843, page 37.1

At the request of a brother, who left for the west before our paper came out, an edition of it was struck off for him under the head of “Bible Examiner Extra,” which, in the hurry of the moment, as the brother was waiting for the edition, was printed without name, date, or place of publication It was written by Bro. Bliss, the junior editor of this paper. HST April 5, 1843, page 37.2

We have heretofore protested against pointing to any particular day, and our mind remains unchanged in relation to this subject. We look for this event to transpire sometime in the year 1843, according to a previous statement in Miller’s Synopsis. We do not look for the event on any particular day or month in the year, but we do look for it within the year, at the termination of all the prophetic periods, according to the apostle, Ephesians 1:10. “That in the dispensation of the fullness of times he might gather together in one all things in Christ, both which are in heaven and which are on earth; even in him.” But the evidence presented in that article is so striking, that we feel it our duty to present it to bible students generally. HST April 5, 1843, page 37.3

Bro. Storrs: closed his lectures at the Marlbro’ Chapel, on Wednesday evening of last week. The truth he there promulgated was listened to by many a listening ear, and we believe that many souls were blessed through his instrumentality, and have learned to love the appearing of Christ. Bro. S. is now lecturing in Albany. May the Lord bless his labors until he shall appear. HST April 5, 1843, page 37.4

City subscribers can pay their subscription to brother J. Russel, the city carrier of this paper, or at our office, as is most convenient. HST April 5, 1843, page 37.5

Letter from Geo. A. Stirling


To the Editors of the Signs of the Times: HST April 5, 1843, page 37.6

Gentlemen—Although unable to agree with you as to the year 1843, and the non-restoration of the Jews, still I have looked with admiration upon the boldness with which you have been enabled to hold up before an unbelieving and scoffing world, the solemn and glorious truth—the Son of man is near, even at the doors. For better than ten months I have proclaimed in the ears of all who hear me, that “something of unspeakable moment is at hand.” I read these quoted words yesterday in your paper, and as they are precisely the same ones I have repeatedly used, and as I have not the least doubt that they sprang from deep and awful impressions made upon my mind by the Spirit of God, I am deeply struck by the coincidence of their being manifested in like manner to the Rev. Mr. Brown, as signified in your paper. What, my brethren, does this mean, but that the Son of man is now working deeply upon the hearts of his chosen children, preparing them, and teaching them to prepare others, for his immediate coming. This is the interpretation I have given to what Christ in his infinite condescension has done for me; and now that I discern precisely the same manifestations made to a brother clergyman in a far distant field, of whom I never before heard, and with whom I could have had no previous communion, my convictions are only deepened, and I am filled with a more awful awe of what is soon to come upon the world. “Blow ye the trumpet in Zion, and sound an alarm in all my holy mountain, and let all the inhabitants of the earth tremble for the day of the Lord cometh, for it is nigh at hand.” Go on, then, my brethren, fear not what man can do, but rather fear him who can destroy both body and soul in hell. Christ is our shield, our refuge, and exceeding great reward, I speak but the truth when I affirm, were I to attempt to describe the course through which my master has taken my mind the last ten or twelve weeks, I could not use more explicit terms than those Bro. Brown has used, as expressive of his. To God let us give exceeding glory. I cannot but repeat that the coincidence is most marvelous and expressive in these days of darkness and unbelief. “Truly these are strange times.” Strange because previously we have had so little faith, and now to be introduced so suddenly into that marvelous light in which Christ is closing up the scenes of these last days, fills us with as much astonishment as the young convert is filled when he first tastes an omnipresent God—and we exclaim, notwithstanding our previous light, “What a Babylon, what a Babylon we are inhabiting!” Before, we were like little children sitting in a dungeon lighted up by a single candle, hence we could see but a little distance, and had not the most feeble conceptions of the depravities with which we were surrounded. But now the sun itself has come down in our midst, and Oh God! what sights do we behold. The valley of dry bones, and a church dead in the wilderness, are to us no longer figures of speech, but we see them as with the naked eye, and cry, O Lord God, come from the four winds, O breath, and breathe upon these slain that they may live. Then said I Lord how long? A deep and awful revival of religion has been given to my church in the mean time. On the last Christmas eve, I preached the Son of man near. It was blessed by the Spirit immediately to the deep anxiety of a few, and the work has extended until it has embraced nearly every soul above 12 or 14 years of age, in fact all excepting a few who have shown an unwillingness to seek; hence to some considerable extent I have an additional testimony that it is a truth which Christ now especially blesses. I feel a strong inclination to express more particularly the course of the Spirit with me. The Monday evening following this proclamation—Christ at the door—I was invited to attend a union prayer-meeting, during which I rose and spoke, concluding with a strong declaration that now God was going to pour out his Spirit greatly. I thought of no such thing when I rose. And the firm determination with which I spoke could only have come, as I felt at the time it did, from the Spirit of God. The event has confirmed it. It was during this week that the Holy Ghost was given me in a new and glorious manner, and I was enabled to realize all that brother Brown does state, a mighty increase of faith, and love, and spiritual discernment, connected with an irresistible disposition and determination to proclaim, Lo, the Bridegroom cometh. Christmas eve I did it tremblingly, somewhat doubtingly—but now I was fully persuaded that my faith stood in the “power of God,” hence there was no hesitancy. The Spirit took of the things of Christ and showed them unto me. I was in a measure prepared for this by reading the Bible in connection with the writings of Bishop Newton, and other distinguished divines of the Church of England, who maintained the true doctrine of the soon pre-millennial advent of Christ, without setting the year, which latter they deem beyond the will of Christ to man, although at the same time they say, that they see not but that all things are ready. For the views which I have thus been enabled to take, and the zeal and power with which I have moved amidst this work of God, I have been proclaimed crazy, both far and near; but thanks be to God, if I am beside myself, it is for Christ’s sake; hence there is laid up for me a crown of righteousness, which the Lord, the righteous Judge, will give to me, and to all who love his appearing. HST April 5, 1843, page 37.7

