The Story of our Health Message

Better Educated Physicians

The cause of health reform might well be begun by discarding the use of drugs, adopting a rational diet, and using water and other natural agencies as remedies for disease; but it was impossible to make a strong appeal in its behalf to the more educated and cultured classes of society until there was a leadership whose scientific knowledge could command respect. SHM 203.3

The benefits of rational treatment had been demonstrated empirically, but this was not sufficient. The scientific and physiologic principles for the success of certain rational and therapeutic agencies must be made clear. This required a much more thorough knowledge of chemistry, physiology, anatomy, and materia medica than could be taught during the short course at the Hygieo-Therapeutic College. These conditions, together with the counsel through the Spirit of prophecy against novices practicing as physicians, and calling for the most thorough training, were strong factors in leading Elder James White to realize that even the physicians connected with the Health Reform Institute were lacking in the scientific knowledge necessary for the intelligent diagnosis and treatment of the many diseases of mankind. SHM 203.4

God had greatly blessed the consecrated efforts of these physicians as they faithfully endeavored to practice in harmony with the principles set forth in the counsel that had come to them. The rational remedies that they had learned in Dr. Trall’s Hygieo-Therapeutic College and had seen practiced by Dr. Jackson at his institution in Dansville, New York, were as a rule sound in theory and practice. SHM 204.1

It was impossible, however, for the Health Reform Institute to obtain favorable recognition among the best and most progressive members of the medical profession as long as some of the physicians on the staff were initially equipped for their service with only a few months of training. If they were to continue to criticize the practice of physicians of the day, they must be able to bring to the discussion of their points of difference a storehouse of scientific knowledge of chemistry, anatomy, and physiology. They must be able to keep abreast of the important medical discoveries that were being made at this time. SHM 204.2