Millennial Musings

HYMN 53. L. M

1 Comfort, ye ministers of grace,
Comfort the people of your Lord;
O lift ye up the fallen race,
And cheer them by the gospel word.
MIM 65.1

2 Go into every nation, go,
Speak to their trembling hearts, and cry,
Glad tidings unto all we show;
Jerusalem, thy God is nigh.
MIM 65.2

3 Hark! in the wilderness a cry,
A voice that loudly calls, Prepare!
Prepare your hearts, for God is nigh,
And means to make his entrance there!
MIM 65.3

4 The Lord your God shall quickly come;
Sinners, repent! the call obey:
Open your hearts to make him room;
Ye desert souls, prepare his way.
MIM 65.4

5 The Lord shall clear his way through all;
Whate’er obstructs, obstructs in vain; The vale shall rise, the mountain fall,
crooked be straight, and rugged plain
MIM 65.5

6 The glory of the Lord displayed
shall all mankind together view
And what his mouth in truth hath said,
His own almighty hand shall do
MIM 66.1