A few evenings since, I held a meeting for prayer and enquiry in my own house, and was filled with great surprise at the manner with which the Spirit came upon me when I told the hearers of Christ’s soon coming—so much so that I made it known to all present. During the second week of the revival, I was called away about 40 miles to visit a sick brother. On the road I had no peace except proclaimed at public houses, and at all proper times, the Advent near, and in the mean time the Spirit brought to my mind without any previous thought on my part, the long neglected Scripture, “Is any one sick, let him call on the elders of the church,” etc. I was filled with dismay—enquiring most diligently of Christ whereunto this would lead, and was soon composed, feeling that if now He was reviving one long neglected truth, it was not at all incredible that He should revive another, and that He should bestow it upon one whom He had formed by grace to fear neither man nor the devil. “Truly, these are strange times!” But only strange because we are now just waking from spiritual death, and coming of a sudden out of deep spiritual darkness—beholding the veil torn in twain which shut out from our eyes the full light of God, and the glory with which he will soon fill the earth. Let then the watchmen set upon Zion’s towers, cry aloud and spare not; especially let them whom Christ has raised to the highest pinnacle, whose spiritual vision is most extended, let them too cry speedily of all things they can see coming on the face of the earth. Let him cast his eyes over the signs of the times, and proclaim them all, in one voice. Point to the water-wheel of the great manufacturer; show how it has ceased its roll; look to the once thronged exchange, and see how it is deserted of its worshipers—closed as it were and still as the temple of Janus, when Christ first came; point to the sailot sleeping upon the shrouds to pass away the unemployed hours of a prostrate commerce; let him look to the once rich forsaking their palaces for the humble dwelling, exchanging the sumptuous dinner for the single potatoe. Amidst all this distress, see the poor beings looking to a sinful Congress for help—getting none. See how God is confounding their councils, making their boasted wisdom appear foolishness to all men. Crying that the country is dying of poverty, yet spending tens of thousands to recall in one session the foolishness of a previous one. Humanity finding no relief here, tell them of the next Providence—the raising up a body of men who proclaim from one extreme of this distress to the other, Lo, the Bridegroom cometh, go ye out to meet him. Ye have nothing else to do; look for this blessed hope, and glorious coming of the great God and our Savior Jesus Christ. He shall wipe away all tears from your eyes, and there shall be no more death, nor sorrow, nor crying, neither shall there be any more pain, for the former things have passed away. “Be patient, therefore, brethren, unto the coming of the Lord.” HST April 5, 1843, page 37.8

Yours, in the hope or the gospel,
George A. Stirling,
Minister of Episcopal Ch.

Huntington, Ct., March 24th, 1843. HST April 5, 1843, page 37.9

To Correspondents.—We have examined the questions sent us by brother Judd, but considering the shortness of the time, we do not see that the discussion of questions, having no immediate connection with the time or nature of the kingdom, will advance the cause of Christ or be interesting to our friends at this time. Let us leave all questions that do not immediately bear on the great question. HST April 5, 1843, page 37.10

An opposer in an exchange paper, says, that “the kingdom of God has been set up in this world, and that if historians bad been particular in giving the time of that event, it would have saved much trouble.” Daniel has given us the time. It will be at the end of the 2300 days. HST April 5, 1843, page 37.11

Prof. Whiting is expected to commence a course of lectures in this city soon. Notice will be given in our next. HST April 5, 1843, page 37.12

Sacred Melodies.—This beautiful little Hymn Book is now out, and ready for delivery. It contains all the most approved Second Advent hymns. 72 pages. Price 6 cts single, 50 cts per doz. HST April 5, 1843, page 37.13

Letter from Brother N. Billings


Dear Brother Bliss:—With your permission I will give you a brief sketch of my labors for two or three months past, and in the columns of your paper I wish to record the memory of God’s great goodness to so unworthy a servant. I will first refer you to the letters of our beloved brother White, published in the 22nd and 23rd numbers of the 4th volume of the “Signs of the Times.” He there gives an account of a conference which was held in West Wrentham, Mass. and of the blessing which was, and has been since, poured down upon both pastor and people, in that place. I wish to thank and praise the name of the Lord, that he permitted me to visit that place and to labor with that people. Our beloved bro. Boomer the pastor of that church, during the conference, embraced the doctrine of the coming of the Lord in 1843, and has been truly an efficient laborer in that field. The amount of good which has there been done, eternity alone will unfold. Since the close of that conference, I have labored with brother White in different towns in the vicinity of Wrentham, Mass., till within about four weeks. Since that time, I have spent a few days at home, and have also visited Worcester, and spent some time with our beloved advent brethren in that place. From there, I was called to lecture in the town of Millville, near the Rhode Island line, where our brethren, Mears, Wetherbee and Follet, from Worcester, had labored some time since in connexion with the labors of several pious and devoted sisters from the same place. There also, God’s blessing had been poured down, and sinners converted. HST April 5, 1843, page 38.1

