A Place Called Oakwood

18—Especial Help

Date: June 3, 1907
Location: St. Helena, California
Source: Letter 206, 1907
Status: Portions published

Context: J.E. Tenney, principal of the Graysville School (Southern Training School), receives a letter of warning from Ellen White.

Dear Brother,

I have words of caution to give you. You are in danger of crowding yourself with too many responsibilities. It would not be wise for you to try to carry on a school in addition to the important work you already have. This work demands all your talents. PCO 112.1

There are many branches of the work in which you are engaged that may be made to strengthen and further the work of the third angel's message. Do not bring in a strange work in order to carry out certain ideas of your own which you suppose to be superior. There is a work for you to do, and there is a work for Elder Butler to do. There is a work to be done in establishing schools for the colored people of different grades. There is need of especial help at Huntsville and other centers in the South. We are greatly in need of a corps of workers who will labor unitedly. PCO 112.2
