Manuscripts and Memories of Minneapolis


Oct. 25, 2:30 p. m. MMM 381.3

The first meeting of the Seventh Day Adventists Educational Association was called to order with Uriah Smith in the chair. After prayer by Eld. Starr, of Michigan, the chairman remarked that as we could not do a legal business here he would simply call on all who held stock to take part in the meeting without reporting the number of shares held by each. The secretary then read the minutes of the last annual session, held at Oakland California, which were approved. MMM 381.4

The chairman then called for the treasurer’s report. A. R. Henry, the treasurer reported as follows: MMM 381.5

resources, june 30, 1888
Real estate$93,975 47
Carpenter department567 97
Book stand1,088 43
Philosophical apparatus1,092 10
Library1,440 21
Museum505 95
Personal property692 00
Bills recivable786 74
Ice40 00
Provisions106 90
Furnishings6,075 81
West College Hall fuel122 50
Dress-making department43 90
Printing department3,301 77
Tent department1,629 78
Personal accounts568 50
Cash on hand43 37
Total$112,231 90
Bills payable$19,118 08
S. D. A. Publishing Association24,586 85
Personal accounts253 60
Net worth68,274 48
Total$112,231 90

During the last year the Association has received its proportion of the $100,000 fund. MMM 381.6

On motion the chair appointed the following committees: MMM 381.7

On nominations-H. W. Miller, A. J. Breed, R. A. Underwood. MMM 381.8

On resolutions-A. T. Robinson, W. W. Prescott, T. H. Starbuck. MMM 381.9

On motion the Association adjourned to the call of the chair. MMM 381.10