On my arrival there, I found the revival had subsided. I however commenced lecturing there, a week ago last Thursday evening. The Sabbath following, as we could not occupy the meeting-house, (it being owned in part by the Restorationists,) I received an invitation to go to Smithfield, Rhode Island, a distance of about two and a half miles. I accordingly went, and lecture in the morning and afternoon, speaking about five hours in two lectures, to a patient and attentive audience; at the close of the afternoon service a deep solemnnity rested upon the congregation, the Lord was there by his Spirit, and moving from heart to heart. It was a solemn time; several arose for prayers. In the evening there was a third meeting, and the power of the Lord was in the midst. In order to fulfil an appointment, I returned to Millville to lecture in the evening. But the meeting at Smith-field was attended by the power and presence of God in a remarkable manner, sinners came forward without invitation, and besought Christians to pray for them, and in a few hours were brought to rejoice in a Savior’s pardoning love. HST April 5, 1843, page 38.2

The subjects of this revival were all young persons, numbering, in all, about ten or twelve individuals, and principally young men. This, my brother, was indeed the power of God. Never before did I witness any thing like it. These dear young persons are loving disciples truly, it gives them no trouble to tell them the Bridegroom is just at the door. They want to see him. And oh such an act of sovereign grace, it seemed to me the Lord came down in mighty power, and rescued these lambs from the jaws of the devouring lion, and left the rest to hardness of heart. Since that time, I have delivered several lectures in the same place, but there has been no more conversions to my knowledge. In this work I have been more than ever convinced that the Lord is just at the door, and that he is making a short work in the earth. Oh may God prepare us for the coming of the Bridegroom and the scenes of the judgment. But here I must come to a close, desiring earnestly the forgiveness of all men, but more especially the forgiveness of God through the merits of his dear Son, and a thorough cleansing from sin in the blood of atonement. HST April 5, 1843, page 38.3

Yours, truly,
Boston, March 23, 1843.

Important.—The more we fear God, the less we shall fear men.—Mason HST April 5, 1843, page 38.4

Letter from David Bates


Dear Brother Himes:—I improve a few moments to write a word to let you know that the doctrine of Christ’s second coming is a subject, respecting which, I have been in the dark till within a few months since; but bless God that I attended the Chicopee Camp-Meeting; the subject of Christ’s coming was then presented in a clear light. I came home, and as the Bereans did, searched the Scriptures to see if these things were so, and bless God, light broke into my soul as it never did before. I continued to search, and can come to no other conclusion, but that Christ is soon coming to call his ransomed people home. I commenced proclaiming the second coming of Christ, some began to feel on the subject, and providentially brother Nicholls from Three Rivers, came here and delivered a few lectures; we commenced a series of meetings and the Lord poured out his spirit in a powerful manner; sinners were converted, backsliders were reclaimed. Those that never attended meeting were the first to embrace the truth. Blessed be God, the Lord is doing wonders, blessed be his name. While some are saying my Lord delayeth his coming, and others are crying peace and safety, while the Bible plainly declares that sudden destruction cometh. Some, blessed be God, are looking for that hope of the glorious appearing of the great God and our Savior Jesus Christ. Who shall change our vile bodies to be fashioned like unto his glorious body, according to the working whereby he is able even to subdue all thing to himself. HST April 5, 1843, page 38.5

It seems evident that we are living on the point of time. God’s people are purified and made white and tried; the wicked are doing wickedly, none of the wicked understand, but the wise understand; they are trimming their lamps, are sounding the Midnight Cry, are seeking a full conformity to God’s will in all things, knowing that without holiness no man shall see the Lord. They not only love the Savior, but love his appearing, knowing that when Christ who is our life shall appear, then shall ye also appear with him in glory. The time is growing shorter every moment, what we do must be done quickly; we have no time to spare; I hope the Midnight Cry will continue to be sounded till all our fellow men are awake to the subject, and prepared to meet the Bridegroom when he cometh. HST April 5, 1843, page 38.6

I must close, I feel on this subject, and I hope I may live so that when he comes I shall be ready. Praise Jesus. Respectfully yours. HST April 5, 1843, page 38.7

Blandford, Mass. March 20, 1843. HST April 5, 1843, page 38.8

Pres. Weethee, of Beverly College


Beverly, March 17, 1843. HST April 5, 1843, page 38.9

Brother Himes:—I am a stranger to you, but bless the Lord, I hope we are children of the same Father. It is with difficulty that I give utterance to my feelings. Hope is my anchor: It springs up with the freshness of youth, and the vigor of manhood. My soul is full of Divine love. Oh, that the world would but give earnest heed to the last wooings of the heavenly Dove. For more than six months I have been closely examining the subject of the second advent of the Savior, and am persuaded that “my Lord” will not “delay his coming.” Nature is uttering the sentiment in its most impressive language: and the inspired page sets out in bold relief the startling truth, “Surely, I come quickly.” May every Christian heartily respond, “Amen, even so, come, Lord Jesus.” But, Oh, my God: Is there not reason to fear, that many great men, from Church and State, will be consumed at the Marriage Supper of the great God, as the enemies of the Bridegroom? HST April 5, 1843, page 38.10

