Etymology dictionary

Indo-China — inexpiable (adj.)


also Indochina, "Farther India, the region between India and China," 1815, from Indo- "India" + China. The name was said to have been proposed by Scottish poet and orientalist John Leyden, who lived and worked in India from 1803 till his death at 35 in 1811. French Indo-Chine is attested from 1813, but the source credits it to Leyden. The inappropriateness of the name was noticed from the start. Related: Indo-Chinese (1814).

indocile (adj.)

c. 1600, from French indocile (15c.) or directly from Latin indocilis, from in- "not, opposite of" (see in- (1)) + docilis (see docile).

indoctrinate (v.)

formerly also endoctrinate, 1620s, "to teach," formed as if from Latin (but there seems to have been no word *indoctrinare), perhaps modeled on French endoctriner or extended from earlier (now obsolete) verb indoctrine, endoctrine, "to instruct" (mid-15c.); see in- (2) "in" + doctrine + -ate (2)). Meaning "to imbue with an idea or opinion" first recorded 1832. Related: Indoctrinated; indoctrinating.

indoctrination (n.)

1640s, "instruction," noun of action from indoctrinate. In reference to imbuing with opinions or ideology, from 1865.


1814, coined by English polymath Thomas Young (1773-1829) and first used in an article in the "Quarterly Review," from Indo- + European. "Common to India and Europe," specifically in reference to the group of related languages and to the race or races characterized by their use. William Dwight Whitney ("The Life and Growth of Language," 1875) credits its widespread use to Franz Bopp.

The alternative Indo-Germanic (1835) was coined in German in 1823 (indogermanisch), based on the two peoples then thought to be at the extremes of the geographic area covered by the languages, but this was before Celtic was realized also to be an Indo-European language. After this was proved, many German scholars switched to Indo-European as more accurate, but Indo-Germanic continued in use (popularized by the titles of major works) and the predominance of German scholarship in this field made it the popular term in England, too, through the 19c. See also Aryan and Japhetic.

Indo-Aryan (1850) seems to have been used only of the Aryans of India. Indo-European also was used in reference to trade between Europe and India or European colonial enterprises in India (1813).

Indo-Germanic (adj.)

1835, from German; see Indo-European.

Indo-Iranian (adj.)

1838, from Indo- + Iranian.

indolence (n.)

c. 1600, "indifference to pain," from French indolence (16c.) or directly from Late Latin indolentia "freedom from pain, insensibility," abstract noun from Latin indolentem (nominative indolens) "insensitive to pain," from in- "not, opposite of, without" (see in- (1)) + dolentem (nominative dolens) "grieving," present participle of dolere "suffer pain, grieve" (see doleful). Originally of prisoners under torture, etc. The intermediate sense "state of rest or ease neither pleasant nor painful" (1650s) is now obsolete as well; main modern sense of "laziness, love of ease" (1710) perhaps reflects the notion of avoiding trouble (compare taking pains "working hard, striving (to do)").

indolent (adj.)

1660s, "causing no pain, painless," from French indolent (16c.) or directly from Late Latin indolentem (see indolence). Sense of "living easily, slothful," is 1710, a sense perhaps developed in French. Related: Indolently.

indomitable (adj.)

1630s, "that cannot be tamed or subdued," from Late Latin indomitabilis "untameable," from in- "not, opposite of, without" (see in- (1)) + *domitabilis, from Latin domitare, frequentative of domare "to tame" (see tame (adj.)). In reference to persons or personal qualities, "unyielding, persistent, resolute," by 1830. Related: Indomitably.


"the East Indies," 1850, from Indo- "India" + Greek nēsos "island" (see Chersonese) + -ia. Formerly called Indian Archipelago or East Indies Islands (see Indies). Related: Indonesian "of or from the East Indies" (1850).

indoor (adj.)

also in-door, 1670s, opposed to outdoor, contracted from within door; the form indoors is attested from 1759 (within-doors is from 1750); as an adverb from 1801.

Indo-Pacific (adj.)

1851, in biology, from Indo- + Pacific.

indorsement (n.)

see endorsement.

indorse (v.)

see endorse. Indorser was old slang for "a sodomite" (1785).


