Messenger of the Lord

Last Vision

Ellen White had her last vision on March 3, 1915. Summarizing the vision, she said to her son W. C. White: “There are books that are of vital importance that are not looked at by our young people. They are neglected because they are not so interesting to them as some lighter reading.... We should select for them books that will encourage them to sincerity of life, and lead them to the opening of the Word.... I do not expect to live long. My work is nearly done. Tell our young people that I want my words to encourage them in that manner of life that will be most attractive to the heavenly intelligences, and that their influence upon others may be most ennobling. MOL 72.6

“I have no assurance that my life will last long, but I feel that I am accepted of the Lord.... I have felt that it was imperative that the truth should be seen in my life, and that my testimony should go to the people. I want that you should do all you can to have my writings placed in the hands of the people in foreign lands.... I am impressed that it is my special duty to say these things.” 32 MOL 72.7

A few days before her death, a friend noted her cheeriness. Her reply: “I am glad that you find me thus. I have not had many mournful days.... The Lord has arranged and led in all these things for me, and I am trusting in Him. He knows when it will all end.” MOL 73.1

The visitor said, “Yes, it will soon end and we shall meet you in the kingdom of God, and we will ‘talk it all over there together,’ as you wrote in one of your last letters.” MOL 73.2

To which she replied, “Oh, yes, it seems almost too good to be true, but it is true!” MOL 73.3

Her last words to her son and Sara, her nurse were: “I know in whom I have believed.” 33 MOL 73.4