The Prophetic Faith of Our Fathers, vol. 3

II. Holmes-Prophetic Faith Sealed With Stripes at Boston

The companion of Clarke was OBADIAH HOLMES (1606-1682), also a Baptist minister, who came over from Manchester, England, in 1639. First becoming a member of Clarke’s church at Newport, Rhode Island, he was ordained by the First Baptist church of Newport, Rhode Island, in 1652. He also served as commissioner from 1656 to 1658.” 22 Not yet ordained in 1651, he accompanied Clarke over the line from Rhode Island into Lynn, Massachusetts, to visit the aged member of the Newport, Rhode Island, church residing there, as just noted. And he helped to celebrate the ordinances. He was accordingly condemned by the General Court to be fined or whipped. Bravely choosing the latter, he was kept in prison from July until the Court met in September. He was cruelly scourged at Boston, in 1651, with thirty lashes from a three-corded whip.” 23 So merciless was this lashing that for a considerable period he could find no ease except on his elbows and knees.”’ 24 Later, in 1675, for the information of friends in England, he wrote out his confession of faith. He had previously concurred in Clarke’s declaration: PFF3 82.2

“33 I believe the promise of the Father concerning the return of Israel and Judah, and the coming of the Lord to raise up the dead in Christ, and to change them that are alive, that they may reign with him a thousand years, according to the scripture. 34. I believe the resurrection of the wicked to receive their just judgment, go ye cursed to the devil and his angels forever. 35. 1 believe as eternal judgment to the wicked, so I believe the glorious declaration of the Lord saying, come ye blessed of my Father, enter into the joy of your Lord, which joy, eye hath not seen, ear hath not heard, neither can it enter into the heart of man to conceive the glory that God hath prepared for them that love and wait for his appearance; wherefore come Lord Jesus, come quickly.” 25 PFF3 82.3

His declaration closes with the words, “For this faith and profession I stand, and have sealed the same with my blood in Boston, in New-England, and hope through the strength of. my Lord, shall be enabled to witness the same to death.” 26 The testimonies and confessions of Clarke and Holmes, wrought by persecution, are strikingly similar to the great Baptist “Confession or Declaration of Faith” presented to Charles II in March, 1660. This was signed by forty-one names, and “owned and approved by more than 20,000.” 27 The Baptists in the Old World and the New were strong pre-millennialists, awaiting the return of their Lord. Here are the classic Articles XXI, XXII: PFF3 83.1

“XXI. That there shall bee after the Resurrection from the graves of the Earth, An eternall judgement, at the appearing of Christ, and his Kingdom, 2 Timothy 4:1. Hebrews 9:27. at which time of judgement, which is unalterable, and irrevocable, every man shall receive according to the things done in his body, 2 Corinthians 5:10. PFF3 83.2

“XXII. That the same Lord Jesus, who showed himself alive alter his passion, by many infallible proofs, Acts 1:3. which was taken up from the Disciples, and carryed up into Heaven, Luke 24:51. Shall so come in like manner as hee was seen go into Heaven, Acts 1:9, 10, 11. And when Christ who is our life shall appear, wee shall also aj) l) ear with him in glory, Colossians 3:4. For then shall hee hee King of Kings, and Lord of Lords, Revelation 19:16. for the Kingdom is his, and hee is the Govcrnour among the Nations, Psalm 22:28. and King over all the Earth, Zechariah 14. And ivce shall reign (with him) on the Earth, Revelation 5:10 the Kingdoms of this world (which men so mightily strive after here to enjoy) shall become the Kingdoms of our Lord, and his Christ, Revelation 11:15. for All Is Yours. (O yee that overcome this world) for yee are Christs, and Christ is Gods, 1 Corinthians 3:22, 23. For unto the Saints shall bee given the Kingdoms, and the greatness of the Kingdom, under (mark that) the whole Heaven, Daniel 7:27. Though (alasse) now many men bee scarce content that the Saints should have so much as a being among them; But when Christ shall appear, then shall bee their day, then shall bee given unto them power over the Nations, to rule them with a Rod of Iron, Revelation 2:26, 27. then shall they receive a Crown of life, which no man shall take from them, nor they by any means turned, or overturned from it, for the oppressor shall bee broken in peeccs, Psalm 72:4 and their now vain rejoycings turned into mourning, and bitter Lamentations, as it it written Job 20:5, 6, 7. The triumphing of the wicked is short, and the joy of the Hypocrite but lor a moment; though his Excellency mount up to the Heavens, and his head reach unto the clouds, yet shall hee perish for ever, like his own dung; they which have seen him, shall say, where is hee?” 28 PFF3 83.3