Vedic thunder god, from Sanskrit Indrah, a word of uncertain origin.

indrawn (adj.)

also in-drawn, 1751, from in (adv.) + past tense of draw (v.). Middle English had indraw "bring about, cause" (late 14c.), "pull inward" (early 15c.). Also compare indraft "inward flow, a drawing in" (1590s). The modern verb indraw (1871) is rare and might be a back-formation.

indri (n.)

1839, European name for the babakoto, a lemur-like arboreal primate of Madagascar (Indris Lichanotus); the common story since late 19c. is that the name was given in error by French naturalist Pierre Sonnerat (1748-1814), c. 1780, from mistaken use of Malagasy indry! "Look! See!" this being what his native guides said when they spotted the creature and called his attention to it.


river in Asia, from Sanskrit sindhu "river." The constellation was one of the 11 added to Ptolemy's list in the 1610s by Flemish cartographer Petrus Plancius (1552-1622) after Europeans began to explore the Southern Hemisphere; it represents "an Indian," not the river.

indubious (adj.)

"certain, not doubtful," 1620s, from Latin indubius "not doubtful," from in- "not, opposite of" (see in- (1)) + dubius "vacillating, fluctuating," figuratively "wavering in opinion, doubting" (see dubious). Related: Indubiously.

indubitable (adj.)

mid-15c., "too plain to admit of doubt," from Latin indubitabilis "that cannot be doubted," from in- "not, opposite of" (see in- (1)) + dubitabilis "doubtful," from dubitare "hesitate, doubt" (see doubt (v.)).

indubitably (adv.)

"unquestionably, without a doubt," late 15c., from indubitable + -ly (2).

induce (v.)

formerly also enduce, late 14c., "to lead by persuasions or other influences," from Latin inducere "lead into, bring in, introduce, conduct; persuade; suppose, imagine," from in- "into, in, on, upon" (from PIE root *en "in") + ducere "to lead" (from PIE root *deuk- "to lead"). Meaning "to bring about" in any way (in reference to a trance, a fever, etc.) is from early 15c.; sense of "to infer by reasoning" is from 1560s. Electro-magnetic sense first recorded 1777. Related: Induced; inducing.

inducement (n.)

1590s, "that which induces," from induce + -ment.

inducive (adj.)

"tending to induce," 1610s, from induce + -ive.

induct (v.)

late 14c., "introduce, initiate, especially into office or employment," from Latin inductus, past participle of inducere "to lead into, introduce" (see induce). Originally of church offices; sense of "draft into military service" is 1917 in American English. Related: Inducted; inducting.

inductive (adj.)

early 15c., "bringing on, inducing," from Old French inductif or directly from Late Latin inductivus "serving to induce or infer," from induct-, past participle stem of Latin inducere (see induce). As a term in logic, "based on induction" (q.v.), from 1764. Related: Inductively.

induction (n.)

late 14c., "advancement toward the grace of God;" also (c. 1400) "formal installation of a clergyman," from Old French induction (14c.) or directly from Latin inductionem (nominative inductio) "a leading in, introduction, admission," noun of action from past participle stem of inducere "to lead" (see induce).

As a term in logic (early 15c.) it is from Cicero's use of inductio to translate Greek epagoge "leading to" in Aristotle. Induction starts with known instances and arrives at generalizations; deduction starts from the general principle and arrives at some individual fact. As a term in physics, in reference to electrical influence, 1801; military service sense is from 1934, American English. Related: Inductional.

inductance (n.)

1879, in electricity, from induct + -ance.

inductee (n.)

1941, American English, from induct + -ee.

inductor (n.)

1650s, "one who initiates," agent noun from Latin stem of induce. Classical Latin inductor meant "one who stirs up, an instigator." Electromagnetic senses are from 1837.

indulgence (n.)

mid-14c., in the Church sense, "a freeing from temporal punishment for sin, remission from punishment for sin that remains due after absolution," from Old French indulgence or directly from Latin indulgentia "complaisance, a yielding; fondness, tenderness, affection; remission," from indulgentem (nominative indulgens) "indulgent, kind, tender, fond," present participle of indulgere "be kind; yield, concede, be complaisant; give oneself up to, be addicted," a word of uncertain origin. It is evidently a compound, and the second element appears to be from PIE root *dlegh- "to engage oneself, be or become fixed." The first element could be in- "in" for a sense of "let someone be engaged" in something, or in- "not" for a total sense of "not be hard toward" someone.