I am in a land of opposers to the doctrine of the second advent near; yet I feel it my duty to preach the truth, come what may. I dare not do otherwise. “If the watchman see the sword come, and blow not the trumpet, and the people be not warned, if the sword come and take any person from among them, he is taken away in his iniquity, but his blood will I require at the watchman’s hand.” Ezekiel 33:6. God forbid that I should be stained with the blood of lost souls at the judgment. I know that my worldly reputation will suffer. This is a matter of no consequence, if I can but please my God. I have been called a fool already; I am willing thus to be counted, for Christ’s sake. Why, I ask, is there such an array of persecution? Is it from a tender love of the truth? Have the selfish, the Deists, and Atheists, so deep a solicitude for the honor of bible truths!!!? Who are the opposers? Are they the zealous, the anti-sectarian Christians? Are they those who have prayerfully investigated the subject? I fear not. HST April 5, 1843, page 38.11

Solomon says, “He that answereth a matter before he heareth it, it is folly and shame unto him.” Proverbs 18:13. And yet, how many are saying “It is all a humbug,” who have scarcely ever re d a chapter in the Bible. I have, for many years, discarded the common idea of the spiritual reign of Christ: but I had disconnected the first resurrection from the judgment. I looked for the converison and return of the carnal Jews. These sentiments I am now convinced are unscriptural; and I cannot look for any other great event before the judgment. It gives me unspeakable pleasure to hear of the glorious triumphs of the gospel. I am desirous of doing all the good I can, as the time is short. I am so engaged, during five days in the week, in the Institution, that I cannot preach as much as I could desire; yet, I intend to be industrious during the remainder of my time. I have more calls to preach upon this subject than I can fill. I commenced a series of sermons on the second advent, within ten miles of this place, on the 24th inst. We have but little information through the country on the second coming of our Lord, but it is beginning to spread, and no power on earth can hinder it. I should be glad that you could send me the best of your works on this subject, and likewise your paper. As I am in the midst of such opposition, I wish to be able to give the people the reason of my faith. You can send the price with them, that I may remit the money. Please send them immediately, that they may reach me by the 28th of this month, as our vacation then commences, and I shall be absent, in Athens county, during the month of April. I should rejoice to see you all. Cannot some of you come to this part of the country? The New York Observer circulates all through this region, and Dr. Weeks is in every mouth.—A lame production, indeed. His 41st Chronological mistake is a most singular one, indeed. “Mr. Maccabees,” a chronological error, truly!! And yet, it is one of the “sixty.” If he keeps on, he will make some Millerites, at least. HST April 5, 1843, page 38.12

Our moments are flying rapidly. The work we have to perform is momentous;—the last sands are dropping from the glass of time;—the great time-bell is about to toll the hour of midnight;—and shall we sleep? Shall the ark leave time’s shores, and souls be left to perish through our neglect? If we err, let us err on the safe side. Yours in the bonds of the gospel. J. P. Weethee. HST April 5, 1843, page 38.13

President of Beverly College. HST April 5, 1843, page 38.14

To the House of Israel


Ye house of Israel,—of whatever country, creed, color, or condition, as many as the Lord our God hath called, who have wrestled with God and prevailed by the faith of Him to whom all the promises were made, and in whom they are all “yea” and “amen”—look up; lift up your heads and rejoice, for KNOW of a surety that your redemption draweth nigh. Be assured, beloved brethren, that the time of our sojourn is just running out, that the times of our dispersion (Leviticus 24.) which the God of our Fathers, Abraham, Isaac and Jacob, and our God, foreshowed by the hand of Moses should come, and continue upon us for the sins of our Fathers, are waneing to their very close, consequently the time has arrived for us to look for the fullfilment of the pledge of our return,—of our gathering,—and everlasting settlement in the land promised to our Fathers—yea rather given to them by the most solemn covenant, and which the immutably faithful Jehovah confirmed unto our Father Abraham by an oath; which “land” cannot, by any stretch of modern transcendental theology, scoffing or sophistry, be made to be this earth, which bringeth forth thorns and briers, which is nigh unto cursing, whose end is to be burned. This earth reserved unto fire against the day of judgment and perdition of ungodly men; but the “world to come” whereof the prophets spoke; the angels sang; Jesus, our risen Brother, taught; and for which all our house have looked with confidential hope (hope, assured by God’s own faithfulness,) and by faith embraced with joy so ardent, that confering not with old Adam’s flesh and blood, they cheerfully endured tortures and ills unnumbered and unnamed, not accepting deliverance that they might obtain a better resurrection. Which pledge we find for one instance, and one is all sufficient, in the same scriptures as foreshowed our dispersion. See Leviticus 26:40---42. “If they shall confess their iniquity and the iniquity of their fathers, with their trespass which they trespassed against me, and that also they have walked contrary to me, and that I also have walked contrary unto them, and have brought them into the land of their enemies, if then their uncircumcised (Romans 2:28, 29,) hearts be humbled, and if they accept of the punishment of their iniquity; then (i. e. of course when we have been punished for our iniquity by being reigned over by our enemies 7 times or 2520 years) will I remember my covenant with Jacob, Genesis 35:9---12, and also with Isaac, Genesis 26:3, 4, and also with (Genesis 27:7, 8.) Abraham will I remember; and I will remember the land. HST April 5, 1843, page 38.15

Now, ye elect of God; ye children of promise; ye household of faith; ye branches, abiding in the true and living vine, which is Jesus the righteous branch of David; Abraham’s promised seed; who 1810 years ago brought in everlasting righteousness, and has since been waiting at the right hand of the majesty in heaven until these times should be fullfilled; even Christ the Son of God; let me freely speak to you of the assurances which our everlasting God hath given us of the prompt fulfillment of the afore-quoted pledge. HST April 5, 1843, page 39.1

