Pacific Union Recorder

August 29, 1901

Medical Missionary Work


We have been instructed by the Lord that the medical missionary work is to be to the third angel's message as the right hand to the body. The right hand is used to open doors through which the body may find entrance. This is the part the medical missionary work is to act. It is to prepare the way for the reception of the truth for this time. A body without hands is crippled and inefficient. In giving honor to the body, honor should also be given to the helping hands, which are agencies of such great importance. The body which treats indifferently the right hand, refusing it aid, will accomplish but little. PUR August 29, 1901, Art. A, par. 1

In Australia we found that the medical missionary work opened the way for the truth to go with power. I have now come to America to see if my words will have more power than my letters have had in leading my brethren to a proper appreciation of medical missionary work. PUR August 29, 1901, Art. A, par. 2

All through California, as well as in other parts of America, work must be done that has not yet been accomplished. The medical missionary work must be recognized. Those who go forth as ministers of the gospel should be intelligent upon this subject. Those ministers who, after many years’ experience have no true appreciation of the medical missionary work, should not be appointed to preside over our churches; for they are not walking in the light of the truth for this time. Ministers who have not heeded the light God has given upon health reform should not be placed in charge of workers who love the truth and appreciate health and temperance reform in all its bearings; for what help can such be to the church or to workers? PUR August 29, 1901, Art. A, par. 3

In new fields no work is so successful as medical missionary work. It is the pioneer work. It is the gospel practised, the compassion of Christ revealed. God grant that the importance of this work shall be understood, and that new fields may immediately be entered. Then will the work of the ministry be after the Lord's order. The sick will be healed, and poor, suffering humanity will be blessed. PUR August 29, 1901, Art. A, par. 4

Let each worker put into practise what he knows regarding the treatment of disease. Thus suffering may be relieved, and opportunities will be found to break the bread of life to starving souls. PUR August 29, 1901, Art. A, par. 5

Read the Scriptures carefully, and you will find that Christ spent the larger part of His ministry in restoring the suffering and afflicted to health. Thus He threw back upon Satan the reproach of the evil which the enemy of all good had originated. Satan is the destroyer; Christ, the restorer; and in our work as His colaborers we shall have success if we work in practical lines. Ministers, do not confine your work merely to sermonizing. Do practical work. Seek to restore the sick to health. This is true ministry. Let Christ's work be your example. Like Him, be “found going about doing good.” PUR August 29, 1901, Art. A, par. 6

Mrs. E. G. White