The Salamanca Vision and the 1890 Diary

Sands, Virginia, Monday, November 10, 1890 17

I slept this morning unusually long. It was five o’clock before I left my bed. After a season of prayer, I wrote important matters to which my mind was called in a dream. I know it was a message for this people. I read the same in the early morning meeting…. SVD 24.1

I spoke to a full house in the afternoon from John 14. The Lord put His Holy Spirit upon me in large measure. There was a large attendance of unbelievers. We hoped when we made the call for all who wished to take their stand for the Lord more fully, that several would have strength to decide, but something held them. The enemy seemed to have power over them and none led out on this occasion. After much labor and a season of earnest prayer some responded, and yet we felt that there should have been a more earnest response. We had done our duty. We could do no more. But we were disappointed at the reluctance to move.—Ms. 45, 1890, p. 8 (Diary 16, pp. 302-303). SVD 24.2