Sense of "leniency, forbearance of restraint or control of another, gratification of desire or humor" is attested from late 14c. That of "yielding to one's inclinations" (technically self-indulgence) in English is from 1630s. In British history, Indulgence also refers to grants of certain liberties to Nonconformists under Charles II and James II, as special favors rather than legal rights. The sale of indulgences in the original Church sense was done at times merely to raise money and was widely considered corrupt; the one in 1517 helped to spark the Protestant revolt in Germany.

indulge (v.)

formerly also endulge, 1630s, "to grant as a favor;" 1650s, "to treat with unearned favor" (in reference both to persons and desires), a back-formation from indulgence (q.v.), or directly from Latin indulgere "be complaisant, be indulgent, yield; give oneself up to." Related: Indulged; indulging; indulgingly.

indulgent (adj.)

"lenient, willing to overlook faults," often in a bad sense, "too lenient," c. 1500, from Latin indulgentem (nominative indulgens) "kind, tender, fond," present participle of indulgere "be kind, be complaisant, yield" (see indulgence). Related: Indulgently.

induration (n.)

late 14c., "a hardening or congealing" (of body parts, alchemical materials), from Old French induracion "hardness, obstinacy" (14c.) or directly from Medieval Latin indurationem (nominative induratio) "hardness (especially of the heart)," noun of action from past participle stem of Latin indurare "to make hard, harden" (see endure).

indurate (v.)

1590s (transitive) "make hard;" 1620s (intransitive) "grow harder," from Latin induratus, past participle of indurare "to make hard, harden," from in- (from PIE root *en "in") + durare "to harden," from durus "hard," from PIE *dru-ro-, suffixed variant form of root *deru- "be firm, solid, steadfast." Related: Indurated.

indurate (adj.)

"hardened, made hard," early 15c., from Latin induratus, past participle of indurare "to make hard, harden," from in- (from PIE root *en "in") + durare "to harden," from durus "hard," from PIE *dru-ro-, suffixed variant form of root *deru- "be firm, solid, steadfast."

industrialize (v.)

1852, from industrial + -ize. Probably modeled on French industrialiser (1842). Related: Industrialized; industrializing.

industrial (adj.)

1774, "resulting from labor," from French industriel, from Medieval Latin industrialis, from Latin industria "diligence, activity" (see industry). There is an isolated earlier used in the same sense from 1580s, from Latin industria.

The main modern meaning "pertaining to the manufacture of commodities, connected with the application of industry to manufactures" is from 1830, from a sense in French.

Meaning "suitable for industrial use" is from 1904. As a style of dance music, attested from 1988. Industrial revolution was in use by 1840 to refer to what were then recent developments and changes in England and elsewhere.

industrialization (n.)

1883, noun of action from industrialize (q.v.).

industrialism (n.)

1831, from industrial + -ism. Probably modeled on French industrialisme (Saint-Simon, 1823).

industry (n.)

late 15c., "cleverness, skill," from Old French industrie "activity; aptitude, experience" (14c.) or directly from Latin industria "diligence, activity, zeal," noun use of fem. of industrius "active, diligent," from early Latin indostruus "diligent," from indu "in, within" (from PIE *endo-, extended form of root *en "in") + stem of struere "to build" (from PIE root *stere- "to spread"). The meaning "habitual diligence, effort" is from 1530s; that of "systematic work" is from 1610s. The sense "a particular trade or manufacture" is first recorded 1560s.

industrious (adj.)

1550s, "characterized by energy, effort, and attention; marked by industry," from French industrieux (c. 1500) and directly from Late Latin industriosus, from Latin industria "diligence, activity" (see industry). Of persons, "given to industry, working diligently," 1590s. It retains the etymological sense of the Latin word while industrial serves in the modern senses. Related: Industriously; industriousness.

industrialisation (n.)

chiefly British English spelling of industrialization (q.v.); for spelling, see -ize.

industrialist (n.)

1846, from industrial + -ist. Perhaps modeled on French industrialiste (Saint-Simon, 1823). Earlier "one who makes a living by productive industry" (1837).

indwelling (n.)

