Child Guidance -- Study Guide

Section XV

Fitting Attire

Date ________ CG-SG 90.5

A. Read pages 413-436. CG-SG 90.6

B. Check your knowledge: CG-SG 90.7

1. God desires our clothing to be: (413:1)
CG-SG 90.8

2. What three things should characterize our appearance? (413: 2)
CG-SG 90.9

3. Of what are our clothes an index? (413:4)

CG-SG 91.1

4. How far are we to follow customs? (414:1)

CG-SG 91.2

5. Complete: “They should shun _______________________.” (414:3) CG-SG 91.3

6. We are to act as though whose eye is upon us? (415:1)

CG-SG 91.4

7. How are we not to class neatness and decency in dress? (415:2)

CG-SG 91.5

8. What texts give the Bible’s timeless rule for dress? (416:1)
CG-SG 91.6

9. Complete: “Costly apparel stifles the _______________________ to do good.” (416:4) CG-SG 91.7

10. What kind of dress will protect a modest woman? (417:3)

CG-SG 91.8

11. Suggest four characteristics for our clothing. (419:4)
CG-SG 92.1

12. What do we do when we lose taste for neatness and order in dress? (419:6, 420:0)

CG-SG 92.2

13. What does the wearing of gaudy clothing advertise? (420:2)

CG-SG 92.3

14. Complete: “Our clothing, while modest and simple, should be of good _______________________, of becoming _______________________, and suited for _______________________.” (420:3) CG-SG 92.4

15. Complete: “Practice _______________________ in your outlay of means for _______________________.” (421:1) CG-SG 92.5

16. How will others judge our hearts and minds when we wear artificials and gold? (421:5)

CG-SG 92.6

17. Complete: “Any device designed to _______________________ attention to the _______________________ or to excite admiration is _______________________ from the modest apparel which God’s Word _______________________.” (423:2) CG-SG 92.7

18. How careful will Christians be of their dress? (425:1)

CG-SG 92.8

19. Complete: “It is always right to be neat and to be clad _______________________, in a manner becoming to your _______________________ and _______________________ life.” (425:2) CG-SG 93.1

20. How should one’s clothing fit? (425:3)

CG-SG 93.2

21. How should body extremities be clothed? (426:3)

CG-SG 93.3

22. What encourages irreverence? (427: 5)

CG-SG 93.4

23. How are we to dress for church services? (428:2)

CG-SG 93.5

25. What does idolatry of dress destroy? (433:2)

CG-SG 93.6

26. When Satan captivates a mother, what are his spoils? (434:0) CG-SG 94.1

27. Those who spend much time on dress are like what tree? (435:4) CG-SG 94.2

C. Rate the way you dress: Appropriately___ Plainly___ Shabbily___ Gaudily___ CG-SG 94.3

1. My most becoming attire is

CG-SG 94.4

2. I could improve on

CG-SG 94.5

D. Discuss with others:
1. What is appropriate and becoming dress?

2. How can character be judged by one’s dress? (413, 415)

3. When is it safe to follow fashion in dress?

4. What is meant by simplicity in dress? (417, 421, 427)

5. Heaven’s dress.

6. Should all Adventists dress alike? Uniforms?

7. Why not wear feathers, artificials, and extra trimmings? (421-23)

8. What is true beauty? (424)
CG-SG 94.6

9. Dress to fit one’s age and position.

10. Clothing the extremities—why?

11. Idolatry in dress.

12. How shall we educate children regarding dress?

CG-SG 95.1

E. Think on these things:
1. Are my clothes neat?
2. Are my clothes healthful?
3. Are my clothes appropriate?
4. Are my clothes becoming?
5. Are my clothes clean?
6. Are my clothes modest?
7. Are my clothes of good quality?
8. Do my clothes fit properly?
CG-SG 95.2

F. Name one way I can “preach the gospel” by my dress.

CG-SG 95.3


______ Husband ______ Wife ______ Son ______ Daughter CG-SG 95.5