Letters and Manuscripts — Volume 21 (1906)

Lt 32, 1906

White, W. C.

St. Helena, California

January 16, 1906

Portions of this letter are published in ML 311; 9MR 172. +Note

Elder W. C. White

My dear Son:

I received your letter this morning, and I desire to write to you today. I am deeply impressed that unless we humble our hearts before God, confessing our sins, the Lord will certainly humble us. There has been a great lack of love and respect for one another. And why?—Because, as Jesus words it, “I have somewhat against thee, because thou hast left thy first love.” This is specified as a moral fall. “Remember therefore from whence thou art fallen, and repent, and do the first works; or else I will come unto thee quickly, and will remove thy candlestick out of his place, except thou repent.” [Revelation 2:4, 5.] 21LtMs, Lt 32, 1906, par. 1

The ministers of Christ are under His special care and protection. It is the honor of God that is at stake. His ministers are instrumentalities that, in His hand, under the impartation of the Holy Spirit from the Lord Jesus Christ, are doing all the good they can do. That which they accomplish is done through the grace given them by Christ. He walketh in the midst of the golden candlesticks. This representation is figurative, showing the relationship sustained by Christ toward His churches. Christ is to be highly exalted, as their source of light and efficiency. He takes pleasure in them. And although He is in their midst, to help them and be their efficiency, He would have all His believers, in living faith, rely fully on Him. He desires them to bring all their wants and necessities to Him, and not depend on or go to inquire of the god of Ekron. Christ is in the midst of His churches, to do them good, to comfort and support them, to supply them with spiritual efficiency and power. 21LtMs, Lt 32, 1906, par. 2

Christ declares of His followers, “Behold, I have graven thee upon the palms of My hands!” [Isaiah 49:16.] Let every church member understand that his relationship with Christ is of such a character that his every difficulty is fully known to the Lord. “I know thy works, and thy labor,” Christ declares of those who are ministering in His church. [Revelation 2:2.] He deals in no uncertainties. “I know thy works, and thy labor.” He keeps an account of every day’s labor. He is acquainted with the spirit in which the work is done. Never can He excuse any underhanded work, any dishonesty. Not one thread of deception is to be drawn into the figure of the pattern. 21LtMs, Lt 32, 1906, par. 3

The Lord requires separation from the world. God has a special, a peculiar, people. Our characters are to be in conformity with the character of Christ. The Word of God is to be our study, and we are to be denominated as God’s peculiar people. 21LtMs, Lt 32, 1906, par. 4

To every one God has made an offer that will help to brace every nerve and spiritual muscle for the time of test that is to come to us all. I am charged with the message, Clothe yourselves with the whole armor of Christ’s righteousness. Every piece of the Christian armor is essential. And, having done all you can do on your part, you have the assurance of victory. To every soul is granted the gracious opportunity of standing on the Rock of Ages. I am bidden by the Lord to charge every soul, with open Bible, to seek for divine wisdom, that he may learn “what is truth,” and accept truth as his standard. [John 18:38.] “The law of the Lord is perfect, converting the soul.” [Psalm 19:7.] 21LtMs, Lt 32, 1906, par. 5

Let us give to the world a correct religious example. The test is before us. May God help us to have respect unto the recompense of the reward. Let us be sure that we are making no blunder. Let us debar all selfishness from the heart. We need, every moment, to be watchful. Satan is very active, and with cunning plans he is seeking to deceive a leader that ought to be a faithful steward of means and of souls. Let this man cease accumulating so many burdens that the Lord has not placed upon him—burdens that will hinder him from studying the plan of God concerning him. Let him not continue to follow his own plans and lade himself with many burdens that the Lord has not appointed him to bear. Hitherto, he has not heeded the warnings given him, but has taken upon himself burden after burden. This has necessitated great expenditure of means and has drawn heavily upon his fund of physical and mental and moral power. 21LtMs, Lt 32, 1906, par. 6

The one who has become so heavily burdened should study to place some of these burdens upon others, that they may help him carry the load of responsibility which causes him to become impatient and fretful. Satan and his angels now look on the pitiful spectacle and are highly pleased. The voice of Jesus is heard, “What will it profit a man, if he gain the whole world, and lose his own soul? or what will a man give in exchange for his soul?” [Mark 8:36, 37.] 21LtMs, Lt 32, 1906, par. 7

The Lord has prescribed a remedy. The Pharisees brought forward to Christ a lawyer, with the question, “Master, what shall I do to inherit eternal life?” The Saviour entered into no controversy. He required the answer from the questioner himself. “What is written in the law?” He said; “how readest thou?” The lawyer said, “Thou shalt love the Lord thy God with all thy heart, and with all thy soul, and with all thy strength, and with all thy mind; and thy neighbor as thyself.” With convincing power Jesus declared, “Thou hast answered right; this do, and thou shalt live.” [Luke 10:25-28.] 21LtMs, Lt 32, 1906, par. 8

In His answer as to the requirements of the law, the lawyer comprehended the two great principles on which hang all the law and the prophets. In these two great principles—obeyed and practiced by men who overcome the temptations of satanic agencies—are comprehended the wisdom and power of God. To human agencies who believe in and receive Christ is imparted power to become the sons of God. And when these principles are brought into the life practice, the result will be the formation of characters in this world that will be acceptable in heaven. Those who sanctify themselves through the truth are gaining a fitness for heaven above. 21LtMs, Lt 32, 1906, par. 9

Those who find it difficult to associate in harmony with the Lord’s workers in this world, and who are anxious to remain apart by themselves, will have to pass through an entire change of character, else they will never see the kingdom of God. We are not all formed in the same mold of character; therefore association is a needful discipline, in order that we may learn to love God with all the affections and with every power of the mind. The whole being is to be transformed after the similitude of the heavenly Father and of His Son Jesus. Those who are thus transformed will have the faith that works by love and purifies the soul. This barricades the soul from every assault of the enemy. 21LtMs, Lt 32, 1906, par. 10