"act of residing," late 14c. (Wyclif's translation of Latin inhabitatio), present participle of obsolete indwell, from in (adv.) + dwell (v.). He also used indweller for Latin inhabitans and indwell (v.) for inhabitare.

inebriated (adj.)

"drunken," c. 1600, past-participle adjective from inebriate. The earlier adjective was inebriate (late 15c.).

inebriate (v.)

late 15c., from Latin inebriatus, past participle of inebriare "to make drunk," from in- "in" (from PIE root *en "in") + ebriare "make drunk," from ebrius "drunk," probably from PIE root *hegwh- "to drink." Related: Inebriated; inebriating. Also used in 19c. English were inebriacy (1842); inebriant, noun (1808) and adjective (1828); inebriety (1801); and inebrious (1711). Old English used indrencan as a loan-translation of Latin inebriare.

inebriation (n.)

1520s, from Late Latin inebriationem (nominative inebriatio) "drunkenness," noun of action from past participle stem of inebriare "make drunk" (see inebriate).

ineconomy (n.)

"waste of resources," 1881, from in- (1) "not, opposite of" + economy (n.).

inedible (adj.)

"unfit to eat," 1774, from in- (1) "not, opposite of" + edible. Related: Inedibly; inedibility (1879).

inedita (n.)

"unpublished writings," Modern Latin noun use of neuter plural of Latin ineditus, from in- "not, opposite of" (see in- (1)) + editus, past participle of edere "to bring forth, produce" (see edition).

ineducable (adj.)

"not capable of being instructed," 1858, from in- (1) "not" + educable. Related: Ineducably; ineducability (1871).

ineffability (n.)

"unspeakableness," 1620s, from ineffable + -ity.

ineffable (adj.)

late 14c., "beyond expression, too great for words, inexpressible," from Old French ineffable (14c.) or directly from Latin ineffabilis "unutterable," from in- "not, opposite of" (see in- (1)) + effabilis "speakable," from effari "utter," from assimilated form of ex "out" (see ex-) + fari "to say, speak," from PIE root *bha- (2) "to speak, tell, say."

Meaning "that may not be spoken" is from 1590s. Plural noun ineffables was, for a time, a jocular euphemism for "trousers" (1823; see inexpressible). Related: Ineffably.

ineffaceable (adj.)

1804, from in- "not, opposite of" (see in- (1)) + effaceable (see efface). Perhaps modeled on French ineffaçable (16c.).

ineffectible (adj.)

"that cannot be carried out, impracticable," 1803, from in- (1) "not, opposite of" + effectible (see effect (v.)).

ineffective (adj.)

1650s, from in- (1) "not, opposite of" + effective. Related: Ineffectively; ineffectiveness (1744).

ineffectual (adj.)

early 15c., from in- (1) "not, opposite of" + effectual. Related: Ineffectually; ineffectuality.

inefficacy (n.)

"want of force or virtue to produce the desired effect," 1610s, from Late Latin inefficacia, from inefficacem (nominative inefficax), from in- "not, opposite of" (see in- (1)) + Latin efficax "powerful, effectual, efficient" (see efficacy).

inefficacious (adj.)

"not producing the desired effect," 1650s, from in- (1) "not, opposite of" + efficacious. Related: Inefficaciously; inefficaciousness (1640s).

inefficiency (n.)

1749; see in- (1) "not, opposite of" + efficiency (n.).

inefficient (adj.)

1748, "not producing or incapable of producing the desired effect," from in- (1) "not, opposite of" + efficient. Related: Inefficiently.

inelastic (adj.)

1748, "not rebounding after a strain," from in- (1) "not, opposite of" + elastic (adj.). Figurative sense "rigid, unyielding" attested by 1867. Related: Inelasticity.

inelegant (adj.)

c. 1500, from French inélégant (15c.), from Latin inelegantem (nominative inelegans) "not elegant, not choice," also "without taste, without judgment," from in- "not" (see in- (1)) + elegans (see elegant). Related: Inelegantly.

inelegance (n.)

1690s, from French inélégance (16c.) or directly from Late Latin inelegantia, from in- "not, opposite of" (see in- (1)) + Latin elegantia "taste, propriety, refinement" (see elegance).

ineligible (adj.)