One assurance (Genesis 15.) was enough for our Father Abraham. His faith staggered not when the same God required him to immolate his son, his only son “in whom” said he, “shall thy seed be called:” accounting him faithful who had promised, although it should be necessary to raise him from the dead. Are we of the faith of Abraham? then, if our faith be not weakened by the multiplicity of the assurances, that we have, as beacons o brightest glory, so refulgent with the blaze of clearest truth; that compared with all the light the patriarchs had, ‘tis like the noon day sun. And as from day to day we tread the fire doomed soil of this benighted land, our way thus lit with glory beaming from our desired haven, we each may mount some eminence, like Pisgah, now and then, and count the spires and precious stones of Zion; and, lest we should grieve our Holy guide with an impatient reverie, we are constrained to pray for perfect patience. HST April 5, 1843, page 39.2

As sure as we were begotten again to a lively hope by the resurrection of our Prince from the dead, as sure as the Father condescended to prove it by the gift of the Holy Ghost to witness with our spirits that we are his children by adoption; so sure are we that our king will come to perform “THE COVENANT” this year! We have assurances enough for Abraham’s faith. He who will not believe with the assurances we have, would not though one rose from the dead. So believe, your humble brother in the Lord. HST April 5, 1843, page 39.3

J. Walstenholme, Jr.
Providence, R. I. March 12th, 1843.

Mistakes of Dr. weeks


In glancing at No. 3 of Dr. Weeks’ “Mistakes of Millerism,” I have learned that the Doctor himself is not quite infallible. For instance, the Doctor gives us the following paragraph. HST April 5, 1843, page 39.4

61.“One mistake is considering all Daniel’s vision’s but one vision; when they were several distinct visions, seen at the distance of several years from each other—Mr. Miller says, p. 52, “We learn that the angel Gabriel was sent to instruct Daniel, and make him understand the vision. You may enquire what vision? I answer, the one Daniel had in the beginning, for he has had no other.’ I think this a mistake, for he certainly had four; one, a vision of the four beasts, in the first year of Belshazzar; another, of the ram and he-goat, in the third year of Belshazzar; another, in which he is instructed as to the 70 weeks, which was in the first year of Darius; and another, five years later, in the third year of Cyrus, in which he receives the explanation of the ram and he-goat. It is a mistake, then, to represent Daniel as having had but one vision.” HST April 5, 1843, page 39.5

Now the question is, has not Dr. W. either mistaken or misrepresented Mr. Miller? When the latter uses the phrase, “for he has had no other,” is it not qualified by the preceding phrase, “the one Daniel had in the beginning?” Look at Daniel 9:21—“Yea, while I was speaking in prayer, even the man Gabriel, whom I had seen in the vision at the beginning,” etc. Compare this with chapter 8:16, “And I heard a man’s voice between the banks of Ulai, which called and said, Make this man to understand the vision.” It is worthy of notice, that this is the very first instance in which Gabriel is mentioned in the book, and as the very next is the one noticed in chapter 9:21, common sense requires us to connect this last passage with that in chapter 8:16. Perhaps one of the learned might have added to the sentence used by Mr. Miller, “for he has had no other,” the following one—“in which Gabriel is mentioned”—and yet without this addition, the sense is too obvious to cause any difficulty even with an unlearned reader—yes, so obvious, that when the Doctor gravely brings it forward as one of the “Mistakes of Millerism,” We can hardly persuade ourselves that he acts in good faith. HST April 5, 1843, page 39.6

If poor Mr. Miller, who does not pretend to understand any language but English, should occasionally make a mistake by following our common version, he must be held up to censure as one who is profoundly ignorant. What shall we then think of a Doctor of Divinity, who claims an acquaintance with Greek and Hebrew, if he commits a gross philological, blunder while laboring to prove that an unlearned man has erred? As an illustration we quote the 62nd paragraph: HST April 5, 1843, page 39.7

62.“To impress the idea more deeply, that Daniel had but one vision, he prints the words the vision in italics, a great number of times, as though the word the was particularly emphatical. He does this no less than seven times on the 57th page of his lectures. And when Mr. Dowling had referred to one of the texts so rendered, and had objected that there was no the in the Hebrew of that text, Mr. Miller replies, not by giving up the argument, as he ought to have done, since, if the word the had been emphatical it ought to have been expressed in the Hebrew; but, since Mr. Dowling had referred to a different verse from that on which Mr. Miller most relies, (Daniel 9:23.) he says, (Views, p. 186,) ‘He has quoted a wrong verse, and then says the word the is not in the Hebrew; he dares not say the word the is not in the 23rd and 24th verses, to seal up the vision. etc.’ And Mr. Miller adds, ‘you see, my dear reader, how your ministers will stoop to the meanest subterfuges to deceive you, and cry peace.’ He thinks, then, that the argument is sound, and that the words the vision are to be considered emphatical, and may be relied upon to prove all Daniel’s visions to be one.—But since he refers particularly to the words the vision in the 23rd and 24th verses, and dares any one to say the, is not in them, I have looked at them both, and find the word vision in the Hebrew, in both cases, entirely without the article the, or any other thing to render it emphatical. And Mr. Miller may be assured that this is not a mean subterfuge intended to deceive. It is sober earnest. It is Mr. Miller who has made a mistake.” HST April 5, 1843, page 39.8

