The Review and Herald

June 20, 1899

Disease and Its Causes


Pork, although one of the most common articles of diet, is one of the most injurious. God did not prohibit the Jews from eating swine's flesh merely to show his authority, but because it is not a proper article of food for man. It fills the system with scrofula, and especially in that warm climate produces leprosy, and diseases of various kinds. Its influence upon the system in that climate is far more injurious than in a colder climate. But God never designed swine to be eaten under any circumstances. The heathen used pork as an article of food, and American people have used pork freely as an important article of diet. Swine's flesh would not be palatable to the taste in its natural state. It is made agreeable to the appetite by highly seasoning, which makes a bad thing worse. Swine's flesh, above all other flesh-meats, produces a bad state of the blood. Those who eat freely of pork can not but be diseased. Those who have much outdoor exercise do not realize the bad effects of pork-eating as those do whose life is mostly indoors, and whose habits are sedentary, and whose labor is mental. RH June 20, 1899, par. 1

But it is not the physical health alone which is injured by pork-eating. The mind is affected, and the finer sensibilities are blunted, by the use of this gross article of food. It is impossible for the flesh of any living creature to be healthy when filth is its natural element, and when it feeds upon every detestable thing. The flesh of swine is composed of what they eat. If human beings eat their flesh, their blood and their flesh will be corrupted by impurities conveyed to them through the swine. RH June 20, 1899, par. 2

The eating of pork has produced scrofula, leprosy, and cancerous humors. Pork-eating is still causing the most intense suffering to the human race. Depraved appetites crave those things which are the most injurious to health. The curse, which has rested heavily upon the earth, and has been felt by the whole race of mankind, has also been felt by the animals. The beasts have degenerated in size, and in length of years. By the wrong habits of man they have been made to suffer more than they otherwise would. RH June 20, 1899, par. 3

There are but few animals that are free from disease. Many have been made to suffer greatly for the want of light, pure air, and wholesome food. When they are fattened, they are often confined in close stables, and are not permitted to exercise, and to enjoy free circulation of air. Many poor animals are left to breathe the poison of filth which is left in barns and stables. Their lungs will not long remain healthy while inhaling such impurities. Disease is conveyed to the liver, and the entire system of the animal is diseased. It is killed, and prepared for the market, and people eat freely of this poisonous animal food. Much disease is caused in this manner. But people will not believe that the meat they have eaten has poisoned their blood, and caused their sufferings. Many die of disease caused wholly by meat-eating, yet the world does not seem to be the wiser. RH June 20, 1899, par. 4

Because those who partake of animal food do not immediately feel its effects, is no evidence that it does not injure them. It may be doing its work surely upon the system, and yet the persons for the time realize nothing of it. RH June 20, 1899, par. 5

Animals are crowded into close cars, and almost wholly deprived of air and light, food and water, and are carried thus thousands of miles, breathing the foul air arising from accumulated filth; and when they arrive at their place of destination, and are taken from the cars, many are in a half-starved, smothered, dying condition, and if left alone, would die of themselves. But the butcher finishes the work, and prepares the flesh for market. RH June 20, 1899, par. 6

Animals are frequently killed that have been driven some distance for the slaughter. Their blood has become heated. They are full of flesh, and have been deprived of healthy exercise; and when they have to travel far, they become surfeited and exhausted, and in that condition are killed for market. Their blood is highly inflamed, and those who eat of their meat eat poison. Some are not immediately affected, while others are attacked with severe pain, and die from fever, cholera, or some unknown disease. Very many animals are sold for the city market known to be diseased by those who have sold them, and those who buy them for the market are not always ignorant of the matter. Especially in larger cities this is practised to a great extent, and meat-eaters know not that they are eating diseased animals. RH June 20, 1899, par. 7

Some animals that are brought to the slaughter seem to realize what is to take place, and become furious, and literally mad. They are killed while in that state, and their flesh prepared for market. Their meat is poison, and has produced, in those who have eaten it, cramp, convulsions, apoplexy, and sudden death. Yet the cause of all this suffering is not attributed to meat. Some animals are inhumanly treated while being brought to the slaughter. They are literally tortured, and after they have endured many hours of extreme suffering, are butchered. Swine have been prepared for market even while the plague was upon them, and their poisonous flesh has spread contagious diseases, and great mortality has followed. RH June 20, 1899, par. 8