The Signs of the Times

February 24, 1909

Business Principles of the Christian


In his business life the Christian is to stand as a representative of the principles of heaven. He is bound by sacred obligations to bear witness to truth in its virtue and holiness. Gentleness and kindness and strict truthfulness should mark his words and actions. If he is consecrated to God, set apart to sacred service, he will always honor his religious faith. No thread of selfishness will be woven into the character. He will educate himself to reveal the Spirit of God in all his life work. ST February 24, 1909, par. 1

The Holy Spirit will never lead the steps of God's children astray. Through the power that the Spirit of God imparts, we may weed out from our lives every questionable thing. If we will come out of the darkness with which a lack of faith enshrouds the soul, and place ourselves where the clear shining of the light of God's word can fall fully upon us, we shall be led step by step in the path that leads to holiness. “We all with open face, beholding as in a glass the glory of the Lord, are changed into the same image from glory to glory, even as by the Spirit of the Lord.” ST February 24, 1909, par. 2

The love and honor and perfection revealed in the Gospel are a revelation to man of the character of God. The justice and goodness and benevolence that were seen in the character of Christ are to be repeated in the lives of those who accept the privileges of the Gospel. By a study of the word, we are to see Him as He is, and, charmed with the view of His divine perfection, we are to grow into the same image. We need to understand that the Gospel fully reveals the glory of the Lord. It is the mirror that reveals the character of God to the converted soul. The likeness of God is revealed in the perfect character of His Son, that we may understand what it means to be made in the likeness of the image of God, and what we may become if by constantly beholding we allow ourselves to be changed from “glory to glory.” ST February 24, 1909, par. 3

It is our privilege, by an earnest study of the word, to learn wherein we are not manifesting the principles of that word in our lives. And as the mirror reveals to us our defects, we are to seek by earnest prayer and faith to put them away. As we strive to meet the perfection that God requires, insensibly to us the human will become molded to the divine. Christ's nature will be revealed in human nature; the words will become gentle and courteous, the ways kind and helpful. Tho we may be largely unconscious of the change, yet the transformation is being surely wrought. Beholding day by day the glory of the Lord, we are molded into conformity to His Spirit and will. ST February 24, 1909, par. 4

Manifesting Right Principles

God is very particular that all who profess to serve Him shall manifest the superiority of right principles. By the true follower of Christ every business transaction will be regarded as a part of his religion, just as prayer is a part of his religion. The study of the Scriptures will be considered a part of his religion; for by this he learns his orders. In the light of the Scriptures he regards himself as God's servant, employed to do His will. Sometimes he finds those orders different to that which he would choose were the decision left to him; but he does not find fault with his work because of this. And as he seeks to carry out the will of the Master, angels of God are with him, to be his defense against the wiles of Satan. ST February 24, 1909, par. 5

Satan is offering to every soul the kingdoms of this world in return for the carrying out of his will. This was the great inducement he presented to Christ in the wilderness of temptation. And so he says to many of Christ's followers, If you will follow my business methods, I will reward you with wealth. Every Christian is at some time brought to the test which will reveal his weak points of character. If the temptation is resisted, precious victories are gained. He must choose whether he will serve Christ or become a follower of the deceiver, and a worshiper of him. ST February 24, 1909, par. 6

A Worse Than Earthly Loss

Satan is the arch deceiver. The results to us of accepting his temptations are worse than any earthly loss that can be realized, yes, worse than death itself. Those who purchase success at the fearful cost of submission to the will and plans of Satan, will find that they have made a hard bargain. Everything in Satan's trade is secured at a high price. The advantages he presents are a mirage. The high hopes he holds out are secured at the loss of things that are good and holy and pure. Let Satan be always confounded by the word, “It is written.” “Blessed is every one that feareth the Lord, that walketh in His ways. For thou shalt eat the labor of thine hands: happy shalt thou be, and it shall be well with thee.” ST February 24, 1909, par. 7

He who stands prepared to do the works of righteousness will not be deceived by the allurements of the enemy. His actions will be guided by an exalted sense of right, and he will be enabled to distinguish between right and wrong, between truth, exalted truth, and error. Those who enter the kingdom of heaven will be those who have reached the highest standard of moral obligation, those who have not sought to hide the truth or to deceive, those by whom God has been exalted and His word defended, those in whom principle has not been misapplied to vindicate the wiles of Satan. ST February 24, 1909, par. 8

The path cast up for the ransomed of the Lord is far above all worldly schemes and practises. Those who walk in it are to show by their works the purity of their principles. They have a heaven to win, and by a well-ordered life and a godly conversation they are to show the genuineness of their profession. They are to work out their own salvation with fear and trembling, fearing lest they shall not perfect a Christian character, yet striving to follow on in the footsteps of Christ, keeping His life and His teachings ever before them. As they do this, God will work in them, to will and to do of His good pleasure. ST February 24, 1909, par. 9