The practice of omitting to write the Hebrew article Hay, where it would be preceded by the prepositions Beth, Caph, or Lamed, is the general one, in this language, yet the points show that the article is understood. In the very instance noticed by the Doctor, in the 23rd verse, we have two specimens of this practice.” “The matter,” in Hebrew, is Baddabar. The article Hay is not written, but its appropriate point, Pattah, is placed under the preposition Beth, (“in,” etc.) which loses its own point, Sheva. Every tyro in this language, sees that the article is understood. Let the word be written fully, and it would be Behaddabar. For the Hebrew rule on this subject, we refer the Doctor to the grammar of Hyman Hermitz, a learned Jew, formerly a teacher in this country. On the 35th page of the 5th London edition, he will find the following words: “To express the relations described by the letters Caph, Beth, deffinitely, either Hay; (with Pattah) is annexed as Behaddabar, or which is more usual, the Hay omitted, and its vowel point is placed under those respective letters, thus Baddabar.” In this same 23rd verse, the words “the vision,” are, in Hebrew, “Bammareh,” with the article understood, instead of the fuller method of writing Behammareh. The Doctor’s criticism in this case would find a parallel in our own language, were he to contend that the letter e is not understood in the word talk’d, though every school-boy would insist that the apostrophe showed the contrary. Suppose we test the Doctor’s theory respecting the article, by the passage before us: “Therefore understand matter and consider vision!” However luminous such a sentence might be for the Doctor, I frankly confess that with others, whose “ignorance (in his own words) is most profound,” I should be sadly puzzled. If the Doctor will take the trouble to look at the earliest version of the Scriptures, the Septuagint, he will find that the translators have used the article in this case—Kai ennoetheti en to semati, hai sunes en te optasia. HST April 5, 1843, page 39.9

In the twenty-first verse, the article is understood, notwithstanding what Mr. Dowling has said, or even the Doctor himself. “In the vision,” is, in Hebrew, Bechazzon; the preposition Beth having the point Segol, which it takes from the omitted article and employs, instead of its own point Sheva. This word, written fully, would be Behechazon. The rule for the use of the point Segol (instead of Pattah) is thus given in the grammar which I have quoted: “Hay with Segol is used before nouns (not being monosylables) beginning with Ayin or Cheth, having Karretz, for their vowel.” HST April 5, 1843, page 39.10

In short, the English version is perfectly correct in employing the article in v. 21, 23, and even in v. 24, where we find our translators have rendered Chazon the vision, although in this case the article is not written, nor is there a preposition. As the Doctor may think that I am mistaken in this instance, with others whose “igno ance is most profound,” I venture to suggest, that if he will examine his Hebrew Bible carefully, he will discover that the practice of expressing the article (either by writing it or using the point of a preposition, to show that it is understood) is by no means as uniform in this language as in our own. Hence it does not follow, that the omission of the Hebrew article (or its substitute) proves that it should not be employed in a translation. We have a case in point in this very verse, where “Kodesh Kodashim” is properly rendered the “most holy,” (literally, the “Holy of Holies”) although there is nothing to express the article in Hebrew. HST April 5, 1843, page 39.11

At a future time, I may examine some other mistakes which the Doctor has made. Yours, etc. HST April 5, 1843, page 39.12


Scoffers Self-Condemned


The Lord has always fulfilled his word, but he has never satisfied cavilers and scoffers. Every prediction relating to his first coming, was accomplished, and THE TIME was fulfilled, as be said himself, yet only a few obscure persons were looking for him. HST April 5, 1843, page 39.13

While he fulfilled his ministry, he spoke familiarly of his second coming, and said, “when the Son of Man cometh, shall he find faith on the earth?” HST April 5, 1843, page 39.14

But two marks are given to designate the scoffers who live amidst the fulfilled signs of the last days:—1. They shall walk after their own lusts,—that is, live for selfish gratification, and, 2. Shall overlook or despise all God’s signs, and say, “all things continue as they were.” HST April 5, 1843, page 39.15

We can have neither the signs or the scoffers more manifestly than they are now. For one illustration of both these facts, read the following from last Saturday’s Daily Plebian. HST April 5, 1843, page 39.16

Mlllerism—the Comet—signs and wonders—Never was a sect more fortunate—never a hypothesis sustained by a more singular coincidence of extraordinary events. The prophets of Millerism seem born to good luck. To sustain their theories and induce a belief in their predictions, we have a perfect rush of signs and wonders. There are wars and rumors of wars in every portion of the world. One day a hurricane strews the shores of ocean with the wrecks of navies. Then come a series of earthquakes, shaking half the globe, burying towns and cities, destroying thousands of people, agitating the vast sea, shaking the hills, and sinking whole islands beneath the waves. There is a hole just now, in the bed of the Mississippi river, down which the wreck of one steamboat has sunk, and where the waters are running in a whirlpool. The whole valley of the Mississippi rolls and trembles as if it reposed on a great ocean of melted lava. HST April 5, 1843, page 40.1

As if this were not enough, here is the comet, blazing across the sky, spreading terror with its strange radiance and its fiery tail. * * * HST April 5, 1843, page 40.2

Every age has had its prophecies and its impostures, Millerism is but a revamped humbug. It is a piece of gross assumption in these men to pretend that they understand the prophecies and their interpretation, better than the churchmen of so many centuries. Have the theologians of all ages been in darkness, that the light should burst upon this Miller? HST April 5, 1843, page 40.3

Since the earth began it has always been subject to convulsions, volcanoes have blazed, earthquakes have engulphed, storms have wrecked, pestilence has desolated, wars have destroyed, and comets, meteors, and atmospheric phenomena, have diversified at times the aspect of the heavens. HST April 5, 1843, page 40.4

