Historical Sketches of the Foreign Missions of the Seventh-day Adventists


The score of workers already in the field ought to have their ranks recruited to more than tenfold their present number, and then all these laborers need to be trained and disciplined that they may labor in the most effective manner, and that they may know how to meet with courage and fortitude the peculiar difficulties and perplexities of this European field. HSFM 55.1

An army of canvassers and colporters is needed to put in circulation the publications which our new publishing house is capable of supplying. These laborers must be thoroughly educated, for certainly theirs is no easy task. It is, on the contrary, one which requires tact, discernment, and perseverance, in addition to a thorough knowledge of the truth, and ability to present it in a plain and simple manner so that it may be comprehended even by those who oftentimes are surprisingly ignorant of the simplest truths of the gospel. Not only is there an urgent demand for this thorough general education of the various classes of laborers, but there is also necessity for a special training of workers for each of these different nationalities. Each of these countries has its peculiarities other than the diversity of tongue, and men must be trained to understand and to meet these peculiarities if they would be successful in these various fields. How is the message to go to these “nations, kindreds, tongues, and peoples,” unless men and women are thus educated? HSFM 55.2

This work of education in these various languages, and among these diverse nationalities, is no slight or easy task; but it is one which must be accomplished before the work shall be placed on the true basis. Where are the men and women of experience, who, with an earnest love for souls, will devote themselves to the preparation necessary to become the trainers, the educators, of those of various nationalities who desire to become capable workers in their respective fields? It will require those who have had mature experience in the working of our cause, to give the right mould to the work among all these nationalities. Where are those who are qualifying for this task, at once so delicate and so important? Truly it may emphatically be said that the work is but fairly begun. HSFM 55.3

But let it not be forgotten that there is abundant encouragement to labor on. What has been accomplished shows what can yet be done with the blessing of God. Those who have already accepted the unpopular truths of the message, and who stand to-day as the tried and faithful friends of the cause, are witnesses that there are in these nations honest souls, who, despite all personal loss or sacrifice, will be loyal to their convictions of duty, and to their allegiance to the work of God. HSFM 55.4

In Germany the few friends who have received the light have for years anxiously desired to see the truth proclaimed to their countrymen. Although their hope has been long deferred, they have stood steadfast in their faith, in the midst of discouragements, and in a great measure disconnected from those of like faith. That they have remained thus loyal under these discouraging circumstances, and have still continued their efforts for the extension of the truth, shows that they have a sincere and abiding love for it. But is there not reason to believe that there are thousands of their nationality who would with equal willingness accept the light, and prove equally faithful in their obedience to it, were it brought to them? Will not this country, which acted so prominent a part in the Reformation of the sixteenth century, prove also a fruitful field for the last great work of reform? And if so, where are the men and women who are educating themselves to assist in extending the work into this broad field? Are there not those of this nationality in America, young men and women, who feel constrained to qualify themselves to help in the work of carrying this last message to the land of their fathers? HSFM 56.1

In Italy also, amid the darkness which religious despotism and superstition have brought on this fair land, the truth has found honest, loyal souls who have stood firm and unyielding amid persecution and difficulty. Are there not others whom it will yet search out, and who, when found, will rejoice to be the bearers of the good tidings to those who still sit in darkness? France, notwithstanding its well-nigh universal skepticism, has furnished and will furnish its share of faithful, noble witnesses for the truth of this day, as she has done in past generations. It will require patient, untiring labor to search them out, but in the end they will shine as stars in the crown of rejoicing of those who faithfully devote themselves to this work, and labor with unselfish zeal in the closing efforts for the Master. HSFM 56.2

The demand of the hour is that the work go forward. The work is indeed great, but the time is short, and therefore the greater earnestness and activity are required. There are difficulties to be encountered, but courage and faith in God will meet and surmount them. Laborers who are thoroughly educated and trained are needed in order that the best results may be secured; but God will bless and prosper the effort to intelligently supply these requirements of the work. When this need shall be met, and when, feeling their dependence on the divine aid for the successful accomplishment of the great task before them, laborers shall go forth clothed with the power of the Holy Spirit, then will the message prosper as it has not prospered in the past. Under the promised outpouring of the Spirit, these nations will become enlightened with the glory of the message, and in its final triumph some will be gathered from them all as sheaves for the Master’s garner. “And they that be teachers [margin] shall shine as the brightness of the firmament; and they that turn many to righteousness as the stars forever and ever.” HSFM 56.3