The Story of Redemption -- Study Guide

C. Thought and Discussion Questions

1. Church authority and confidence in organization were strong in the apostolic church. Beginning with chapter 37 and continuing through chapter 42, look for evidences of this fact. SR-SG 64.4

2. Moses and Paul had similar preparation experiences. Why did these two men especially need such training?

SR-SG 64.5

3. Paul “was ever to carry about with him in the body the marks of Christ’s glory, in his eyes, which had been blinded by the heavenly light.” (p. 275) Is this possibly the “thorn in the flesh” mentioned in 2 Corinthians 12:7-9? See also Galatians 4:15.

SR-SG 64.6

4. How would Jerusalem look different to Paul upon his return? For example: the Temple, his friends, his mission, et cetera. (p. 276)

SR-SG 65.1

5. Imagine the first meeting of Paul and Peter and what they talked about. Why do you think Paul was especially drawn to Peter? (p. 278)

SR-SG 65.2

6. Prove that Peter’s vision recorded in Acts 10 does not give permission for eating unclean foods.

SR-SG 65.3

7. What does the exactness of directives in Peter’s vision tell us about God? (p. 284)

SR-SG 65.4

8. “Many refuse to receive the light which the providence of God sends them, and, as an excuse for so doing, quote the words of Peter to Cornelius and his friends: ‘But in every nation he that feareth Him, and worketh righteousness, is accepted with Him.’” (p. 288) Why is this not a valid excuse?

SR-SG 65.5

9. When delivered from prison, Peter was speechless. At what other times in his life would this affliction have been a useful one?

SR-SG 65.6