Letter to N. Hervey


Dear Brother Hervey:—On my return from New Jersey, I found a very good letter from you; my gratitude to God for his goodness to me, as well as you, in expressed by my writing;—but Oh, how can I write the feelings of my heart! The blessed SEARCHER of hearts, alone knows them. Human language is too poor to express them, even though it were entirely at my command. O, it seems as it never did before, that God has my whole heart. BLESSED be his holy name, forever, and ever, amen! HST April 5, 1843, page 40.5

If my heart were magnetized iron, and the Holy One the magnet, (excuse the figure) it could hardly draw more powerfully than my Lord seems to draw out my soul after himself.—Yes, my heart, my whole heart is drawn away from earth—from all trust in myself or in man. The Spirit leading me, I cannot, dare not, resist; yet my understanding was never more clear; never more disposed to consider well, every thing my heart believes and loves. My interest in the Second Advent began with a very sweet and holy, yet strong and melting influence, which inclined my mind to inquire into it, in August last. From that time my mind has been inquiring, and my heart somewhat restless. Indeed, neither has my intellect or heart been satisfied on those portions of Scripture relating to this doctrine, since I left Newton. Now my whole intellectual and moral nature reposes as if the truth is indeed seen. If this sentiment need illustration, let me say that, on the subject of atonement, justification by faith, believers, baptism, etc. my mind is at rest. As it is written, “we who have believed do enter into rest,” the heart reposes in a full belief of pure truth, as does a weary head on a pillow of down. ERROR never gives such peace as this. It may lull a person to sleep in sin and leave him as destitute or devotion, as of the Holy Ghost. “Hereby we know the spirit of truth and the spirit of error.” I have seen some believe the Bible doctrine of the second coming of Messiah at hand, and they have been bathed with devotion. “Baptized with the Holy Ghost” But others, of whom I enterta ned an equally good opinion in disbelieving, have lost all comfort in prayer, and been constrained to admit that they had yielded to the devil. This is a fact, whether my reasoning concerning it, be right or not. But when I see such facts, in apparent illustration of established Scriptural principles, it is impossible for me to treat them lightly. You may see what truth I suppose to be explained by these facts, by reading 1 John 4:1-3. The principle applies to the second advent as obviously as the first. To believe just what God says, as little children, is to be blest,—truly blessed with the good spirit. To disbelieve, is to grieve the spirit, and sin against God. Nay more, to yield to the spirit of anti-Christ. HST April 5, 1843, page 40.6

I am too weary to write much, especially as it is late on Saturday evening. It was my purpose to have come to N., to see all I once knew, and tell them how great things the Lord has done for me. My desire is to see brother N. and S., for whom I entertain a strong affection—Lord Jesus, bless them, and “open to them the scriptures,” that their hearts may “burn within” them. If it be possible, I shall be there, Lord willing, soon. Your name is announced in N. Y., can you not come this way? do, and write me as long as possible before hand. HST April 5, 1843, page 40.7

How plain and pregnant with meaning is the leading petition in our Lord’s praying, “thy kingdom come” This I never understood till now. It is the kingdom seen by the prophet Daniel in vision, that will be the millennium, not of the imagination, but of God, and gloriously beyond conception. The millennium which human imagination aided by a spiritual interpretation of plain scripture, has framed and comprehended the man of sin and the devil and death,—more or less of all the ills which sin has originated, and then instead of losing itself in the brightening glories of eternity, of the end of the 1000 years, (as does the millennium of the Bible,) it makes provision for the almost triumphant reign of satan. O Lord, deliver us from such a millennium, thy will and not mine be done. When I went to New Jersey, I left my big Bible open so that the eye of Mercy might see what I wished to be prayed continually, “come Lord Jesus, even so come quickly, Amen! Grace be with thee; Amen! Yours in hope of the better resurrection. J.B.Cook. HST April 5, 1843, page 40.8

Middletown, March 10th, 1843. HST April 5, 1843, page 40.9

Note.—The above was a hasty letter to brother Hervey, and not intended for publication; but it is too excellent an epistle to be lost, and we trust brother Cook will excuse its publication. HST April 5, 1843, page 40.10

The Cause in Canada


Its successthe wants of the people with an Appeal in their behalf-addressed to those in the States that love the appearing of Christ. HST April 5, 1843, page 40.11

Dear Brethren and Sisters:—The cause in the Canadas is advancing, the Midnight Cry is echoing through those cold regions and is attended by the blessing of that God who is the author of it. HST April 5, 1843, page 40.12

The efforts made in the Canadas have been few, compared with what has been done in the States. The duties upon books are so high that but few have been distributed among the people,—and while the States are favored with hundreds of lecturers—there have been but a very few in the Canadas. In the month of January last, some of the friends of the cause in the states and Canadas, parted with a portion of their property and placed it in the hands of brother H. B Skinner for the purpose of establishing a paper in the Canadas. A paper called “The Faithful Watchman,” has been published weekly since that time, (edited by brother Skinner,) and has been the means of waking up thousands, and leading them to consider upon their ways—to prepare to meet their descending Judge. The entire populations are in a state of excitement. The anxiety to hear and read upon this subject is rapidly increasing. The prospect of doing good was never more encouraging. (Brother Skinner has published one thousand copies of the paper weekly since the middle of January last—making about ten thousand copies. The greater part of these papers have been given away. They have been scattered broadcast over both provinces, and in the Providence of God they have done much good. The paper has effected more good, than the same amount of money expended in any other way could have done. HST April 5, 1843, page 40.13