1763, from in- (1) "not, opposite of" + eligible. Perhaps modeled on French inéligible. Related: Ineligibility.

ineluctable (adj.)

"not to be escaped by struggling," 1620s, from French inéluctable (15c.) or directly from Latin ineluctabilis "unavoidable, inevitable," from in- "not, opposite of" (see in- (1)) + eluctabilis "that may be escaped from," from eluctari "to struggle out of," from ex "out, out of" (see ex-) + luctari "to struggle" (see reluctance).

inenarrable (adj.)

"inexpressible, that cannot be told, indescribable," c. 1500, from Old French inenarrable (14c.) or directly from Latin inenarrabilis, from in- "not, opposite of" (see in- (1)) + enarrabilis "describable," from enarre "to narrate."

inept (adj.)

c. 1600, "not fit or suitable, inapt," also "absurd, foolish," from French inepte "incapable" (14c.) or directly from Latin ineptus "unsuitable, improper, impertinent; absurd, awkward, silly, tactless," from in- "not, opposite of" (see in- (1)) + aptus "apt" (see apt). Related: Ineptly; ineptness.

ineptitude (n.)

1610s, from French ineptitude, from Latin ineptitudo, noun of quality from ineptus "unsuitable, absurd" (see inept).

inequality (n.)

early 15c., "difference of rank or dignity," from Old French inequalité (14c., Modern French inégalité) and directly from Medieval Latin inaequalitas, from Latin inaequalis "unequal, unlike, different (in size); changeable, inconstant," from in- "not, opposite of" (see in- (1)) + aequalis "equal" (see equal). In reference to magnitude, number, intensity, etc., from 1530s.

inequal (adj.)

late 14c., from Old French inequal (14c.), from Latin inaequalis "unequal," from in- "not, opposite of" (see in- (1)) + aequalis "equal" (see equal).

inequable (adj.)

"not uniform, changeable," 1716, from Latin inaequabilis "unequal," from in- "not" (see in- (1)) + aequabilis "similar, equal; constant, not varying" (see equable). Related: Inequability (1580s).

inequity (n.)

"unfairness," 1550s, from in- (1) "not, opposite of" + equity. Formed from the same elements as iniquity, but done in English. Related: Inequities.

inequitable (adj.)

"unfair, unjust," 1660s, from in- (1) "not, opposite of" + equitable, which is ultimately from Latin aequus "even, just, equal." Related: Inequitably. The same formation in English has also meant "impassable on horses, unfit for riding over" (1620s), from Latin inequabilis, from equus "a horse" (see equine).

ineradicable (adj.)

1794, from in- (1) "not, opposite of" + eradicable (see eradicate). Related: Ineradicably.

inerrancy (n.)

1788, from inerrant + abstract noun suffix -cy.

inerrant (adj.)

1650s, in reference to "fixed" stars (as opposed to "wandering" planets), from Latin inerrantem (nominative inerrans) "not wandering, fixed (of stars)," from in- "not, opposite of" (see in- (1)) + errans, present participle of errare "to wander, stray, roam, rove" (see err). Meaning "unerring, free from error" is from 1785.

inerrable (adj.)

"incapable of erring," 1610s, from Late Latin inerrabilis "unerring," from in- "not, opposite of" (see in- (1)) + errabilis, from Latin errare "to wander; to err" (see err). Related: Inerrability "infallibility" (1620s).

inert (adj.)

1640s, "without inherent force, having no power to act or respond," from French inerte (16c.) or directly from Latin inertem (nominative iners) "unskilled, incompetent; inactive, helpless, weak, sluggish; worthless," used of stagnant fluids, uncultivated pastures, expressionless eyes. It is a compound of in- "without, not, opposite of" (see in- (1)) + ars (genitive artis) "skill" (see art (n.)). In chemistry, "having no active properties, neutral" (1800), specifically from 1885 of certain chemically inactive, colorless, odorless gases. Of persons or creatures, "indisposed or unable to move or act," from 1774.

inertness (n.)

"inactivity; fact of being inert," 1660s, from inert + -ness.

inertial (adj.)

