The Medical Missionary

June 1, 1891

The Orphans’ Home


We have long felt that there was among us a great need of an orphans’ home. We have seen the widowed mother with her fatherless children working far beyond her strength in order to keep her little ones with her, and prevent them from suffering for food and clothing. Many a mother has thus died from over-exertion. And how little has been done by us as a people for this class. Have we not come far short of our duty? We are not doing as much as is done by other denominations, when in view of our faith it is right that more should be expected of us than of others. MMis June 1, 1891, par. 1

Those who have the good things of this life, were they unselfish, were they Christ-like, would feel it a solemn duty to help these struggling ones in their time of perplexity, want, and bereavement. The Lord has placed in the hands of his agents here upon earth sufficient to help the needy, so that if each of his agents would work unselfishly, as Christ worked, none need suffer for the necessities of life, nor would any be left to hunger for words of tender sympathy. But selfishness and pride say, “Pass them by; if you attempt to help all, you will have your hands full and your hearts full.” Hearts full of what?—Of the pitying love and tender human kindness and sympathy of Christ. Is not this fullness far more desirable than the heart full of self-love, self-caring, self-exaltation? Let the mind of Christ become your mind, and the works of Christ become your works, and then you will keep the fast that Isaiah describes: MMis June 1, 1891, par. 2

“Is not this the fast that I have chosen? To loose the bands of wickedness, to undo the heavy burdens?” Find out what the poor and suffering are in need of, and then, in love and tenderness, help them to courage and hope and confidence by sharing with them the good things that God has given you. Thus you will be doing the very work that the Lord means you to do. “Let the oppressed go free.” Do not rest till you break every yoke. It is not possible for you to neglect this and yet obey God. MMis June 1, 1891, par. 3

“Is it not to deal thy bread to the hungry, and that thou bring the poor that are cast out to thine house? When thou seest the naked that thou cover him; and that thou hide not thyself from thine own flesh?” How much of this hiding has been done! How many have closed the eyes and locked the door of the heart, lest a softening influence should prompt them to works of kindness and charity! The work of Christ never ceases. His tender love and goodness are inexhaustible; his mercy is over all the children of men. The Lord Jesus means that you shall be blessed in imparting to his needy, suffering ones. He has made men his co-partners. “We are laborers together with God.” Has not Christ, by both precept and example, plainly taught us what we should do? We are to work, imbued with his spirit, as we look to the cross, ready if he bids us, to leave all for his sake. He who lives to please himself is not a Christian. He has not been created anew in Christ Jesus. MMis June 1, 1891, par. 4

The Christian feels that no other being in the universe has the claim to him which Jesus has. He is a purchased possession, bought by the costly price of the blood of the Lamb. He is to devote himself unreservedly to Christ; his thoughts, his words, and all his works are to be subject to the will of Christ. MMis June 1, 1891, par. 5

The world's Redeemer, the householder, intrusts his goods to his own servants, but not for them to invest and use extravagantly for themselves. Reason, ability, knowledge, affection, property, have been received from Jesus, and are to be held as a precious trust for his service, to bring honor and glory to his name. In life and character the Christian is bound up with Christ in the plans of mercy for the great work of blessing humanity. His character is to be a reproduction of the character of Christ; the unselfish, self-sacrificing life of Jesus will be copied by every soul who loves the Redeemer. He who lives to please himself is not a Christian. He has not been created anew in Christ Jesus. MMis June 1, 1891, par. 6

The Christian's life will testify that he is governed by other laws than those which the world obeys,—laws of a higher order than those that control the lovers of the world. The will of God, our Creator, is to be made manifest in us, not only in the name we bear, but in our life of self-denial. We are to give evidence that we are influenced and controlled by unselfish principles. All our purposes and pursuits should stand in distinct contrast to the selfishness of the world. MMis June 1, 1891, par. 7

Oneness with Christ enables men to wield an influence far above that of the renowned of this world. While copying the example of Christ, they have, with his grace, power to benefit the church and the community. Their influence is felt just in proportion to the distinctness of the line of demarkation which separates them in spirit and principle from the world. MMis June 1, 1891, par. 8

As union is strength, the Source of all power, of all goodness, mercy, and love, takes finite, human beings into co-partnership with himself for the purpose of imparting his divine power to human agencies, to diffuse his influence and extend it far and near. When one is allied to Christ, a partaker of the divine nature, his interest is identified with that of all suffering humanity. As we look aright to the cross of Calvary, every nerve of heart and brain will thrill in sympathy for the human misery in all parts of our world. Those who are created anew in Christ Jesus will realize the wretchedness of sin and the divine compassion of Christ in his infinite sacrifice for fallen man. Communion with Christ imparts to them tenderness of heart; there will be sympathy in their looks, in the tones of the voice; and earnestness of solicitude, love, and energy, in their efforts, which will make them powerful through God in winning souls to Christ. MMis June 1, 1891, par. 9