This paper has been sustained principally by friends in the states. There are not one hundred and fifty paying subscribers. Money is plenty in the states when compared with the Canadas. Multitudes of individuals who wish to read the paper, and who are in possession of large tracts of land, cannot raise money enough to pay for a paper. Brother Skinner has thus far been enabled to pay his printer weekly, but now his funds are very low, and unless he receives help immediately the paper must stop. HST April 5, 1843, page 40.14

Dear Brethren and Sisters, what shall be done? Shall the paper stop? Shall we hold with an iron grasp our earthly treasures, and let the Faithful Watchman that is now doing so much good, cease to speak? Shall the Canadas perish for the want of light when we have the means of giving it to them? HST April 5, 1843, page 40.15

They are now alarmed, and shall we permit them to relapse into a state of indifference? Shall they be shrouded in their death-like slumbers again, to sleep on until they are aroused by that awful trumpet that shall start the very dead from their graves? HST April 5, 1843, page 40.16

No Brethren, never; The efforts you are willing to make for the States, warrant me to expect, that as soon as you learn the wants of the Canadas, you will hasten to supply them. I need say no more. The paper must, it will be sustained. Let earth and hell unite to hush its voice, and all their efforts will fall as powerless as the moon-beams on the snows of Nova Zembla. It is “The Faithful Watchman—it will speak, and speak the present truth. It will “cause the widows heart to leap for joy as it enters her lonely cottage. It will cause the heart of the poor brother (who like his Savior has no where to lay his head,) to beat with heavenly emotions as it speaks to him of the heavenly country. HST April 5, 1843, page 40.17

It will cause men’s hearts to fail them for fear, as amid the deep snows, and piercing winds of those cold regions, its voice is heard in deep toned thunders, crying “Behold the Bridegroom cometh.” Brother—Sister—do your duty in sustaining “The Faithful Watchman,” and though the world curse you, “thou shalt be recompensed at the resurrection of the just “Yours in hope of the glorious appearing of the blessed Savior this year. “Amen, even so, come Lord Jesus.” Columbus Greene. HST April 5, 1843, page 40.18

Colchester, Vt. March 21 1843. HST April 5, 1843, page 40.19

P. S. Let those who can assist in sustaining the paper send their money, to J. V. Himes, Boston, Mass, and it will be sent immediately to the Canadas. HST April 5, 1843, page 40.20

C. G. HST April 5, 1843, page 40.21

Note.—I heartily concur in the above statement and appeal, and hope our friends will duly consider it. We are grateful for recent assistance to this noble enterprise, and trust the future will be provided for. J. V. Himes. HST April 5, 1843, page 40.22



from post masters, to april 1 1843

Windham, Me; E Baldwin, Me; N York Mills, N Y; Greenwich, N Y; Hadley, Ms; Johnson, Vt; Woodstock, Vt; Blacks, Me $1; Meredith Centre, N H; Boothbay, Me; Patterson, N Y; Woodstock Vt; Westboro, Ms $4; Durham, Me $2; West Charlton. N Y; New Ipswich, N H; Burnt Hills, N Y; Perrysburg, O; Monson, Ms; Templeton, Ms; Monmouth, Me $1; Falmouth, Ms; North Scituate, R I; South Truro, Ms; Walpole, Ms; Bangoi, N Y; Stow, Vt; Meriden, Ct: Bridgeport, Ct; Three Rivers, Ms; Sugar Grove, O; W Haven, Vt $1; Dayton, III; New Market, N H; Portsmouth, N H; Weare, N H; Westminster, Ms; Alton, III; Stillwater, N Y: Westfield, N Y $1; Oneida Lake, N Y; Cuttingsville, Vt; Charleston, Me; E Corinth, Me; Hebron,Ct; Watersville, Vt; Colchester, Vt; Ware, Ms; Middletown, Ct; Wells, N Y; Winchendon, Ms. HST April 5, 1843, page 40.23



A. M. Averill; Books received, balance of account $2,12; J. H. Lonsdale; J. H. Reynolds; R. H. Ford; A. Way; P. A. Olmstead; D. Chase; “A Wanderer,” Gorham, Me; M.W. Burlingame; John How, Carroll, NH; 11. Patten and Co. $50; J. Litch, 139, 72, Bill. E. H. Jr. 40, 60; E Shepherd; Mary L. Hunt V. H. Randall; D. Plumb $10; W.H. Peyton $2; F. Gale; W. S. Miller; W. W. Miller, etc. Reynoldsburg, O; A. Judd; H. Moulton; Spencer Horn; H V. Davis; Henry S. Allen; D. Burgess; E. Ferguson, books sent; W. L. Phipps; A. M. Billings. “C” Haverhill, Muss; W. W. Farnsworth. HST April 5, 1843, page 40.24

Bundles Sent


J H Lonsdale, Providence, R I; J Weston, South Gardner, Mass; A M Billings, Claremont, N H; Mrs Geo Storrs, Albany, N Y; H H Hall, Perrisburg Ohio; box 36 Park Row, N Y; box, H Patten and Co, Utica, N Y; Rev J Litch 41 Arcade, Philadelphia; S R Hathorn, Bridgewater, Vt; W H Peyton, N N Salem,Mass; Rev. Chester Tilden, Palmer, Mass; Michael Holbrook, Holden Mass; D Burgess, Hartford, Ct; Henry V Davis, N Bedford, Mass; H W Ballard, Georgia, Vt; HST April 5, 1843, page 40.25