"pertaining to inertia," 1737, from inertia + -al (1). Related: Inertially.

inertia (n.)

1713, "that property of matter by virtue of which it retains its state of rest or of uniform rectilinear motion so long as no foreign cause changes that state" [Century Dictionary], introduced as a term in physics 17c. by German astronomer and physician Johann Kepler (1571-1630) as a special sense of Latin inertia "unskillfulness, ignorance; inactivity, idleness," from iners (genitive inertis) "unskilled; inactive" (see inert). Also sometimes vis inertia "force of inertia." Used in 1687 by Newton, writing in Modern Latin. The classical Latin sense of "apathy, passiveness, inactivity" is attested in English from 1822.

inescapable (adj.)

1792, from in- (1) "not, opposite of" + escapable (see escape (v.)). Related: Inescapably.

inestimable (adj.)

late 14c., "beyond estimation or measure, not to be computed," from Old French inestimable "priceless" (14c.) or directly from Latin inaestimabilis "invaluable, incalculable," also "not estimable, valueless," from in- "not, opposite of" (see in- (1)) + aestimabilis "valuable, estimable," from aestimare (see esteem (v.)). Meaning "too precious to set a value on, priceless" is attested by 1570s. Related: Inestimably; inestimability.

inevitably (adv.)

mid-15c., from inevitable + -ly (2).

inevitability (n.)

1640s, from inevitable + -ity. Perhaps modeled on French inévitabilité.

inevitable (adj.)

"unavoidable," mid-15c., from Latin inevitabilis "unavoidable," from in- "not, opposite of" (see in- (1)) + evitabilis "avoidable," from evitare "to avoid," from ex "out" (see ex-) + vitare "shun," originally "go out of the way." As a noun from 1850. Related: Inevitableness.

inexact (adj.)

1791, from in- (1) "not, opposite of" + exact (adj.). Perhaps modeled on French inexact (18c.). Related: Inexactly.

inexactitude (n.)

1786, from in- (1) "not, opposite of" + exactitude. Perhaps modeled on French inexactitude (18c.).

inexcusable (adj.)

early 15c., from Latin inexcusabilis "without excuse; affording no excuse," from in- "not, opposite of" (see in- (1)) + excusabilis, from excusare "apologize, make an excuse for" (see excuse (v.)). Related: Inexcusably.

inexhaustible (adj.)

c. 1600, from in- (1) "not, opposite of" + exhaustible (see exhaust (v.)). Perhaps modeled on French inexhaustible (15c.). Related: Inexhaustibly.

inexorable (adj.)

"unyielding, unrelenting," 1550s, from French inexorable and directly from Latin inexorabilis "that cannot be moved by entreaty, unyielding," from in- "not, opposite of" (see in- (1)) + exorabilis "able to be entreated," from exorare "to prevail upon," from ex "out" (see ex-) + ōrare "to pray to, beseech" (see orator). Related: Inexorably; inexorability.

inexpedient (adj.)

"not suitable to the purpose or circumstances," c. 1600, from in- (1) "not, opposite of" + expedient. Related: Inexpedience; inexpediently.

inexpediency (n.)

1640s; see inexpedient + abstract noun suffix -cy.

inexpensive (adj.)

1670s, from in- (1) "not, opposite of" + expensive. Related: Inexpensively.

inexperience (n.)

1590s, from French inexpérience (15c.) or directly from Late Latin inexperientia "inexperience," from in- "not, opposite of" (see in- (1)) + Latin experientia "experimental knowledge; experiment; effort" (see experience (n.)).

inexperienced (adj.)

"lacking the knowledge or skill gained by experience," 1620s, past-participle adjective from inexperience.

inexpert (adj.)

mid-15c., from in- (1) "not, opposite of" + expert (adj.), or else from Old French inexpert or directly from Latin inexpertus "without experience, unpracticed; untried, untested." Related: Inexpertly.

inexpiable (adj.)

1560s, from Latin inexpiabilis "that cannot be atoned for," from in- "not" (see in- (1)) + expiabilis, from expiare "make amends for, purify, purge by sacrifice" (see expiation). The Inexpiable War was between Carthage and its Libyan mercenaries after the end of the First Punic War (241 B.C.E.). Related: Inexpiably.