As Christ's workers we have done much in a heartless, compulsory way. We want now to hide in Jesus, and separate all selfishness and vanity from our work. We should do nothing by halves. Entire consecration is required. Keep to the self-denying, self-sacrificing side of the line. Step not into the path of self-aggrandizement. Do not live a life of selfish indulgence. Let the line of demarkation between the church and the world be plain and distinct, so that it can be discerned by both men and angels. MMis June 1, 1891, par. 10

I call your attention to the sure results of heeding the Lord's admonition to care for the afflicted: “Then shall thy light break forth as the morning, and thine health shall spring forth speedily.” Is not this what we all crave? O, there is health and peace in doing the will of our Heavenly Father. “Thy righteousness shalt go before thee; the glory of the Lord shalt be thy rereward. Then shalt thou call, and the Lord shall answer; thou shalt cry, and he shall say, Here I am. If thou take away from the midst of thee the yoke, the putting forth of the finger, and speaking vanity; and if thou draw out thy soul to the hungry, and satisfy the afflicted soul; then shall thy light rise in obscurity, and thy darkness be as the noonday; and the Lord shall guide thee continually, and satisfy thy soul in drought, and make fat thy bones: and thou shalt be like a watered garden, and like a spring of water, whose waters fail not.” MMis June 1, 1891, par. 11

Let Christians now repent before God of their half-hearted work. Let them regard themselves as only threads in the great web of humanity, and without delay redeem the time and represent to the world a pure, unselfish benevolence. Representing in character the attributes of Christ, they may carry forward to a glorious completion the work which he left them of reconciling the world unto himself. MMis June 1, 1891, par. 12

Brethren and sisters, I ask you carefully to consider the matter which is now presented before you, in the proposal to erect an orphans’ home. Think of the wants of the fatherless and motherless. We have long desired to see an enterprise set on foot for the care of these helpless ones. A good move was made at the late General Conference in the representation of the subject to our brethren assembled, and in the decision that an orphans’ home should be established. Now that the impetus has been given to the work, by those who realize the great need let every one stand ready to act a part in helping it forward. MMis June 1, 1891, par. 13

The Lord said to Peter, “Feed my lambs.” This command is to us, and the orphans’ home is to aid in its fulfillment. It is not designed in this enterprise merely to provide food and clothing for the homeless ones, but to place them under the care of teachers who love and fear God, and who will educate them in the knowledge of God and his Son. MMis June 1, 1891, par. 14

Workers are needed here. The Lord Jesus Christ calls for men and women who are large-hearted, and inspired with enthusiasm at the cross of Calvary. The cause of humanity calls for those who are cultivated and self-sacrificing, who will work as Christ worked. There is plenty of material in our ranks, persons who only wait to be called into active labor. MMis June 1, 1891, par. 15

And there are plenty of orphans who need our help. Take these children and present them to God as a fragrant offering. Ask his blessing upon them, and then mold and fashion them according to Christ's order. Will our people accept this holy trust? Because of our shallow piety and worldly ambition, shall those for whom Christ has died, be left to suffer, to go in wrong paths? Let there be serious thought on this matter. MMis June 1, 1891, par. 16

Who are qualified and will offer themselves for a service that is commended of God? We want not novices, but workers who have the word of God abiding in them, whose principles are drawn from the Bible, the expression of the divine wisdom. We want those who will teach as Jesus taught, in simplicity; for this will give solidity to the character of children and youth. We want teachers who will bring them up in the fear and admonition of the Lord, educating with kindness and love, leading on in the wisdom of God from strength to strength. Teachers are needed who will not lead the children and youth into fashionable and artificial life, which with its false ideas of happiness and character would press with cruel force the very life out of the children. The eye is to be fixed not on the world's maxims, but upon Jesus. Those who learn of Jesus can teach the way of the Lord. God's word is the rule of action, and the Lord will come very near to those who undertake this most important work. MMis June 1, 1891, par. 17

As the homeless and helpless ones are placed where they can obtain knowledge and happiness and virtue, and become sons and daughters of the heavenly King, they will be prepared to act a Christ-like part in society. This is the vocation for which they are to be educated,—in their turn to help the needy, to work for orphans. Thus the good work will be perpetuated and extended. Is not all this missionary work in the highest sense? While the gospel is to be carried to those afar off, those also that are nigh should receive attention MMis June 1, 1891, par. 18

(To be Continued.)